Ohio State Links
College of Engineering
See what your fellow alumni are doing today. Browse around the site and take advantage of the many activities and services available to you. Check out the College of Engineering football tailgate party schedule, alumni gatherings and reunions, alumni E-news, Alumni Hall of Fame, and the alumni directory.
Buckeyes Connect: Central Ohio
Connect with the College of Engineering and fellow alumni for a series of events offering unique, local experiences with an inside scoop on college happenings.
Ohio State University Alumni Association
Stay up to date with what other Buckeyes are talking about! Dedicated to connecting alumni, students and friends of the university in lifelong support of Ohio State and each other. Includes information on reunions, membership services and classmate search.
Ohio State University
The Ohio State's University's main website and your gateway to all things scarlet and gray.
OSU Connect
Summary of recent news, events and research at OSU. Includes links to many news sources across campus.