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Duane C. Brown Award

Duane C. Brown portrait

An internationally recognized leader in the devel­opment of photogrammetric theory, Duane C. Brown was a 1951 graduate of Yale University. After earning a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Brown began his professional career at the Ballistic Research Laboratories, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. His early work consisted of re­search in photogrammetry, geodesy and statistical error theory regarding the use of ballistic cameras in determining rocket tra­jectories.


Brown's "bundle method" of photogrammetric triangulation was widely used in other photogrammetry and geodesy research applications, including the development of Global Positioning System (GPS). He also performed research in close-range photogrammetry and was a proponent of the commercial application of his research in photogrammetry and geodesy.

In 1977, Brown founded Geodetic Services, Inc. (GSI) in Melbourne, Florida. He ws a member of numerious professional and service organizations and served as an Adjunct Professor of Geodetic Sciences at The Ohio State University.

The Duane C. Brown Award at The Ohio State University acknowledges a researcher who advanced the cause of geodetic science and strengthened the reputation of the profession, particularly in photogrammetry.

The award, presented annually, is made possible by the Duane C. Brown Fund, which was established on September 2, 1983. The current fund was established May 5, 2006, by combining the Duane C. Brown Fund, with gifts from Mr. Brown, and the Duane C. Brown Program Fund in Geomatics with gifts from his widow, Theresa P. Brown.

The fund promotes and stimulates scientific activity in geodetic science in three ways: a certificate or plaque awarded to the alumni or faculty member with a demonstrated interest in photogrammetry; second, a certificate awarded to a talented, enthusiastic and devoted undergraduate, graduate or research associate interested in photogrammetry, and thirdly, scholarships, equipment purchases, and other necessary items that advance and improve the program's photogrammetry area.


Fabio Remondino named 2022 Duane C. Brown Award recipient

Two men holding an award plaque
Fabio Remondino (R) and CEGE Research Professor Charles Toth (R) at the 2022 presentation ceremony.

Following his April, 2023 Distinguished Speaker Series presentation to CEGE students, faculty and staff, Fabio Remondino was presented the 2022 Duane C. Brown award by the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geodetic Engineering.

Dr. Remondino serves as the Head of the 3D Optical Metrology unit for the Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK), based in Trento, Italy.

He earned an environmental engineering degree from the Polytechnical University of Milan (Italy) and a PhD in Photogrammetry from ETH Zurich (Switzerland).

Dr. Remondino’s work is of a highly interdisciplinary nature, ranging from the development of innovative solutions for heritage surveying, solar potential analyses, 3D city modeling or robotics to support wild berry pickers.

He is the author of more than 300 articles in journals and conferences and he received 11 best paper awards. Remondinio is also involved in knowledge and technology transfer, having organized more than 40 conferences, 20 summer schools and five tutorials.

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