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The Mask of Ten Gu.

The Gu are a group of people from the Wushanko Isles who seek to improve the world based on ten disciplines.[1] Charity is at the heart of the Gu way of life.[2]

They are the most knowledgeable about the history of Wushanko.[3]

Gu Bodyguards may be hired in the player-owned port.

History[edit | edit source]

In what would later be known as the Tengu Archipelago, ten like-minded individuals came together to protect a small town from attack by bird-demons. Each one brought a different skill to the group, and together they defended the village from the attack. After this, the villagers requested that they stay and live among them as saviours and friends. Thus the Gu came to be.[4]

The ten saviours became the first of the great Gu sages, the Ten Gu, each of them seeking to master their disciplines and sharing their teachings with the locals. Word spread and the village became a place of pilgrimage for those wishing to learn the ways of the Gu. Eventually, the Gu started sending envoys and spread their knowledge and charity far beyond the village. The Ten Gu created a charter for how these envoys should conduct themselves in the world: the Way of Gu.[5]

The Ten Gu also created Sojobo, a sentient mask acting as a repository of their knowledge and wisdom, and placed it in a tower atop Mount Kurama to judge those worthy to be taught their wisdom.[6][7] Sojobo is the embodiment of the Ten Ways of the Gu, and master of all.[8] The Ten Gu sages periodically send Sojobo on tasks to, among other things, learn from Gu Grandmasters.[9][10]

The Exile trained with the Gu warriors in a temple on Ashihama, in the Pincers region, to become skilled enough to be able to kill her brother.[11][12]

Kakashi was a Bandosian diviner looking to create a new god-killing weapon. He had been draining the sea creatures' anima to power it and was looking to find for something called Kami-shima to complete it. In order to stop him, The Tengu and The Memory pleaded with the Gu to explain the significance of Kami-shima. Reluctantly, they revealed that it is a hidden island in the Shield region and the source of sea creatures.[13] Kakashi divined the location of Kami-shima and headed there to drain the island's anima. The Tengu, The Memory, The Exile and the player's crew headed there to stop him. Aided by the seasingers and the Gu warriors, they managed to kill Kakashi and destroy his weapon.[14]

The Way of Gu[edit | edit source]

The Way of Gu.

The Way of Gu are the principles by which the Gu conduct themselves in this world. It provides Ten Ways in which one can view the world and seek to improve it for all.[1] Within the different disciplines are those in the field of combat, scholars, the arts and the crafts.

  • The Way of the Warrior is to master the martial arts in order to protect those that cannot protect themselves.[15]
  • The Way of the Scholar is to learn about the world from the written and spoken word, and then to spread that knowledge to others.[16]
  • The Way of the Wanderer is to learn about the world from first-hand experience, through adventure and travel.[17]
  • The Way of the Artist is to spread joy and knowledge through artistic expression.[18]
  • The Way of the Musician is to use music and song to remember the past and celebrate the present.[19]
  • The Way of the Prankster consists of the use of humour as the great healer.[20]
  • The Way of the Orator consists of actors, public speakers and tellers of stories.[21]
  • The Way of the Maker consists of makers of armour, folders of swords, builders for boats.[22]
  • The Way of the Gourmand is a mix of art and craft, perfecting recipes and helping to feed the hungry.[23]
  • The Way of the Spirit consists of experts in ghost-hunting, performers of the last rites and Gu healers.[24]

Among those principles, the Way of Gu dictates that one's path must be followed until the end, whatever the outcome.[25] It also teaches that an excess of charity often leads to a development of selfishness.[26] Despite this, the Gu accept chime donations.[27][28]

Gu ronin, who have abandoned the Way of the Gu, are said to follow the Eleventh Way, the way of selfishness.[29]

Hierarchy[edit | edit source]

Gu initiates must learn all of the Ten Ways. Once they have an understanding of all of them, they may choose a particular Way to follow and find a master specialised in it to teach them further.[30] After years of study, a student can become a master. A master that has taken many students under their wing can become a grandmaster. When a great sage passes away, the most senior grandmaster will take their place.[31]

A Gu ronin is a student without a master who has strayed away from the Way of the Gu.[29]

Known Gu[edit | edit source]

Grandmasters Masters Other Ronin
Dim Mak Boushoku The Tengu Ronan of The Bowl
Grahf Donyoku
Mai Pei Gekido
Sozume Kouman
Tama Nikuyoku

Encounters with unspecified Gu[edit | edit source]

  • In a A Joint Acquisition voyage from the Shield, The Assassin and The Convict secure a shipment of azure that is being transported by a Gu of Tengu Archipelago.[32]
  • In the Delving Deep voyage from the Shield, The Exile wishes to take on the burden of the Tengu's Archipelago's Gu sages in order to learn more about herself.[33]
  • In a A Joint Acquisition voyage from the Shield, The Tengu heads to the Tengu Archipelago to refresh the spirit of Sojobo and to teach The Convict lessons in honour and loyalty. The Gu gift them with lacquer and chi.[34]
  • In a A Joint Acquisition voyage from the Shield, The Tengu tricks The Convict into donating some of his ill-gotten gains to the Gu in exchange for a large shipment of azure.[35]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Seven of the Gu Masters are named after the seven deadly sins in Japanese.
  • Some of the forms practised by The Tengu are kamome kata (gull style), sagi kata (heron style), tsuru kata (crane style), karasu kata (crow style), washi kata (eagle style) and hayabusa kata (falcon style).[36][37][38][39][40][41]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. ^ a b Sojobo (contracts), RuneScape. "The Way of Gu are the tenets by which we conduct ourselves in this world. It consists of ten ways in which one can view the world, and seek to make it a better place for all."
  2. ^ Sojobo (contracts), "Jed Hunter", RuneScape. "Charity is at the heart of the Gu way of life, but that works both ways. If you could but help me, then you would also help yourself."
  3. ^ The Tengu, "Gu: Warriors of the Magic Mountain", RuneScape.
    • The Tengu: My companions, we need to discover what this 'Kami-shima' is that the seasingers mentioned. There is one group of people who know more about the history of Wushanko than any other.
    • Player: Your creators, the Gu? I thought you carried all their knowledge.
    • The Tengu: Not all. Even they have secrets to keep - information that they wanted to be forgotten, that they wanted to lose.
  4. ^ Sojobo (contracts), RuneScape. "The Gu have humble origins - a group of ten like-minded individuals banded together to protect a small town from attack by a group of bird-demons. Each of the ten brought a different skill to the group, and each of them were pivotal to the success of their defence. After saving that village, the locals wished for them to remain, to live among them as saviours and friends. Thus the Gu were born."
  5. ^ Sojobo (contracts), RuneScape. "Those ten saviours became the first of the great Gu sages, each of them seeking to master their disciplines, and teaching their new neighbours of their expertise. Word spread, and many pilgrims made their way to the village to learn from these great sages. Before long, the Gu sent out envoys and started to spread their knowledge and charity beyond that village and the island it stood on. The ten Gu sages created a charter for how these envoys should conduct themselves in the world - the Way of Gu - a guiding principle for all who followed in their footsteps."
  6. ^ The Tengu, "Tetsu-Oni", RuneScape. "I am the Mask of the Ten Gu. The Ten Gu are the wise leaders of the benevolent Gu people. They created me as a repository of their wisdom and knowledge. They gave me sentience so that I could share this wisdom, and judge when one was worthy to hear it. [...] I was filled with benevolence and altruism, but no method to take it out into the world, only impart it upon those who would visit me in my tower."
  7. ^ The Tengu, "Spirits in the Sky", RuneScape. "In his grief he sought solace, and he found it atop Mount Kurama, in the highest perch of the temple there. It so happened this place was my home."
  8. ^ Sojobo (contracts), RuneScape. "[...] I am unique. I am the Tengu, the embodiment of the Ten Ways, and master of all."
  9. ^ Free Bird, RuneScape. "The Ten Gu sages have tasked Sojobo to search The Loop for Gu Grandmaster Tama, and convince him to take Sojobo on a spiritual journey through his mind."
  10. ^ Touch of Death, RuneScape. "The Ten Gu sages have tasked Sojobo to search The Loop for Gu Grandmaster Dim Mak, and convince him to teach Sojobo the deadly Three-Point-Talon Public Embarrassment technique."
  11. ^ The Exile, "Weight On, Weight Off", RuneScape.
    • The Exile: It will take some time to come to terms with my brother's betrayal, but I have vowed to not give up. At least not until his crimes are paid for. [...] I seek justice. And death is the justice he deserves, but I will not be the one to exact it. [...] I am no warrior. He would crush me before I could capture him.
    • Player: I think I could maybe help you out with that... [...] I can arrange for you to spend some time with the Gu - they have a temple on Ashihama. There are no better warriors in the Wushanko Isles. I think you're going to get a lot out of their tutelage.
  12. ^ Weight On, Weight Off, RuneScape. "The unburdened worldbearer is learning The Way of Gu, and starting to realise her inner strength."
  13. ^ "Gu: Warriors of the Magic Mountain", RuneScape.
    • The Memory: They heard our pleas and, though they were reluctant to impart this information, they told us about Kami-shima. [...] Kami-shima is an island - a hidden island in The Shield! It's where all the sea creatures come from - it's their source!
    • The Tengu: The island is shrouded in protective wards, and surrounded by a barrier of anima. The Gu sought to keep its existence hidden, to protect the sea creatures.
  14. ^ "Gu: Warriors of the Magic Mountain", RuneScape.
    • The Memory: We will have aid of the seasingers - they can keep Kakashi's fleet occupied while we land on the island.
    • The Tengu: And the Gu will send their warriors to fight beside us on the island.
  15. ^ Sojobo (contracts), RuneScape. "The Way of the Warrior is the simplest, to master the martial arts in order to protect those that cannot protect themselves."
  16. ^ Sojobo (contracts), RuneScape. "The Way of the Scholar is to learn about the world from the written and spoken word, and then to spread that knowledge to others."
  17. ^ Sojobo (contracts), RuneScape. "[...] the Way of the Wanderer is to learn about the world from first-hand experience, through adventure and travel."
  18. ^ Sojobo (contracts), RuneScape. "[...] the Way of the Artist, spreading joy and knowledge through artistic expression."
  19. ^ Sojobo (contracts), RuneScape. "[...] the Way of the Musician, using music and song to remember the past and celebrate the present."
  20. ^ Sojobo (contracts), RuneScape. "[...] the Way of the Prankster. Humour is the great healer."
  21. ^ Sojobo (contracts), RuneScape. "[...] the Way of the Orator - actors, public speakers and tellers of stories."
  22. ^ Sojobo (contracts), RuneScape. "[...] the Way of the Maker - makers of armour, folders of swords, builders for boats."
  23. ^ Sojobo (contracts), RuneScape. "The Way of the Gourmand is a mix of art and craft, perfecting recipes, but also helping to feed the hungry."
  24. ^ Sojobo (contracts), RuneScape. "[...] the Way of the Spirit, experts in ghost-hunting, performers of the last rites and our healers."
  25. ^ The Tengu, "A Bird in the Hand", RuneScape. "The Way of Gu dictates we must see this through to the end, whatever the outcome."
  26. ^ Sojobo (contracts), RuneScape. "The Way of Gu teaches us that an excess of charity often leads to a development of selfishness."
  27. ^ Charity Begins at Home, RuneScape. "The Tengu wishes to return home to the Tengu Archipelago with a donation to the Gu sages, to honour them for their teachings."
  28. ^ The Tengu, RuneScape. "How many thousands of chimes would you like to donate to the Gu?"
  29. ^ a b Sojobo (contracts), "Jed Hunter", RuneScape. "[...] I seek to remove such from the hands of the underserving.[sic] These islands are filled with ronin Gu warriors, masterless rogues no longer following the Way of Gu. They serve only the Eleventh Way, the way of selfishness."
  30. ^ Sojobo (contracts), RuneScape. "Gu initiates must learn all of the Ten Ways at first. Once they have an understanding of them all, many will choose one particular Way to follow and find a master of that Way to teach them further."
  31. ^ Sojobo (contracts), RuneScape. "After years of study, a student can become a master, and masters that have tutored many can become grandmasters. Whenever one great sage passes from this mortal coil, the most senior grandmasters will take their place."
  32. ^ A Joint Acquisition, RuneScape. "The Assassin and Convict report that a Gu of Tengu Archipelago is transporting a shipment of azure. Help the duo secure the resource."
  33. ^ Delving Deep, RuneScape. "The Exile wishes to take on the burden of the Tengu Archipelago's Gu sages, in order to learn more about herself."
  34. ^ A Joint Acquisition, RuneScape. "The Tengu is heading to the Tengu Archipelago to refresh the spirit of Sojobo...and to teach the Convict lessons in honour and loyalty. The Gu will gift them with lacquer and chi."
  35. ^ A Joint Acquisition, RuneScape. "The Tengu has tricked the Convict into donating some of his ill-gotten gains to the Gu, in exchange for a large shipment of azure."
  36. ^ Gu-no-kata, RuneScape. "The Tengu wishes to practise his kamome kata (gull style) atop Mount Takao, south of the lost island of Cyclosis."
  37. ^ Gu-no-kata, RuneScape. "The Tengu wishes to practise his sagi kata (heron style) atop Mount Ueno, on The Island of Clear Eyes."
  38. ^ Gu-no-kata, RuneScape. "The Tengu wishes to practise his tsuru kata (crane style) atop Mount Daisen, south of Shattered Beams."
  39. ^ Gu-no-kata, RuneScape. "The Tengu wishes to practise his karasu kata (crow style) atop Mount Hiko, overlooking Paradise."
  40. ^ Gu-no-kata, RuneScape. "The Tengu wishes to practise his washi kata (eagle style) atop Mount Atago, on Dhar Pei's Vantage."
  41. ^ Gu-no-kata, RuneScape. "The Tengu wishes to practise his hayabusa kata (falcon style) atop Mount Kurama, within the Tengu Archipelago."