Conserving Soil Fertility

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Republic of the Philippines

Quirino General High School

Zamora, Cabarroguis, Quirino

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Technology and Livelihood Education

Horticulture Grade - 10

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
a. define and process the methods of soil fertility
b. enumerate the different methods of conserving soil fertility; and
c. value the benefits of conserving soil fertility.


Topic: Methods of conserving soil fertility
Reference: Horticulture Grade 10 Learning Module
Materials: Visual Aids (manila paper, laptop)


A. Preliminary Activities
Teachers’ Activity Student’s Activity
1. Prayer
“Let us pray, please lead the (one student will lead the prayer)

2. Greetings
“Good morning class” “good morning sir”

3. Checking of Attendance
“please raise your right hand and “students raise their right hand as I called their
say present as I call your name” names)

B. Motivation

For three minutes I want you to look at these

words and after that I want you to process
everything and guess our topic for today.

Crop rotation
Utilizing crop residues more effectively
Utilize manure more effectively
Watering the soil
Applying fertilizer
Planting trees
Building terraces
Farming without tilling Sir I think those words are associated with the
Contour plowing conservation of soil fertility.
Indeed, you are correct. Our topic for this
meeting is all about the methods of
conserving soil fertility.

C. Lesson Proper
Before we start I will ask you this. Why do
we need to conserve the fertility of the soil?
Because soil is the most important natural
resources sir.
Indeed, so let us now discuss the ways of
conserving soil fertility. One way to conserve
soil fertility is to plant trees. Please explain
how this action helps in conserving soil
Sir, roots of trees firmly hold on to the soil. As
trees grow tall, they also keep rooting deeper into
the soil. As their roots spread deep into the soil,
they hold it tightly thus preventing soil erosion.
Very good the next one is, build terraces.
Anyone who wants to explain? Yes?
Terracing is a very good method of soil
conservation. Owing to its unique structure, it
prevents rapid surface runoff of water.
Third one is called No-till farming (zero
tillage) what is no till farming?
The tilling activity in the soil could lead to
compaction of soil, loss of organic matter, and
death of soil organisms.
Very good, the fourth method is called
contour plowing. What is contour plowing?
It is a method of plowing across the contour lines
of a slope. This method helps in slowing the water
runoff and prevents soil from being washed away
along the slope.
The 5th method is called crop rotation; this is a
very common way of conserving soil fertility.
What can you say about this?
Continuous cultivation of the same crop also leads
to imbalance in the fertility demands of the soil. It
is a method of growing series of different crops
one or after another in a given area.
Do you have any questions?
None sir
So let us now move on if there are no
questions. The 6th method is applying
fertilizers. This would involve applying fertilizer only when
the crop is there and able to take it up.
7th method is Utilizing crop residues more
effectively. What do we mean by that?
We need to use crop residues sir as organic
fertilizer instead of being wasted.
Very good, 8th method is utilizing manure
more effectively. Instead of ignoring the
animal manure we can use it to further enrich
the soil.

The next method is Watering the soil. What

are the effects of this action?
Watering the soil is a good measure of soil
conservation. Watering the soil along with plants
growing in it is a way to prevent soil erosion
And the last way of conserving soil fertility is caused by wind.
through mulching. How does mulching
conserve soil fertility?
It is used to retain moisture in the soil, suppress
weeds, keep the soil cool, and make the garden
bed look more attractive. Organic mulches also
help improve the soils fertility as they decompose.
Do you have any questions?
None sir
If so, get ready for a group activity

D. Enrichment Activity

Count from 1 to 4 and that will determine

your group number. Group 1 will stay here, 2
will stay at the back of group 1, group 3 will
stay there, and the last group will stay at the
back of group 3. Go to your groups and form
a circle.

I want you to choose 1 method of conserving

soil fertility and write your reason for
choosing that method. Write your answers in
a ½ sheet of paper and after that 1
representative will read your answer.

E. Generalization
Why do we need to conserve soil fertility
we need to conserve soil fertility because………
What do you think are the benefits that we
can get from conserving soil fertility?
the benefits that we can get from conserving soil
fertility are . . . . . . . . . . . .
What are again the different methods of
conserving soil fertility?
the different methods of conserving soil fertility
Crop rotation
Utilizing crop residues more effectively
Utilize manure more effectively
Watering the soil
Applying fertilizer
Planting trees
Building terraces
Farming without tilling
Very good class it seems that you have Contour plowing
understood our lesson for today. I am very
proud of you. Get ready for a short quiz.
Enumeration: Enumerate at least 5 methods in conserving soil fertility.

Have an advanced reading about Organic Mulches and their uses.

Student Teacher
Checked by:
Cooperating Teacher

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