Effects of Biofertilizers and Compost Application On Vegtative Growth of Plum Transplants

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Plant Archives Vol. 20 Supplement 1, 2020 pp.

2215-2220 e-ISSN:2581-6063 (online), ISSN:0972-5210



Ali Suhail T. Al-Dulaimi and Waleed. A.A. Al-Rawi

Department of Horticulture and Landscape, College of Agriculture Engineering Sciences,

University of Baghdad, Iraq.

This study was conducted in a lath house, Dept. Of Hort. and Landscape, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, Univ.
Baghdad, Al- Jadriya during 2018 and 2019 growing seasons to investigate the influence of Biofertilizers and compost on
growth of one year’s old trees of “Hollywood” plum cultivar. The first factor is the addition of biofertilizers (B) at four types
are without addition (B0) and the addition of Azospirillum brasilemse to soil (B1) , addition of Bacillus megatherium to soil
(B2) and the addition of Azospirillum brasilemse + Bacillus megatherium to soil (B3). The second factor is the addition of
compost, without adding (C0) and the addition of compost prepared from palm leaves to soil (C1) and the addition of compost
prepared from the residues of wheat to soil (C2). Treatments were replicated three times (three transplants in experimental
unit) at factorial experiment in a RCBD. The results of the study were statistically analyzed and averages were compared
according to the (L.S.D) at 0.05 and thus the number of transplants used was 108 transplants. The experimental results
showed; The addition of biofertilizers, especially the addition of Azospirillum brasilemse + Bacillus megatherium to soil
(B3), showed significant superiority in most vegetative growth traits, and gave highest increase in shoot length was 36,72 and
62,72 cm ,the increase in stem diameter was 9,390 and 14,41 mm for the two seasons, respectively, Addition of compost
prepared from date palm leaves (C1) and prepared from wheat residues to soil (C2) resulted in an increase in most vegetative
traits (increase in branch length, increase in transplants height, leaf chlorophyll content and leaves dry weight.
Key words: Plum, Biofertilizers, Compost

Introduction are not carried out properly as well as soil service and
spraying against diseases and insects it is very few It
Plum Prunus salicina L. belongs to the Rosacea rarely occurs (Alwan, 2017).
family and under the Prunoideae sub-family (Al-Essa and
Batha, 2012). The history of the Japanese Plum tree dates The addition of mineral fertilizers, which provide the
back to 300 BC in China (Janick, 2005). In 2018, needs of any crop accompanied by a number of problems
Estimated number of plum fruitful trees growing in Iraq, that may arise, especially in Iraqi soils characterized by
including nearly 146564 tree produces up to 4464 tons, high content of calcium carbonate and high values of soil
and the average production per tree about 30.46kg pH, These properties expose nutrients to sedimentation
(PCBS, 2018). While the acreage of plum in the world and loss, especially nitrogen and phosphorus, leading to
reached about 2619471 hectare, with production of environmental pollution, degradation of the biomass of
11758135 tons (FAO, 2017). The main producing countries bacteria and fungi that are critical to improving physical
are China then Romania, Serbia, USA and Iran (FAO, and chemical soil properties and facilitating nutrients. This
2017). Perhaps the reason for the decline in the number has led to the search for more environmentally friendly
of trees in Iraq is due to lack of care for trees and disease alternatives, including a return to the use of organic and
and insects, as well as the lack of horticultural treatment biofertilizers or the adoption of organic farming (Alguacil
of trees well, and fertilization with organic fertilizers and et al., 2005).
mineral fertilizers is very limited and pruning operations Biofertilizers are fertilizers that contain microscopic
*Author for correspondence : E-mail : [email protected] microorganisms that often increase the biological activity
2216 Ali Suhail T. Al-Dulaimi and Waleed. A.A. Al-Rawi

of the soil, the most important functions of these plants found that the addition of four levels of compost prepared
are to convert atmospheric nitrogen into forms that can from palm fronds led to an increase in branches number;
be utilized by plants such as nitrates and ammonia, stem diameter and fig transplants length.
increase soil porosity and defend the plant against Due to the lack of studies on the role of organic and
pathogens by depriving them of food sources (Ali, 2012). biofertilizers in the growth of fruit transplants as well as
Several studies have been conducted to determine the to move away from fertilizers and chemical growth
role of biofertilizers in growth of fruit trees, Al-Hadethi, regulators, the present study aims to know the effect of
2015, studied the effect of biofertilizer on apricot trees the addition of biofertilizers and compost on plum
and found the biofertilizer (Phosphorene + Nitrobeine ) transplants growth.
caused significant increases in stem diameter, shoot
growth and leaf chlorophyll content compared with control Materials and Methods
treatment. Al-Hadethi et al., 2017, found that the addition This study was conducted in a lath house, Dept. Of
of bio-fertilizers to peach transplants gave the highest Hort. and Landscape , College of Agricultural Engineering
leaves area and increase in stem diameter, especially Sciences, Univ. Baghdad, Al- Jadriya during 2018 and
when added Azotobacter chroococcum + Azospirillum 2019 growing seasons to investigate the influence of
brasilense + Bacillus megatherium to the soil. Also Al- Biofertilizers and compost on growth of one year’s old
Hadethi, 2019 found the added Azospirillum brasilense trees of “Hollywood” plum cultivar. The first factor is
+ Bacillus megatherium gave the highest leaves number, the addition of biofertilizers (B) at four types are without
stem diameter and shoots length when his studied on addition (B0) and the addition of Azospirillum brasilemse
hawthorn transplants. to soil (B1), addition of Bacillus megatherium to soil (B2)
Organic fertilization is one of the important ways to and the addition of Azospirillum brasilemse + Bacillus
supply plants with nutrient requirements without any megatherium to soil (B3). The second factor is the addition
negative impact on the environment, as the increase does of compost, without adding (C 0) and the addition of
not lead to damage to the plant that occurs when mineral compost prepared from palm leaves to soil (C1) and the
fertilizers in large quantities, and it is not hidden from the addition of compost prepared from the residues of wheat
workers in the agricultural sector of the organic It has a to soil (C2). Treatments were replicated three times (three
role in plant growth and yield, whether it is added to the transplants in experimental unit) at factorial experiment
soil or sprayed on the vegetative part (Nardi et al., 2016). in a RCBD. The results of the study were statistically
Compost is one of the organic fertilizers that provide the analyzed and averages were compared according to the
plant with its nutrient needs without any negative impact (L.S.D) at 0.05 according to Elsahookie and Wuhaib
on the environment, in addition to improving the physical, (1990) and thus the number of transplants used was 108
chemical and biological properties of the soil, and can be transplants.
used at high rates without leading to damage to the roots The following parameters were determined in the
of the plant, which may occur when fertilization with two successive seasons:
mineral fertilizers in large quantities, as the addition of
1. Transplant height (cm): The lengths of the plants
organic fertilizers to the soil increases the amount of
were measured at the beginning of the experiment
organic matter and the activity and preparation of
using the metric tape and then the lengths were
microorganisms in it as well as working to add nutrients
measured at the end of the experiment (mid-October
to the soil, which leads to an increase in plant growth
for the first year and mid-September for the second
rates and increase in the amount of yield and improve Its
year) and according to the difference between them,
quality (Hao et al., 2009; Baldi and Toselli, 2013). Some
which represented an increase in the height of
studies have been conducted on the effect of compost
addition on the growth of fruit trees, Al-Hadethi et al.
(2015) conducted a study that included the addition of 2. Shoots length (cm): four branches were measured
four levels of compost prepared from date palm leaves using metric tape from each experimental unit at
(DPLC) to find out its effect on the physical and chemical the beginning and end of the experiment and
properties of the soil and some vegetative properties of calculating the difference between them for both
fig transplants, they found that the addition of this compost seasons.
had a significant effect on the improvement of soil 3. Stem diameter increase (mm): Stem diameter was
properties and a significant increase in leaf area and measured using a (Vernier) at the beginning and
leaves chlorophyll content. Al-Rawi et al., (2016) also end of the experiment, and calculating the difference
Effects of biofertilizers and compost application on vegtative growth of plum transplants 2217

between them for both seasons. the biofertilizer factor had a significant effect on plant
4. -1
Branches number increase (branch.plant ): Three height shoot length and increased in stem diameter. That
branches were left for each transplant and then this effect varied according to the added levels of these
according to the number of branches formed on the fertilizers during the two seasons of the study. The highest
transplant at the end of the experiment (mid-October plant height reached 94.02 cm in B3 treatment, but it did
for the first year and mid-September for the second not differ significantly from treatment B2, which gave
year). the highest plant height of 63.71 cm. As for the role of
adding compost, the results of the same table indicate
5. Leaf dry weight (%): Various leaves were taken
that compost significantly affected the plant height where
from the transplants was weighing then drained and
treatment C1 gave the highest value of 98.91 cm during
calculated the percentage of dry matter by dividing
the first season of the study, while treatment C2 excelled
weight after drying on weight before drying × 100.
by giving the highest value was 65.96 cm for the second
Leaf chlorophyll contents (mg.100gm-1): In the first season. The results indicated in Table 1 showed that the
week of June for both seasons, total chlorophyll was addition of microorganisms significantly affected on shoot
estimated in the plum leaves, according to Mackinney length, where treatment B3 excelled by giving the highest
(1941) modified by Arnon (1949). shoot lengths of 36.72 and 62.72 cm for two growing
seasons respectively, while giving B0 treatment (control)
Results and Discussion
is the least increase in shoot length. As for the role of
Effect of biofertilizers and compost application on compost, the results showed that the addition of compost
transplants height, shoot length and increased in significantly affected on shoot length, where C2 treatment
stem diameter of plum transplants: outperformed by giving the highest value of 33.89 cm
The results in Tables 1 showed that the addition of and 58.24 cm while the lowest value when the control

Table 1: Effect of biofertilizers and compost application on transplants height, shoot length and increased in stem diameter of
“Hollywood” plum transplants.
season 2018 2019
Biofertilizers (B) Compost (C) Compost (C)
C0 C1 C2 mean C0 C1 C2 mean
Transplant Height (cm)
B0 89.72 91.33 88.26 89.77 54.04 56.98 65.98 59.00
B1 85.00 101.74 85.93 90.89 57.45 63.37 58.07 59.63
B2 85.70 101.48 94.48 93.89 54.92 66.41 69.80 63.71
B3 84.39 101.08 96.59 94.02 52.78 65.70 70.00 62.83
mean 86.20 98.91 91.32 54.80 63.12 65.96
L.S.D5% B C Inter B C Inter
1.432 1.240 2.480 1.280 1.109 2.218
Shoot length (cm)
B0 18.67 27.57 29.15 25.13 43.09 43.79 52.44 46.44
B1 27.48 23.34 27.09 25.97 36.69 48.66 50.08 45.15
B2 25.92 30.95 41.41 32.76 50.05 55.00 66.35 57.14
B3 39.61 32.63 37.92 36.72 62.17 61.92 64.07 62.72
mean 27.92 28.62 33.89 48.00 52.34 58.24
L.S.D5% B C Inter B C Inter
0.591 0.512 1.024 0.640 0.554 1.108
Increased in stem diameter (mm)
B0 8.648 8.276 8.090 8.338 11.69 13.56 13.77 13.01
B1 8.519 10.46 8.444 9.140 12.49 14.47 14.66 13.87
B2 8.249 11.06 9.037 9.447 12.45 14.11 14.45 13.67
B3 8.052 10.55 9.567 9.390 12.59 15.32 15.34 14.41
mean 8.367 10.09 8.784 12.30 14.37 14.56
L.S.D5% B C Inter B C Inter
0.372 0.322 0.644 0.574 0.497 0.995
2218 Ali Suhail T. Al-Dulaimi and Waleed. A.A. Al-Rawi

Table 2: Effect of biofertilizers and compost application on branches number, leaves dry weight and leaf chlorophyll content of
“Hollywood” plum transplants.
season 2018 2019
Biofertilizers (B) Compost (C) Compost (C)
C0 C1 C2 mean C0 C1 C2 mean
Branches number
B0 16.19 16.82 16.18 16.40 29.82 34.76 38.96 34.51
B1 15.74 17.33 15.59 16.22 31.05 41.66 43.05 38.59
B2 15.11 17.07 15.48 15.89 34.50 39.71 44.33 39.51
B3 15.81 15.76 16.74 16.11 40.59 49.31 49.08 46.33
mean 15.71 16.75 16.00 33.99 41.36 43.86
L.S.D5% B C Inter B C Inter
0.280 0.250 0.500 1.397 1.210 2.420
Leaves dry weight (%)
B0 56.03 57.58 57.61 57.07 71.97 73.39 73.04 72.80
B1 57.53 56.49 57.68 57.24 72.78 75.34 71.17 73.10
B2 57.42 59.35 58.38 58.39 70.67 70.45 73.71 71.61
B3 56.50 58.43 61.15 58.69 71.07 72.62 73.17 72.29
mean 56.87 57.96 58.71 72.77 72.95 72.77
L.S.D5% B C Inter B C Inter
0.221 0.191 0.383 0.623 0.540 1.079
Leaf chlorophyll content ( mg.100gm-1)
B0 29.29 37.79 39.60 35.56 29.62 28.84 33.28 30.58
B1 34.81 36.02 40.99 37.27 29.78 36.26 35.30 33.78
B2 43.54 39.42 40.58 41.18 24.49 29.82 33.70 29.33
B3 42.19 50.16 57.75 50.03 36.57 41.76 38.40 38.91
mean 37.46 40.85 44.73 30.11 34.17 35.17
L.S.D5% B C Inter B C Inter
0.340 0.298 0.595 0.332 0.288 0.575

treatment C0 was 27.92 cm and 48.00 Cm during the of microorganisms varied in their effect on increasing of
two seasons, respectively. branches number during the growing seasons.It did not
The results showed in Table 1 that the addition of significantly affect during the first growing season, In
microorganisms led to a clear increase in the increased the second growing season, the addition of
in stem diameter, where B3 treatment gave the highest microorganisms significantly affected the rate of increase
mean of 9.390 mm and 14.41 mm where it surpassed the in branches number, where B3treatment gave the highest
control treatment (B0), which gave the lowest value was mean of 46.33 branches. The lowest mean was at B0,
8.338 mm and 13.01 mm for both season, respectively. which gave a value of 34.51 branches. Plant-1. As for
As for the role of compost, its effect on increased in the effect of adding compost, the C1 treatment exceeded,
stem diameter varied during the two seasons.The C 1 which gave the highest mean of 16.75 branches. Plant-1
treatment gave the highest value of 10.09 mm during the during the first growing season and C 2 treatment
first growing season, while the C2 treatment gave the significantly outperformed, which gave the highest mean
highest rate of increase in stem diameter was 14.56 mm of 43.86 branches.Plant -1 during the second growing
for the second growing season, while the control treatment season. The results of Table 2 indicate that adding the
(C0) gave the lowest value of diameter was 8.367 mm microorganism factor may change its effect on leaves
and 12.30 mm and for the two growing seasons, dry weight. During the first growing season, treatment
Respectively. B3 outperformed giving it the highest leaves dry weight
reaching 58.69%, while control treatment gave the lowest
Effect of biofertilizers and compost application on
leaves dry weight of 57.07%. As for the second growing
branches number, leaves dry weight and leaf
season, it is clear from the results that treatment B 1
chlorophyll content of plum transplants:
exceeded the highest value of 73.10%. As for the effect
The results shown in Table 2 showed that the addition of compost addition, it may be clear from the results of
Effects of biofertilizers and compost application on vegtative growth of plum transplants 2219

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