Inclusion North Bulletin: Issue Number 83
Inclusion North Bulletin: Issue Number 83
Inclusion North Bulletin: Issue Number 83
Issue Number 83
28th January 2015
In this bulletin you will hear about some of the
work Inclusion North is doing and information
about what is happening across the country.
There is:
1) An easy read guide this says what the law is about and how it
should work for people.
2) A guide for Shared Lives carers or other community services
this says how Shared Lives Carers or others should help people
think about or use the law well.
3) A guide for the Boards of Care and support organisations this
says what the law is about and how Boards of Trustees or Directors
might check on how it is being used in their organisation.
Funding Opportunity
The JMS Trust helps groups of family carers to set up the sort of
supported living provision that they want for the people they care
Grants are available to groups of family carers, not to organisations
although those groups may wish to form an alliance with an
existing not-for-profit organisation so as to ensure the long term
future of what they set up.
The Trust offers funding for capital, not for revenue. It is intended
not for the purchase of property, but for its refurbishment /
conversion for its new purpose.
The Trust aims to support provision for small groups of adults with
learning disabilities living together, and is not intended for
There is no set funding round. Applications can be sent at any time.
If you would like to be considered for funding, please email:
[email protected]
Staff News
Inclusion North has welcomed two new members of staff to our
Rebecca Stanley has joined us as a temporary Project Manager.
She has 20 years of experience in helping people get the support
they choose.
6th March
12th March
Scott Cunningham
Tel: 07767 776 125
Email: [email protected]
Kellie Woodley
Tel: 07876 145 390
Email: [email protected]
Lucy Virgo
Tel: 07944 185771
Email: [email protected]
Angela Ellis
Tel: 07487 729237
Email: [email protected]
Rebecca Stanley
Email: [email protected]