White lily seed

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White lily seed
Release9 December 2008 (Update)
Quest itemNo
ExamineA white lily seed - plant in a flower patch.
Value1,250 coins
High alch750 coins
Low alch500 coins
On deathReclaimable
Value: 1,250
Reclaim: 100
Weight0 kg
Advanced data
Item ID14589
LinksMRID • recipe

A white lily seed is a type of seed used in the Farming skill which requires level 52 Farming to plant in a flower patch. When fully grown, lilies protect all neighbouring fruits and vegetables from disease, although white lilies themselves cannot be protected from disease as gardeners will not watch over them as they grow.

When picked, white lilies turn to ash with the message, "The flower turns to ash as you remove it from the ground."

Players are required to complete the hard Falador achievements to obtain the seeds from Wyson the gardener.

Fifteen seeds may be required for medium or hard Farming requests.

Farming[edit | edit source]

Level required52 Farming
PatchFlower Patch
Seeds per [?]1
Max harvests1
Yield per harvest1
Growth time2h 40m (4 x 40m)
Regrow per item
Growth potionLeafy
Rapid Growth
Protection of disease [?]
PaymentImmune to disease
Seed White lily seed
Crop Ashes
Planting XP50 xp
Harvesting XP250 xp

Average harvest yield[edit | edit source]

module=Farming yield calculator name=Farming yield calculator form=FarmingYieldForm-White_lily_seed result=FarmingYieldResult-White_lily_seed param = seed||White lily seed|hidden param = compost|Compost used|None|buttonselect|None, Compost, Supercompost, Ultracompost||Compost boosts harvest lives: 1, 2, and 3 for compost, supercompost, and ultracompost, respectively. param = outfit|Outfit worn|None|buttonselect|None,Tree farmer,Crop farmer,Master farmer||Tree farmer outfit boosts fruit tree and bush yield, crop farmer gives a small chance to save harvest lives, and master farmer does both. param = num_seeds|Seeds planted|1|hidden|1,2,4,7,10||Seeds planted simultaneously. param = buffs|Harvest buffs||group|harvester,aura param = aura|Greenfingers aura|None|buttonselect|None,Basic,Greater,Master,Supreme,Legendary param = flower_harvester|Flower harvester tier|None|hidden|None,Competent (102),Expert (106),Master (110),Grandmaster (114) param = familiar|Familiar used|None|hidden|None,Giant Ent param = bountiful|Bountiful harvest upgrade||hidden param = practiced|Practiced Farmer||hidden param = quiver_moss|Tirannwn quiver 3/4||hidden param = quiver_blossom|Tirannwn quiver 4||hidden param = legs|Morytania Legs 4||hidden param = juju|Juju farming potion||hidden param = pjuju|Perfect Juju Farming/Perfect Plus||hidden param = harvester|Dwarven harvester||toggleswitch autosubmit = disabled

Please select choices and submit the form.
{"type":"bar","options":{"tooltips":{"intersect":false},"aspectRatio":2,"scales":{"y":{"ticks":{"beginAtZero":true},"stacked":[true],"scaleLabel":{"display":true,"labelString":"Expected yield"}},"x":{"ticks":{"beginAtZero":true},"stacked":[true],"scaleLabel":{"display":true,"labelString":"Base vs. Buffed Yield"}}},"title":{"display":true,"font":{"size":18},"text":"Expected Ashes yield","position":"top"},"maintainAspectRatio":false,"fill":true},"minWidth":"400px","resizable":true,"width":"min(max(1000px, 40vw), 100% - 1.5em)","isChartObj":true,"height":"min(max(500px, 37vh), 100vh - 4em)","isFinished":true,"minHeight":"400px","data":{"labels":["Base","Buffed"],"datasets":[{"label":"Base Yield","data":[1,1],"hoverBackgroundColor":"rgba(219,0,69,0.5)","backgroundColor":"rgba(230,0,73,0.4)","borderColor":"rgba(230,0,73,1)","hoverBorderColor":"rgba(219,0,69,1)","color":"rgba(230,0,73,1)","clip":5,"borderWidth":1}]}}

Growth stages[edit | edit source]


Products[edit | edit source]

This is an auto-generated list (update now), and shows the first 100 items alphabetically. For all items, click here.

Exchange mole bits[edit | edit source]

Wyson the gardener will trade mole skins for nests at the rate of 1 nest per skin. He will reward a bird's nest (cheap seeds) that contains different seeds than the Woodcutting variant, or a empty nest. After completion of hard Falador achievements, Wyson will also reward the players with an equal amount of white lily seeds while trading. Wyson will accept noted skins.

Exchange Farming experience[edit | edit source]

Selling the seeds is available only after completing hard Falador achievements and obtaining Falador shield 3. Players can sell to the gardeners in Falador Park for 100 Farming experience per seed, up to 50 per day.

Drop sources[edit | edit source]

For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
  1. ^ Only if Falador shield 3 has been claimed.

Disassembly[edit | edit source]

White lily seed
Disassembly categorySeeds
Disassembly XP1.5
Item quantity required1
Material count1
Base junk chance  42.8%
Common materials
Organic parts99/100
Rare materials
Living components1/100

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • patch 11 April 2022 (Update):
    • Fixed an issue that was causing Wyson to give out one less white lily seed if you turned in 28 mole parts at once.
  • patch 2 November 2010 (Update):
    • Wyson now gives the correct number of lily seeds to players with little inventory space.

Trivia[edit | edit source]