Honors and Undergraduate Research
Honors and Undergraduate Research

We highly encourage our undergraduate students to become involved in research opportunities on campus. CEGE students collaborate with peers and faculty members on a variety of research projects. Some of our Buckeye engineers have the opportunity to develop their own research topics. Undergraduate research in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geodetic engineering offers a unique opportunity for students to complement their classroom learning with laboratory and field experience.
- Work closely with an Ohio State faculty member on exciting, cutting-edge projects.
- Discover your interests and passions.
- Develop professional skills that are marketable to future employers or in preparation for graduate school.
- Collaborate with others and work as part of a team.
- Improve your independence, critical thinking and technical writing skills.
- Sharpen problem-solving skills and apply concepts learned in coursework to real-life problems.
- Become eligible for research-related scholarships and fellowships.
The research opportunities for undergraduate civil and environmental engineering students are diverse and challenging. Under the direction of a faculty member, students work on a research problem that may involve laboratory or field work, computer programming, data analysis, and literature searching.
- Explore current research opportunities advertised on CEGE's website.
- Ask the professor teaching your favorite class if there are any research opportunities related to class topics.
- Browse the Faculty & Research Overview for topics that are interesting to you and contact those faculty to set up appointments to discuss possible research projects.
Tips for contacting professors
- Before contacting faculty members, first consider how much time per week you are available to participate in research activities.
- Contact the professor(s) directly and inquire about the available research opportunities, including the possibilities of joining an on-going research project, or perhaps even starting a new one. Indicate an area of research that you would like to work on. This will give the faculty member a better idea of what projects you may be available for.
- Keep your email short and to the point. Include: your name, .#, your interest in discussing possible research opportunities, and days/times you are available to meet.
- Please do not mass email faculty.
- If you have multiple topics/classes that interest you, but don’t know which faculty to contact, you can make an appointment with a CEGE advisor to discuss possible options.
Search for Undergraduate Research Opportunities
Research Distinction
- "Research Distinction" or "Honors Research Distinction" appears on your diploma.
- Gain valuable experience in synthesizing and presenting your results.
- Gain critical skills to prepare for the workforce or graduate school.
Currently, there are two options for students who wish to ‘graduate with distinction’ in Civil or Environmental Engineering. Choose from the tiles below to learn more:

These forums are opportunities to showcase outstanding student research.
All undergraduates are encouraged to participate in research as a value-added element of their education.
Denman UG Research Forum
Autumn UG Research Festival
Spring UG Research Festival
Research Day at Capitol Sqaure