Suggestion and Offer

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Suggest and Offer

Suggest (verb) : aktivitas untuk memberi pendapat, saran atau nasehat kepada orang lain sebagai
bahan pertimbangan seseorang dalam membuat keputusan.

Contoh Ungkapan yang biasa digunakan

Asking Suggest Giving Suggest Accepting Suggest Declining Suggest
Shall we go home You could go home Sounds great. Maybe some other
early? early. Sound good to me. time.
What shall I say to She could apologize That’s a good idea. I’d better not.
my parents? to make situation Let’s do that. I don’t think it’s a
What should I do? better. good idea.
Do you have any You might tell your I’m not sute about
suggestion? problem to your that.
What do you parent.
recommend? You should see the
What do you doctor.
suggest? Why don’t you
What ought I to do? search on the internet
about your task.
What about visiting
grandma’s house this
I suggest you to come
early for meeting
You need to change
your sleeping habits.

Offer (verb): menawarkan bantuan berupa barang atau jasa kepada seseorang.

Contoh Ungkapan yang biasa digunakan

Giving Offer Accepting Offer Declining Offer
May I help you? Yes, I’d love to. Thank you for your kindness,
Shall I bring you some tea? Sure, thank you. but I can handle it.
Can I take you home? That’s very kind of you. I’m sorry I can’t.
What do you want to drink, a That would be very nice. Thank you, but I’m not
cup of coffee or tea? hungry.
What can I do for you? No, but thank you for the
Do you want more coffee? offer.
Would you like a glass of Don’t worry I will do it by
lemon juice? myself.
Would you like to go to
cinema with me?
Conversation about asking and giving suggest
Ronny : Doctor, what is the best way to stay healthy?
Doctor : Having a good diet is probably the most important thing.
Ronny : it is very confusing to know what to eat.
Doctor : You need plenty of fruits and vegetables, small amounts of protein, and whole grains.
Ronny : Are there certain things that I should avoid? ((ASKING SUGGEST))
Doctor : You shouldn’t consume too much sugar and caffeine. Also, watch your intake of fatty food.
Ronny : After watching my diet, what else should I do? ((ASKING SUGGEST))
Doctor : You need to stop smoking, and make sure that you get 30 minutes of exercise everyday.

Conversation about giving offer

Jessi : Come on Dean, have a seat here.
Dean : Thank you Jess. What a very convenient house.
Jessi : Thanks Dean. So, what do you want to drink, a cup of coffee or tea? ((GIVING OFFER))
Dean : I’d like a cup of coffee please.
Jessi : With sugar or not? ((GIVING OFFER))
Dean : Without sugar, please. I don’t really like sweet.
Jessi : Wait a minute, Dean.
Dean : Thanks.

See you next meeting

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