Lesson Plan For Demo

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A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Oral Communication

Grade 11-Senior High School

I. Objectives
At the end of the session, students should be able to:
a. identify the various types of speech context (EN11/12OC-Ifj-15); and
b. exhibit appropriate verbal and non-verbal behavior in a given speech
context (EN11/12OC-Ifj-16).

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Speech Context
GAD Core Values: Demonstrating appropriate behavior in a given situation regardless
of age and gender.
B. Reference: Oral Communication in Context for Senior High School
Learner’s Material, pp31-34, pp. 37-39
C. Materials: Words strips, pictures, laptop, OHP or Television, Pentel Pen,
Manila Paper
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary of Lesson
1. Review: Ask the students to answer the jumbled-letter quiz about the previous
lesson (8 C’s of an Effective Communication).
* Courtesy – the message conveyed should be positive and inherit goodwill
building qualities.
*Clarity – the message conveyed should be clear and have a definite purpose.
* Concreteness – the information conveyed should be more specific.
*Correctness – the message conveyed should be accurate
B. Lesson Proper
1. Group Activity. With the same group, use facial expressions and body gestures to
create a tableau of the following situation:
a. deciding what course to take in college
b. a politician presenting his platforms to a grand rally
c. a sick person consulting a doctor
d. a weatherman reporting a live typhoon coverage
2. Take group pictures of the tableau. After 10 minutes, the teacher will transfer the
photos to the laptop in order to present to the class.
3. Show the photos to the class and have them guess the topic. (The group who owns
the photo is not allowed to guess the photos.
4. The group which guesses the greatest number of tableaux gets the highest score.
1. Ask the students:
a. Based on the picture, analyze what type of speech context we are dealing in daily
lives. (The teacher will present the speech context lesson, and let them match it)
b. How did you identify the speech context?
c. Why do we need to recognize speech context in a given situation?
a. How are you going to identify speech contexts in a given situation?
b. Do you think that speech context influenced your behavior?
Demonstrate appropriate behavior in a given situation regardless of age and gender.
a. Imagine that you are in a church and you saw people seating on different chairs, what
would be the appropriate behavior you are going to demonstrate?
b. You are going to attend student council meeting, how are you going to behave in a
group considering your group mates are coming from different schools?
c. You are going to lead the meeting regarding a tree planting activity? How are you
going to facilitate?

IV. Evaluation
Identify the speech context in a given situation. Write your answer in a ½ sheet
of paper.
1. The town doctor does a live broadcast on Facebook about the latest COVID-19
2. Your parents are talking about the monthly bill.
3. A pastor gives his sermon to the attendees.
4. You exclaimed “I can do this” before your turn to sing on the stage.
5. DepEd TV airs the lesson for the day.

V. Assignment
Find two persons in your community, and conduct an interview on his/her strategies in
developing his/her interpersonal and intrapersonal skills in the workplace. Have a video
recording of your interview, after seeking the permission of your interviewee. (This will
be submitted on Thursday.)

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