MJARD - Volume 43 - Issue 3 - Pages 345-360

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Minia J. of Agric. Res. & Develop.

Vol. (43), No.3, pp 345- 360, 2023




Abdou, M.A.H.1 Taha, R. A. Hassan1, Shimaa, A. 1and Gahory, A.M.O.2

Ornamental plants, Fac. of Agric., Minia Univ.
Ornamental plants, Fac. of Agric. & Natural Resources, Aswan Univ.

Received: 16 July 2023 Accepted: 12 Sept. 2023

The current work was carried out at the Nursery of Ornamental Plants,
Faculty of Agriculture, Minia University, during the two growing seasons of
2021/2022 and 2022/2023, to examine the impact of compost levels (0, 250,
500 and 750 g/pot), chitosan (20 and 40 ppm), thiamine (25 and 50 ppm)
treatments and their interactions on vegetative and flowering traits and some
chemical constituents of Calendula officinalis, L. plant.
Data proved that all tested vegetative characters (plant height, number of
main branches/plant, plant dry weight) and flowering measurements (total
number of flowers/plant and total fresh and dry weights of flowers/plant), in
addition to some chemical composition like photosynthetic pigments content
in fresh leaves and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium% in dry leaves were
significantly increased with rising compost level facing the control. The
treatment of 750 g/pot was more efficient in this concern. Also, chitosan and
thiamine treatments led to an increase in all vegetative and flower traits as
well as photosynthetic pigments and NPK percentages. The treatment of
chitosan at 40 ppm was superior to other used treatments.
The best overall interaction treatment for the best vegetative and
flowering traits was fertilizing plants with compost at 750 g/pot and sprayed
Calendula officinalis with chitosan at 40 ppm.

Keywords: compost, chitosan, thiamine, calendula.

Abdou, M.A.H. et. al, 2023

INTRODUCTION attention due to its antioxidant properties

(Huang et al., 2005).
Calendula officinalis, L. is an annual
herbaceous plant belongs to the family Thiamine, also called B1, is required
(Asteraceae) originating from Southern to develop many of the metabolic
Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean reactions as a co-enzyme, plays an
area. This species has the tradition name important role in regulating growth and
pot marigold, garden marigold, English reducing the effects of environmental
marigold or Scotch marigold (Pintea et stresses on plants (Fallahi et al., 2018).
al., 2003; Sardoei, 2014). The plant Also, it had a role in root growth and
blooms over a long period, roughly development.
continuously until the first heavy frost As a result, the purpose of this
and the flowers are good for cutting research was to investigate the effects of
flowers. The plant can successfully be compost and certain stimulants (chitosan
used in home, garden, borders, flower and thiamine), as well as their
beds and balcony plantings (Golestani et interactions, on the growth features,
al., 2013). flowering traits, and some chemical
Because intensive consumption of constituents of Calendula officinalis
mineral fertilizers in crop production plant.
causes environmental pollution and has a MATERIALS AND METHODS
negative impact on ecosystems, adding
compost as an organic material is a good During two growing seasons
strategy to reduce pollution while (2021/2022 and 2022/2023), this study
increasing crop productivity was conducted at the Nursery of
(Khodadadi et al., 2013). Adding Ornamental Plants, Fac. Agric., Minia
composted substances to different soil Univ. Calendula officinalis seeds (double
types makes the soil (especially, sandy orange flower) were obtained from the
soil) capable to bind more water, Nursery of Ornamental plants, Fac.
increases water availability for plant Agric., Minia Univ. This work was set up
growth and improves its soil physical, at a split-Block Design with three
chemical and biological properties. replications. The main plots (A) include
Consequence, it increases plant four compost levels (control, 250, 500
vegetative growth and flowering traits as and 750 g/pot), while five treatments of
well as yield productivity of the crop stimulants employed the sub-plots (B)
(El-Sirafy et al., 1989 and Khudus et including; control, 20 and 40 ppm and
al., 2021). thiamine at 25 and 50 ppm. Thus, the
total treatments of the experiment were
Chitosan is a natural, safe, and 20 (4 x 5).
inexpensive biopolymer derived from
chitin, the primary component of The seeds of Calendula officinalis
arthropod exoskeletons and fungal cell were sown on 1st October in the Nursery
walls, and the second renewable carbon beds in the two seasons 2021 and 2022.
source after lignocellulosic biomass. Pot marigold seedlings were transplanted
Chitosan has lately received increased in plastic pots (30 cm in diameter) on 28th

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Abdou, M.A.H. et. al, 2023

October (after 4 weeks from cultivation) determined using method of ICARDA

in both seasons. The plastic pots were (2013).
filled with 9 kg sandy soil, containing one
Statistical analysis
seedling. The soil properties (physical
and chemical analysis) are listed in Table The results were tabulated and
(a). statistically analyzed using MSTAT-C
(1986), and the LSD test at 0.05 was
The compost under trade name El- used to compare the means of the
Nile compost was bought from Egyptian treatments.
company for solid waste utilization in New
Minia City. In both seasons, the amounts RESULTS
of compost were added while the pots 1. Vegetative growth parameters:
were being filled. Table (b) shows the
physical and chemical parameters of the Data listed in Table (1) proved that
compost used. all used levels of compost led to a
significant improvement in plant height,
Both of chitosan and thiamine were the main branches number and dry
released from El-Gomhoria Company, weight/plant relative to untreated plants
Egypt. Each of chitosan and thiamine in both seasons. The best values were
were sprayed by hand sprayer three achieved with 750 g compost/pot in both
times. The 1st dose was sprayed on 1st growing seasons.
December during both seasons, the
second two doses were applied 15 days The positive role of compost in
interval) 15th and 30th December). enhancing vegetative growth was
emphasized by Gupta et al. (2014),
At the termination in both growing Sardoei (2014) and Sharifian et al.
seasons (last week of April), the (2014) on Calendula officinalis and
following data were recorded: vegetative Abdou et al. (2023) on cineraria plant.
growth parameter [main branches
number per plant, plant height and plant As for chitosan and thiamine
dry weight], flowering aspects [total treatments, data shown in Table (1)
number of flowers/plant, and total revealed that both stimulants
weights (fresh and dry) of flowers/plant significantly augmented all
(g)] and some chemical constituents [chl. abovementioned characters facing to
a, chl. b and carotenoids contents as well control in both seasons. In all cases,
as N, P and K%]. chitosan at 40 ppm and thiamine at 50
ppm were more effective than other
Laboratory analysis: treatments in this concern.
According to Fadl and Sari El- Our results are proved by Abdel-
Deen (1978), the amounts of chlorophyll Mola and Ayyat (2020), Najafi et al.
a, b, and carotenoids (mg/g fresh weight) (2021) and Akhtar et al. (2022) on
in pot marigold fresh leaves samples Calendula officinalis; Ohta et al. (2000),
were tested three weeks after the last on Eustoma grandiflorum; Salachna et
treatment in both seasons. While al. (2014), on Ornithogalum
nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium saundersiae; Bistgani et al. (2016), on
percentages in dried leaves were Thymus daenensis and Chen et al.

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Abdou, M.A.H. et. al, 2023

(2016), on Begonia × hiemalis, significantly improved owing to all

regarding the effect of chitosan. While treatments of stimulants comparing to
Hasan (2013) and Soltani et al. (2014), control in both seasons. It could be
on Calendula officinalis, Ahmed (2013) observed that chitosan at 40 ppm was
and Hashish et al. (2015) on Gladiolus more suitable in this concern.
grandiflorus and Abdou et al. (2015) on
Similar results were reported by
coriander, concerning to thiamine.
Abdel-Mola and Ayyat (2020) and
The interaction between compost Akhtar et al. (2022) on Calendula
levels and both chitosan and thiamine officinalis concerning the effect of
treatments were significant for all tested chitosan. Also, Hasan (2013) and
traits i.e., plant height, number of main Soltani et al. (2014), on Calendula
branches and dry weight/plant in both officinalis L., Hashish et al. (2015), on
growing seasons. The highest values for gladiolus plant and Babarabie et al.
pot marigold were compost at 750 g/pot (2018) on chrysanthemum plant, for
plus chitosan at 40 ppm, followed by thiamine.
thiamine at 50 ppm in both seasons.
The effect of the interaction between
2. Flowering aspects: the main and sub plots (compost levels
and chitosan and thiamine) treatments
Data shown in Table (2) observed
was significant for total flowers
that flowering aspects [total flowers
number/plant and total flowers fresh and
number/plant and flowers total fresh and
dry weights/plant. The highest flowers
dry weights/plant] were significantly
number/plant was found with plants
augmented by all used levels of compost
fertilized with 750 g/pot and sprayed
(250, 500 and 750 g/pot) facing the
with chitosan at 40 ppm or thiamine at
control treatment in both seasons.
50 ppm or the interaction treatment of
Ascending increased in the
compost at 500 g/pot with chitosan 40
abovementioned flowering characters
ppm, in the 2021/2022 season. While, in
with the rise in compost level was
the second season, the interaction
observed. Therefore, the greatest values
treatment of compost at 750 g/pot in
were produced from the highest level of
compost (750 g/pot). combination with chitosan at 40 ppm
gave the highest overall flowers
The improvement of compost number/plant. Also, compost 750 g/pot
fertilization on flowering traits was plus chitosan at 40 ppm gave the
mentioned by Hasan et al. (2014), heaviest weights of flowers either fresh
Thakur et al. (2016) and Shaabani et or dry in both seasons.
al. (2022) on Calendula officinalis and
Ghehsareh et al. (2011) and Abdou et 3. Chemical constituents:
al. (2023) on cineraria plant. Data given in Tables (3 and 4)
For the role of stimulants treatments, proved that all compost levels
data given in Table (2) demonstrated that significantly enhanced chl. a, chl. b and
flowers total number/plant and flowers carotenoids contents (mg/g fresh
total weights (fresh and dry)/plant were weight); and NPK % in the dry leaves of
calendula in both experimental seasons
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Abdou, M.A.H. et. al, 2023

facing the check treatment. Adding 2022/2023 season. The greatest values
compost at 750 g/pot produced the were obtained from plants that received
highest values of all chemical 750 g/pot compost and were sprayed
parameters. with chitosan at a concentration of 40
ppm (in all cases), or thiamine at 50 ppm
These findings are agreed with the
(in some cases) in both seasons.
results mentioned by Hasan et al.
(2014), Khalili et al. (2014) and Abd El- DISCUSSION
Fatah et al. (2019) on pot marigold, El- From our results, it could be
Hindi et al. (2006) and Abdou et al. concluded that all vegetative growth,
(2023) on cineraria, Abdou (2003) on flowering and some chemical parameters
chrysanthemum and Marashi et al. were enhanced as supplying calendula
(2021) on zinnia.
plants grown in sandy soil with compost
Regard to the impact of chitosan and and sprayed with chitosan and thiamine.
thiamine treatments, data given in Tables It may be due to adding compost
(3 and 4) pointed out that all improves soil physio-chemical properties
concentrations of both stimulants (increase CEC, decrease soil pH and
significantly enhanced pigments, N, P improved the most nutrient, structure,
and K% facing the control in both porosity and aggregation), therefore,
experimental seasons. Chitosan at 40 improving plant growth (Snyman et al.,
ppm was more effective than other 1998). Furthermore, chitosan treatments
treatments, followed by thiamine at 50 promote stomatal closure through ABA
ppm. synthesis and photosynthesis, increase
antioxidant enzymes through nitric oxide
Many authors showed that positive
and hydrogen peroxide signaling paths,
effect of chitosan in improving
and induce the creation of sugars, amino
photosynthetic pigments such as Abdel-
acids, organic acids, and further
Mola and Ayyat (2020) and Akhtar et
metabolites required for osmotic stress-
al. (2022) on Calendula officinalis and
related adaptation, stress signaling, and
Mazrou et al. (2021) on Matricaria
energy metabolism (Hidangmayum et
chamomilla, for the effect of chitosan.
al., 2019). In addition, thiamine (vitamin
Similarly for the effect of thiamine was
B1) is required for the formation of the
emphasized by Soltani et al. (2014) on
coenzyme thiamine pyrophosphate,
Calendula officinalis, Abdou et al.
which is vital in glucose metabolism
(2014) and Fallahi et al. (2018) on sweet
basil, Ahmed (2013) on gladiolus plant, (Robinson, 1973; Hendawy and Ezz
EL-Din, 2010), sequence, improved
Al-Abbasi et al. (2015) on Zinnia
growth and flowering productivity.
elegans, and Awad (2019) on borage
The influence of the interaction To obtain good growth and flower
between compost and chitosan or production of potted mzrigold plant, it
thiamine treatments had significant effect should be fertilized plants with 750 g/pot
on chl. a, chl. b and carotenoids contents compost and sprayed them with chitosan
in addition to NPK % in both at 40 ppm three times.
experimental seasons, except N % in

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Table (a): The physical and chemical analysis of the soil used in the study.

Soil Values Soil Values

character 2021/2022 2022/2023 Character 2021/2022 2022/2023
Physical properties:
Sand (%) 90.20 91.40 Total N (%) 0.02 0.02
Available P
Silt (%) 7.40 6.30 3.45 2.53
Clay (%) 2.40 2.30 Extractable K
0.75 0.86
Soil type Sandy sandy (mg/100 g soil)
Chemical properties: DTPA-Extractable nutrients:
pH (1:2.5) 8.13 8.35 Fe (ppm) 1.01 1.08
E.C. (dS/m) 1.10 1.12 Cu (ppm) 0.30 0.37
O.M. (%) 0.02 0.03 Zn (ppm) 0.31 0.28
CaCO3 (%) 13.92 13.81 Mn (ppm) 0.49 0.60

Table (b): Chemical and physical properties of the used compost in both seasons of
2021/2022 and 2022/2023 as listed in factory label criteria.
Properties Value Properties Value
Organic carbon (%) 25.1 Total P (%) 0.5
Humidity (%) 25 Total K (%) 1.0
Organic matter 44 Fe (ppm) 1750
C/N ratio 17.5 Zn (ppm) 60
pH (1:2.5) 8.0 Mn (ppm) 125
E.C. (m. mhos/cm.) 5.0 Cu (ppm) 200
Total N (%) 1.5

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Table (1): Effect of compost level, some stimulants (chitosan, vitamin B1) treatments
and their interactions on plant height, number of main branches/plant
and plant dry weight of Calendula officinalis in the two growing seasons
(2021/2022 and 2022/2023).
Compost levels treatments (g/pot) (A)
Some stimulants
Mean Mean
treatments 0.0 250 500 750 0.0 250 500 750
(B) (B)
The 1st season (2021/2022) The 2nd season (2022/2023)
Plant height (cm)
Control 26.1 28.7 30.7 32.3 29.5 26.7 29.1 31.1 32.6 29.9
Chitosan at 20 ppm 28.4 30.9 33.1 34.8 31.8 29.1 3p1.7 34 35.7 32.6
Chitosan at 40 ppm 29.0 31.6 33.8 35.5 32.5 29.8 32.4 34.7 36.5 33.4
Thiamine at 25 ppm 27.9 30.4 32.5 34.1 31.2 28.7 31.3 33.5 35.2 32.2
Thiamine at 50 ppm 28.8 31.4 33.6 35.3 32.3 31.06 33.84 36.22 38.04 34.8
Mean (A) 28.0 30.6 32.7 34.4 29.1 31.7 33.9 35.6
L.S.D. at 5 % A: 1.3 B: 1.4 AB: 2.8 A: 0.8 B: 1.6 AB: 3.2
Number of main branches/plant
Control 4.76 5.28 5.73 6.16 5.48 5.11 5.57 5.96 6.26 5.73
Chitosan at 20 ppm 4.79 5.50 5.99 6.30 5.65 5.88 6.40 6.85 7.20 6.58
Chitosan at 40 ppm 5.78 6.54 6.75 7.05 6.53 7.10 7.74 8.27 8.69 7.95
Thiamine at 25 ppm 4.78 5.49 5.94 6.26 5.62 5.80 6.36 6.43 7.09 6.42
Thiamine at 50 ppm 5.69 6.27 6.58 6.91 6.36 6.66 7.25 7.76 8.15 7.46
Mean (A) 5.16 5.82 6.20 6.54 6.11 6.66 7.05 7.48
L.S.D. at 5 % A: 0.30 B: 0.47 AB: 0.94 A: 0.27 B: 0.24 AB: 0.47
Plant dry weight (g)
Control 36.30 39.93 43.51 46.57 41.58 36.79 40.46 44.1 47.2 42.14
Chitosan at 20 ppm 37.18 40.89 44.56 47.69 42.58 38.29 41.39 45.12 48.31 43.28
Chitosan at 40 ppm 38.48 42.35 46.13 49.36 44.08 38.99 42.89 46.75 50.02 44.66
Thiamine at 25 ppm 37.10 40.44 44.42 47.57 42.38 37.72 41.42 44.77 48.22 43.03
Thiamine at 50 ppm 37.77 41.55 45.29 48.46 43.27 38.32 42.16 45.59 49.17 43.81
Mean (A) 37.37 41.03 44.78 47.93 38.02 41.66 45.27 48.58
L.S.D. at 5 % A: 0.74 B: 0.59 AB: 1.18 A: 0.75 B: 0.46 AB: 0.92

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Table (2): Effect of compost level, some stimulants (chitosan, vitamin B1) treatments
and their interactions on total number of flowers/plant and total flower
fresh and dry weights/plant of Calendula officinalis in the two growing
seasons (2021/2022 and 2022/2023).

Compost levels treatments (g/pot) (A)

Some stimulants
Mean Mean
treatments 0.0 250 500 750 0.0 250 500 750
(B) (B)
The 1st season (2021/2022) The 2nd season (2022/2023)
Total number of flowers/plant
Control 35.05 42.72 47.57 55.19 45.13 36.57 45.91 51.83 56.07 47.60
Chitosan at 20 ppm 48.02 58.51 65.58 74.5 61.65 48.85 59.84 66.05 75.94 62.67
Chitosan at 40 ppm 64.07 69.56 84.75 87.16 76.39 64.78 77.12 85.31 97.06 81.07
Thiamine at 25 ppm 43.07 54.63 61.07 67.97 56.69 47.15 56.64 61.5 68.81 58.53
Thiamine at 50 ppm 58.30 66.23 74.29 82.24 70.27 56.03 67.37 76.37 85.16 71.23
Mean (A) 49.70 58.33 66.65 73.41 50.68 61.38 68.21 76.61
L.S.D. at 5 % A: 2.41 B: 1.91 AB: 3.82 A: 0.88 B: 1.91 AB: 3.82
Total flower fresh weight/plant (g)
Control 70.41 86.22 96.18 111.36 91.04 75.93 89.98 100.13 112.69 94.68
Chitosan at 20 ppm 99.49 121.31 135.78 151.74 127.08 106.41 129.49 143.33 160.03 134.82
Chitosan at 40 ppm 141.79 168.20 188.61 209.01 176.90 144.71 172.09 191.56 213.99 180.59
Thiamine at 25 ppm 87.23 110.87 123.95 138.01 115.02 94.03 113.35 128.08 138.45 118.48
Thiamine at 50 ppm 118.10 142.16 159.61 176.55 149.11 124.63 149.68 166.22 186.24 156.69
Mean (A) 103.40 125.75 140.83 157.33 109.14 130.92 145.86 162.28
L.S.D. at 5 % A: 0.80 B: 0.74 AB: 1.48 A: 1.09 B: 0.65 AB: 1.30
Total flower dry weight/plant (g)
Control 10.27 12.52 13.94 16.11 13.21 11.01 13.04 14.67 16.08 13.70
Chitosan at 20 ppm 13.96 16.94 19.02 21.03 17.74 14.93 18.11 19.93 22.16 18.78
Chitosan at 40 ppm 19.14 22.97 25.22 27.99 23.83 19.53 23.07 25.53 28.51 24.16
Thiamine at 25 ppm 12.14 15.37 17.14 19.36 16.00 12.92 15.61 17.69 19.16 16.34
Thiamine at 50 ppm 16.40 19.50 21.41 23.46 20.19 16.82 20.18 22.18 24.85 21.01
Mean (A) 14.38 17.46 19.35 21.59 15.04 18.00 20.00 22.15
L.S.D. at 5 % A: 0.24 B: 0.22 AB: 0.44 A: 0.40 B: 0.35 AB: 0.70

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Table (3): Effect of compost level, some stimulants (chitosan, vitamin B1) treatments
and their interactions on chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoids
content (mg/g f.w.) in fresh leaves of Calendula officinalis in the two
growing seasons (2021/2022 and 2022/2023).

Compost levels treatments (g/pot) (A)

Some stimulants
Mean Mean
treatments 0.0 250 500 750 0.0 250 500 750
(B) (B)
The 1st season (2021/2022) The 2nd season (2022/2023)
Chlorophyll a content (mg/g f.w.)
Control 3.132 3.544 3.721 3.832 3.557 3.356 3.591 3.770 3.884 3.650
Chitosan at 20 ppm 3.355 3.599 3.709 3.882 3.636 3.368 3.604 3.384 3.898 3.564
Chitosan at 40 ppm 3.393 3.631 3.813 3.927 3.691 3.410 3.649 3.831 3.946 3.709
Thiamine at 25 ppm 3.332 3.365 3.744 3.856 3.574 3.338 3.572 3.750 3.863 3.631
Thiamine at 50 ppm 3.381 3.618 3.799 3.913 3.678 3.393 3.631 3.812 3.926 3.691
Mean (A) 3.319 3.551 3.757 3.882 3.373 3.609 3.709 3.903
L.S.D. at 5 % A: 0.120 B: 0.013 AB: 0.026 A: 0.174 B: 0.015 AB: 0.030
Chlorophyll a content (mg/g f.w.)
Control 1.054 1.107 1.140 1.151 1.113 1.068 1.122 1.156 1.167 1.128
Chitosan at 20 ppm 1.068 1.122 1.155 1.190 1.134 1.073 1.127 1.161 1.172 1.133
Chitosan at 40 ppm 1.131 1.165 1.199 1.211 1.177 1.087 1.141 1.175 1.187 1.148
Thiamine at 25 ppm 1.061 1.114 1.147 1.159 1.120 1.063 1.116 1.149 1.161 1.122
Thiamine at 50 ppm 1.081 1.135 1.169 1.181 1.142 1.081 1.135 1.169 1.181 1.142
Mean (A) 1.079 1.129 1.162 1.178 1.074 1.128 1.162 1.174
L.S.D. at 5 % A: 0.014 B: 0.005 AB: 0.010 A: 0.012 B: 0.006 AB: 0.012
Carotenoids content (mg/g f.w.)
Control 1.154 1.211 1.247 1.259 1.218 1.169 1.227 1.264 1.276 1.234
Chitosan at 20 ppm 1.168 1.227 1.263 1.276 1.234 1.173 1.231 1.268 1.281 1.238
Chitosan at 40 ppm 1.181 1.240 1.277 1.290 1.247 1.187 1.246 1.283 1.296 1.253
Thiamine at 25 ppm 1.161 1.218 1.255 1.267 1.225 1.163 1.221 1.257 1.270 1.228
Thiamine at 50 ppm 1.177 1.236 1.273 1.286 1.243 1.181 1.240 1.277 1.290 1.247
Mean (A) 1.168 1.226 1.263 1.276 1.175 1.233 1.270 1.283
L.S.D. at 5 % A: 0.011 B: 0.004 AB: 0.008 A: 0.012 B: 0.006 AB: 0.012

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Table (4): Effect of compost level, some stimulants (chitosan, vitamin B1) treatments
and their interactions on nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium % in dry
leaves of Calendula officinalis in the two growing seasons (2021/2022 and

Some stimulants Compost levels treatments (g/pot) (A)

treatments 0.0 250 500 750 Mean (B) 0.0 250 500 750 Mean (B)
The 1st season (2021/2022) The 2nd season (2022/2023)
Nitrogen (%)
Control 3.145 3.302 3.401 3.435 3.321 3.172 3.731 3.431 3.465 3.450
Chitosan at 20 ppm 3.185 3.344 3.445 3.479 3.363 3.213 3.374 3.475 3.510 3.393
Chitosan at 40 ppm 3.240 3.398 3.495 3.536 3.417 3.272 3.434 3.481 3.575 3.441
Thiamine at 25 ppm 3.180 3.339 3.437 3.471 3.357 3.210 3.371 3.472 3.506 3.390
Thiamine at 50 ppm 3.200 3.359 3.458 3.050 3.267 3.231 3.392 3.495 3.530 3.412
Mean (A) 3.190 3.348 3.447 3.394 3.220 3.460 3.471 3.517
L.S.D. at 5 % A: 0.043 B: 0.021 AB: 0.042 A: 0.036 B: 0.023 AB: N.S.
Phosphorus (%)
Control 0.201 0.211 0.217 0.220 0.212 0.211 0.222 0.233 0.235 0.225
Chitosan at 20 ppm 0.221 0.232 0.239 0.242 0.234 0.218 0.229 0.236 0.238 0.230
Chitosan at 40 ppm 0.256 0.269 0.277 0.280 0.271 0.260 0.273 0.291 0.285 0.277
Thiamine at 25 ppm 0.212 0.223 0.229 0.232 0.224 0.216 0.227 0.234 0.236 0.228
Thiamine at 50 ppm 0.243 0.255 0.263 0.266 0.257 0.246 0.258 0.266 0.269 0.260
Mean (A) 0.227 0.238 0.245 0.248 0.230 0.242 0.252 0.253
L.S.D. at 5 % A: 0.003 B: 0.015 AB: 0.030 A: 0.003 B: 0.003 AB: 0.006
Potassium (%)
Control 1.33 1.46 1.57 1.69 1.51 1.36 1.47 1.60 1.71 1.54
Chitosan at 20 ppm 1.78 1.91 1.99 2.12 1.95 1.80 1.94 2.03 2.14 1.98
Chitosan at 40 ppm 1.87 1.98 2.15 2.31 2.08 1.90 2.00 2.19 2.35 2.11
Thiamine at 25 ppm 1.66 1.77 1.89 1.97 1.82 1.68 1.81 1.94 2.04 1.87
Thiamine at 50 ppm 1.76 1.79 2.03 2.13 1.93 1.77 1.84 2.04 2.15 1.95
Mean (A) 1.68 1.78 1.93 2.04 1.70 1.81 1.96 2.08
L.S.D. at 5 % A: 0.09 B: 0.08 AB: 0.16 A: 0.10 B: 0.09 AB: 0.18

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‫الملخص العربي‬

‫اسحجابة وباجات األقحىان لمعامالت الكمبىسث والشيحىزان والثياميه‬

‫محمىد عبذالهادي حسه عبذه‪– 1‬رجاء علي طه ‪–1‬شيماء أحمذ حسه‪- 1‬عبذهللا محمذ عثمان جهىري‬

‫‪ 1‬قسى انبسبحٍُ– كهُت انشراعت – خبيعت انًُُب‬

‫‪ 2‬قسى انبسبحٍُ– كهُت انشراعت وانًىارد انطبُعُت – خبيعت أسىاٌ‪.‬‬

‫أُخزٌ هذا انعًم فٍ يشخم َببحبث انشَُت‪ ،‬قسى انبسبحٍُ‪ ،‬كهُت انشراعت‪ ،‬خبيعت انًُُب‪ ،‬خالل يىسًٍ انًُى‬
‫‪ 2022/2021‬و‪ ،2023/2022‬الخخببر حأثُز يسخىَبث انكًبىسج (صفز – ‪ 050 – 500 – 250‬خى‪/‬أصُص)‬
‫وانشُخىساٌ (‪ 20‬و ‪ 40‬خشء فٍ انًهُىٌ) وانثُبيٍُ (‪ 250‬و ‪ 50‬خشء فٍ انًهُىٌ) وانخذاخم بُُهى عهٍ صفبث انًُى‬
‫وانخشهُز وبعض انًكىَبث انكًُبوَت نُببث األقحىاٌ‪.‬‬
‫أظهزث انُخبئح أٌ خًُع صفبث انًُى انخضزٌ (طىل انُببث –عذد انفزوع انزئُسُت‪/‬انُببث –انىسٌ اندبف‬
‫نهُببث) وصفبث انًُى انشهزٌ (انعذد انكهٍ نهُىراث‪َ/‬ببث – انىسٌ انكهٍ انطبسج واندبف نألسهبر‪/‬انُببث) وبعض‬
‫انًكىَبث انكًُبوَت (صبغبث انبُبء انضىئٍ – انُسبت انًئىَت نهُُخزوخٍُ وانفىسفىر وانبىحبسُىو) سادث سَبدة يعُىَت‬
‫َخُدت سَبدة يسخىَبث انكًبىسج فٍ يقببم يعبيهت انكُخزول‪ .‬وكبَج انًعبيهت ‪ 050‬خى‪/‬أصُص كًبىسج هٍ األكثز‬
‫فعبنُت فٍ هذا انشأٌ‪ .‬أَضبً‪ ،‬أدث يعبيالث انشُخىساٌ وانثُبيٍُ إنٍ سَبدة خًُع صفبث انًُى انخضزٌ وانشهزٌ وكذنك‬
‫انصبغبث وانُسبت انًئىَت نهُُخزوخٍُ وانفىسفىر وانبىحبسُىو‪ ،‬وكبَج يعبيهت انشُخىساٌ عُذ ‪ 40‬خشء فٍ انًهُىٌ يخفىقت‬
‫عهً خًُع انًعبيالث األخزي‪.‬‬

‫كبَج أفضم يعبيهت حفبعم نهحصىل عهٍ أفضم انصفبث انخضزَت وانشهزَت هٍ حسًُذ َببث األقحىاٌ‬
‫ببنكًبىسج بـ ‪ 050‬خى‪/‬أصُص ورش انُببث ببنشُخىساٌ عُذ حزكُش ‪ 40‬خشء فٍ انًهُىٌ‪.‬‬

‫الكلمات المفحاحية‪ :‬انكًبىسج – انشُخىساٌ – انثُبيٍُ – األقحىاٌ‪.‬‬

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