Bones to Peaches

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Bones to Peaches is a spell that turns all bones up to and including big bones in a player's backpack into peaches, which can be used to heal the player for 500 life points. It does not work on bones that give more experience than big bones, such as zogre bones or dragon bones, as well as any ashes dropped by certain demons.

Unlocking the spell from the Mage Training Arena is a requirement for the completionist cape. It is superior to the level 15 spell Bones to Bananas, since bananas only heal 200 life points each.

At present, the spell is not particularly useful outside of unlocking the completionist cape and the Just Peachy achievement – a bonecrusher can be used to automatically "filter" bone drops far more efficiently, while Soul Split and/or the Vampyrism aura provide stronger, more AFK healing for Slayer and can be combined with the demon horn necklace and bonecrusher for infinite prayer sustain and healing at the right places. Even without those, 500 life points are a pittance compared to most modern foods and healing brews available to members – the time spent trying to unlock the spell is usually less helpful and more tedious than just bringing extra sharks, green blubber jellyfish, or Guthix rests. It may have a niche use for Ironman Mode players who don't have high Fishing levels or Herblore supplies, though.

In the past, this spell was mostly used when food is needed, but a bank is too far. The spell was most commonly used in areas where bones are plentiful, but Guthan's Equipment cannot be used, such as in the Smoke dungeon. It was also used very commonly in the God Wars Dungeon to fight aviansie, while the other alternative is prayer. To maximise use, it is best to wait until all food is gone and there is no more room for bones in one's inventory.

The spell may be used with the Assist System, but only as long as the one who is casting the spell has purchased the spell from the Mage Training Arena, regardless of whether the person who is assisting has unlocked the spell.

Peaches conjured by this spell can also be used as a cheap source of fruity mush for use on the Player-owned farm. However, Bones to Bananas is better for this purpose as bananas and peaches work identically here and Bones to Bananas cost fewer runes to cast.

Cost[edit | edit source]

Combo runes

Products[edit | edit source]

28 × Peach
  • Bones to Peaches
  • 15 Magic
  • 25 Magic
2 × frameless Water rune
2 × frameless Earth rune
1 × frameless Nature rune
28 × frameless Bones
28 × Peach
(Burnt bones)
  • Bones to Peaches
  • 15 Magic
  • 25 Magic
2 × frameless Water rune
2 × frameless Earth rune
1 × frameless Nature rune
28 × frameless Burnt bones
28 × Peach
(Bat bones)
  • Bones to Peaches
  • 15 Magic
  • 25 Magic
2 × frameless Water rune
2 × frameless Earth rune
1 × frameless Nature rune
28 × frameless Bat bones
28 × Peach
(Big bones)
  • Bones to Peaches
  • 15 Magic
  • 25 Magic
2 × frameless Water rune
2 × frameless Earth rune
1 × frameless Nature rune
28 × frameless Big bones
28 × Peach
(Wolf bones)
  • Bones to Peaches
  • 15 Magic
  • 25 Magic
2 × frameless Water rune
2 × frameless Earth rune
1 × frameless Nature rune
28 × frameless Wolf bones
28 × Peach
(Jogre bones)
  • Bones to Peaches
  • 15 Magic
  • 25 Magic
2 × frameless Water rune
2 × frameless Earth rune
1 × frameless Nature rune
28 × frameless Jogre bones
28 × Peach
(Monkey bones)
  • Bones to Peaches
  • 15 Magic
  • 25 Magic
2 × frameless Water rune
2 × frameless Earth rune
1 × frameless Nature rune
28 × frameless Monkey bones
28 × Peach
(Small zombie monkey bones)
  • Bones to Peaches
  • 15 Magic
  • 25 Magic
2 × frameless Water rune
2 × frameless Earth rune
1 × frameless Nature rune
28 × frameless Small zombie monkey bones
28 × Peach
(Large zombie monkey bones)
  • Bones to Peaches
  • 15 Magic
  • 25 Magic
2 × frameless Water rune
2 × frameless Earth rune
1 × frameless Nature rune
28 × frameless Large zombie monkey bones
28 × Peach
(Skeletal monkey bones)
  • Bones to Peaches
  • 15 Magic
  • 25 Magic
2 × frameless Water rune
2 × frameless Earth rune
1 × frameless Nature rune
28 × frameless Skeletal monkey bones
28 × Peach
(Animals' bones (1))
  • Bones to Peaches
  • 15 Magic
  • 25 Magic
2 × frameless Water rune
2 × frameless Earth rune
1 × frameless Nature rune
28 × frameless Animals' bones (1)
28 × Peach
(Animals' bones (2))
  • Bones to Peaches
  • 15 Magic
  • 25 Magic
2 × frameless Water rune
2 × frameless Earth rune
1 × frameless Nature rune
28 × frameless Animals' bones (2)
28 × Peach
(Animals' bones (3))
  • Bones to Peaches
  • 15 Magic
  • 25 Magic
2 × frameless Water rune
2 × frameless Earth rune
1 × frameless Nature rune
28 × frameless Animals' bones (3)
28 × Peach
(Animals' bones (4))
  • Bones to Peaches
  • 15 Magic
  • 25 Magic
2 × frameless Water rune
2 × frameless Earth rune
1 × frameless Nature rune
28 × frameless Animals' bones (4)

Unlocking[edit | edit source]

Completing the easy, medium, and hard Desert achievements provide a discount of 2%, 5%, and 10%, respectively.

Before a player can cast the spell, it must be purchased from the Mage Training Arena for:

Amount Currency Equivalent values
200 Telekinetic Pizazz points.png: RS3 Inventory image of Telekinetic Pizazz pointsTelekinetic Pizazz points 51,400
300 Alchemist Pizazz points.png: RS3 Inventory image of Alchemist Pizazz pointsAlchemist Pizazz points 881,000
2,000 Enchantment Pizazz points.png: RS3 Inventory image of Enchantment Pizazz pointsEnchantment Pizazz points 415,162
200 Graveyard Pizazz points.png: RS3 Inventory image of Graveyard Pizazz pointsGraveyard Pizazz points 136,400
Total cost 1,483,962

Amount Currency Equivalent values
196 Telekinetic Pizazz points.png: RS3 Inventory image of Telekinetic Pizazz pointsTelekinetic Pizazz points 50,372
294 Alchemist Pizazz points.png: RS3 Inventory image of Alchemist Pizazz pointsAlchemist Pizazz points 858,975
1,960 Enchantment Pizazz points.png: RS3 Inventory image of Enchantment Pizazz pointsEnchantment Pizazz points 402,732
196 Graveyard Pizazz points.png: RS3 Inventory image of Graveyard Pizazz pointsGraveyard Pizazz points 133,672
Total cost 1,445,751

Amount Currency Equivalent values
190 Telekinetic Pizazz points.png: RS3 Inventory image of Telekinetic Pizazz pointsTelekinetic Pizazz points 48,830
285 Alchemist Pizazz points.png: RS3 Inventory image of Alchemist Pizazz pointsAlchemist Pizazz points 836,950
1,900 Enchantment Pizazz points.png: RS3 Inventory image of Enchantment Pizazz pointsEnchantment Pizazz points 392,788
190 Graveyard Pizazz points.png: RS3 Inventory image of Graveyard Pizazz pointsGraveyard Pizazz points 129,580
Total cost 1,408,148

Amount Currency Equivalent values
180 Telekinetic Pizazz points.png: RS3 Inventory image of Telekinetic Pizazz pointsTelekinetic Pizazz points 46,260
270 Alchemist Pizazz points.png: RS3 Inventory image of Alchemist Pizazz pointsAlchemist Pizazz points 792,900
1,800 Enchantment Pizazz points.png: RS3 Inventory image of Enchantment Pizazz pointsEnchantment Pizazz points 372,900
180 Graveyard Pizazz points.png: RS3 Inventory image of Graveyard Pizazz pointsGraveyard Pizazz points 122,760
Total cost 1,334,820

Shop locations[edit | edit source]

Achievements[edit | edit source]

  • Peachy Bones ( 10) – Unlock the spell: Bones to Peaches.
  • Just Peachy ( 5) – Cast the Bones to peaches spell on some bones within Senntisten.

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • ninja 17 January 2022 (Update):
    • The Bones to Bananas and Bones to Peaches spells will now correctly highlight only when the player has suitable bones in their backpack.
  • ninja 26 August 2014 (Update):
    • The animations for alchemy, super heat, enchant, charge orb, bones to bananas, and bones peaches have all been updated.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Bones to Peaches was once glitched so that its tooltip included two Armadyl runes alongside the required runes, however the spell did not actually require Armadyl runes to cast. This was fixed in an unknown update.
  • Prior to the 17 November 2009 update, this spell only worked on normal bones.

See also[edit | edit source]