FW Pumps Manual

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en Installation and operating instructions

Wilo_SCP_ OIM_20 140311_ 03

Wilo Mather and Platt is very grateful for your interest in its products. The basic objective of this
document is to provide instructions for maintaining and operating Wilo Mather and Platt Horizontal
Split Case pumps. Instructions are complied for the person having a working knowledge of
Horizontal Split case pumps and the pumps shall be installed under expert supervision and

With this document Wilo Mather and Platt does not accept any liability for inaccurate installation,
operation or maintenance of the product at site. The authorities that install and maintain the pump
shall be responsible for hassle free installation operation or maintenance of the product.

This document is prepared with at most care to ensure correct and accurate information, enabling
the user to have trouble free installation and operational support. However, there can be few areas
for improvement to make this document error free.

We welcome your valuable suggestions to make this document complete in all respects.

Mather and Platt pumps Ltd.

(Part of Wilo SE Germany)
Mumbai-Pune Road, Chinchwad,
Pune- 411 019, Maharashtra (India)
Tel: +91 20 27442100/1/2/3/4,
Toll Fee Service: 1-800-266-8866
Fax: +91 2027442111
[email protected]





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Fi g.9:

16 5 3
14 25


2 1

8 9

12 13
22 15

4 6 17
1 General information ..................................................................................................................... 8
2 Safety ...................................................................................................................................................8
2.1 Designation of in fo rm at ion in the operating i nstructions ......................................................................8
2.2 Personnel qualificati ons ........................................................................................................................ 8
2.3 Danger in event of non-observance of the safety instructions ............................................................ 8
2.4 Safety consciousness on the job ......................................................................................................... .. 8
2.5 Safety instructi ons fo r the operator ................................................................................................... .. 8
2.6 Safety instructi ons fo r installation and maintenance work ................................................................... 9
2.7 Una uth o rized modi fication and manufacture of spare parts .................................................................9
2.8 Imp ro per use .......................................................................................................... ............................... 9
2.9 Safety & control devices ...................................................................................................................... 9

3 Transport and interim storage (fig. 1) ............................................................................................ 9

3.1 Handling .............................................................................................................................................. 9
3.2 Deli very ............................................................................................................................................... 10
3.3 Storage ................................................................................................................... ............................ 10
3.4 Pump return ing back to the supplier .................................................................................................. 10

4 Intended use .................................................................................................................................... 10

5 Product information ................................................................................................. ...................... 11
5.1 Data plate ........................................................................................................................................ 11
5.2 Typ e key ................................................................................................................. ........................... 11
5.3 Gen eral descripti on ........................................................................................................................... 11
5.4 Scope of deli very ................................................................................................... ............................ 12
5.5 Accessories ............................................................................................................ ........................... 12

6 Description and function ................................................................................................................ 12

6.1 Descripti on of the product ......................................................................................... ........................ 12

7 Installation and electrical connection (Motor / pump coupling system) ................................. 16

7.1 Install ati on of bare shaft pump ............................................................................ ............................. 16
7.2 Install ati on of the complete pu mp set ..................................................................... .......................... 17

8 Com missioning ................................................................................................................................ 21

8.1 Clean ing prio r to start ........................................................................................................................ 21
8.2 Filling and venting ............................................................................................................................. 22
8.3 Starting the pump ...................................................................................................... ....................... 22

9 Maintenance ................................................................................................................................... 25
9.1 R outine maintenance and frequency of inspection .......................................................................... 25
9.2 Ov erh aul maintenance ................................................................................................ ...................... 25
9.3 Disassembling the pump .................................................................................................................... 29
9.4 Ex a min ati on of Int erna l Components ............................................................................................... 30
9.5 Reassembling the pump ................................................................................................................... 32
9.6 Recommended s pare parts ................................................................................................................ 35

10 Faults, causes and remedies ........................................................................................................ 37

11 Decommissioning and recycling ................................................................................................. 38

Installation and operating instructions Wilo-SCP

1 Gen eral informati on CAUTION!
There is a ris k of damaging the pump/installa-
About this document tion. “Caution” implies that damage to the pro-
The language of the original operating instruc- duct is likely if the informati o n is disregarded.
tions is En gli s h. All other languages of these inst- NOTE:
ructions are translations of the original operating Useful information on using the product. It also
inst ructions. draws attention to possible problems .
These installation and operating instructions are
an integral part of the product. They must be kept 2.2 Personnel qualifications
readily available at the place where the product is The installation personnel must have the approp-
installed. Strict adherence t o thes e in st ructions is ri ate quali fi cation for this work.
a precondition for the proper use and correct ope-
ration of the product. 2.3 Danger in event of non-observance of the
These installation and operating instructions cor- safety instructions
respond to the relevant version of t he product and Non-observance of the safety instructions can
the underlying safety standards valid at the time result in risk of inj ury to persons and damage to
of going to pri nt . product/installation. Non-observance of the
EC declaration of conformity safety instructions can result in the loss of any
A copy of the EC declaration of conformity is a cl aims to damages.
component of these operating instructions. In det ail, non-observance can, for example, result
If a technical modification is made on t he designs in the following risks:
named there without our agreement, this declara- • F ail ure of important product/installation func-
tion loses its validity. tions
• Fail ure of required maintenance and repair proce-
2 Sa fety • Danger to persons from electrical, mechanical and
These operating instructions contain basic infor- bacteriological influences
mation which must be adhered to during installa- • Property damage
tion and operation. For this reason, thes e
operating instructions must, without fai l, be read 2.4 S afety consciousness on the job
by the serv i ce techni ci an and the responsible op e- The safety inst ructions included in thes e installa-
rator before installation and commissioning . The tion and operating instructions, the existing nati-
machine operator list must be filled out comple- onal regulations for accident prevention together
tely. By signing this list, all pers ons working on or with any internal working, operating and safety
wi th the product confirms t hat they have recei- regulations of the operator are to be complied
ved, read and understood this operating & main- with.
tenance manual.
It is not only the general safety instructions listed 2.5 S afety instructions for the operator
under the main point "safety" that must be adhe- This appliance is not intended for use by persons
red to but also the special safety instructions with (i n cl udi ng children) with reduced phys i cal , sensory
danger symbols included under the foll owi ng main or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and
points. knowledge, unless they have been given supervi-
sion or instruction concerning use of the appliance
2.1 Designation of information in the operating by a person responsible for their safety. Children
instructions should be supervised to ensure that they do not
play with the appliance.
S ymbols: • if hot or cold components on the product/the unit
Gen eral danger sym bol lead to hazards, local measures must be taken to
guard them against touching.
Danger due to electrical voltage • Guards protecting agai nst touching m ov ing com-
ponents (such as the coupling) must not be remo-
NOTE: ... ved whil st the product is in operation.
• L eakages (e.g. from the shaft seals) of hazardous
fl uids (which are explosive, toxi c or hot) must be
Signal words : led away so that no danger to persons or to the
DANGER! environment ari ses . National statutory provisions
Acutely dangerous situation. are to be complied with.
Non-observance results in death or the most
serious of injuries.
The user can suffer (serious) injuries. “Warni ng”
implies that (serious) injury to pers ons is proba-
ble if this information is disregarded.

• Highl y flammable materials are always to be kept 2.9 S afety & control devices
at a safe distance from the product. Direct controls are applicable when the pump is
• Danger from el ectrical current must be eliminated. supplied along with motor/panels. When motor/
Local directives or general directives [e.g. IEC , VDE panel is in end user’s scope of supply, it is advised
etc.] and lo cal power supply companies must be to go for CE approved motors /panels.
adhered to. Environmental s afety
 Depending on the type, size and capacity (kW), Dis pos al of any unwanted/s crap material should
the products produce a sound pressure up to 75 be disposed in appropriate way so as not to cause
dB (A) to 110 dB (A) up to 1 meter distance. any harm to the envi ronment. No hazardous
 The actual sound pressure, however, depends on material is used in Wil o SCP pumps.
several factors. These include, for example, type
of prime mover, installation type; fastening of NOTE
accessories and pipeline, operating site To avoid ambiguity in t he use of the word
condition, background noise, etc. „replace” the words „replace” and „renew ” are
 Once the product has been installed, We used in this manual in t he foll o wing context:
recommend that the operator makes additional Replace - To put back, in its existing state, a part
measurements under all operating conditions. or component that has previously been removed.
Renew - To substitut e a new part of component
2.6 S afety instructions for installation and for a worn or damaged one.
maintenance work
The operator must ensure that all installation and
maintenance work is carried out by authorised and 3 T ranspo rt and int erim storage (fig. 1)
qualifi ed personnel, who are sufficiently informed Immediately check the pump and transport
from their own detailed study of the operating packaging for damage in transit upon receipt.
inst ructions. Take the necessary steps within the periods defi-
Wo rk on the product/unit must onl y be carried out ned by the transport company in the event of
when at a standstill. It is mandatory that the pro- damage in transit.
cedure described in the installation and operating DANGER! Ris k of getting crushed!
instructions for shutting down the product/unit The installation or removal of the produ ct must
be compli ed with. not be performed by one pe rs on alone.
Im m ediately on conclusion of the work, all safety Measures should be taken to bar persons from
and protective devices must be put back in posi- standing beneath a suspended load. Further-
tion and/or recommissioned. more, it is also prohibited to move suspended
loads over exposed workplaces where people
2.7 Unauthorised modification and manufactu re of are present. The fastening devices should be
spare parts adapted to the conditions at hand (weather,
Unauthorised modi fication and manufacture of hooking system, load, etc.) Use suitable faste -
spare parts will impair the safety of the product/ ning devices to handle the weight of the pro-
personnel and will make void the manufacturer's duct.
declarations regarding s afety. CAUTI ON! Ris k of damage to the pump!
Mo di fications to the product are only permissibl e Ris k of damage due to i mproper handling duri ng
after consultation with t he manufacturer. Ori gi nal transport and storage.
spare parts and accessories authorised by the The p um p should be prote cte d against humidity,
manufacturer ensure safety. The use of other frost and mechanical da mage duri ng transport
parts will absolve us of liabilit y for consequenti al and interim storage.
3.1 Handli ng
2.8 Impro pe r use CAUTI ON! Ris k of damage to the pump! Ris k of
The operating safety of the supplied product only falling!
guaranteed for conventional use in accordance Pumps should never be lifted with sli ngs enga-
with Section 4 of the operating instructions . The ged below the bearing housing. Eye bolts on
limit values must on no account fall under or pump top casing are only for lifting top casing
exceed those speci fied in the catalogue/dat a duri ng maintenance. Do not lift complete pump
sheet. with the eyebolts. S afe working load of wire
rope s re duce s with i ncrease in included angle.
Ne ver put down or pi ck up the product when it is
not secured. Til ti ng of the product should be
avoided at all costs.
Onl y suitable lifting gear and load carrying equip-
ment with vali d t est certifi cat es and adequate lif-
ting capacity for the loads involved (such as belts/
wire ropes /sli n gs) should be used for lifting &
transporting the product. If chains are used, they

Installation and operating instructions Wilo-SCP 9

should be secured against slipping along w ith pro- 3.3.2 Lon g-term storage (more than 3 month)
tective cover to prevent damage to the product, If the equipment will be subject to ext ended sto-
paint and/or inj ury to personnel. rage condition prior to in stallation, then the
When lifting the pump in combination with the manufacturer must be informed about storage
bedplate, the lifting tackle should be attached to duration, so that special protection can be recom-
the lifting lugs provided on the base plate side mended.
member. The angle of the lifting ropes should not • Place the SCP pumps horizontally on firm founda-
exceed 8° if shackles are used and 24° if hooks are tion and secure it against falling.
used. To lift the pump the lifting slings should • The machine must be protect ed from direct sun-
pass beneat h the pump body at suction and deli- light, heat, dust, and frost.
very flanges (s ee lifting diagrams - see also gene- • The rotors or propellers must be turned at regular
ral safety Inform ation, chapter 2). These must intervals. This prevents the bearing from locking
have sufficient load bearing capacity to ensure and the film of lubricant on t he mechanical shaft
that the product can be transported safely. Refer seal is renew ed.
figure 1 and 2 • For mechanical seal, we recommend : relative air
humidity below 65%, temperature bet ween 15°C
3.2 Delivery and 25°C. Di rect exposure of the mechanical seal
On arri v al , the delivered items must be inspected to heat (sun, heating) as well as to ozone, present
for damage and a check made that all parts are or produced by ultravi olet light (halogen or fl uore-
present. If any parts are damaged or missi n g, the scent lamps), must be avoided because of the risk
transport company or the manufacturer must be of embrittlement of elastomeric materi al s .
informed on the day of del ivery. Any cl aim made at
a later date will be deemed i nvali d. Damage to
parts must be noted on the delivery or freight 3.4 Pum p retur ni ng back to the supplier
document ation. Products, which are delivered back to the plant,
must be clean and correctl y packaged. In this con-
text, clean means that impurities have been
3.3 Storage removed and decont aminat ed if it has been used
wit h mat erials , which are hazardous to health.
3.3.1 S hort-term storage (less than 3 month) The packaging must protect the product against
The equipments as shipped have adequate pro- damage.
tection for short-term storage in a covered, dry CAUTI ON! G uarantee not applicable!
and ventilated location at the job site prior to ins- Products, which are not suitably packaged for
tallation. delivery back, are no longer covered by guara n-
If the pump is not installed immediatel y after deli- tee!
very, it must be stored in a dry and clean place with
sufficient ventilation, no vibration, no freezing
and the temperature variations must be smooth. 4 I ntended use
B eari ngs and couplings must be protected against The pump supplied is intended for speci fi c flui d.
sand, dust and foreign bodies. To avoid corrosion R efer pump data sheet and order confirmation. For
and jamming, please lubricate the pump and make any change in pumped fl uid refer Wi lo beforehand.
turn t he rotating elements for several turns at Horizontal split Case pumps are used in water sup-
least once a week. Pre-packed desiccants may be ply, water- ci rculating systems, injection water,
used to absorb moisture & keep the pump dry. It spray pond, air-conditioning, w ater treat ment,
must be removed before putting the pump on Sprinkler & drip irrigation, fi re fighting, juices etc.
operation. If the operating conditions are different of the
specifications given in t he order, (i.e. type of
liquid, temperature or duty point), the end us er
must ask a written agreement to Wilo on t he new
operating conditions before starting t he pump.

5 P rod u ct inform a tion 5.2 Type key

5.1 Data plate SCP200/320H A-110/4/T4-R1/ E0

SCP Name of the range
200 Discharge flange nominal diameter
in mm
320 Nominal diameter of the impeller in mm
HA Type of Hy draul i c :
- HA = Standard type version A
- HB = Standard type version B
- HS = Single suction impeller
- DV = Double volute
- DS = Double st age
110 M otor power rating in kW
4 Number of poles
T4 Voltage Three phases 400V
R1 M aterial configuration : Casing in cast
iron, Bronze impeller, Stainless st eel
shaft (RoHS compliant)
E0 M echanical seal material configuration
Carbon / SiC EP DM type AQ1EGG

5.3 General description

Li mi ts of usage of the standard range
The techni cal features of the product have been
described i n t he offer made for this product, espe-
ci all y the fluid compati bilit y. Please refer to this :

Property Value Remarks

Speed 2900, 1450, 980 1/mi n M odel dependent

Discharge nominal diameters DN 50 up to 400
Flange standard PN 16/25 ISO 7005-2, as needed
Li mit of fluid temperature (min./max.)

- M echanical s eal version [°C] -8 up to +120

-Gland packing version [°C] -8 up to +105
Li mit s of ambient temperature (min./max.) [°C] -16 up to +40 other on request
Ambient humidity < 90 % other on request
M ax. operating pressure 16 bar, generally 25 for some models
M otor insulation class F other on request
M otor protection level IP 55
El ect ri cal protection for motor – required i n place (in accord-
ance with local regulation)
Acoustic pressure level, (In accordance with Refer to the data plate on the
motor performances) motor on in technical leaflets
Standard fluid allowed Central heating liquid in accordance Standard vers ion
with VDI 2035, cooling water.
Cold w ater

M ixture water/glycol up to 40 % of Standard vers ion

volume. Temp ≤ 40 °C for concentra-
tions between 20% and 40% vol.

Contact WILO for all other fluids Onl y for special version
El ect ri cal connections 3~230V, 50Hz (≤4kW) Other frequency, voltages,
3~400V, 50Hz (≥5,5kW) please contact WILO

Installation and operating instructions Wilo-SCP 11

5.4 S cope of delivery 6.1.1 Casing
Pump can be delivered The pump casing is of volute form, cast in halves,
• as a complete pump set including electrical motor, which are bolted toget her along the pump axis.
base plate, coupling and coupling guard; Gasket paper is provided bet ween the split flanges
• either w ithout motor or of top and bottom casing. For accurate location
• as bare s haft pump without base plat e. casing halves, bearing housings / brackets etc. are
located with dowel pins.
5.5 Accessories The suction and del ivery branches of the pump are
• Companion Flange cast integral with bottom half casing, which also
• Foundation bolts incorporate the mounting feet. Holes are tapped
• Shims on suction and delivery branches for connecting
the pressure gauges and providing casing drain.
Bores of bottom half casing are grooved t o provide
6 Descri ption and f unction location for stuffing box bushes. The top half
casing carries connections for liquid seal for both
6.1 Description of the product sides. Air vent cock is fitted on the top and also
Split casing pumps are either single or two stages. priming hole is also provided on the top of casing.
They are of relatively simple construction, the
casing being split along the pump axis so that nor-
mal maintenance work can be carried out without
disturbing the position of either the pumping set
or pipe work.

Connection Details
1 SCP 50-220 HA 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 – 1/4 M8 –
2 SCP 50-180 HA 1/4 1/4 3/8 3/8 1/4 1/4 – 3/4 M8 –
3 SCP 50-340 HA 3/8 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 – 3/4 M8 –
4 SCP 50-340 DS 3/8 3/8 1/2 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/4 M8 –
5 SCP 65-390 HS 3/8 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 – 3/4 M8 –
6 SCP 80-230 HA 3/8 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 – 3/4 M8 –
7 SCP 80-200 HA 3/8 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 – 3/4 M8 –
8 SCP 80-380 DS 3/8 3/8 1/2 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 3/4 M8 –
9 SCP 80-340 HA 3/8 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 – 3/4 M8 –
10 SCP 80-360 DS 3/8 3/8 3/4 3/8 1/2 1/2 – 1/2 M8 –
11 SCP 100-270 HA 3/8 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 – 3/4 M8 M8
12 SCP 100-280 HA 3/8 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 – 3/4 M8 M8
13 SCP 100-360 HA 3/8 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 – 3/4 M8 M8
14 SCP 100-400 HA 3/8 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 – 3/4 M8 M8
15 SCP 100-410 DS 3/8 3/8 3/4 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 M8 M8
16 SCP 125-290 HA 3/8 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 – 3/4 M8 M8
17 SCP 125-330 HA 3/8 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 – 3/4 M8 M8
18 SCP 125-440 HA 3/8 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 – 3/4 M8 M8
19 SCP 125-470 HA 3/8 3/8 3/4 3/8 3/4 3/4 – 3/4 M8 M8
20 SCP 125-460 DS 3/8 3/8 3/4 3/8 1/2 1/2 – 3/4 M8 M8
21 SCP 150-290 HA 3/8 3/8 1 3/8 1/2 1/2 – 3/4 M8 M8
22 SCP 150-390 HA 3/8 3/8 1/2 3/8 3/4 3/4 – 3/4 M8 M8
23 SCP 150-350 HA 3/8 3/8 3/4 3/8 3/4 3/4 – 3/4 M8 M8
24 SCP 150-450 HA 3/8 3/8 1/2 3/8 3/4 3/4 – 3/4 M8 M8
25 SCP 150-580 HA 3/8 3/8 1 3/8 1/2 1/2 – 3/4 M8 M8
26 SCP 150-530 HA 3/8 3/8 1 3/8 3/4 3/4 – 3/4 M8 M8
27 SCP 150-460 DS 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 M8 M8
28 SCP 200-310 HA 3/8 3/8 1/2 3/8 3/4 3/4 – 3/4 M8 M8
29 SCP 200-320 HA 3/8 3/8 3/4 3/8 3/4 3/4 – 3/4 M8 M8
30 SCP 200-370 HA 3/8 3/8 3/4 3/8 3/4 3/4 – 3/4 M8 M8
31 SCP 200-360 HB 3/8 3/8 3/4 3/8 3/4 3/4 – 3/4 M8 M8
32 SCP 200-390 HA 3/8 3/8 1 3/8 3/4 3/4 – 3/4 M8 M8
33 SCP 200-440 HA 3/8 3/8 1 3/8 3/4 3/4 – 3/4 M8 M8
34 SCP 200-460 HA 3/8 3/8 1 3/8 3/4 3/4 – 3/4 M8 M8
35 SCP 200-550 HA 3/8 3/8 1 3/8 1/2 1/2 – 3/4 M8 M8
36 SCP 200-480 HA 3/8 3/8 1 3/8 1/2 1/2 – 3/4 M8 M8
37 SCP 200-560 HA 3/8 3/8 1 3/8 1/2 1/2 – 3/4 M8 M8
38 SCP 200-660 DV 3/8 3/8 1 3/8 1 1 – 1 M8 M8
39 SCP 250-250 HA 3/8 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 – 3/4 M8 M8
40 SCP 250-390 HA 3/8 3/8 1 3/8 3/4 3/4 – 3/4 M8 M8
41 SCP 250-360 HA 3/8 3/8 1 3/8 3/4 3/4 – 3/4 M8 M8
42 SCP 250-450 HA 3/8 3/8 1 3/8 1/2 1/2 – 1 M8 M8
43 SCP 250-570 HA 3/8 3/8 1 3/8 1/2 1/2 – 1 M8 M8
44 SCP 250-700 DV 3/8 3/8 1 3/8 1 1 – 1- 1 /4 M8 M8
45 SCP 250-740 DV 3/8 3/8 1 3/8 1 1 – 1- 1 /4 M8 M8
46 SCP 300-330 HB 3/8 3/8 1 3/8 3/4 3/4 – 3/4 M8 M8
47 SCP 300-380 HA 3/8 3/8 1 3/8 1 1 – 3/4 M8 M8
48 SCP 300-400 HA 3/8 3/8 1 3/8 3/4 3/4 – 3/4 M8 M8
49 SCP 300-490 HA 3/8 3/8 1 3/8 1 1 – 1 M8 M8
50 SCP 300-570 HA 3/8 3/8 1 3/8 1 1 – 1 M8 M8
51 SCP 300-660 DV 3/8 3/8 1-1/2 3/8 1 1 – 1 M8 M8
52 SCP 350-500 HA 3/8 3/8 1 3/8 1 1 – 1 M8 M8
53 SCP 350-470 HA 3/8 3/8 1 3/8 1 1 – 1 M8 M8
54 SCP 400-540 HA 3/8 3/8 1 3/8 1 1 – 1 M8 M8
55 SCP 400-480 HA 3/8 3/8 1 3/8 1 1 – 1 M8 M8
56 SCP 400-550 HA 3/8 3/8 1 3/8 1 1 – 1 M8 M8
57 SCP 400-710 HA 3/8 3/8 1 3/8 1 1 – 1-1/4 M8 M8
58 SCP 400-660 DV 1/2 1/2 1 3/8 1 1 – 1 M8 M8
C G: Compound Ground; P G: P ressure Gauge; PM : P ri ming ; A C : A ir Co ck ; C DS : C asing D ra in (S u ct io n ); CD D: Casing Drain (Delivery);
C D: Ca sing D ra in; GD : G lan d D rain; V G: V i b rat i on Gauge; T G: Te mper ature G auge

Installation and operating instructions Wilo-SCP 13

6.1.2 Neck ring emergence from the pump casing, gland packing
To prevent the entry of pump liqui d from delivery or mechanical seals may be fitted in the stuffing
side of impeller to suction side, neck ring is provi- box situat ed at each end of t he casi ng.
ded. Fine running clearence is provided between
neck ring and impeller neck. Periodic restoration Gland Pack
of this clearence is necessary for satisfact ory per- For SCP pumps plaited cotton impregnat ed with
formance of the pump. For two stage pumps thes e oil and coll oi dal graphite is used.
neckrings are located in the bottom half of the
casing by half-spigot (tung and groove) and its Mec hani cal Seal
rotation is restri cted by flat face of the top casing. For SCP pumps Burgmann made M G1 or M 7
For rest of the single stage pumps plain neck rings mechanical seals are used.
with neck ring pins in bottom casing for locking
are used. The neck ring pin is press fitted in the 6.1.4 Rotating element
neck ring. The rotating element of SCP pump consist of fol-
lowing parts
6.1.3 Sealing system
To prevent leakage along the shaft at the point of

For gland pack version pumps

No. Part description No. Part description

1 Shaft 13 O-ring
2 Impeller 14 Bearing end cover (D.E.)
3 Impeller key 15 Bearing (D.E.)
4 Sleeve 16 Bearing housing (D.E.)
5 Neck ring 17 Bearing end cover (N.D.E.)
6 Sleeve nut 18 Bearing (N.D.E.)
7 Spacer Sl eeve 19 Lock w asher
8 Stuffing box bush 20 Lock nut
9 Logging ring 21 Bearing housing (N.D.E.)
10 Gland 22 Coupling key
11 Gland packing 23 Water throw er
12 Thrust collar 24 Neck ring pin

For mechanical seal version pumps

No. Part description No. Part description

1 Imp ell er 13 Bearing end cover (D.E.)

2 Shaft 14 Bearing (D.E.)
3 Neck ri ng 15 Bearing housing (D.E.)
4 Imp ell er key 16 Thrust collar
5 Sleeve 17 Bearing end cover (N.D.E.)
6 O-ring 18 Bearing (N.D.E.)
7 Spacer Sl eeve 19 Lock w asher
8 Sleeve nut 20 Lock nut
9 Stuffing box bush 21 Bearing housing (N.D.E.)
10 M echanical seal 22 Coupling key
11 Graub screw 23 Water thrower
12 Gland plate 24 Neck ring pin

The rotating element consist of a shaft on to The pump rotor is supported ondeep groove ball
which an impeller is placed and arrested at its bearings on either side of the shaft. Bearings are
position with a key to avoid free rotation with res- located i n the bearing housing, which are attached
pective of rotation of the shaft . Renewable shaft to the end of the pump casing. Stuffing box
sleeves are provided on both side to protect the bushes are provided on eit her side of t he s haft on
shaft from corrosion and erosion. The impeller is the sleeve and is located in the bottom half of the
locked at its position by sleeve and cowl nuts, casing in half-spigot. The purpose of stuffing box
which have threads left/right handed as per the bush i s to guide the l i qui d toward the impeller eye.
direction of rotation of shaft. Whereas the back face of the stuffing box provi-
des support to gland packing. Water thrower is
placed after gland plate on both side of shaft.

Installation and operating instructions Wilo-SCP 15

7 I nstall ati on and electrical conn ecti on The existing accident pre vention regulations
(Moto r / pu mp coupling s ystem) must be observe d.

DANGER! Ri s k of getting crushe d! WARNI NG! Danger of electric shock!

The installation or removal of the product must Any hazards from electrical current should be
not be performed by one pers on alone. ruled out.
Measures should be taken to bar persons from Any instructions from local or general directives
standing beneath a suspended load. Further- [e.g. IEC, VDE etc.] or di recti ves of the local elec-
more, it is also prohibited to move suspended tricity supply companies must be observed.
loads over exposed work places where people
are present. The fastening devices should be 7.1 Installation of bare shaft pump
adapted to the conditions at hand (weather, It is strongly recommended to us e component
hooking system, load, etc.) Use suitable fas te- such as coupling, guards, motors , base plates sup-
ning devices to handle the weight of the pro- plied by Wilo to install a bare shaft pump on a base
duct. plate.
WARNING! Dang er of personal injury! It is mandatory that thos e components should be
The installation and electrical connection should CE certified and the coupling guard must comply
be performed only by qualified pe rsonnel in wit h the regulation EN 953.
compliance with local regulations. This section
provi des instructions on the recommen de d 7.1.1 Electri cal motor selection
methods of installing pumpi ng sets on to con- Select an electrical motor with sufficient power
crete foundations. Careful attention must be margin regarding the motor rati ng. The table bel-
pai d to the customer and contra ctor’s i nstalla- low will guide you in thi s selection.
tion drawi ngs duri ng the installation procedures
to ensure that the pumpi ng set is accurately
positioned on the correct datum le vels.

Shaft power P2 ≤ 4 KW 4 kW < P2 ≤ 10 kW 10 kW < P2 ≤ 40 kW 40 kW ≤ P2

Recommended power 25 % 20 % 15 % 10 %
margi n

Example: 7.1.3 Selection of a base plate

• Duty point: 100 m3/h – 35 m – pump efficiency Select a base plate in accordance with the local
78 % regulations , sufficiently large and strong to sup-
• Pump shaft power : 12,5 kW port the pump and motor.
• El ect ri cal motor rating (including margin) :
12,5 * 1,15 = 14,3 kW 7.1.4 Pumpset assembling
• IEC motor power rating available : 15 kW Fix the pump and motor equipped with their half
coupling on the base plate and make the align-
Use a foot mounted motor B3 (IM 1001) which ment of those elements. It is recommended to fit
comply to the IEC34-1 standard. the coupling guard supplied as accessories by
7.1.2 Coupli ng selection
Use a semi-fl exi bl e coupling to li nk t he pump to NOTE:
the driver.
Select the size of the coupling in accordance with If pum p is suppli ed with coupling and mot or mount ed on
the recommendation of the coupling manufactu- the base-pl ate, pleas e ensure proper alignm ent of pump
rer. Strictly follow the coupling manufacturer’s
motor and coupling.
instructions for the fitting of the coupling bet-
ween the pump and the motor. (The coupling
must comply with the standard EN349). The align-
ment of the pumps and the motor must be che-
cked after the instal l at ion of the pump set on its
foundation and when the piping is connected. In
addition an alignment control must take place
when the system works at its nominal tempera-
ture. The coupling guard must comply with the EN
953 standard in order to avoid any contact with
rotating parts during operations.

7.2 Installation of the complete pump set NOTE:
• Before any installation work is carried out, the Leave top of foundation rough! Do not finish with
machine should be inspected for damage that may trowel.
have occurred during handling, transport & sto- • A pipe sleeve about 2 ½ diameters large than the
rage. bolt should be used to allow movement for the
• Inst all ati on wit h in a buil di ng: install the pump in a fi nal positioning of t he bolts. For installations
dry, well ventilated and frost-res istant room. where a low level of noise is expected, built the
• Pumping machinery should have adequat e access foundation in a pit lined with appropriate insula-
and working room for m aint enance operations. tion material in order to avoid vi bration trans mis-
Adequate overhead space for lifting devices and sion to the ground.
working clearance must be prov ided. CAUTI ON! Ris k of materi al damage!
• Inst all ati on outside a b u il di ng (outdoor installa- Do not hold the pump by the motor/module
tion): when tightening the screwed connections.
• Install the pump with a suitable protect ion to Appl y the wrench surfaces to the suction/pres-
avoid rainfalls strong wind and particles which sure port inserte d.
can damage t he pump or motor. • It is insufficient to check level on t he machined
• Av oid exposure of the pump to direct sunlight. pads of base plate with a spi rit level because it is
• An appropriate solution to avoid frost must be possible that some types of errors will not be
implemented. revealed or will be accepted as being within
CAUTI ON! Ris k of materi al damage! acceptable limits. These distortions as showed i n
E nsu re sufficient ventilation/heating if the figure 4. Therefore it is necessary to use I-beam
ambient temperature exceeds/falls below the straight edge along with engineers mast er level.
permitted limit values.
• C arry out all welding and soldering work prior to 7.2.2 Le velling and installing the base plate
the installation of the pump. CAUTI ON! Ris k of materi al damage!
CAUTI ON! Ris k of materi al damage! Pumps and dri vers that are received with both
Di rt from the pipe system can destroy the pump machines mounted on a common base plate are
duri ng operation. Fl us h the pipe system pri or to checked for alignment before shipment. Howe-
the installation of the pump. ver during shipment, storage it may get distur-
• Provide shut-off valves in front of and behind the bed.
pump. • Use I-beam straight edge and an engineer’s mas-
ter level (with accuracy of 0.02 mm / meter) for
7.2.1 Foundations (figures 2, 3) levelli ng the base plate. I-beam should rest on the
The foundation should be sufficiently substantial machined surfaces of the base plate, or on the
to absorb any vibration and to form a permanent, levelli ng pads if provided. These machined sur-
ri gi d support for the base plate. The foundation faces where level is being checked must be clean
must get large dimensions. and free from paint, burrs etc.
Generally, the weight of the foundation is around • Check datum position of base frame as given in
2 to 3 time the pump set weight. Thi s is important G.A. Adjust the level of the bas e plate by inserting
in maintaining the alignment of a direct connec- shims between the bed plate and the packer plate
ted unit. In building t he foundation, the top of the until the bed plate is levelled and supported on all
foundation shoul d be left approximately one inch the packing plates at the height required for the
low to allow for grouting. Foundation bolts of the connection of suction and discharge branches. For
proper size should be embedded in the concrete, checking the levels across two pads, I-beam type
located by template (refer figure 3). straight edge should be used ext ensi vel y in con-
junctions with engi neer’s master level. Level
should be achieved within 0.05 mm per 250 mm.
• When the base plate is levelled, grout t he founda-
tion bolts only. Care should be taken so as not to
disturb the verticality of foundation bolts. For
grouting use ri ch mi x of 1: 1:2 of cement, sand and
gravel below 12 mm. Alternatively quick setting
grout mix can be us ed.
• When the grout has set, gently but firmly tight en
the foundation bolts. Care must be taken not to
distort the base plate or loosen the foundation
bolts in the grout by excessive tightening.
Foundation bolt
• When the grout has set, gently but firmly tight en
the foundation bolts. Care must be taken not to
1 Erection packers
distort the base plate or loosen the foundation
2 Fi ni sh grout
bolts in the grout by excessive tightening.
3 Concrete

Installation and operating instructions Wilo-SCP 17

7.2.3 Alignment of the pumps and its dri vi ng units Radial alignment
• When the base plate is levelled and the satisfac- • Cl am p a dial gauge on one of the couplings or to
tory-alignment is com p l eted, proceed with con- the s haft as shown i n figure 5 with t he plunger
nection of suction & delivery piping. Recheck the resting on the rim of t he other half coupling. Set
alignment after piping and run the final grout the di al zero. Rotate the coupling and note the
beneath the base plat e. All o w minimum seven reading at each quarter revolution. Any variation in
days time for curing. Grout mix in the proportion the readings indicates t he deviation from align-
specified earlier for foundation bolt grouting ment and the position of one of the units must be
should be used. It is further recommend that all adjusted until the readings at each quart er revol u-
hollow pockets in the base plate s hal l be filled tion are identical or wit hi n the tolerances given
after curing of earlier grout . below. Refer figure 5b
• The following procedures outline recommended
practice given in BS-3170 in 1972 (Appendi x A) Alignment Tol erance s
for checking shaft alignment. Thi s method is inde-
pendent of t he trueness of the coupling or shaft Pump speed Angular Radial
and is, therefore, not affected by cant ed coupling alignment alignment
faces or eccentri ci t y of the outside diameter of
the coupling. Before commencing the al ig nment , A < 1000 rpm 0.15 mm TIR 0.15 mm TIR
rotate each shaft indep endently to check that the B > 1000 rpm t o 0.1 mm TIR 0.15 mm TIR
bearings run freely and that the shaft is true to 1800 rpm
0.1mm or better. Check that no damage can be C 1800 rpm to 0.05 mm TIR 0.1 mm TIR
caused when the shaft of the driven unit is turned. 3000 rpm
C o upli ng should be loosely coupled and the halves
TIR = Total In di c ate d R e a ding
must be free to move relative to each other,
otherwise gauge Indicators can be incorrect . Distance between coupling halves for S CP
Where, tightly fitting pins or spring prev ent loose
pu mps
coupling, the springs or pins should be removed
and a line scribed across both half couplings and
readings taken only when the two marks are al ig-

CAUTI ON! Ris k of materi al damage!

All the alignments (angul ar as well as radi al )
have to be carri ed out by using 3 di al indicators,

Angul ar alignment
• Aft er isolating the driven unit from its power sup-
ply, clamp two dial i ndicators at diametrically Rotational speed Ga p
opposite points on one half coupling or to the [mm]
shaft behind it with the plunger resting on the
back of the other half coupling (See figure 5). 990 rpm 1450 rpm 2900 rpm
Rotat e the coupling unit. The gauges are to be in – 3-55 kW 3-55 kW 2-4
line verti call y and set the dial to read zero. Rotate 90-120 kW 75-250 kW 75-560 kW 2-6
the coupling by 180 and record the readings on > 120 kW > 250 kW > 560 kW 3-8
each gauge. The readings should be identical ,
though not necessarily zero. Either positive or
negative readings are acceptable provided they
are equal ly positive or negative. Adjust the posi-
tion of one of the units if necessary. Rotate the
coupling unit. The gauges are to be in t he li ne
horizontally and adjust the di al to zero. Repeat the
operation outlined above by rotating the coupling
by 180°.

7.2.4 Pipe work
No stress must be imposed on the pump casing by
the pipe work; neither by the wei ght of the pipes
nor by the tight ening of badly fitting pipes
(figure 6). All pipe worked attached to the pump
must be fully supported and the mating faces of
the pipe flanges must be parallel and all bolt holes
coincidi ng with each other. (see tabl e of maximum
forces on flanges) It is important ,therefore, that
alignment of the pump and motor should be re-
checked after the pipes are fi nall y fitted. R eset- Avoid stress on the pump casing
a: pump flange; b: pipe work
ting or supporting the pipes must correct any
deviation in the al i gnment.
For difficult pumping on the suction side, to stabi-
lise the flow, a pipe length 15 times the diameter
of the suction branch should be installed before
the suction branch.
• The flow rate i n t he suction line or inflow line must
not exceed 2 - 3 m/s.
• Pipe velocity may need to be reduced further to
satisfy pump NPSH requi rements and to control
suction pipe losses (refer figure 6).

Forces [N] an d moments [Nm]
No mi nal S izes of Flanges
Forces (N) an d Moments (Nm)
Flange size 50 65 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

Each si de
nozzle Fx
Fy 710
890 890
1130 1070
1330 1420
1780 2490
3110 3780
4890 5340
6670 6670
8000 7120
8900 8450
10230 9335
1115 10000
Fz 580 710 890 1160 2050 3110 4450 5340 5780 6670 7335 7890
Fr 1280 1640 1920 2560 4480 9620 9630 11700 12780 14850 16230 17650

Each n ozzle Mx 460

My 230 690
435 950
470 1330
680 2300
1180 3530
1760 5020
2440 6100
2980 6370
3120 7320
3660 7675
3905 7945
Mz 350 530 720 1000 1760 2580 3800 4610 4750 5420 5725 6060
Mr 620 970 1280 1800 3130 4710 6750 8210 8540 9820 10235 10775

Installation and operating instructions Wilo-SCP 19

7.2.5 S uction line 7.2.6 Discharge line
See the sket ches figure 7 for the optimum layout CAUTI ON! Damage to the pump
of pump installation for flow and suction lift ope- Pump casings have sometimes been cracked by
ration. Ensure that air pockets cannot be created. pressure surges imposed on them through the
Unequal nominal widths of the suction branch and absence of a non-return valve. A back flow can
suction line must be compens ated by eccentric serisouly damage the bearings and the mechani-
transition pieces (refer figure 8). cal seal.
• It is recommended that a strainer is installed in For flow regulation, a valve must be installed
front of the suction pipe wit h a filter surface of at behind the pump. If non-return valves are used,
least 3 times the pipe cross section (approx.100 they should close s moothly . P ressure shocks must
meshes/cm²). be avoided.
• The suction opening of the suction line should be
well below the li qui d l evel , and a strainer should be
used. 7.2.7 S tuffing box packing (fig. 9)
• The strainer must be far enough from the bottom CAUTI ON! Ris k of qui ck wear or leakages
to avoid excessive inlet losses, which could impair Packing should be handled with care and it
pumping performance. It is advisable to check that should not be allowed to pick up the dus t or
there is no leakage. abrasive matter by coming into contact with
• A s hut-off valve should be installed in the feed floors or di rty benches. It is bad practice to ham-
line. It must be closed for maint enance work. It mer packing to facilitate the insertion.
should be installed in order to avoid air pockets Pumps are dispatched from our works with the
forming i n t he spindle cap, i.e. with the spindle in stuffing boxes unpacked; otherwise packing will
a horizontal position or pointing vertically down- be aged. The packing is packed with greaseproof
ward. paper and dispatched with the pump. The softest
possible packing i.e. plaited cotton impregnated
with oil and co ll oi dal graphite is recommended for
most duties. Required number of and lengths of
packing should be cut off so that each length will
pass once round the shaft sleeve line and meet to
end. The ends of packing must be cut at 45 °. After
cleaning the stuffing box and shaft sleeves the
packing should be ins erted into the stuffing box.
Each ri ng should be pushed into position individu-
all y using the glands joi nt of each ring must be
positioned 180˚ from joints of its neighbour. A
loggi ng ring i ncluded i n the arrangement; should
be inserted into the stuffing box at the appropri-
ate time during the packing sequence so that it is
Layout of pump installation aligned with the cooli ng w ater connection. The
gland should now be fitted square with the pump
1) Eccentric reducer (suction) or concentric casing and t he nut should be screwed up to little
reducer (di s charge) more than finger t ightness.
2) Isolating valve
3) Suction line 7.2.8 Mechani cal seal
4) Bend CAUTI ON! Damage to the pump
5) Foot valve with strainer Never start the pum p without liqui d inside
6) Isolating valve otherwise the mechanical seal will be damaged
7) Regulating valve instantaneously.
No real operation is required during the setup of
the pump. Only filli ng and venting the pump are
mandatory before switching on the main.

7.2.9 Pressure gauge connections

CAUTI ON! Ris k of leakage of the fluid!
Never connect a pressure gauge onto the pump
when the system is under pressure.
Pressure gauge connections are available on the
pump casing close to the flanges. Then pressure
gauge can be connected on suction and discharge

7.2.10 El ectri cal connection 7.2.11 Ope ration with frequency con verter
WARNI NG! Danger of electric shock The rotation speed can be adjusted in the opera-
The electrical connection should be established ting limits of the pump given in the t echni cal data.
by an electrician approved by the local electri - The electrical motors can be driven by a frequency
city supply company in compliance with the converter in order t o adapt the pump performan-
applicable local regulations [e.g. VDE regulati- ces the duty point requi red. Please contact Wilo
ons]. before connecting the frequency converter to the
• The current type and voltage of the mains con- motor to make sure that the electrical motor i s
nection must correspond to the specifications on compatible with this driver. In any case, please
the name plate. inform Wil o at the quotation stage if the pump set
• R efer to the motor and panels instruction manual will by driven by a frequency converter this m i ght
at the time of ins tall ation and connection. M otors influence the motor s election.
or electrical control panels are operated with • The converter should never generat e volt ages
alternating or industrial high-voltage current. peaks to the motor connection higher than 850V
• The electrical connection is established vi a a fixed and deliver voltages variations ΔU/ Δt greater than
mains connection line. 2500 V/μs.
• The lo cal regulations must be adhered to. • If the above conditions cannot be fulfill ed, an
• Ensure that there is a provision for isolation of all appropriate filter should be place between the
energy sources and locking. If the machine has frequency converter and the motor. Please con-
been switched off by, a protective device, it must tact the frequency converter manufacturer for
not be switched on again until the error has been guidance in the selection of this filter.
corrected. • Strictly follow the Frequency converter manufac-
• The electrical system (machine including prot ec- turer instructions.
tive devices and operating position) must always • The minimum rotation speed of the pump should
be grounded. R efer pump GA drawing & respective never go bellow 40% of the nomi nal speed.
manuals of motor/electrical control panel for con-
necting earthing suitable as per motor rating and
relevant regulations and st andards including pro- 8 Commissioning
per earthing lug size and fasteners . WARNI NG! Danger of injury
• Under no circumstances may any connecting The devices whether on pump/motor/electrical
cables touch the pipeline or the pump or motor panels must never be dismantled or disabled.
housing. They must be checked by an authorized techni-
• If there is a possi bility that people can come into cian for proper functioning before, start-up.
contact with the machine and the pumped liquid Refer to motor & electrical panel instruction
(e.g. at construction sit es), the grounded connec- manuals for electrical safety & control devices
tion must be additionally equipped with a fault information.
current protection device. WARNI NG! Danger of pump damage!
• To ensure drip water protection and strain relief of Do not operate the pump away from specified
the cable connections, use cables with an approp- operating range. Operating beyond duty point
riate outer diameter and screw the cable glands may not pose a ri s k to the operator but will
ti ght. Furthermore any cables nearby screwed re duce the efficiency of the pump or damage the
connections for outl et loops should be bent in pu mp i tself. Operati on more than 5 minutes, at
order to di vert any accumulating drip water. Close close valve condition is not recommende d. For
any unassigned cable glands with the existing hot liqui ds this is not recommended at all.
sealing discs and screw them ti ght. Ens ure that always site NPSH-A is more than

8.1 Cl eani ng prior to start

8.1.1 Pipe work flushing

Before the pumps are brought into service, either
on initi al commissioning or on re-commissioning
after overhaul, the pipe work associated with the
pumps must be flushed through. This will clear
deposits or scales which may have accumulated in
the pipes, and which could damage the i nt ernal
components of the pumps.

Installation and operating instructions Wilo-SCP 21

8.1.2 Cl ea ni ng of bearings 8.2.2 Pumps operating on negative suction he ad
SCP pumps are fitted with pre-lubricated, sealed There are two methods of priming pumps that
bearings which do not require ext ernal lubrication draw their liqui d from an elevation lo wer than the
for life. For Ball bearings which require external pump inlet branch:
greasing and i f the unit has been in store for a long • If the inlet pipe work is fitted wit h a non- return
period before commissioning, the bearings should foot valve, the pump casing and inlet pipe work
be cleaned and flushed out with clean white spirit can be filled with li qui d from an external source
or good quality paraffin. Waste oil/paraffin & used under pressure. The pressure imposed on the
cotton clot h should not be used for this purpose, pump by this method must not exceed that for
as particles of foreign matter may be left behind which the pump is designed. In certain cases pri-
which would caus e damage when the bearing is in ming can be achieved by flooding back from t he
service. B eari ngs should be then fi ll ed with recom- delivery side of the pump.
mended grade and quality of fresh lubricant t o the • By extracting ai r or gas from the pump casing. To
level. Refer list of lubricants at the end of this enable this method to be used, t he gl and arrange-
manual . ment must be sufficiently ai r-tight or it should be
liqui d sealed from an external supply. For opera-
8.2 Fil li ng and venting tion details of gas exhausts reference should be
Fill and vent t he system correctly, through air made t o t he manufacturer’s instructions. Some
cock. B ri ef dry running will damage the pump. Ple- form of pri ming indicator is usually fitt ed to ind i-
ase also note that these pumps are not self-pri- cate when the priming operation is complet e.
ming, which means that the i m pell er & casing
must always be full y filled with fl ui d to be handled 8.2.3 Pumps operating on hot liquids
before putting in operation Pumps operating on hot liquids are usually so
WARNI NG! Danger of injury! arranged that the liquid flow into the pump is
There is a ri s k of burns if the pum p is touched! under pressure. If the sat uration pressure of such
The entire pump may become very hot, depen- liquids is above at mospheric pressure, any att-
ding on the operating state of the pump or sys- empt to prime the pump will result in the liquid
tem (fluid temperature). "flashing" from the air cocks. For these reasons,
CAUTI ON! Danger sealing system damage! the ai r cocks at the top of the pump casing should
Any attempt to run the pum p dry or parti all y full be left slightly open when priming boiler circula-
may result in seizure of the rotating internal ting pumps until air has been driven out of the
components. casing completely.
The cooling water services of a pump handling hot
8.2.1 Pumps operating on flooded suction head liquids should be turned on before t he pump is pri-
When these pumps operate on a flooded open the med. These services may supply cooling water to
air release valve situated on top of the pump the bearings and / or stuffing boxes. Where the
casing, open the pump in let isolating valve and services are functioning, open the inl et valves and
vent the air out of the casing. When the liquid start warming the pump throughout. Nev er cut off
issues from the air vent, free of air, the pump is the water services while the pump is "on tempera-
properly primed. The air vent must be closed aft er ture". Where bearings are wat er- cool ed, adjust the
priming and before the pumping set is started.. cooling wat er supply until the bearings have a
running heat. Over-cooling may lead to conden-
sation of moisture from the at mosphere inside t he
bearing wit h consequent contamination of the oil.
The suction valve, if provided, must be ful ly open
and the delivery valve must be clos ed.

8.3 S tarting the pump

8.3.1 Direction of rotation

Di s connect the drive coupling and run the motor
to check its direction of rotation. A directional
arrow is provided on the pump unit.

8.3.2 Pre-starting checks tive devices incorporated in the au xili ary and main
• Check that the inlet isolating valve is open and pumping control system.
that the delivery valve is cl osed. • Ens ure that all electrical checks on motor, relay
• Check that there is no blockage in t he strainer at setting in panel etc have been carried out i n
the end of the suction line. accordance with the instructions of motor manu-
• Check for free rotation of the unit when coupled. facturer.
• Check that suction and d eli very pressure gauges • Ensure that stuffing box sealing water seal con-
are connected. Test and make available any alarm, nection is provided as shown in GA Drawing.
signal s , int erl ock syst ems and any of the protec-

Pre-start Check up

Activities Checked on Remarks

1 Ali gn m ent with and without piping
2 Flushing of pipe lines and ensure no leak ages
3 Avail abilit y of sufficient liquid in sump/suction as per specifica-
4 Installation of all instruments
• Suction and delivery pressure gauges
• Pressure switches
• Temperature gauges
• Any other as supplied/specified
5 Operation of suction, delivery and inline valves
6 Proper supports for piping and other allied equip ments
7 Avali abilit y of flushing/sealing li qui d for stuffing box
8 Avail abilit y of sufficient cooling li qzi d for bearings as speci fi ed
9 Free rotation of pump and drive shafts
10 Lubrication of bearings
11 Checking of insulation resistance of motor
12 Proper cable termination
13 M otor protection relay s ettings
14 Check all interlocks as specified/provided
15 No load trial operation of drive
• Direction of rotation is ok
• Nois e and vibration within limits
• Bearing temperatures and winding temperatures are within
• Overall operation is s atisfact ory
16 Coupling of pump and drive and free rotation of shafts in coupled
17 Suction valve is full y opened
18 Pump is full y primed and all air is vented
19 Del ivery valve is closed (i f requi red)
20 Emergency shutdown is possibl e

8.3.3 Normal starting and run ni ng checks • If applicable, ensure that the stuffing box is not
• When all t he foregoing pre-start checks are s atis- overheating and that there is s light leakage from
factory, start the pump and check the direction of the gland (about 1 drop per second). There may be
rotation (indicated by a direction arrow on the at first a tendency for the stuffing boxes to run
pump casing) otherwise stop the pump immedia- warm because of the high viscosity lubricant in
tel y for correction of direction of rotation. Then the packing. During the first few minutes of run-
run the pump at its rated speed. ning with new packing, a small quantity of very
• Check the ammeter reading t o ens ure that the viscous fluid will be extruded, but the flow should
motor is not being overloaded. reduce when the packing has settled down.

Installation and operating instructions Wilo-SCP 23

• Check the mechanical seal for leak. In the start 8.3.4 Sealing system
phase (and also after downtimes) slight leakage Gland packing
can be expected. Vis u al leakage checks are howe- CAUTI ON! Ris k of damaging the pump!
ver required from time t o time. Distinctly visible If the gland plate is too tight, the packing stuff
leakage will require an exchange of the seal. Wil o will be immediately damage.
offers a repair s et containing all p arts required for At the beginning of the operation, the leak at the
an exchange. gland packing should be important. It should
• Check t hat the bearing is not overheating. Bea- reduce progressively after several hours by a
rings will normally run at a temperature of 30 ˚C- balanced and reasonable ti ght ening the gland
35 ˚C above ambient temperature. The ideal run- plate. The gland packing must operate without
ning t emperature of bearings is 40 ˚C to 60 ˚C for excessive temperature. The correct setting of the
ball bearings and 40 ˚C to 55 ˚C for bush bearings. gland packing let a permanent leak around 1 or 2
The temperature should never exceed 82 ˚C for drops per seconds.
ball bearings and 75 ˚C for bush bearings. If the If this leak is too much and cannot be adjusted
bearings are overheating its cause should be with the gland plate, the packing stuff are worn
investigated i m mediately. and must be replaced.
• If the foregoing checks are satisfactory, open the Mec hani cal seal
deli very v al ve sl owl y and bring the pump gradually CAUTI ON! Ris k of damaging the pump!
up -to its rated paramet ers indi cat ed in the data A mechanical seal must never operate without
sheet/name plate and based on pressure gauge fluid and l ubri cati on even for a short period of
and ammeter readings. Unless the pump is fitted time.
with a special leak-off device, it should not be run Insure that the pump is completely full of water
for a long period against a closed delivery valve. and vented before starting the pump. S m all leaka-
Check that the drivi ng unit is not being overloaded ges can occur during the period of running-in,
during valve opening. Overloading may occur if they should disappear aft er several hours of ope-
the pump is discharging into an empty system. If ration. If the leakages don’t stop, shut down the
the pumping unit fai ls to generate at least its rated pump disassemble the mechanical seal and con-
delivery pressure it must be stopped immediately, trol thei r conditi on.
the cause as cert ained,
• Check vibration of pump set and ensure that vib- 8.3.5 Normal shutdown
ration level is within limits specified. Check that WARNING! Ris k of Burns!
noise level is within stipulated limits. If the fluid temperature and system pressure is
• the pumps may be run for 8 hours trial operation high, close the isolation val ves upstream and
and all the parameters like delivery pressure, cur- downstream of the pump. I ni ti all y let the pump
rent, bearing temperature, et c. B e recorded perio- cool .
dically. • Close the delivery valve to reduce the load on the
M ake the fol lowi ng checks at regular intervals. It is driving unit.
recommended that they be made at every change • Stop the driver of the pump.
of shift. • When the pump has come to rest, close the suc-
• Check t he suction and discharge pressure gauge tion-isolating valve.
for normal operating pressure, if there is signifi- • Is olate any ancil l ary supplies .
cant drop in the suction or discharge pressure the
pump may have lost its s up pl y. In the event of this 8.3.6 Emergency S hutdown
fault occurring, the pump must be stopped imme- In the event of any malfunction of the equipment,
diately and the cause of liquid loss eli m inated. switch off the pump set. When the pump has
• Check the mechanical seal or stuffing box as sem- come to rest, close the suction & discharge valves,
bly for overheati ng. isolate the driving unit power supply & rectify the

9 Ma in ten ance tine maintenance checks for this purpose are as
Maintenance and repai r work should be carried • To keep dail y logbook records of worki ng parame-
out by qualified personnel only. ters like suction and discharge pressure, flow rate,
WARNI NG! Danger of electric shock! current drawn, beari ng temperature, etc. These
Any danger from ele ctrical current should be parameters should be recorded twice a shift. Any
rul ed out. sudden change should be a signal for investiga-
• The pum p should be electrically isolated and tion. Refer Section M aintenance & Insp ection log.
secured against unauthori se d s witch-on prior to • Check bearings for normal temperature. See 8.3.3
any maintenance or repai r work. • Vibration & sound level readings should be taken
• Any damage to the connection cable should once in a fortnight and values compared with that
always be rectified by a qua lified electrician of previous records.
only. • Check that t here is sufficient leakage from the
WARNING! Ris k of scalding! gland packing to ensure proper cooli ng and lubri-
At high fluid temperatures and system pressu- cation. (i f applicable) For mechanical seal , check
res, allow the pum p to cool down first and then that there is no visible leakage.
depressurise the syste m. • For any abnormality observed from the visual/
manual inspection and through maintenance &
9.1 Routine maintenance and frequency of inspection logs, stop the pump and investigate.
inspection • Fault finding - M any of the common faul ts which
Centrifugal pump requires very little routine occur on centrifugal pumps and which can be dia-
maint enance, However, serious troubles can be gnosed by observations are given i n the chart
often avoided by regular observation and analysis under section 10 Faults, causes and remedies.
of various working parameters . Some of the rou-

Routine maintenance

Parts Action Period Remarks

M echanical Seal Check for Leakage Daily
Gland Packing Check for Leakage Daily 10 to 120 drops/min
Check for Leakage Hal f yearly If required replace with new pickings
Bearings Check temperature Weekly Bearings are greased for life and are main-
taince free
Su ction P ressure Check P ressure Daily
Discharge P ress ure Check Pressure Daily
Flushing Check Flow Weekly Flow through the Flushing pipes must be
clear and continuous
Vibration Vibration Weekly
Voltage and Current Check for the rated values Weekly
Rotating element Check the rotating for wear Yearly
Clearances Check the clearances bet- Yearly If value of clearance is more, neck ring
ween neck ring and impeller should be replaced
Total Dynami c Head Check Suctio n and Discharge Yearly
Alignment Check the ali g n ment of pump Hal f yearly For reference use pump motor GA Drawing
with motor

In case fault can not be diagnosed, please fill up
the form in section the Issue/Feed back and send
it to service depart ment at Wilo.

Installation and operating instructions Wilo-SCP 25

9.2 Overhaul mai ntenance NOTE:
The figures given in t he table above are only valid
9.2.1 General information if the wear rings and the impeller are made with in
After a long period of service, wear will occur in the same materials of low galling t endenci es . For
parts of the pump, necessitating t he renewal of a materials with higher gall i ng t endencies (AISI 304/
few components. Logbook records will indicate 316 etc...), higher clearance i s provided (0.125 mm
wear as gradual deterioration of performance is to be added to given values).
noticed. Once this is known, pumps should be Information regarding ori ginal des ign dimensions
taken for overhaul. It is recommended that yearly and cl earances is furnished in data sheet. Any
stripping & checking of wear & tear and clearances other information, if needed, can be requested
should be done and overhauli ng where requi red. from Service Department, WILO SE. Such request
If related pair of components show a marked must quote name plate number and type of the
degree of wear in relation to the rest of the unit, pump in question.
then it may be sufficient to renew only the heavily The parts most likely to be affected are:
worn components. If the wear is uniform throug- • Impel l er
hout the pump, then all wearable components • Mechanical seal
may require renewal. • Neck Rings
M easurements should be taken and recorded of all • Sleeves
wearable components at the first, and every sub- • Stuffing B ox Bush
sequent overhaul period. Reference to these • Bearings
records will enable an accurate assess ment of the • Coupling Bushes/ membrane s et
rate of wear to be made, and a reasonably accurate
forecast regarding when a particular component Before commencing dismantling operations,
may require renewal can be made. ensure that the following tools and tackles are
avail abl e:
I nternal nominal Nomi nal gap at the • A crane / chain pulley block suitable for handling
diameter of the wear diameter in (mm) the weight of pumping unit .
ring in (mm) • A s election of ri ng and op en-ended spanners in
Briti sh and M etri c sizes.
65 0.38 • Eyebolts in B riti s h and M etric sizes.
100 0.46 • Cotton rope, wire rope and slings.
150 0.58 - 0.55 • Hardwood and metal packing blocks.
• M iscellaneous tools i ncluding a set of Allen keys,
200 0.62
drills , pin drivers, files etc.
250 0.68 • Ext ract or / puller for bearing and coupli ng.
300 0.74
350 0.84 - 0.80 The torque value to be set for a parti cu l ar size of
screw is dependent upon:
• Material of screw
• Parent metal
• Whether the screw is untreated or plated
• Whether the screw is dry or lubri cated
• The depth of the thread

Tightening torques – Untreated S crew (black fini s h); Coefficient of Fri cti on 0.14
Property Torque Nomi nal diameter – Coarse thread
M6 M8 M10 M12 M14 M16 M20 M22 M24 M27 M30 M33 M36
8.8 Nm 9.2 22 44 76 122 190 300 350 500 600 1450 1970 2530
Ft. lb 6.8 16.2 32.5 56 90 140 221 258 369 443 1069 1452 1865

9.3 Disassembling the pump

Ex ploded view of SC P pump ( Gl and pack version)

Glan d pack ve rsion

No. De scription No. Description
1 C asing top half 20 Bearing end cover (Non Drive En d)
2 C asing bottom half 21 Stud for bearing end cover
3 Impeller 22 Bearing (Non Drive End)
4 Shaft 23 Lock washe r
5 Neck ring ( We ar ring) 24 Lock n ut
6 Impeller key 25 Be aring housing (Non Drive End)
7 Shaft sleeve 26 Hex plug
8 O-ring 27 Air cock
9 Spacer Sleeve 28 Hex screw for jacking
10 Sleeve nut 29 Studs for splitflange
11 Stuffing box bush 30 Coupling key
12 Gland packing 31 Gaske t
13 Logging ring 32 Water thrower
14 Gland 33 Steady pin
15 Stud for gland 34 Stud coupling
16 Bearing end cover (Drive End) 35 Sealing connection (Flushing Pipe)
17 Bearing (Drive End) 36 Hex screw for bearing housing
18 Bearing housing (Drive End) 37 4 way valve
19 Thrust collar 38 Neck ring pin

Installation and operating instructions Wilo-SCP 27

Ex ploded view of S CP (M ech ani cal seal version)

Mech ani cal se al ve rsion

No. De scription No. Description
1 C asing top half 20 Bearing end cover (Non Drive En d)
2 C asing bottom half 21 Stud for bearing end cover
3 Impeller 22 Bearing (Non Drive End)
4 Shaft 23 Lock washe r
5 Neck ring ( We ar ring) 24 Lock n ut
6 Impeller key 25 Be aring housing (Non Drive End)
7 Shaft sleeve 26 Hex plug
8 O-ring 27 Air cock
9 Spacer Sleeve 28 Hex screw for jacking
10 Sleeve nut 29 Studs for splitflange
11 Stuffing box bush 30 Coupling key
12 Mechanical seal 31 Gaske t
13 Grab screw 32 Water thrower
14 Gland plate 33 Steady pin
15 Stud for gland 34 Stud coupling
16 Bearing end cover (Drive End) 35 Sealing connection (Flushing Pipe)
17 Bearing (Drive End) 36 Hex screw for bearing housing
18 Bearing housing (Drive End) 37 4 way valve
19 Thrust collar 38 Neck ring pin

9.3.1 Disassembling the top casing 9.3.3 Dis ma ntli ng the rotating element (Mechani cal
• Isolate the pump system by closing sucti on and seal version pump)
delivery valve. The onl y difference between disassembly of gland
• Drai n the pump and open the upper air vent (27). pack and mechanical seat version pump is the
• R em ove two steady pins(33) and the split flange disassembly of the mechani cal seal
nuts . The procedure up to water thrower removal i s
• For gland packi ng: same as per gland pack version.
• R em ove nuts of split gland(15) from both ends Disassembly of mechanical seal is as follows:
and slide away the gland(14). Remove gland • Sli de out the gland plate carefully over the shaft.
packing(12) as well as logging ring (13) • Now mark the position of mechanical seal(12) on
• For mechanical seal: the shaft(4) to ease the position while reassemb-
• Disconnect the flushing tubes(35), loos en the ling
nuts of the gland plate(14) and slide them away on • Unscrew the grub screw of the seal adjusting ring
the shaft(4). • Pull the mechanical seal carefully over the shaft
• R em ove al l studs(29) joining top & bottom followed by removal of adjusting ri ng
casing(1&2). Connect suitable lifting tackles to • Rest procedure i s same as explained for gland pack
the eye bolts(37) provided on top half casing(1). version pump
Remove the casing gasket(31)
• R em ove the paper gasket(31) placed in between 9.4 Exami nati on of I nternal Com pon ents
the two casing halves With the disassembled rotating element , the
internal components and clearances can be che-
9.3.2 Dis ma ntli ng the rotating element (Gland pack cked
version pump)
• R em ove the coupling s crew /nut of t he coupling 9.4.1 Casi ng neck ring
• R em ove the screw of the bearing end cover (16 & Use an internal micromet er to measure the bore of
20) casing ring, taking measurements at intervals
• R em ove the steady pin (33) and hex screw (36) of around the circumference to check for uneven
bearing housing (18 & 25) wear. A comparison between thi s dimension and
• Li ft the rotor element that of the impeller neck will indicate the amount
• R em ove the coupling and coupling key(30) of diametrical clearance between the casing neck
• R em ove bearing housings of both drivi ng and non ring and the impeller neck. If this clearance is
driving ends (18 & 25) 150% or more than the original design clearance,
• Now remove the lock nut (24) and lock washer or if the det erioration in hydraulic performances
(23) from the shaft free end has been such that no furt her deterioration can be
• R em ove the both dri ving and non driving bearings tolerated duri ng the next operation period, the
(17 & 22) using puller (Never try to extract the neck ring should be replaced.
bearing by applying force to the outer race) The impeller-wearing ring t o casing neck ri ng
• Now remove the thrust collar(19) from the non clearance must be restored to the original design
driving end of the s haft value by fitting small- in-bore neck rings, bored
• R em ove the water thrower(32) from both sides of out to suit the diameter of the impeller.
the shaft(4)
• R em ove the gland(14) and gland packing(12) from 9.4.2 Shaft S leeves
the shaft along with logging ring(13) The shaft sleeve should be examined to see if it is
• Remove the stuffing box bush(11) from bot h side grooved or generally worn. The outside diameter
• No w unscrew and remove the sleeve nuts(10) and of the sleeve should be measured and a compari-
spacer sleeves(9) on both side son made with the bore of the stuffing box bush
• C arefull y extract the o-ring(8) from the sleeve(7) through which the sleeve passes. The amount of
with suitable tool without damaging it clearance between the two can thus be checked
• Now remove the neck rings(5) from the impel- to determine whether or not it is within accepta-
ler(3) ble limits.
• In order to remove the sleeves effortlessl y, apply
some mol ly cream or grease on the shaft and slide
the sleeves over it(Als o first clean the shaft prior
to the removal of the sleeves). M ark the position
of impeller(3) on the shaft(4) to ease the reposi-
tion it while reass embli n g.
• Now remove the impeller(3) carefully avoiding
damage to the impeller key(6)
• If difficulty is observed in removal of the impeller,
apply heat uniformly over t he impeller shrouds
inwards towards the hub

Installation and operating instructions Wilo-SCP 29

9.4.3 I mpel l er circumference to check the uneven wear. Diffe-
Inspect the impeller as follows: rences between the neck OD and t he neck ring ID
• Exam i ne the impeller for damage. measured will give us the clearance between the
• For corrosive /erosion pitting. two. Clearance t hus obtained should not be more
• Cavitations pitting. than 150% of maximum designed cl earance.
• Bent or cracked vanes, inlet and out let vane end
wear. 9.4.4 Shaft & keys
If damage is extensive, impeller may need replace- Shaft should be checked for the trueness, or any
ment. other mechanical damage and corrosi on. If the
Further information should be sought from Wil o shaft i s not true wit hi n 0.1 mm TIR (Tot al Indicated
before any decision on repair work is undertaken. Reading), it should be replaced/repaired. Exami ne
• Around the eye, wearing rings protects the impel- the shaft keys and keyways. Remove damaged or
ler. Examine around t he eye at neck portion for worn out keys.
grooving in alignment with spindle axis ; slight
grooving is acceptable but deep or profuse groo- 9.4.5 Beari ngs
ving must be remedied by machining the impeller The ball bearings fi tted on the SCP range are gre-
by taking a polish cut on wearing ring. Spare wear ased for life. Then no maintenance is required.
rings are supplied with excess outside di amet er to Check that bearing rotates freely and smoothl y,
facilitate machining after fitti ng. The wear rings veri fy that the outer ring presents no abrasions or
are shrink fitted on impeller neck and are screwed. discoloration. If there is any doubt regarding the
NOTE: serviceabilit y of the bearing it should be replaced.
Impeller wearing rings are an optional feature to As exceptions, the (*) marked models of SCP
enhance the protection for impeller eye. In st an- receive bearing which need re-greasing.
dard case pump is supplied with neck ring only. The re-filling must take place each 1000 hours of
• To check wear around the impeller neck, us e pre- operation and the grease fully replaced every
cision instruments such as outside micrometer to 3000 hours or earlier if the local prescription
accurately measure the outside diameter. M easu- requires it.
rements should be taken at intervals around t he



Designation Size Size

SCP 50-220 HA 6204 2z 6302 2z

SCP 50-180 HA 6304 2z 6304 2z
SCP 50-340 HA 6304 2z 6304 2z
SCP 50-340 D S 6305 2z 6305 2z
SCP 65-390 H S 6305 2z 6305 2z
SCP 80-230 HA 6305 2z 6305 2z
SCP 80-200 HA 6305 2z 6305 2z
SCP 80-380 D S* N206 6305 2z
SCP 80-340 HA 6305 2z 6305 2z
SCP 80-360 D S 6306 2z 6306 2z
SCP 100-270 HA 6305 2z 6305 2z
SCP 100-280 HA 6305 2z 6305 2z
SCP 100-360 HA 6305 2z 6305 2z
SCP 100-400 HA 6305 2z 6305 2z
SCP 100-410 DS 6307 2z 6307 2z
SCP 125-290 HA 6306 2z 6306 2z
SCP 125-330 HA 6306 2z 6306 2z
SCP 125-440 HA 6306 2z 6306 2z
SCP 125-470 HA 6308 2Z 6308 2Z
SCP 125-460 DS 6309 2z 6309 2z
SCP 150-290 HA 6306 2Z 6306 2Z
SCP 150-390 HA 6308 2z 6308 2z
SCP-150-350 HA 6308 2z 6308 2z



SCP 150-440 HA 6308 2z 6308 2z
SCP 150-580 HA 6311 2z 6311 2z
SCP 150-530 HA 6311 2z 6311 2z
SCP 150-460 DS 6309 2z 6309 2z
SCP 200-310 HA 6308 2z 6308 2z
SCP 200-320 HA 6308 2z 6308 2z
SCP 200-370 HA 6308 2Z 6308 2Z
SCP 200-360 HB 6308 2z 6308 2z
SCP 200-390 HA 6311 2z 6311 2z
SCP 200-440 HA 6311 2z 6311 2z
SCP 200-460 HA 6311 2z 6311 2z
SCP 200-550 HA 6311 2z 6311 2z
SCP 200-480 HA 6311 2z 6311 2z
SCP 200-560 HA 6314 2z 6314 2z
SCP 200-660 DV 6314 2z 6314 2z
SCP 250-250 HA 6306 2z 6306 2z
SCP 250-390 HA 6311 2Z 6311 2Z
SCP 250-360 HA 6311 2z 6311 2z
SCP 250-450 HA 6314 2z 6314 2z
SCP 250-570 HA 6314 2z 6314 2z
SCP 250-700 DV* 6316 2z 3316
SCP 250-740 DV* 6316 2z 3316
SCP 300-330 HB 6311 2z 6311 2z
SCP 300-380 HA 6311 2Z 6311 2Z
SCP 300-400 HA 6311 2z 6311 2z
SCP 300-490 HA 6314 2z 6314 2z
SCP 300-570 HA 6314 2z 6314 2z
SCP 300-660 DV 6318 2Z 6318 2Z
SCP 350-500 HA 6314 2z 6314 2z
SCP 350-470 HA 6314 2z 6314 2z
SCP 400-540 HA 6314 2Z 6314 2Z
SCP 400-480 HA 6314 2z 6314 2z
SCP 400-550 HA 6316 2z 6316 2z
SCP 400-710 HA 6316 2z 6316 2z
SCP 400-660 DV* 6316 2z 3319

9.4.6 S tuffing box bush

Check bore of stuffing box bush and compare with
sleeve diameter. If "cl earance is excessive, the
bush should be renew ed.

9.4.7 Mechani cal seal

Ensure that the slidin g face do not pres ent any
scratches or abnormal wear. Verify that the driving
collar is well screwed on the shaft at the right
place. Check that no material block the spring

Installation and operating instructions Wilo-SCP 31

9.5 Reas s em bli ng the pump 9.5.2 Re-assembly of the pump (Gland pack version
9.5.1 Reasse mbl y of rotating element (Gland • Ensure that casing is clean, dry and free from
pack version pump) forei gn matter. Cl ean casing neck ring and st uf-
• Place the impeller key(6) at its seat on the s haft(4) fing box bush seating thoroughly and ensure
• Now slide the imp ell er(3 ) at its position on the they have no burrs.
shaft(4), matching the marked position done • Now lift the rotor assembly and place it on the
while dis ass embl y bottom half casing (2)
• Place the neck ring(5) on the impeller eye • Put a gasket(31) from 0.25 mm thick black joint
• Sli de the sleeve(7) on both side of t he impeller paper or simil ar gasket material and locate on
over the shaft split flange of bottom half casing.
• Ins ert the O-ring(8) in between t he shaft(4) and • M ake sure the neck ring pin(38) provided t o the
sleeve(7) neck ring (5) and stuffing box bush(11) sits pro-
• Now place the spacer sleeve(9);ensuring proper perly in their respective sit
positioning of the O-ring(8) • Now screw the bearing end cover(16 & 20) to
• Screw the sleeve nut(10);but don’t tight it now, the bearing housing (18 & 25) and bearing
keep it loos e housing to the bottom casing(2)
• Now slide in the stuffing box bush(11) over the • Pull the water thrower(32), gland(14) and log-
shaft on both sides ging ring(13) towards the bearings(17 & 22) on
• Place the logging ri ng (13) next to the stuffing box both side
bush(11) • Now check the position of impeller; if adjust-
• Side in the gland (14), followed by water thrower ment is required, do it by loosing / tightening the
(32) n both side sleeve nut(10) on either side of the impeller
• Now slide the bearing inner cover(16 & 20) on eit- • After proper positioning of the impeller, tight
her side of the shaft(4) the sleeve nut(10)
• Now place the thrust coll ar (19) followed by thrust • Place all the studs for split flange(29) at their
end bearing (22). To place the bearing at its posi- respective positions
tion using proper mounting aid • Now place the top half casing(1)
• Now place the lock washer (23) and lock nut(24). • Insert the steady pins(33) of casing(1 & 2) and
• Tight the lock nut completely with proper tighte- bearing housing(18 & 25) at respective their
ning tool and lock it with the lock washer (23). For position
ti ght ening sequence refer figure 10 • Tighten the bolts with a torsion bar wit h the
• No w place the bearing(17) at the drivi ng end using proper sequence
proper mounting aid • C heck for the proper position of neck ri ng(5) and
• Press the bearing housing(18 & 25) over t he bea- stuffing box bush(11)
rings(17 & 22) using a mallet • Now stuff i n the stuffing box with the number of
gland pack rings. For proper cutting procedure
of packing rings refer figure 9.
• Press in the logging ring and stuff in remaining
gland pack rings
• Now place the gland at its position and hand
tight its studs(15)
• Check for free rotation of the shaft

Tabl e for Gland Packing Details For SCP pumps

Pump Gland Packing ri ng Pump Gland Packing ri ng

pa cking quantity packi ng quantity
size size

mm 2 mm 2
SCP 50-220 HA 12 2 SCP 200-390 HA 20 3
SCP 50-180 HA 14 3 SCP 200-440 HA 20 3
SCP 50-340 HA 10 5 SCP 200-460 HA 20 3
SCP 50-340 D S 9 3 SCP 200-550 HA 20 3
SCP 65-390 H S 14 3 SCP 200-480 HA 20 3
SCP 80-230 HA 14 3 SCP 200-560 HA 22 3
SCP 80-200 HA 14 3 SCP 200-660 DV 22 3
SCP 80-380 D S 10 3 SCP 250-250 HA 16 3
SCP 80-340 HA 14 3 SCP 250-390 HA 20 3

Tabl e for Gland Packing Details For SCP pumps

SCP 80-360 D S 10 4 SCP 250-360 HA 20 3

SCP 100-270 HA 14 3 SCP 250-450 HA 22 3
SCP 100-280 HA 14 3 SCP 250-570 HA 22 3
SCP 100-360 HA 14 3 SCP 250-700 DV 20 4
SCP 100-400 HA 14 3 SCP 250-740 DV 20 4
SCP 100-410 DS 10 6 SCP 300-330 HB 20 3
SCP 125-290 HA 16 3 SCP 300-380 HA 20 3
SCP 125-330 HA 16 3 SCP 300-400 HA 20 3
SCP 125-440 HA 16 3 SCP 300-490 HA 22 3
SCP 125-470 HA 17.5 3 SCP 300-570 HA 22 3
SCP 125-460 DS 12 5 SCP 300-660 DV 20 4
SCP 150-290 HA 16 3 SCP 350-500 HA 22 3
SCP 150-390 HA 17.5 3 SCP 350-470 HA 22 3
SCP 150-350 HA 17.5 3 SCP 400-540 HA 22 3
SCP 150-440 HA 17.5 3 SCP 400-480 HA 22 3
SCP 150-580 HA 20 3 SCP 400-550 HA 20 4
SCP 150-530 HA 20 3 SCP 400-710 HA 20 4
SCP 150-460 DS 12 3 SCP 400-660 DV 20 5
SCP 200-310 HA 17.5 3
SCP 200-320 HA 17.5 3
SCP 200-370 HA 17.5 3
SCP 200-360 HB 17.5 3

9.5.3 Reassembly of rotating element (Mechani cal

seal version pump)
Procedure for rotor assembly for mechanical seal
pump is simil ar up to assembly of stuffing box
Reassembly of mechanical seal is as follows:
• Ex treme cl eanli ness must be observed during ins-
tallation, and damage to the seal faces and moun-
ting rings must be avoided
• Place t he adjusting ring of mechanical seal at its
pre marked position
• Place the grab screw(13) at its position on the
adjusting ring, but tight it yet
• The O-rings may be oiled to reduce friction, during
installation of the seal. EP-rubber O-rings should Location of mechanical seal of shaft
not come into contact wit h oil or grease; In this
case lubrication with glycerine or water is recom-
1) Pump casing
2) Stationary seat
• Never cover the sliding faces with a lubricant as
3) Stationary seat
they must be assembled completely dry, clean and
4) Gl and plate
5) O-ring
• When pressing in stationery seals, make sure that
6) Shaft
the pressure distribution is uniform. The O- ring
X. M echanical seal
must be fitted using water or alcohol only.
1.6 Abut ment ring
• Crowned drive pins must be replaced whenever
1.7 Abut ment ring fixing s crew
the seal is dismantled. During ins erti on of the st a-
tionary seats, especially those of special carbon,
care must be taken to exert pressure evenly.
• Now check the distance of seal as shown in the
figure and adjust its value as per val u es given table
• For rest parts foll ow the above explained proce-
dure as per gland pack version pump

Installation and operating instructions Wilo-SCP 33

Tabl e fo r Mec hani cal S eal Adjustment

Pump Me ch.s eal Distance on the shaft Pump Me ch.s eal Distance on the shaft
Di am. (L) Di am. (L)
(Ø dw) MG1 M 74 (Ø dw) MG1 M 74
SCP 50-220 HA 28 mm 16.5 mm 26 mm SCP 200-390 HA 75 mm 30 mm 37 mm
SCP 50-180 HA 32 mm 17.5 mm 26 mm SCP 200-440 HA 75 mm 30 mm 37 mm
SCP 50-340 HA 32 mmq 17.5 mm 26 mm SCP 200-460 HA 75 mm 30 mm 37 mm
SCP 50-340 DS 38 mm 20 mm 26 mm SCP 200-550 HA 75 mm 30 mm 37 mm
SCP 65-390 HS 38 mm 20 mm 26 mm SCP 200-480 HA 75 mm 30 mm 37 mm
SCP 80-230 HA 38 mm 20 mm 26 mm SCP 200-560 HA 95 mm 36 mm 42.8 mm
SCP 80-200 HA 38 mm 28 mm 26 mm SCP 200-660 DV 95 mm 36 mm 42.8 mm
SCP 80-380 D S 42 mm 20 mm N.A. SCP 250-250 HA 50 mm 20.5 mm 42.8 mm
SCP 80-340 HA 38 mm 20 mm 26 mm SCP 250-390 HA 75 mm 30 mm 37 mm
SCP 80-360 D S 48 mm 20 mm 26 mm SCP 250-360 HA 75 mm 30 mm 37 mm
SCP 100-270 HA 38 mm 20 mm 26 mm SCP 250-450 HA 95 mm 36 mm 42.8 mm
SCP 100-280 HA 38 mm 20 mm 26 mm SCP 250-570 HA 95 mm 36 mm 42.8 mm
SCP 100-360 HA 38 mm 20 mm 26 mm SCP 250-700 DV 100 mm 37 mm 42.8 mm
SCP 100-400 HA 38 mm 20 mm 26 mm SCP 250-740 DV 100 mm 37 mm 42.8 mm
SCP 100-410 DS 55 mm 35 mm N.A SCP 300-330 HB 75 mm 30 mm 37 mm
SCP 125-290 HA 50 mm 20.5 mm 27.5 mm SCP 300-380 HA 75 mm 30 mm 37 mm
SCP 125-330 HA 38 mm 20 mm 26 mm SCP 300-400 HA 75 mm 30 mm 37 mm
SCP 125-440 HA 38 mm 20 mm 26 mm SCP 300-490 HA 95 mm 36 mm 42.8 mm
SCP 125-470 HA 60 mm 28 mm 32.5 mm SCP 300-570 HA 95 mm 36 mm 42.8 mm
SCP 125-460 DS 65 mm 40 mm N.A SCP 300-660 DV 115 mm N.A. 42 mm
SCP 150-290 HA 50 mm 20.5 mm 27.5 mm SCP 350-500 HA 95 mm 36 mm 42.8 mm
SCP 150-390 HA 60 mm 28 mm 32.5 mm SCP 350-470 HA 95 mm 36 mm 42.8 mm
SCP 150-350 HA 60 mm 28 mm 32.5 mm SCP 400-540 HA 95 mm 36 mm 42.8 mm
SCP 150-440 HA 60 mm 28 mm 32.5 mm SCP 400-480 HA 95 mm 36 mm 42.8 mm
SCP 150-580 HA 75 mm 30 mm 37 mm SCP 400-550 HA 100 mm 37 mm 42.8 mm
SCP 150-530 HA 75 mm 30 mm 37 mm SCP 400-710 HA 100 mm 37 mm 42.8 mm
SCP 150-460 DS 60 mm 28 mm 32.5 mm SCP 400-660 DV 130 mm N.A. 42 mm
SCP 200-310 HA 60 mm 28 mm 32.5 mm
SCP 200-320 HA 60 mm 28 mm 32.5 mm
SCP 200-370 HA 60 mm 28 mm 32.5 mm
SCP 200-360 HB 60 mm 28 mm 32.5 mm

9.5.4 Re-assembly of the pump (Mechanical seal NOTE:

version pump) Whil e assembling stainless steel component,
For assembling mechanical seal version pump fol- molybdenum-disulphide paste should be applied
low the same procedure as done for gland pack to prevent galling / s eizure and also to facilitate
version pump. Difference in assembly of mechani- easy removal in future.
cal seal pump is as follows: NOTE:
Reassembly of mechanical seal is as follows: Change the gasket each time when t he pump is
• After placing the top half casing(1) at its position opened.
and tightening the studs(29)
• Sli de i n the gland plate(15) at its position and tight
its studs
• Now fix the flushing tubes(35) to the mechanical
seal gland plate(15)
• Rest procedure is same as explained above for
gland pack version pump

9.6 Recommended spare parts • Take the same lot of part as for 3 years and add the
In case of standard operation, we recommend the shaft and impeller.
following list of spare part regarding t he period of The maintenance of the split case pumps is easier
functi oning. than other pump types. Then in order to facilitate
• For 2 years of normal operation: this operation we strongl y recommended pur-
• M ech ani cal seal or Packing, ball bearings and the chasing a batch of part with the pump in order to
different gasket required for the dismounti n g of reduce the shut down timing.
the pump. It is strongly recommended to purchase t he origi-
• For 3 years of normal operation : nal spares parts from <WILO> . In order to avoid
• M ech ani cal seal or Packing, ball bearings and the any mistake we invit e you to suppl y with any spare
different gasket required for the dismounti n g of parts demand, the information mentioned on the
the pump, wear rings and their nuts. For the data plate of the pump and / or motor.
pumps equipped with Gl and packing, include the
gland plate and lubrication spacer.
• For 5 years of normal operation:

Recommended spare parts (Gland pack version)

No. Des cri pti on Quantity Recommended S pare
1 Casing top half 1
2 Casing bottom half 1
3 Impeller 1
4 Sh aft 1
5 Neck ring (Wear ring) 2 ‡
6 Impeller key 1
7 Sh aft sl eeve 2
8 O-ring 2
9 Spacer sleeve 2
10 Sleeve nut 4
11 Stuffing box bush 2
12 Gland packing Set ‡
13 Logging ring 2
14 Gland 2
15 Stud for gland 2
16 Bearing end cover (Dri ve End) 1
17 B earing (Dri ve End) 1 ‡
18 Bearing housing (Dri ve End) 1
19 Thrust collar 1
20 Bearing end cover (Non Drive End) 1
21 Stud for bearing end cover 1
22 Bearing (Non Dri ve End) 1 ‡
23 Lock w asher 1 ‡
24 Lock nut 1 ‡
25 Bearing housing (Non Dri ve End) 1
26 Hex plug –
27 Air cock 1 ‡
28 Hex screw for jacking 2
29 Studs for splitflange –
30 Coupling key 1
31 Gasket 1 ‡
32 Water thrower 1
33 Steady pin –
34 Stud coupling 4
35 Sealing connection (Fl us hi ng Pipe) 2 ‡
36 Hex screw for bearing housing 8
37 4 way vlve 2 ‡
38 Neck ring pin 2 ‡
Coupling guard 1 ‡

Installation and operating instructions Wilo-SCP 35

Recommended spare parts (mechanical seal version)
No. Des cri pti on Quantity Recommended S pare
1 Casing top half 1
2 Casing bottom half 1
3 Impeller 1
4 Sh aft 1
5 Neck ring (Wear ring) 2 ‡
6 Impeller key 1
7 Sh aft Sl eeve 2
8 O-ring 2
9 Spacer Sl eev e 2
10 Sleeve nut 4
11 Stuffing box bush 2
12 M echanical s eal 1 ‡
13 Grab screw 2 ‡
14 Gland plate 2 ‡
15 Stud for gland 2
16 Bearing end cover (Dri ve End) 1
17 B earing (Dri ve End) 1 ‡
18 Bearing housing (Dri ve End) 1
19 Thrust collar 1
20 Bearing end cover (Non Drive End) 1
21 Stud for bearing end cover 1
22 Bearing (Non Dri ve End) 1 ‡
23 Lock w asher 1 ‡
24 Lock nut 1 ‡
25 Bearing housing (Non Dri ve End) 1
26 Hex plug –
27 Air cock 1 ‡
28 Hex screw for jacking 2
29 Studs for splitflange –
30 Coupling key 1
31 Gasket 1 ‡
32 Water thrower 1
33 Steady pin –
34 Stud coupling 4
35 Sealing connection (flushing pipe) 2 ‡
36 Hex screw for B earin g Housing 8
37 4 way valve 2 ‡
38 Neck ring pin 2 ‡
Coupling guard 1 ‡

10 F au lts, causes and remedies

S ymptoms Possible cause of trouble and remedies

(Each n umbe r is defined in the table below)
-- Pump does not deliver water. 1,2,3,4,6,11,14,16,17,22,23
-- Insufficient capacity delivered. 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,,20,22,23.29,30,31
-- Insufficient pressure developed 5,14,16,17,20,22,29,30,31
-- Pump loses prime after starting. 2,3,5,6,7,8,11,12,13
-- Pump requires excessive power. 15,16,17,18,19,20,23,24.26,27,29,33,34,37
-- Stuffing box leaks excessively. 12,13,24,26,32,33,34,35,36,38.39,40
-- Pump vibrates or it is noisy. 2,3,4,9,10,11,21.23,24,25.26.27,28,30,35,41,42,43, 44,
-- Bearings have short life. 24,26,27,28,35,36,41,42,43,44,45,46,47
-- Pump overheats and seizes. 1,4,21,22,24.27,28,35,36,41

Causes Remedies
1 Pump not primed Ensure that casing is full y filled and water comes out from air-
2 Pump or suction pipe not completely filled with Check leaking foot valve in case of negative s uction
3 Suction lift too high. Reduce by lowering pump elevation or increase Water level.
4 Insufficient margin between pressure and vapor Check that NPS H available i s at least 1 meter more 1 meter
pressure. more than NPSH required.
5 Exces si ve amount of air in liquid. Check the reasons and eliminate. Gas gets entrapped in liquid.
Air may be entering through suction j oi nts .
6 Air pocket in suction line. Ensure pipe fully filled and there i s nobend for negative suction.
7 Air leaks into suction line Tighten pipe joints with solution.
8 Air leaks into pump through stuffing boxes. Ensure stuffing box s eali n g.
9 Foot valve too small or leaking. Replace I Attend.
10 Foot valve partially clogged. Clean
11 Inlet of suction pipe insufficiently submerged. Ensure adequate submergence such that foot valve is not
12 Water s eal pipe clogged. Clean or change.
13 Logging ring is improperly located in stuffing Position logging ring centrally under sealing holes of stuffing
box, preventing sealing fluid from entering to box.
form seal.
14 Speed too low. Check motor RPM, supply frequency, M otor nameplate speed
should be as specified on pump nameplate.
15 Speed too hi gh. Check motor RPM and supply frequency.
16 Direction of rotating wrong. Check correct directi on of rotation for motor before coupling to
17 Total head of system higher than design head of Check the causes and refer to M &P. M easure wi th pressure
pump. gauge.
18 Total head of system lower than pump design Check the causes and refer t o M&P. M easure wi th pressure
head. gauge.
19 Specific gravity of liquid different from design. Refer to M &P.
20 Viscosity of liqui d different from design. Refer to M &P
21 0peration at very low capacity. Check the causes and refer to M&P , Operate pump at rated
22 P arall el operation of pumps unsuitable for such Refer t o M&P with characterist i cs curves of pump.
23 Foreign matter in impeller. Open and clean.
24 M isalignment. Check with Dial gauge should be within limits and without
undue pipe stresses.
25 Foundations not rigi d. Check, vibration on Baseplate, check hollowness.
26 Shaft bent. Dismantle and check, Replace shaft.

Installation and operating instructions Wilo-SCP 37

Causes Remedies
27 Rotating part rubbing on stationary part. In correct assembly, correct the ass embly.
28 Bearing worn. Check lubrication, shaft run out, alignment, replace if required
29 Wearing rings worn. Replace.
30 Impeller damaged. Replace.
31 Casing gasket defective, permitting internal Replace.
32 Shaft or shaft sleeves worn or scored at packing. Replace.
33 Packing improperly installed. Use correct grade and size of packing
34 Type of packing incorrect for operating condi- Use correct grade and size of packing.
35 Shaft running' out of center because of worn Rectify.
bearings or misalignment.
36 Rotor out of balance, causing vibration. Balance the rotor.
37 Gland too tight, resulting i n no flow of liquid t o Adjust gland. Ensure sealing water flow
lubricate packing.
38 Cooling li qui d not being provided to water- Provide.
cooled stuffing boxes.
39 Excessive clearance at bottom of stuffing box Check pumps assembly.
between shaft and casing, causing packing t o be
forced into the pump.
40 Dirt or grit in sealing, li qui d leading to scoring of Provide clean li qui d for flushing.
shaft or shaft sleeve.
41 Exces si ve thrust caused by mechanical failure Check pump operation and assembly
inside pump or by failure of hydraulic balancing
device, if any (in case of multistage pump etc.)
42 Excessi ve grease or oil i n antifri ction bearing Attend.
housing or lack of cooling, causi n g excessive
bearing t emperature.
43 Lack of lubrication. Provide proper lub ricati on.
44 Improper installation of antifriction bearings R ectify or replace bearing.
(damage, incorrect assembly of stacked bea-
rings, use of unmatched bearings as a pair I etc.)
45 Dirt in bearings Investigat e the cause and cl ean bearing.
46 Rusting of bearings from wat er in housing Arrest water ingress.
47 Exces si ve cooling of w at er- cool ed bearing, Reduce cooling water flow.
resulting in condensation of atmospheric mois-
ture in bearing housing.

11 Decommissioning and recycling

The disposal of all material or debris must be done
in order to prot ect the envi ro nment.
The Wil o’s pumps do not contain any dangerous
substances. The major part of the pump is recyc-
lable. The disposal and recycling of the pump sets
must be done in accordance with the local in force
regul ations.
The dismounting must be done by qualified per-
Clean and decontamination must be achieved
before any transportation or recycling


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