Inclusion North Bulletin: Issue Number 83

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Inclusion North Bulletin

Issue Number 83
28th January 2015
In this bulletin you will hear about some of the
work Inclusion North is doing and information
about what is happening across the country.

Find Inclusion North on Facebook and Twitter

You can find out more about all the work we are doing
by following us on Facebook and twitter at:
Twitter: @InclusionNorth

Tomorrows Leaders at Third Sector Care

The Third Sector Care Awards aim to celebrate innovation and
care excellence in the not-for-profit care sector.
We are proud that our Tomorrows Leaders course made it to the
final of the Citizenhip Award for 2014.

Two representatives from the course travelled to London to go to

the Awards ceremony in December:
Susan Hanley, who co-delivered the 2013/14 course, and
Tania Woodhouse, who graduated from the course in March 2014

Understanding Politics and the Draft LB Bill/

Disabled People Community Inclusion Bill
The LB Bill is an idea for a new law to give people with learning
Disabilities and or Autism more rights to stay in their home and get
the right support there.
You can find out more about the background to it from this briefing

There is a session about politics and the Bill on 13th February at

Shine in Leeds.
You can see more information about the workshop here:

The people working on the Bill want to get as much feedback as

possible from people with Learning Disabilities themselves so if you
cannot get to a meeting about you can use this presentation and
information to talk about it in your group or with people you know
The presentation has an audio version of the big ideas & questions
to help you think about it.

Mental Capacity Act Guide

The Local Government Association has written three guides on the
Mental Capacity Act and how to use the law well.

There is:
1) An easy read guide this says what the law is about and how it
should work for people.
2) A guide for Shared Lives carers or other community services
this says how Shared Lives Carers or others should help people
think about or use the law well.
3) A guide for the Boards of Care and support organisations this
says what the law is about and how Boards of Trustees or Directors
might check on how it is being used in their organisation.

You can see the guides here:

Advocacy and the Care Act

The Department of Health has produced information about
advocacy and the Care Act, in support of the advocacy workshops
being run by the Joint Improvement Programme.
You can read about it here:

New Guide on Care and Support Planning

There is some new guidance on Care and Support Planning, in line
with The Care Act, that comes into force in April.
The Guide has been developed with people who use services to
show what good care and support planning looks like in practice.
It is backed up with examples from councils across England that are
leading the way in this area. You can see the guide here:
There is also a blog that will share practical information with anyone
interested in care and support planning in health and social care.
Finally, there is an event in Doncaster on 12th February to share
learning from this report.
You can book a place through this link:

Learning Disability Alliance Quality Checking the

The Learning Disability Alliance is asking people with learning
disabilities, their families and their allies to say what they think
about the current UK Government.
Between 14th January and 11th February they are asking people to
mark the Government on its performance:
Has the Government made things better or worse?
They will announce the results in Westminster on 24th February.
If you want to let them know what you think you can find out more

The Learning Disability Alliance | Unite for our rights!

Employment Day for People with Learning

South Tyneside Council is having an Employment day.
This is for everyone to work together to make it easier for People
with Learning Disabilities to get jobs.
It will be on:
Friday 6th February, 9.30-2pm
The Dunes (upstairs function room), Sea Road, South Shields,
NE33 2LD
You can see the invitation here:
And the Agenda here:
To book your place call Carole or Joanne on:
0191 3404173
Or email: [email protected]

Disability, Workplace Mental Health and

Wellbeing Training
Disability North are working with Remploy to deliver training in the
UK. They want to help companies to support the mental health of
their staff.
Three courses will be run this year:
Disability and Health Workshop
Workplace Mental Wellbeing for Managers
Resilience Training
To find out more about the courses please click on this link:

CAST (Carers Association in South Tyneside)

Here is a copy of the January Newsletter.
It includes items on:
The Carers Allowance,
Caring with Confidence sessions,
Health and Wellbeing Board meetings
Carers Forum
Click the link below to read it
And here is the carer reply form to let them know which events you
are interested in:

Looking for job advice or information?

Bradford People First are having an open day to help people
looking for jobs.
There will be Supported Volunteering Services, Supported
Employment, Project Search and Aspire-i - all coming to talk about
what they do.
Their Citizenship Project also wants to find out from you, your
stories and experiences of trying to get employment or volunteer
The Open Day is on Wednesday 11th February, 11am 3pm
Mayfield Centre
Broadway Avenue
You can find out more here:
There are limited spaces so please book.

Survey Making forums better

Bradford People First are doing a survey and would like your help.
They would like to find out how people with a learning disability
think their forums should be run so that they can make them better.
You can get a copy of the survey here:
or for more information contact Gillian at:
[email protected]

Disabled Persons Railcard Discounts on Oyster

Cards in London
The discount you can get using an Oyster card and disabled
persons railcard now covers peak journeys as well as off-peak.
To get the new discount you will need to update your Oyster card at
a London Underground ticket office.
Find out more by clicking on the link below

Talking Mats Training

People First Keighley & Craven have made a training package
which explores how you can use and adapt the Talking Mats idea to
support your members/clients/service users.
It enables people to make a decision using pictures and
It is a simple idea but a very effective way for people to see what is
You can find out more here:

Children and young people workshops

The LGA is running some workshops to expand partnership
discussion across health, social care (children and adults) and
The aim includes to:

Build or strengthen relationships across adult and child social

care services, education and the NHS
Develop a shared understanding of the national drivers and
strategies regarding children and young people
Prevent children and young people being on a pathway to
inpatient and restrictive services
Clarify respective roles and responsibilities
Map the current situation in terms of partnership working
Identify barriers and solutions to developing a life course
Share examples of good practice
Agree key areas to work on regarding early intervention,
prevention and a life course approach.

The dates and venues in our region are:

25 March North East The Centre for Life, Times Square,

Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 4EP
26 March Yorkshire & Humberside Cedar Court, Denby
Dale, Calder Grove, Wakefield WF4 3QZ

Here is the Application form:

Application form (pdf)
You can send your completed form to [email protected]
or to:
National Development Team for Inclusion
First Floor,
30-32 Westgate Buildings,

Funding Opportunity
The JMS Trust helps groups of family carers to set up the sort of
supported living provision that they want for the people they care
Grants are available to groups of family carers, not to organisations
although those groups may wish to form an alliance with an
existing not-for-profit organisation so as to ensure the long term
future of what they set up.
The Trust offers funding for capital, not for revenue. It is intended
not for the purchase of property, but for its refurbishment /
conversion for its new purpose.
The Trust aims to support provision for small groups of adults with
learning disabilities living together, and is not intended for
There is no set funding round. Applications can be sent at any time.
If you would like to be considered for funding, please email:
[email protected]

Independent Living Myths Buster

Here is a document produced by the European Network all about
Independent living.
The European Network on Independent Living has published this
Myth Buster to raise awareness about independent living and how it
can be made a reality for all disabled people.
They wanted to address the various myths and misconceptions
around independent living, which mean that what is sometimes
referred to as independent living is still a form of institution.
ENIL hopes that this publication will contribute to a better
understanding of the right to live independently in the community.
This publication is aimed at anyone who would like to learn more
about independent living
Click on the link below to see the document

Energy Saving Project

Save It is a Speak-up project to continue the work of the
successful Im an Expert Energy Saver project.
The information will help people to learn how to save energy in the
home. It gives practical advice about how to save energy and gives
details of organisations and grants which can help you to make your
home more energy efficient.
There is a film and leaflet online:
For more information you can visit the Speakup website
or phone 01709 720462.

Film Festival: Film-makers wanted

Oska Bright is the world's leading festival of short films made by
people with learning disabilities. It is managed and presented by a
learning disabled team.
Do you know any film-makers with a learning disability?
Oska Bright need their films!
They are open now for submissions of short films for the next
Festival, which is in Brighton in November.
For how to enter and further details please click on this link:
Or email:
[email protected]

Staff News
Inclusion North has welcomed two new members of staff to our
Rebecca Stanley has joined us as a temporary Project Manager.
She has 20 years of experience in helping people get the support
they choose.

Lindsey Berard is our new temporary Admin Assistant. Her

background is in admin in the charity sector.

We are also happy to welcome Angela Ellis back from her

secondment to the Winterbourne View Joint Improvement

What is coming up next at Inclusion North

6th February Yorkshire and Humber Lead Officers Meeting
9th February Yorkshire and Humber Leadership Group
11th February Care Act Workshop
20th February Yorkshire and Humber Talking Travel
2nd March

South Tees Provider Forum

6th March

North East Partnership

12th March

Yorkshire and Humber Family carers meeting

If you would like to know more about any of these events

contact Claire or Marie on 0113 262 6409
[email protected]
[email protected]

If you would like any information on any of our

meetings, training or projects you can contact the
office on:
Tel: 0113 262 6409
E-mail: [email protected]

Or you can write to us at:

Inclusion North CIC
Woodhouse Community Centre
197 Woodhouse Street
Leeds, LS6 2NY
You can visit our website at:

Or you can contact any member of the Inclusion North

Samantha Clark
Tel: 07823 536 603
Email: [email protected]

Scott Cunningham
Tel: 07767 776 125
Email: [email protected]

Kellie Woodley
Tel: 07876 145 390
Email: [email protected]

Lucy Virgo
Tel: 07944 185771
Email: [email protected]

Angela Ellis
Tel: 07487 729237
Email: [email protected]

Rebecca Stanley
Email: [email protected]

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