42 Bible Verses about everything
Most Relevant Verses
For everything there is a fixed time, and a time for every business under the sun.
One God and Father of all, who is over all, and through all, and in all.
And we are conscious that all things are working together for good to those who have love for God, and have been marked out by his purpose.
And when all things have been put under him, then will the Son himself be under him who put all things under him, so that God may be all in all.
And whatever you do, in word or in act, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving praise to God the Father through him.
For by him all things were made, in heaven and on earth, things seen and things unseen, authorities, lords, rulers, and powers; all things were made by him and for him;
Have no cares; but in everything with prayer and praise put your requests before God.
In everything give praise: for this is the purpose of God in Christ Jesus for you.
So that in him you have wealth in all things, in word and in knowledge of every sort;
I am free to do all things; but not all things are wise. I am free to do all things; but I will not let myself come under the power of any.
Then I saw all the work of God, and that man may not get knowledge of the work which is done under the sun; because, if a man gives hard work to the search he will not get knowledge, and even if the wise man seems to be coming to the end of his search, still he will be without knowledge.
There is for us only one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we are for him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and we have our being through him.
Give thought to what I say; for the Lord will give you wisdom in all things.
And all those who were of the faith kept together, and had all things in common;
Who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all things in them; who keeps faith for ever:
But all things, when their true quality is seen, are made clear by the light: because everything which is made clear is light.
Have no love for the world or for the things which are in the world. If any man has love for the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
For as the woman is from the man, so the man is through the woman; but all things are from God.
And all things, whatever you make request for in prayer, having faith, you will get.
A feast is for laughing, and wine makes glad the heart; but by the one and the other money is wasted.
And there is nothing made which is not completely clear to him; there is nothing covered, but all things are open to the eyes of him with whom we have to do.
We are free to do all things, but there are things which it is not wise to do. We are free to do all things, but not all things are for the common good.
For truly, I will send a great flow of waters over the earth, for the destruction from under the heaven of all flesh in which is the breath of life; everything on the earth will come to an end.
And having come across one jewel of great price, he went and gave all he had in exchange for it.
And when the time had come, he sent his servants to say to them, Come, for all things are now ready.
And Jesus, looking at them, said, With men this is not possible; but with God all things are possible.
The things which came to you by my teaching and preaching, and which you saw in me, these things do, and the God of peace will be with you.
To the clean in heart all things are clean: but to those who are unclean and without faith nothing is clean; they become unclean in mind and in thought.
Now those things which were put down in writing before our time were for our learning, so that through quiet waiting and through the comfort of the holy Writings we might have hope.
And more than all, have love; the only way in which you may be completely joined together.
But God has given us the revelation of these things through his Spirit, for the Spirit makes search into all things, even the deep things of God.
From Thematic Bible
Holiness » Ministers should » Avoid » Everything » Inconsistent with
Let them be holy to their God and not make the name of their God common; for the fire offerings of the Lord and the bread of their God are offered by them, and they are to be holy.
Away! away! go out from there, touching no unclean thing; go out from among her; be clean, you who take up the vessels of the Lord.
Topics on Everything
Everything Happening For A Reason
Romans 8:28And we are conscious that all things are working together for good to those who have love for God, and have been marked out by his purpose.
God's Ownership Of Everything
Psalm 24:1The earth is the Lord's, with all its wealth; the world and all the people living in it.
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