Chapter 8 Special Senses

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Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology

Thirteenth Edition
Global Edition

Chapter 8
Special Senses

Lecture Presentation by
Patty Bostwick-Taylor
Florence-Darlington Technical College

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Special Senses
• Special senses include:
– Smell
– Taste
– Sight
– Hearing
– Equilibrium
• Special sense receptors
– Large, complex sensory organs (eye and ear)
– Localized clusters of receptors (taste buds and
olfactory epithelium)

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Concept Link
Recall the three basic functions of the nervous system
(Figure 7.1, p. 243). Each of the special senses gathers
unique sensory information that, once integrated, will
influence motor output. For example, if you saw a ball
moving toward your head, this sensory input might result
in a motor output that would move your body out of the
path of the ball. Additionally, recall that each type of
sensory information is processed in a specialized area of
the cerebrum (Figure 7.13c, p. 259).

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Part I : The Eye and Vision

• 70 percent of all sensory receptors are in the eyes

• Each eye has over 1 million nerve fibers carrying
information to the brain

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Anatomy of the Eye
• Accessory structures include the:
– Extrinsic eye muscles
– Eyelids
– Conjunctiva
– Lacrimal apparatus

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Figure 8.1 Surface Anatomy of the Eye
and Accessory Structures

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External and Accessory
Structures (1 of 5)
• Eyelids
– Meet at the medial and lateral commissure (canthus)
• Eyelashes
– Tarsal glands produce an oily secretion that lubricates
the eye
– Ciliary glands are located between the eyelashes

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External and Accessory
Structures (2 of 5)
• Conjunctiva
– Membrane that lines the eyelids and eyeball
– Connects with the transparent cornea
– Secretes mucus to lubricate the eye and keep it moist

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External and Accessory
Structures (3 of 5)
• Lacrimal apparatus = lacrimal gland + ducts
– Lacrimal gland—produces lacrimal fluid (tears);
situated on lateral end of each eye
– Tears drain across the eye into the lacrimal canaliculi,
then the lacrimal sac, and into the nasolacrimal duct,
which empties into the nasal cavity

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External and Accessory
Structures (4 of 5)
• Tears contain:
– Dilute salt solution
– Mucus
– Antibodies
– Lysozyme (enzyme that destroys bacteria)
• Function of tears
– Cleanse, protect, moisten, lubricate the eye

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Figure 8.2a Accessory Structures of the

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Figure 8.2b Accessory Structures of the

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External and Accessory
Structures (5 of 5)
• Extrinsic eye muscles
– Six muscles attach to the outer surface of the eye
– Produce gross eye movements

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Figure 8.3a Extrinsic Muscles of the

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Figure 8.3b Extrinsic Muscles of the

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Figure 8.3c Extrinsic Muscles of the

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Internal Structures: The Eyeball (1 of 13)
• Three layers, or tunics, form the wall of the eyeball
– Fibrous layer: outside layer
– Vascular layer: middle layer
– Sensory layer: inside layer
• Humors are fluids that fill the interior of the eyeball
• Lens divides the eye into two chambers

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Figure 8.4a Internal Anatomy of the Eye
(Sagittal Section) (1 of 3)

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Figure 8.4b Internal Anatomy of the
Eye (Sagittal Section) (1 of 2)

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Internal Structures: The Eyeball (2 of 13)
• Fibrous layer = sclera + cornea
– Sclera
▪ White connective tissue layer
▪ Seen anteriorly as the “white of the eye”
– Cornea
▪ Transparent, central anterior portion
▪ Allows for light to pass through
▪ Repairs itself easily
▪ The only human tissue that can be transplanted
without fear of rejection due to lack of blood
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Internal Structures: The Eyeball (3 of 13)
• Vascular layer
– Choroid is a blood-rich nutritive layer that contains a
pigment (prevents light from scattering)
– Choroid is modified anteriorly into two smooth muscle
▪ Ciliary body—attached to lens by a suspensory
ligament called the ciliary zonule
▪ Iris—regulates amount of light entering eye
– Pigmented layer that gives eye color
– Pupil—rounded opening in the iris

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Internal Structures: The Eyeball (4 of 13)
• Sensory layer
– Retina contains two layers
1. Outer pigmented layer absorbs light and prevents it
from scattering
2. Inner neural layer contains receptor cells
– Rods
– Cones

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Internal Structures: The Eyeball (5 of 13)
• Sensory layer
– Electrical signals pass from photoreceptors via a
two-neuron chain
▪ Bipolar cells
▪ Ganglion cells
– Signals leave the retina toward the brain through
the optic nerve
– Optic disc (blind spot) is where the optic nerve
leaves the eyeball
▪ Cannot see images focused on the optic disc

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Figure 8.5a The Three Major Types of
Neurons Composing the Retina

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Figure 8.5b The Three Major Types of
Neurons Composing the Retina

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Internal Structures: The Eyeball (6 of 13)
• Sensory layer
– Rods
▪ Most are found toward the edges of the retina
▪ Allow vision in dim light and peripheral vision
▪ All perception is in gray tones

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Internal Structures: The Eyeball (7 of 13)
• Sensory layer
– Cones
▪ Allow for detailed color vision
▪ Densest in the center of the retina
▪ Fovea centralis–lateral to blind spot
– Area of the retina with only cones
– Visual acuity (sharpest vision) is here
– No photoreceptor cells are at the optic disc, or blind

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Internal Structures: The Eyeball (8 of 13)
• Sensory layer
– Cone sensitivity
▪ Three types of cones
▪ Each cone type is sensitive to different
wavelengths of visible light

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Figure 8.6 Sensitivities of the Three Cone Types
to Different Wavelengths of Visible Light

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Internal Structures: The Eyeball (9 of 13)
• Lens
– Flexible, biconvex crystal-like structure
– Held in place by a suspensory ligament attached to
the ciliary body

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Figure 8.4a Internal Anatomy of the Eye
(Sagittal Section) (2 of 3)

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Internal Structures: The Eyeball (10 of 13)
• Lens divides the eye into two segments, or chambers
1. Anterior (aqueous) segment
▪ Anterior to the lens
▪ Contains aqueous humor, a clear, watery fluid
2. Posterior (vitreous) segment
▪ Posterior to the lens
▪ Contains vitreous humor, a gel-like substance

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Figure 8.4a Internal Anatomy of the Eye
(Sagittal Section) (3 of 3)

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Figure 8.4b Internal Anatomy of the Eye
(Sagittal Section) (2 of 2)

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Internal Structures: The Eyeball (11 of 13)
• Aqueous humor
– Watery fluid found between lens and cornea
– Similar to blood plasma
– Helps maintain intraocular pressure
– Provides nutrients for the lens and cornea
– Reabsorbed into venous blood through the scleral
venous sinus, or canal of Schlemm

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Internal Structures: The Eyeball (12 of 13)
• Vitreous humor
– Gel-like substance posterior to the lens
– Prevents the eye from collapsing
– Helps maintain intraocular pressure

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Internal Structures: The Eyeball (13 of 13)
• Ophthalmoscope
– Instrument used to illuminate the interior of the eyeball
and fundus (posterior wall)
– Can detect diabetes, arteriosclerosis, degeneration of
the optic nerve and retina

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Figure 8.7 The Posterior Wall (Fundus) of the
Retina as Seen With an Ophthalmoscope

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Physiology of Vision (1 of 7)
• Pathway of light through the eye and light refraction
– Light must be focused to a point on the retina for
optimal vision
– Light is bent, or refracted, by the cornea, aqueous
humor, lens, and vitreous humor
– The eye is set for distant vision (over 20 feet away)
– Accommodation—the lens must change shape to
focus on closer objects (less than 20 feet away)

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Figure 8.8 Relative Convexity of the Lens
During Focusing for Distant and Close Vision

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Physiology of Vision (2 of 7)
• Pathway of light through the eye and light refraction
– Image formed on the retina is a real image
– Real images are:
▪ Reversed from left to right
▪ Upside down
▪ Smaller than the object

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Figure 8.9 Real Image (Reversed Left to Right,
and Upside Down) Formed on the Retina

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Physiology of Vision (3 of 7)
• Visual fields and visual pathways to the brain
– Optic nerve
▪ Bundle of axons that exit the back of the eye
carrying impulses from the retina
– Optic chiasma
▪ Location where the optic nerves cross
▪ Fibers from the medial side of each eye cross over
to the opposite side of the brain

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Physiology of Vision (4 of 7)
• Visual fields and visual pathways to the brain
– Optic tracts
▪ Contain fibers from the lateral side of the eye on the
same side and the medial side of the opposite eye
▪ Synapse with neurons in the thalamus
– Optic radiation
▪ Axons from the thalamus run to the occipital lobe
▪ Synapse with cortical cells, and vision interpretation
(seeing) occurs

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Physiology of Vision (5 of 7)
• Summary of the pathway of impulses from the retina to
the point of visual interpretation
1. Optic nerve
2. Optic chiasma
3. Optic tract
4. Thalamus
5. Optic radiation
6. Visual cortex in occipital lobe of brain

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Figure 8.10 Visual Fields of the Eyes and
Visual Pathway to the Brain (Inferior View)

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Physiology of Vision (6 of 7)
• Visual fields
– Each eye “sees” a slightly different view
– Field of view overlaps for each eye
• Binocular vision results and provides:
– Depth perception (three-dimensional vision)

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A Closer Look (1 of 3)
• Emmetropia—eye focuses images correctly on the retina
• Myopia (nearsightedness)
– Distant objects appear blurry
– Light from those objects fails to reach the retina and
are focused in front of it
– Results from an eyeball that is too long

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A Closer Look (2 of 3)
• Hyperopia (farsightedness)
– Near objects are blurry, whereas distant objects are
– Distant objects are focused behind the retina
– Results from an eyeball that is too short or from a
“lazy lens”

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A Closer Look (3 of 3)
• Astigmatism
– Images are blurry
– Results from light focusing as lines, not points, on the
retina because of unequal curvatures of the cornea or

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A Closer Look 8.2 Bringing Things Into

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Physiology of Vision (7 of 7)
• Eye reflexes
– Convergence: reflexive movement of the eyes
medially when we focus on a close object
– Photopupillary reflex: bright light causes pupils to
– Accommodation pupillary reflex: viewing close
objects causes pupils to constrict

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Part II : The Ear: Hearing and Balance

• Ear houses two senses

1. Hearing
2. Equilibrium (balance)
• Receptors are mechanoreceptors
• Different organs house receptors for each sense

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Anatomy of the Ear (1 of 6)
• The ear is divided into three areas
1. External (outer) ear
2. Middle ear
3. Internal (inner) ear

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Figure 8.11 Anatomy of the Ear (1 of 3)

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Anatomy of the Ear (2 of 6)
• External (outer) ear
– Auricle (pinna)
– External acoustic meatus (auditory canal)
▪ Narrow chamber in the temporal bone
▪ Lined with skin and ceruminous (earwax) glands
– Glands secrete cerumen (earwax)
– Cerumen traps foreign objects and repels insects
▪ Ends at the tympanic membrane (eardrum)
– External ear is involved only in collecting sound waves

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Anatomy of the Ear (3 of 6)
• Middle ear cavity (tympanic cavity)
– Air-filled, mucosa-lined cavity within the temporal bone
– Involved only in the sense of hearing
– Located between tympanic membrane (laterally) and
medially by a bony wall with two openings:
▪ Oval window
▪ Round window

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Anatomy of the Ear (4 of 6)
• Middle ear cavity (tympanic cavity)
– Pharyngotympanic tube (auditory tube)
▪ Links middle ear cavity with the throat
▪ Equalizes pressure in the middle ear cavity so the
eardrum can vibrate

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Anatomy of the Ear (5 of 6)
• Middle ear cavity (tympanic cavity)
– Three bones (ossicles) span the cavity
1. Malleus (hammer)
2. Incus (anvil)
3. Stapes (stirrup)

– Function
▪ Transmit and amplify vibrations from tympanic
membrane to the fluids of the inner ear
▪ Vibrations travel from the hammer  anvil
 stirrup  oval window of inner ear
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Figure 8.11 Anatomy of the Ear (2 of 3)

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Anatomy of the Ear (6 of 6)
• Internal (inner) ear
– Includes sense organs for hearing and balance
– Bony labyrinth (osseous labyrinth) consists of:
▪ Cochlea
▪ Vestibule
▪ Semicircular canals
– Bony labyrinth is filled with perilymph
▪ Membranous labyrinth is suspended in perilymph
and contains endolymph

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Figure 8.11 Anatomy of the Ear (3 of 3)

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Hearing (1 of 4)
• Spiral organ of Corti
– Located within the cochlear duct
– Receptors = hair cells on the basilar membrane
– Gel-like tectorial membrane is capable of bending hair
– Cochlear nerve attached to hair cells transmits nerve
impulses to auditory cortex on temporal lobe

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Figure 8.12a Anatomy of the Cochlea

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Figure 8.12b Anatomy of the Cochlea

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Hearing (2 of 4)
• Pathway of vibrations from sound waves
1. Auricle (pinna)
2. External acoustic meatus (auditory canal)
3. Tympanic membrane
4. Ossicles amplify the sound waves
5. Oval window
6. Basilar membrane in the spiral organ of Corti
7. Hair cells of the tectorial membrane are bent when
the basilar membrane vibrates against it

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Hearing (3 of 4)
• Pathway of vibrations from sound waves
8. An action potential starts in the cochlear nerve
(cranial nerve VIII)

9. Impulse travels to the auditory cortex in the

temporal lobe

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Figure 8.13 Route of Sound Waves
Through the Ear

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Hearing (4 of 4)
• High-pitched sounds disturb the short, stiff fibers of the
basilar membrane
– Receptor cells close to the oval window are stimulated
• Low-pitched sounds disturb the long, floppy fibers of the
basilar membrane
– Specific hair cells further along the cochlea are

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Figure 8.14 Activation of the Cochlear
Hair Cells

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• Equilibrium receptors of the inner ear are called the
vestibular apparatus
• Vestibular apparatus has two functional parts
1. Static equilibrium
2. Dynamic equilibrium

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Static Equilibrium
• Maculae—receptors in the vestibule
– Report on the position of the head
– Help us keep our head erect
– Send information via the vestibular nerve (division of
cranial nerve VIII ) to the cerebellum of the brain
• Anatomy of the maculae
– Hair cells are embedded in the otolithic membrane
– Otoliths (tiny stones) float in a gel around hair cells
– Movements cause otoliths to roll and bend hair cells

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Figure 8.15a Structure and Function of
Maculae (Static Equilibrium Receptors)

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Figure 8.15b Structure and Function of
Maculae (Static Equilibrium Receptors)

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Dynamic Equilibrium
• Crista ampullaris
– Responds to angular or rotational movements of the
– Located in the ampulla of each semicircular canal
– Tuft of hair cells covered with cupula (gelatinous cap)
– If the head moves, the cupula drags against the
– Hair cells are stimulated, and the impulse travels the
vestibular nerve to the cerebellum

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Figure 8.16a Structure and Function of the Crista
Ampullaris (Dynamic Equilibrium Receptor
Region) (1 of 3)

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Figure 8.16b Structure and Function of the Crista
Ampullaris (Dynamic Equilibrium Receptor
Region) (2 of 3)

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Figure 8.16c Structure and Function of the Crista
Ampullaris (Dynamic Equilibrium Receptor
Region) (3 of 3)

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Hearing and Equilibrium Deficits
• Deafness is any degree of hearing loss
– Conduction deafness results when the transmission of
sound vibrations through the external and middle ears
is hindered
– Sensorineural deafness results from damage to the
nervous system structures involved in hearing
– Ménière’s syndrome affects the inner ear and causes
progressive deafness and perhaps vertigo (sensation
of spinning)

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Part III : Chemical Senses: Smell and

• Chemoreceptors
– Stimulated by chemicals in solution
– Taste has five types of receptors
– Smell can differentiate a wider range of chemicals
• Both senses complement each other and respond to
many of the same stimuli

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Olfactory Receptors and the Sense of
• Olfactory receptors are in roof of nasal cavity
– Olfactory receptor cells (neurons) with long cilia
known as olfactory hairs detect chemicals
– Chemicals must be dissolved in mucus for detection
by chemoreceptors called olfactory receptors
• Impulses are transmitted via the olfactory filaments to
the olfactory nerve (cranial nerve I)
• Smells are interpreted in the olfactory cortex

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Figure 8.17 Location and Cellular
Makeup of the Olfactory Epithelium

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Taste Buds and the Sense of Taste (1 of 5)
• Taste buds house the receptor organs
• Locations of taste buds
– Most are on the tongue
– Soft palate
– Superior part of the pharynx
– Cheeks

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Taste Buds and the Sense of Taste (2 of 5)
• The tongue is covered with projections called papillae
that contain taste buds
– Vallate (circumvallate) papillae
– Fungiform papillae
– Filiform papillae

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Figure 8.18a Location and Structure of
Taste Buds

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Figure 8.18b Location and Structure of
Taste Buds

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Taste Buds and the Sense of Taste (3 of 5)
• Gustatory cells are the taste receptors
– Possess gustatory hairs (long microvilli)
– Gustatory hairs protrude through a taste pore
– Hairs are stimulated by chemicals dissolved in saliva

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Figure 8.18c Location and Structure of
Taste Buds

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Taste Buds and the Sense of Taste (4 of 5)
• Impulses are carried to the gustatory complex by several
cranial nerves because taste buds are found in different
– Facial nerve (cranial nerve VII)
– Glossopharyngeal nerve (cranial nerve IX)
– Vagus nerve (cranial nerve X)
• Taste buds are replaced frequently by basal cells

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Taste Buds and the Sense of Taste (5 of 5)
• Five basic taste sensations
– Sweet receptors respond to sugars, saccharine, some
amino acids
– Sour receptors respond to H ions or acids
– Bitter receptors respond to alkaloids
– Salty receptors respond to metal ions
– Umami receptors respond to the amino acid
glutamate or the beefy taste of meat

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Part Four
IV : Developmental Aspects of the
Special Senses (1 of 5)
• Special sense organs are formed early in embryonic
• Maternal infections during the first 5 or 6 weeks of
pregnancy may cause visual abnormalities as well as
sensorineural deafness in the developing child

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Part Four
IV : Developmental Aspects of the
Special Senses (2 of 5)
• Vision requires the most learning
• The infant has poor visual acuity (is farsighted) and lacks
color vision and depth perception at birth
• The eye continues to grow and mature until age 8 or 9

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Part Four
IV : Developmental Aspects of the
Special Senses (3 of 5)
• Age-related eye issues
– Presbyopia—“old vision” results from decreasing lens
elasticity that accompanies aging
▪ Causes difficulty to focus for close vision
– Lacrimal glands become less active
– Lens becomes discolored
– Dilator muscles of iris become less efficient, causing
pupils to remain constricted

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Part Four
IV : Developmental Aspects of the
Special Senses (4 of 5)
• The newborn infant can hear sounds, but initial responses are
• By the toddler stage, the child is listening critically and
beginning to imitate sounds as language development begins
• Age-related ear problems
– Presbycusis—type of sensorineural deafness that may
result from otosclerosis
▪ Otosclerosis—ear ossicles fuse
– Congenital ear problems usually result from missing pinnas
and closed or missing external acoustic meatuses

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Part Four
IV : Developmental Aspects of the
Special Senses (5 of 5)
• Taste and smell are most acute at birth and decrease in
sensitivity after age 40 as the number of olfactory and
gustatory receptors decreases

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