Prof. Msambi - Raft Foundation Design Example

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A mat foundation is to be design by the conventional method (rigid method) for the column loadings shown in
Figure below. All columns are 400 x 400 mm, Ultimate soil bearing pressure is 100 kN/m². The exposure
conditions are moderate and assume fire resistance period as 3 hours. Use Grade 40 concrete and reinforcement
Grade 460.

Floor Plan


Referred OUTPUT
Design Data
Strength of concrete; fcu = 40 N/mm
Strength of reinforcement; fy = 460 N/mm
Strength of shear reinforcement; fyv = 460 N/mm
Ultimate soil bearing pressure is 100 kN/m²
Loading from columns as per floor plan
Effective Span of slab in x-direction; lx = 5000 mm
Effective Span of slab in y-direction; ly = 6000 mm
Column dimension in x-direction; Cx = 400 mm
Column dimension in y-direction; Cy = 400 mm
Exposure conditions: Moderate
Fire resistance period: 3 hours
Therefore Cover to bottom reinforcement; c = 35 mm, use 40 mm
and Cover to top reinforcement; c’ = 40 mm
Location of Centre of Gravity (c.g.) of loads
∑P = 2(600 +750 + 600) + 2(1800 + 1800 + 1320) =13,740 kN
X = ∑PX/∑P
13740 X = (750 + 1800 + 1800 + 750)5 + (600 +1320 + 1320 + 600)10
X = 4.65 m
ex = 5 - 4.65 = 0.35
X’ = 5 + 0.35 = 5.35 m

Prof. J. J. Msambichaka April 2015
Referred OUTPUT
13740 Y = (600 +750 + 600)18 + (1800 + 1800 + 1320) 12 + (1800 + 1800 + 1320) 6
Y = 9 m
ey = 6 + 6/2 - 9 = 0

Size of the slab

B min = 2( 5.35 + 0.20 + 0.15 ) =11.40 m
Lmin = 2(9 + 0.20 + 0.15) = 18.70 m

Dimension of raft foundation is 11.40 m x 18.70 m

Actual contact pressure (Without weight of slab)

σ = ΣP/(BL) = 13740/(11.40 x 18.70) =64.45 kNm² < σult = 100 kNm²
Actual Contact Pressure (With weight of slab)
3 2
24 kN/m x 0.4 m = 9.6 kN/m
σ = 64.45 + 9.6 = 74.05 kN/m < σult = 100 kNm²

Division of slab into strips

Soil pressure at each strip

Strip A, (64.45) 3.55 = 228.80 kN/m
Strip B , (64.45)5.00 = 322.25 kN/m
Strip C, (64.45)2.85 = 183.68 kN/m
Strip 1 &Strip 4, (64.45)3.35 = 215.91 kN/m
Strip 2 & Strip 3 (64.45)6.00 = 386.70 kN/m
Bending Moments and Shear Forces

Consider Strip A

Average of Column and Soil Pressure Loading

ΣP = 600 + 1800 + 1800 + 600 =4800 kN

ΣR = 228.80 x 18.70 =4278.56 kN
Take average of ΣP and ΣR, (4800 + 4278.56 )/2 =4539.28 kN
σavg = (4539.28)/18.70 =242.74 kN/m
Proportionally the loads are:
P1avg = P4avg = (4539.28/4800) 600 =567.41 kN
P2avg = P3avg = (4539.28/4800) 1800 =1702.23 kN

Prof. J. J. Msambichaka April 2015
Referred OUTPUT

Modified Loading

Shear forces
V1 = 242.74 x 0.35 = 84.96 kN
V2 = V1 - 567.41 = -482.45 kN
V3 = V2 + (242.74)6 = 973.99 kN
V4 = V3 - 1702.23 = -728.24 kN
V5 = V4 + (242.74)6 = 728.24 kN
V6 = V5 - 1702.23 = -973.99 kN
V7 = V6 + (242.74)6 = 482.45 kN
V8 = V7 - 567.41 = -84.96 kN
Fixed End Moments
M1 = 242.74 x 0.35 x 0.35/2 = 14.87 kNm
M2 = 242.74 x 6.35 /2 - 567.41 x 6 = 1489.48 kNm
M3 = 242.74 x 12.35 /2 - 567.41 x 12 - 1702.23 x 6 = 1489.36 kNm
M4 = 242.74 x 18.35 /2 - 567.41 x 18 - 1702.23 x 12 -1702.23 x 6 = 14.49 kNm
Position of Maximum span Moment
X = VL/w
X1 = 482.45/242.74 = 1.99 m
X2 = 728.24/242.74 = 3 m
X3 = 973.99/242.74 = 4.01 m
Maximum Span moments
Mmax =VLX - ML - wX /2
Mmax1 =482.45 x 1.99 - 14.87 - 242.74( 1.99 )/2 = 464.57 kNm
Mmax1 =728.24 x 3 - 1489.48 - 242.74 ( 3 )/2 = 397.09 kNm
Mmax1 =973.99 x 4.01 - 14.87 - 242.74 ( 4.01 )/2 = 464.57 kNm

Main Reinforcements
Consider M = 1489.48 kNm = 1889.48/3.55 = 532.2 kNm/m
Minimum depth for singly reinforced concrete slab is:
d =√( M/ K’fcub) = 292 mm
provide 700 mm

Prof. J. J. Msambichaka April 2015
Referred OUTPUT
2 2 6
K’fcubd = 0.156 x 40 x 1000 x 700 /10 = 3057.6 kNm/m
Therefore singly reinforced.
M = 0.87fyAsz
As = M/0.87fyz

M = 532.2 kNm/m , b = 1000 mm, d = 700 mm, fcu = 40 N/mm
6 2
K = 532.2 x 10 /(1000 x 700 x 40) = 0.027153

0.95d = 0.95 x 700 = 665 mm

z = 678.2 mm > 0.95d

Use z = 665 mm
6 2
As = M/0.87fyz = 532.2 x 10 /(0.87 x 460 x 665) = 2000 mm
Use 16 mm@ 100 mm c/c (As = 2011 mm )
100As/bd = 0.9
Punching shear
Consider column with maximum load = 1800 kN load

At column face
(Check: v < 0.8√fcu and v < 5 N/mm )
The length of one side of column perimeter: lh = 400 mm
x= lh= 400 mm
The length of column face perimeter: uo = 4lh = 4 x 400 = 1600 mm
0.8√fcu = 0.8√40 = 5.05
v = V /uod = 1800/(1600 x 700) = 1.6 N/mm
v < 0.8√fcu and v < 5 N/mm

At 1.5d distance from Head perimeter

(Check: v < vc)
x = lc + lp = lc + 2(1.5)d = lc + 3d = 400 + 3(700) = 2500 mm
Upward pressure = 64.45 x 2.5 = 402.8 kN
V = 1800 – 402.8 = 1397.2
The length of perimeter at 1.5d: u = 4x = 4 x 2500 = 10,000 mm
3 2
v= V/ud = 1397.2 x 10 /(10000 x 700) = 0.2 N/mm < vc
No need for Shear reinforcements

No need to check other perimeters


Determine bending moments, shear forces and reinforcements for the remaining strips.

Prof. J. J. Msambichaka April 2015

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