9 Bible Verses about Deceit
Most Relevant Verses
There shall not dwell in the midst of my house, One who worketh deceit, - he that speaketh falsehoods, shall not be established before mine eyes;
Putting away, therefore, all vice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envyings and all detractions,
And, coming, straightway, stepping forward to him, he saith - Rabbi! and openly kissed him.
Let no one be deceiving you with empty words; for, because of these things, is coming the anger of God upon the sons of obstinacy:
From Thematic Bible
Deceit » The wicked full of » The prevalence of
A sepulchre opened, is their throat, with their tongues, have they used deceit, the poison of asps, is under their lips,
Sweet to a man, may be the bread of falsehood, but, afterward, shall his mouth be filled with gravel.
Because ye have said - We have solemnised a covenant with death, And with hades, have we effected a vision, - The overflowing scourge when it sweepeth by, shall not reach unto us, For we have made lying our refuge. And in falsehood, have we hid ourselves,
For, her rich men, are full of violence, and, her inhabitants, have spoken falsehood, - and, their tongue, is deceitful in their mouth.
Deceit » Saints » Free from
The clean of hands, and pure of heart, - who hath not uplifted, to falsehood, his soul, nor sworn deceitfully,
The remnant of Israel - will not do perversity, nor speak falsehood, neither shall there be found in their mouth a tongue of deceit, - surely, they, shall feed and lie down, with none to make them afraid.
Deceit » The wicked » Use, to themselves
The insolence of thy heart, hath deceived thee, O thou that inhabitest the retreats of the crag, the height of his habitation, - that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground?
Thus, saith Yahweh, - Let not your own souls, deceive you saying, The Chaldeans will, surely depart, from us! For they will not depart;
Up to the boundary, have they sent thee - All thy covenant men, they have deceived thee, prevailed against thee - the men thou wast wont to salute, - The partakers of thy bread, have put a net under thee - No understanding in him!
Deceit » The wicked » Devise
Yea they who are seeking my life, have laid snares, and they who are asking my harm, have threatened engulfing ruin, And, deceitful things - all day long, do they mutter.
The plans of the righteous, are just, but, the counsels of the lawless, are deceitful.
For, no salvation, will they utter, - But, against the quiet of the land, deceitful things, do they devise;
Deceit » Ministers should lay aside
But have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully, - but, by the manifestation of the truth, commending ourselves unto every conscience of men, in the sight of God.
For, our exhortation, is not of error, nor of uncleanness, nor in guile,
Deceit » False teachers » Preach
So then Yahweh said unto me, Falsehood, are the prophets prophesying in my name, I have not sent them Neither have I commanded them, Neither have I spoken unto them, - A vision of falsehood, and A divination of worthlessness and A fraud of their own hearts, They, are prophesying unto you.
How long shall it be in the heart of the prophets, To be prophets of falsehood, - And prophets of the deceit of their own heart?
Deceit » Saints » Should beware of those who teach
Let no one be deceiving you with empty words; for, because of these things, is coming the anger of God upon the sons of obstinacy:
Be taking heed, lest there shall be anyone leading, you, off as a spoil, through means of their philosophy, and an empty deceit, - according to the instruction of men, according to the first principles of the world, - and not according to Christ:
Deceit » False witnesses use
He that whispereth faithfulness, declareth righteousness, but, a false witness, is a fraud.
A faithful witness, will not deceive, but a false witness, uttereth deceitful things.
Deceit » False teachers » Impose on others by
That we may, no longer, be infants - billow-tossed and shifted round with every wind of teaching, - in the craft of men, in knavery suited to the artifice of error;
For, they who are such, unto our Lord Christ are not doing service, but unto their own belly, - and, through their smooth and flattering speech, deceive the hearts of the innocent.
Deceit » Forbidden
Do not become a needless witness against thy neighbour, so mightest thou open too wide thy lips:
For, he that desireth to love, life, and to see good days, Let him cause his tongue to cease from mischief, and lips, that they speak not deceit;
Deceit » Exemplified » Rebecca and jacob
Go, I pray thee, unto the flock, and fetch me from thence two kids of the goats, fine ones, - that I may make of them dainty meats for thy father such as he loveth:
And Jacob said unto his father I, am Esau thy firstborn, I have made ready, as thou didst bid me. Rise, I pray thee, sit up, and eat thou of my game, To the end thy soul may bless me.
Deceit » Punishment of
But, thou, O God, wilt bring them down to the pit of destruction, Men of bloodshed and deceit, shall not live out half their days; But, I, will trust in thee.
Therefore, thus, saith Yahweh of hosts, Behold me! melting them, so will I try them, - For how else should I do because of the wickedness of the daughter of my people? A pointed arrow, is their tongue Deceit, hath it spoken, - With his mouth peace unto his neighbour, doth one speak, But within himself, he layeth his ambush. For these things, shall I not bring punishment on them? Demandeth Yahweh, - On a nation such as this, must not my soul avenge herself!
Deceit » Exemplified
And the serpent said unto the woman, - Ye shall not die, For God doth know, that in the day ye eat thereof, then shall your eyes be opened, - and ye shall become like God, knowing good and evil.
Now, the serpent, was more crafty than any living thing of the field which Yahweh God had made, so he said unto the woman, Can it really be that God hath said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
Why dost thou boast thyself of wickedness, O mighty man? The lovingkindness of GOD, lasteth all the day. Engulfing ruin, doth thy tongue devise, Like a whetted razor, working deceit;
Deceit » Christ was perfectly free from
And, appointed with lawless men, was his grave, And with the wicked, his tomb, - Though no violence, had he done, Nor was guile in his mouth.
Deceit » Devise
Yea they who are seeking my life, have laid snares, and they who are asking my harm, have threatened engulfing ruin, And, deceitful things - all day long, do they mutter.
The plans of the righteous, are just, but, the counsels of the lawless, are deceitful.
For, no salvation, will they utter, - But, against the quiet of the land, deceitful things, do they devise;
Deceit » Saints » Pray for deliverance from those who use
Vindicate me, O God, and plead my cause, Against a nation, without lovingkindness, From the man of deceit and perversity, wilt thou deliver me?
Deceit » The wicked » Utter
With cursing, his mouth is full, and with deceptions and oppression, Under his tongue, are trouble and mischief:
The words of his mouth, are iniquity and deceit, he hath left off to show discretion by doing well:
Deceit » Often accompanied by fraud and injustice
With cursing, his mouth is full, and with deceptions and oppression, Under his tongue, are trouble and mischief:
Vindicate me, O God, and plead my cause, Against a nation, without lovingkindness, From the man of deceit and perversity, wilt thou deliver me?
Deceit » Blessedness of being free from
The clean of hands, and pure of heart, - who hath not uplifted, to falsehood, his soul, nor sworn deceitfully,
How happy the son of earth, to whom Yahweh will not reckon iniquity! and in whose spirit is no guile!
The clean of hands, and pure of heart, - who hath not uplifted, to falsehood, his soul, nor sworn deceitfully, Shall bear away a blessing from Yahweh, and righteousness, from his delivering God.
Deceit » A characteristic of the apostacy
And with all manner of deceit of unrighteousness, in them who are destroying themselves, because, the love of the truth, they did not welcome, that they might be saved; -
Deceit » False teachers » Are workers of
For, such as these, are false apostles, deceitful workers, transfiguring themselves into apostles of Christ.
Deceit » Impose on others by
That we may, no longer, be infants - billow-tossed and shifted round with every wind of teaching, - in the craft of men, in knavery suited to the artifice of error;
For, they who are such, unto our Lord Christ are not doing service, but unto their own belly, - and, through their smooth and flattering speech, deceive the hearts of the innocent.
Deceit » Use, to themselves
Thus, saith Yahweh, - Let not your own souls, deceive you saying, The Chaldeans will, surely depart, from us! For they will not depart;
The insolence of thy heart, hath deceived thee, O thou that inhabitest the retreats of the crag, the height of his habitation, - that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground? Though thou build high like an eagle, and though, among the stars, thou set thy nest, from thence, will I bring thee down, Declareth Yahweh. If, thieves, had come to thee, if robbers by night - how ruined thou art! Would they not have stolen what sufficed them? If, grape-gatherers, had come to thee, Would they not have left gleanings? read more.
How have the things of Esau been searched out! his treasures been sought up! Up to the boundary, have they sent thee - All thy covenant men, they have deceived thee, prevailed against thee - the men thou wast wont to salute, - The partakers of thy bread, have put a net under thee - No understanding in him!
Deceit » Hatred often concealed by
With his lips, the hater dissembleth, but, within himself, he layeth up deceit: Though he make gracious his voice, do not trust him, for, seven abominations, are in his heart: Hatred may clothe itself with guile, his wickedness shall be disclosed in the convocation. read more.
He that diggeth a pit, thereinto, shall fall, and, he that rolleth a stone, upon himself, shall it return. A false tongue, hateth them who are crushed by it, and, a flattering mouth, worketh occasion of stumbling.
With his lips, the hater dissembleth, but, within himself, he layeth up deceit: Though he make gracious his voice, do not trust him, for, seven abominations, are in his heart: Hatred may clothe itself with guile, his wickedness shall be disclosed in the convocation.
Deceit » Exemplified » Joseph's brethren
And they took Joseph's tunic, - and slaughtered a buck of the goats, and dipped the tunic in the blood; and sent the long tunic and brought it in unto their father, and said This, have we found! Examine, we pray thee, whether it is the tunic of thy son, or not!
Deceit » Evil of » Leads to pride and oppression
As, a cage, is full of birds, So, are, their houses, full of unrighteous gain, - For this cause, have they become great and waxen rich: They have waxed fat, they shine Yea they have overpassed the records of wickedness. The right, have they not determined, the right of the fatherless that they might prosper, - Yea justice to the helpless, have they not decreed.
Deceit » Preach
So then Yahweh said unto me, Falsehood, are the prophets prophesying in my name, I have not sent them Neither have I commanded them, Neither have I spoken unto them, - A vision of falsehood, and A divination of worthlessness and A fraud of their own hearts, They, are prophesying unto you.
How long shall it be in the heart of the prophets, To be prophets of falsehood, - And prophets of the deceit of their own heart?
Deceit » Exemplified » David
So he feigned himself mad, in their sight, and raged in their hand, - and struck against the doors of the gate, and let his spittle run down upon his beard.
Deceit » The wicked » Work
The lawless man, earneth the wages of falsehood, but, he that soweth righteousness, hath the reward of fidelity.
Deceit » The wicked » Increase in
Whereas, wicked men and howling impostors, will force their way to the worse, deceiving and being deceived.
Deceit » The wicked » Delight in
Sweet to a man, may be the bread of falsehood, but, afterward, shall his mouth be filled with gravel.
Deceit » Evil of » Leads to lying
A deliverer of souls, is a faithful witness, but, he that uttereth falsehoods, is a fraud.
Deceit » The wicked full of » Their counsels
The plans of the righteous, are just, but, the counsels of the lawless, are deceitful.
Deceit » The wicked full of » Their houses
As, a cage, is full of birds, So, are, their houses, full of unrighteous gain, - For this cause, have they become great and waxen rich:
Deceit » The wicked full of » Their kisses
Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but lavished are the kisses of an enemy.
Deceit » Utter
With cursing, his mouth is full, and with deceptions and oppression, Under his tongue, are trouble and mischief:
The words of his mouth, are iniquity and deceit, he hath left off to show discretion by doing well:
Deceit » Characteristic of the heart
Deceitful is the heart above all things And, dangerously wayward, - Who can know it?
Deceit » The kisses of an enemy are
Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but lavished are the kisses of an enemy.
Deceit » The folly of fools is
The wisdom of the prudent, is to understand his way, but, the folly of dullards, is a fraud.
Deceit » Is falsehood
Thou hast made light of all who stray from thy statutes, for their fraud is, falsehood.
Deceit » False teachers » Sport themselves with
Doing wrong themselves, for a reward of wrong, accounting, a delight, their day-time delicacy, spots and blemishes, indulging in delicacies with their stratagems, as they carouse together with you,
Deceit » Exemplified » Laban
But, your father, hath deceived me, and hath changed my wages ton times, - yet God hath not suffered him to deal harmfully with me.
Deceit » The wicked » Use, to each other
Yea, every one, of his neighbour, maketh a dupe, And, truth, they do not speak, - They have taught their tongue to speak falsehood, In acting perversely, they have wearied themselves.
Deceit » Evil of » Keeps from knowledge of God
Thy dwelling, is in the midst of deceit, - Through deceit, have they rejected the knowledge of, me, Declareth Yahweh.
Deceit » Evil of » Keeps from turning to God
Wherefore hath this people of Jerusalem apostatized with an enduring apostacy, - Taken fast hold of deceit, Refused to come back?
Deceit » The wicked » Being Full of
Filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, baseness, full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil disposition,
Deceit » Exemplified » Pharaoh
And Moses said: Lo! I, am going out from thee and will make entreaty unto Yahweh, so will he take away the gad-fly - from Pharaoh from his servants, and from his people tomorrow, - only let not Pharaoh again deceive, in not letting the people go, to sacrifice to Yahweh.
Deceit » Exemplified » Herod
and sending them to Bethlehem, said - Go search out accurately concerning the child, - and, as soon as ye find it, bring report unto me, that, I also, may come and bow myself down to it.
Deceit » Saints » Should lay aside, in seeking truth
Putting away, therefore, all vice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envyings and all detractions,
Deceit » Saints » Delivered from those who use
From extortion, and, violence, he Redeemeth their life, And precious is their flood in his sight.
Deceit » Saints » Shun those addicted to
There shall not dwell in the midst of my house, One who worketh deceit, - he that speaketh falsehoods, shall not be established before mine eyes;
Deceit » Leads » To pride and oppression
As, a cage, is full of birds, So, are, their houses, full of unrighteous gain, - For this cause, have they become great and waxen rich: They have waxed fat, they shine Yea they have overpassed the records of wickedness. The right, have they not determined, the right of the fatherless that they might prosper, - Yea justice to the helpless, have they not decreed.
Deceit » The tongue, the instrument of
A sepulchre opened, is their throat, with their tongues, have they used deceit, the poison of asps, is under their lips,
Deceit » Hypocrites practice
They have compassed me about - with denial, Ephraim, with deceit, the house of Israel, - but, Judah, hath, again and again, run riot with GOD, though, with the holy places, entrusted.
Deceit » The wicked full of » Their words
The words of his mouth, are iniquity and deceit, he hath left off to show discretion by doing well:
Deceit » A characteristic of antiChrist
Deceit » The wicked full of » Their hearts
murders, adulteries, covetousnesses, knaveries, deceit, wantonness, an evil eye, profane speaking, foolishness, -
Deceit » Exemplified » Chief priests
Now it was the Passover and the Unleavened cakes , after two days. And the High-priests and Scribes were seeking, how, with guile, they might secure, and lay him;
Deceit » False teachers are workers of
For, such as these, are false apostles, deceitful workers, transfiguring themselves into apostles of Christ.
Deceit » Hypocrites devise
Conceiving mischief, and bringing forth iniquity, yea, their inmost soul, prepareth deceit.
Deceit » Comes from the heart
murders, adulteries, covetousnesses, knaveries, deceit, wantonness, an evil eye, profane speaking, foolishness, -
Deceit » God abhors
Thou wilt destroy them who speak falsehood, - The man of bloodshed and of deceit, Yahweh abhorreth.
Deceit » Exemplified » Job's friends
Mine own brethren, have proved treacherous like a torrent, like a channel of torrents which disappear:
Deceit » Saints » Purposed against
Verily my lips shall not speak perversity, nor shall, my tongue, utter deceit.
Deceit » Saints » Avoid
Deceit » Saints » Purpose against
Verily my lips shall not speak perversity, nor shall, my tongue, utter deceit.
Deceit » Leads » To lying
A deliverer of souls, is a faithful witness, but, he that uttereth falsehoods, is a fraud.
Deceit » Characteristic of the apostasy
And with all manner of deceit of unrighteousness, in them who are destroying themselves, because, the love of the truth, they did not welcome, that they might be saved; -
Deceit » Sport themselves with
Doing wrong themselves, for a reward of wrong, accounting, a delight, their day-time delicacy, spots and blemishes, indulging in delicacies with their stratagems, as they carouse together with you,
Deceit » Increase in
Whereas, wicked men and howling impostors, will force their way to the worse, deceiving and being deceived.
Deceit » Delight in
Sweet to a man, may be the bread of falsehood, but, afterward, shall his mouth be filled with gravel.
Deceit » Work
The lawless man, earneth the wages of falsehood, but, he that soweth righteousness, hath the reward of fidelity.
Deceit » Characteristic of » AntiChrist
Deceit » Evil of » Hinders knowledge of God
Thy dwelling, is in the midst of deceit, - Through deceit, have they rejected the knowledge of, me, Declareth Yahweh.
Deceit » The tongue is an instrument of
A sepulchre opened, is their throat, with their tongues, have they used deceit, the poison of asps, is under their lips,
Deceit » The wicked are full of
Filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, baseness, full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil disposition,
Deceit » Keeps from turning to God
Wherefore hath this people of Jerusalem apostatized with an enduring apostacy, - Taken fast hold of deceit, Refused to come back?
Deceit » Use, to each other
Yea, every one, of his neighbour, maketh a dupe, And, truth, they do not speak, - They have taught their tongue to speak falsehood, In acting perversely, they have wearied themselves.
Early rising » Practised by the wicked, for » Deceit
He that blesseth his friend, with a loud voice, in the morning early, a reproach, shall it be reckoned to him.
Servants » Characteristics of wicked servants: » Deceit
Mine eyes, shall be upon the faithful of the land, That they may dwell with me, - he that walketh in a blameless way, he, shall attend me. There shall not dwell in the midst of my house, One who worketh deceit, - he that speaketh falsehoods, shall not be established before mine eyes;
And he said, My lord, O king, my servant, betrayed me, - for thy servant said - I will even saddle me mine ass, that I may ride thereon, and go with the king, for, lame, is thy servant.
Topics on Deceit
Avoiding Deceit
Leviticus 6:2When any person, shall sin, and shall commit a trespass against Yahweh, - and shall withhold something of the truth from his neighbour in respect of a deposit, or a pledge or anything plundered, or shall use extortion with his neighbour;
Deceit Leading to Judgment
Psalm 5:6Thou wilt destroy them who speak falsehood, - The man of bloodshed and of deceit, Yahweh abhorreth.
Examples Of Deceit
Genesis 4:9Then said Yahweh unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said know not, the keeper of my brother, am, I?
Lying And Deceit
Psalm 109:2For, the mouth of the lawless one and the mouth of the deceiver, against me, are open, They have spoken to me with false tongue;
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