Bounty Locate initially required a Magic level of 85 and could only be cast in the Bounty Hunter area. When cast, it took the player directly to their assigned target. The spell needed a death rune, chaos rune and law rune to cast. On 19 February2008 update, the magic level requirement was lowered to 32 and the runes required to cast the spell were changed to 1 fire rune, 1 air rune, and 1 law rune. It was also available to free-to-play.
On 22 February2008, the spell was changed again to disallow a player to teleport if they were in combat with someone else or were being held by a binding spell such as Ice Barrage or Entangle. Also, Bounty Locate could let the player walk in the direction of the target if they were in a combat situation, as opposed to teleporting to a target.