Undergraduate Degrees
The Department of Civil, Environmental and Geodetic Engineering (CEGE) at The Ohio State University offers prospective students an exciting academic program enhanced by experiences in state-of-the-art laboratory facilities. CEGE offers a challenging, intellectural experience, designed to provide our students with resources and the background necessary to pursue activities in various, interdisciplinary areas of civil and environmental engineering.
Civil Engineering
Civil engineers plan, design, build, maintain, and address the environmental impacts of constructed facilities and public works essential to modern civilization. A typical engineering project is large, one of a kind, and important in the daily lives of many people. It is one of the few areas of engineering in which the engineer deals directly with the public in every phase of a project.
In the 21st Century, the demand for civil engineers will increase significantly caused by the nation's mobilization and productive effort to rebuild the nation's infrastructure - our highways, bridges, tunnels, dams, harbors, airports, waterways, railways, power plants, air quality, drainage systems, waste disposal, and sewage plants.
Once admitted to the major, students have the opportunity to take courses pertaining to the areas of construction engineering, environmental engineering, geodetic engineering, geotechnical engineering, hydraulic engineering, structural engineering, and transportation engineering. In addition, we do offer students an opportunity to participate in an Honors program which would incorporate the completion of undergraduate research.
Environmental Engineering
Environmental engineers work with government, industry and private groups to design and implement projects to improve the environment and public health. Environmental engineers are technical leaders in sustainable development and the design of projects to protect our water, land and air resources, applying their skills to the design of drinking water treatment plants, air pollution control systems, ecological restoration, and brownfield cleanups, to name just a few. Environmental engineers use their knowledge and expertise of chemistry, biology and physics to tackle regional and global issues, such as climate change, ozone depletion and acid rain. Environmental engineers design and build technologies to control pollution, as well as work with industry and government to redesign processes to reduce the generation of pollution and conserve material and energy resources.
The BS, environmental engineering degree at The Ohio State University is the first accredited undergraduate environmental engineering degree in the state of Ohio. Environmental engineering is one of the fastest growing professional fields.
Current Civil or Environmental Engineering Students (Undergraduate students only.)
All students who have declared their interest in civil or environmental engineering, but have not yet been admitted to the major are designated as pre-major students. Pre-major students are working toward the completion of the pre-requisite coursework. Because admission to the major is competitive, it is important that pre-major students closely monitor their EPHR (eligibility point-hour ratio) and see their academic advisor if they experience any academic struggles.
Pre-major students are also encouraged to start exploring the opportunities available to them outside of their coursework, such as student project teams, the Engineering Co-op & Internship Program, or other university organizations.
Ohio State academic programs are designed to prepare students to sit for applicable licensure or certification in Ohio. If you plan to pursue licensure or certification in a state other than Ohio, please review state educational requirements for licensure and certification and state licensing board contact information.