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6th CSCL 2005: Taipei, Taiwan
- Tak-Wai Chan:
The Next 10 Years! Proceedings of the 2005 Conference on Computer Support for Collaborative Learning, CSCL '05, Taipei, Taiwan, May 30 - June 4, 2005. International Society of the Learning Sciences 2005, ISBN 0-8058-5782-6 - Henrik Artman, Robert Ramberg, Hillevi Sundholm, Teresa Cerratto-Pargman:
Action context and target context representations: a case study on collaborative design learning. 1-7 - Pieter J. Beers, Paul A. Kirschner, Henny P. A. Boshuizen, Wim Gijselaers:
Coercing knowledge construction in collaborative learning environments. 8-17 - Angela Carell, Thomas Herrmann, Andrea Kienle, Natalja Menold:
Improving the coordination of collaborative learning with process models. 18-27 - Sung-Bin Chang, Hsien-Ming Huang, Kuan-Jung Tung, Tak-Wai Chan:
AGQ: a model of student question generation supported by one-on-one educational computing. 28-32 - Fei Ching Chen, Yu-Wei Lee, Hui Chen Chu, Hung Ren Wang, Huo-Ming Jiang:
Effective discussions, social talks and learning: a paradox on learning in discussion forums. 33-42 - Zhi-Hong Chen, Chih-Yueh Chou, Yi-Chan Deng, Tak-Wai Chan:
Animal companions as motivators for teammates helping each other learn. 43-47 - Hercy N. H. Cheng, Yi-Chan Deng, Ben Chang, Tak-Wai Chan:
MatrixDesks: interactive computing desks toward one-on-two educational computing environments. 48-52 - Ellina Chernobilsky, Anandi Nagarajan, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver:
Problem-based learning online: multiple perspectives on collaborative knowledge construction. 53-62 - Emily Ching, Chih-Ti Chen, Chih-Yueh Chou, Yi-Chan Deng, Tak-Wai Chan:
A pilot study of computer supported learning by constructing instruction notes and peer expository instruction. 63-67 - Angela Chow, Nancy Law:
Measuring motivation in collaborative inquiry-based learning contexts. 68-75 - Douglas B. Clark, Victor D. Sampson:
Analyzing the quality of argumentation supported by personally-seeded discussions. 76-85 - Ulrike Cress:
Why member portraits can undermine participation. 86-90 - Charles K. Crook:
ICT can recover collaborative tutorial conversation and position it within undergraduate curricula. 91-95 - Vanessa Paz Dennen, Trena M. Paulus:
Researching "collaborative knowledge building" in formal distance learning environments. 96-104 - Sharon J. Derry, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Anandi Nagarajan, Ellina Chernobilsky, Joan Feltovich, Brad Halfpap:
Making a mesh of it: a STELLAR approach to teacher professional development. 105-114 - Angelique Dimitracopoulou:
Designing collaborative learning systems: current trends & future research agenda. 115-124 - Pinar Donmez, Carolyn P. Rosé, Karsten Stegmann, Armin Weinberger, Frank Fischer:
Supporting CSCL with automatic corpus analysis technology. 125-134 - Nathan Dwyer, Daniel D. Suthers:
A study of the foundations of artifact-mediated collaboration. 135-144 - Bernhard Ertl, Birgitta Kopp, Heinz Mandl:
Effects of an individual's prior knowledge on collaborative knowledge construction and individual learning outcomes in videoconferencing. 145-154 - Danae Stanton Fraser, Hilary Smith, Ella Tallyn, Dave Kirk, Steve Benford, Duncan Rowland, Mark Paxton, Sara Price, Geraldine Fitzpatrick:
The SENSE project: a context-inclusive approach to studying environmental science within and across schools. 155-159 - Marco Aurélio Gerosa, Mariano Gomes Pimentel, Hugo Fuks, Carlos José Pereira de Lucena:
No need to read messages right now: helping mediators to steer educational forums using statistical and visual information. 160-169 - Amnon Glassner, Baruch B. Schwarz:
The role of floor control and of ontology in argumentative activities with discussion-based tools. 170-179 - Agoritsa Gogoulou, Evangelia Gouli, Maria Grigoriadou, Maria Samarakou:
ACT: a web-based adaptive communication tool. 180-189 - Andreas Harrer, Sam Zeini, Niels Pinkwart:
The effects of electronic communication support on presence learning scenarios. 190-194 - Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Sharon J. Derry, David K. Woods, Matt DelMarcelle, Ellina Chernobilsky:
From parallel play to meshed interaction: the evolution of the eSTEP system. 195-204 - Christopher M. Hoadley:
The shape of the elephant: scope and membership of the CSCL community. 205-210 - Ulrich Hoppe, Niels Pinkwart, Maria Oelinger, Sam Zeini, Felisa Verdejo, Beatriz Barros, José Ignacio Mayorga:
Building bridges within learning communities through ontologies and "thematic objects". 211-220 - Diane Hui:
A new role for computer-mediated communication in engaging teacher learning within informal professional communities. 221-226 - David Hung:
Preserving authenticity in CoLs and CoPs: proposing an agenda for CSCL. 227-231 - Peter Huppertz, Ute Massler, Rolf Ploetzner:
V-share - video-based analysis and reflection of teaching experiences in (virtual) groups. 232-236 - Christopher R. Jones, Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Berner Lindström:
CSCL - the next ten years: a view from Europe. 237-246 - Yael Kali, Miky Ronen:
Design principles for online peer-evaluation: fostering objectivity. 247-251 - Manu Kapur, John Voiklis, Charles K. Kinzer:
Problem solving as a complex, evolutionary activity: a methodological framework for analyzing problem-solving processes in a computer-supported collaborative environment. 252-261 - Andrea Kienle, Martin Wessner:
Our way to Taipei: an analysis of the first ten years of the CSCL community. 262-271 - Peter G. Kilner, Christopher M. Hoadley:
Anonymity options and professional participation in an online community of practice. 272-280 - Beaumie Kim, Kenneth E. Hay:
The evolution of the intellectual partnership with a cognitive tool in inquiry-based astronomy laboratory. 281-290 - Bosung Kim, Chia-chi Yang, I-Chun Tsai:
Review of computer-mediated collaborative concept mapping: implication for future research. 291-295 - Kibum Kim, Deborah G. Tatar:
Weak guidance with "Look" functionality in handheld-based classroom activities. 296-300 - David S. Kirk, Danae Stanton Fraser:
The effects of remote gesturing on distance instruction. 301-310 - Eric Klopfer, Judy Perry, Kurt Squire, Ming-Fong Jan:
Collaborative learning through augmented reality role playing. 311-315 - Eric Klopfer, Judy Perry, Kurt Squire, Ming-Fong Jan, Constance Steinkuehler:
Mystery at the museum: a collaborative game for museum education. 316-320 - Progressive refinement of a CSCL-based lesson plan for improving student learning as knowledge building in the period for the integrated study. 321-330
- Ingo Kollar, Frank Fischer, James D. Slotta:
Internal and external collaboration scripts in web-based science learning at schools. 331-340 - Siu Cheung Kong, Sau Yin Lam, Lam For Kwok:
A cognitive tool in handheld devices for collaborative learning: comprehending procedural knowledge of the addition of common fractions. 341-345 - Deanna Kuhn, Wendy Goh:
Arguing on the computer. 346-352 - Markus Kuhn, Marc Jansen, Andreas Harrer, Ulrich Hoppe:
A lightweight approach for flexible group management in the classroom. 353-357 - Mary Lamon:
Information and communications technology and literacy development. 358-367 - Deborah K. LaPointe, Kerrin A. Barrett:
Language learning in a virtual classroom: synchronous methods, cultural exchanges. 368-372 - Nancy Law:
Assessing learning outcomes in CSCL settings. 373-377 - Eddy Y. C. Lee, Carol K. K. Chan, Jan van Aalst:
Students assessing their own knowledge advances in a knowledge building environment. 378-387 - Oskar Lindwall, Gustav Lymer:
Vulgar competence, ethnomethodological indifference and curricular design. 388-397 - Lei Liu, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Surabhi Marathe:
How representation matters: comparing collaborative learning with alternative versions of hypermedia. 398-402 - Jacques Lonchamp:
A structured chat framework for distributed educational settings. 403-407 - Heidy Maldonado, Jong-Eun Roselyn Lee, Scott Brave, Clifford Nass, Hiroshi Nakajima, Ryota Yamada, Kimihiko Iwamura, Yasunori Morishima:
We learn better together: enhancing eLearning with emotional characters. 408-417 - Bruce M. McLaren, Lars Bollen, Erin Walker, Andreas Harrer, Jonathan Sewall:
Cognitive tutoring of collaboration: developmental and empirical steps towards realization. 418-422 - Yongwu Miao, Kay Hoeksema, Heinz Ulrich Hoppe, Andreas Harrer:
CSCL scripts: modelling features and potential use. 423-432 - Kazuhisa Miwa, Yoshie Baba, Hitoshi Terai:
An experimental study on collaborative scientific activities with an actual/imaginary partner. 433-439 - Toshio Mochizuki, Hiroshi Kato, Kazaru Yaegashi, Tomoko Nagata, Toshihisa Nishimori, Shinichi Hisamatsu, Satoru Fujitani, Jun Nakahara, Mariko Suzuki:
Promotion of self-assessment for learners in online discussion using the visualization software. 440-449 - Yishay Mor, Jakob Tholander, Jesper Holmberg:
Designing for constructionist web-based knowledge building. 450-459 - Martin Mühlpfordt, Martin Wessner:
Explicit referencing in chat supports collaborative learning. 460-469 - Jun Nakahara, Shinichi Hisamatsu, Kazaru Yaegashi, Yuhei Yamauchi:
iTree: does the mobile phone encourage learners to be more involved in collaborative learning? 470-478 - Naoko Osada, Naomi Miyake:
From CSCL classroom to real-world settings through project-based learning. 479-483 - Kai Pata, Tago Sarapuu, Raymond Archee:
Collaborative scaffolding in synchronous environment: congruity and antagonism of tutor/student facilitation acts. 484-493 - Mariano Gomes Pimentel, Marco Aurélio Gerosa, Hugo Fuks, Carlos José Pereira de Lucena:
Assessment of collaboration in online courses. 494-498 - Mariano Gomes Pimentel, Hugo Fuks, Carlos José Pereira de Lucena:
Mediated chat development process: avoiding chat confusion on educational debates. 499-503 - Raija Hämäläinen, Päivi Häkkinen, Sanna Järvelä, Tony Manninen:
Computer-supported collaboration in a scripted 3-D game environment. 504-508 - Pablo Reyes, Pierre Tchounikine:
Mining learning groups' activities in forum-type tools. 509-513 - Markus Rohde, Ralf Klamma, Volker Wulf:
Establishing communities of practice among students and start-up companies. 514-519 - Jeremy Roschelle, Ricardo Rosas, Miguel Nussbaum:
Towards a design framework for mobile computer-supported collaborative learning. 520-524 - Donna L. Russell, Art Schneiderheinze:
Implementing online collaborative professional development for innovative educators. 525-533 - Kurt Rysjedal, Barbara Wasson:
Local and distributed interaction in a collaborative knowledge building scenario. 534-540 - Nadira Saab, Wouter R. van Joolingen:
Supporting collaborative discovery learning by presenting a tool. 541-546 - Nicolai K. Scheele, Anja Wessels, Wolfgang Effelsberg, Manfred Hofer, Stefan Fries:
Experiences with interactive lectures: considerations from the perspective of educational psychology and computer science. 547-556 - Tammy Schellens, Hilde van Keer, Martin Valcke, Bram de Wever:
The impact of role assignment as scripting tool on knowledge construction in asynchronous discussion groups. 557-566 - Till Schümmer, Jan-Willem Strijbos, Thomas Berkel:
A new direction for log file analysis in CSCL: experiences with a spatio-temporal metric. 567-576 - Till Schümmer, Stephan G. Lukosch, Jörg M. Haake:
Teaching distributed software development with the project method. 577-586 - Li Sha, Jan van Aalst:
Non-linear dynamical development of CSCL communities. 587-591 - David Williamson Shaffer, Katherine A. Clinton:
Why all CSL is CL: distributed mind and the future of computer supported collaborative learning. 592-601 - Lifang Shih, Karen Swan:
Fostering social presence in asynchronous online class discussions. 602-606 - Hyo-Jeong So, Bosung Kim:
Instructional methods for CSCL: review of case studies. 607-616 - Understanding computer mediated social experience: implications for CSCL. 617-621
- Hans Spada, Anne Meier, Nikol Rummel, Sabine Hauser:
A new method to assess the quality of collaborative process in CSCL. 622-631 - Gerry Stahl:
Group cognition: the collaborative locus of agency in CSCL. 632-640 - Elmar Stahl, Carmen G. Zahn, Matthias Finke:
How can we use hypervideo design projects to construct knowledge in university courses? 641-646 - Jan-Willem Strijbos, Maarten de Laat, Rob L. Martens, Wim M. G. Jochems:
Functional versus spontaneous roles during CSCL. 647-656 - Heejeon Suh, Myunghee Kang, Kyungae Moon, Howook Jang:
Identifying peer interaction patterns and related variables in community-based learning. 657-661 - Daniel D. Suthers:
Technology affordances for intersubjective learning: a thematic agenda for CSCL. 662-671 - Ella Tallyn, David M. Frohlich, Nadja Linketscher, Beat Signer, Guy Adams:
Using paper to support collaboration in educational activities. 672-676 - Bill Tomlinson:
A heterogeneous animated platform for educational participatory simulations. 677-681 - Michael Tscholl, John D. McCarthy, Jeremiah Scholl:
The effect of video-augmented chat on collaborative learning with cases. 682-686 - Michael B. Twidale, X. Christine Wang, D. Michelle Hinn:
CSC: computer supported collaborative work, learning, and play. 687-696 - Jan van Aalst, John Kamimura, Carol K. K. Chan:
Exploring collaborative aspects of knowledge building through collaborative summary notes. 697-706 - Rupert Wegerif:
Towards a dialogic understanding of the relationship between CSCL and teaching thinking skills. 707-716 - Armin Weinberger, Frank Fischer, Karsten Stegmann:
Computer-supported collaborative learning in higher education: scripts for argumentative knowledge construction in distributed groups. 717-726 - Yau-Yuen Yeung:
Macroscopic study of the social networks formed in web-based discussion forums. 727-731 - Joyce Yukawa:
Story-lines: a case study of online learning using narrative analysis. 732-736 - Carmen G. Zahn, Friedrich W. Hesse, Matthias Finke, Roy Pea, Michael Mills, Joseph Rosen:
Advanced digital video technologies to support collaborative learning in school education and beyond. 737-742 - Alan Zemel, Timothy Koschmann, Curtis LeBaron, Paul J. Feltovich:
Usability as an interactional resource: deictic management of scene formulation. 743-752 - Alan Zemel:
Texts-in-interaction: collaborative problem-solving in quasi-synchronous computer-mediated communication. 753-757 - Jörg Zumbach, Jochen Schönemann, Peter Reimann:
Analyzing and supporting collaboration in cooperative computer-mediated communication. 758-767

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