School Burnout, Perceived Stress Level and Online Disinhibition Among College Students of The University of The East - Manila

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Volume: 13
Pages: 264-275
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1156
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8320893
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-3-9
Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 264-275, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1156, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8320893, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

School Burnout, Perceived Stress Level and Online Disinhibition Among

College Students of the University of the East – Manila
Gary C. Dy*, Zarvie M. Daza, Pia Elizabeth M. De Los Reyes
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a major shift that was evident with the innovation of
telecommunication and maximizing the available resources to still manage to do things regardless of
the limitations and restrictions. The surge of internet engagement led people to spend time in the
cyber community, resulting in engagement with various social media platforms perceived as the only
way to cope with social interaction restrictions. This study employed a descriptive correlational
method, purposive sampling technique for one hundred fifty-one (151) students, from 1st year to 4th
year College of Arts and Sciences students of UE - Manila. The result showed that the burnout
established no significant difference to the demographics; age (p = 0.52 ≤ 41.33), sex (p = 0.34 ≤
9.49), socioeconomic status (p = 0.54 ≤ 15.51), year level (p = 0.20 ≤ 21.03), parental status (p = 0.94
≤ 15.51); perceived stress to the demographic age (p = 0.65 ≤ 23.69), sex (p = 0.82 ≤ 5.99),
socioeconomic status (p = 0.16 ≤ 9.49), year level (p = 0.22 ≤ 12.59), parental status (p = 0.16 ≤
9.49); and online disinhibition (p = 0.13 ≤ 21.03), parental status (p = 0.39 ≤ 9.49). Only burnout and
perceived stress had a positive correlation, while online disinhibition findings show no correlation.

Keywords: burnout, perceived stress, online disinhibition

Introduction Karsay et al. (2019), that high distress forces people to

use social media to disclose sensitive and negative
As technology continuously advances with time,
cyberspace has become more and more relevant and This known preference for social media consumption,
essential in the lives of Filipinos. Not only does it the accessibility of social media sites as a platform for
provide avenues for convenience in accessing a catharsis, together with the interest in exploring the
multitude of updated data that people can access in occurrence of burnout and stress, especially since these
real-time, anytime, and anywhere, but the cyberspace phenomena has been prevalent during the period of the
also contains websites and applications that enable pandemic, has sparked the interest of the researchers in
people from anywhere across the globe to connect, exploring the potential relationship of burnout and
engage, and interact. This allows Filipinos to be able perceived stress level to their digital behavior,
to maintain social relationships with their loved ones, particularly with the manner they post and share their
peers, and newfound connections; for this reason, thoughts and feelings online.
social media platforms are a hit among Filipinos since
they are known to be social beings who value close- There are numerous pressures in academic life,
knit ties. To wit, the Philippines is considered one of including parental expectations and successes in
the “social media capital in the world” with about 76 academics, the quantity of personal inclination for
million active Filipino social media users (Estares, educational self-actualization, homework or a final
2019). In addition, Filipinos are considered to be one paper getting excellent scores cause stress that
of the “fastest-growing audiences” of Twitter in interferes with their ability to make appropriate
Southeast Asia because about 57% of Filipino users decisions failures turn into pressures that originate
are frequent visitors and users of the platform from interpersonal, academic, intrapersonal, and
(Malasig, 2019). environmental stressors which are called academic
stress (Austria-Cruz, 2019).Burnout is a condition that
Since the COVID-19 pandemic emerged and has a variety of negative effects on a person's life. It
lockdowns were implemented, people engaged on causes low levels of productivity which leads to
social media more than ever before (Fernandes et al., delaying accomplishment of tasks, sick leave,
2021, Nortajuddin, 2020). Thus, online disinhibition in employment retention, and other indicators of
which individuals post their thoughts without employment intentions and performance. Studies have
restrictions or filters, is evident since this lack of shown burnout is inversely connected with life and job
restraint makes the individual safer and relieved happiness as both physical and mental health are
(Arora et al., 2020). Moreover, it has been found by affected and in terms of mental health, increased rates

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Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 264-275, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1156, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8320893, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

of mood disorders, particularly depression rooted from 5. Is there a significant difference among the level of
burnout. Thus, the condition of burnout has a burnout, level of stress, and online disinhibition of the
significant impact on a person's life in numerous ways, respondents when grouped according to their:
especially on students wherein their productivity were 5.1 Age;
negatively affected (Norez, 2017). 5.2 Sex;
5.3 Socioeconomic Status;
In order to reach the objective and goal of this study, 5.4 Year Level; and
the following processes were utilized; first, obtaining 5.5 Parental Status?
data from six percent (6%) among the two thousand 6. Is there a significant relationship among the level of
four hundred (2,400) total population of the College of burnout, level of stress, and the respondents’ online
Arts and Sciences students in order to obtain disinhibition?
significant numerical data for the variables; second,
disseminating of online google form surveys to gather
numerical data in connection to measuring burnout and Literature Review
perceived stress level as well as online disinhibition;
and lastly interpreting the gathered numerical data and Burnout, Perceived Stress and Online Disinhibition
applying statistical tools to give meaning to the
data.The study sought to explore the relationship Technology and social network have been part of
between burnout, perceived stress level and online human life ever since. While it occurred in various
disinhibition in connection to the respondent’s online forms across the decades that have passed, it
behavior such as posting, liking, and retweeting undeniably shows how human beings yearn for
content of University of the East-Manila College of connection. This is also supported by psychological
Arts and Sciences students on Twitter. Specifically, to theories such as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, which
determine if burnout, perceived stress level, and online identified belongingness as among the needs that
disinhibition influence each other, to know if age, sex, humans strive to meet, and that humans need esteem
socioeconomic status, year level, and parental status support and network support among others, to be able
are linked to the online disinhibition effect of the to exchange informational resources and to strengthen
respondents, and to explore if there is no significant social connections. Additionally, the need to belong,
relationship between burnout, stress, and online especially in groups, can be considered the same as the
disinhibition effect on the demographic profile of the basic need for food and survival. The compelling need
respondents. for belongingness, and the rise of social networking
sites since the 2000s has allowed people to establish
Research Questions connections, not only among their peer network but
even with those who are living thousands of miles
This quantitative research aims to determine the away compared to how people were able to connect on
relationship among school burnout, perceived stress the early 2000s whereas only mobile phones existed
level, and online disinhibition among College of Arts during that time. The millennials and Gen Zs
and Sciences students of University of the East - witnessed and benefited from these social networking
Manila who are subjected to social media engagement, sites during their rise, it is undoubtedly, they also
particularly on Twitter. Specifically, this research make up a huge percentage of active users up until this
posits the following questions: day.

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents Online disinhibition was proposed by Suler (2004), but
as to their: the emotional and psychological impact of the
1.1 Age; phenomenon is still yet to be widely explored by
1.2 Sex; researchers. This is a promising opportunity as
1.3 Socioeconomic status; engagement in cyberspace as a means to connect with
1.4 Year level; and people for various reasons is evident, especially in
1.5 Parental Status? circumstances where face-to-face interactions are
2. What is the general level of burnout of the limited and perceived as intimidating. Particularly in
respondents? the advent of the pandemic in 2020, people have
3. What is the general level of perceived stress of the increasingly engaged in social media to connect with
respondents? people given the restrictions of in-person interactions.
4. What is the general online disinhibition of the Thus, caused by loneliness, most people collectively
respondents? have felt, that online disinhibition was assumed to be

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Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 264-275, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1156, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8320893, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

present. Supported by the study of Chukwuere and Management, Bachelor of Arts in International
Chukwuere (2017), the psychological effects that Studies, Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, Bachelor of
students' use of social media have on their lives have Science in Legal Management, Bachelor of Library
recently been viewed as the main wellspring of and Information Science, Bachelor of Science in
changing people's mindsets and change in their mood. Mathematics, Bachelor of Arts in Political Science,
Social media networks make it simple for people to Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Bachelor of
share both positive and negative moods, hence, as Science in Tourism Management.
students' use of social media platforms rises and social
networking becomes more and more ingrained in their Instruments of the Study
lives, this may gain even more significance. According
to Iwamoto and Chun (2020), when students are The study sourced information by disseminating the
influenced by posts on social media, particularly given survey form to students enrolled this second semester
the growing reliance on social media in daily life, they School Year 2022 – 2023 in the College of Arts and
may be encouraged to begin comparing themselves to Sciences at the University of the East – Manila. Prior
other people or develop extremely unreasonable to the data gathering, the researchers have pre-
expectations of themselves or others, both of which qualifying criteria and created an informed consent
can have a number of negative effects. and information sheet to gather the demographic
profile of the respondents. In measuring the study's
variables, the instruments utilized were adapted from
Methodology the standardized tests and revised to tailor-fit the
study's objective. The adapted and revised
The study employed a descriptive correlational method questionnaire was content validated by experts in the
in seeking the possible relationship among the field to ensure the validity and reliability of the
variables burnout, perceived stress level, and online measuring tools which measured the variables burnout,
disinhibition among the College of Arts and Sciences perceived stress level, and online disinhibition.
College students from the University of the East -
Manila. The study utilized the data of the student’s Burnout Survey
demographic profile and the relationship between
burnout and the demographics, perceived stress level This consisted of twenty-one (21) items to determine
and the demographics, and online disinhibition and the respondents’ burnout level. The burnout survey
the demographics. was patterned from Burnout Self-Test Maslach
Burnout Inventory from Maslach et al. (1996). The
Afterward, the data collected were statistically respondents were instructed to self-rate based on the
correlated using chi-square, and correlation matrix to given statements that describe their possible risk for
determine a possible relationship between and among burnout. They have five (5) options to choose from;
variables by utilizing inferential statistics. In obtaining “Everyday”, “Once a Week”, “Once a Month”, “A
feasible respondents among the students from the Few Time Per Year”, and “Never”.
University of the East - Manila, the study utilized a
purposive as there was a set of pre-qualifying criteria Perceived Stress Scale
for the selection of qualified respondents and a
convenience sampling technique for the College of The questionnaire consisted of ten (10) items to
Arts and Sciences students. measure the respondents’ perceived stress level and
was lifted from Cohen (1983). The questionnaire
Participants of the Study sought to measure the student’s level of stress by
rating their feelings and thoughts. The respondents are
The study included one hundred fifty-one (151) given a 5-point Likert scale to rate each statement;
students from 1st year to 4th year of the University of “Very Often”, “Fairly Often”, “Sometimes”, “Almost
the East–Manila College of Arts and Sciences to be the Never”, and “Never”.
respondents of the study. The researchers also had pre-
qualifying criteria that the respondents must be 18-25 Online Disinhibition Survey
years old, Male or Female, enrolled under the College
of Arts and Sciences this (S.Y. 2022-2023), This survey consisted of a thirty (30) item set of
particularly Bachelor of Science in Biology, Bachelor questions that were adapted from the refined candidate
of Arts in Broadcasting, Bachelor of Arts in English items in the study of Cheung, et al. (2016) entitled;
Language, Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Online Disinhibition: Conceptualization,

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Research Article


Measurement, and Relation to Aggressive Behaviors. Table 1. Frequency Distribution of the Respondents
According to the theory of Suler (2004), people
according to Age
portray themselves differently in a face-to-face
situation compared to how they express themselves
online. The questionnaire sought to identify the online
disinhibition level of the students as they rated each
given statement as “Very Often”, “Fairly Often”,
“Sometimes”, “Almost Never”, and “Never”.


The researchers utilized convenience and purposive The distribution of the respondents indicates that out
sampling in determining the respondents of the study. of 151 College of Arts College Students who
Afterwards, the researchers sought permission from participated, 31.12% are 21-years-old students with a
frequency of 47, followed by 22-years-old with
the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences for data
29.80% or a frequency of 45; 15.23% or 23 out of the
gathering. Then, the respondents were asked to
total number of respondents were 20-years-old, 8.61%
accomplish the informed consent. The researchers also or a frequency of 13 was 19 and 23-years-old, a
gave assurance to the respondents that the data frequency of four or 2.65% was 24-years-old, and a
gathered through the survey is treated with the utmost frequency of three or 1.99% were 18 and 25-years-old
confidentiality and solely used for academic purposes. students. It could be gleaned from the table that most
The respondents were given the survey form by of the respondents are aged 21 years old.
scanning the quick response or the QR code, the
In similar studies, the scores for compulsive internet
survey lasts approximately 10 – 12 minutes. The
use among young people from the Philippines were
survey form consists of demographic profile, pre-
significantly higher compared to India, Mexico, and
qualifying criteria, informed consent, data privacy, Turkey. Similarly, participants from the Philippines
Burnout survey, Perceived Stress Scale and Online had significantly higher results on social media use
Disinhibition survey. compared to the study conducted by participants in
India, Mexico, and Turkey. The time spent on certain
Ethical Considerations apps was also significantly higher among participants
from the Philippines. These findings suggest that
To ensure the ethical consideration of the study, the individuals from the Philippines have significantly
researchers ensured that the respondents were given higher scores of problematic internet use, social media
use, and general application usage compared to the
informed consent and that taking part in the data
other countries included in the study (Fernandes,
gathering is solely voluntary. The gathered data will be
kept with utmost confidentiality, thus the researchers
in coordination with the research adviser seek an Sex;
ethical review committee that evaluates and review the
ethical concerns of the study. Table 2. Frequency Distribution of the Respondents
according to Sex


What is the demographic profile of the respondents

as to their:
In terms of the sex of the respondents, the majority of
the respondents were female with a frequency of 124

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Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 264-275, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1156, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8320893, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

or 82.12% while the remaining 17.88% or a frequency

of 27 were composed of male students. The sex profile
of the respondents may be explained by the study of
Booker et al. (2018), Females are more inclined on the
use of social media than that men throughout
adolescents. Thus, females spent more than 1 hour per
day on social media, compared to males. The year level of the students shows that a vast
majority of the respondents are fourth-year college
Socioeconomic status; students, with a percentage of 39.74% or a frequency
of 60 students out of the total number of respondents.
Table 3. Frequency Distribution of the Respondents The respondents also came from third-year students
according to Socioeconomic status with 35.76% or a frequency of 54. Thus, 23 students
with 15.23% are from the second year, and 9.27% or a
frequency of 14 students are coming from first-year
college students. Supported by the study of Pamungkas
and Nurlaili (2021), individuals who go to formal
education can experience academic burnout thus it
leads to serious problems like losing interest in
learning, exhaustion, low academic achievement, and
other issues. This well-known concept associated with
Based on the data, the majority of the respondents, students' exhaustion during academic life is academic
composing 69.54% or a frequency of 105 were burnout, hence, during quarantine periods, college
members of middle-class families, which were students experience moderate depression, anxiety, and
determined to have a combined monthly income of stress.
Php 21,000 to Php 125,000. Meanwhile, 21.85%, or 33
students categorized themselves as coming from the Parental Status;
low-income class with a monthly income of Php
20,000 below, and 8.61% or a frequency of 13 Table 5. Frequency Distribution of the Respondents
disclosed that they are from the high-income class with according to Parental Status
a monthly income of Php 125,000 above. During the
COVID-19 pandemic, middle-class students struggled
for high-quality and affordable higher education.
Family incomes conveniently indicate which needs to
be prioritized and considered, there must be either
flawless academic credentials or be unfortunate
enough to receive assistance. Due to the vulnerability
of middle-class individuals during this crisis, these In terms of the parental status of the respondents, the
issues are likely to be discussed driven by their high majority of the respondents disclosed that they come
hopes for a bright future in college in the Philippines from married parents with a frequency of 109 or
(Lopez, 2021). 72.18%, 22 students or 14.57% came from separated
parents and 13.25% or frequency of 20 students
Year level;
unveiled that they came from a solo parent. The
Table 4. Frequency Distribution of the Respondents connections between single-parent families and
according to Year Level commitment to student learning posit a significant
relationship. The consistent parental involvement in
the academic careers of children of any age is
supported by the result of the study and the importance
of the contribution from parents or guardians must be
obvious in both home and school setting (Watt, 2019).

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Research Article

Table 6. Frequency Distribution of the

Respondents according to College Program
Furthermore, university students are deemed to have a
rising prevalence of academic burnout which affects
the students' behavior, academic performance, and
learning dedication. Similarly, as academic
responsibilities rise, academic demands also rise such
as accomplishing tasks, activities, obligations, and
even examinations alongside interacting with various
groups led to emotional exhaustion. These excessive
academic concerns have a serious connection to the
student’s physical and emotional well-being.
Academic burnout can be related to burnout, including
The distribution of the respondents indicates that out scholarly, interpersonal, and social setting, as well as
of the 151 total number of respondents, the majority intrapersonal factors, thus, can be brought on by
are from the Bachelor of Science in Psychology with professional and social pressures such as financial
49.67% or a frequency of 75. Bachelor of Arts in issues, poor relationships with colleagues and teachers,
Political Science obtained 13.91% or a frequency of 21 and school performance.
students, Bachelor of Arts in Broadcasting with a
frequency of 11 or 7.28%, Bachelor of Science in What is the level of perceived stress of the
Hospitality Management had 5.96% or a frequency of respondents?
nine students, 4.64% or seven students from Bachelor
of Arts in International Studies, six students from Table 8. Weighted Mean of the Respondents’
Bachelor of Science in Biology and Bachelor of Arts Perceived Stress Level
in Journalism had 3.97%, while 2.65% or a frequency
of four came from Bachelor of Arts in English
Language and Bachelor of Science in Legal
The obtained weighted mean in terms of the perceived
What is the level of burnout of the respondents?
stress level indicates that the students have a moderate
level of perceived stress, with a weighted mean of
Table 7. Weighted Mean of the Respondents’ Level of
25.48. This suggests that the respondents are
experiencing some level of stress in their lives, but it is
not at a level that is considered high or overwhelming.
This approach suggests that a person's appraisal of
environmental events is based on their own values and
resources, and they react psychologically,
The obtained weighted mean in terms of burnout level behaviorally, and biologically. Events are considered
indicates that the students have a high level of burnout, stressful when their demands outweigh the person's
with a weighted mean of 3.89. This suggests that the available resources. This means that an event is only
respondents are experiencing significant levels of considered stressful if it exceeds a person's ability to
physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion, as well as cope with it effectively (Malik & Javed, 2021).
feelings of cynicism and detachment from their
studies. Thus, other characteristics that may precede a What is the general online disinhibition of the
condition of burnout include feeling anxious during respondents?
exams, having poor social and cognitive abilities,
having low prospects for academic success, and having Table 9. Weighted Mean of the Respondents’ Online
less motivation or satisfaction with the studies. It is Disinhibition
important to address this high level of burnout and
provide support and resources to help individuals
manage their stress and prevent burnout from
impacting their well-being and academic performance
(Salgado & Au-Yong-Oliveira, 2021).

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Research Article

The obtained weighted mean in terms of the perceived The results confirmed that the demographic profile of
stress level indicates that the students have a moderate the respondents in terms of age, sex, socioeconomic
level of online disinhibition among the respondents. status, year level, and parental status does not
This suggests that the respondents exhibit some degree influence the burnout of college students. In some
of disinhibited behavior when interacting online, but it studies, results of students’ burnout are shown to be
is not at a level that is considered high or extreme. In a more prevalent in adolescence which is also linked
similar study of Ellison et al. (2016), social media with school engagement. The burnout experienced by
platforms enable interactions with peers, family, and students, especially at the time of the COVID-19
colleagues. Adolescents gain social validation, pandemic, and the shifting of learning from the face-
emotional support, and more opportunities for self- to-face to online modality, students have encountered
definition and identity formation from meaningful peer psychological wellness issues. Furthermore, in a
relationships that are mostly from cyberspace. similar study, people who experienced serious burnout
were bound to feel that they had deficient rest, feel
Students' use of social media is unquestionably rising, conflicted with work and individual time which
driven by the pandemic such as isolation, quarantine, resulted in the demographics, education, and clinical
and lockdown, hence, the post-pandemic rush was also experience not significantly different between people
apparent in the use of multiple social media platforms with and without severe burnout (Ho & Kwek, 2021).
for education and communication methods. Even
though social media has made it easier to share ideas Aligned to the study of Salgado and Au-Yong (2021),
and feelings, it's possible that the social support it they stated that age when grouped into two categories
provides doesn't meet the emotional needs of students "18 to 25 years" and "26 years or more", they conclude
or doesn't last long, thus, the potential benefits and that there was no significant difference in the levels of
drawbacks of the widespread use of social media on burnout between men and women, indicating that sex
students' emotional well-being is also presented to does not play a role in influencing burnout levels and
have a consequence due to the reliance of students to that this age groups indicates that students aged 18 to
social media usage on a daily basis. 25 did not have higher levels of burnout compared to
those aged 26 or older.
Is there a significant difference between the level of
burnout, level of stress, and online disinhibition of The findings are in contrary to the study by Fiorilli et
the respondents when grouped according to their al. (2017) which found that as adolescents age, their
age, sex, socioeconomic status, year level, and experience of school burnout also increases.
parental status.
Table 11. Chi-square Value Obtained on the
Table 10. Chi-square Value Obtained on the Respondents’ Demographic and Perceived Stress
Respondents’ Demographic and Burnout Level

Based on the chi-square values obtained by the

Similarly, values obtained from the respondents’
respondents’ age, sex, socioeconomic status, year
demographic and perceived stress level are found to
level, and parental status which are significantly less
have no significant difference as the chi-square values
than the critical values, the null hypothesis that the
obtained are less than the critical values at 0.05 level
demographic profile has no significant difference with
of significance, therefore the researchers accept the
burnout is thus proven with 95% confidence, therefore
null hypothesis of no significant difference between
the researchers accept the null hypothesis of no
the respondents’ demographic profile and perceived
significant difference between the respondents’
demographic profile and burnout.

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Research Article

The results confirmed that the demographic profile of

the respondents as to their age, sex, socioeconomic no significant difference between the respondents’
status, year level, and parental status does not demographic profile and perceived stress. The results
influence the perceived stress level of college students. confirmed that the demographic profile of the
In the study of Maghout et al. (2010), they concluded respondents as to their age, sex, socioeconomic status,
that age was negatively related to stress, but this year level, and parental status does not influence the
relationship was weakened after including the lifestyle online disinhibition of college students. It could be
block such as exercise, social support, sleep, and implied from the table that the demographics do not
recovery. The result found no significant associations significantly affect online disinhibition at a 95%
between gender, race, marital status, BMI, and confidence level. Although there are no theoretically
exercise with stress levels. Education was positively valid measures of online disinhibition, also known as
related to stress, with those who attended some college the experience of diminishing constraints, while
or a technical school reporting the highest levels of online, this construct has significant effects on
stress. Furthermore, they concluded that good social behavior (Stuart & Scott, 2021).
support, quality sleep, and recovery were found to be
associated with lower levels of stress. The lifestyle Albeit, in the study of Dvoryyanchikov et al. (2020),
block also affected the relationship between the increasing use of internet technologies, particularly
employment and stress, as well as the relationship in adolescent and youth circles, has led to significant
between education and stress. changes in communication processes, power
relationships, and communication standards.
Supported by the study of Lau et al. (2022), the
Anonymity and freedom in constructing and
findings showed that age had no significant impact on
modifying identities have resulted in some negative
participants' perceptions of stress. Contrary to the
consequences, such as disinhibition behavior which is
study of Persaud and Persaud (2015), student stress
associated with deviant behavior and violation of
may be significantly influenced by age and maturity
social norms.
and found that age and maturity tend to lessen social
anxiety, which is a major stressor for young incoming Is there a significant relationship between the level
university students. Moreover, the transition from high
of burnout, level of stress, and the respondents’
school to tertiary education is quite stressful, hence,
online disinhibition?
undergraduates might have various types of stressors
such as life and work issues. Similarly, according to
Table 13. Correlation Analysis of Burnout, Perceived
Jackson et al. (2022), women were more likely to
report experience of stress than men. Women also Stress, and Online Disinhibition
reported a greater need to limit commitments, exercise,
and worry less as strategies to reduce stress. The main
reasons reported for not reducing stress were a lack of
time and self-discipline, with women reporting these
reasons more often than men.
In reference to Table 13 in analyzing the relationship
Table 12. Chi-square Value Obtained on the among the variables explored in the study, the value of
Respondents’ Demographic and Online Disinhibition burnout is positively correlated to perceived stress
with a 0.63 correlational value or r-value. Moreover,
burnout to online disinhibition with positively weak to
almost no correlation with an r-value of 0.05. Thus,
perceived stress to online disinhibition with a positive
weak correlation to almost no correlation with an r-
value of 0.08. Therefore, the researchers accept the
null hypothesis of no significant relationship between
burnout, perceived stress, and online disinhibition,
thus, with the researchers’ hypothesis, the relationship
Looking at the obtained chi-square values of the between perceived burnout and online disinhibition, as
demographics, the values are significantly less than the well as stress and online disinhibition, proved that the
critical level with a 0.05 level of significance. hypothesis is correct. However, for the perceived
Therefore, the researchers accept the null hypothesis of stress and online disinhibition, the alternative

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Research Article

hypothesis was proved as the variables have a positive among the variables explored in the study, particularly
moderate correlation, hence, it can contribute to burnout, is positively correlated to perceived stress
burnout and perceived stress, but it is not almost with a 0.63 correlational value or r-value. Moreover,
always true since the result was deemed to have a burnout to online disinhibition with positively weak to
moderate relationship. As a result, it would be better if almost no correlation with an r-value of 0.05. Thus,
other contributors to burnout aside from perceived perceived stress to disinhibition with a positive weak
stress were explored. correlation to almost no correlation with an r r-value of
0.08. Aligned in a study by Wu et al. (2022), college
According to Devebakan (2019), sociodemographic students’ burnout was affected by their Family
factors like gender, marital status, and education level Socioeconomic Status (FSES), and this relationship
did not show a statistically significant difference in the was partially mediated by subjective well-being. The
scores for stress and burnout. Moreover, stress was results supported the family stress model, which
viewed as emphatically related with close to home suggests that high FSES students are more likely to
fatigue and depersonalization. Furthermore, experience positive life satisfaction and emotions,
depersonalization and individual achievement therefore engaged in learning and achievement.
subscales were fundamentally prescient of stress. Therefore, while low FSES has a negative impact on
college students' burnout, they can improve their well-
being to reduce the level of burnout they experience.
Thus, in the study of Jagodics (2022), he concluded
that burnout of students has negative effects like lower
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted numerous engagement, performance, and motivation, which can
countries with their daily routine and daily activities make students drop out and decrease productivity on
being halted and changed abruptly. The lockdown school responsibilities.
quarantine in the Philippines has forced traditional
face-to-face college classes to be taken online. Due to Furthermore, the null hypothesis proved that there is
the constant feeling of isolation and the lack of no significant relationship between perceived stress
interaction with other students and teachers, the abrupt and the demographic; age (p = 0.65 ≤ 23.69), sex (p =
switch to online classes resulted to psychological 0.82 ≤ 5.99), socioeconomic status (p = 0.16 ≤ 9.49),
effects on college students. Thus, emotional wellness year level (p = 0.22 ≤ 12.59), parental status (p = 0.16
status and social media engagement also affect mental ≤ 9.49), therefore the decision is to accept the null
health and psychological well-being (Lim et al., 2022). hypothesis. And lastly, the null hypothesis proved that
Moreover, the researchers have observed that burnout, there is no significant relationship between online
stress, and online disinhibition to their batchmates, as disinhibition and the demographic; age (p = 0.16 ≤
well as struggle, were evident not just with the 41.33), sex (p = 0.38 ≤ 9.49), socioeconomic status (p
academic responsibilities, making ends meet in their = 0.34 ≤ 15.51), year level (p = 0.13 ≤ 21.03), parental
family, and maintaining healthy mental health, but status (p = 0.39 ≤ 9.49), therefore the decision is to
even the adjusting to the sudden transition of online accept the null hypothesis. Aligned in the study of
setup. This inspired and motivated the researchers to Khan (2018), he concluded that there was a non-
find a way to explore and alleviate burnout, stress, and significant difference in perceived stress scale scores
online disinhibition among the College of Arts and among students when stress was measured at the
Sciences students. beginning and at the end of the semester, hence,
students who perceived stress in a negative or
The current study explored the relationship between excessive way are more likely to experience mental
burnout, perceived stress, and online disinhibition of and physical impairment.
one hundred fifty-one (n = 151) College of Arts and
Sciences students at the University of the East – Additionally, the significant relationship between
Manila. The respondents willingly participated in the burnout is positively correlated to perceived stress
study and answered the survey. Additionally, the null with a 0.625 correlational value or r-value. While
hypothesis proved that there is no significant perceived stress to online disinhibition is positively
relationship between burnout and the demographic; weak to almost no correlation with an r-value of 0.047.
age (p = 0.52 ≤ 41.33), sex (p = 0.34 ≤ 9.49), And perceived stress to online disinhibition with a
socioeconomic status (p = 0.54 ≤ 15.51), year level (p positive weak correlation to almost no correlation with
= 0.20 ≤ 21.03), parental status (p = 0.94 ≤ 15.51), an r-value of 0.077. The study of Billieux et al. (2020),
therefore the decision is to accept the null hypothesis. they authors concluded that higher levels of screen
Moreover, the results showed that the relationship time among students would be associated with

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