Barberry seed

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Barberry seed
Release20 May 2013 (Update)
Quest itemNo
ExamineA barberry bush seed - plant in a bush patch.
Value1 coin
High alch1 coin
Low alch1 coin
On deathReclaimable
Value: 438
Reclaim: 100
Weight0 kg
Grand Exchange
Exchange438 coins (info)
Buy limit1,000
Advanced data
Item ID28266
LinksMRID • recipe
A player picking fruit from a fully grown bush.

Barberry seeds are seeds that can be grown with level 77 Farming. They are planted in bush patches, one seed per patch. Patches can be protected by paying a farmer 15 hammerstone hops. The seed grows in three hours and twenty minutes and yield 1600 experience points from checking the health, and 50 farming experience per harvest (you can only pick once per bush). You will also have a chance to gain Agility experience; upon a successful harvest, you will gain varying amounts of experience. The amount of Agility experience you gain per harvest is based on your Agility level. When harvesting fruit from a fully grown bush you will somersault over the bush to the opposite side, then eat the fruit immediately. No item is actually gained from harvesting a barberry bush.

The seeds can be pickpocketed from gnomes, elves and dwarves. It is also possible to acquire them from the Herblore Habitat and Vinesweeper minigames.

Farming[edit | edit source]

Barberry bush
Level required77 Farming
PatchBush patch
Seeds per [?]1
Max harvests1
Yield per harvest1
Growth time3h 20m (5 x 40m)
Regrow per item
Growth potionBushy
Rapid Growth
Protection of disease [?]
Payment15 × Hammerstone hops[f 1]
Seed Barberry seed
PlantBarberry bush
Planting XP175 xp
Checking XP1,600 xp
Harvesting XP50 xp

Average harvest yield[edit | edit source]

module=Farming yield calculator name=Farming yield calculator form=FarmingYieldForm-Barberry_seed result=FarmingYieldResult-Barberry_seed param = seed||Barberry seed|hidden param = compost|Compost used|None|buttonselect|None, Compost, Supercompost, Ultracompost||Compost boosts harvest lives: 1, 2, and 3 for compost, supercompost, and ultracompost, respectively. param = outfit|Outfit worn|None|buttonselect|None,Tree farmer,Crop farmer,Master farmer||Tree farmer outfit boosts fruit tree and bush yield, crop farmer gives a small chance to save harvest lives, and master farmer does both. param = num_seeds|Seeds planted|1|hidden|1,2,4,7,10||Seeds planted simultaneously. param = buffs|Harvest buffs||hidden| param = aura|Greenfingers aura|None|hidden|None,Basic,Greater,Master,Supreme,Legendary param = flower_harvester|Flower harvester tier|None|hidden|None,Competent (102),Expert (106),Master (110),Grandmaster (114) param = familiar|Familiar used|None|hidden|None,Giant Ent param = bountiful|Bountiful harvest upgrade||hidden param = practiced|Practiced Farmer||hidden param = quiver_moss|Tirannwn quiver 3/4||hidden param = quiver_blossom|Tirannwn quiver 4||hidden param = legs|Morytania Legs 4||hidden param = juju|Juju farming potion||hidden param = pjuju|Perfect Juju Farming/Perfect Plus||hidden param = harvester|Dwarven harvester||hidden autosubmit = disabled

Please select choices and submit the form.
{"type":"bar","options":{"tooltips":{"intersect":false},"aspectRatio":2,"scales":{"y":{"ticks":{"beginAtZero":true},"stacked":[true],"scaleLabel":{"display":true,"labelString":"Expected yield"}},"x":{"ticks":{"beginAtZero":true},"stacked":[true],"scaleLabel":{"display":true,"labelString":"Base vs. Buffed Yield"}}},"title":{"display":true,"font":{"size":18},"text":"Expected Harvest yield","position":"top"},"maintainAspectRatio":false,"fill":true},"minWidth":"400px","resizable":true,"width":"min(max(1000px, 40vw), 100% - 1.5em)","isChartObj":true,"height":"min(max(500px, 37vh), 100vh - 4em)","isFinished":true,"minHeight":"400px","data":{"labels":["Base","Buffed"],"datasets":[{"label":"Base Yield","data":[1,1],"hoverBackgroundColor":"rgba(219,0,69,0.5)","backgroundColor":"rgba(230,0,73,0.4)","borderColor":"rgba(230,0,73,1)","hoverBorderColor":"rgba(219,0,69,1)","color":"rgba(230,0,73,1)","clip":5,"borderWidth":1}]}}

Growth stages[edit | edit source]


XP table[edit | edit source]

Concept art
Agility level XP received
57 640
58 655
59 670
60 685
61 705
62 725
74 950
75 975
76 995
77 1010
79 1030,1080
80 1050
82 1095, 1135
85 1170
86 244, 488, 732, 976, 1220
87 249, 498 747, 996, 1245
88 254, 508, 762, 1016, 1270
89 1295
90 1335
99 309, 618, 927, 1236, 1545

Products[edit | edit source]

This is an auto-generated list (update now), and shows the first 100 items alphabetically. For all items, click here.

Item sources[edit | edit source]

For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.

Shop locations[edit | edit source]

Disassembly[edit | edit source]

Barberry seed
Disassembly categorySeeds
Disassembly XP2.3
Item quantity required1
Material count1
Base junk chance  3.4%
Common materials
Organic parts99/100
Rare materials
Living components1/100

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • patch 27 January 2014 (Update):
    • Bonus xp is now correctly applied when a player harvests a barberry bush.