MTS-231 Actuating Systems: Kanwal Naveed

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Actuating Systems
Kanwal Naveed
How Transformer works
Making magnetism using electric current

Magnetic Induction:
Creating and electrical current using magnetic field
How Transformer works
How Transformer works
• The alternating current in the primary induces and alternating magnetic
flux in the core. Thus giving rise to the changing flux.
• The strength of the flux depends upon the number of turns of primary.
• This changing flux in the primary is going
to induce a back emf in primary (self induction)
How Transformer works
• This flux will pass through the secondary coil.
• A moving magnetic filed causes the electrons to move.
• In other words, a changing magnetic filed causes the current to flow.
How Transformer works
Why Transformers
• Electric power generation at voltages of 12 to 25 kV.
• Transformers:
– Connected with generator output: step up the voltage to between 110+ kV. unit
– Connection with transmission line: then step down the voltage to the 12 to 34.5 kV range
for local distribution. Substation transformer
– Final Conversion: permit the power to be used safely in homes, offices, and factories at
voltages as low as 110-220 V. Distribution Transformer
Types and Construction
•Power transformer are constructed from thin laminations which are electrically isolated from
each other to minimize eddy current losses.
•Two types of cores are commonly used
Core Form : a simple rectangular laminated Shell Form : a three legged laminated core with
piece of steel with the transformer windings the windings wrapped around the centre leg.
wrapped around two sides of the rectangle.
Types and Construction
• It is preferred to wrap primary and secondary windings on top of each
other with the low-voltage winding innermost, because of two reasons:
– It simplifies the problem of insulating the high-voltage winding from
the core.
– It results in much less leakage flux.
Types and Construction
Three phase transformers can be
constructed in two different ways i.e. :-

1.A three phase bank consists of three single

phase transformers. Older approach –
advantage of individual unit replacement.

2. Three windings wrapped around a common

core. Present approach – preferred being
lighter, smaller, cheaper and slightly more
Types and Construction
Types and Construction
Types and Construction
The ideal Transformer
Definition – a lossless device with an input winding and an
output winding.
The ideal Transformer
• The transformer has Np turns of wire on its primary side and Ns turns of wire on
its secondary sides. The relationship between the primary and secondary
voltage is as follows:
vp  t  N p
 a
vs  t  N s
where a is the turns ratio of the transformer.
• The relationship between primary and secondary current is
Np ip (t) = Ns is (t)

ip  t  1
 
is  t  a
The ideal Transformer
• Note that since both type of relations gives a constant ratio, hence the transformer
changes ONLY the magnitude value of current and voltage. Phase angles are not
• The dot convention in schematic diagram for transformers has the following
– If the primary voltage is +ve at the dotted end of the winding wrt the undotted
end, then the secondary voltage will be positive at the dotted end also. Voltage
polarities are the same wrt the dots on each side of the core.
– If the primary current of the transformer flows into the dotted end of the primary
winding, the secondary current will flow out of the dotted end of the secondary
The ideal Transformer

Vrms = VP-rms - VS-rms

Vrms = VP-rms + VS-rms

Power in ideal Transformer
• The power supplied to the transformer by the primary circuit:
Pin = Vp Ip cos p
where p = the angle between the primary voltage and the primary current.
• The power supplied by the transformer secondary circuit to its loads is given by:
Pout = Vs Is cos s
where s = the angle between the secondary voltage and the secondary
• The primary and secondary windings of an ideal transformer have the SAME power
factor – because voltage and current angles are unaffected i.e. p = s = 
Power in ideal Transformer
• Pout = Vs Is cos θ
• Also, Vs = Vp/a and I s = a Ip
•  So,
Pout = Vp Ip cos = Pin
• Thus the output power of an ideal transformer is equal to input power :
• Similarly the reactive and apparent power have same relationship
Impedance Transformation through a Transformer
• Hence, the impedance of the load is ZL 

• The apparent impedance at the primary circuit of the transformer is:

ZL ' 
• Since primary voltage can be expressed as VP = aVS, and primary current as IP = IS /a,
thus the apparent impedance of the primary is

ZL '   a
IP IS / a IS

ZL ’ = a 2 Z L
Analysis of Circuits containing Ideal Transformers
Example 2.1 A generator rated at 480V, 60 Hz is connected a transmission line
with an impedance of 0.18 + j0.24 . At the end of the transmission line
there is a load of 4 + j3 .
a. If the power system is exactly as described in Figure, what will the voltage at the load be?
What will the transmission line losses be?
Analysis of Circuits containing Ideal Transformers
Example 2.1 A generator rated at 480V, 60 Hz is connected a transmission line with an impedance
of 0.18 + j0.24 . At the end of the transmission line there is a load of 4 + j3 .

a. If the power system is exactly as

described in Figure a, what will the
voltage at the load be? What will the
transmission line losses be?
Analysis of Circuits containing Ideal Transformers
Example 2.1 A generator rated at 480V, 60 Hz is connected a transmission line with an impedance
of 0.18 + j0.24 . At the end of the transmission line there is a load of 4 + j3 .

a. If the power system is exactly

as described in Figure a, what
will the voltage at the load be?
What will the transmission line
losses be?
Analysis of Circuits containing Ideal Transformers
Example 2.1 A generator rated at 480V, 60 Hz is connected a transmission line with an
impedance of 0.18 + j0.24 . At the end of the transmission line there is a load of 4 + j3 .

b. Suppose a 1:10 step-up transformer is placed at the generator end of the transmission line and
a 10:1 step-down transformer is placed at the load end of the line. What will the load voltage be
now? What will the transmission line losses be now?
ip  t  1 vp  t  Np
ZL ’ = a 2 Z L Np ip (t) = Ns is (t)    a
is  t  a vs  t  Ns
Analysis of Circuits containing Ideal Transformers
Analysis of Circuits containing Ideal Transformers
Total equivalent

Generator current
Analysis of Circuits containing Ideal Transformers
Calculating Iline

Calculating Iload
The losses that occur in real transformers have to be accounted for in
any accurate model of transformer behavior.

1. Copper (I2R) losses. Copper losses are the resistive heating losses
in the primary and secondary windings of the transformer. They are
proportional to the square of the current in the windings.

2. Eddy current losses. Eddy current losses are resistive heating

losses in the core of the transformer. They are proportional to the
square of the voltage applied to the transformer.

3. Hysteresis losses. Hysteresis losses are associated with the

rearrangement of the magnetic domains in the core during each
half-cycle. They are a complex, nonlinear function of the voltage
applied to the transformer.

4. Leakage flux. The fluxes ɸLP and ɸLS which escape the core and
pass through only one of the transformer windings are leakage
fluxes. These escaped fluxes produce a self-inductance in the
primary and secondary coils, and the effects of this inductance must
be accounted for.
• The easiest effect to model is the copper losses.
• Copper losses are resistive losses in the primary and secondary windings of the
transformer core.
• They are modeled by placing a resistor Rp in the primary circuit of the
transformer and a resistor Rs in the secondary circuit.
• The magnetization current im is a current proportional (in the unsaturated
region) to the voltage applied to the core and lagging the applied voltage by
• so it can be modeled by a reactance XM connected across the primary voltage

• The core- loss current ih+e is a current proportional to the

voltage applied to the core that is in phase with the applied
voltage, so it can be modeled by a resistance RC connected
across the primary voltage source.

• The currents are really nonlinear, so the inductance XM and the resistance RC
are, at best, approximations of the real excitation effects.

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