Ujjwal Project
Ujjwal Project
Ujjwal Project
Ujjwal Giri (076MSDRM020)
April, 2023
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The undersigned certify that they have read, and recommended to the Institute of
Engineering for acceptance, a Project report entitled "Multi-Hazard Mapping of
Chandragiri Municipality, Kathmandu, Nepal" submitted by Ujjwal Giri in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Disaster Risk Management.
Supervisor, Basanta Raj Adhikari, PhD
Program Coordinator, M.Sc. in Disaster Risk
Department of Civil Engineering, Pulchowk Campus
Supervisor, Sangeeta Singh, PhD
Professor, M.Sc. in Disaster Risk Management
Department of Civil Engineering, Pulchowk Campus
Program Coordinator, Basanta Raj Adhikari, PhD
M.Sc. in Disaster Risk Management
Department of Civil Engineering, Pulchowk Campus
Date: September, 2022
The purpose of this Project report is to conduct a Multi-Hazard Mapping of Chandragiri
Municipality, Kathmandu, Nepal using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method.
The study focuses on identifying the potential hazards that the municipality may face
and the relative importance of each hazard. The hazards considered in this study include
earthquake, landslide, flood, and fire.
To achieve the objectives of the study, data were collected from various sources,
including government agencies, academic literature, and expert opinions. The AHP
method was used to analyze the data and to identify the relative importance of each
hazard. The results of the analysis provide a comprehensive understanding of the
potential hazards that the municipality may face and the relative importance of each
The findings of the study suggest that earthquake is the most critical hazard that the
municipality may face, followed by landslide, flood, and fire. The study also identifies
several factors that contribute to the vulnerability of the municipality to these hazards,
including population density, infrastructure, and land use patterns.
Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the potential hazards that Chandragiri
Municipality may face and the relative importance of each hazard. The findings of this
study can be used to develop effective disaster management plans and strategies to
mitigate the impact of these hazards on the municipality and its residents.
COPYRIGHT ................................................................................................................. 2
ABSTRACT................................................................................................................... 4
Acknowledgement ......................................................................................................... 5
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................... 6
LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................... 9
LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................... 9
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................... 11
CHAPTER 1: Introduction .................................................................................... 12
1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 12
1.2 Need and Importance of the Study ................................................................ 14
1.3 Problem Statement ........................................................................................ 15
1.4 Research Purpose .......................................................................................... 16
1.4.1 Objectives .............................................................................................. 16
1.4.2 Research Questions ................................................................................ 16
1.4.3 Validity of Research .............................................................................. 16
1.5 Limitations of Study ...................................................................................... 17
CHAPTER 2: Literature Review ........................................................................... 18
2.1 Hazards .......................................................................................................... 18
2.2 Chandragiri Municipality and Hazards ......................................................... 18
2.3 Major Hazards in Chandragiri Municipality ................................................. 20
2.3.1 Earthquake Hazard ................................................................................. 20
2.3.2 Fire Hazard............................................................................................. 21
2.3.3 Landslide Hazard ................................................................................... 22
2.3.4 Flood Hazard .......................................................................................... 23
2.4 Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment ..................................................................... 24
2.5 Heuristic Approach ....................................................................................... 25
2.6 Influencing Factors ........................................................................................ 25
2.6.1 Distance from a fault .............................................................................. 26
2.6.2 Slope ...................................................................................................... 27
2.6.3 Aspect .................................................................................................... 28
Table 1; Disaster events from 1971-2016. (Nepal desinventar database,2016, cited in
Buddhi Raj Shrestha,2019) .................................................................................. 14
Table 2; Table for Random Consistency Index (Satty, 1987, pg. 172) ....................... 51
Table 3: Summary of Type and Source of Data .......................................................... 57
Table 4: Data layer source for different hazard assessment ........................................ 58
Table 5: factors considered for the landslide hazard assessment, their classes and their
ratings. .................................................................................................................. 59
Table 6: Pair-wise comparisons, weighting coefficients of each adopted factor in
landslide hazard evaluation, and the estimated CR value. ................................... 60
Table 7: Factors Considered in the flood hazard assessment, their classes, and their
ratings ................................................................................................................... 61
Table 8: Pair-wise comparisons, weighting coefficients of each adopted factor in
Flood hazard evaluation, and the estimated CR value. ........................................ 62
Table 9: Factors Considered in the fire hazard assessment, their classes, and their
ratings ................................................................................................................... 63
Table 10: Pair-wise comparisons, weighting coefficients of each adopted factor in Fire
hazard evaluation, and the estimated CR value. .................................................. 64
Table 11: Factors Considered in Earthquake Hazard mapping, their classes and
Assessment ........................................................................................................... 65
Table 12: Pair-wise comparisons, weighting coefficients of each adopted factor in Fire
hazard evaluation, and the estimated CR value. .................................................. 66
Table 13: Pair-wise comparisons, weighting coefficients of each adopted factor in
multi-hazard evaluation, and the estimated CR value. ........................................ 68
Figure 1; Chandragiri Municipality Map. (Department of Forrest Research and
Survey,2015, Pg 55) ............................................................................................. 13
Figure 2:Matatirtha Landslide (Ranjan Kumar Dahal, 2006, Pg 03) & Balambu Flood
(Local People) ...................................................................................................... 15
Figure 3:Distance from Fault Map of Chandragiri Municipality................................. 26
Figure 4: Slope Map of Chandragiri Municipality ...................................................... 27
Figure 5: Aspect Map of Chandragiri Municipality .................................................... 28
Figure 6: Profile Curvature Map of Chandragiri Municipality .................................... 29
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CHAPTER 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction
Hazard is defined as “A dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or condition
that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of
livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption or environmental damage” by
UNSIDR (UNISDR, 2015). Flood, landslide, Earthquake, Fire, Epidemic, Storms etc.
are some of the examples of hazards. When the people, infrastructure or environment
are susceptible to the damaging effects of the hazard they are said to be vulnerable.
When these vulnerable elements are affected by hazards the disaster occurs. Disasters
involve a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society involving
widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses and impacts, which
exceed the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources
(UNISDR, 2015).
The hazards can be natural (e.g., Earthquake, storm, flood etc.) or man-made (e.g., Fire,
Accidents etc.) and can occur independent of each other, at a same time or one after
another. In most of the cases one form of hazard is accompanied by another for
example, The earthquake causes tsunami in costal places such as Japan, Flood tend to
cause epidemic of dysentery and diarrhea. Thus, single hazard maps independent of
other may not be sufficient to provide necessary amount of information needed for
preparedness, mitigation, and recovery, reconstruction and rehabilitation planning.
According to UNDRR [1], the multi-hazard concept refers to “(1) the selection of
multiple major hazards that the country faces, and (2) the specific contexts where
hazardous events may occur simultaneously, cascading or cumulatively over time, and
taking into account the potential interrelated effects.” To the best of author’s
knowledge, a multi-Hazard assessment is must; to provide the whole picture of an area
regarding hazard scenarios. A composite probabilistic map depicting what, where, and
what magnitude hazard may occur i.e., multi-hazard map can be a major tool for the
local level planers in fight to save life, property, and environment from hazard.
Situated on the south-western region of Kathmandu valley the Chandragiri municipality
is surrounded by Kritipur, Dhunibeshi, Nagarjun and Dakshinkali municipalities
respectively on it’s east, west, north, and south. Formed by merging 11 VDCs of south-
western Kathmandu namely; Purano Naikap, Bhanjyang, Naya Naikap, Thankot,
Mahadevsthan, Matatirtha, Machhegaun, Balambu, Dahachowk, Tinthana, and
Satungal (See fig-01) in 2nd December 2014, Chandragiri municipality has a population
85,198 as of Central Bureau of Survey Census-2068. The population is increasing due
to its proximity to Kathmandu Metropolitan City and accessible transportation linkage.
Chandragiri municipality has predominantly hilly terrain, mild climate subtropical
climate zone (1000 to 2000) m and lies on Midland Region, which is tectonic basin of
the sub-Himalayas. Balkhu, Daudali and Ghatte khola are major rivers of this
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Although various hazard occurs throughout the word, developing countries and
especially growing urban areas of such suffer much more due to severe crippling effect
to the community from disasters. Poorly planned, overpopulated, and newly growing
municipalities like Chandragiri are in huge risk of disaster. Chandragiri is a growing
municipality and gateway to Kathmandu valley and due to growing migration of about
600 households per year, there have been huge amount of land purchase and sell in the
municipality leading to haphazard land plotting and building construction. A proper
land use planning done with multi-Hazard perspective is must for the safe and
prosperous municipality. Thus, a multi-Hazard assessment of the municipality is must.
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Table 1; Disaster events from 1971-2016. (Nepal desinventar database,2016, cited in Buddhi Raj
The 2015 Gorkha earthquake that killed 9708 peoples also had a huge impact on
Chandragiri municipality with 28 fatalities, 2500 injuries and 4481 houses destroyed.
Every year floods at Balkhu, Daudali and Ghatte khola and tributaries induate hectares
of land near the bank, during monsoon. The Chandragiri municipality is made up of
hills and hillocks, putting it at risk of landslides and flooding. The 2002 single flowlike
landslide in Matatirtha (See fig-02 left) was one of the worst landslide disasters in the
municipality killing 18 inhabitants (Ranjan kumar Dahal, 2006). The issue of landslide
risk was also seen on the ward workshops. Being growing area for industrial sector and
having dense old settlements fire is also a huge risk in the municipality. The 2012 fire
at warehouse of Chaudhary Group of Industries at Satungal that claimed more than 3
billion rupees in damage is one of such examples (The Hindustan Times, 2012).
Aforementioned facts clearly indicate that Chandragiri municipality is prone to multiple
hazards with earthquake, landslide, Flood, & fire being the major ones. Studies may
have been done in past regarding only one sort of hazard, using different methods,
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giving different outcomes, restricting decision makers to take initiative and plan from
multi-Hazard perspective.
Figure 2:Matatirtha Landslide (Ranjan Kumar Dahal, 2006, Pg 03) & Balambu Flood (Local People)
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that DRRM falls under the sole authority of local government, along with shared
authority between federal, provincial and local levels. The role of local levels on
Disaster risk management is pivotal for progress of the nation.
Dealing with disasters has traditionally focused on emergency response, however as the
twentieth century progressed, it became clear that disasters are not natural (even if the
associated hazard is), and that the only way to prevent losses and mitigate disaster
impacts is to reduce and manage hazard, exposure, and vulnerability. Because we can't
change the intensity of natural disasters, the best way to decrease risk is to limit
susceptibility and exposure. The inherent drivers of risk, which are primarily related to
lower economic and urban policy and decision making and practices, environmental
degradation, economic inequality, and climate change, which create and aggravate
prerequisites of hazard, exposure, and vulnerability, must be identified and reduced in
order to reduce these two components of risk.
The identification of the hazards is the first step on Disaster Risk management. With
proper knowledge of What, where, and of what degree of hazard, a multi-hazard and
multi-sectoral, people centric DRM practice can be formed. A multi hazard assessment
is necessary for local level to prepare land use plan and conduct prevention, mitigation,
transfer, and preparedness activities for efficient, effective, and participatory Disaster
Risk management.
1.4.1 Objectives
• To Prepare Individual hazard map of Chandragiri Municipality for four
most devastating hazards namely; earthquake, landslide, Flood, & fire.
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using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). This is because the municipality is
located in a highly vulnerable area that is prone to several natural hazards, including
landslides and floods. A comprehensive multi-hazard map will provide valuable
information that can help local authorities, policymakers, and the community at large
to make informed decisions about disaster preparedness, emergency response, and land
use planning. The AHP method is a robust tool for prioritizing and weighting multiple
criteria, making it an ideal approach for conducting multi-hazard mapping. Therefore,
research on multi-hazard mapping of Chandragiri Municipality using AHP is crucial
for the safety and well-being of the community and for ensuring that the municipality
is adequately prepared to face any potential natural disasters in the future.
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maize, wheat, and vegetables being the primary crops. The municipality is also known
for its religious and cultural significance, with several temples and monasteries located
in the area, including the famous Chandragiri Temple, which is a popular tourist
The municipality has undergone rapid urbanization in recent years, with the
development of several housing projects, shopping centers, and hotels. The
municipality is well-connected to the rest of the Kathmandu Valley through several
major highways, including the Prithvi Highway, Tribhuvan Highway, and the Ring
There is limited information available on the history of disasters in Chandragiri
Municipality. However, the region is located in a seismically active area and is at risk
of earthquakes, landslides, and flooding. The 2015 earthquake in Nepal had a
significant impact on the region, causing damage to buildings and infrastructure. The
municipality was also affected by landslides triggered by the earthquake, which
disrupted transportation routes and caused casualties.
In addition, the Balkhu River a tributary to Bagmati River, which flows through the
municipality, is prone to flooding during the monsoon season. In 2019, heavy rainfall
caused flooding in several areas of the municipality, affecting local residents and
damaging infrastructure (Khatiwada, 2019). Furthermore, due to the hilly terrain, the
municipality is also at risk of landslides, which can cause significant damage to
settlements and infrastructure (Shrestha B. &., 2016). In 2020, several landslides were
reported in the municipality, including one that caused a major roadblock on the Prithvi
Highway, disrupting transportation.
Thus, Chandragiri Municipality, located in the Kathmandu Valley, is exposed to
various natural hazards due to its geographical location and topography. The region is
situated in a seismically active zone and is at risk of earthquakes. The municipality is
also prone to landslides, particularly during the monsoon season, due to the hilly terrain.
In addition, the Bagmati River, which flows through the municipality, poses a risk of
flooding during the monsoon season. Heavy rainfall in the region can lead to flash
floods and landslides, which can cause significant damage to settlements and
infrastructure. The region is also vulnerable to forest fires, which can occur due to
human activities or natural causes such as lightning strikes.
Despite its natural and cultural significance, Chandragiri Municipality faces several
challenges, including inadequate infrastructure, poor waste management, and the risk
of natural hazards. The municipality has taken several initiatives to address these
challenges, including the establishment of a Disaster Management Committee and the
development of a Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (Department of Urban
Development and Building Construction Babar Mahal, Kathmandu, 2020).
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as one of the hazards in the study. The study aims to assess the multi-hazard risk in the
municipality and proposes appropriate measures to mitigate these risks. The study uses
the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to determine the relative importance
of each hazard and assess the risk posed by each hazard, including the earthquake
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fire stations and the inadequate firefighting equipment available in the municipality
poses a challenge in controlling and preventing fires (Chandragiri Municipality, 2021).
In the context of the Project eportr, understanding the fire hazard in Chandragiri is
crucial for developing effective disaster risk reduction and management strategies.
Identifying the factors contributing to fire incidents can assist in implementing
appropriate mitigation measures, such as improving electrical wiring systems,
increasing public awareness, and conducting regular fire drills. The identification of
high-risk areas can also aid in the prioritization of firefighting equipment and personnel
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Lithology, Annual precipitation, and Elevation are expected to have influence on flood
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such as rock types, structure, and weathering play a crucial role in determining the
stability of slopes and the occurrence of landslides.
Environmental factors such as rainfall, temperature, and elevation also play a
significant role in influencing the occurrence and intensity of landslides and floods in
the municipality. The amount and intensity of rainfall can trigger landslides and cause
flooding, especially in areas with poor drainage systems. Anthropogenic factors such
as land use changes, deforestation, urbanization, and road construction can also increase
the risk of landslides and floods. The expansion of urban areas and construction of
buildings, roads, and other infrastructure on steep slopes and unstable terrain can
destabilize the land and trigger landslides. Deforestation and changes in land use can
alter the natural drainage patterns, leading to an increased risk of flooding.
The multi-hazard assessment of Chandragiri Municipality using a heuristic approach
identifies various physical, environmental, and anthropogenic factors that contribute to
different hazards in the municipality. Understanding these factors is critical in
developing effective risk reduction strategies and enhancing community resilience to
natural disasters. The factors included in this research are as below:
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In the case of landslides, distance from a fault can impact the geological stability of a
slope. If a slope is located near an active fault, it may experience repeated ground
shaking, which can weaken the slope and increase the likelihood of landslides.
Additionally, fault rupture can cause ground displacement and create new topographic
features that may increase the likelihood of landslides (Bhandary, 2016). Similarly,
distance from a fault can influence the occurrence and intensity of earthquakes. Areas
located near faults are more prone to experiencing strong ground shaking and other
associated earthquake hazards, such as liquefaction and landslides. The distance from
a fault can also impact the intensity of ground shaking, with areas closer to a fault
experiencing stronger shaking than areas further away. The distance from fault is not
considered for Fire & Flood Hazard as it has negligible influence on those (See fig 3).
2.6.2 Slope
Slope is one of the most important factors influencing natural hazards such as
landslides, floods, and earthquakes. Slope refers to the steepness of a land surface, and
it can significantly impact the potential for natural hazards to occur.
In terms of landslides, steep slopes are more prone to slope failure as they exert a greater
gravitational pull on the materials that make up the slope. The steeper the slope, the
greater the force of gravity on the material, which can cause the slope to become
unstable and eventually fail. Additionally, the angle of the slope affects the type of
landslides that can occur, with shallow landslides more common on gentler slopes and
deep-seated landslides on steeper slopes (Bhandary, 2016).
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In the case of floods, slope can impact the speed and volume of water flowing
downstream. Steep slopes can cause water to flow faster and more forcefully, which
can increase the risk of flash floods and debris flows. On the other hand, flat or gently
sloping terrain can cause water to accumulate in one place, increasing the risk of
flooding (Khatiwada, 2019).
In terms of earthquakes, slope can influence the severity and extent of damage caused
by ground shaking. Steep slopes can amplify ground shaking, causing more damage to
structures and infrastructure. Additionally, steep slopes can be prone to rockfalls and
landslides triggered by earthquakes, which can cause further damage and block
transportation routes (Rajesh Khatakho, 2021). The slope is not considered for Fire as
it has negligible influence on it (See Fig: 4 for Slope Map of Chandragiri Municipality).
2.6.3 Aspect
Aspect is defined as the direction of the slope or the direction towards which a particular
slope is facing. It plays a significant role in influencing the likelihood of landslides in
an area. The aspect of a slope determines the amount of solar radiation received and
affects the distribution of soil moisture. The orientation of a slope towards the sun can
increase the potential for landslides, as more sunlight causes more melting of snow and
ice, leading to increased water content in the soil, which can reduce slope stability
(Bhandary, 2016).
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In the case of Chandragiri Municipality, the aspect of slopes can be a contributing factor
to landslides, as the area is characterized by a rugged topography with varying slopes
and aspects. Slopes facing the south receive more sunlight and are more prone to
melting, leading to increased soil moisture content and decreased stability, which can
result in landslides. On the other hand, slopes facing the north receive less sunlight and
are more likely to retain snow and ice, leading to higher water content and decreased
stability (See fig:5 for Aspect Map of Chandragiri Municipality).
The influence of aspect on landslides can be seen in the distribution of landslides in the
area. Slopes facing the south are more prone to landslides than slopes facing the north.
This can be seen in the landslide distribution maps produced for Chandragiri
Municipality, which show a higher concentration of landslides on slopes facing the
south. The Aspect is not considered for Fire, Earthquake & Flood Hazard as it has
negligible influence on those (Shrestha D. D., 2017).
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In landslide risk assessment, profile curvature is used to identify areas with high
landslide susceptibility. Areas with a high positive profile curvature are more likely to
experience landslides. Moreover, research has shown that the slope angle and profile
curvature can act together as a triggering factor for landslides. Therefore, when
assessing landslide hazards, it is essential to take into account the profile curvature of
the terrain. Terrain with high positive curvature should be closely monitored, and
measures such as slope stabilization and drainage management should be implemented
to reduce the risk of landslides. The Profile Curvature is not considered for Fire,
Earthquake & Flood Hazard as it has negligible influence on those (Shrestha D. D.,
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Similarly, the distance from the stream also plays a crucial role in landslide hazard
assessment. A study by Bhandary et al. (2016) found that slopes within 50 meters of a
stream were at a higher risk of landslides than those further away. The study also found
that slopes facing the stream were more vulnerable to landslides than those facing away
(Bhandary, 2016).
2.6.6 LULC
Land Use Land Cover (LULC) is an essential factor that influences natural disasters
such as landslides, floods, fires, and earthquakes. LULC changes refer to modifications
in the physical characteristics of land due to human activities. The changes in LULC
can increase the likelihood of natural disasters and their severity.
LULC changes can result in several consequences for landslides. Human activities such
as road construction, mining, and urbanization can alter the natural slope of the land,
making it unstable and more prone to landslides. Deforestation and the conversion of
forests to agricultural lands can also increase the risk of landslides. The removal of trees
and other vegetation can reduce soil cohesion, leading to erosion and landslides.
Furthermore, urbanization in hill areas, such as Kathmandu valley, may also result in
artificial slope created by cut and fill operation, which is prone to landslide during
rainfall events (Bhandary, 2016).
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In terms of floods, changes in LULC can modify the natural water cycle, which can
lead to flooding. Urbanization and deforestation can increase the amount of runoff and
reduce the infiltration capacity of soil, resulting in the rapid movement of water and
flooding downstream. Similarly, agricultural activities can increase the sediment load
in rivers, which can cause riverbed aggradation and subsequent flooding. Therefore, it
is important to consider the impact of LULC changes on flood risk (Khatiwada, 2019).
LULC changes can also have a significant impact on the risk of fire. For example,
deforestation and the conversion of forested land to agricultural land can increase the
availability of fuel for fires, leading to a higher frequency and intensity of fires.
Urbanization can also increase the risk of fire by reducing the availability of water and
increasing the proximity of flammable materials to heat sources (Kumar A. M., 2017)
Finally, LULC changes can also influence the occurrence and severity of earthquakes.
Urbanization and infrastructure development can lead to changes in the stress
distribution of the earth's crust, which can trigger earthquakes. Additionally, changes
in groundwater levels due to irrigation or water extraction can affect the stability of soil
layers and contribute to seismic activity (Kumar S. S., 2018)
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In terms of landslides, the type of rock and soil present can affect the stability of the
land. For example, loose and poorly compacted soil types, such as clay and silt, are
more prone to landslides than solid rock. In areas with high amounts of volcanic ash or
other weak and unconsolidated sediments, landslides can occur more frequently, as the
soil can easily become saturated with water (Bhandary, 2016).
Similarly, the lithology of an area can also impact the occurrence of floods. For
example, areas with impermeable rock or soil types, such as clay or shale, are more
likely to experience flooding because water cannot infiltrate the ground easily. On the
other hand, areas with permeable rock or soil types, such as sandstone or gravel, can
absorb more water, reducing the risk of flooding (Khatiwada, 2019).
In terms of fires, the type of vegetation that grows in a given area is closely related to
the underlying lithology. For example, forests growing on igneous rocks, such as
granite or basalt, are typically more fire-resistant than those growing on sedimentary
rocks, such as limestone or shale, as igneous rocks are less likely to contain combustible
materials (Kumar A. M., 2017).
Finally, the lithology of an area can also influence the severity of earthquakes. Different
types of rock have varying properties, including their elasticity and ability to transmit
seismic waves. Areas with harder, more compact rocks are less likely to experience
significant ground shaking during an earthquake than areas with softer, more
compressible rock types (Kumar S. S., 2018).
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avoided or carried out with caution, while the construction of fire breaks along
roadsides can help prevent the spread of wildfires. Additionally, emergency responders
should consider the accessibility of an area via roads when planning evacuation routes
and other disaster response measures (Rajesh Khatakho, 2021).
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can cause extensive damage to infrastructure, crops, and properties, and result in the
loss of human lives. The urbanization of floodplains and the encroachment of river
banks for commercial activities further exacerbate the flood hazard in the region
(Khatiwada, 2019).
2.6.10 NDVI
NDVI, or Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, is a commonly used remote sensing
technique to measure vegetation growth and density. NDVI values range from -1 to 1,
with higher values indicating greater vegetation density and vigor. In the context of
landslide hazard assessment, NDVI can be used as an indicator of slope stability, as
vegetation plays a key role in stabilizing soil and preventing erosion.
Studies have shown that areas with low NDVI values, indicating sparse vegetation
cover, are more prone to landslides. This is because vegetation cover plays a critical
role in stabilizing slopes by holding the soil together with its roots and reducing soil
erosion due to rainfall. Areas with sparse vegetation cover are more likely to experience
slope failure due to the lack of this stabilizing effect.
NDVI can be used in conjunction with other factors such as topography, soil type, and
rainfall patterns to assess landslide hazard risk. Remote sensing techniques such as
satellite imagery can be used to gather NDVI data and assess the vegetation cover of a
particular area (Bhandary, 2016).
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2.6.11 Elevation
Elevation is an important factor in the occurrence of landslides and floods. The higher
the elevation, the steeper the slope, which can increase the likelihood of landslides.
Steep slopes also increase the speed and volume of water during heavy rainfall, making
floods more severe.
In the case of landslides, higher elevations can lead to more potential energy being
stored in the slope, which can result in a larger and more destructive landslide.
Additionally, higher elevations may have thinner soil cover, which can make slopes
more susceptible to erosion and landslide activity (Khatiwada, 2019).
In the case of floods, higher elevations can lead to faster and more concentrated water
flows down slopes and through channels, which can result in more severe flooding.
Higher elevations can also result in steeper channel gradients, which can lead to
increased erosion and channel instability during heavy rainfall (Bhandary, 2016).
In the context of Chandragiri Municipality, elevation plays an important role in
determining areas that are more susceptible to landslides and floods. High elevations in
the municipality, particularly in the hills and mountains, are at higher risk of landslides
due to the steep slopes and thinner soil cover. Similarly, areas at lower elevations,
particularly near rivers and other water bodies, are at higher risk of flooding due to the
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faster and more concentrated water flows during heavy rainfall (Department of Urban
Development and Building Construction Babar Mahal, Kathmandu, 2020).
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In addition to the distance from fire brigades, it is also important to consider the
accessibility of the area. Narrow or winding roads, bridges, and other obstacles can
significantly impact the response time of fire brigades. In such cases, the deployment
of fire brigades may require additional resources and planning, which can delay their
response time (Siddartha Amatya, 2022).
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Figure 18:Distance from Electric Substations and Transformer Map of Chandragiri Municipality
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The distance from the main settlement is an important factor to consider when
conducting fire hazard mapping. In general, areas that are located closer to the main
settlement have a lower fire hazard risk compared to areas that are far away from the
main settlement. This is because the main settlement often has better infrastructure,
including fire stations, fire hydrants, and fire trucks that can quickly respond to fire
incidents and minimize their impact. In contrast, areas that are far away from the main
settlement may have limited access to firefighting resources, which can increase the
risk of fires spreading and causing more damage. Additionally, areas far away from the
main settlement may have limited access to water sources, which can make it more
difficult to extinguish fires (Rajesh Khatakho, 2021).
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During an earthquake, old settlements may suffer more damage due to their age,
construction materials, and building techniques. For example, adobe and brick
structures are more susceptible to collapse during an earthquake compared to modern
reinforced concrete structures. Additionally, older settlements may have inadequate
foundations, making them more vulnerable to soil liquefaction during an earthquake.
Considering the distance from old settlements when mapping fire and earthquake
hazards can help identify areas that are at higher risk of damage and prioritize the
implementation of mitigation measures. For example, fire departments can prioritize
the placement of fire stations and fire hydrants in areas with a high concentration of old
settlements to ensure a timely response in the event of a fire outbreak (Kumar S. S.,
The factors that influence soil liquefaction include the type of soil, the level of
saturation, and the intensity and duration of the earthquake. Soil types that are more
susceptible to liquefaction include loose sand and gravel, as well as reclaimed land and
44 | P a g e
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areas with high groundwater levels. The level of saturation also plays a significant role
in the likelihood of soil liquefaction, with highly saturated soils being more prone to
this phenomenon.
When mapping earthquake hazards, it is important to consider the potential for soil
liquefaction and the factors that may contribute to it. This can be done by analyzing soil
types and saturation levels in the area of interest, as well as the history of earthquakes
in the region. Advanced techniques such as geophysical surveys and soil testing can
also be used to assess the potential for soil liquefaction and to identify areas of high risk
(Prabin Acharya, 2021).
Figure 22: Seismic Intensity Map of Chandragiri Municipality Corresponding to Mid Nepal
When it comes to earthquake hazard mapping, seismic intensity is a critical factor that
needs to be considered. The closer a location is to an active fault or seismic zone, the
higher the likelihood of experiencing a strong earthquake. Areas located on soft soil or
alluvial deposits are also at greater risk due to the potential for liquefaction, which can
cause significant damage to structures and infrastructure (Prabin Acharya, 2021).
45 | P a g e
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To account for seismic intensity in earthquake hazard mapping, various techniques can
be used. One common approach is to use historical earthquake data to estimate the
likelihood of earthquakes of different magnitudes occurring in a particular region. This
information can then be used to create seismic hazard maps, which show the likelihood
of ground shaking and damage in different areas.
Another approach is to use computer models to simulate the effects of earthquakes on
different types of soil and rock. These models take into account factors such as the
location and depth of the earthquake, the local geological conditions, and the type and
age of buildings and infrastructure in the area. By simulating different earthquake
scenarios, these models can help identify areas that are particularly vulnerable to
seismic hazards and inform earthquake hazard mapping (Kumar S. S., 2018).
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Research Methodology THESIS
3.1 Introduction
The choice of research method depends on the research paradigm adopted by the
researcher (Kivunja & Kuyini, 2017). The positivist paradigm is based on the belief
that the world can be studied objectively, and scientific methods can be used to measure
and analyze data. This paradigm relies on quantitative methods, such as experiments,
surveys, and statistical analysis. On the other hand, the interpretive paradigm
emphasizes the subjective nature of human experience and the importance of
understanding people’s meanings and interpretations of the world around them. This
paradigm relies on qualitative methods, such as interviews, observations, and case
The constructivist paradigm emphasizes the importance of context and the way people
construct knowledge and understanding of the world. This paradigm often uses mixed-
methods research, combining both quantitative and qualitative methods to gain a more
comprehensive understanding of the research object.
The post-positivist paradigm, also known as critical realism, recognizes that knowledge
is constructed but argues that it can still be objective and that scientific methods can be
used to study the social world.
The pragmatic paradigm recognizes that different research problems require different
approaches and that the most appropriate research method is one that solves the research
problem at hand. This paradigm emphasizes the importance of practical application and
problem-solving and often uses mixed-methods research.
In this research intends to understand the multi hazard susceptibility of different areas
of Chandragiri municipality using AHP method. The weightage given to each factor
and hazard is dependent on the experience and expert judgement. Furthermore, the
DEM resolution has vast impact on the output of data. However, the method we use
here is scientific and with same technique and data the outputs are bound to be same.
Hence, the researcher believes that everything can’t be known in this research and the
research falls under post-positivist paradigm.
The researcher believes that there is clear relation between the topography, geography,
geology, land use (i.e. Distance from fault, Slope, Aspect, Profile curvature, Distance
from stream, LULC (land use land cover), Lithology, Distance from road, Annual
precipitation, NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), Elevation, Population,
Distance from fire brigades, Distance from gas station, Distance from transmission line,
Distance from electric substation, Distance from main settlement, Distance from old
settlement, Seismic intensity, Soil liquefaction, Dominant building type etc.) of a
location and its susceptibility to hazards.
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The necessary data for the study can be found from aerial photo interpretation, Google
Earth engine, survey, historical data, and literature review and can be cross referenced
with pilot field observations.
As the research will be done with the quantitative data observed from field, aerial
photographs, AHP etc, the research will be quantitative in nature. For the research first
the weightage of the layers is determined using AHP, individual hazard is assessed and
inventory map is constructed based on influencing factors and the generated hazard
maps for four hazards are superimposed based on their weightages to produce final
map. A detailed proposal for methodology is shown in fig-04.
Systematic investigation is an essential component of scientific advancement across
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Science domains, including psychology, biology, medicine, physics, and botany, are
among the numerous areas where research leads to understanding and shaping of one's
thinking about phenomena. Researchers undertake research to reduce the complexity
of problems, establish the link between apparently unrelated events, and ultimately
enhance human life. Scientific inquiry is characterized by hypoProject report testing,
meticulous observation and measurement, systematic data analysis, and the creation of
sound conclusions in virtually every field of study. (Marczyk, DeMatteo, & Festinger,
A research methodology refers to a systematic approach to solve a research problem. It
is essentially a discipline that examines how scientific research is conducted. Research
can be broadly categorized into two types, quantitative and qualitative research.
Quantitative research involves the determination of the amount or quantity of a certain
phenomenon, which is often represented numerically. On the other hand, qualitative
research deals with non-numerical phenomena, such as those related to quality or type,
for instance, understanding the reasons behind people's behaviors. Depending on the
research location, it can be conducted in the field, laboratory, or through simulation
(Kothari, 2004).
To generate useful data and information, the simulation approach involves the creation
of an artificial environment. By doing so, it becomes possible to observe the dynamic
behavior of a system or sub-system under controlled conditions. As this research study
involves inputting spatial data into GIS and utilizing a computer system for analysis, it
can be categorized as simulation research approach (Kothari, 2004).
In order to complete a GIS study, there are four phases of conceptualization or
simulation that must be undergone, according to Steinberg and Steinberg (2015). First,
it is necessary to analyze the real-life situation that will be studied. Next, the idea must
be expressed in language that is suitable for computer-assisted analysis. After that, the
analysis must be logically arranged in a sequence. Finally, relevant software procedures
must be implemented. (Steinberg & Steinberg, 2015):
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factors considered. Then P(i) is calculated as the product of elements in each row and
nth root of P(i) is calculated,
𝑃(𝑖) = 𝐶11𝑋 𝑋𝐶21 𝑋𝐶31 𝑋𝐶41 … … 𝑋 𝐶𝑛1
𝑛𝑡ℎ 𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑃(𝑖) = 𝑃(𝑖)(1/𝑛)
The sum of Weightage must equal to 1. Matrix product (PW) for each row
is calculated as;
𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑥 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡 (𝑃𝑊𝑖)
= (𝐶11𝑋𝑊1) + (𝐶21 𝑋𝑊2) + (𝐶31 𝑋𝑊3) + (𝐶41𝑋𝑊4)
+ ⋯ … + ( 𝐶𝑛1𝑋𝑊5)
Then Eigen Value for each influencing factor (ROW) is calculated as;
𝐸𝑖𝑔𝑒𝑛 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 (𝛬𝑖) =
The largest λ value is selected as λmax, Consistency Index (CI) is calculated
𝜆𝑚𝑎𝑥 − 𝑛
𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 𝐼𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥 (𝐶𝐼) =
Random Consistency Index (RI) is taken depending on the order of matrix
(n), and taken from table-02, below;
Table 2; Table for Random Consistency Index (Satty, 1987, pg. 172)
Order Of
Matrix (n) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Index (RI) 0 0 0.58 0.9 1.12 1.24 1.32 1.41 1.45 1.49 1.51 1.53 1.56 1.57 1.59
51 | P a g e
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If the Consistency Ratio (CR) is less than 10% the ratings are taken as acceptable if not
then ratings are to be revised. A sample excel table for calculation of eigen vectors is
shown in fig-03.
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fire sources, vegetation cover, and slope. For earthquakes, hazard maps were created
based on the seismic zone and distance from active faults.
Finally, the hazard maps were validated using historical data and expert opinions. Any
discrepancies were addressed, and the final hazard maps were produced.
In summary, the method and techniques used for the Multi-Hazard Mapping of
Chandragiri Municipality, Kathmandu, Nepal using AHP involved identifying hazard
events of interest, establishing criteria and sub-criteria, prioritizing them using the AHP
method, creating hazard maps using GIS software, and validating the maps using
historical data and expert opinions.
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direction, and building materials. Lastly, the criteria and sub-criteria for earthquake
hazard included factors such as building type, soil type, distance from fault lines, and
seismic activity.
The identified criteria and sub-criteria were then used to develop a questionnaire, which
was administered to experts in the relevant fields, such as geologists, engineers, and
disaster management professionals. The experts were asked to assign weights to each
criterion and sub-criterion based on their relative importance in determining the hazard
under study. The weights assigned by the experts were then used in the AHP model to
calculate the overall hazard risk score for each location in the study area.
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One of the key features of GIS software is the ability to overlay multiple layers of data
to create a comprehensive hazard map. For example, a map of potential landslide
hazards may include layers showing slope gradient, soil type, and vegetation cover.
These layers can be combined and analyzed to identify areas with a higher risk of
GIS software also provides tools for spatial analysis and modeling, which allow for the
creation of sophisticated hazard maps. For instance, modeling tools can be used to
simulate the impact of an earthquake on buildings and infrastructure, or to predict the
path of a flood based on topography and hydrological data.
Another important aspect of GIS software is its ability to display hazard maps in a user-
friendly and interactive way. These maps can be shared online or printed for use by
emergency responders, city planners, and other stakeholders. They can also be updated
and revised as new data becomes available, making them a valuable tool for ongoing
hazard assessment and risk management.
In this study, GIS software was used after the weight generation process to create hazard
maps for the Chandragiri Municipality in Nepal. The hazard maps were developed
based on the weights assigned to each criterion and sub-criterion using the Analytic
Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The hazard maps showed the spatial distribution of
the different hazards, including earthquakes, landslides, floods, and fires, and their
corresponding levels of susceptibility and vulnerability.
The GIS software was used to integrate and analyze different types of spatial data,
including topographic maps, geology and soil maps, land use and land cover maps, and
population and infrastructure data. The hazard maps were created using different GIS
tools and techniques, such as overlay analysis, proximity analysis, and spatial
interpolation. The resulting hazard maps were then validated using different methods,
including field surveys, historical data analysis, and expert opinions.
The hazard maps created using GIS software in this study can be used as a tool for
multi-hazard risk assessment and management in the Chandragiri Municipality. The
maps can help identify areas that are more susceptible and vulnerable to different
hazards, which can aid in the development of effective risk reduction and mitigation
strategies. The GIS-based hazard maps can also be updated regularly to incorporate
new data and information, which can improve the accuracy and reliability of the risk
assessments and management plans over time.
3.4.5 Validation
After creating the hazard maps using GIS software, the next step was to validate the
maps. This was done using historical data and expert opinions. Historical data were
collected from previous studies, government reports, and news articles related to past
hazard events in the study area. Expert opinions were gathered through interviews and
questionnaires with local authorities, disaster management professionals, and
community leaders. The experts were asked to provide feedback on the hazard maps,
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including the accuracy of the hazard zones and the suitability of the proposed mitigation
Based on the feedback from the historical data and expert opinions, the hazard maps
were revised and updated. The final hazard maps were then used to develop a multi-
hazard risk assessment for the study area. This assessment included an evaluation of
the potential impacts of each hazard on different elements at risk, such as buildings,
infrastructure, and people. The results of the assessment were used to identify priority
areas for mitigation and preparedness measures, as well as to develop recommendations
for improving the resilience of the study area to future hazard events.
56 | P a g e
Data Analysis and Results THESIS
Dataset Format Data Description Resolution
Distance from a Derived from geo-
fault Line referencing -
Slope grids Extracted from DEM 12.5m X 12.5m
Aspect grids Extracted from DEM 12.5m X 12.5m
Profile Curvature grids Extracted from DEM 12.5m X 12.5m
Extracted from DEM
Distance from and and buffer range of
Stream Line river -
Land use land cover
LULC Polygon Classification) 12.5m X 12.5m
Soil Map Polygon SOTER -
Buffer of roads in
Distance from Road Line Chandragiri -
IDW Interpolation
based on 13 rainfall
Annual stations Near
Precipitation Excel data Chandragiri 12.5m X 12.5m
Normalized difference
vegetation index derived
Spatial from Sentinal 2 Image
NDVI grids Jan 2023 12.5m X 12.5m
Elevation grids Derived from DEM -
57 | P a g e
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Population density grids Derived from DEM -
Distance from Fire Buffer range of fire
Brigades Point station -
The Distance from Buffer range of gas
Gas Stations Point station -
The Distance from Buffer range of
Transmission Lines Line transmission line -
Distance from Buffer range of
Electric Substations transformer and Electric
and Transformers Point Substations -
Distance from Main Buffer range of main
Settlement Point settlement -
The Distance from Buffer range of old
Old Settlements Point settlement -
Interpolation based on
Soil Liquefaction Polygon bore hole data -
Derived from geo-
Seismic Intensity Polygon referencing -
The Dominant Spatial Derived from geo-
Building Type grids referencing -
Considered Considered
for Considered Considered for
Dataset Landslide for Flood for Fire Earthquake
Distance from a fault ✔ - - ✔
Slope ✔ ✔ - ✔
Aspect ✔ - - -
Profile Curvature ✔ - - -
Distance from Stream ✔ ✔ - -
LULC ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Soil Map ✔ ✔ - ✔
Distance from Road ✔ - ✔ -
Annual Precipitation ✔ ✔ - -
NDVI ✔ - - -
Elevation ✔ ✔ - -
Population density - - ✔ ✔
Distance from Fire
Brigades - - ✔ -
The Distance from Gas
Stations - - ✔ -
The Distance from
Transmission Lines - - ✔ -
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59 | P a g e
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CR= 0.021
L1: slope, L2: distance from streams, L3: annual precipitation, L4: distance from
fault, L5: normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), L6: lithology, L7: aspect,
L8: elevation, L9: profile curvature, L10: land use land cover (LULC), L11: distance
from road.
From the preparation of Landslide Hazard map, it was seen that 67.3% area of
Chandragiri municipality falls on Moderately susceptibility zone, 32.10% in Low
susceptible zone and 0.52% in Very Low susceptible zone. Especially north facing
slope of Chandragiri hill was found most susceptible see fig for detailed map. The low
altitude and flat lands near Nayanaikap, Tinthana, Plains of Balambu were found less
susceptiable. Ward no 2,3,4 had high susceptibility compared to other wards. The
detailed map is presented in figure:25.
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Table 7: Factors Considered in the flood hazard assessment, their classes, and their ratings
61 | P a g e
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R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Weight Wi
R1 1 1/2 3 2 4 3 0.249
R2 1 3 2 6 3 0.337
R3 1 1/3 2 2 0.105
R4 1 2 2 0.169
R5 1 1 0.063
R6 1 0.077
CR= 0.044
R1: distance from stream, R2: slope, R3: elevation, R4: annual precipitation, R5:
land use land cover (LULC), R6: lithology.
From the preparation of Flood Hazard map, it was seen that 14.05% area of Chandragiri
municipality falls on Highly susceptibility zone, 39.67% area of Chandragiri
municipality falls on Moderately susceptibility zone, 41.49% in Low susceptible zone
and 4.80% in Very Low susceptible zone. Especially north facing slope of Chandragiri
hill was found most susceptible see fig for detailed map. The low altitude and flat lands
near Nayanaikap, Tinthana, Plains of Balambu were found more susceptiable. Ward no
3 had high susceptibility compared to other wards. Also, the forests of Chandragiri and
Indrathan were seen very less susceptible. The detailed map is presented in figure:26.
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Table 9: Factors Considered in the fire hazard assessment, their classes, and their ratings
>300 4 0 - 100 4
63 | P a g e
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3000-20000 4 0-500 4
0 - 50 4 Distance from 500-1000 3
50 - 100 3 old settlement 1000- 1500 3
from gas 100 - 200 2 1500- 2000 2
station (m)
200- 500 2 > 2000 1
> 500 1
Forest 3
Water body 0
LULCL Built area 4
Agriculture land 2
Restricted Area 1
Table 10: Pair-wise comparisons, weighting coefficients of each adopted factor in Fire hazard
evaluation, and the estimated CR value.
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 Weight Wi
E1 1 1 1 1 3 4 2 3 4 0.178
E2 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 3 0.161
E3 1 1 3 4 2 3 4 0.178
E4 1 3 3 2 2 3 0.161
E5 1 2 1/2 1 2 0.064
E7 1 2 2 0.096
E8 1 2 0.075
E9 1 0.044
CR = 0.021
F1: population density, F2: distance fire brigades, F3: distance from gas station, F4:
distance from old settlement, F5: distance from transmission line, F6: distance from
electric substation, F7: distance from main settlement, F8: distance from road, F9:
land use land cover (LULC).
The study focused on urban fires and didn’t consider areas without peoples and
buildings. From the preparation of Flood Hazard map, it was seen that 9.06% area of
Chandragiri municipality falls on Highly susceptibility zone, 51.98% area of
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Table 11: Factors Considered in Earthquake Hazard mapping, their classes and Assessment
65 | P a g e
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30-45 3 0-200 4
45-90 4 Distance 200-400 3
Forest 2 from fault 400-600 2
Water body 1 600-800 1
LULCL Built area 4 >800 0
Agriculture land 1 Adobe 4
Restricted Area 3 Stone 3
< 10 1 Type of RC 1
10-50 2 building BM 3
Population 50-100 3 BC 2
density 100-200 3 No building 0
200-300 4 VIII 4
>300 4 IX 4
0-500 4 VII 3
500-1000 3 0-0.25 1
from old Probability
settlement 1000- 1500 3 0.25-0.50 2
(m) 1500- 2000 2 liquefaction 0.50-0.75 3
> 2000 1 0.75-1.0 4
Table 12: Pair-wise comparisons, weighting coefficients of each adopted factor in Fire hazard
evaluation, and the estimated CR value.
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 Weight Wi
E1 1 1 1 1 3 4 2 3 4 0.178
E2 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 3 0.161
E3 1 1 3 4 2 3 4 0.178
E4 1 3 3 2 2 3 0.161
E5 1 2 1/2 1 2 0.064
E6 1 1/2 1/3 1 0.043
E7 1 2 2 0.096
E8 1 2 0.075
E9 1 0.044
CR = 0.021
E1: seismic intensity, E2: soil liquefaction, E3: distance from old settlement, E4:
dominant building type, E5: LULCL, E6: lithology, E7: active faults, E8: slope, E9:
population density.
The study focused on mid Nepal Earth as studied by JICA in march 2002 and didn’t
consider areas without peoples and buildings plus the researcher is presenting this
report as a preliminary for thesis and is in the process of collecting building typology
data and the Hazard map is prepared without said data. From the preparation of
66 | P a g e
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Earthquake Hazard map, it was seen that 0.1 % area of Chandragiri municipality falls
on Very Highly susceptibility zone, 46.97 % area of Chandragiri municipality falls on
Highly susceptibility zone, 14.45% in Moderately susceptible zone and remaining areas
didn’t show data as they were not considered. Densely populated settelements and old
settlements of Balambu, Macchegaun, Thankot, Matatirtha and purano Naikap were
seen as most susceptible. Also, the new settlements of Chandragiri and near ward 10
reconstructed ward 1 and 2 were seen very less susceptible susceptibility. The detailed
map is presented in figure:28.
4.5 Multi-Hazard
The Multi Hazard map was prepared by overlaying the map from Figures 25-28 with
the weightages as table 13. From the preparation of Multi-Hazard map, it was seen that,
26.03 % area of Chandragiri municipality falls on Moderate susceptibility zone, 34.40%
in Low susceptible zone and remaining areas didn’t show data as they were not
considered for both earthquake and Fire hazard. The detailed map is presented in
figure:28. But, this is a preliminary phase of thesis writing process and necessary
changes will be made based with consultation with supervisor and further literature
67 | P a g e
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Table 13: Pair-wise comparisons, weighting coefficients of each adopted factor in multi-hazard
evaluation, and the estimated CR value.
H1 H2 H3 H4 Weight Wi
H1 1 2 3 5 0.498
H2 1 1 2 0.214
H3 1 1 0.166
H4 1 0.122
CR= 0.031
H1: earthquake hazard, H2: landslide hazard, H3: flood hazard, H4: fire hazard.
68 | P a g e
Conclusion and Recommendation THESIS
5.1 Conclusion
Inn conclusion, the study focused on the multi-hazard assessment of Chandragiri
municipality, Kathmandu, Nepal, using the AHP method and GIS techniques. The
study identified three major hazards: landslides, floods, and earthquakes. The
preparation of hazard maps revealed that the north-facing slope of Chandragiri hill was
the most susceptible area for all three hazards, while the low altitude and flat lands near
Nayanaikap, Tinthana, and the plains of Balambu were less susceptible. The study also
found that ward no. 2, 3, and 4 had high susceptibility to landslides, while ward no. 3
had high susceptibility to floods and earthquakes. Densely populated settlements and
old settlements of Balambu, Macchegaun, Thankot, Matatirtha, and Purano Naikap
were the most susceptible areas for all three hazards, whereas the new settlements of
Chandragiri and near ward 10 reconstructed ward 1 and 2 were less susceptible.
However, the study is presented as a preliminary report for the thesis writing process,
and necessary changes will be made based on consultation with the supervisor and
further literature review. The study also did not consider areas without people and
buildings, and building typology data was not collected during the study, which could
affect the accuracy of the hazard maps. Nonetheless, the study provides valuable
insights into the multi-hazard assessment of Chandragiri municipality and can serve as
a basis for further research and policy decisions to mitigate the impact of these hazards.
The results of the study can help local authorities in disaster risk reduction planning,
infrastructure development, and emergency response planning.
69 | P a g e
References THESIS
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Tasnin, T. A. (2021, 07 15). adpc. Retrieved from Preparedness for Fire disaster:
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Appendix THESIS
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Appendix THESIS
APPENDIX B: Photographs
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Appendix THESIS
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Appendix THESIS
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