More4 On Air Identity Style Guide

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The document discusses type sizes, positioning, and formatting guidelines for on-air graphics used on the More4 television channel. It provides details on font sizes, colors, and layouts for elements like titles, timing, URLs, and logos.

There are four main type sizes - A, B, C, and D - used for different elements depending on the available space. Size A is the largest and size D is the smallest. Additional guidelines around positioning and leading are also provided.

Promo endboards include information like day, time, programme titles and additional details like headers or URLs. Timing is in green, titles in white, and additional details in blue or smaller type sizes. Layout depends on whether there is one or two programmes listed.


On Air Identity
Style Guide

More4 Bold is the standard font for More4 Menu Bold is used
for Clarity-generated menus
on-air graphics. ONLY.

There are four sizes for most on-air

situations. Promo endframes will
tend to use sizes A & B only.

type size A Usage: timing, title and

other information where
there is a small word count
and a lot of space.

type size B Usage: timing, title and

other information where
words are too long or
numerous for size A.

type size C Usage: type on credit

squeezes when there is not
Sound Dubbing enough room for size B.
Cy Jack
This size is NOT used on
promo endboards.
Production Manager Usgae: headers and URL
Lynda McCaig

Chris Buckland
type size D

Text sizes & position

Type Size Clarity measurement Aston Measuremernt Mac/PC

(on a 1024 x 576px frame)

A 49 33 lines 51pt
Leading offset: 8 lines Leading 56.5pt
Global width offset: -2

B 39 29 lines 42pt
Leading offset: 3 lines Leading 45.5pt
Global width offset: -8

C 34 N/A on endboards – 33pt

just for panels/squeezes Leading 35pt

D 27 18 lines 28pt
Leading offset: 3 lines Leading 30pt
Global width offset: -8

E 21 N/A 20pt
Lozenge & DOG text only

Typography on endboards
has to fit into the area
defined by the grey panel
so as not to interfere with
the resolving More4 logo
on the right.

Break lines rather than

allowing type to get too
close to the logo.
Aston type positions

Aston positions Templates found at


type size A

type size B
Promo endboard

Promos end with a type

and logo animation – the
logo wipes off VT to black
and wipes on the TX

All timing and title The day, phrases like Next

information is set in the or After, header and URL
same size and leading. are in pale blue:
R-102 G-170 B-170
Additional information
(URL/header) is in type Time information is in
size D More4 green and is aligned
with the baseline of the
MORE of the logo:
R-0 G-204 B-0

Programme titles are

in white:
R-255 G-255 B-255
Promo endboard
One programme

Two line programme

After one line + one line

Network Premiere, one line

New Series, two lines

Promo endboard
Long / two programmes

Type for all information is After two line + one line

set in the same size and
leading – size B.

Three line programme

Note: URL moves down
one line

After two line + two line

Note: URL moves down
one line

Space between two Two programmes,

sections of information one line + two line
must be a full line space. – different days
Promo endboard
Long / two programmes

Two programmes, 2 lines

each – same day

Two programmes, 2 lines

each – different days

In this case the time & day

sit on the same line. Both
are in green.
Promo endboard

Normally a sponsorship
logo goes top left

If there is additional
information which goes top
left, the sponsorship logo
sits below this, aligned to
the left of the type area

Day & time is in green, Half-frame credit squeeze

programme information panel with VT
Sound Dubbing in white, URL in blue
Cy Jack
All programme information
is in type size. When there is
a lot of information use
Production Manager type size C.
Lynda McCaig

URL is on one line and

always in type size D.
Chris Buckland

Sound Dubbing
Cy Jack

Production Manager
Lynda McCaig

Chris Buckland

Third-frame credit squeeze

panel with VT
Sound Dubbing
Cy Jack
All programme information
is in type size B, or size C if
there are a lot of words.
Production Manager
Lynda McCaig
URL (type size D) is split
over two lines
Chris Buckland

Sound Dubbing
Cy Jack

Production Manager
Lynda McCaig

Chris Buckland

Lozenges use type size E One line

on both one and two line

Lozenge panels are always

the same size and are
displayed at 80% opacity
black. Top right is the
correct position.

Time information is
in green, programme
information is in white.

Two line

For emergency Strap

information use
ype size D
Pubic announcement

Full-frame consumer

Type position same as for

credit squeeze

Information in type size A

(consumable is in green,
other information in white),
URL in type size D

Half-frame consumer

Sound Dubbing Type position same as for

Cy Jack
credit squeeze

Consumer images occupy

Production Manager top half of screen only –
Lynda McCaig
as VT on credit squeeze

Chris Buckland

Generic background Full-frame text

used for all pub annos /
emergency menus Phone number in type size
A, extra details and URL in
type size D

Half-frame text

Sound Dubbing
Cy Jack

Production Manager
Lynda McCaig

Chris Buckland


The DOG is in black and

has a 50% opacity


Programme descriptors sit

under the E of MORE and
are in type size E

More4 +1

The +1 sits to the right of

the E of MORE
Notes on endboard animations

Promos end with a logo and type The logo wipes off VT to
black and wipes on the TX
animation sequence. There are information.
seven different animations to Promo directors need to
choose from with varying durations. bear in mind that a max
amount of 2 sec is needed in
vision at the end of a promo
because the logo animates
over moving footage.

For example Animation #2

(shown) takes 2 seconds
and 15 frames to wipe off
picture and wipe on TX.
Clear TX should hold for at
least 3 seconds.

Animation Type Clear

1 2s.05f
2 2s.12f
3 1s.12f
4 (darker) 1s.12f
5 2s.06f
6 2s.00f
7 2s.07f
Notes on endboard animations

Endframe transition 1

Endframe transition 2

Endframe transition 3
Notes on endboard animations

Endframe transition 3 (dark)

Endframe transition 4

Endframe transition 5
Notes on endboard animations

Endframe transition 6

Endframe transition 7

Endframe transition 8

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