Evaluating The Maritim and Fisheries English Skills Package For Fishing Vessel Technicians Class X

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This study would like to find out the extent to which the ESP textbooks
Bahasa Inggris Maritim dan Perikanan Paket Keahlian: Teknika Kapal Penangkapan
Ikan Kelas X Semester I (BIMP I)and Bahasa Inggris Maritim dan Perikanan Paket
Keahlian: Teknika Kapal Penangkapan Ikan Kelas X Semester II (BIMP II) met
the criterions of ESP textbooks evaluation proposed by Cunningsworth (1995).

The ESP textbooks evaluated for this study are Bahasa Inggris Maritim dan Perikanan
Paket Keahlian: Teknika Kapal Penangkapan Ikan Kelas X Semester I (BIMP I) and
Bahasa Inggris Maritim dan Perikanan Paket Keahlian:Teknika Kapal Penangkapan
Ikan Kelas X Semester II (BIMP II). The books are developed and
distributed online by Direktorat Pembinaan SMK through belajar.ditpsmk.netwhich
is a subsiteof portal.

Are the objectives specified in terms ofcontent and performance?Learning

objectives are used to define what the student is expected to know and/or able to do
as a result of the instruction or after the completion of a program/ course
(Cunningsworth, 1995).

Is there a body of „core‟ specialist language related to the subject area?Core

specialist language refers to the specific language covered for a specific
discipline which includes grammar, vocabulary, and discourse structure
(Cunningsworth, 1995).

took the data from two ESP textbooks BIMP Iand BIMP II. BIMP Ihas 136 pages
and is comprised of 6 units under the heading Kegiatan Pembelajaran. Each of the
units has different titles which are Do you know?,Welcome to a Modern Port, In
Port, The Ship, Leaving Port, and Greeting and Parting.
I analyzed the text books by referring to the guideline proposed by
Cunningsworth (1995). I first overviewed the content of the textbook; then
employed content analysis which is defined as ―a research technique for making
replicable and valid inferences from texts (printed matter, recorded speech, visual
communications, works of art, artifacts) or other meaningful matter to the contexts
of their use‖ (Krippendorff, 2004, p.37).

The findings are discussed below. FINDINGS The specificity of objectives in

terms of content and performanceThe objectives of BIMP I and BIMP II are written in
the overall objectives section or TujuanAkhirfound on page 4 in both ESP textbooks
BIMP I andBIMP II, and in the learning objectives section or

found at the beginning of each unit in both ESP textbooks BIMP Iand BIMP II.The
overall objectives The overall objectives of both ESP textbooks are identical.
However, the overall objectives mentioned, are not clearly stated both in terms of
content and performance. The condition and degree are not clearly determined
either. The overall objectives could be seen in Figure1.

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