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Physical Education Scheme of Learning

Year 7 HRF
Intent – Rationale
In this unit students will learn and accurately replicate specific techniques for a variety of fitness based activities. They will carry out
investigations into the bodies ability to exercise and the reasoning behind such principles. Students will gain an understanding of warm
ups, cool downs and health importance through physical tasks. To reflect on the benefits that fitness events give to an individual and
implications for future life.

Sequencing – what prior learning does this topic build upon? Sequencing – what subsequent learning does this topic feed into?
Experienced some fitness activities • Year 8 HRF
Demonstrated a basic technique

What are the links with other subjects in the curriculum? What are the links to SMSC, British Values and Careers?
• Literacy (key words), Citizenship (sportsmanship & • BV4
cooperation), Science (muscle names, bodily functions • SO1
including heart rate monitoring), Maths (measuring, • M2
recording and collating data)

What are the opportunities for developing literacy skills and What are the opportunities for developing mathematical skills?
developing learner confidence and enjoyment in reading?
• Please fill this in with your own suggestions alternatively the • Maths (measuring, recording and collating data)
LRC team will provide some suggested titles/links

Physical Education Scheme of Learning
Year 7 HRF
Intent – Concepts

What knowledge will students gain and what skills will they develop as a consequence of this topic?
To understand the meaning of cardio vascular fitness. To understand how to make the circuit harder. Know the correct techniques of exercises used in a HIIT session. To understand
the indication that heart rate provides. To understand components of fitness involved in a circuit performance.

To evaluate performance of self and others and understand the components of interval training. To accurately replicate the basic technique at each station in a circuit. To accurately
replicate a sustained running technique for 12 minutes. To perform and record the distance achieved. Be able to replicate the correct technique in practice. Apply knowledge of
HIIT exercises to design workout. Complete exercises demonstrating good technique.

To understand the meaning of cardio vascular fitness. To sustain performance in a circuit over 2 laps. To understand components of fitness involved in performance. To understand the
relationship between heart rate recovery and fitness level. To develop correct technique in performance and maintain a high level of intensity while performing. To understand
and appreciate the need to make decisions about refinement of technique to sustain performance.

What subject specific language will be used and developed in this What opportunities are available for assessing the progress of
topic? students?
• Cardiovascular fitness • Techniques used within activities
• Muscular endurance • Effort applied
• Interval training • Knowledge recall within question and answer
• Aerobics • Summative assessment at the end of the unit
• Muscle names – deltoids, biceps, triceps, pectorals,
abdominals, quadriceps, hamstrings, gastrocnemius
• Hand weights

• Circuit training station names such as tricep dips, bicep curls,
shuttle runs, plank, sit ups, shoulder raises, step ups

Intent – Concepts
Lesson title Learning challenge Higher level challenge Suggested activities and resources
Team Continuous run – Interval To evaluate performance of self and others To understand the meaning of cardio Warm up – Student led pulse raiser +
Training and understand the components of interval vascular fitness. stretches.
training. Introduce interval training as periods of work
followed by periods of rest. Aim to maintain
movement of the baton for 30 mins but
sharing the workload within the team.
Students make a prediction/target for their
distance covered in the time. Students
complete run for 30 mins, tally their laps to
calculate distance covered. Cool down.
Student reflection of training – why were
they able to maintain pace for the duration
of the time? What helped keep them
motivated? How far did they really travel?
Basic circuit To accurately replicate the basic technique To understand components of fitness Warm up – Student led pulse raiser +
at each station. To sustain performance over involved in performance. stretches. Discuss circuit training and the
2 laps. To understand how to make the relevant stations. Set up in pairs full circuit.
circuit harder. Simple techniques- for example press ups,
skipping, step ups, shuttles runs & star jumps.
Record resting H.R. Perform 1 circuit set in
pairs. Play music- 30 seconds work, 30
seconds rest to rotate. Record scores for each
station. Maintain technique. Taking working
H.R. after set 1. How could it be made

harder? Next set, 40 seconds work, 30 sec
rest. Measure recovery. Discuss findings.
Cool down
Sustained running – cooper test To accurately replicate a sustained running To understand the relationship between Student led; warm-up with a focus on
technique for 12 minutes. To perform and heart rate recovery and fitness level. increasing the range of movement/dynamic
record the distance achieved. stretching. Use heart rate monitors if
available. Intro how to set up. Explain what
cooper test measures- C.V fitness. Pairs; 1
record number of laps completed other to
perform for 12 minutes. Swap roles. Discuss
findings -quicker recovery = fitter. Cool
down. Distances recorded by non-
High Intensity Interval Training Know the correct techniques of To develop correct technique in Warm up – Student led pulse raiser +
exercises used in a HIIT session. Be able performance and maintain a high level stretches. Introduce HIIT – 30/30 or
to replicate the correct technique in of intensity while performing. 40/20 high intensity work/rest. Demo
practice. exercises and students develop
technique. Complete workout 8-10
exercises rest and repeat. Cool down.
Students reflect on performance and
success of session.
HIIT Design Apply knowledge of HIIT exercises to To understand and appreciate the need to Warm up – Student led pulse raiser +
design workout. Complete exercises make decisions about refinement of stretches. Students work in pairs to design
demonstrating good technique. technique to sustain performance. their workout. They recap techniques and
assess the order of their exercises. Complete
one set. Reflect on increasing or decreasing
intensity of each exercise. Complete second
set. Cool down. Reflect on success of
refinement and what would change next
Assessment - circuits To demonstrate accurate replication of To understand components of fitness Warm up – Student led pulse raiser +
circuit techniques at each station. To sustain involved in a circuit performance. stretches. Highlight circuit training &
performance over 2 laps. To understand the stations. Plan and set up circuit. Recap
indication that heart rate provides. technique for; press ups, skipping, step ups,
shuttles runs & astride jumps. Record resting
H.R. Perform 1st 30 seconds work, 30 seconds
rest to rotate. Record scores. Taking working
H.R. after set 1. Decrease rest time. Next set,
30 seconds work, 20 sec rest. Cool down.


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