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IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Volume 59
Volume 59, Number 1, January 2012
- Atam P. Dhawan, Bruce C. Wheeler:
Editorial: Introducing TBME Letters Special Section on Multiscale Biomedical Signal and Image Modeling and Analysis. 3 - Sergio Cerutti
, Anant Madabhushi
, Shishir K. Shah
, Ki H. Chon:
Editorial: TBME Letters Special Section on Multiscale Biomedical Signal and Image Modeling and Analysis. 4-7 - Ryan T. Canolty, Charles F. Cadieu, Kilian Koepsell, Robert T. Knight, Jose M. Carmena:
Multivariate Phase-Amplitude Cross-Frequency Coupling in Neurophysiological Signals. 8-11 - Meng Hu, Hualou Liang:
Adaptive Multiscale Entropy Analysis of Multivariate Neural Data. 12-15 - Lihui Wang, Yuemin Zhu, Hongying Li, Wanyu Liu, Isabelle E. Magnin:
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of the Cardiac Fiber Architecture for DMRI. 16-19 - Herve Delingette
, Florence Billet, Ken C. L. Wong, Maxime Sermesant
, Kawal S. Rhode
, Matthew Ginks, C. Aldo Rinaldi
, Reza Razavi
, Nicholas Ayache:
Personalization of Cardiac Motion and Contractility From Images Using Variational Data Assimilation. 20-24 - Stefan Bauer, Christian May
, Dimitra D. Dionysiou
, Georgios S. Stamatakos, Philippe Büchler
, Mauricio Reyes:
Multiscale Modeling for Image Analysis of Brain Tumor Studies. 25-29 - Matthew C. Spencer, Julia H. Downes, Dimitris Xydas, Mark W. Hammond, Victor M. Becerra
, Kevin Warwick
, Benjamin J. Whalley, Slawomir J. Nasuto
Multiscale Evolving Complex Network Model of Functional Connectivity in Neuronal Cultures. 30-34 - Sylvain Jaume, Kathleen Knobe, Ryan Newton, Frank Schlimbach, Melanie Blower, R. Clay Reid
A Multiscale Parallel Computing Architecture for Automated Segmentation of the Brain Connectome. 35-38 - Christoph S. Garbe, Andreas Buttgereit, Sebastian Schürmann
, Oliver Friedrich
Automated Multiscale Morphometry of Muscle Disease From Second Harmonic Generation Microscopy Using Tensor-Based Image Processing. 39-44 - Matthew R. Smith
, Eric T. Peterson, Jeremy W. Gordon
, David J. Niles, Ian J. Rowland, Krishna N. Kurpad, Sean B. Fain
In Vivo Imaging and Spectroscopy of Dynamic Metabolism Using Simultaneous $^{13}$C and $^1$H MRI. 45-49 - Nenad Filipovic, Velibor Isailovic
, Tijana Djukic, Mauro Ferrari, Milos Kojic:
Multiscale Modeling of Circular and Elliptical Particles in Laminar Shear Flow. 50-53 - Jung Chan Lee
, Myeungseon Kim, Ka Ram Choi, Tae Jung Oh, Min Young Kim, Young Min Cho, Kyuseok Kim
, Hee Chan Kim
, Sungwan Kim:
In Silico Evaluation of Glucose Control Protocols for Critically Ill Patients. 54-57 - Vangelis P. Oikonomou
, Konstantinos Blekas, Loukas G. Astrakas
A Sparse and Spatially Constrained Generative Regression Model for fMRI Data Analysis. 58-67 - Ai-Rong Qian, L. Wang, X. Gao, W. Zhang, L. F. Hu, J. Han, Jin-Bao Li, S. M. Di, Peng Shang:
Diamagnetic Levitation Causes Changes in the Morphology, Cytoskeleton, and Focal Adhesion Proteins Expression in Osteocytes. 68-77 - Yongqin Li, Joe Bisera, Max Harry Weil, Wanchun Tang:
An Algorithm Used for Ventricular Fibrillation Detection Without Interrupting Chest Compression. 78-86 - Chunyang Wang, Ming-Lung Chuang, Shinn-Jye Liang, Jui-Che Tsai
, Ching-Cheng Chuang, Yao-Sheng Hsieh, Chih-Wei Lu, Po-Lei Lee, Chia-Wei Sun:
Diffuse Optical Multipatch Technique for Tissue Oxygenation Monitoring: Clinical Study in Intensive Care Unit. 87-94 - Andrew J. Casper, Dalong Liu, Emad S. Ebbini
Realtime Control of Multiple-focus Phased Array Heating Patterns Based on Noninvasive Ultrasound Thermography. 95-105 - George D. O'Clock, Yong Wan Lee, Jongwong Lee, Warren J. Warwick:
High-Frequency and Low-Frequency Chest Compression: Effects on Lung Water Secretion, Mucus Transport, Heart Rate, and Blood Pressure Using a Trapezoidal Source Pressure Waveform. 106-114 - Peng Wang, Christopher L. Brace
Tissue Dielectric Measurement Using an Interstitial Dipole Antenna. 115-121 - YingLiang Ma
, Andy P. King, Nicolas Gogin, Geert Gijsbers, C. Aldo Rinaldi
, Jaswinder S. Gill, Reza Razavi
, Kawal S. Rhode:
Clinical Evaluation of Respiratory Motion Compensation for Anatomical Roadmap Guided Cardiac Electrophysiology Procedures. 122-131 - Jinyi Long, Yuanqing Li, Tianyou Yu, Zhenghui Gu:
Target Selection With Hybrid Feature for BCI-Based 2-D Cursor Control. 132-140 - J. Víctor Marcos
, Roberto Hornero
, Daniel Álvarez
, Mateo Aboy
, Félix del Campo:
Automated Prediction of the Apnea-Hypopnea Index from Nocturnal Oximetry Recordings. 141-149 - Seungjun Lee, Wei Lu:
Using Elastic Light Scattering of Red Blood Cells to Detect Infection of Malaria Parasite. 150-155 - Andreas Fhager, Mats Gustafsson
, Sven Nordebo:
Image Reconstruction in Microwave Tomography Using a Dielectric Debye Model. 156-166 - Robert E. Dodde, Jacob S. Gee, James D. Geiger, Albert J. Shih
Monopolar Electrosurgical Thermal Management for Minimizing Tissue Damage. 167-173 - Héctor A. Caltenco, Eugen Romulus Lontis
, Shellie A. Boudreau, Bo Bentsen, Johannes J. Struijk
, Lotte N. S. Andreasen Struijk
Tip of the Tongue Selectivity and Motor Learning in the Palatal Area. 174-182 - Hossein Parsaei
, Daniel W. Stashuk:
SVM-Based Validation of Motor Unit Potential Trains Extracted by EMG Signal Decomposition. 183-191 - Thomas N. Nielsen
, Cristian Sevcencu, Johannes J. Struijk
Fascicle-Selectivity of an Intraneural Stimulation Electrode in the Rabbit Sciatic Nerve. 192-197 - Andrew L. Richards, Clement Kleinstreuer, Andrew S. Kennedy, Emily Childress, Gregory D. Buckner
Experimental Microsphere Targeting in a Representative Hepatic Artery System. 198-204 - Edward A. Clancy, Lukai Liu, Pu Liu, Daniel V. Zandt Moyer:
Identification of Constant-Posture EMG-Torque Relationship About the Elbow Using Nonlinear Dynamic Models. 205-212 - Thanh Cong Nguyen
, Wanzhi Qiu, Efstratios Skafidas
Functionalized Nanowire-Based Antigen Detection Using Frequency-Based Signals. 213-218 - Valentina Agostini
, Marco Knaflitz:
An Algorithm for the Estimation of the Signal-To-Noise Ratio in Surface Myoelectric Signals Generated During Cyclic Movements. 219-225 - Massimiliano Zaniboni
Late Phase of Repolarization is Autoregenerative and Scales Linearly with Action Potential Duration in Mammals Ventricular Myocytes: A Model Study. 226-233 - Juha Koikkalainen, Arho Virkki, Mark J. van Gils
, Jyrki Lötjönen
, Jussi Mattila:
Design and Application of a Generic Clinical Decision Support System for Multiscale Data. 234-240 - Gaël de Lannoy, Damien François, Jean Delbeke, Michel Verleysen
Weighted Conditional Random Fields for Supervised Interpatient Heartbeat Classification. 241-247 - Farid G. Mitri, Randall R. Kinnick:
Vibroacoustography Imaging of Kidney Stones In Vitro. 248-254 - Erich Urban, Ronald T. Wakai
Optical Sensor Position Indicator for Neonatal MEG. 255-262 - Øystein Klemetsen, Svein K. Jacobsen:
Improved Radiometric Performance Attained by an Elliptical Microwave Antenna With Suction. 263-271 - Fang-Han Hsu, Erchin Serpedin
, Yidong Chen, Edward R. Dougherty:
Stochastic Modeling of the Relationship between Copy Number and Gene Expression Based on Transcriptional Logic. 272-280 - Erdem Ozdemir, Cenk Sokmensuer, Cigdem Gunduz Demir:
A Resampling-Based Markovian Model for Automated Colon Cancer Diagnosis. 281-289 - Yunjun Nam
, Qibin Zhao, Andrzej Cichocki
, Seungjin Choi:
Tongue-Rudder: A Glossokinetic-Potential-Based Tongue-Machine Interface. 290-299
Volume 59, Number 2, February 2012
- Christopher G. Scully
, Jinseok Lee
, Joseph Meyer, Alexander M. Gorbach, Domhnull Granquist-Fraser, Yitzhak Mendelson, Ki H. Chon:
Physiological Parameter Monitoring from Optical Recordings With a Mobile Phone. 303-306 - Filiep J. Vanpoucke
, Peter-Paul B. Boermans, Johan H. M. Frijns
Assessing the Placement of a Cochlear Electrode Array by Multidimensional Scaling. 307-310 - David U. J. Keller
, Daniel L. Weiß, Olaf Dössel
, Gunnar Seemann:
Influence of IKs Heterogeneities on the Genesis of the T-wave: A Computational Evaluation. 311-322 - Alexandre Beaulieu, Dominick Bosse
, Philippe Micheau
, Olivier Avoine, Jean-Paul Praud, Hervé Walti:
Measurement of Fractional Order Model Parameters of Respiratory Mechanical Impedance in Total Liquid Ventilation. 323-331 - Ginu Rajan
, Dean Callaghan
, Yuliya Semenova
, Gerald Farrell
Photonic Crystal Fiber Sensors for Minimally Invasive Surgical Devices. 332-338 - Nicholas L. Opie
, Anthony N. Burkitt
, Hamish Meffin
, David B. Grayden:
Heating of the Eye by a Retinal Prosthesis: Modeling, Cadaver and In Vivo Study. 339-345 - Martin Han
, Panya S. Manoonkitiwongsa, Cindy X. Wang, Douglas B. McCreery:
In Vivo Validation of Custom-Designed Silicon-Based Microelectrode Arrays for Long-Term Neural Recording and Stimulation. 346-354 - Rajesh Kumar, Qian Zhao, Sharmishtaa Seshamani, Gerard Mullin
, Gregory D. Hager, Themistocles Dassopoulos:
Assessment of Crohn's Disease Lesions in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images. 355-362 - Min Jing
, T. Martin McGinnity
, Sonya A. Coleman
, Huaizhong Zhang
, Armin Fuchs, J. A. Scott Kelso:
Enhancement of Fiber Orientation Distribution Reconstruction in Diffusion-Weighted Imaging by Single Channel Blind Source Separation. 363-373 - Sinead O'Brien, Nigel J. Kent, Margaret Lucitt
, Antonio J. Ricco
, Colm McAtamney, Dermot Kenny
, Gerardene Meade:
Effective Hydrodynamic Shaping of Sample Streams in a Microfluidic Parallel-Plate Flow-Assay Device: Matching Whole Blood Dynamic Viscosity. 374-382 - Matteo Sperandio, Marco Guermandi, Roberto Guerrieri:
A Four-Shell Diffusion Phantom of the Head for Electrical Impedance Tomography. 383-389 - Tao Sun, Woo-Tae Park
, Min-Yuan Cheng, Jing-Zhi An, Rui-Feng Xue, Kwan-Ling Tan, Minkyu Je:
Implantable Polyimide Cable for Multichannel High-Data-Rate Neural Recording Microsystems. 390-399 - Christian Cipriani, Marco D'Alonzo
, Maria Chiara Carrozza
A Miniature Vibrotactile Sensory Substitution Device for Multifingered Hand Prosthetics. 400-408 - Aravindan Kolandaivelu, Venku Jayanti, Henry R. Halperin, Ronald D. Berger:
Switchable Faraday Shielding With Application to Reducing the Pain of Internal Cardiac Defibrillation While Permitting External Defibrillation. 409-416 - Shutao Li, Leyuan Fang, Haitao Yin:
An Efficient Dictionary Learning Algorithm and Its Application to 3-D Medical Image Denoising. 417-427 - Saeid Sanei, Tracey Kah-Mein Lee, Vahid Abolghasemi
A New Adaptive Line Enhancer Based on Singular Spectrum Analysis. 428-434 - Junho Song, Aki Pulkkinen
, Yuexi Huang, Kullervo Hynynen:
Investigation of Standing-Wave Formation in a Human Skull for a Clinical Prototype of a Large-Aperture, Transcranial MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound (MRgFUS) Phased Array: An Experimental and Simulation Study. 435-444 - Fahmi Khalifa
, Garth M. Beache, Georgy L. Gimel'farb, Guruprasad A. Giridharan, Ayman El-Baz
Accurate Automatic Analysis of Cardiac Cine Images. 445-455 - Sarah L. Noble, Lindsay E. Wendel, Maia M. Donahue, Gregery T. Buzzard
, Ann E. Rundell:
Sparse-Grid-Based Adaptive Model Predictive Control of HL60 Cellular Differentiation. 456-463 - Kaiqiong Sun, Zhen Chen, Shaofeng Jiang:
Local Morphology Fitting Active Contour for Automatic Vascular Segmentation. 464-473 - Hicham Semmaoui, Jonathan Drolet, Ahmed Lakhssassi, Mohamad Sawan:
Setting Adaptive Spike Detection Threshold for Smoothed TEO Based on Robust Statistics Theory. 474-482 - Behtash Babadi, Scott M. McKinney, Vahid Tarokh, Jeffrey M. Ellenbogen:
DiBa: A Data-Driven Bayesian Algorithm for Sleep Spindle Detection. 483-493 - Dennis Trebbels, Felix Fellhauer, Michael Jugl, Gerd Haimerl, Mart Min, Roland Zengerle
Online Tissue Discrimination for Transcutaneous Needle Guidance Applications Using Broadband Impedance Spectroscopy. 494-503 - Bing Leung Patrick Cheung, Robert D. Nowak, Hyong Chol Lee, Wim van Drongelen
, Barry D. Van Veen:
Cross Validation for Selection of Cortical Interaction Models From Scalp EEG or MEG. 504-514 - Hansenclever de F. Bassani
, Aluízio F. R. Araújo, C. T. F. Barbosa, R. C. A. Guedes:
Modeling the Slow Wave Shapes of Spreading Depression in a Rat Cortex: A Methodology for Seeking Physiological Parameters. 515-524 - Francine Thullier, Benoît Bolmont
, Francis G. Lestienne:
Vibrotactile Pattern Recognition: A Portable Compact Tactile Matrix. 525-530 - Hao-Chiang Shao
, Wen-Liang Hwang
, Yung-Chang Chen:
Optimal Multiresolution Blending of Confocal Microscope Images. 531-541 - Arjo J. Loeve, Dick H. Plettenburg
, Paul Breedveld, Jenny Dankelman:
Endoscope Shaft-Rigidity Control Mechanism: "FORGUIDE". 542-551 - Feiniu Yuan, Yanling Chi, Su Huang, Jimin Liu:
Modeling n-Furcated Liver vessels From a 3-D Segmented Volume Using Hole-Making and Subdivision Methods. 552-561 - Marco Aurelio Portela-Sotelo, Elodie Desserée, Jean-Michel Moreau, Behzad Shariat, Michael Beuve
3-D Model-Based Multiple-Object Video Tracking for Treatment Room Supervision. 562-570 - Jin-Oh Hahn, Guy Albert Dumont
, John Mark Ansermino
A Direct Dynamic Dose-Response Model of Propofol for Individualized Anesthesia Care. 571-578 - Isa Conradsen, Sándor Beniczky
, Karsten Hoppe, Peter Wolf, Helge B. D. Sørensen
Automated Algorithm for Generalized Tonic-Clonic Epileptic Seizure Onset Detection Based on sEMG Zero-Crossing Rate. 579-585 - Ashish D. Deshpande, Nick Gialias, Yoky Matsuoka:
Contributions of Intrinsic Visco-Elastic Torques During Planar Index Finger and Wrist Movements. 586-594
Volume 59, Number 3, March 2012
- Stefano Scalzi, Patrizio Tomei, Cristiano Maria Verrelli
Nonlinear Control Techniques for the Heart Rate Regulation in Treadmill Exercises. 599-603 - Alan V. Sahakian
, Haitham M. Al-Angari, Oyinlolu O. Adeyanju:
Electrode Activation Sequencing Employing Conductivity Changes in Irreversible Electroporation Tissue Ablation. 604-607 - Saif Ahmad, Silu Chen, Karen Soueidan, Izmail Batkin, Miodrag Bolic, Hilmi R. Dajani, Voicu Groza:
Electrocardiogram-Assisted Blood Pressure Estimation. 608-618 - Sunghan Kim, Fabien Scalzo, Marvin Bergsneider, Paul M. Vespa, Neil Martin
, Xiao Hu:
Noninvasive Intracranial Pressure Assessment Based on a Data-Mining Approach Using a Nonlinear Mapping Function. 619-626 - Suzette M. Aguilar, Jacob D. Shea, Mudar A. Al-Joumayly, Barry D. Van Veen, Nader Behdad, Susan C. Hagness:
Dielectric Characterization of PCL-Based Thermoplastic Materials for Microwave Diagnostic and Therapeutic Applications. 627-633 - Rui Melo, João Pedro Barreto
, Gabriel Falcão Paiva Fernandes
A New Solution for Camera Calibration and Real-Time Image Distortion Correction in Medical Endoscopy-Initial Technical Evaluation. 634-644 - Aaron J. Young, Levi J. Hargrove, Todd A. Kuiken:
Improving Myoelectric Pattern Recognition Robustness to Electrode Shift by Changing Interelectrode Distance and Electrode Configuration. 645-652 - Haixian Wang, Qin Tang, Wenming Zheng:
L1-Norm-Based Common Spatial Patterns. 653-662 - Michele Orini
, Raquel Bailón
, Luca T. Mainardi, Pablo Laguna
, Patrick Flandrin:
Characterization of Dynamic Interactions Between Cardiovascular Signals by Time-Frequency Coherence. 663-673 - Gaddi Blumrosen
, Moshe Uziel, Boris Rubinsky, Dana Porrat:
Noncontact Tremor Characterization Using Low-Power Wideband Radar Technology. 674-686 - Shaopeng Liu, Robert X. Gao, Dinesh John, John Staudenmayer, Patty S. Freedson:
Multisensor Data Fusion for Physical Activity Assessment. 687-696 - Hamed Azarnoush
, Sébastien Vergnole
, Benoit Boulet, Robert DiRaddo, Guy Lamouche
Real-Time Control of Angioplasty Balloon Inflation Based on Feedback From Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography: Preliminary Study on an Artery Phantom. 697-705 - Ude Lu, Shane M. Roach, Dong Song
, Theodore W. Berger:
Nonlinear Dynamic Modeling of Neuron Action Potential Threshold During Synaptically Driven Broadband Intracellular Activity. 706-716 - Andrey Temko
, Gordon Lightbody
, Eoin M. Thomas, Geraldine B. Boylan
, William P. Marnane
Instantaneous Measure of EEG Channel Importance for Improved Patient-Adaptive Neonatal Seizure Detection. 717-727 - Ryan J. DeWall, Tomy Varghese
, Christopher L. Brace
Quantifying Local Stiffness Variations in Radiofrequency Ablations With Dynamic Indentation. 728-735 - Sara Khosravi
, Jin-Oh Hahn, Guy Albert Dumont
, John Mark Ansermino
A Monitor-Decoupled Pharmacodynamic Model of Propofol in Children Using State Entropy as Clinical Endpoint. 736-743 - Alan David Kaplan, Joseph A. O'Sullivan
, Erik J. Sirevaag, Po-Hsiang Lai, John W. Rohrbaugh:
Hidden State Models for Noncontact Measurements of the Carotid Pulse Using a Laser Doppler Vibrometer. 744-753 - Xin Qi, Fuyong Xing
, David J. Foran, Lin Yang:
Robust Segmentation of Overlapping Cells in Histopathology Specimens Using Parallel Seed Detection and Repulsive Level Set. 754-765 - Yifan Chen, Panagiotis Kosmas
Detection and Localization of Tissue Malignancy Using Contrast-Enhanced Microwave Imaging: Exploring Information Theoretic Criteria. 766-776 - Angelos Kyriazis, Ignacio Rodríguez
, N. Nin, Jose L. Izquierdo-García
, J. A. Lorente, J. M. Perez-Sanchez, J. Pesic, Lars E. Olsson
, Jesús Ruiz-Cabello
Dynamic Ventilation $^3$He MRI for the Quantification of Disease in the Rat Lung. 777-786 - Matthew R. Kirsch, Ken Monahan, Jia Weng, Susan Redline, Kenneth A. Loparo
Entropy-Based Measures for Quantifying Sleep-Stage Transition Dynamics: Relationship to Sleep Fragmentation and Daytime Sleepiness. 787-796 - Ali Asadi Nikooyan, Amir Abbas Zadpoor
Effects of Muscle Fatigue on the Ground Reaction Force and Soft-Tissue Vibrations During Running: A Model Study. 797-804 - Lucile Zorn, Pierre Renaud
, Bernard Bayle
, Laurent Goffin
, Cyrille Lebossé, Michel de Mathelin, Jack Foucher:
Design and Evaluation of a Robotic System for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. 805-815 - Rose T. Faghih, Ketan Savla, Munther A. Dahleh, Emery N. Brown:
Broad Range of Neural Dynamics From a Time-Varying FitzHugh-Nagumo Model and its Spiking Threshold Estimation. 816-823 - Sheng-Chieh Huang, Yi Yuan Chang, Ying Jui Chao, Yan Shen Shan, Xi-Zhang Lin, Gwo-Bin Lee
Dual-Row Needle Arrays Under an Electromagnetic Thermotherapy System for Bloodless Liver Resection Surgery. 824-831 - Alberto Porta
, Tito Bassani
, Vlasta Bari
, Gian Domenico Pinna
, Roberto Maestri
, Stefano Guzzetti:
Accounting for Respiration is Necessary to Reliably Infer Granger Causality From Cardiovascular Variability Series. 832-841 - Cameron C. Wright, Kullervo Hynynen, David E. Goertz:
Pulsed Focused Ultrasound-Induced Displacements in Confined In Vitro Blood Clots. 842-851 - Christian Breitwieser, Ian Daly
, Christa Neuper, Gernot R. Müller-Putz
Proposing a Standardized Protocol for Raw Biosignal Transmission. 852-859 - April Khademi
, Anastasios N. Venetsanopoulos, Alan R. Moody:
Robust White Matter Lesion Segmentation in FLAIR MRI. 860-871 - Young-Jae Lee, Pil-Jae Lee, Kyeong-Seop Kim, Wonse Park
, Kee-Deog Kim, Dosik Hwang, Jeong-Whan Lee
Toothbrushing Region Detection Using Three-Axis Accelerometer and Magnetic Sensor. 872-881 - Niranchan Paskaranandavadivel, Gregory O'Grady, Peng Du, Andrew J. Pullan, Leo K. Cheng:
An Improved Method for the Estimation and Visualization of Velocity Fields from Gastric High-Resolution Electrical Mapping. 882-889 - Kamal Abuhassan
, Damien Coyle
, Liam P. Maguire
Investigating the Neural Correlates of Pathological Cortical Networks in Alzheimer's Disease Using Heterogeneous Neuronal Models. 890-896
Volume 59, Number 4, April 2012
- Winnie W. M. Lam, Keith C. C. Chan
Discovering Functional Interdependence Relationship in PPI Networks for Protein Complex Identification. 899-908 - Frédéric Plourde, Farida Cheriet, Jean Dansereau:
Semiautomatic Detection of Scoliotic Rib Borders From Posteroanterior Chest Radiographs. 909-919 - Alexandre Barachant, Stéphane Bonnet, Marco Congedo, Christian Jutten:
Multiclass Brain-Computer Interface Classification by Riemannian Geometry. 920-928 - Bénédicte M. A. Delattre, Dimitri Van De Ville
, Vincent Braunersreuther, Corinne Pellieux, Jean-Noël Hyacinthe
, René Lerch, François Mach, Jean-Paul Vallée
High Time-Resolved Cardiac Functional Imaging Using Temporal Regularization for Small Animal on a Clinical 3T Scanner. 929-935 - Jacob D. Shea, Barry D. Van Veen, Susan C. Hagness:
A TSVD Analysis of Microwave Inverse Scattering for Breast Imaging. 936-945 - Chinh Duc Nguyen, Stephen James Wilson, Stuart Crozier
Automated Quantification of the Synchrogram by Recurrence Plot Analysis. 946-955 - Aline Cabasson, Olivier Meste
, Jean-Marc Vesin:
Estimation and Modeling of QT-Interval Adaptation to Heart Rate Changes. 956-965 - Florent Lalys
, Laurent Riffaud
, David Bouget, Pierre Jannin
A Framework for the Recognition of High-Level Surgical Tasks From Video Images for Cataract Surgeries. 966-976 - Laurent Arcese
, Matthieu Fruchard, Antoine Ferreira:
Endovascular Magnetically Guided Robots: Navigation Modeling and Optimization. 977-987 - Barry R. Greene, Rose-Anne Kenny
Assessment of Cognitive Decline Through Quantitative Analysis of the Timed Up and Go Test. 988-995 - Lin Lu, Danfeng Zhang, Lei Li, Jun Zhao:
Fully Automated Colon Segmentation for the Computation of Complete Colon Centerline in Virtual Colonoscopy. 996-1004 - Kihyun Kim, Sumin Yun, Sungho Lee, Sangwook Nam, Young Joong Yoon, Changyul Cheon:
A Design of a High-Speed and High-Efficiency Capsule Endoscopy System. 1005-1011 - Torfinn Taxt, Radovan Jirík
, Cecilie Brekke Rygh, Renate Grüner, Michal Bartos
, Erling Andersen, Fitz-Roy Curry, Rolf K. Reed
Single-Channel Blind Estimation of Arterial Input Function and Tissue Impulse Response in DCE-MRI. 1012-1021 - Marina Alberti, Simone Balocco
, Carlo Gatta, Francesco Ciompi
, Oriol Pujol
, Joana Silva, Xavier Carrillo
, Petia Radeva
Automatic Bifurcation Detection in Coronary IVUS Sequences. 1022-1031 - Xuping Zhang
, Clement Leung, Zhe Lu, Navid Esfandiari
, Robert F. Casper, Yu Sun
Controlled Aspiration and Positioning of Biological Cells in a Micropipette. 1032-1040 - Tao Ma, Pradhumna Shrestha, Michael Hempel, Dongming Peng, Hamid Sharif, Hsiao-Hwa Chen:
Assurance of Energy Efficiency and Data Security for ECG Transmission in BASNs. 1041-1048 - Clement Leung, Zhe Lu, Xuping Zhang
, Yu Sun
Three-Dimensional Rotation of Mouse Embryos. 1049-1056 - David Zarrouk
, Inna Sharf
, Moshe Shoham:
Conditions for Worm-Robot Locomotion in a Flexible Environment: Theory and Experiments. 1057-1067 - Adnan Trakic
, Ewald Weber
, Bing Keong Li, Hua O. Wang, Feng Liu
, Craig Engstrom
, Stuart Crozier
Electromechanical Design and Construction of a Rotating Radio-Frequency Coil System for Applications in Magnetic Resonance. 1068-1075 - Robert E. Neal II
, Paulo A. Garcia, John L. Robertson, Rafael V. Davalos:
Experimental Characterization and Numerical Modeling of Tissue Electrical Conductivity during Pulsed Electric Fields for Irreversible Electroporation Treatment Planning. 1076-1085 - Ting Wu, Wenhe Liao, Ning Dai:
Three-Dimensional Statistical Model for Gingival Contour Reconstruction. 1086-1093 - Pilwon Hur
, K. Alex Shorter, Prashant G. Mehta
, Elizabeth T. Hsiao-Wecksler
Invariant Density Analysis: Modeling and Analysis of the Postural Control System Using Markov Chains. 1094-1100 - Mark P. Wylie, Garrett B. McGuinness
, Graham P. Gavin
Increased Susceptibility of Arterial Tissue to Wire Perforation With the Application of High-Frequency Mechanical Vibrations. 1101-1108 - Gary R. Wilkins
, Odette M. Houghton, Amy L. Oldenburg
Automated Segmentation of Intraretinal Cystoid Fluid in Optical Coherence Tomography. 1109-1114 - Juhun Lee
, Si Chen, Gregory P. Reece, Melissa A. Crosby, Elisabeth K. Beahm, Mia K. Markey
A Novel Quantitative Measure of Breast Curvature Based on Catenary. 1115-1124 - Puneet Rana, John Lipor, Hyong Lee, Wim van Drongelen
, Michael H. Kohrman, Barry D. Van Veen:
Seizure Detection Using the Phase-Slope Index and Multichannel ECoG. 1125-1134 - Dimitrios K. Iakovidis
, Spyros Tsevas
, Michalis A. Savelonas, George Papamichalis:
Image Analysis Framework for Infection Monitoring. 1135-1144 - Gyehyun Kim, Jeongjin Lee, Jinwook Seo, Wooshik Lee, Yeong-Gil Shin, Bo Hyoung Kim:
Automatic Teeth Axes Calculation for Well-Aligned Teeth Using Cost Profile Analysis Along Teeth Center Arch. 1145-1154 - Myriam Cilla
, Javier Martínez
, Estefanía Peña
, Miguel Ángel Martínez:
Machine Learning Techniques as a Helpful Tool Toward Determination of Plaque Vulnerability. 1155-1161 - Shubhra Sankar Ray, Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay, Sankar K. Pal:
A Weighted Power Framework for Integrating Multisource Information: Gene Function Prediction in Yeast. 1162-1168 - Devy Widjaja
, Carolina Varon
, Alexander Dorado
, Johan A. K. Suykens
, Sabine Van Huffel:
Application of Kernel Principal Component Analysis for Single-Lead-ECG-Derived Respiration. 1169-1176 - José G. Tamez-Peña
, Joshua Farber, Patricia C. González, Eduard Schreyer, Erika Schneider, Saara M. S. Totterman:
Unsupervised Segmentation and Quantification of Anatomical Knee Features: Data From the Osteoarthritis Initiative. 1177-1186 - Benjamin S. Terry, Zachary C. Mills, Jonathan A. Schoen, Mark Rentschler
Single-Port-Access Surgery with a Novel Magnet Camera System. 1187-1193
Volume 59, Number 5, May 2012
- Sri-Rajasekhar Kothapalli, Te-Jen Ma, Srikant Vaithilingam, Ömer Oralkan
, Butrus T. Khuri-Yakub
, Sanjiv Sam Gambhir:
Deep Tissue Photoacoustic Imaging Using a Miniaturized 2-D Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer Array. 1199-1204 - Scott Doyle, Michael D. Feldman, John Tomaszewski, Anant Madabhushi
A Boosted Bayesian Multiresolution Classifier for Prostate Cancer Detection From Digitized Needle Biopsies. 1205-1218 - Sander Land
, Steven A. Niederer
, Nicolas Smith:
Efficient Computational Methods for Strongly Coupled Cardiac Electromechanics. 1219-1228 - Tommaso DeMarco, Florian Ries, Marco Guermandi, Roberto Guerrieri:
EIT Forward Problem Parallel Simulation Environment with Anisotropic Tissue and Realistic Electrode Models. 1229-1239 - Andrew Janowczyk, Sharat Chandran, Rajendra Singh, Dimitra Sasaroli, George Coukos
, Michael D. Feldman, Anant Madabhushi
High-Throughput Biomarker Segmentation on Ovarian Cancer Tissue Microarrays via Hierarchical Normalized Cuts. 1240-1252 - Gavrill Tsechpenakis, Prateep Mukherjee, Michael D. Kim
, Akira Chiba:
Three-Dimensional Motor Neuron Morphology Estimation in the Drosophila Ventral Nerve Cord. 1253-1263 - Athanasios Tsanas
, Max A. Little, Patrick E. McSharry
, Jennifer L. Spielman, Lorraine O. Ramig:
Novel Speech Signal Processing Algorithms for High-Accuracy Classification of Parkinson's Disease. 1264-1271 - Abhishek Rege, Janaka Senarathna
, Nan Li, Nitish V. Thakor
Anisotropic Processing of Laser Speckle Images Improves Spatiotemporal Resolution. 1272-1280 - Simone Del Favero
, Andrea Facchinetti, Claudio Cobelli:
A Glucose-Specific Metric to Assess Predictors and Identify Models. 1281-1290 - Yun Li, K. C. Ho, Mihail Popescu
A Microphone Array System for Automatic Fall Detection. 1291-1301 - Stavros I. Dimitriadis, Nikolaos A. Laskaris
, Areti Tzelepi, George Economou
Analyzing Functional Brain Connectivity by Means of Commute Times: A New Approach and its Application to Track Event-Related Dynamics. 1302-1309 - Robert D. Gregg
, Yasin Y. Dhaher, Amir Degani
, Kevin M. Lynch:
On the Mechanics of Functional Asymmetry in Bipedal Walking. 1310-1318 - Ulrike Richter
, Luca Faes
, Flavia Ravelli
, Leif Sörnmo:
Propagation Pattern Analysis During Atrial Fibrillation Based on Sparse Modeling. 1319-1328 - Shun Chi Wu
, A. Lee Swindlehurst
, Po T. Wang
, Zoran Nenadic
Projection Versus Prewhitening for EEG Interference Suppression. 1329-1338 - Shun Chi Wu
, A. Lee Swindlehurst
, Po T. Wang
, Zoran Nenadic
Efficient Dipole Parameter Estimation in EEG Systems With Near-ML Performance. 1339-1348 - Mark Pitkin
, Charles Cassidy
, R. Muppavarapu, D. Edell:
Recording of Electric Signal Passing Through a Pylon in Direct Skeletal Attachment of Leg Prostheses With Neuromuscular Control. 1349-1353 - Shuhui Bu, Zhenbao Liu, Tsuyoshi Shiina, Kengo Kondo, Makoto Yamakawa, Kazuhiko Fukutani, Yasuhiro Someda, Yasufumi Asao:
Model-Based Reconstruction Integrated With Fluence Compensation for Photoacoustic Tomography. 1354-1363 - Obaid ur Rehman Qazi, Bas van Dijk, Marc Moonen, Jan Wouters
Speech Understanding Performance of Cochlear Implant Subjects Using Time-Frequency Masking-Based Noise Reduction. 1364-1373 - Ai-Rong Qian, Di-Jie Li, J. Han, X. Gao, S. M. Di, W. Zhang, L. F. Hu, Peng Shang:
Fractal Dimension as a Measure of Altered Actin Cytoskeleton in MC3T3-E1 Cells Under Simulated Microgravity Using 3-D/2-D Clinostats. 1374-1380 - Burak Dura, Michael Q. Chen, Omer T. Inan, Gregory T. A. Kovacs, Laurent Giovangrandi:
High-Frequency Electrical Stimulation of Cardiac Cells and Application to Artifact Reduction. 1381-1390 - Hiroshi Ashikaga
, Jeffrey H. Omens:
In Vivo Validation of Longitudinal-Circumferential Area Change Ratio to Estimate Myofiber Shortening in the Heart. 1391-1397 - Ariel Greisas, Sharon Zlochiver:
Modulation of Spiral-Wave Dynamics and Spontaneous Activity in a Fibroblast/Myocyte Heterocellular Tissue-A Computational Study. 1398-1407 - Sun Young Park, Dustin Sargent, Inbar Spofford, Kirby G. Vosburgh, Yousif A.-Rahim:
A Colon Video Analysis Framework for Polyp Detection. 1408-1418 - Rajeev Yadav
, M. N. S. Swamy, Rajeev Agarwal:
Model-Based Seizure Detection for Intracranial EEG Recordings. 1419-1428 - Grant Mathews, Claus Sondergaard, Angela Jeffreys, William Childs, Bao Linh Le, Amrit Sahota, Skender Najibi, Jan Nolta
, Ming-Sing Si
Computational Analysis of Contractility in Engineered Heart Tissue. 1429-1435 - Janne Mathias Hahne, Bernhard Graimann, Klaus-Robert Müller
Spatial Filtering for Robust Myoelectric Control. 1436-1443 - Pencilla Lang
, Petar Seslija, Michael W. A. Chu, Daniel Bainbridge
, Gerard Guiraudon, Douglas L. Jones
, Terry M. Peters:
US-Fluoroscopy Registration for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation. 1444-1453 - Ching-Cheng Chuang, Chia-Yen Lee, Chung-Ming Chen, Yao-Sheng Hsieh, Tsan-Chi Liu, Chia-Wei Sun:
Diffuser-Aided Diffuse Optical Imaging for Breast Tumor: A Feasibility Study Based on Time-Resolved Three-Dimensional Monte Carlo Modeling. 1454-1461 - A. C. De Silva, Nicholas C. Sinclair, David T. J. Liley:
Limitations in the Rapid Extraction of Evoked Potentials Using Parametric Modeling. 1462-1471 - Ha-Chul Jung
, Jin-Hee Moon, Dong-Hyun Baek, Jae-Hee Lee, Yoon-Young Choi, Joung-Sook Hong, Sang-Hoon Lee:
CNT/PDMS Composite Flexible Dry Electrodesfor Long-Term ECG Monitoring. 1472-1479 - Suncheol Kwon, Hyung-Soon Park, Christopher J. Stanley, Jung Kim, Jonghyun Kim, Diane L. Damiano:
A Practical Strategy for sEMG-Based Knee Joint Moment Estimation During Gait and Its Validation in Individuals With Cerebral Palsy. 1480-1487 - Hamed Azarnoush
, Sébastien Vergnole
, Benoit Boulet, Michael G. Sowa
, Guy Lamouche
Real-time Control of Angioplasty Balloon Inflation Based on Feedback from Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography: Experimental Validation on an Excised Heart and a Beating Heart Model. 1488-1495
Volume 59, Number 6, June 2012
- Jinseok Lee
, David D. McManus, Sneh Merchant
, Ki H. Chon:
Automatic Motion and Noise Artifact Detection in Holter ECG Data Using Empirical Mode Decomposition and Statistical Approaches. 1499-1506 - Teimour Maleki, Girish Chitnis
, Jun Hyeong Park, Louis B. Cantor, Babak Ziaie:
Biodegradable Microfabricated Plug-Filters for Glaucoma Drainage Devices. 1507-1513 - Kyle C. Smith, James C. Weaver:
Electrodiffusion of Molecules in Aqueous Media: A Robust, Discretized Description for Electroporation and Other Transport Phenomena. 1514-1522 - Gopal Datt Joshi, Jayanthi Sivaswamy, S. R. Krishnadas:
Depth Discontinuity-Based Cup Segmentation From Multiview Color Retinal Images. 1523-1531 - Simone Bottan, Dimos Poulikakos
, Vartan Kurtcuoglu
Phantom Model of Physiologic Intracranial Pressure and Cerebrospinal Fluid Dynamics. 1532-1538 - Xuqing Wu
, Mojgan Amrikachi, Shishir K. Shah
Embedding Topic Discovery in Conditional Random Fields Model for Segmenting Nuclei Using Multispectral Data. 1539-1549 - Chiara Zecchin
, Andrea Facchinetti, Giovanni Sparacino, Giuseppe De Nicolao, Claudio Cobelli:
Neural Network Incorporating Meal Information Improves Accuracy of Short-Time Prediction of Glucose Concentration. 1550-1560 - Makoto Fukushima
, Okito Yamashita
, Atsunori Kanemura
, Shin Ishii
, Mitsuo Kawato, Masa-aki Sato:
A State-Space Modeling Approach for Localization of Focal Current Sources From MEG. 1561-1571 - Manish U. Kurse, Hod Lipson
, Francisco J. Valero Cuevas:
Extrapolatable Analytical Functions for Tendon Excursions and Moment Arms From Sparse Datasets. 1572-1582 - Christian Schmidt, Ursula van Rienen
Modeling the Field Distribution in Deep Brain Stimulation: The Influence of Anisotropy of Brain Tissue. 1583-1592 - Wei-Hsuan Huang, Chee-Kong Chui, Swee-Hin Teoh, Stephen K. Y. Chang:
A Multiscale Model for Bioimpedance Dispersion of Liver Tissue. 1593-1597 - Parameswaran Ramachandran, Wu-Sheng Lu, Andreas Antoniou:
Filter-Based Methodology for the Location of Hot Spots in Proteins and Exons in DNA. 1598-1609 - Laurent Oudre
, Jérémie Jakubowicz, Pascal Bianchi, Chantal Simon:
Classification of Periodic Activities Using the Wasserstein Distance. 1610-1619 - Ulas Bagci
, Jianhua Yao
, Albert Wu, Jesus Caban, Tara N. Palmore, Anthony F. Suffredini, Omer Aras
, Daniel J. Mollura:
Automatic Detection and Quantification of Tree-in-Bud (TIB) Opacities From CT Scans. 1620-1632 - Miroslav Zivanovic
, Miriam González-Izal:
Nonstationary Harmonic Modeling for ECG Removal in Surface EMG Signals. 1633-1640 - Alexander Singh-Alvarado, Choudur Lakshminarayan, José Carlos Príncipe:
Time-Based Compression and Classification of Heartbeats. 1641-1648 - Xu Zhang, Ping Zhou:
High-Density Myoelectric Pattern Recognition Toward Improved Stroke Rehabilitation. 1649-1657 - Stefania Guerra, Andrea Facchinetti, Giovanni Sparacino, Giuseppe De Nicolao, Claudio Cobelli:
Enhancing the Accuracy of Subcutaneous Glucose Sensors: A Real-Time Deconvolution-Based Approach. 1658-1669 - Timothy D. Soper, Michael P. Porter, Eric J. Seibel:
Surface Mosaics of the Bladder Reconstructed From Endoscopic Video for Automated Surveillance. 1670-1680 - Ahmet Cagri Simsek, Akif Burak Tosun, Cevdet Aykanat, Cenk Sokmensuer, Cigdem Gunduz Demir:
Multilevel Segmentation of Histopathological Images Using Cooccurrence of Tissue Objects. 1681-1690 - Vanishree Gopalakrishna, Nasser Kehtarnavaz, Taher S. Mirzahasanloo
, Philipos C. Loizou:
Real-Time Automatic Tuning of Noise Suppression Algorithms for Cochlear Implant Applications. 1691-1700 - Jason M. Knight, Aniruddha Datta, Edward R. Dougherty:
Generating Stochastic Gene Regulatory Networks Consistent With Pathway Information and Steady-State Behavior. 1701-1710 - Qiong Xu, Hengyong Yu
, James Bennett, Peng He, Rafidah Zainon
, Robert Doesburg, Alex M. T. Opie, Mike Walsh, Haiou Shen, Anthony P. H. Butler, Phillip H. Butler, Xuanqin Mou
, Ge Wang
Image Reconstruction for Hybrid True-Color Micro-CT. 1711-1719 - Bálint Antal
, András Hajdu
An Ensemble-Based System for Microaneurysm Detection and Diabetic Retinopathy Grading. 1720-1726 - Jing Jin Shen, Masoud Kalantari, József Kövecses, Jorge Angeles, Javad Dargahi:
Viscoelastic Modeling of the Contact Interaction Between a Tactile Sensor and an Atrial Tissue. 1727-1738 - Mikael Wallman, Nicolas Smith, Blanca Rodríguez
A Comparative Study of Graph-Based, Eikonal, and Monodomain Simulations for the Estimation of Cardiac Activation Times. 1739-1748 - Rita Chattopadhyay, Mark Jesunathadas, Brach Poston, Marco Santello, Jieping Ye, Sethuraman Panchanathan:
A Subject-Independent Method for Automatically Grading Electromyographic Features During a Fatiguing Contraction. 1749-1757 - Zongxia Mou, Iasonas F. Triantis
, Virginia M. Woods, Christofer Toumazou, Konstantin Nikolic:
A Simulation Study of the Combined Thermoelectric Extracellular Stimulation of the Sciatic Nerve of the Xenopus Laevis: The Localized Transient Heat Block. 1758-1769 - Hyunchul Kim, Levi Makaio Miller, Nancy Byl, Gary M. Abrams, Jacob Rosen:
Redundancy Resolution of the Human Arm and an Upper Limb Exoskeleton. 1770-1779 - Gang Luo
, Eli Peli
Methods for Automated Identification of Informative Behaviors in Natural Bioptic Driving. 1780-1786 - Jeonghee Kim
, Xueliang Huo, Julia Minocha, Jaimee Holbrook, Anne Laumann, Maysam Ghovanloo:
Evaluation of a Smartphone Platform as a Wireless Interface Between Tongue Drive System and Electric-Powered Wheelchairs. 1787-1796
Volume 59, Number 7, July 2012
- Mingze Li, Xu Cao, Fei Liu, Bin Zhang, Jianwen Luo
, Jing Bai:
Reconstruction of Fluorescence Molecular Tomography Using a Neighborhood Regularization. 1799-1803 - Ernest Nlandu Kamavuako
, Kevin B. Englehart
, Winnie Jensen
, Dario Farina:
Simultaneous and Proportional Force Estimation in Multiple Degrees of Freedom From Intramuscular EMG. 1804-1807 - Siamak Yousefi, Nasser Kehtarnavaz, Ali Gholipour:
Improved Labeling of Subcortical Brain Structures in Atlas-Based Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Images. 1808-1817 - Maikel Noriega
, Juan Pablo Martínez
, Pablo Laguna
, Raquel Bailón
, Rute Almeida
Respiration Effect on Wavelet-Based ECG T-Wave End Delineation Strategies. 1818-1828 - Kianoush Nazarpour
, Christian Ethier
, Liam Paninski, James M. Rebesco, R. Chris Miall
, Lee E. Miller:
EMG Prediction From Motor Cortical Recordings via a Nonnegative Point-Process Filter. 1829-1838 - Klaske van Heusden, Eyal Dassau, Howard C. Zisser, Dale E. Seborg, Francis J. Doyle III:
Control-Relevant Models for Glucose Control Using A Priori Patient Characteristics. 1839-1849 - Yin Wang, Panos Liatsis:
3-D Quantitative Vascular Shape Analysis for Arterial Bifurcations via Dynamic Tube Fitting. 1850-1860 - Thiago de Castro Martins, Erick Dario León Bueno de Camargo
, Raul Gonzalez Lima, Marcelo Britto Passos Amato
, Marcos de Sales Guerra Tsuzuki:
Image Reconstruction Using Interval Simulated Annealing in Electrical Impedance Tomography. 1861-1870 - Rajeev Yadav
, A. K. Shah, J. A. Loeb, M. N. S. Swamy, Rajeev Agarwal:
Morphology-Based Automatic Seizure Detector for Intracerebral EEG Recordings. 1871-1881 - Shahriar Iravanian
, Uche B. Kanu, David J. Christini
A Class of Monte-Carlo-Based Statistical Algorithms for Efficient Detection of Repolarization Alternans. 1882-1891 - Shou-Han Zhou, Denny Oetomo
, Ying Tan
, Etienne Burdet
, Iven M. Y. Mareels
Modeling Individual Human Motor Behavior Through Model Reference Iterative Learning Control. 1892-1901 - Sang-Eun Song, Nathan Bongjoon Cho, Iulian Iordachita
, Peter Guion, Gabor Fichtinger, Aradhana Kaushal, Kevin Camphausen, Louis L. Whitcomb
Biopsy Needle Artifact Localization in MRI-Guided Robotic Transrectal Prostate Intervention. 1902-1911 - Jaime A. Undurraga
, Robert P. Carlyon
, Jan Wouters
, Astrid van Wieringen
Evaluating the Noise in Electrically Evoked Compound Action Potential Measurements in Cochlear Implants. 1912-1923 - Chao-Hui Huang, Shvetha Sankaran, Daniel Racoceanu
, Srivats Hariharan, Sohail Ahmed:
Online 3-D Tracking of Suspension Living Cells Imaged with Phase-Contrast Microscopy. 1924-1933 - Lukasz Dziuda
, Franciszek Wojciech Skibniewski, Mariusz Krej, Jaroslaw Lewandowski:
Monitoring Respiration and Cardiac Activity Using Fiber Bragg Grating-Based Sensor. 1934-1942 - Tolga Esat Özkurt:
Statistically Reliable and Fast Direct Estimation of Phase-Amplitude Cross-Frequency Coupling. 1943-1950 - Hamid Reza Mohseni, Mark William Woolrich
, Morten L. Kringelbach
, Henry Luckhoo, Penny Probert Smith, Tipu Z. Aziz:
Fusion of Magnetometer and Gradiometer Sensors of MEG in the Presence of Multiplicative Error. 1951-1961 - Norbert Gattinger, Georg Moßnang, Bernhard Gleich:
flexTMS - A Novel Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Device With Freely Programmable Stimulus Currents. 1962-1970 - Benjamin S. Terry, Jonathan A. Schoen, Mark Rentschler
Characterization and Experimental Results of a Novel Sensor for Measuring the Contact Force From Myenteric Contractions. 1971-1977 - Farzad Ehtemam, Patrick A. Forbes
, Alfred C. Schouten
, Frans C. T. van der Helm, Riender Happee
Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation Elicits Consistent Head-Neck Motion in Seated Subjects. 1978-1984 - Yanhua Chen, Yijiang Li, John D. Kalbfleisch, Yan Zhou, Alan Leichtman, Peter X.-K. Song:
Graph-Based Optimization Algorithm and Software on Kidney Exchanges. 1985-1991 - Timothy J. Gundert, Alison L. Marsden
, Weiguang Yang
, David S. Marks, John F. LaDisa Jr.
Identification of Hemodynamically Optimal Coronary Stent Designs Based on Vessel Caliber. 1992-2002 - Boudewijn Venema, Nikolai Blanik, Vladimir Blazek, Hartmut Gehring, Alexander Opp, Steffen Leonhardt
Advances in Reflective Oxygen Saturation Monitoring With a Novel In-Ear Sensor System: Results of a Human Hypoxia Study. 2003-2010 - Michal Karol Dobrzynski, Seifeddine Mejri, Steffen Wischmann, Dario Floreano:
Quantifying Information Transfer Through a Head-Attached Vibrotactile Display: Principles for Design and Control. 2011-2018 - Ayman El-Baz
, Ahmed Elnakib
, Fahmi Khalifa
, Mohamed Abou El-Ghar
, Patrick McClure, Ahmed Soliman
, Georgy L. Gimel'farb
Precise Segmentation of 3-D Magnetic Resonance Angiography. 2019-2029 - Shreya Saxena, Marc H. Schieber, Nitish V. Thakor
, Sridevi V. Sarma:
Aggregate Input-Output Models of Neuronal Populations. 2030-2039 - Lei Yang, Zhen Qiu
, Alan Greenaway, Weiping Lu:
A New Framework for Particle Detection in Low-SNR Fluorescence Live-Cell Images and Its Application for Improved Particle Tracking. 2040-2050 - Ruoyu Xu, Wai Chiu Ng, Hongjie Zhu, Hengying Shan, George Jie Yuan:
Equation Environment Coupling and Interference on the Electric-Field Intrabody Communication Channel. 2051-2059 - Gilion Hautvast, Amedeo Chiribiri
, Niloufar Zarinabad Nooralipour, Andreas Schuster, Marcel Breeuwer, Eike Nagel
Myocardial Blood Flow Quantification From MRI by Deconvolution Using an Exponential Approximation Basis. 2060-2067 - Gi-Shih Lien, Chih-Wen Liu
, Joe-Air Jiang
, Cheng-Long Chuang, Ming-Tsung Teng:
Magnetic Control System Targeted for Capsule Endoscopic Operations in the Stomach - Design, Fabrication, and in vitro and ex vivo Evaluations. 2068-2079 - Marianne J. Floor-Westerdijk, H. Martin Schepers, Peter H. Veltink
, Edwin H. F. van Asseldonk
, Jaap H. Buurke:
Use of Inertial Sensors for Ambulatory Assessment of Center-of-Mass Displacements During Walking. 2080-2084 - Sung Eun Lee, Sang Beom Jun, Hyun Joo Lee, Jinhyung Kim
, Seungwoo Lee, Changkyun Im, Hyung-Cheul Shin, Jin Woo Chang
, Sung June Kim:
A Flexible Depth Probe Using Liquid Crystal Polymer. 2085-2094 - Rui Melo, João Pedro Barreto
, Gabriel Falcão Paiva Fernandes
Erratum to "A New Solution for Camera Calibration and Real-Time Image Distortion Correction in Medical Endoscopy-Initial Technical Evaluation". 2095
Volume 59, Number 8, August 2012
- Hiroshi Hatsuda
Robust Smoothing of Quantitative Genomic Data Using Second-Generation Wavelets and Bivariate Shrinkage. 2099-2102 - Borna Noureddin, Peter D. Lawrence, Gary E. Birch:
Online Removal of Eye Movement and Blink EEG Artifacts Using a High-Speed Eye Tracker. 2103-2110 - Xiaozhong Chen, Natalia A. Trayanova
A Novel Methodology for Assessing the Bounded-Input Bounded-Output Instability in QT Interval Dynamics: Application to Clinical ECG With Ventricular Tachycardia. 2111-2117 - Debra S. Rivera
, Mark S. Cohen
, W. Gilbert Clark, Allen C. Chu, Ray L. Nunnally, Jolinda C. Smith, Dixie Mills, Jack W. Judy:
An Implantable RF Solenoid for Magnetic Resonance Microscopy and Microspectroscopy. 2118-2125 - Sivakumar Balasubramanian
, Alejandro Melendez-Calderon
, Etienne Burdet
A Robust and Sensitive Metric for Quantifying Movement Smoothness. 2126-2136 - Omer T. Inan, Dookun Park, Laurent Giovangrandi, Gregory T. A. Kovacs:
Noninvasive Measurement of Physiological Signals on a Modified Home Bathroom Scale. 2137-2143 - Melanie Ganz
, Xiaoyun Yang, Greg G. Slabaugh
Automatic Segmentation of Polyps in Colonoscopic Narrow-Band Imaging Data. 2144-2151 - Ke Feng, Neal A. Hollingsworth, Mary P. McDougall, Steven M. Wright:
A 64-Channel Transmitter for Investigating Parallel Transmit MRI. 2152-2160 - Paolo Magni
, Nadia Terranova
, Francesca Del Bene, Massimiliano Germani, Giuseppe De Nicolao:
A Minimal Model of Tumor Growth Inhibition in Combination Regimens Under the Hypothesis of No Interaction Between Drugs. 2161-2170 - Harald Osnes, Joakim Sundnes
Uncertainty Analysis of Ventricular Mechanics Using the Probabilistic Collocation Method. 2171-2179 - Tommaso Lenzi
, Stefano Marco Maria De Rossi
, Nicola Vitiello, Maria Chiara Carrozza
Intention-Based EMG Control for Powered Exoskeletons. 2180-2190 - Giovanni Fattori
, Marco Riboldi
, Maxime Desplanques, Barbara Tagaste, Andrea Pella, Roberto Orecchia, Guido Baroni
Automated Fiducial Localization in CT Images Based on Surface Processing and Geometrical Prior Knowledge for Radiotherapy Applications. 2191-2199 - Dana D. Damian, Alejandro Hernández Arieta, Harold Martinez, Rolf Pfeifer:
Slip Speed Feedback for Grip Force Control. 2200-2210 - Wen Tang
, Tao Ruan Wan, Derek A. Gould, Thien How, Nigel W. John:
A Stable and Real-Time Nonlinear Elastic Approach to Simulating Guidewire and Catheter Insertions Based on Cosserat Rod. 2211-2218 - Heidi J. B. Witteveen, Ed A. Droog, Johan S. Rietman, Peter H. Veltink
Vibro- and Electrotactile User Feedback on Hand Opening for Myoelectric Forearm Prostheses. 2219-2226 - E. Fabian Cardozo
, Ryan Zurakowski
Robust Closed-Loop Minimal Sampling Method for HIV Therapy Switching Strategies. 2227-2234 - Laura Sesma-Sanchez
, Arantxa Villanueva
, Rafael Cabeza
Gaze Estimation Interpolation Methods Based on Binocular Data. 2235-2243 - Anderson Rocha, Tiago Jose de Carvalho, Herbert F. Jelinek
, Siome Goldenstein, Jacques Wainer
Points of Interest and Visual Dictionaries for Automatic Retinal Lesion Detection. 2244-2253 - Junfeng Sun
, Xiangfei Hong
, Shanbao Tong:
Phase Synchronization Analysis of EEG Signals: An Evaluation Based on Surrogate Tests. 2254-2263 - Kurt Barbé
, Wendy Van Moer, Guy Nagels
Fractional-Order Time Series Models for Extracting the Haemodynamic Response From Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data. 2264-2272 - Javier Gracia
, Ville-Pekka Seppä
, Jari Viik
, Jari A. K. Hyttinen
Multilead Measurement System for the Time-Domain Analysis of Bioimpedance Magnitude. 2273-2280 - Aurel Neic
, Manfred Liebmann, Elena Hoetzl, Lawrence Mitchell
, Edward J. Vigmond
, Gundolf Haase
, Gernot Plank
Accelerating Cardiac Bidomain Simulations Using Graphics Processing Units. 2281-2290 - Rogério Richa, Marcin Balicki, Raphael Sznitman
, Eric M. Meisner, Russell H. Taylor, Gregory D. Hager:
Vision-Based Proximity Detection in Retinal Surgery. 2291-2301 - Caterina Merla
, Agnese Denzi
, Alessandra Paffi
, Maura Casciola, Guglielmo D'Inzeo
, Francesca Apollonio
, Micaela Liberti
Novel Passive Element Circuits for Microdosimetry of Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields. 2302-2311 - Mariano Llamedo, Juan Pablo Martínez
An Automatic Patient-Adapted ECG Heartbeat Classifier Allowing Expert Assistance. 2312-2320 - Guofeng Qiao, Wei Wang, Wei Duan, Fan Zheng, Alison J. Sinclair
, Chris R. Chatwin:
Bioimpedance Analysis for the Characterization of Breast Cancer Cells in Suspension. 2321-2329 - Benny Yusupov, Sharon Zlochiver:
Biopsy Needle Localization Using Magnetic Induction Imaging Principles: A Feasibility Study. 2330-2337 - Vaibhav Thakore
, Peter Molnar
, James J. Hickman:
An Optimization-Based Study of Equivalent Circuit Models for Representing Recordings at the Neuron-Electrode Interface. 2338-2347 - Stephan Reiß, Karsten Sperlich
, Marine Hovakimyan, Philipp Martius, Rudolf F. Guthoff, Heinrich Stolz, Oliver Stachs:
Ex Vivo Measurement of Postmortem Tissue Changes in the Crystalline Lens by Brillouin Spectroscopy and Confocal Reflectance Microscopy. 2348-2354 - Arthur T. Johnson, Samantha C. Jones, James J. Pan, Jafar Vossoughi
Variation of Respiratory Resistance Suggests Optimization of Airway Caliber. 2355-2361 - Umesh Adiga, Brian L. Bell, Larissa Ponomareva
, Debbie Taylor, Roland Saldanha, Sandra Nelson, Thomas J. Lamkin:
Mapping Infected Cell Phenotype. 2362-2371 - Massimiliano Zaniboni
Heterogeneity of Intrinsic Repolarization Properties Within the Human Heart: New Insights From Simulated Three-Dimensional Current Surfaces. 2372-2380
Volume 59, Number 9, September 2012
- Brian H. Tracey, Eric L. Miller
Nonlocal Means Denoising of ECG Signals. 2383-2386 - Trung Duc Than, Gürsel Alici
, Hao Zhou, Weihua Li
A Review of Localization Systems for Robotic Endoscopic Capsules. 2387-2399 - Yuru Pei, Fuhao Shi, Hua Chen, Jia Wei, Hongbin Zha, Ruoping Jiang, Tianmin Xu:
Personalized Tooth Shape Estimation From Radiograph and Cast. 2400-2411 - Minhua Zhu, Ling Xia
, Feng Liu
, Jianfeng Zhu, Liyi Kang, Stuart Crozier
A Finite Difference Method for the Design of Gradient Coils in MRI - An Initial Framework. 2412-2421 - Chun Zhu, Weihua Sheng
Realtime Recognition of Complex Human Daily Activities Using Human Motion and Location Data. 2422-2430 - John Stang, Mark S. Haynes, Paul L. Carson
, Mahta Moghaddam
A Preclinical System Prototype for Focused Microwave Thermal Therapy of the Breast. 2431-2438 - Benjamin Chia-Meng Tay, Tzu-Hao Chow, Beng-Koon Ng
, Thomas Kwok-Seng Loh:
Dual-Window Dual-Bandwidth Spectroscopic Optical Coherence Tomography Metric for Qualitative Scatterer Size Differentiation in Tissues. 2439-2448 - Peter Zerfass, T. Lowitz, Oleg Museyko, Valérie Bousson, L. Laouisset, Willi A. Kalender, Jean Denis Laredo, Klaus Engelke:
An Integrated Segmentation and Analysis Approach for QCT of the Knee to Determine Subchondral Bone Mineral Density and Texture. 2449-2458 - Ruiqi Long, Mike McShane
Design of an Optical System for Interrogation of Implanted Luminescent Sensors and Verification with Silicone Skin Phantoms. 2459-2465 - Jia Hao Cheong, Simon Sheung Yan Ng, Xin Liu, Rui-Feng Xue, Huey Jen Lim, Pradeep Basappa Khannur, Kok Lim Chan, Andreas Astuti Lee, Kai Kang, Lishiah Lim, Cairan He, Pushpapraj Singh, Woo-Tae Park
, Minkyu Je:
An Inductively Powered Implantable Blood Flow Sensor Microsystem for Vascular Grafts. 2466-2475 - Ikaro Silva, Joon Lee
, Roger G. Mark:
Signal Quality Estimation With Multichannel Adaptive Filtering in Intensive Care Settings. 2476-2485 - Owen Falzon
, Kenneth P. Camilleri
, Joseph Muscat:
Complex-Valued Spatial Filters for SSVEP-Based BCIs With Phase Coding. 2486-2495 - Haixian Wang, Dong Xu:
Comprehensive Common Spatial Patterns With Temporal Structure Information of EEG Data: Minimizing Nontask Related EEG Component. 2496-2505 - Megan E. Marsh, Saeed Torabi Ziaratgahi, Raymond J. Spiteri
The Secrets to the Success of the Rush-Larsen Method and its Generalizations. 2506-2515 - Matija Milosevic
, Kristiina M. Valter McConville, Ervin Sejdic
, Kei Masani
, Matthew J. Kyan, Milos R. Popovic
Visualization of Trunk Muscle Synergies During Sitting Perturbations Using Self-Organizing Maps (SOM). 2516-2523 - Levin J. Sliker
, Mark Rentschler
The Design and Characterization of a Testing Platform for Quantitative Evaluation of Tread Performance on Multiple Biological Substrates. 2524-2530 - R. Martin Arthur, Jason Trobaugh:
Electrocardiographic Textbooks Based on Template Hearts Warped Using Ultrasonic Images. 2531-2537 - Muhammad Moazam Fraz
, Paolo Remagnino, Andreas Hoppe, Bunyarit Uyyanonvara, Alicja R. Rudnicka
, Christopher G. Owen
, Sarah Barman
An Ensemble Classification-Based Approach Applied to Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation. 2538-2548 - Pedram Yazdanbakhsh, Klaus Solbach, Andreas Bitz:
Variable Power Combiner for RF Mode Shimming in 7-T MR Imaging. 2549-2557 - Mehdi Moradi, Seyedeh Sara Mahdavi, Ehsan Dehghan, Julio Lobo, Sanchit Deshmukh
, William James Morris, Gabor Fichtinger, Septimiu E. Salcudean
Seed localization in Ultrasound and Registration to C-Arm Fluoroscopy Using Matched Needle Tracks for Prostate Brachytherapy. 2558-2567 - Xin Yan
, D. J. Bergstrom, X. B. Chen:
Modeling of Cell Cultures in Perfusion Bioreactors. 2568-2575 - Vahid Shalchyan
, Winnie Jensen
, Dario Farina:
Spike Detection and Clustering With Unsupervised Wavelet Optimization in Extracellular Neural Recordings. 2576-2585 - James W. L. Pau, Shane S. Q. Xie
, Andrew J. Pullan:
Neuromuscular Interfacing: Establishing an EMG-Driven Model for the Human Elbow Joint. 2586-2593 - Osama M. Dorgham
, Stephen D. Laycock, Mark H. Fisher:
GPU Accelerated Generation of Digitally Reconstructed Radiographs for 2-D/3-D Image Registration. 2594-2603 - Serge Pfeifer
, Heike Vallery
, Michael Hardegger, Robert Riener
, Eric J. Perreault
Model-Based Estimation of Knee Stiffness. 2604-2612 - Feifei Fu, Xiangqun Xu, Jinhai Geng:
Characterization of Flowing Blood Optical Property Under Various Fibrinogen Levels Using Optical Coherence Tomography. 2613-2618 - Antonio Affanni
, Ruben Specogna
, Francesco Trevisan:
A Discrete Geometric Approach to Cell Membrane and Electrode Contact Impedance Modeling. 2619-2627 - Thomas J. Collier, David Kynor, Jerry Bieszczad, William E. Audette, Erik J. Kobylarz, Solomon Gilbert Diamond
Creation of a Human Head Phantom for Testing of Electroencephalography Equipment and Techniques. 2628-2634 - Mahmoud El-Gohary
, James McNames:
Shoulder and Elbow Joint Angle Tracking With Inertial Sensors. 2635-2641 - Massimo Sartori
, Monica Reggiani
, Enrico Pagello
, David G. Lloyd
Modeling the Human Knee for Assistive Technologies. 2642-2649 - Yasmina Chenoune
, Claire Pellot-Barakat, Constantin Constantinides, Racha El-Berbari, Muriel Lefort, Elodie Roullot, Élie Mousseaux
, Frédérique Frouin
Methodology for Jointly Assessing Myocardial Infarct Extent and Regional Contraction in 3-D CMRI. 2650-2659 - Brian D'Alessandro, Atam P. Dhawan:
Transillumination Imaging for Blood Oxygen Saturation Estimation of Skin Lesions. 2660-2667 - Ying Chen, Zhong Wu, Cuiwei Yang, Jun Shao, Kelvin Kian Loong Wong
, Derek Abbott:
Investigation of Atrial Vulnerability by Analysis of the Sinus Node EG From Atrial Fibrillation Models Using a Phase Synchronization Method. 2668-2676 - Chesner Désir, Caroline Petitjean
, Laurent Heutte, Mathieu Salaün, Luc Thiberville:
Classification of Endomicroscopic Images of the Lung Based on Random Subwindows and Extra-Trees. 2677-2683
Volume 59, Number 10, October 2012
- Matthieu Bagory, Françoise Durand-Dubief, Danielle Ibarrola, Jean-Christophe Comte, François Cotton
, Christian Confavreux, Dominique Sappey-Marinier
Implementation of an Absolute Brain $^{1}$H-MRS Quantification Method to Assess Different Tissue Alterations in Multiple Sclerosis. 2687-2694 - Yun Li, Xiang Chen, Xu Zhang, Kongqiao Wang, Z. Jane Wang:
A Sign-Component-Based Framework for Chinese Sign Language Recognition Using Accelerometer and sEMG Data. 2695-2704 - Ann Majewicz
, Steven P. Marra, Mark G. van Vledder, MingDe Lin
, Michael A. Choti, Danny Y. Song, Allison M. Okamura
Behavior of Tip-Steerable Needles in Ex Vivo and In Vivo Tissue. 2705-2715 - Lin Du, Fan Zhang, Ming Liu
, He Huang
Toward Design of an Environment-Aware Adaptive Locomotion-Mode-Recognition System. 2716-2725 - Fang-Han Hsu, Erchin Serpedin
, Yidong Chen, Edward R. Dougherty:
Evaluating Dynamic Effects of Copy Number Alterations on Gene Expression Using a Single Transcription Model. 2726-2736 - Fabiano C. Paixão, Luciana A. Corá
, Madileine F. Américo
, Ricardo Brandt de Oliveira, Oswaldo Baffa
, José Ricardo A. Miranda:
Development of an AMR-ACB Array for Gastrointestinal Motility Studies. 2737-2743 - Catarina Barata
, Jorge S. Marques
, Jorge Rozeira:
A System for the Detection of Pigment Network in Dermoscopy Images Using Directional Filters. 2744-2754 - A. Bolu Ajiboye, John D. Simeral, John P. Donoghue, Leigh R. Hochberg, Robert F. Kirsch
Prediction of Imagined Single-Joint Movements in a Person With High-Level Tetraplegia. 2755-2765 - Tamas Ungi
, Purang Abolmaesumi
, Rayhan Jalal, Mattea Welch, Irene Ayukawa, Simrin Nagpal, Andras Lasso, Melanie Jaeger, Daniel P. Borschneck, Gabor Fichtinger, Parvin Mousavi
Spinal Needle Navigation by Tracked Ultrasound Snapshots. 2766-2772 - Bilal Fadlallah, Sohan Seth, Andreas Keil
, José Carlos Príncipe:
Quantifying Cognitive State From EEG Using Dependence Measures. 2773-2781 - Xiong Wang
, Daniel R. Bauer, Russell Witte, Hao Xin:
Microwave-Induced Thermoacoustic Imaging Model for Potential Breast Cancer Detection. 2782-2791 - Louis B. Kratchman, Daniel Schurzig, Theodore R. McRackan, Ramya Balachandran, Jack H. Noble, Robert J. Webster III, Robert F. Labadie:
A Manually Operated, Advance Off-Stylet Insertion Tool for Minimally Invasive Cochlear Implantation Surgery. 2792-2800 - Paul J. Moore, Max A. Little, Patrick E. McSharry
, John R. Geddes
, Guy M. Goodwin:
Forecasting Depression in Bipolar Disorder. 2801-2807 - Antoine Picot, Harry Whitmore, Florian Chapotot
Detection of Cortical Slow Waves in the Sleep EEG Using a Modified Matching Pursuit Method With a Restricted Dictionary. 2808-2817 - Vahab Nekoukar
, Abbas Erfanian
A Decentralized Modular Control Framework for Robust Control of FES-Activated Walker-Assisted Paraplegic Walking Using Terminal Sliding Mode and Fuzzy Logic Control. 2818-2827 - Luca Citi
, Emery N. Brown, Riccardo Barbieri
A Real-Time Automated Point-Process Method for the Detection and Correction of Erroneous and Ectopic Heartbeats. 2828-2837 - Guido Pagana
, Lorenzo Galleani, Stefano Gross, Massimo Ruo Roch
, Erica Pastore
, Mauro Poggio, Greta Quaranta:
Time-Frequency Analysis of the Endocavitarian Signal in Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation. 2838-2844 - Esra Abaci Turk, Emre Kopanoglu
, Sevin Guney
, K. Emre Bugdayci, Yusuf Ziya Ider, Vakur B. Erturk
, Ergin Atalar
A Simple Analytical Expression for the Gradient Induced Potential on Active Implants During MRI. 2845-2851 - Philip Julian Broser
, Christoph Braun:
Hydraulic Driven Fast and Precise Nonmagnetic Tactile Stimulator for Neurophysiological and MEG Measurements. 2852-2858 - Ramsin Khoshabeh, Jason Juang, Mark A. Talamini, Truong Q. Nguyen:
Multiview Glasses-Free 3-D Laparoscopy. 2859-2865 - Jeff A. Hawks, Jacob Kunowski, Stephen R. Platt:
In Vivo Demonstration of Surgical Task Assistance Using Miniature Robots. 2866-2873 - Gérald Bardan, Franck Plouraboué, Mokhtar Zagzoule, Olivier Balédent
Simple Patient-Based Transmantle Pressure and Shear Estimate From Cine Phase-Contrast MRI in Cerebral Aqueduct. 2874-2883 - Jeen-Shing Wang, Che-Wei Lin, Ya-Ting C. Yang, Yu-Jen Ho:
Walking Pattern Classification and Walking Distance Estimation Algorithms Using Gait Phase Information. 2884-2892 - Farhan Riaz
, Francisco Baldaque Silva, Mário Dinis-Ribeiro
, Miguel Tavares Coimbra
Invariant Gabor Texture Descriptors for Classification of Gastroenterology Images. 2893-2904 - Sai-Wing Leung, Yinliang Diao, Kwok-Hung Chan
, Yun-Ming Siu, Yongle Wu
Specific Absorption Rate Evaluation for Passengers Using Wireless Communication Devices Inside Vehicles With Different Handedness, Passenger Counts, and Seating Locations. 2905-2912 - David T. Westwick
, Eric J. Perreault
Estimates of Acausal Joint Impedance Models. 2913-2921 - Sebastijan Sprager
, Damjan Zazula:
Heartbeat and Respiration Detection From Optical Interferometric Signals by Using a Multimethod Approach. 2922-2929 - Can Ye, B. V. K. Vijaya Kumar
, Miguel Tavares Coimbra
Heartbeat Classification Using Morphological and Dynamic Features of ECG Signals. 2930-2941 - Franck Patrick Vidal
, Pierre-Frédéric Villard
, Evelyne Lutton
Tuning of Patient-Specific Deformable Models Using an Adaptive Evolutionary Optimization Strategy. 2942-2949 - Andrius Petrenas
, Vaidotas Marozas
, Leif Sörnmo, Arunas Lukosevicius
An Echo State Neural Network for QRST Cancellation During Atrial Fibrillation. 2950-2957 - Paola Saccomandi
, Emiliano Schena
, Michele Arturo Caponero
, Francesco Maria Di Matteo, Margareth Martino, Monica Pandolfi, Sergio Silvestri
Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Evaluation of Laser-Induced Interstitial Thermotherapy in Ex Vivo Porcine Pancreas. 2958-2964 - Airton Ramos, Andrea L. S. Schneider, Daniela Ota Hisayasu Suzuki
, Jefferson L. B. Marques
Sinusoidal Signal Analysis of Electroporation in Biological Cells. 2965-2973
Volume 59, Number 11-1, November 2012
- Siyi Deng, William Winter, Samuel G. Thorpe
, Ramesh Srinivasan:
Improved Surface Laplacian Estimates of Cortical Potential Using Realistic Models of Head Geometry. 2979-2985 - Stephen D. Patek, Lalo Magni
, Eyal Dassau, Christopher W. Karvetski, Chiara Toffanin
, Giuseppe De Nicolao, Simone Del Favero
, Marc D. Breton, Chiara Dalla Man
, Elisabeth Renard, Howard C. Zisser, Francis J. Doyle III, Claudio Cobelli, Boris P. Kovatchev:
Modular Closed-Loop Control of Diabetes. 2986-2999 - Damien Ferrario, Bartlomiej Grychtol
, Andy Adler, Josep Solà, Stephan H. Bohm, Marc Bodenstein:
Toward Morphological Thoracic EIT: Major Signal Sources Correspond to Respective Organ Locations in CT. 3000-3008 - L. Giorgis, Paul Frogerais, Amel Amblard, Erwan Donal, Philippe Mabo, Lotfi Senhadji
, Alfredo I. Hernández:
Optimal Algorithm Switching for the Estimation of Systole Period From Cardiac Microacceleration Signals (SonR). 3009-3015 - Zhiyun Gao, Randall Grout, Colin Holtze, Eric A. Hoffman
, Punam K. Saha
A New Paradigm of Interactive Artery/Vein Separation in Noncontrast Pulmonary CT Imaging Using Multiscale Topomorphologic Opening. 3016-3027 - Panagiotis Vartholomeos, Constantinos Mavroidis:
In Silico Studies of Magnetic Microparticle Aggregations in Fluid Environments for MRI-Guided Drug Delivery. 3028-3038 - Amin Katouzian, Athanasios Karamalis, Debdoot Sheet, Elisa E. Konofagou, Babak Baseri, Stephane G. Carlier
, Abouzar Eslami, Andreas König, Nassir Navab, Andrew F. Laine:
Iterative Self-Organizing Atherosclerotic Tissue Labeling in Intravascular Ultrasound Images and Comparison With Virtual Histology. 3039-3049 - Hamidreza Taghavi, Bo Håkansson, Sabine Reinfeldt
Analysis and Design of RF Power and Data Link Using Amplitude Modulation of Class-E for a Novel Bone Conduction Implant. 3050-3059 - Styliani Petroudi
, Christos P. Loizou
, Marios Pantziaris, Constantinos S. Pattichis
Segmentation of the Common Carotid Intima-Media Complex in Ultrasound Images Using Active Contours. 3060-3069 - Fitsum A. Reda, Jack H. Noble, Robert F. Labadie, Benoit M. Dawant:
Automatic Pre- to Intra-Operative CT Registration for Image-Guided Cochlear Implant Surgery. 3070-3077
Volume 59, Number 11-2, November 2012
- Konstantina S. Nikita
, James C. Lin, Dimitrios I. Fotiadis, María Teresa Arredondo
Editorial: Special Issue on Mobile and Wireless Technologies for Healthcare Delivery. 3083-3089 - Daryush D. Mehta, Matías Zanartu
, Shengran W. Feng, Harold A. Cheyne II, Robert E. Hillman:
Mobile Voice Health Monitoring Using a Wearable Accelerometer Sensor and a Smartphone Platform. 3090-3096 - Peter G. Jacobs, Grayson Silaski, Debra Wilmington, Samuel Gordon, Wendy J. Helt, Garnett McMillan, Stephen A. Fausti, Marilyn Dille:
Development and Evaluation of a Portable Audiometer for High-Frequency Screening of Hearing Loss From Ototoxicity in Homes/Clinics. 3097-3103 - Olgaç Ergeneman, George Chatzipirpiridis, Juho Pokki
, Marta Marin-Suárez
, Georgios A. Sotiriou
, Santiago Medina-Rodriguez, Jorge F. Fernández Sanchez, Alberto Fernandez-Gutiérrez
, Salvador Pané
, Bradley J. Nelson
In Vitro Oxygen Sensing Using Intraocular Microrobots. 3104-3109 - Zhe Cao, Rong Zhu, Rui-Yi Que:
A Wireless Portable System With Microsensors for Monitoring Respiratory Diseases. 3110-3116 - Changzhan Gu, Ruijiang Li
, Hualiang Zhang, Albert Y. C. Fung, Carlos Torres, Steve B. Jiang, Changzhi Li
Accurate Respiration Measurement Using DC-Coupled Continuous-Wave Radar Sensor for Motion-Adaptive Cancer Radiotherapy. 3117-3123 - Nina J. Cleven, Jutta A. Müntjes, Holger Fassbender, Ute Urban, Michael Görtz
, Holger Vogt
, Maik Gräfe, Thorsten Göttsche, Tobias Penzkofer
, Thomas Schmitz-Rode
, Wilfried Mokwa:
A Novel Fully Implantable Wireless Sensor System for Monitoring Hypertension Patients. 3124-3130 - Hung Cao
, Vaibhav Landge, Uday Tata, Young-Sik Seo, Smitha M. N. Rao, Shou Jiang Tang, Harry F. Tibbals
, Stuart Spechler, Jung-Chih Chiao
An Implantable, Batteryless, and Wireless Capsule With Integrated Impedance and pH Sensors for Gastroesophageal Reflux Monitoring. 3131-3139 - Asimina Kiourti, Jorge R. Costa
, Carlos A. C. Fernandes
, André G. Santiago, Konstantina S. Nikita
Miniature Implantable Antennas for Biomedical Telemetry: From Simulation to Realization. 3140-3147 - Utpal T. Pandya, Uday B. Desai:
A Novel Algorithm for Bluetooth ECG. 3148-3154 - Eugenio Gaeta, Gloria Cea
, María Teresa Arredondo
, Jan-Paul Leuteritz:
AmIRTEM: A Functional Model for Training of Aerobic Endurance for Health Improvement. 3155-3161 - Benoit Mariani, Stephane Rochat, Christophe J. Büla
, Kamiar Aminian
Heel and Toe Clearance Estimation for Gait Analysis Using Wireless Inertial Sensors. 3162-3168 - Wenyao Xu, Mi Zhang, Alexander A. Sawchuk, Majid Sarrafzadeh:
Robust Human Activity and Sensor Location Corecognition via Sparse Signal Representation. 3169-3176 - David Naranjo-Hernández
, Laura M. Roa
, Javier Reina-Tosina
, Miguel A. Estudillo-Valderrama:
SoM: A Smart Sensor for Human Activity Monitoring and Assisted Healthy Ageing. 3177-3184 - Arni Ariani, Stephen James Redmond
, David C. Chang, Nigel H. Lovell
Simulated Unobtrusive Falls Detection With Multiple Persons. 3185-3196 - Eduardo Aguilar-Pelaez, Guangwei Chen, Esther Rodríguez-Villegas:
Technique for Interference Reduction in Battery Powered Physiological Monitoring Devices. 3197-3203 - Anthony F. Dalton, Shyamal Patel, Atanu Roy Chowdhury, Matt Welsh, Trudy Pang, Steven Schachter, Gearóid Ó Laighin
, Paolo Bonato:
Development of a Body Sensor Network to Detect Motor Patterns of Epileptic Seizures. 3204-3211 - Eva Cavero, Álvaro Alesanco Iglesias
, José García
Enhanced Protocol for Real-Time Transmission of Echocardiograms Over Wireless Channels. 3212-3220 - Nickolas J. LaSorte, Samer A. Rajab, Hazem H. Refai:
Developing a Reproducible Non-Line-of-Sight Experimental Setup for Testing Wireless Medical Device Coexistence Utilizing ZigBee. 3221-3229 - Lingfei Mo, Shaopeng Liu, Robert X. Gao, Dinesh John, John Staudenmayer, Patty S. Freedson:
Wireless Design of a Multisensor System for Physical Activity Monitoring. 3230-3237 - Stepan Ivanov
, Christopher Foley, Sasitharan Balasubramaniam
, Dmitri Botvich:
Virtual Groups for Patient WBAN Monitoring in Medical Environments. 3238-3246 - Tianjia Sun, Xiang Xie, Guolin Li, Yingke Gu, Yangdong Deng, Zhihua Wang:
A Two-Hop Wireless Power Transfer System With an Efficiency-Enhanced Power Receiver for Motion-Free Capsule Endoscopy Inspection. 3247-3254 - Alexander D. Rush, Philip R. Troyk:
A Power and Data Link for a Wireless-Implanted Neural Recording System. 3255-3262 - M. Amparo Callejon
, David Naranjo-Hernández
, Javier Reina-Tosina
, Laura M. Roa
Distributed Circuit Modeling of Galvanic and Capacitive Coupling for Intrabody Communication. 3263-3269
Volume 59, Number 12, December 2012
- Bruce C. Wheeler:
Bringing a chapter to a close. 3275 - Meng-Chieh Yu, Huan Wu, Ming-Sui Lee, Yi-Ping Hung:
Multimedia-Assisted Breathwalk-Aware System. 3276-3282 - Darrin J. Young, Mark A. Zurcher, Maroun Semaan, Cliff A. Megerian, Wen H. Ko:
MEMS Capacitive Accelerometer-Based Middle Ear Microphone. 3283-3292 - Charlotte Debbaut
, David De Wilde
, Christophe Casteleyn, Pieter Cornillie, Denis Van Loo, Luc Van Hoorebeke, Diethard Monbaliu
, Ye-Dong Fan, Patrick Segers
Modeling the Impact of Partial Hepatectomy on the Hepatic Hemodynamics Using a Rat Model. 3293-3303 - Paul M. Meaney, Douglas Goodwin, Amir H. Golnabi
, Tian Zhou, Matthew J. Pallone, Shireen D. Geimer, Gregory Burke, Keith D. Paulsen:
Clinical Microwave Tomographic Imaging of the Calcaneus: A First-in-Human Case Study of Two Subjects. 3304-3313 - Guan-Yu Chen, Cheng-Chi Wu, Hao-Chiang Shao
, Hsiu-Ming Chang, Ann-Shyn Chiang, Yung-Chang Chen:
Retention of Features on a Mapped Drosophila Brain Surface Using a Bézier-Tube-Based Surface Model Averaging Technique. 3314-3326 - V. Mishra, Hamza Bouayad, Alan R. Schned, Alex Hartov, John A. Heaney, Ryan J. Halter:
A Real-Time Electrical Impedance Sensing Biopsy Needle. 3327-3336 - Kai-Shung Lin, Chia-Ling Tsai, Chih-Hsiangng Tsai, Michal Sofka, Shih-Jen Chen, Wei-Yang Lin:
Retinal Vascular Tree Reconstruction With Anatomical Realism. 3337-3347 - Li Sun
, Yanping Lu, Kaitao Yang, Shaozi Li:
ECG Analysis Using Multiple Instance Learning for Myocardial Infarction Detection. 3348-3356 - Liam M. Fisk, Aaron J. Le Compte, Geoffrey M. Shaw, Sophie Penning, Thomas Desaive, J. Geoffrey Chase:
STAR Development and Protocol Comparison. 3357-3364 - Hyoungsuk Yoo, Anand Gopinath, J. Thomas Vaughan:
A Method to Localize RF B1 Field in High-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging Systems. 3365-3371 - Maxime Yochum
, Toufik Bakir
, Romuald Lepers
, Stéphane Binczak:
Estimation of Muscular Fatigue Under Electromyostimulation Using CWT. 3372-3378 - Stiliyan Kalitzin
, George Petkov
, Demetrios N. Velis, Ben Vledder, Fernando H. Lopes da Silva:
Automatic Segmentation of Episodes Containing Epileptic Clonic Seizures in Video Sequences. 3379-3385 - Ajay Gopinath, Alan Conrad Bovik
Automatic Feature Extraction and Statistical Shape Model of the AIDS Virus Spike. 3386-3395 - Christoph Schranz, Paul Docherty
, Yeong Shiong Chiew
, J. Geoffrey Chase, Knut Möller:
Structural Identifiability and Practical Applicability of an Alveolar Recruitment Model for ARDS Patients. 3396-3404 - Carles Aliau-Bonet, Ramon Pallas-Areny:
On the Effect of Body Capacitance to Ground in Tetrapolar Bioimpedance Measurements. 3405-3411 - Fulong Chen, Angdi Chu, Xuefei Yang, Yao Lei, Jizheng Chu:
Identification of the Parameters of the Beeler-Reuter Ionic Equation With a Partially Perturbed Particle Swarm Optimization. 3412-3421 - Hyun Jae Baek, Hong Ji Lee, Yong Gyu Lim, Kwang Suk Park:
Conductive Polymer Foam Surface Improves the Performance of a Capacitive EEG Electrode. 3422-3431 - Ashley M. Wessendorf, Dava J. Newman:
Dynamic Understanding of Human-Skin Movement and Strain-Field Analysis. 3432-3438 - Andrea Bottino
, Matteo De Simone, Aldo Laurentini, Chiarella Sforza
A New 3-D Tool for Planning Plastic Surgery. 3439-3449 - Shutao Li, Haitao Yin, Leyuan Fang:
Group-Sparse Representation With Dictionary Learning for Medical Image Denoising and Fusion. 3450-3459 - Hang Chang, Ju Han, Paul T. Spellman, Bahram Parvin:
Multireference Level Set for the Characterization of Nuclear Morphology in Glioblastoma Multiforme. 3460-3467 - Dongxiao Li, Yun Suk Jung, Hong Koo Kim, Junda Chen, David A. Geller, Mikhail V. Shuba
, Sergey A. Maksimenko
, Sarah Patch, Ebrahim Forati, George W. Hanson:
The Effect of Sample Holder Geometry on Electromagnetic Heating of Nanoparticle and NaCl Solutions at 13.56 MHz. 3468-3474 - Tamas Ungi
, Derek Sargent, Eric Moult, Andras Lasso, Csaba Pinter
, Robert C. McGraw, Gabor Fichtinger:
Perk Tutor: An Open-Source Training Platform for Ultrasound-Guided Needle Insertions. 3475-3481 - Marianne Schmid Daners
, Simone Bottan, Lino Guzzella, Dimos Poulikakos
, Vartan Kurtcuoglu
Craniospinal Pressure-Volume Dynamics in Phantom Models. 3482-3490 - Timothy Bardouille, Santosh V. Krishnamurthy
, Sujoy Ghosh Hajra
, Ryan C. N. D'Arcy:
Improved Localization Accuracy in Magnetic Source Imaging Using a 3-D Laser Scanner. 3491-3497 - Stelios Hadjidimitriou
, Leontios J. Hadjileontiadis
Toward an EEG-Based Recognition of Music Liking Using Time-Frequency Analysis. 3498-3510 - Jonghye Woo, Emi Z. Murano, Maureen L. Stone, Jerry L. Prince
Reconstruction of High-Resolution Tongue Volumes From MRI. 3511-3524 - Yonghui Tao, Gang Wang:
Conformal Hyperthermia of Superficial Tumor With Left-Handed Metamaterial Lens Applicator. 3525-3530 - Jiamin Liu, Kevin W. Chang, Jianhua Yao
, Ronald M. Summers:
Predicting Polyp Location on Optical Colonoscopy From CT Colonography by Minimal-Energy Curve Modeling of the Colonoscope Path. 3531-3540 - Daniel Ludvig
, Eric J. Perreault
System Identification of Physiological Systems Using Short Data Segments. 3541-3549 - Paul J. Moore, Max A. Little, Patrick E. McSharry
, John R. Geddes
, Guy M. Goodwin:
Corrections to "Forecasting Depression in Bipolar Disorder". 3550

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