Limpwurt seed

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Limpwurt seed
Release6 June 2005 (Update)
Quest itemNo
ExamineA limpwurt seed - plant in a flower patch.
Value12 coins
High alch7 coins
Low alch4 coins
On deathReclaimable
Value: 349
Reclaim: 100
Weight0 kg
Grand Exchange
Exchange349 coins (info)
Buy limit100
Advanced data
Item ID5100
LinksMRID • recipe

A limpwurt seed is a seed used in the Farming skill. They can be planted in a flower patch and require level 26 Farming. They take 20 minutes to grow, and when fully grown, the harvest is three limpwurt roots. Reaching the Practiced farmer rank in Manor Farm will double all limpwurt root yields.

A nearby gardener will not watch over your limpwurt roots.

Limpwurt seeds are dropped by many monsters, or bought from the Vinesweeper minigame for 70 points each. They can also be obtained by pickpocketing Master Farmers or Martin the Master Gardener. There is also a chance of getting them from a bird's nest.

By far these are one of the most valuable of the standard flower seeds but seem prone to disease. Adding compost, supercompost or ultracompost to the flower patch before planting will help to avert disease. Interestingly, the limpwurt plant is brown when healthy and bright green when diseased.

Harvesting limpwurts in the flower patch near Port Phasmatys is one of the easy Morytania achievements, The Root of the Problem. Harvesting them from the Wilderness flower patch in the Western ruins is also one of the hard Wilderness achievements, Wurt A Bundle.

Farming[edit | edit source]

Limpwurt plant
Level required26 Farming
PatchFlower Patch, Wilderness flower patch
Seeds per [?]1
Max harvests1
Yield per harvest3
Growth time20m (4 x 5m)
Regrow per item
Growth potionLeafy
Rapid Growth
Protection of disease [?]
PaymentNo available protection
Seed Limpwurt seed
PlantLimpwurt plant
Crop Limpwurt root
Planting XP21.5 xp
Harvesting XP120 xp

Average harvest yield[edit | edit source]

module=Farming yield calculator name=Farming yield calculator form=FarmingYieldForm-Limpwurt_seed result=FarmingYieldResult-Limpwurt_seed param = seed||Limpwurt seed|hidden param = compost|Compost used|None|buttonselect|None, Compost, Supercompost, Ultracompost||Compost boosts harvest lives: 1, 2, and 3 for compost, supercompost, and ultracompost, respectively. param = outfit|Outfit worn|None|buttonselect|None,Tree farmer,Crop farmer,Master farmer||Tree farmer outfit boosts fruit tree and bush yield, crop farmer gives a small chance to save harvest lives, and master farmer does both. param = num_seeds|Seeds planted|1|hidden|1,2,4,7,10||Seeds planted simultaneously. param = buffs|Harvest buffs||group|harvester,aura,practiced param = aura|Greenfingers aura|None|buttonselect|None,Basic,Greater,Master,Supreme,Legendary param = flower_harvester|Flower harvester tier|None|hidden|None,Competent (102),Expert (106),Master (110),Grandmaster (114) param = familiar|Familiar used|None|hidden|None,Giant Ent param = bountiful|Bountiful harvest upgrade||hidden param = practiced|Practiced Farmer||toggleswitch param = quiver_moss|Tirannwn quiver 3/4||hidden param = quiver_blossom|Tirannwn quiver 4||hidden param = legs|Morytania Legs 4||hidden param = juju|Juju farming potion||hidden param = pjuju|Perfect Juju Farming/Perfect Plus||hidden param = harvester|Dwarven harvester||toggleswitch autosubmit = disabled

Please select choices and submit the form.
{"type":"bar","options":{"tooltips":{"intersect":false},"aspectRatio":2,"scales":{"y":{"ticks":{"beginAtZero":true},"stacked":[true],"scaleLabel":{"display":true,"labelString":"Expected yield"}},"x":{"ticks":{"beginAtZero":true},"stacked":[true],"scaleLabel":{"display":true,"labelString":"Base vs. Buffed Yield"}}},"title":{"display":true,"font":{"size":18},"text":"Expected Limpwurt root yield","position":"top"},"maintainAspectRatio":false,"fill":true},"minWidth":"400px","resizable":true,"width":"min(max(1000px, 40vw), 100% - 1.5em)","isChartObj":true,"height":"min(max(500px, 37vh), 100vh - 4em)","isFinished":true,"minHeight":"400px","data":{"labels":["Base","Buffed"],"datasets":[{"label":"Base Yield","data":[3,3],"hoverBackgroundColor":"rgba(219,0,69,0.5)","backgroundColor":"rgba(230,0,73,0.4)","borderColor":"rgba(230,0,73,1)","hoverBorderColor":"rgba(219,0,69,1)","color":"rgba(230,0,73,1)","clip":5,"borderWidth":1}]}}

Growth stages[edit | edit source]


Products[edit | edit source]

This is an auto-generated list (update now), and shows the first 100 items alphabetically. For all items, click here.

Item sources[edit | edit source]

For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.

Shop locations[edit | edit source]

Disassembly[edit | edit source]

Limpwurt seed
Disassembly categorySeeds
Disassembly XP0.7
Item quantity required1
Material count1
Base junk chance  71.4%
Common materials
Organic parts99/100
Rare materials
Living components1/100

Achievements[edit | edit source]

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • patch 8 June 2015 (Update):
    • An incorrect warning message is no longer displayed when attempting to water limpwurt plants in the Wilderness.