DLL - Math 7

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LOG Teaching Dates and Time November 13-17, 2023 Quarter 2



The learner demonstrates understanding of the key concepts of measurement.

A. Content Standards

The learner is able to is able to formulate real-life problems involving measurements and solve these using a variety of strategies.
B. Performance standards

a. Describe what it a. Describe what it

means to measure and means to measure and
a. Describe what it means
a. Describe what it approximate measures approximate the
to measure and
means to measure of weight/mass measures of volume
approximate lengths
a. Be able to familiarize the b. Identify the b. Convert weight/mass b. Convert volume
b. Convert length
history of measurement development of measurement s from measurements from
measurement from one
b. Be able to give the correct measurement from the one unit to another one unit to another
C. Learning unit to another.
spelling of the words related primitive to the present including the English including the English
Competencies/Objectives c. Appreciate the
to Measurement International system of system. system.
importance of
c. Be able to pronounce the unit c. Appreciate the c. Appreciate the
words correctly c. Apply accurate importance of importance of
approximation and
measurement in daily estimation/ estimation/
measurements in
life situation approximation and approximation and
everyday life
measurements in measurements in
everyday life everyday life

II. CONTENT Reading Assessment Measurement Measuring Length Measuring weight/mass Measuring Volume


Integrated Math for First Year

1. Teacher's Guide pages
page 2-3
2. Learner's Materials
3. Module pages

Let the students identify Identify the most realistic Estimate the capacity of
the following pictures and unit of measure for each of each object. Encircle your
describe how it can be the following: answer
A. Reviewing precious Let the students read the article used for measurement 1. size of your waistline
lesson or presenting the about the history of 2. length of Olympic pool Review pf past lesson
new lesson measurement 3. distance from Manila to
4. thickness of book
5. height of flagpole
Let the students do the
following and write their
answers on the
Estimate first. Record the
notebook.a. Measure the
object’s estimation, actual
length and width of your Activity A. Choose the Do you like to measure
measurement and their
Math book using your most appropriate things? Why?What do
difference on the table
thumb’s width and the instrument to use in you normally measure?
B. Establishing a purpose Let the students answer the below. Use centimetre and
rulerb. Measure the measuring the weights of What satisfaction do you
for the new lesson questions about the article.. inch.Object1. Length of the
length of your classroom the given objects. For the get in knowing the
classroom2. Height of the
using foot length and weight, check (√) only one correct measurement of
door3. Length of a chalk4.
meter stickc. Compare of the given units. things?
Length of shoe5. Height of
your measurement with
those of your classmate
(at least 3) and write your
Volume is the amount of
Metric System Conversion
Based from the activity, space an object contains
To convert smaller unit to
answer the following or occupies. It is often
larger unit move to the
questions: measured in terms of
1. Did you experience cubic centimeters (cm3)
C. Presenting The teacher will let the * The teacher will discuss 1. Change 465 cg to dkg
difficulty when you were and cubic meter (m3).
examples/instances of the students spell the words how to convert metric 465 cg = 0.465 dkg
doing the actual Capacity is used with
new lesson correctly. conversion. To convert larger unit to
measuring? liquids and is often
smaller unit move to the
2. What have you noticed measured in terms of
on your results and of liter (L), milliliter (mL),
2. Change 7.95 kg to g
your classmates? depending on the
7.95 kg =7 950 g
amount to be measured.
The length of a foot, the
width of a finger and the
distance of a step were all
accepted measurements. Convert the following to
Change the following to
Primitive ways of Convert the following using the indicated measures.
The teacher will give the correct the indicated unit.
measurements: the metric converter. 1. 459 mL = _____ L
D. Discussing new spelling of the words. 1. 21 g = _______ mg
1. Inch 1. 7 m to dam 2. 0.375 L = _____ mL
concepts and practicing 1. counters 2. 2.8 kg= _______ g
2. Hand 2. 9 km to m 3. 396 L = _____ kL
new skills #1 2. scales 3. 9768 g= _______ kg
3. Span 3. 752 cm to mm 4. 36 000 mm3= _____
3. meters 4. 2340 mg=______ hg
4. Foot 4. 57.3 m to mm dm3
5. 0.553 kg =_____ mg
5. Yard 5. 1 gal = _____ pt
6. Cubit
7. Lick
8. Pace
Match each term with its
meaning. Write the letter
of your answer.
____1. The metric unit
used for length
____2. The thickness or
Convert the following
width of the index finger Convert the following A. Convert the following:
measures of length
The teacher will give the correct ____3. The distance of measurements
E. Developing mastery pronunciation of the words. one full step 1. 9.56 kg = ______ dg 1. 500 mL = _____ dL
1. 36 in = ________ ft
(leads to Formative 1. cubit ____4. A hundred meters 2. 654.3 dg = ______ g 2. 10 cm3 = _____ mm3
2. 21 ft = ________ yd
Assessment 3) 2. quart ____5. The distance from 3. 9.268 mg = ____ cg 3. 120 oz = ______ qt
3. 3 yd = ________ in
3. length the elbow to the fingertips 4. 3.54 kg = ______ hg 4. 3 ft3 = ______ in3
4. 3 mi = ________ft
5. 455 g =_______ kg 5. 150 m3 = ______ ft3
5. 6 ft = ________ in
f. hand span
F. Finding practical The students will pronounce Use your span, palm and Solve the following:1. Problem Solving1. The Answer each of the ff.1.
applications of concepts the given words related to digit measures to estimate Gemma bought a 60 cm mass of one sachet of Find the volume of
and skills in daily living measurement. each length in inches.1. ribbon to accentuate her coffee is 0.005 kilograms. balikbayan box with side
1. area The length of your Math curtain but she needs to What is its equivalent net length of 1 m. Convert
2. volume notebook2. The length of convert it in inches. How weight in grams? into ft3.2. Estimate the
3. weight your classroom long is it in inch? capacity of a cylindrical
blackboard3. The length kiddie pool in cubic
centimetres which is 2 ft
of your teacher’s table4.
high and 3 ft in
The height of your chair
G. Making generalizations Let some students generalized * Let some students * Let some students * Let some students * Let some students
and abstractions about of what they learned about the generalized of what they generalized of what they generalized of what they generalized of what they
the lesson spelling of the words. learned about the lesson. learned about the lesson. learned about the lesson. learned about the lesson.
Tell what metric unit of
measure is appropriate in
measuring the following: Compare each pair of Solve these problems.
Spelling Bee: 9. The height of your measurements using <, > or 1. A boy weighing 27.6 Solve.
1. digit mother =. kilograms sits on one end A swimming pool in a
2. quart 10. The length of your 1. 1 m ___ 10 dm of the seesaw. How many park is 20 m wide, 30 m
H. Evaluating learning
3. acre ballpen 2. 1 dm ___ 1 dam grams should another boy long, and 4 m deep.
4. ampere 11. The distance of your 3. 5 ft ____ 60 in weigh if he is to balance What is the capacity of
5. kilogram home from your school 4. 2 000 cm ____2 m the first boy on the the pool in liter?
12. The length of a book 5. 1 mi _____ 2 km opposite end?
13. The thickness of this
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:


Name of Teacher Department Chairman School Principal II

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