Title of The Project (Internet of Things (Iot) Based Health Monitoring System Using Body Sensors)
Title of The Project (Internet of Things (Iot) Based Health Monitoring System Using Body Sensors)
Title of The Project (Internet of Things (Iot) Based Health Monitoring System Using Body Sensors)
Submitted by
Name of
In the current COVID-19 epidemic, Internet of Things (IoT) health monitoring solutions
might be extremely valuable to patients. Patients' vital signs, including as temperature,
heart rate, and oxygen saturation, may be monitored in real time using an IoT-based
system that incorporates the data from these measures into a real-time monitoring
system. This solution is ideal for rapid access to vital statistics like temperature, pulse
rate, and oxygen saturation level and synchronization with mobile applications. One of
the proposed methods is an IoT-based one that employs an Arduino Uno,Many
generations of the twentieth century perished as a result of the Corona pandemic, as
the number of individuals who died reached 1885, despite their age being more than
60 years old, significantly reducing Oman's old population. Additionally, the pandemic
has pushed back the dates of periodic examinations for the elderly and chronically ill
patients. Our goal is to use the Internet of Things (IoT) to monitor patient health online,
which will result in fewer outpatient sessions. Additionally, we may keep an eye on our
grandpa or grandma online. The monitoring system for this project will contain a pulse
sensor to monitor heart rate, temperature sensors to monitor body temperature, and
an emergency button. All of these components will be connected to a tiny controller
that will act as a set point for the sensors and provide alerts. This initiative will
contribute to improving Oman's health status and average years of life by minimizing
hospital visits, hence lowering cross-infection and infection with infectious illnesses, as
occurred during the corona epidemic.
Table of Content
Abstract ...................................................................................................................... i
References .............................................................................................................. 30
Chapter 2: Literature Review
1.1 Background
Internet of things or IoT is the interconnection networking between various
objects that are generally equipped with necessary sensors and linked with
related software and technologies in order to establish a communication
between them for data transfer (Xia et al., 2012).
Chapter 2: Literature Review
- To meet doctors and review the idea of the project and their aspirations and
advice of the project.
- To review and design the reliability of the Internet of things (IoT) monitoring
health system using body sensors.
- To implement the design and tests for the different patient to check the
accuracy of the reading.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
The circuit will have a lot of wires because of the sensors that will change the
shape of the outside. The shape needs to be small and elegant for the patient to
Chapter 2: Literature Review
accept. All the seasons will be on the same circuit and communicate with each
other through Wi-Fi. I will have to write the complicated logic. A small design and
a small, long-lasting power source are important for this project. The design
should also be small. To start, you'll need to figure out how to set things up in
your computer so that you can read them. You'll also need to figure out how to
use your WiFi module to send the data to the cloud and share it on your phone.
One of the goals that are met with the USDG goals is to ensure healthy lives and
promote wellbeing for all at all ages, which improves the health field.
1.9 Summary
This chapter gives a comprehensive summary of the project's concept, goal,
and objectives. The problem description also explains why the project is being
implemented. The scope of the project, as well as the challenges that may be
encountered while working on technological initiatives, are also covered in
this chapter. It also discusses the feasibility and methods.
Banka et al. (2018) wrote a paper about the idea of Smart Healthcare Monitoring
using IoT. This is the main point of his paper. The Internet of Things is the connection
of devices, apps, sensors, and networks that make it easier for these things to get
and share data. People who use the Internet of Things in the healthcare system can
always keep an eye on a patient by checking a lot of different things, and they can
figure out how well the patient is doing based on the history of this kind of constant
monitoring. Many devices with medical sensors are now found in ICUs. This paper
Chapter 2: Literature Review
shows how a Raspberry Pi can be used to keep an eye on your health from afar. The
Raspberry Pi is a small payment card-sized single-board microcontroller that was
made to help people learn basic computer science in colleges and countries that
don't have a lot of money. In this paper, a system is designed to keep an eye on
important things like heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature at all times.
The idea might not be very new, but we've come up with a cheap and simple way to
use the Raspberry Pi to run the system. The main goal of this system is to keep the
data up to date and send an alert to the doctor if there is something wrong with it, as
well as figure out if the patient has a disease. The first is done with the help of the
MySQL db module, which connects the Raspberry Pi to the database. The second is
done with the help of the Raspberry Pi, the GSM module, and the web interface.
People in the medical field can use the data from this system to do any kind of
research they want.
They suggest an automated method to track a patient's body temperature, heart rate,
movements, and blood pressure in this study. They also enhance the current system
to forecast if the patient has a chronic ailment or disease based on the various health
measures and other symptoms acquired by the system.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
The diagram above shows how to get information about a patient's health state by
monitoring several factors and analyzing the data to determine whether the patient
has a chronic problem or other disease. Unprocessed data from different IoT devices
is collected and stored on the server at level 1. Temperature, vibration, blood
pressure, and pulse sensors are among the sensors included in these devices.
Because some of the sensors provide analog outputs that the Raspberry Pi cannot
read, they transform the analog data to digital using a converter IC. Then, using a
Raspberry Pi with a Linux operating system installed, they build Python code that
receives the values from the sensors and changes them in the database at regular
intervals. In level 2, the important information is acquired by filtering, classifying, and
categorizing the data recorded. This data consists of the patient's current health
statistics as well as any symptoms he or she may be experiencing. This information
will be utilized at the following level to determine whether or not the patient is
suffering from an illness. They employ data mining methods to forecast the kind and
nature of the sickness or diseases for which the system was created at level 3, the
analysis and prediction phase. Artificial intelligence can make the system smarter,
which can help it develop even more. Using the current information base, they may
infer the sickness or ailment and classify the outcome into multiple categories, such
as ideal, normal, and with symptoms. In this research, they have developed a system
in which the system monitors the patient's temperature, heart rate, body motions, and
blood pressure reading data. The numerous sensors are put on the patient's body,
and they take readings and send the related signals to the Raspberry Pi, which then
processes the information. The Raspberry Pi is a single-board computer the size of a
credit card that runs the Linux operating system. Different sensors are used to detect
the patient's body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure, and the findings are
transferred to a database via the Raspberry Pi, which can then be viewed from
anywhere in the world via the internet, which is made possible by the GSM module.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
the data, which consists of the medical history of many patients' parameters and
related outcomes, in order to find consistent patterns and systematic linkages in the
disease. For example, if a patient's health parameters change in a similar way to
those of a prior patient in the database, the effects can be calculated as well. It would
be easier for doctors and medical researchers to find a solution if similar patterns
were discovered regularly.
Using IoT-based systems for Heart Rate Monitoring and Heart Attack Detection (TV
Sethuraman, Kartik Singh Rathore, Amritha G, and Kanimozhi G, 2019), The heart is
an essential organ.A heartbeat is a two-part pumping movement that lasts almost a
second. Heart diseases are fairly frequent nowadays. Approximately 1 million men
and women die each year from heart disease. Heart rate is an important metric in
heart function. Thus, heart rate monitoring is critical in research on heart health and
performance. The IoT is proposed for heart rate monitoring and anomaly detection.
Most cardiac problems now require long-term surveillance and continual monitoring.
The nurses or doctors on duty can check the patient's heart rate on the serial monitor
through the real-time monitoring system. The prototype may also retain the patient's
heartbeat data, which the doctor can use to study the patient's heart condition and for
other uses. The technology is based on a low-cost portable heart rate monitor. The
real-time data may be seen and saved for future investigations into the patient's
cardiac condition. The ECG sensor and pulse sensor are used to create a bracelet
that can detect a heart attack and alert medical personnel. It uses Lilypad, Arduino,
and Android apps. A panic button is also given as part of a heart attack alarm
Chapter 2: Literature Review
The essential components in modeling a heart rate monitoring system are heart rate
sensors, Wi-Fi modules, and Arduino. When a heart attack happens, the alarm
message is obtained by combining IoT with this through a heart rate application. The
heart rates of participants ranging in age from 20 to 80 years old are measured and
analyzed. This information is also saved to the SD card in order to keep track of the
person's heart rate characteristics. The pulse sensor is used in conjunction with a
temperature sensor to monitor heart rate and identify heart attacks. For heart rate
measurement, an IR emitter-detector pair is employed, and the sensor's output is
amplified again by the 741 OP amp IC. A low-pass filter is utilized to reduce noise
from the signal. Regardless of age, an ECG examination is critical in assessing heart
health. Individual heart rate monitoring and interbeat interval monitoring prototypes
are being developed. Continuous heart rate monitoring is a crucial aspect in the
health treatment of people suffering from cardiovascular disorders, especially in the
case of elderly people and patients in private homes. A GSM MODEM is used to do
this. The heart rate sensor, MCU, interface circuit, and MODEM are all utilized. The
AT89C52 MCU is used in the system. Internal resources integrated with the
AT89C52 MCU meet system requirements for low power consumption and ease of
operation. Smart and linked health care is the most essential application among the
IoT's many possibilities.
In conclusion, this system implements a real-time heart rate monitoring and heart
attack detection system utilizing IoT. Patients of all ages will benefit from the
suggested design since it provides real-time heart health monitoring. It also ensures
that the patient's data is secure and private. Using the MQTT and IFTTT protocols,
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Narasimha Rao Jasti Madhu's Master of Science thesis in the topic of IoT-based
Remote Patient Health Monitoring System was based on this article. Healthcare is
too expensive for those who require it. In poor nations, this is especially true. As a
result, this initiative is an attempt to address a contemporary healthcare issue in
society. The project's major goal was to create a remote healthcare system. It is
divided into three sections. The first phase involves employing sensors to detect a
patient's vital signs; the second involves transferring data to cloud storage; and the
third involves making the discovered data available for remote viewing. The data may
be seen remotely, allowing a doctor or guardian to keep track of a patient's health
status when they are not in the hospital.
Currently, sensors are connected to a single PMS through active network technology.
This allows physicians or nurses to respond quickly in case of an emergency. The
sensors are affixed to the patients' bodies without generating pain. Using easily
accessible sensors, this PMS monitors vital physiological indicators such as body
temperature, ECG, heart rate, and blood pressure. A microcontroller is then fed the
analog values received by the various sensors. Using an ADC converter, the
microcontroller translates these analog signals into digital values. The central PMS
now receives digitalized values from many microcontrollers. Sensors connected to a
microcontroller through a transceiver operate as modules, each with its own ID. Each
module wirelessly transfers data to the central PMS PC's gateway computer. For
example, the gateway can receive various physical parameter values for patients
based on their IDs. To work on several physical parameters of each patient in a time
interval, the program uses a Graphical User Interface (GUI). Any doctor or nurse may
access the central PMS at any time and view the history of any patient's critical
metrics. The custom software will tell the Central PMS how to send an SMS message
to a GSM modem with the patient ID. This will happen if there is a critical situation
that needs to be taken care of right away for a patient. People at the hospital are also
called by voice. The SMS also has a status update on the patient's health. With the
help of the patient ID, the doctor can quickly identify and help the patient.
The custom software will tell the Central PMS to allow the GSM modem to send an
SMS with the patient ID in the case of a serious scenario that demands the urgent
attention of physicians or nurses for any of the patients. A voice call is also made to
the hospital's physicians and personnel. A status update on the patient's physical
state is also included in the SMS. The doctor can readily recognize and attend to the
patient's situation with the aid of the patient ID.The custom software will tell the
Central PMS how to send an SMS message to a GSM modem with the patient ID.
This will happen if there is a critical situation that needs to be taken care of right
away for a patient. People at the hospital are also called by voice. The SMS also has
a status update on the patient's health. With the help of the patient ID, the doctor can
quickly identify and help the patient.The custom software will tell the Central PMS to
allow the GSM modem to send an SMS with the patient ID in the case of a serious
scenario that demands the urgent attention of physicians or nurses for any of the
Chapter 2: Literature Review
patients. A voice call is also made to the hospital's physicians and personnel. A
status update on the patient's physical state is also included in the SMS. The doctor
can readily recognize and attend to the patient's situation with the aid of the patient
In conclusion, the system modules that have been designed can be made even
better by making them into a single circuit. There was another important fact that
came up while they were designing the project. All of the circuit parts used in the
remote health detection system can be easily found. With the development of
integrated circuits, micro-electro-mechanical systems and microcontrollers have
become more affordable, have faster processing speeds, are smaller, and use less
power. These embedded systems have also been used in smartphones. The Remote
Health Care System makes use of these ideas to come up with a better way for
people in society to live their lives. During the programming of the microcontrollers,
electromagnetic fields are looked at and software is used to make the
microcontrollers do what they need to do.
In their paper "IoT-based Patient Health Care for COVID 19 Center," the authors
Shreerang J. More, Pranav S. Patil, Jitendra M. More, Prayag S. Patil, and Satish S.
Marathe (2020) discuss the use of IoT systems for health monitoring systems in their
paper "IoT-based Patient Health Care for COVID 19 Center.", This study presents
the COVID 19 center monitoring and management system, as well as the integration
of several sensor networks with the Internet of Things (IoT). The sensors that have
Chapter 2: Literature Review
been installed are able to connect with the data gathering and processing device.
The data collected by the device may be instantly uploaded to the cloud via the
COVID-19 center's internet connection. As a result, the goal of this project was to
provide COVID-19 center management using an IoT-based strategy to handle
medical services, patient monitoring, and treatment flow. The temperature sensor
(DHT11) and the Node MCU ESP8266 controller are included in the tested model.
Through a remote link, a system may monitor and operate COVID-19 center services
and patient monitoring. Three temperature sensors are attached to measure the
temperature of the patients. For the cloud-based IoT implementation, the mobile-
based blynk was used. The Sensor provides data to the Blynk server, which may
subsequently be seen by any smart phone application. Furthermore, when a patient's
fever exceeded the normal range, an alarm was sent to the appropriate authorities in
a timely manner. According to the findings, the designed system has the ability to
function in a pandemic situation and is technologically feasible. In a pandemic
situation, the benefits of deployed research methodologies are important in digital
health management. Hospitals, COVID centers, and intensive care units (ICUs) can
all be run efficiently, and patient diagnostic applications based on online databases
have a lot of potential in the internet of things and patient health management space.
The coronavirus disease, or COVID 19, has caused a pandemic around the world.
This has to do with health problems, and infections are on the rise all over the world.
Many people who have been infected need medical facilities and services with
enough resources and management. In pandemic situations, the Internet can be
used for different operations and processes than can be used in those situations.
People who use the Internet of Things (IoT) system have a lot of good technology
that can help them with medical diagnostics and patient records. The COVID-19
pandemic can be dealt with a lot of difficulties with real-time integration of IoT-based
services. Most of the time, a lot of devices can connect to complicated networks so
that they can exchange data with more ease. Proper health management has a lot of
digital tools that can help you keep an eye on and control your health. During
pandemics and emergency medical services, it also has a way to alert, show, and
control itself. COVID-19 has spread to all countries, and there are problems because
so many people have been infected with this new virus. The COVID-19 center is a
very important place that needs to be properly monitored and managed with
communication tools. A patient's health can be monitored and checked from afar.
People who work in the medical field may be able to see a patient's health data and
diagnosis record right away based on real-time data.
For the COVID-19 quarantine center, a large number of linked devices may be joined
together to build a network. This system can also be integrated with an alert and
tracking system to record data on the patient's health state, health issues, and
medical emergencies. The system might also integrate the sensors used in COVID
quarantine facilities to keep track of patients and contaminated people by keeping
records and entry/exit logs. Making decisions based on data obtained via the smart
system might be easier and faster. Temperature probes, electrocardiogram sensors
(ECG), blood pressure sensors, SPO2 pulsioximeters, and other instruments and
sensors are used to analyze patients isolated in COVID-19 centers. The suggested
solution incorporates a cloud-based platform with an IoT foundation for the entire
quarantine center administration. Medical sensors are used to collect data and real-
time information on a patient's health status, such as body temperature, heart rate
and activity, blood pressure, blood oxygen level, and so on. These sensors can be
linked in such a way that they can communicate with one another. The complexity of
computations and information handling can be handled by a quarantine center with a
Chapter 2: Literature Review
central processing unit. The ESP-8266 embedded device is used in this research to
connect to a cloud-based platform and communicate data with a central information
management system. With IoT installation, sensor data is sent to the Blynk platform.
The ESP8266 board's circuitry is used to operate and connect all connected devices
and medical equipment to networks. The COVID-19 patient data visualization is
provided below the system interface for one DHT 11 node in the interface for doctors
and medical teams.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
The customized Blynk app provides a wealth of features for remotely monitoring and
controlling data from the COVID-19 center. Users may even exchange data or
reports with other users on the Blynk platform. Real-time and historical data
measures linked to patient health, such as body temperature, blood pressure, oxygen
level, ECG, and so on, may be seen from any location via remote connectivity as
soon as the app is installed on the device. The COVID-19 management system
presented in this study, which is based on an IoT system, has the ability to manage
efficient operations in hospitals, test laboratories, pharmaceutical wholesalers, and
government offices.
In conclusion, the suggested study and approach are centered on COVID-19 center
management with IoT-based patient health monitoring. According to the study, a
blynk-based software has greater advantages if the widgets are mobile-friendly. An
integrated environment allows for multiple user login credentials. Remote
management may reduce direct physical interaction with COVID-19 employees and
patients. Digital technology and networked settings are used in health care. Cloud-
based technologies enable remote monitoring and management of infected patients.
Doctors, pharmaceutical companies, researchers, and government organizations can
use the database to handle pandemics. Remote activities include interval check-ups,
patient inspections based on data reports, emergency alerts, and patient involvement
through talkback chat. The remote alerting of doctors is also possible. Across-
regional patient and COVID-19 center status may be tracked in real-time. The same
may be said for security, management, and worker warnings pertaining to fire safety,
accidents, and intruder detection. The internet of things (IoT) allows large-scale
integration of physical and virtual worlds.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
monitoring systems. The ability to manage a job and health at the same time has
become a major source of anxiety for most individuals in this fast-paced society.
Long waiting times in hospitals, as well as ambulatory patient monitoring, are well-
documented problems. The issue necessitates the development of a health
monitoring system that can smoothly monitor daily routine health metrics and heart
rate monitoring, and that can report the results to the appropriate person with the
assistance of the GSM module. With the advancement of technology, a variety of
monitoring systems have emerged, each of which is designed to make the
individual's life easier. The current state of research and development in the subject
of health is discussed in this study. Diverse implemented systems have been
compared and assessed in order to find the relevant shortcomings and to determine
what may be done in order to deliver a higher throughput than the currently available
scenario systems.
A health monitoring system is a reliable tool for keeping track of a person's health
status on a regular basis. It contributes to the provision of monitoring at any time and
from any location. Health monitoring is an important study topic since it allows
everyone to check their fundamental regular health metrics at any time of day or
night. It may also be used to track the heart rate of an individual. As an alternative to
scheduling appointments and then standing in line at the doctor's office, it gives a
convenient way to check on one's health at any time of day. Additionally, preloaded
information would save doctors' time, as they will be able to evaluate crucial cases
instead of performing regular check-ups at the clinic. For the purposes of this article,
they will explore several health factors, as well as research and analyze all of the
already available devices, and plan our strategy to developing a device that
addresses the shortcomings of currently available devices at the same time.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
According to the study, the health monitoring system is a good way to keep track of
your health. People who care about you can keep an eye on your health with this
tool. It helps to cut down on time by giving people easy-to-use devices that sense
and monitor the health of patients and report that information to the people who need
to know. The main goal is to let the device move and move quickly on a person, but
still keep track of all the parameters that have been set. In the future, this could be a
combined unit that takes up less space and is easier to use in any environment,
especially when monitoring outdoors.
Chapter 3: Pre-Design
The preliminary design phase provides a high-level overview of the methods that will
be utilized to carry out this project. This chapter illustrates the working concept of the
whole project through the use of a block diagram, as well as the components that will
be employed in the project and their contribution to the projects overall functionality
and functionality. During the course of this project, the design that will be used for the
project is depicted, and this is examined in terms of having a high level of
optimization, minimal expenditure, high performance, and efficiency while conserving
the environment's energy resources.
Block Diagram
Body supply 5V
Chapter 3: Pre-Design
Hardware Components
Arduino Uno - R3
The ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module is a self-contained SOC with an inbuilt TCP/IP protocol
stack that can provide access to your Wi-Fi network to any microcontroller. The
ESP8266 may either host an application or offload all Wi-Fi networking functionality to
Chapter 3: Pre-Design
Chapter 3: Pre-Design
The side of the sensor with the heart logo is on the front. Here's where you'll put
your finger. The Kingbright's reverse mounted green LED glows through a tiny
circular hole on the front side.
Chapter 3: Pre-Design
A tiny ambient light photo sensor – APDS-9008 from Avago – sits immediately below
the LED, similar to those used in mobile phones, tablets, and laptops, and is used to
adjust the screen brightness in changing light circumstances.
The remainder of the components, including a microchip MCP6001 Op-Amp and a lot
of resistors and capacitors that make up the R/C filter network, are located on the
rear of the module. A reverse protection diode protects the circuit from harm if the
power lines are unintentionally reversed.
MAX30100 is a pulse oximeter and heart rate sensor that work together. There are
two LEDs, one red and one infrared, that emit two different wavelengths of light.
Then, a photodetector measures the amount of light that pulsed blood absorbs
through the photodetector. There is a good reason why this LED color combination is
good for reading data with the tip of one's finger. There are software registers that let
you change how it looks and how it works. The digital output data is stored in a 16-
Chapter 3: Pre-Design
deep FIFO inside the device. A digital interface called I2C lets it talk to another
Among the parts of the pulse oximetry subsystem in MAX30100 are ambient light
cancellation (ALC), 16-bit sigma delta ADC, and a unique discrete time filter. It runs
on very little power, which makes it great for battery-powered systems. MAX30100
can run on a power source between 1.8 and 3.3V. Is good for wearable devices,
fitness assistant devices, medical monitoring devices, and other things that need to
be kept an eye on. The MAX30100 can run on 1.8V and 3.3V power, and it can be
turned off through software with very little standby power, so the power supply can
stay connected at all times.
In addition, this version of the board is round and designed to be directly wearable by
exposing an aluminum surface. The alumnium-base PCB helps with easy thermal
conduction to make sure most of the heat gets transferred to the sensor, resulting in
Chapter 3: Pre-Design
more accurate readings. The top side of this PCB is encapsulated in clear epoxy resin
to make it waterproof.
Unlike our previous MAX30205 breakout board, what makes it more wearable and fit
for human body measurements is the use of a medical-grade biocompatible, flexible
cable that does not irritate the skin.
Chapter 4: Conclusion