Power System Operation and Control 6th Sem EEE ELECTRICAL M508

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Registration No :

-- 2
Total Number of Pages : 03
02 3 Course: B.Tech
Sub_Code: REL6C001
8 / 2
6 Semester /
4 0 / Back Examination: 2022-23
Power System Operation and Control

Time : 3 Hour
Max Marks : 100
Q.Code : M504
- - 2
Answer Question No.1 (Part-1) which is compulsory, any eight from Part-II and any two

2 0 23
from Part-III.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.
08 /
2 4 / Part-I

Q1 Answer the following questions: (2 x 10)
selected for a power system. -- 2
What do you mean by p.u. value of any electrical parameter? How base values are

b) What are Synchronizing Power Coefficients?

02 3
c) What do you mean by slack bus?
8/ 2
d) Define Unit Commitment.
f) - 2 4
What is the relationship between load and frequency?
What is the significance of the Jacobian matrix in load-flow analysis?
h) What is power angle? 109
What are the methods used for Power factor correction?

i) What is the load factor?

- 2
What do you mean by Dynamic stability in a power system?
0 2 3
Q2 Only Focused-Short Answer
8 / 2Type Questions- (Answer Any Eight out of (6 × 8)
4 / 0
a) Derive the approximation2 voltage equation in load flow studies.

09 of the governor model in a single area control showing
b) Obtain the expression
relation. - 2 the
-Derive the
-2 of the Jacobian elements in the matrix./20
c) Write down the equations governing the N-R load flow method. 2 3
0 2 3 8
d) Explain
e) /Derive
the different types of buses used in load flow studies.
4 at 60 Hz to supply a total
the penalty factor in the economics dispatch problem.
f) 8 Two thermal generating units are operating in parallel
0 - 2
2 4 / 0 9of 600 MW and 4% speed drop
load of 700 MW. Unit 1, with a rated output
characteristics, supplies 400 MW, and Unit 2, which has a rated output of 500 MW
10 and 5% speed drop, supplies the remaining 300 MW of load. If the total load
increases to 800 MW, determine the new loading of each unit and the common
frequency change before any supplementary control action occurs. Neglect losses.
g) Two 200 MVA alternators operate in parallel. The frequency drops in the first
machine from 50 Hz at no load to 48 Hz at full load, whereas in the case of the
other machine, the frequency drops from 50 Hz to 47 Hz under the same
conditions. a) How will the two machines share a total load of 300 MW? b)
Determine the maximum load at unity power factor which can be delivered by the
two machines without overloading any of there.
h) What is the main function of load frequency control?
i) Derive the expressions of critical clearing angle and critical clearing time.
-- 2
What do you mean by load frequency control describe ALFC with a block diagram.
given by the following equation.
02 3
The incremental fuel costs for two generation units 1 and 2 of a power plant are

8/ 2
2 4 /0
09 -
Where F is the fuel cost in rupees per hour and P is the power output in MW. Find
i) The economical loading of the two units when the total load supplied by the

- - 2
power plants is 160 MW. ii) The loss in fuel cost per hour if the load of 160 MW is

equally shared by both Units.
/ 2 0
What is a single-area and two-area system?

/08 Part-III
4Answer Type Questions (Answer Any Two out of Four)
Only Long2
9 the critical clearing angle for the fault that occurs at 2the busbar of the
Q3 0
1Derive -
generator in a parallel transmission Line.
2 3 -
A power system has a total load of 1260 MW at 60 Hz.0The load varies by 1.5% for
/ 2
every 1% change in freq (D = 1.5). Find the8steady-state

when a 60 MW load is suddenly tripped if a) /There
frequency deviation
is no speed control.
b) The system has 240MW of spinning - 2
reserve evenly spread among 500 MW of
9 based on this capacity. All other
generations are operating with 10values
generation capacity with 5% regulation
wide open. Assume that the effect of
governing dead bands is such that only 80% of the governor responds to the
reduction in system load.
-- 2
Q5 0 2
Using the Gauss-Seidel method, determine
3 the phasor values of the voltage at the (16)
8 / 2 to four decimal places.
load buses 2 & 3 (PQ-buses) accurate

4 / 0
9 - 2
10 3 -- 2
- - 2 2 0 2
0 2 3 8 /
/ 2 4 /0
/ 0 8 9- 2
- 2 4 1 0
109 Q6 Derive the swing equation of the rotor. Derive the condition of stability after (16)
following a disturbance.

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