Electrical Power Utilization and Traction: Unit I Electrical Drives

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Electrical Power Utilization

and Traction
Unit I
Electrical Drives


Speed Regulator

Rotating Machine

Actual Block Diagram

Components of load torque

Load Torque

Friction Torque

Windage Torque
Stiction, Ts
Viscous friction, Tv
Coulomb friction, Tc

Load Torque

Components of friction torque

Overall friction torque

Individual friction torques

Types of load torque

Active load torque:- continues to act in the same direction
irrespective of the direction of the drive.
e.g. gravitational force or deformation in elastic bodies.

Passive load torque:- the sense of the load torque changes

with the change in the direction of motion of drive.
e. g. torques due to friction,
due to shear and deformation of inelastic bodies

Speed-Torque Characteristics in 4 quadrant

Actual Case: Hoist Application
Speed is positive if the direction of rotation is anticlockwise or in
such a way to cause an upward or forward motion of the drive.
For reversible drive positive direction of the speed can be
assumed arbitrarily either clockwise or anticlockwise.
The motor torque is positive if it produces increase in speed in
the positive sense. The load torque is assigned the positive sign
when it is directed against the motor torque.

Four Quadrant Operation of hoist

Fully loaded cage > Counter weight > Empty cage


Steady state stability

State of Equilibrium when T = Tl
If the drive comes out of the state of equilibrium due to some
disturbance, it comes back to steady state for stable equilibrium
but for unstable equilibrium the speed of the drive increases
uncontrollably or decreases to zero. When the drive coming out
of the state of equilibrium preserves it steady state at different
speed (lying in small range), it is said to be in neutral range.
capacity of the system which enables it to develop forces of such
a nature as to restore equilibrium after any small departure

Steady state stability

Condition for stability,

Tl = Stable
Tl = Unstable

Check out this for stability

Results :
(b) Stable
(c) Stable
(d) Unstable
(e) Unstable
(f) Unstable
(g) Indeterminate condition

A Motor equipped with a flywheel is to

supply a load torque of 1000 Nm for 10
sec followed by 200 Nm long enough for
the flywheel to regain its steady state
speed. It is desired to limit the motor
torque to 700 Nm. What should be the
moment of inertia of the flywheel? Motor
inertia 10, no load speed 500 RPM, slip at
500 Nm is 5%.
1861.8 kg.m2

Classes of Motor Duty

The outside surface of 12 HP motor is equivalent to

a cylinder of 65 cm and 1 meter length. The
motor weighs 400 kg and has a specific heat of
700 J/kg/C. The outer surface is capable of heat
dissipation of 12 W/ square meter/C. Find
temperature rise and thermal constant of motor
when operating at full load and 90 % efficiency
40 C, 3 hours 11 min.

An electric motor has load variation as below:

240 Nm for 20 min
140 Nm for 10 min
300 Nm for 10 min
200 Nm for 20 min.
If speed is 720 RPM calculate the power rating of motor.
225 Nm 17kW

DC Drive
Controlled-Rectifier Fed


Chopper-Fed Drive



Characteristics of Separately-Excited
Use armature
voltage control

Use field-current control


Operating Modes
In variable-speed applications, a dc
motor may be operating in one or
more of the following Modes

Regenerative braking
Dynamic braking

Motoring Mode

Back emf, Eg is < supply voltage Va

Both Ia and If are positive
Developed torque meets load demand

Regenerative Braking Mode

Motor acts as a Generator

Eg becomes > supply Voltage Va
Ia becomes negative
Kinetic energy of the motor is returned to the supply

A 220 V, 200 A, 800 RPM dc separately

excited motor has an armature resistance
of 0.06. The motor armature is fed from a
variable voltage source with an internal
resistance of 0.04. Calculate the internal
voltage of the variable voltage source
regenerative braking at 80% of rated
motor torque and 600 RPM.

Ans : 140 V

Dynamic Braking

Replace the supply voltage with a resistor

Power dissipated in the resistor rather than given back
to the source


Reverse the armature terminals while running

Va and Eg act in the same direction
Ia is reversed, producing braking torque

Four-Quadrant Operation

Induction Motor

Power Stages

Pr : Pcr : Pm 1 : s : 1 s

Three Phase Inverter

Switching States

Regenerative Braking


AC Dynamic Braking

DC dynamic braking

Summary Table

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