Rúbrica para Trabajos de Inglés

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Lenguas XI

Actividad Integradora FASE 3. Improving skills.
10 points

Criterion/performance Exceptional Above average Average Below average

Fluency Speaks smoothly Speaks smoothly Speaks with some Hesitates almost
and with little difficulty hesitation and all the time and
communicates and hesitation, but takes a long time takes a long time
clearly with neither it does not usually to express to express
difficulty nor interfere with himself/herself, himself/herself,
hesitation. communication. which often which very often
2 pts. 1.5 pts. interferes with interferes with
communication. communication.
1 pt. 0.5 pts.
Pronunciation Pronunciation is Pronunciation is Pronunciation Pronunciation is
mostly intelligible intelligible with makes unintelligible.
and with very few some errors which understanding Stress and
mistakes, or no do not interfere in difficult. intonation are
mistakes. Stress getting the Stress and seldom used
and intonation are message across. intonation are appropriately.
accurate and Stress and appropriately 0.5 pts.
appropriate in intonation are sometimes.
almost all the often appropriate, 1 pt.
cases, or in all the with mild mistakes.
cases. 1.5 pts.
2 pts.
Interaction Fully understands Can understand Understands some Shows little
the utterances most of what is of what is asked to comprehension on
asked to him/her asked to him/her him/her, and what is said.
and gives and gives sometimes gives Utterances need
appropriate appropriate appropriate to be repeated
responses to a responses to a responses to a once or twice, and
conversation. conversation. conversation. he/she finds it
1 pt. 0.75 pts. 0.5 pts. difficult to respond
appropriately to a
0.25 pts.
Turn-taking Manages his/her Manages his/her Manages his/her Manages his/her
turn effectively. turn mainly turn with difficulty. turn ineffectively.
Respects other effectively. Shows little Does not show
speakers’ turns. Respects other respect to other respect to other
1 pt. speakers’ turns. speakers’ turns. speakers’ turns.
0.75 pts. 0.5 pts. 0.25 pts.
Content (vocabulary Uses the Uses the language Uses the language Does not use the
and use of grammar) language accurately with with some language
accurately with few mistakes. mistakes in accurately. He/she
only occasional He/she uses a accuracy. He/she uses only basic
errors. He/she variety of uses a limited words or phrases,
uses a wide range vocabulary but range of and/or with error in
of vocabulary makes some vocabulary. There word choice.
appropriately. errors in word are wrong word 0.5 pts.
2 pts. choice. choices.
1.5 pts. 1 pt.
Development of ideas Contributions are Contributions are Contributions are Contributions are
relevant and there relevant and there mostly relevant mostly irrelevant,
is a clear is very little despite some with many
organization of repetition. All or repetition. repetitions. Few or
ideas. All required almost all required Information lacks very few
information has information has some critical information has
been included. been included. details, that makes been included that
There are 1.5 pts. it difficult for the the listener cannot
additional details listener to understand.
beyond the understand. 0.5 pts.
required. 1 pt.
2 pts.
IMPORTANT: In case of containing signs of PLAGIARISM, the total points of the task will be annulled to all
members of the team.

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