Affidavit - Declaration of Absolute Truth: Idem Sonans, Inclusive

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In love, peace and gratitude I AM


Issued pursuant to and Governed by I AM, Eternal Essence, in body, Doc. #2013032035,
restated and incorporated in reference as if set forth in full, IAM-mr-07281979



now embodied in the Men and in the Women and Children alive in living bodies in flesh, bone and blood.

“PRINCIPAL AGENT DOCTRINE” UCC §1-103 and subsequent amendments – notice to principal is notice to agent, notice to agent is notice to
principal – to whoever claims to perform this role/duty/office.



From WE IS to whoever receives and by law is required to reply.

With effective from 28 November 2012, by virtue of the Eternal, Universal and International documents, done by the work of The One People’s
Public Trust 1776 (OPPT1776) including the UCC Doc. #2013032035 and Doc. #2012127914, #2012127810, #2012127854, #2012127907, in perpetual,
Doc. #2000043135, also duly registered in the public register of Washington District of Columbia, Washington USA,, all reaffirmed, without prejudice, nunc pro tunc, praeterea
preterea, the private corporation of The United States of America, UNITED STATES, United States, “STATE OF…”, State of... and International
equivalents and with it all the jurisdictions, documents, et. al, which are claiming to have pre-existed are null and void, cancelled, duly cancelled,
for jus causae by I AM.

CANCELLATION OF THE BANKS ON PAPER Ref. TRUE BILL: WA DC UCC Doc. #2012114776 of October 24th, 2012, and subsequent.
They are null and void, with no value or otherwise cancelled each and every DEED OF INCORPORATION, therein including those of the claimed
Government of the private corporation REPUBLICA OF ARGENTINA et idem sonans, registrada en la Securities and Exchange Commission
(S.E.C.) de Washington D.C. (ARGENTINA REPUBLIC OF CIK //: 0000914021 SIC //: 8888 y REPUBLIC OF ARGENTINA CIK //: 914021 SIC), et
similia et idem sonans, inclusive of each and all its abbreviations, et idem sonans or of other juridical forms including but not limited to all kinds
of rights also known as Civil Code, Penal, of Civil Proceedings, of Penal Proceedings, Highway Codes et. al., financial and management, including
each and EVERY OFFICE, including each and every OFFICER, therein including PUBLIC OFFICIALS, all of the LAW ENFORCEMENT,
THE ACTS and each and every contract and agreement therein included PROFESSIONAL ORDERS, TITLES, ACADEMIC TITLES, PROHIBITIONS
AND AUTHORIZATIONS should they have been intervened, or intervene as a consequence of these.

The above mentioned DECLARATION OF FACTS, UCC Doc. # 2012127914, integrated and identified in this act, here re-affirmed and redefined,
remains un-rebutted and stands as the Ultimate Truth by Law, in commerce and in BEING, registered in the public register
(, it’s ordinance of UNIVERSAL LAW, valid all over the World.

I AM _______, Eternal Essence, in body, Ref. No.: IAM-mr-07281979 Pag. 1 of 3

In love, peace and gratitude I AM


Issued pursuant to and Governed by I AM, Eternal Essence, in body, Doc. #2013032035,
restated and incorporated in reference as if set forth in full, IAM-mr-07281979

Moreover, we bring the attention to the: DECLARATION & ORDER (orig. DECLARATION & ORDER) Rif: UCC Doc. #2012096074, September 9,
2012, duly reconfirmed and ratified by the COMMERCIAL BILL UCC Doc. #2012114586 and TRUE BILL UCC Doc. #2012114776 which establishes
that volunteers in the Military... “Arrest and take into custody everybody and anybody in their own person, their agents, officers, and other actors,
regardless of domicile by choice, owning, operating, aiding and favouring private money system, issuing, collecting, legal enforcement systems,
operating slavery systems, used against citizens from numerous States” and “Repossess all private money systems, tracking, transferring, issuing,
collecting, legal enforcement systems, operating slavery systems”. “... all beings of the Creator shall forthwith assist all Public Servants identified
herein, to implement, protect, preserve and complete this ORDER by all means of the Creator and the created as stated herein, by, with and under
full personal liability...”.

The Repliers, now duly informed, act exclusively within their individual capability of entity, with full and unlimited responsibility, differently to
physical person, juridical person, public officer et similia et idem sonans, with no network of corporative protection, and responds with no
immunity to direct or indirect damages, under Commercial Law, UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE (UCC), the only form of right still preserved
and protected by public order UCC §1-103 and of the following paperwork, for each and every kind of illegal and illegitimate action made against
and which causes any and all damage and/or loss to the Living Man (different than that of the Extraterritorial Legal Representative Institution
(L.R.), human person, human being, physical person, citizen, user, patient, individual, juridical fiction, juridical subject and legal entity, centre of
judicial imputation et similia et idem sonans) which causes and resolves in each and every damage and/or loss to the Living Man including
psychophysical and material damages caused by: detention, inspection, search, and each and every means of freedom limitation and deprivation,
mandatory health treatment (TSO), vaccination, molecular tests, antigenic tests, serological tests, saliva tests, nasopharyngeal test, each and all
tests and instruments known or unknown, which have not been specifically mentioned here, used as tests for biological, genetical, material samples
et similia et idem sonans, and each and all the harmful actions to the Absolute Integrity and Dignity, seizure of property, damage to properties or
any other kind of damage measured in energy to the I AM, to the living and free Men, Women and Children.

Therefore, if the Repliers should choose to persist acting on behalf of or by means of a foreclosed institution, null, annulled and cancelled, causing
to living and free Men, Women and Children, any kind of damage as here established, the Repliers, in their own individual and unlimited
capability, become ultimately responsible for it.

Similar actions can take place at legal proceedings brought forward against the Repliers, in accordance with public order UCC §1-305, inclusively
but not limited to the hypothesis of the Replier’s heritage.

You are perpetrating a very serious crime of enslavement of the Man alive in a living body of flesh, bone and blood, of Earth’s Men, Women and
Children alive and free, founders of the New Governance issued pursuant to and governed by I AM WE IS. You act exclusively within your
individual capability of entity, under the Commercial Law, the public order UCC §1-103, The One People’s Public Trust 1776 procedure, as an
individual institution, with no network of corporative protection, under your full unlimited patrimonial and personal responsibility, under penalty

I AM _______, Eternal Essence, in body, Ref. No.: IAM-mr-07281979 Pag. 2 of 3

In love, peace and gratitude I AM


Issued pursuant to and Governed by I AM, Eternal Essence, in body, Doc. #2013032035,
restated and incorporated in reference as if set forth in full, IAM-mr-07281979

of perjury and fraud and in prejudice and dishonour, before the First Creator and for the Natural, Universal, Divine and Eternal Law and of Free
The rebuttal of all the documents of the procedure filed by the One People’s Public Trust 1776 is to be considered valid only if sworn, duly verified
under penalty of perjury and fraud, within the Commercial Law canonical deadline, and in front of the First Creator.
I AM WE IS stipulates and determines the immediate execution of the above listed commercial liens, should failure of compliance and application
of the aforementioned rebuttal occur.

The present affidavit is the absolute true phonetical transcription of my vibrational energy orally stated to my witness, the Living and Free Man
also perceived as ______________________________________________________________________

Ubi maior minor cessat. By authographing I state that I AM competent to give free testimony as a man/woman living in spiritus _______________________

As a Public Notary the red fingerprint replaces the notarial seal, erga omnes.


Free and living Woman/Man

- Military Order (2 documents)

I AM _______, Eternal Essence, in body, Ref. No.: IAM-mr-07281979 Pag. 3 of 3

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