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CEGE Programs

A student looks throught the viewfinder of surveying equipment.


  • Undergraduate degrees:
    • BS in Civil Engineering

    • BS in Environmental Engineering

  • Minors in the following:
    • Surveying and Mapping

    • Environmental Engineering

  • Graduate degrees:
    • MS and PhD in Civil Engineering with the following graduate tracks:
      • Environmental Engineering

      • Geoinformation and Geodetic Engineering

      • Geotechnical Engineering

      • Structural Engineering

      • Transportation Engineering

Civil Engineering

Geotechnincal engineering students observe equipment readings during an experiment.

Civil engineers plan, design, build, maintain, and address the environmental impacts of essential, constructed facilities and public works.

Infrastructure and Structural Engineering - Structural engineers plan, analyze, and design a wide variety of large-scale structures including bridges, high-rise buildings, concrete dams, transmission towers, and special offshore and space structures.

Geotechnical Engineering - Geotechnical engineers analyze the properties of soil and rock that affect the performance of buildings, dams, pavements, and underground facilities that support above ground constructed facilities and public works.

Transportation Engineering - Transportation engineers track, analyze and design all modes of (land, sea, and air) transportation systems, and they study the various ways operators and end-users decide within the nation's transportation enterprise. 

Water Resources and Environmental Engineering - Hydraulics engineers deal with the development, control, and management of our water resources.

Environmental Engineering

Preparing samples in test tubes.

Environmental Engineers work with government, industry and private groups to design and implement projects to improve the environment and public health. They address topics such as wastewater management, solid waste disposal, bioremediation and overall, environmental sustainability.



Geodetic Engineering

A geodetic engineering student studies images on a laptop.

Geodetic Engineering encompasses a group of spatial data technologies and theory that involve one or more areas of research using photogrammetry, image understanding, mapping/geographic information science, satellite geodesy, remote sensing, real time mapping, and image processing.  The field embodies traditional geomatics engineering disciplines of data analysis, photogrammetry, global positioning systems (GPS) technologies, and surveying, as well as emerging areas, such as hyperspectral imaging, sensor networks, computer vision, and real-time navigation and timing.


A professor oversees students conducting experiments in CEGE's geotechnical lab.

The Ohio State University's Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering programs are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.

ABET is a nonprofit, ISO 9001 certified organization that accredits college and university programs in applied and natural science, computing, engineering and engineering technology.

Learn more about ABET accreditation of Ohio State programs.

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