Redberry seed

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Redberry seed
Release6 June 2005 (Update)
Quest itemNo
ExamineA redberry bush seed - plant in a bush patch.
Value4 coins
High alch2 coins
Low alch1 coin
On deathAlways kept outside dangerous area
Weight0 kg
Grand Exchange
Exchange195 coins (info)
Buy limit100
Advanced data
Item ID5101
LinksMRID • recipe

Redberry seeds are seeds which can be planted and grown into redberries at level 10 Farming. They must be planted in bush patches.

The seed can be stolen from a Master Farmer (level 38 Thieving required) or obtained by killing monsters that drop redberry seeds. Redberry seeds may be bought from the Vinesweeper minigame for 5 points each.

Farming[edit | edit source]

Redberry bush
Level required10 Farming
PatchBush patch
Seeds per [?]1
Max harvests4
Yield per harvest1
Growth time1h 40m (5 x 20m)
Regrow per item20m
Growth potionBushy
Rapid Growth
Protection of disease [?]
Payment4 × Cabbages (10)[f 1]
Seed Redberry seed
PlantRedberry bush
Crop Redberries
Planting XP11.5 xp
Checking XP64 xp
Harvesting XP4.5 xp

Average harvest yield[edit | edit source]

module=Farming yield calculator name=Farming yield calculator form=FarmingYieldForm-Redberry_seed result=FarmingYieldResult-Redberry_seed param = seed||Redberry seed|hidden param = compost|Compost used|None|buttonselect|None, Compost, Supercompost, Ultracompost||Compost boosts harvest lives: 1, 2, and 3 for compost, supercompost, and ultracompost, respectively. param = outfit|Outfit worn|None|buttonselect|None,Tree farmer,Crop farmer,Master farmer||Tree farmer outfit boosts fruit tree and bush yield, crop farmer gives a small chance to save harvest lives, and master farmer does both. param = num_seeds|Seeds planted|1|hidden|1,2,4,7,10||Seeds planted simultaneously. param = buffs|Harvest buffs||group|outfit,harvester,aura,bountiful,familiar param = aura|Greenfingers aura|None|buttonselect|None,Basic,Greater,Master,Supreme,Legendary param = flower_harvester|Flower harvester tier|None|hidden|None,Competent (102),Expert (106),Master (110),Grandmaster (114) param = familiar|Familiar used|None|buttonselect|None,Giant Ent,Wolpertinger param = bountiful|Bountiful harvest upgrade||toggleswitch param = practiced|Practiced Farmer||hidden param = quiver_moss|Tirannwn quiver 3/4||hidden param = quiver_blossom|Tirannwn quiver 4||hidden param = legs|Morytania Legs 4||hidden param = juju|Juju farming potion||hidden param = pjuju|Perfect Juju Farming/Perfect Plus||hidden param = harvester|Dwarven harvester||toggleswitch autosubmit = disabled

Please select choices and submit the form.
{"type":"bar","options":{"tooltips":{"intersect":false},"aspectRatio":2,"scales":{"y":{"ticks":{"beginAtZero":true},"stacked":[true],"scaleLabel":{"display":true,"labelString":"Expected yield"}},"x":{"ticks":{"beginAtZero":true},"stacked":[true],"scaleLabel":{"display":true,"labelString":"Base vs. Buffed Yield"}}},"title":{"display":true,"font":{"size":18},"text":"Expected Redberries yield","position":"top"},"maintainAspectRatio":false,"fill":true},"minWidth":"400px","resizable":true,"width":"min(max(1000px, 40vw), 100% - 1.5em)","isChartObj":true,"height":"min(max(500px, 37vh), 100vh - 4em)","isFinished":true,"minHeight":"400px","data":{"labels":["Base","Buffed"],"datasets":[{"label":"Base Yield","data":[4,4],"hoverBackgroundColor":"rgba(219,0,69,0.5)","backgroundColor":"rgba(230,0,73,0.4)","borderColor":"rgba(230,0,73,1)","hoverBorderColor":"rgba(219,0,69,1)","color":"rgba(230,0,73,1)","clip":5,"borderWidth":1}]}}

Growth stages[edit | edit source]


Products[edit | edit source]

This is an auto-generated list (update now), and shows the first 100 items alphabetically. For all items, click here.

Item sources[edit | edit source]

For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.

Shop locations[edit | edit source]

Disassembly[edit | edit source]

Redberry seed
Disassembly categorySeeds
Disassembly XP0.3
Item quantity required1
Material count1
Base junk chance  89.0%
Common materials
Organic parts99/100
Rare materials
Living components1/100

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!