Doa Grain
Doa Grain
Doa Grain
3.1 A document of authorization shall be issued for every ship loaded in accordance with the
regulations of this Code either by the Administration or an organization recognized by it or by a
Contracting Government on behalf of the Administration. It shall be accepted as evidence that the
ship is capable of complying with the requirements of these regulations.
3.2 The document shall accompany or be incorporated into the grain loading manual provided to
enable the master to meet the requirements of A 7 (Stability Requirements). The manual shall meet
the requirements of A 6.3.(Table of liquid free surface corrections)
3.3 Such a document, grain loading stability data and associated plans may be drawn up in the official
language or languages of the issuing country. If the language used is neither English nor French, the
text shall include a translation into one of these languages.
3.4 A copy of such a document, grain loading stability data and associated plans shall be placed on
board in order that the master, if so required, shall produce them for the inspection of the Contracting
Government of the country of the port of loading.
3.5 A ship without such a document of authorization shall not load grain until the master demonstrates
to the satisfaction of the Administration, or of the Contracting Government of the port of loading acting
on behalf of the Administration, that, in its loaded condition for the intended voyage, the ship complies
with the requirements of this Code.
L = total combined length of all full compartments (metres)
B = moulded breadth of the vessel (metres)
SF = stowage factor (cubic metres per tonne)
Vd = calculated average void depth calculated in accordance with code (metres - Note: not
¢ = displacement (tonnes); and
.6 the master demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Administration or the Contracting Government of
the port of loading on behalf of the Administration that the ship in its proposed loaded condition will
comply with the requirements of this section.
07 Stability requirements
7.1 The intact stability characteristics of any ship carrying bulk grain shall be shown to meet,
throughout the voyage, at least the following criteria after taking into account the heeling moments
due to grain shift:
.1 the angle of heel due to the shift of grain shall not be greater than 12° or in the case of ships
constructed on or after 1January 1994 the angle at which the deck edge is immersed, whichever is
the lesser;
.2 in the statical stability diagram, the net or residual area between the heeling arm curve and the
righting arm curve up to the angle of heel of maximum difference between the ordinates of the two
curves, or 40° or the angle of flooding(Of), whichever is the least, shall in all conditions of loading be
not less than 0.075 meter-radians; and
.3 the initial metacentric height, after correction for the free surface effects of liquids in tanks, shall be
not less than 0.30 m.`
7.2 Before loading bulk grain the master shall, if so required by the Contracting Government of the
country of the port of loading, demonstrate the ability of the ship at all stages of any voyage to comply
with the stability criteria required by this section.
7.3 After loading, the master shall ensure that the ship is upright before proceeding to sea.
(1) where:
λ0 =
Stowage factor = volume per unit weight of grain cargo;
Displacement = weight of ship, fuel, fresh water, stores etc. and cargo.
(2) The righting arm curve shall be derived from cross-curves which are sufficient in number to
accurately define the curve for the purpose of these requirements and shall include cross-curves at
12°and 40°.