207 occurrences

'Sins' in the Bible

"Before he died, your father left some instructions. He told us, "Tell Joseph, "Please forgive your brothers' offenses. I beg you, forgive their sins, because they wronged you."' So please forgive the transgression of the servants of your father's God."

Verse ConceptsAsking for forgivenessAskingForgive One AnotherWronging Other PeopleGod's ForgivenessLove And Forgivenessforgivingdisobedience

The LORD told Moses, "Whoever sins against me, I'll blot him out of my book.

Verse ConceptsBlotted OutObliterationSin Separates From God

"Speak to the Israelis and tell them that if a person inadvertently sins with respect to any of the LORD's commands that should not be violated, but nevertheless he disobeys one of them,

Verse ConceptsSin OfferingUnintentionalIgnorance of God

or if the anointed priest sins, thereby bringing guilt on the people, let him bring a young bull without defect as a sin offering to the LORD for his sin that he had committed.

Verse ConceptsCripplesHigh Priest, In OtSin OfferingPerfect SacrificesSacrificing CattleGuilt

"When a ruler inadvertently sins, disobeying any one of the commands of the LORD his God that should not be violated, he will be guilty.

Verse ConceptsUnintentional

"If any of the common people of the land inadvertently sins by disobeying one of the LORD's commands that should not be violated, he will be guilty.

Verse ConceptsCarelessnessUnintentional

"If someone sins because he has failed to testify after receiving notice to testify as a witness regarding what he has observed or learned, he is to be held responsible."

Verse ConceptsProof, As EvidenceSin BearerWitnesses, LegalAdjurationGuiltResponsibilityWitnessingSwearingMoralityRemoving People From Your LifeMaking Mistakestestimonypartnershipconsequencestestifyingperformance

"When a person commits a truly treacherous act and sins inadvertently concerning the sacred things of the LORD, then he is to bring a trespass offering to the LORD from the flock as compensation for his guilt. It is to be a ram without defect, estimated as to its value in silver shekels, according to the sanctuary shekel.

Verse ConceptsGuilt OfferingRamsSilverPerfect SacrificesUnintentionalUnfaithful

"If a person sins and does what the LORD commanded is not to be done, and if he didn't know that he had sinned, then he will be guilty nevertheless.

Verse ConceptsGuilt, Human Aspects OfGuilt OfferingResponsibility, To GodSin BearerBearingIgnorance Of EvilIgnorance of God

"A person sins against the LORD by acting treacherously toward his neighbor regarding something entrusted to his care, regarding security for a loan, robbery, if he has oppressed his neighbor,

Verse ConceptsFraudCovenant breakersServants, BadUnfaithfulness, To GodAvoiding Deceitcheaters

Then he is to make atonement on the sacred place on account of the uncleanness of the Israelis, their transgressions, and all their sins. This is how he is to act in the Tent of Meeting, which will remain with them in the middle of their uncleanness.

Verse ConceptsAtonementPriests Atoning

and sprinkle it with the blood on his forefinger seven times, cleansing and sanctifying it from Israel's sins."

Verse ConceptsSprinkling BloodSeven TimesClean ObjectsApplied With The Finger

Aaron is to lay his two hands upon the head of the male goat and confess over it the sins of Israel, all their transgressions, and all their sins, thus placing them on the head of the male goat that he'll then send out to the wilderness by the hand of a man capable of carrying out this task.

Verse ConceptsWorship, Elements OfLaying On Of HandsAnimal Sacrifices, As A Type Of ChristHands On HeadsDriving Out AnimalsLaying Hands On SacrificesSin Confessed

The male goat will bear on itself all their sins to a solitary land as Aaron sends the goat out to the wilderness.

Verse ConceptsCarrying SinPreparing For Actionliberation

because on that day, atonement will be made for you to cleanse you from all your sins. You are to be clean in the LORD's presence.

Verse ConceptsAtonement, Types OfSin, Deliverance From GodBeing Cleansed From SinForgiving Yourselfcleansing

This will be a perpetual statute for you as you make atonement once a year for the Israelis on account of all their sins." So Moses did just as the LORD had commanded him.

Verse ConceptsAtonement, Types OfAtonement, in OTOrdinancesWorship, Times ForDoing Repeatedly

"If, despite all of this, you still don't listen to me, then I'll punish you seven times more on account of your sins.

Verse Conceptsdiscipline, divineSevenfolddisobedience

"If you live life contrary to me and remain unwilling to listen to me, then I'll add to your wounds seven times more on account of your sins.

Verse ConceptsAttitudes Of HostilitySevenfold

then I'll certainly oppose you. I'll take vengeance against you seven fold on account of your sins.

Verse ConceptsSevenfoldGod Opposing

I'll oppose you with vicious rage. Indeed, I myself will punish you seven fold on account of your sins.

Verse ConceptsChastisementSevenfoldGod Opposing

"Instruct the Israelis that whenever a man or woman does something contained in the list of the sins of man, thereby acting treacherously against the LORD, then that person stands guilty.

Verse ConceptsMan And Woman

Then the priest is to make atonement for the entire community of the Israelis, and they will be forgiven for inadvertent sins. They are to bring their offering, an offering made by fire to the LORD, as well as their sin offering, into the LORD's presence on account of their error.

Verse ConceptsPriests AtoningMaking Mistakes

"Now when one person sins inadvertently, then he is to bring a one year old female goat for a sin offering.

Verse ConceptsGoatsAnimal Sacrifices, Sin OfferingFemale AnimalsAnimals At Specific AgesSacrificing GoatsUnintentional

Then he told the community, "Move away from the camps of these wicked men and don't touch anything that belongs to them. That way you won't be destroyed along with all their sins."

Verse ConceptsTentsFellowship With WickedEvil AssociationsSeparation From Evil PeopleNot TouchingHaving No Dealings

So Joshua told the people, "You will not be able to serve the LORD, because he is a God of Holiness. He is a jealous God, and he will forgive neither your transgressions nor your sins.

Verse ConceptsGod's attitude towards peopleGod, Zeal OfJealousySanctification, Nature And BasisSin, And God's CharacterUnforgivenessGod, JealousPeople's Inability To Serve GodGod Not Forgiving

Then all the people told Samuel, "Pray to the LORD your God for your servants, so that we don't die, because we made all our sins worse by asking for a king for ourselves."

Verse ConceptsCalling upon GodConfession, Examples OfAskingNot DyingAdding EvilDeath PreventedPray For Us

He will give up Israel because of Jeroboam's sins that he committed and by which Jeroboam caused Israel to sin."

Judah practiced what the LORD considered to be evil. They did more to provoke him to jealousy than their ancestors had ever done by committing the sins that they committed.

Verse ConceptsGod, Zeal OfJealousyGod's People Sinning

He practiced the same sins that his father committed before he was born. Unlike his ancestor David, his heart never became devoted to the LORD his God.

Verse ConceptsHeart, Of Unregenerate PeopleNot Whole HeartedHeart, Fallen And RedeemedHeirs

practicing what the LORD considered to be evil, living the way his father did, committing sins, and leading Israel to sin.

Verse ConceptsWalking

because of the sins that Jeroboam had committed, and because he led Israel into sin, provoking the LORD God of Israel to become angry.

Verse ConceptsProvoking God

"I raised you from the dirt to become Commander-in-Chief over my people Israel, but you've been living like Jeroboam, you've been leading my people Israel into sin, and you've been provoking me to anger with their sins.

Verse ConceptsImitating Wicked KingsGod Lifting People

because of all the sins that Baasha and his son Elah had committed and because of what they did to lead Israel into sin, thus provoking the LORD God of Israel to anger with their idolatry.

Verse ConceptsProvoking GodVanityGod Opposes Idolatry

because of the sins that he committed by doing what the LORD considered to be evil, living like Jeroboam did, and sinning so as to lead Israel into sin.

Verse ConceptsImitating Wicked Kings

Even so, he kept on committing the sins that Nebat's son Jeroboam had done, which ensnared Israel in sin he never abandoned them.

Even so, Jehu never abandoned the sins of Nebat's son Jeroboam, who caused Israel to sin, regarding the golden calves that were at Bethel and Dan.

Verse ConceptsGolden Calves

But Jehu did not remain careful to walk in the instruction of the LORD God of Israel with all his heart. He never abandoned the sins of Jeroboam that had caused Israel to sin.

Verse ConceptsHalf Heartedness

Nevertheless, they did not change course away from the sins of Jeroboam's household, by which he caused Israel to sin, but continued on that same course, with Asherah poles remaining in place in Samaria.

Verse ConceptsServing Asherah

He practiced what the LORD considered to be evil, not changing course from all of the sins practiced by Nebat's son Jeroboam by which he caused Israel to sin. Instead, he continued on that same course.

Verse ConceptsConversion, nature ofImitating Wicked Kings

He did what the LORD considered to be evil by not abandoning all the sins of Nebat's son Jeroboam, who made Israel sin.

Verse ConceptsConversion, nature of

He did what the LORD considered to be evil, just as his ancestors had done. He never abandoned the sins of Nebat's son Jeroboam, who caused Israel to sin.

Verse ConceptsConversion, nature of

He did what the LORD considered to be evil by never abandoning the sins of Nebat's son Jeroboam, who caused Israel to sin, as long as he lived.

He did what the LORD considered to be evil by never abandoning the sins of Nebat's son Jeroboam, by which he caused Israel to sin.

The Israelis practiced all the sins that Jeroboam had practiced, and never wavered from them

Verse ConceptsImitating Wicked Kings

"If a man sins against his neighbor and he is required to take an oath, and he then comes to take an oath in front of your altar in this Temple,

but he did not execute their children in obedience to what is written in the Law, the writings of Moses, where the LORD commanded, "Fathers are not to die because of what their children do, nor are children to die because of what their fathers do, but each person is to die for his own sins."

Verse ConceptsBook of the Law

Now you're intending to make the men and women of Judah and Jerusalem to be your slaves. Surely you have your own sins against the LORD your God for which you're accountable, don't you?

"My God, I am too ashamed and hurt to turn to you, because we're in our iniquities over our heads. Furthermore, my God, our sins have grown as high as the heavens. We have lived in great sin from the days of our ancestors even until today, and because of those iniquities we, our kings, and our priests have been delivered over to foreign kings, for execution, for captivity, for plunder, and for humiliation, as is the case today.

Verse ConceptsIniquity, Punishment ForHumiliation

Ezra arose in front of the Temple of God to visit the apartment of Eliashib's son Jehohanan. While there, he neither ate nor drank because he was in mourning over the sins of those who had returned from exile.

Verse ConceptsAbstinence as a disciplineFasting, Nature OfSorrowWaterFasting In Mourning

"I confess the sins that we Israelis have committed against you. Both I and my father's house have sinned. We have abandoned you by not keeping your commands, your ceremonies, and your judgments that you proscribed to your servant Moses.

Verse ConceptsServants Of The LordBreaking God's Law

The remnant of Israel separated themselves from all foreigners. Then they stood and confessed their sins and the iniquities of their ancestors.

Verse ConceptsIniquity, Believer's Relation ToForeignersWorship, Elements OfSeparation From Evil PeopleAvoiding ForeignersSin Confessedconfessing

"If your children sin against him, he'll make them a prisoner of their sins.

Verse ConceptsSin Clings To The Sinner

"How many of my iniquities and sins have you counted? Show me my transgression and sin.

Verse ConceptsSelf ExaminationOffenceExamining YourselfWhat Sin?

You've accused me of bitter things; you've caused me to reap the sins of my youth.

Verse ConceptsFruits Of SinLimitations Of YouthJudgements Writtenaccusations

My transgressions would be sealed up in a bag; you would cover over my sins.

Verse ConceptsCoveringBagsSealsStoringGod Has Forgiven

Look upon my distress and affliction; forgive all my sins.

Verse ConceptsGod Forgive!Assisted SuicideAfflictions

You took away the iniquity of your people, forgiving all their sins Interlude

Verse ConceptsCoveringSin, Deliverance From GodGod Has ForgivenPsalm Interjections

He neither deals with us according to our sins, nor repays us equivalent to our iniquity.

Verse ConceptsReward, DivinePunishmentPunishmentsTreating OthersTragedy

He delivered them many times, but they demonstrated rebellion by their evil plans; therefore they sunk deep in their sins.

Verse ConceptsRebellion, Of IsraelUnbelief, Nature And Effects OfWasteHumbling The ProudGod Saving From Enemies

He touched my mouth and said, "Look! Now that this has touched your lips, your guilt is taken away, and your sins atoned for."

Verse ConceptsGuilt, Removal OfLipsSin, Deliverance From GodTouchCoal, Uses OfPurgingTouching For HealingOther References To Mouths

For see, the LORD is coming from his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their sins; the earth will reveal the blood that has been shed on it, and will no longer conceal its slain."

Verse ConceptsCovenant, God's with NoahBlood, as symbol of guiltBlood, as basis of lifePunishment, By GodReward, DivineSin, God's Judgment OnVeilsSin Made Known

And no one living there will say, "I am ill.' The people living there will have their sins forgiven."

Verse ConceptsSin, Deliverance From GodHealth PromisedGod Will ForgiveBenefits Of HeavenSicknessIllnessHealth And Healing

Yes, it was for my own good that I suffered extreme anguish. But in love you have held back my life from the Pit in which it has been confined; you have tossed all my sins behind your back.

Verse ConceptsReinstatementSuffering, Of BelieversBeing BitterGod Has ForgivenPits Symbolizing GriefHope In Hard TimesBitternesscorruption

"Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her heavy service has been completed, that her penalty has been paid, that she has received from the LORD's hand double for all her sins."

Verse ConceptsHand Of GodJerusalem, Significance OfPunishment, Nature OfRansomRedemption, In Everyday LifeSensitivityDouble PenaltyGod Has ForgivenTime Of PeaceJerusalem In Millennial Kingdom

You haven't bought me sweet cane with money, nor have you satisfied me with the fat of your sacrifices. You have only burdened me with your sins and made me tired with your iniquities.

Verse ConceptsFatnessGod, Patience OfOffencePlantsSweetnessFat Of The SacrificesGod Growing Weary

This is what the LORD says: "Where is your mother's certificate of divorce with which I sent her away? Or to which of my creditors did I sell you? Look! It's because of your sins that you were sold, and because of your transgressions that your mother was sent away.

Verse ConceptsCreditdivorce, in OTCertificate of divorceBuying and sellingImperfection, And God's PurposesMarriage, Between God And His PeopleMothers, As A SymbolBills Of DivorceMothers

Therefore I will allot him a portion with the great, and he will divide the spoils with the strong; because he poured out his life to death, and was numbered with the transgressors; yet he carried the sins of many, and made intercession for their transgressions."

Verse ConceptsBeing BetrayedHumiliationPrayer, For OthersCarrying SinForetelling Christ's DeathJesus PrayingDividing The SpoilMessianic Prophecies

"Shout aloud! Don't hold back! Lift up your voice like a trumpet! Declare to my people their rebellions, and to the house of Jacob their sins.

Verse ConceptsHesitationShoutingMinisters, Way They Should TeachTrumpets For SignallingWhat Sin?EmotionsrebellionDishonoring God

"For our transgressions before you are many, and our sins testify against us; for our transgressions are with us, and as for our iniquities, we acknowledge them:

Verse ConceptsOffenceWitness Against OneselfSin Made Known

Your iniquities have turned these things away, and your sins have held back from you what is good.

Verse ConceptsFruits Of SinSin Brings ImpoverishmentGod Turning Bad Things Into Good

"I'll give away your wealth and your treasures as plunder, for free, because of all your sins throughout your territory.

Verse ConceptsTreasureFree Of Chargeborders

All your lovers have forgotten you; they don't seek you. Indeed, I've struck you down with the blow of an enemy, with the punishment of a cruel foe because your wickedness is great, and your sins are numerous.

Verse ConceptsCruelty, God's attitude toChastisementNot Seeking PeopleForgetting PeopleWoundsFriends FailingGod As EnemyAll Have Sinned

Why do you cry out because of your injury? Your wound won't heal. Because your wickedness is severe, and your sins are numerous, I've done all these things to you.

Verse ConceptsAfflictions Of The WickedNo HealingAll Have SinnedSin Producing Afflictions

I'll cleanse them from all their sin that they have committed against me, and I'll forgive all their sins that they committed against me and by which they rebelled against me.

Verse ConceptsCleanliness, Metaphorical UseRebellion, Against GodBeing Cleansed From SinGod Will ForgiveRebellion against GodGuiltforgivingcleansingrebellion

Perhaps the house of Judah will hear about all the calamity that I'm planning to bring on them, and so each of them will turn from his wicked way and I'll forgive their iniquities and sins."

Verse ConceptsAssurance, nature ofPlansGod Will Bring HarmGod Will Forgive

The yoke of my sins was bound on, fastened together by his hand. They settled on my neck; he caused my strength to fail. The LORD placed me in the power of those I cannot resist.

Verse ConceptsHeavy Burdens

Your prophets look on your behalf; they see false and deceptive visions. They did not expose your sins in order to restore what had been captured. Instead, they crafted oracles for you that are false and misleading.

Verse ConceptsFutilityOraclesVisionsFalse VisionsSin Made KnownMen DeceivingFalse Prophets DenouncedWhat Sin?Peace And SafetyFake Friends

Due to the sins committed by her prophets, and the iniquities of her priests who shed in her midst, the blood of the righteous,

Verse ConceptsPriests, Function In Ot TimesInnocent BloodSheddingKilling The InnocentWicked ProphetsA Righteous PeopleLeaders Sinning

The punishment for your sin is complete, you women of Zion, and God will no longer exile you. He will punish your iniquity, you women of Edom, and he will expose your sins.

Verse ConceptsSin Made Known

"Son of Man, when a nation sins against me by a treacherous act, I'll reach out to oppose it, destroying its source of food, by sending famine against it, and by destroying both people and beast within it.

Verse ConceptsUnfaithfulness, To GodStretching OutGod's HandDestruction Of All CreaturesGod's Hands Stretched OutBoth Men And Animals KilledUnfaithful

Samaria didn't commit half of your sins you practiced more detestable deeds than they did! You've caused your sister to be more righteous than you, because of the detestable practices that you've committed.

Verse ConceptsComparisonsAppearancesHalf Of ThingsPeople In RighteousnessGod's People Sinning

So now, bear your own shame as you mediate for your sisters. The sins that you've committed are more detestable than theirs. That makes them more righteous than you. Indeed, be ashamed and bear your reproach, because you've made your sisters to be more righteous than you."

Verse ConceptsAppearancesPeople In RighteousnessShame Has ComeGod's People Sinning

"Now suppose that he produced a son who practiced all of his father's sins, but then that son began to fear me and stopped doing all of these things.

Verse ConceptsNot Imitating EvilEthicsFathers Responsibilities

The soul who sins dies. The son won't bear the punishment of his father's sin and the father won't bear the punishment of his son's sin. The righteous deeds of that righteous person will be attributed to him, while the wicked deeds of the wicked person will be charged against him.

Verse ConceptsThe DeadFathers, Sin Of TheBeing Born In SinCreditResponsibility, To GodPersonal ResponsibilitySins Of The FathersPeople In RighteousnessSin Clings To The SinnerParents SinPunishmentPunishmentsPunishment of the The WickedDadsResponsibilityParents Being Wrong

But if the wicked person turns from all his sins, which he did and keeps my statutes, then he'll live. He won't die.

Verse ConceptsRenunciationSin, Accepting Forgiveness OfBlessings Of ObediencePunishment of the The Wicked

Bible Theasaurus

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 46

חטּאת חטּאה 
Usage: 294

Usage: 54

Usage: 46

Usage: 8

Usage: 2

Usage: 4

Usage: 5

Usage: 141

Usage: 19

Usage: 7

Usage: 34

Usage: 55

זמרה זמר זמיר 
Usage: 6

Zammar (Aramaic) 
Usage: 1

Usage: 238

Usage: 33

Usage: 19

Chatta'ah (Aramaic) 
Usage: 1

Chatiy (Aramaic) 
Usage: 1

Charak (Aramaic) 
Usage: 1

Usage: 10

Usage: 65

Usage: 6

Usage: 35

עד עוד 
Usage: 483

עוון עון 
Usage: 230

Usage: 329

Usage: 83

Usage: 2

Usage: 93

Usage: 1

Usage: 33

Usage: 0

Usage: 4

Usage: 4

Usage: 21

Usage: 2

שׁוּר שׁירo 
Usage: 86

שׁירה שׁיר 
Usage: 90

Usage: 6

Usage: 91

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

Usage: 5

Usage: 47

Usage: 35

Usage: 2

Usage: 143

Usage: 31

Usage: 0

Usage: 8

Usage: 0

from , of , out of , for , off , by , at , in , since 9 , on , not tr. , .
Usage: 490

Usage: 1

Usage: 8

Usage: 2

Usage: 4

Usage: 3

Usage: 2

Usage: 9

Usage: 1

Usage: 3

Usage: 4

Usage: 17

Usage: 4

International Standard Version Copyright © 1996-2008 by the ISV Foundation.