Service Manual: Warning
Service Manual: Warning
Service Manual: Warning
L I N G O N G H E AV Y M A C H I N E R Y C O . , LT D .
Add.: 12F, Building 3, Lushang Olympic City, No. 9777, Jingshi Road, Lixia District, Jinan
City, Shandong Province, China
Tel: 86-0531-67605017
Technical service hotline: 86-4009666569
Web: www. lgmg. com. cn
Parts sales hotline: 86-0531-67605016
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................ VIII
Safety Notices ................................................................................................................................................... IX
Chapter 1 Safety and Environment ................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Terms and Definitions.............................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Compliance .............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Before maintenance ................................................................................................................................ 3
1.4 Workplace requirements ......................................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Safety precautions for maintenance and repair...................................................................................... 3
1.6 Intended use ............................................................................................................................................ 4
1.7 Description............................................................................................................................................... 4
Chapter 2 Product Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 7
2.1 Machine parameters ............................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.1 S1932 II machine parameters ......................................................................................................... 10
2.1.2 S1932E Ⅱ machine parameters ................................................................................................... 11
2.1.3 S2632Ⅱ machine parameters....................................................................................................... 12
2.1.4 S2632EⅡ machine parameters ..................................................................................................... 13
2.1.5 S2646Ⅱ machine parameters....................................................................................................... 15
2.1.6 S2646EⅡ machine parameters ..................................................................................................... 16
2.1.7 S3246Ⅱ machine parameters....................................................................................................... 17
2.1.8 S3246EⅡ machine parameters ..................................................................................................... 18
2.1.9 S4046Ⅱ machine parameters....................................................................................................... 20
2.1.10 S4046EⅡ machine parameters ................................................................................................... 21
2.1.11 S4650Ⅱ machine parameters..................................................................................................... 22
2.1.12 S4650EⅡ machine parameters ................................................................................................... 23
2.2 Model of hydraulic oil ............................................................................................................................ 25
2.3 Specification for selection of tightening torque of the lifting platform ................................................ 25
Chapter 3 Platform .......................................................................................................................................... 29
3.1 Removal and installation of PCU ........................................................................................................... 31
3.1.1 Removal of PCU .............................................................................................................................. 31
3.1.2 Installation of PCU .......................................................................................................................... 31
3.2 Removal and installation of platform assembly .................................................................................... 31
3.2.1 Removal of platform assembly (S1932Ⅱ, S1932EⅡ) .................................................................... 31
3.2.2 Installation of platform assembly (S1932 II, S1932 E II) ................................................................. 32
3.2.3 Removal of platform assembly (S2632Ⅱ, S2632EⅡ, S46Ⅱ, S46EⅡ, S4650Ⅱ, S4650EⅡ) ......... 34
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
3.2.4 Installation of platform assembly (S2632 II, S2632 E II, S46 II, S46 E II, S4650 II, S4650 E II)......... 35
3.2.5 Folding of platform guardrail.......................................................................................................... 36
3.3 Removal and installation of pedal ......................................................................................................... 41
3.3.1 Removal of pedal ............................................................................................................................ 41
3.3.2 Installation of pedal ........................................................................................................................ 41
3.4 Removal and installation of wheel frame and wheels ........................................................................ 42
3.4.1 Removal of wheel frames and wheels ............................................................................................ 42
3.4.2 Installation of wheel frames and wheels........................................................................................ 42
3.5 Removal and installation of semi-swing gate ........................................................................................ 44
3.5.1 Removal of semi-swing gate ........................................................................................................... 44
3.5.2 Installation of the semi-swing gate ................................................................................................ 44
Chapter 4 Fork ................................................................................................................................................. 47
4.1 Removal of fourth fork (S1932 II, S1932E II, S2632 II, S2632E II, S2646 II, S2646E II) ........................... 49
4.2 Fourth layer fork assembly (S1932II, S1932EII, S2632II, S2632EII, S2646II, S2646EII) .......................... 55
4.3 Removal of fifth layer fork (S3246 II, S3246 II) ...................................................................................... 66
4.4 Installation of fifth layer fork (S3246Ⅱ, S3246EⅡ) .............................................................................. 73
4.5 Removal of six-layer fork (S4046 Ⅱ, S4046EⅡ, S4650Ⅱ, S4650EⅡ)................................................. 90
4.6 Installation of sixth layer fork (S4046Ⅱ, S4046 EⅡ, S4650Ⅱ, S4650 EⅡ).......................................... 94
4.7 Fork slider replacement ....................................................................................................................... 108
Chapter 5 Chassis........................................................................................................................................... 109
5.1 Battery Side Assembly ......................................................................................................................... 111
5.1.1 Left Lock Assembly ....................................................................................................................... 111
5.1.2 Assembly of S1932EⅡ horn and buzzer ..................................................................................... 111
5.1.3 Assembly of S2632 Ⅱ, S2632E Ⅱ, S46 Ⅱ, S46E Ⅱ horns and buzzers ................................. 111
5.1.4 Assembly of S4650Ⅱ and S4650EⅡ horns and buzzers ........................................................... 112
5.1.5 Assembly of fuse holder and DC power switch ............................................................................ 112
5.1.7 S1932Ⅱ, S1932EⅡ battery assembly .......................................................................................... 112
5.1.8 Assembly of S2632Ⅱ, S2632EⅡ, S46Ⅱ, S46EⅡ, S4650Ⅱ and S4650EⅡ batteries ............... 113
5.2 Fuel tank side assembly ....................................................................................................................... 113
5.2.1 Motor and pump assembly .......................................................................................................... 113
5.2.2 Assembly of power unit ................................................................................................................ 114
5.2.3 Assembly of electrical control unit ............................................................................................... 114
5.2.4 Filter assembly .............................................................................................................................. 115
5.2.5 Platform control panel assembly.................................................................................................. 115
5.2.6 Assembly of MCU ......................................................................................................................... 115
5.3 Chassis Components ............................................................................................................................ 116
5.3.1 Assembly of Work Indicator Lamp................................................................................................ 116
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
5.3.2 Assembly of inclination switch ..................................................................................................... 116
5.3.3 Assembly of Upper and Lower Limit Switches ............................................................................. 116
5.3.4 Assembly of pit travel switch........................................................................................................ 117
5.3.5 Assembly of Shaft Fixing Module ................................................................................................. 117
5.3.6 Assembling of gas spring, connecting rod and welded connecting rod assembly ....................... 117
5.3.7 Wheel Assembly (S1932 II, S1932E II) .......................................................................................... 118
5.3.8 Wheel assembly (S2632 II, S2632E II, S46 II, S46E II, S4650 II, S4650E II) .................................... 118
Chapter 6 Hydraulics ..................................................................................................................................... 121
6.1 Hydraulic schematic diagram .............................................................................................................. 123
6.1.1 Hydraulic schematic diagram of S1932II ...................................................................................... 123
6.1.2 Hydraulic schematic diagram of S1932EⅡ .................................................................................. 124
6.1.3 Hydraulic schematic diagram of S2632Ⅱ .................................................................................... 125
6.1.4 Hydraulic schematic diagram of S2632EⅡ .................................................................................. 126
6.1.5 Hydraulic schematic diagram of S2646Ⅱ .................................................................................... 127
6.1.6 Hydraulic schematic diagram of S2646EⅡ .................................................................................. 128
6.1.7 Hydraulic schematic diagram of S3246 and S4046Ⅱ................................................................... 129
6.1.8 Hydraulic schematic diagram of S3246EⅡ, S4046EⅡ and S4650EⅡ ........................................ 130
6.1.9 Hydraulic schematic diagram of S4650Ⅱ .................................................................................... 131
6.2 Valve .................................................................................................................................................... 132
6.2.1 Installing the spool ....................................................................................................................... 132
6.2.2 Power unit FC-420-1 (S1932E Ⅱ) ................................................................................................ 132
6.2.3 Scissor lift platform control valve ST5188-AE0A (S1932II, S2632II) ............................................. 133
6.2.4 Scissor lift platform control valve ST6158-AE00 (S2632 EⅡ, S46EⅡ, S4650EⅡ) ....................... 134
6.2.5 Scissor lift platform control valve ST6887-AE00 (S2646 Ⅱ, S46 Ⅱ, S4650 Ⅱ) ........................ 136
6.2.6 Lower cylinder valve block assembly ST5006-AC00 (S1932 II, S1932E II, S2632 II, S2632E II) ..... 137
6.2.7 Lower lift cylinder valve block assembly ST4846-AC0A (S46II, S46EII, S4650II, S4650EII) ........... 138
6.2.8 Upper cylinder valve block assembly ST4960-AC0B (S4046EⅡ, S4046EⅡ) ................................ 139
6.2.9 upper cylinder valve block assembly ST4960-AC00 (S4650 Ⅱ, S4650 EⅡ)................................ 140
6.2.10 Testing solenoid valve coil .......................................................................................................... 140
6.3 Lift cylinder disassembly and assembly ............................................................................................... 141
6.3.1 Lift cylinder removal ..................................................................................................................... 141
6.3.2 Assembly of lift cylinder ............................................................................................................... 143
6.4 Traveling hydraulic assembly............................................................................................................... 144
6.4.1 Removal of steering cylinder ........................................................................................................ 144
6.4.2 Removal of Steering Knuckle ........................................................................................................ 145
6.4.3 Disassembly and assembly of walking motor/drive motor .......................................................... 145
6.4.4 Disassembly and Assembly of Gear Pump.................................................................................... 147
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
6.4.5 6.4.5 Removal and installation of hydraulic tank ......................................................................... 148
6.5 Service brake assembly ....................................................................................................................... 150
6.5.1 r Removal of brake disc (hydraulic drive) ..................................................................................... 150
6.5.2 Assembly of brake discs (hydraulic drive) .................................................................................... 151
6.5.3 Assembly of Brake Release Valve (hydraulic drive) ...................................................................... 152
Chapter 7 Electrics ......................................................................................................................................... 153
7.1 Precautions for work of electrical system ........................................................................................... 155
7.2 Schematic Diagram of Location of Main Electrical Appliances ........................................................... 155
7.3 Electrical schematic diagram ............................................................................................................... 157
7.3.1 Electrical schematic diagram (electric drive) ................................................................................ 157
7.3.2 Electrical schematic diagram (hydraulic drive) ............................................................................. 158
7.4 Main electrical components ................................................................................................................ 159
7.4.1 Platform control unit (PCU) .......................................................................................................... 159
7.4.2 Platform control unit (PCU) .......................................................................................................... 159
7.4.3 Electrical control unit (ECU).......................................................................................................... 160
7.4.4 Electronic control unit (ECU) ........................................................................................................ 160
7.4.5 Battery .......................................................................................................................................... 162
7.5 Harness ................................................................................................................................................ 165
7.5.1 Table of S1932E Ⅱ main harness wiring diagram and wire number ......................................... 165
7.5.2 S2632EⅡ, S46Ell Main harness wiring diagram and wire size table ............................................ 167
7.5.3 S4650EⅡ Main harness wiring diagram and wire size table ...................................................... 169
7.5.4 S1932Ⅱ Main harness wiring diagram and wire size table ........................................................ 171
7.5.5 S2632Ⅱ, S46Ⅱ Main harness wiring diagram and wire size table ............................................ 173
7.5.6 S4650 Ⅱ Main harness wiring diagram and wire size table ...................................................... 175
7.5.7 S1932 II and S1932E II PCU harness and fork harness.................................................................. 177
7.5.8 S2632 Ⅱ, S2632E Ⅱ PCU harness and fork harness ................................................................ 178
7.5.9 S2646Ⅱ, S2646 EⅡ PCU harness and fork harness ................................................................... 179
7.5.10 S3246Ⅱ, S3246EⅡ PCU harness and fork harness .................................................................. 180
7.5.11S4046Ⅱ and S4046EⅡ PCU harness and fork harness ............................................................. 181
7.5.12S4650Ⅱ and S4650EⅡ PCU harness and fork harness ............................................................. 182
7.5.13 Troubleshooting of Electrical Wiring .......................................................................................... 183
7.6 Error code (alarm code) ....................................................................................................................... 184
7.6.1 Alarm code table .......................................................................................................................... 184
7.6.2 Operation flow diagram ............................................................................................................... 188
Chapter 8 Maintenance of Complete Machine ............................................................................................. 189
8.1 Checking the battery ........................................................................................................................... 191
8.2 Check the hydraulic oil ........................................................................................................................ 191
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
8.3 check the wire ..................................................................................................................................... 193
8.4 check tire and hub ............................................................................................................................... 193
8.5 Checking ventilation system of the hydraulic tank cover.................................................................... 194
8.6 Inspect the chassis tray lock ................................................................................................................ 194
8.7 Inspection of Steering Knuckle ............................................................................................................ 194
8.8 Replace the hydraulic tank vent cap ................................................................................................... 195
8.9 Checking wear-resistant slider of scissor arm ..................................................................................... 195
8.10 Inspection and replacement of brushes ............................................................................................ 195
8.11 Replacing hydraulic tank return filter element ................................................................................. 196
8.12 Maintenance Items............................................................................................................................ 198
Chapter 9 Debugging of the Whole Machine ................................................................................................ 203
9.1 Basic function check ............................................................................................................................ 205
9.2 Hidden danger point inspection .......................................................................................................... 205
9.3 Testing key switch................................................................................................................................ 206
9.4 Horn Test ............................................................................................................................................. 207
9.5 Test Inclination switch ......................................................................................................................... 207
9.6 Testing emergency stop function ........................................................................................................ 207
9.7 Testing drive speed.............................................................................................................................. 208
9.8 Testing the function of drive brake ..................................................................................................... 208
9.9 Testing limit switch and pothole protection switch ............................................................................ 208
9.10 Testing platform overload system ............................................................................................... 211
9.11 Test emergency lowering cable ......................................................................................................... 212
9.12 Test of battery charging..................................................................................................................... 212
9.13 Pressure parameter test .................................................................................................................... 213
9.14 Manual release valve function test (hydraulic drive) ........................................................................ 214
9.15 One-button brake release function test (electric drive) ................................................................... 214
9.16 Horizon sensor left and right inclination test .................................................................................... 215
9.17 Weighing calibration.......................................................................................................................... 215
9.18 Overload calibration .......................................................................................................................... 215
Chapter 10 Appendix ..................................................................................................................................... 217
10.1 Schematic diagram of symbols of common hydraulic components ....................................... 219
10.2 Schematic diagram of common electrical component symbols .............................................. 227
10.3 Pipeline Connection Table ................................................................................................................. 230
10.3.1 S1932Ⅱ Pipeline Connection Table .......................................................................................... 230
10.3.2 S1932E Ⅱ pipeline connection table ....................................................................................... 231
10.3.3 S2632 Ⅱ pipeline wiring table ................................................................................................. 231
10.3.4 S2632 EⅡ pipeline wiring table ................................................................................................ 232
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
10.3.5 S2646 Ⅱ pipeline wiring table ................................................................................................. 233
10.3.6 S2646 EⅡ Pipeline wiring table ................................................................................................ 234
10.3.7 S3246 Ⅱ Pipeline wiring table ................................................................................................. 234
10.3.8 S3246EⅡ Pipeline Wiring Table ................................................................................................ 236
10.3.9 S4046 Ⅱ Pipeline wiring table ................................................................................................. 236
10.3.10 S4046E Ⅱ Pipeline Wiring Table ............................................................................................ 238
10.3.11 S4650 Ⅱ Pipeline Wiring Table .............................................................................................. 238
10.3.12 S4650E Ⅱ Pipeline Wiring Table ............................................................................................ 240
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
You are welcome to purchase and use the products produced by Lingong Heavy Machinery Co.,
Ltd. This manual introduces the technical parameter and maintenance adjustment data of the Scissors
Mobile Elevating Work Platform, and explains the troubleshooting and maintenance process for
qualified professional maintenance personnel. The information contained in this manual are correct at
the time of publication, but due to the continuous improvement of the structure and performance of our
products, the design as well as operation and maintenance instructions of the product may be subject
to change without notice. For the latest information about the machine and questions about this manual,
please contact our company. At the same time, we encourage readers to feedback errors to Lingong
Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. and put forward suggestions for improvement. All suggestions will be
carefully considered in the future publication and printing of this manual.
The copyright of this manual belongs to Lingong Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd., and it is not allowed to
be copied or reprinted without the written permission of our company.
Only specially trained and qualified personnel can operate, repair and maintain the
Incorrect operation, maintenance and repair are dangerous and can lead to personal
injury or death.
Before operating or maintaining the machine, the operator should read this manual
carefully. Do not operate, maintain or repair this platform without reading and
Please load the machine in strict accordance with the rating, otherwise all the
the user.
The operating procedures and precautions provided in this manual are only applicable
to the specified purposes of this machine. If it is used for operations other than those
specified but not prohibited, make sure that this operation does not cause harm to you
or others.
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Safety Notices
The operator should understand and follow the current national and local safety regulations. If
there are no national or local regulations, the safety instructions in this manual shall be applicable.
Most accidents are caused by failure to comply with the regulations on the operation and
maintenance of the machine. In order to avoid accidents, please read, understand and observe all
warning requirements and precautions in this manual and on the machine before operation and
maintenance. Failure to comply with the instructions and safety rules in this manual and the
corresponding manual on the machine will result in death or serious injury.
Since it is impossible to foresee all possible dangers, the safety instructions in this manual and on
the machine cannot include all safety precautions. If steps and operations not recommended in this
manual are used, you must ensure that you and other people are safe and the machine will not be
damaged. If you are not sure about the safety of some operations, please contact our company or
Some operations to the machine require not only basic mechanical, hydraulic and electrical skills,
but also professional skills, tools, lifting equipment and suitable workshop. In these cases, we strongly
recommend that the maintenance and repair should be carried out at a service center authorized by
Lingong Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd.
The maintenance precautions given in this manual are only applicable when the machine is used
for the specified purpose. If the machine is used in the scope out of this manual, our company will not
assume any safety responsibility, and the safety responsibility in such operations shall be borne by the
user and the operator. Under no circumstances shall the operations prohibited in this manual be
Most of the maintenance process can only be performed by trained professional service personnel
in properly equipped workshops.
! DANGER - Indicating any existing dangers that, if not avoided, will cause serious
! WARNING - Indicating any potential dangers that, if not avoided, may cause
! CAUTION - Indicating situations that, if not avoided, may cause minor or moderate
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
1.2 Compliance
1. The maintenance is required to be carried out by personnel who have received and qualified in
the maintenance training of this machine.
2. Immediately mark the machine if it is damaged or faulty, and withdraw it out of service.
3. Repair any damage or fault before operating the machine.
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
If possible, lower the platform to the lowest position, otherwise, ensure that it will not fall;
Before loosening or removing hydraulic components, release the hydraulic oil pressure in
the hydraulic pipeline;
Place safety supports as required.
2. Maintenance personnel training
Maintenance personnel must be trained by qualified personnel to inspect and maintain the
machine in accordance with the requirements of this manual.
3. Parts replacement
The replacement components and parts must be the original parts of our company, otherwise
the product will not be maintained or repaired.
4. Service announcement
Users shall maintain and repair the machine in strict accordance with the service announcement
issued by Lingong Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd.
1.7 Description
Most maintenance processes can only be performed by professionally trained maintenance
personnel in a properly equipped workshop. After troubleshooting, select the appropriate maintenance
Perform the disassembly steps until the repair can be completed. Then perform the disassembly
steps in the reverse order.
It is strongly recommended to carry out maintenance and repair at the service center authorized by
Lingong Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd.
Symbol representation
Symbols, color codes and symbolic words used by LGMG products have the following meanings:
Safety warning sign - used for warning of potential personal injury. Observe all safety tips after this
sign to avoid possible personal injury or death.
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
5 6 7 8
S2646II Scissor lifting S2646EII Scissor lifting S3246II Scissor lifting S3246EⅡ scissor
platform platform platform lifting platform
Order S264602WDQ0AH100 S264602WDQ0AE100 S324602WDQ0AH100 S324602WDQ0AE100
number 0 0 0 0
Trojan power battery Trojan power battery Trojan power battery Trojan power battery
DC lifting motor DC lifting motor DC lifting motor DC lifting motor
Pylon charger Pylon charger Pylon charger Pylon charger
DC drive motor DC drive motor DC drive motor DC drive motor
The front and rear tires The front and rear tires The front and rear tires The front and rear tires
are Φ380 × 130 solid are Φ380 × 130 solid are Φ380 × 130 solid are Φ380 × 130 solid
tires tires tires tires
Platform with semi- Platform with semi- Platform with semi- Platform with semi-
swing gate swing gate swing gate swing gate
Use environment: wind Use environment: wind Use environment: wind Use environment: wind
speed 12.5 m/s/26.8 speed 12.5 m/s/26.8 speed 12.5 m/s/26.8 speed 12.5 m/s/26.8
mph mph mph mph
9 10 11 12
S4046 Ⅱ scissor lifting S4046E Ⅱ scissor S4650 Ⅱ scissor lifting S4650E Ⅱ scissor
platform lifting platform platform lifting platform
Order S404602WDQ0AH100 S404602WDQ0AE100 S465002WDQ0AH100 S465002WDQ0AE100
number 0 0 0 0
Trojan power battery Trojan power battery Trojan power battery Trojan power battery
DC lifting motor DC lifting motor DC lifting motor DC lifting motor
Pylon charger Pylon charger Pylon charger Pylon charger
DC drive motor DC drive motor DC drive motor DC drive motor
The front and rear tires The front and rear tires The front and rear tires The front and rear tires
are Φ380 × 130 solid are Φ380 × 130 solid are Φ380 × 130 solid are Φ380 × 130 solid
tires tires tires tires
Platform with semi- Platform with semi- Platform with semi- Platform with semi-
swing gate swing gate swing gate swing gate
Use environment: wind Use environment: wind Use environment: wind Use environment: wind
speed 12.5 m/s/26.8 speed 12.5 m/s/26.8 speed 12.5 m/s/26.8 speed 12.5 m/s/26.8
mph mph mph mph
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
2.1.1 S1932 II machine parameters
1. Machine performance parameters
Item Parameter Item Parameter
Rated load (kg/lbs) 230/510 Fork lifting time (s) 16±2
Extension platform load
120/265 Fork lowering time (s) 28±3
Total weight (kg/lbs) 1610/3549 Max. Indoor (N) 400
Max. allowed workers operation Outdoor
2 200
(indoor) effort (N)
Theoretical max.
Max. allowed workers
1 gradeability (no-load, 25%
Max. working height (m/ft) 7.8/25.6 Max. 1.5°
Max. platform height (m/ft) 5.8/19 inclination 3°
Max. inner wheel turning
Min. turning radius (m/ft) 1.7/5.57 70°
Max. travel speed Max. allowed wind speed
3±0.5/1.86±0.31 12.5/28
(stowed)(km/h/mph) (m/s/mph)
Max. travel speed (lifted)
(km/h/mph) Front wheel drive
Drive mode
Max. braking distance (no- Front wheel steering
load, stowed) (mm/in)
2. Main dimensions
Item Parameter Item Parameter
Overall length (with ladder Platform extension
1860/73.2;1772/69.7 900/35.4
unfolded /folded) (mm/in) dimension (mm/in)
Overall length (without
1679/66.1 Wheelbase (mm/in) 1350/53.1
Overall width (mm/in) 790/31.1 Wheel track (mm/in) 700/27.5
Overall height (guardrail Min. ground clearance
2155/84.8 77/3.03
unfolded)(mm/in) (stowed)(mm/in)
Overall height (guardrail Min. ground clearance
1810/71.2 26/1
folded)(mm/in) (lifted) (mm/in)
Working platform Tire specification (diameter
1635×730/64.3×28.7 Φ323×100/12.7×3.9
dimension (L×W)(mm/in) × width) (mm/in)
3. Hydraulic system
Item Parameter
Type Open
Pump displacement (ml/r) 4
Max. working pressure
Walking 25/3625
Motor displacement (ml/r) 260
system Max. working pressure of lifting system
Max. working pressure of steering system
Max. working pressure of brake system
4. Electrical system
Item Parameter
Rated voltage (V) 24
Rated current (A) 180
Lifting motor
Rated power (kW) 3.3
Rated speed (r/min) 3040
Output voltage (V) 6 (single piece)
Capacity (Ah) 225 (20-hours discharge rate)
Charger Nominal AC input voltage (V) 100-240AC
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Maximum AC input current (Ah) 8.5
Nominal DC output voltage (V) 24
Maximum DC output current (A) 30
Control system Voltage (V) 24
2. Main dimensions
Item Parameter Item Parameter
Overall length (with ladder Platform extension
1860/73.2;1772/69.7 900/35.4
unfolded /folded) (mm/in) dimension (mm/in)
Overall length (without
1679/66.1 Wheelbase (mm/in) 1345/52.9
Overall width (mm/in) 790/31.1 Wheel track (mm/in) 700/27.5
Overall height (guardrail Min. ground clearance
2155/84.8 77/3.03
unfolded)(mm/in) (stowed)(mm/in)
Overall height (guardrail Min. ground clearance
1810/71.2 26/1
folded)(mm/in) (lifted) (mm/in)
Working platform Tire specification (diameter
1635×730/64.3×28.7 Φ323×100/12.7×3.9
dimension (L×W)(mm/in) × width) (mm/in)
3. Transmission system
Item Parameter
Rated output torque (Nm) 500
Walking reducer
Gear ratio 45.13:1
4. Hydraulic system
Item Parameter
Functional Type Open
system Pump displacement (ml/r) 3.1
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Max. working pressure of lifting system
Max. working pressure of steering system
5. Electrical system
Item Parameter
Rated voltage (VDC) 24
Rated current (A) 48
Drive motor
Rated power (kW) 0.81
Rated speed (r/min) 1917
Rated voltage (V) 24
Rated current (A) 170
Lifting motor
Rated power (kW) 2.2
Rated speed (r/min) 2800
Output voltage (V) 6 (single piece)
Capacity (Ah) 225 (20-hours discharge rate)
Nominal AC input voltage (V) 100-240VAC
Maximum AC input current (Ah) 8.5
Nominal DC output voltage (V) 24
Maximum DC output current (A) 30
Control system Voltage (V) 24
2. Main dimensions
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Item Parameter Item Parameter
Overall length (with ladder) Platform extension
2440/96 900/35.4
(mm/in) dimension (mm/in)
Overall length (without
2270/89.4 Wheelbase (mm/in) 1850/73
Overall width (mm/in) 830/32.7 Wheel track (mm/in) 700/27.6
Overall height (guardrail Min. ground clearance
2280/89.8 100/3.94
unfolded)(mm/in) (stowed)(mm/in)
Overall height (guardrail Min. ground clearance
1900/74.8 25/0.98
folded)(mm/in) (lifted) (mm/in)
Working platform Tire specification (diameter
2260×790/89×31.1 Φ380×130/15×5.1
dimension (L×W)(mm/in) × width) (mm/in)
3. Hydraulic system
Item Parameter
Type Open
Pump displacement (ml/r) 4
Max. working pressure
Walking 25/3626
Motor displacement (ml/r) 375
system Max. working pressure of lifting system
Max. working pressure of steering system
Max. working pressure of brake system
4. Electrical system
Item Parameter
Rated voltage (V) 24
Rated current (A) 180
Lifting motor
Rated power (kW) 3.3
Rated speed (r/min) 3040
Output voltage (V) 6 (single piece)
Capacity (Ah) 225 (20-hours discharge rate)
Nominal AC input voltage (V) 100-240VAC
Maximum AC input current (Ah) 8.5
Nominal DC output voltage (V) 24
Maximum DC output current (A) 30
Control system Voltage (V) 24
2. Main dimensions
Item Parameter Item Parameter
Platform extension
Overall length (mm/in) 2440/96 900/35.4
dimension (mm/in)
Overall length (without
2270/89.4 Wheelbase (mm/in) 1850/73
Overall width (mm/in) 830/32.7 Wheel track (mm/in) 700/27.5
Overall height (guardrail Min. ground clearance
2280/89.8 100/3.94
unfolded)(mm/in) (stowed)(mm/in)
Overall height (guardrail Min. ground clearance
1900/74.8 20/0.79
folded)(mm/in) (lifted) (mm/in)
Working platform Tire specification (diameter
2260×790/89×31.1 Φ380×130/15×5.1
dimension (L×W)(mm/in) × width) (mm/in)
3. Transmission system
Item Parameter
Rated output torque (Nm) 500
Walking reducer
Gear ratio 45.13:1
4. Hydraulic system
Item Parameter
Type Open
Pump displacement (ml/r) 4
Functional Max. working pressure of lifting system
system (MPa/psi)
Max. working pressure of steering system
5. Electrical system
Item Parameter
Rated voltage (VDC) 24
Rated current (A) 48
Drive motor
Rated power (kW) 0.81
Rated speed (r/min) 1917
Rated voltage (V) 24
Rated current (A) 180
Lifting motor
Rated power (kW) 3.3
Rated speed (r/min) 3040
Output voltage (V) 6 (single piece)
Capacity (Ah) 225 (20-hours discharge rate)
Nominal AC input voltage (V) 100-240VAC
Maximum AC input current (Ah) 8.5
Nominal DC output voltage (V) 24
Maximum DC output current (A) 30
Control system Voltage (V) 24
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
2. Main dimensions
Item Parameter Item Parameter
Overall length (with ladder) Platform extension
2490/98.03 900/35.43
(mm/in) dimension (mm/in)
Overall length (without
2270/89.37 Wheelbase (mm/in) 1850/73
Overall width (mm/in) 1180/46.46 Wheel track (mm/in) 1050/41.34
Overall height (guardrail Min. ground clearance
2360/92.92 100/3.94
unfolded)(mm/in) (stowed)(mm/in)
Overall height (guardrail Min. ground clearance
1680/66.14 20/0.79
folded)(mm/in) (lifted) (mm/in)
Working platform Tire specification (diameter
2260×1120/89×44.09 Φ380×130/15×5.1
dimension (L×W)(mm/in) × width) (mm/in)
3. Hydraulic system
Item Parameter
Type Open
Pump displacement (ml/r) 4.5
Max. working pressure
Walking 25/3626
Motor displacement (ml/r) 395
system Max. working pressure of lifting system
Max. working pressure of steering system
Max. working pressure of brake system
4. Electrical system
Item Parameter
Rated voltage (V) 24
Rated current (A) 235
Lifting motor
Rated power (kW) 4.5
Rated speed (r/min) 2750
Battery Output voltage (V) 6 (single piece)
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Capacity (Ah) 240 (20-hour discharge rate)
Nominal AC input voltage (V) 100-240VAC
Maximum AC input current (Ah) 8.5
Nominal DC output voltage (V) 34
Maximum DC output current (A) 30
Control system Voltage (V) 24
2. Main dimensions
Item Parameter Item Parameter
Platform extension
Overall length (mm/in) 2490/98.03 900/35.43
dimension (mm/in)
Overall length (without
2270/89.4 Wheelbase (mm/in) 1850/73
Overall width (mm/in) 1180/46.46 Wheel track (mm/in) 1050/41.34
Overall height (guardrail Min. ground clearance
2360/92.92 100/3.94
unfolded)(mm/in) (stowed)(mm/in)
Overall height (guardrail Min. ground clearance
1550/61.02 20/0.79
folded)(mm/in) (lifted) (mm/in)
Working platform Tire specification (diameter
2260×1120/88.98×44.09 Φ380×130/15×5.1
dimension (L×W)(mm/in) × width) (mm/in)
3. Transmission system
Item Parameter
Rated output torque (Nm) 500
Walking reducer
Gear ratio 45.13:1
4. Hydraulic system
Item Parameter
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Type Open
Pump displacement (ml/r) 4.5
Functional Max. working pressure of lifting system
system (MPa/psi)
Max. working pressure of steering system
5. Electrical system
Item Parameter
Rated voltage (VDC) 24
Rated current (A) 48
Drive motor
Rated power (kW) 0.81
Rated speed (r/min) 1917
Rated voltage (V) 24
Rated current (A) 235
Lifting motor
Rated power (kW) 4.5
Rated speed (r/min) 2750
Output voltage (V) 6 (single piece)
Capacity (Ah) 240 (20-hour discharge rate)
Nominal AC input voltage (V) 100-240VAC
Maximum AC input current (Ah) 8.5
Nominal DC output voltage (V) 34
Maximum DC output current (A) 30
Control system Voltage (V) 24
2. Main dimensions
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Item Parameter Item Parameter
Overall length (with ladder) Platform extension
2490/98.03 900/35.43
(mm/in) dimension (mm/in)
Overall length (without
2270/89.37 Wheelbase (mm/in) 1850/73
Overall width (mm/in) 1180/46.46 Wheel track (mm/in) 1050/41.34
Overall height (guardrail Min. ground clearance
2490/98.03 100/3.94
unfolded)(mm/in) (stowed)(mm/in)
Overall height (guardrail Min. ground clearance
1710/62.32 20/0.79
folded)(mm/in) (lifted) (mm/in)
Working platform Tire specification (diameter
2260×1120/88.98×44.09 Φ380×130/15×5.1
dimension (L×W)(mm/in) × width) (mm/in)
3. Hydraulic system
Item Parameter
Type Open
Pump displacement (ml/r) 4.5
Max. working pressure
Walking 25/3626
Motor displacement (ml/r) 395
system Max. working pressure of lifting system
Max. working pressure of steering system
Max. working pressure of brake system
4. Electrical system
Item Parameter
Rated voltage (V) 24
Rated current (A) 235
Lifting motor
Rated power (kW) 4.5
Rated speed (r/min) 2750
Output voltage (V) 6 (single piece)
Capacity (Ah) 240 (20-hour discharge rate)
Nominal AC input voltage (V) 100-240VAC
Maximum AC input current (Ah) 8.5
Nominal DC output voltage (V) 34
Maximum DC output current (A) 30
Control system Voltage (V) 24
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Max. inner wheel turning
Min. turning radius (m/ft) 2.45/8.04 75°
Max. travel speed Max. allowed wind speed
3.5±0.2/2.2±0.12 12.5/28
(stowed)(km/h/mph) (m/s/mph)
Max. travel speed (lifted)
(km/h/mph) Front wheel drive
Drive mode
Max. braking distance (no- Front wheel steering
load, stowed) (mm/in)
2. Main dimensions
Item Parameter Item Parameter
Platform extension
Overall length (mm/in) 2490/98.03 900/35.43
dimension (mm/in)
Overall length (without
2270/89.37 Wheelbase (mm/in) 1850/73
Overall width (mm/in) 1180/46.46 Wheel track (mm/in) 1050/41.34
Overall height (guardrail Min. ground clearance
2490/98.03 100/3.94
unfolded)(mm/in) (stowed)(mm/in)
Overall height (guardrail Min. ground clearance
1675/65.94 20/0.79
folded)(mm/in) (lifted) (mm/in)
Working platform Tire specification (diameter
2260×1120/88.98×44.09 Φ380×130/15×5.1
dimension (L×W)(mm/in) × width) (mm/in)
3. Transmission system
Item Parameter
Rated output torque (Nm) 500
Walking reducer
Gear ratio 45.13:1
4. Hydraulic system
Item Parameter
Type Open
Pump displacement (ml/r) 4.5
Functional Max. working pressure of lifting system
system (MPa/psi)
Max. working pressure of steering system
5. Electrical system
Item Parameter
Rated voltage (VDC) 24
Rated current (A) 48
Drive motor
Rated power (kW) 0.81
Rated speed (r/min) 1917
Rated voltage (V) 24
Rated current (A) 235
Lifting motor
Rated power (kW) 4.5
Rated speed (r/min) 2750
Output voltage (V) 6 (single piece)
Capacity (Ah) 240 (20-hour discharge rate)
Nominal AC input voltage (V) 100-240VAC
Maximum AC input current (Ah) 8.5
Nominal DC output voltage (V) 34
Maximum DC output current (A) 30
Control system Voltage (V) 24
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
2.1.9 S4046Ⅱ machine parameters
1. Machine performance parameters
Item Parameter Item Parameter
Rated load (kg/lbs) 320/705 Fork lifting time (s) 65±4
Extension platform load
120/265 Fork lowering time (s) 60±4
Total weight (kg/lbs) 2970/6548 Max. Indoor (N) 400
Max. allowed workers operation
2 Outdoor (N) 200
(indoor) effort
Theoretical max.
Max. allowed workers
1 gradeability (no-load, 25%
14/46(in) X-direction:
Max. working height (m/ft) Max. 1.5°
9.5/31.17(out) left/right
12/39.4 (in) Y-direction:
Max. platform height (m/ft) inclination 3°
7.5/24.6 (out) front/rear
Max. inner wheel turning
Min. turning radius (m/ft) 2.45/8.04 75°
Max. travel speed Max. allowed wind speed
3±0.5/1.86±0.31 12.5/28
(stowed)(km/h/mph) (m/s/mph)
Max. travel speed (lifted)
(km/h/mph) Front wheel drive
Drive mode
Max. braking distance (no- Front wheel steering
load, stowed) (mm/in)
2. Main dimensions
Item Parameter Item Parameter
Overall length (with ladder) Platform extension
2490/98.03 900/35.4
(mm/in) dimension (mm/in)
Overall length (without
2270/89.37 Wheelbase (mm/in) 1850/73
Overall width (mm/in) 1180/46.46 Wheel track (mm/in) 1050/41.34
Overall height (guardrail Min. ground clearance
2630/103.54 100/3.94
unfolded)(mm/in) (stowed)(mm/in)
Overall height (guardrail Min. ground clearance
1840/72.44 20/0.79
folded)(mm/in) (lifted) (mm/in)
Working platform Tire specification (diameter
2260×1120/88.98×44.09 Φ380×130/15×5.1
dimension (L×W)(mm/in) × width) (mm/in)
3. Hydraulic system
Item Parameter
Type Open
Pump displacement (ml/r) 4.5
Max. working pressure
Walking 25/3626
Motor displacement (ml/r) 395
system Max. working pressure of lifting system
Max. working pressure of steering system
Max. working pressure of brake system
4. Electrical system
Item Parameter
Rated voltage (V) 24
Rated current (A) 235
Lifting motor
Rated power (kW) 4.5
Rated speed (r/min) 2750
Output voltage (V) 12
Capacity (Ah) 150 (20-hour discharge rate)
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Nominal AC input voltage (V) 100-240VAC
Maximum AC input current (Ah) 8.5
Nominal DC output voltage (V) 34
Maximum DC output current (A) 30
Control system Voltage (V) 24
2. Main dimensions
Item Parameter Item Parameter
Platform extension
Overall length (mm/in) 2490/98.03 900/35.43
dimension (mm/in)
Overall length (without
2270/89.37 Wheelbase (mm/in) 1850/73
Overall width (mm/in) 1180/46.46 Wheel track (mm/in) 1050/41.34
Overall height (guardrail Min. ground clearance
2630/103.54 100/3.94
unfolded)(mm/in) (stowed)(mm/in)
Overall height (guardrail Min. ground clearance
1800/70.87 20/0.79
folded)(mm/in) (lifted) (mm/in)
Working platform Tire specification (diameter
2260×1120/88.98×44.09 Φ380×130/15×5.1
dimension (L×W)(mm/in) × width) (mm/in)
3. Transmission system
Item Parameter
Rated output torque (Nm) 500
Walking reducer
Gear ratio 45.13:1
4. Hydraulic system
Item Parameter
Type Open
Pump displacement (ml/r) 4.5
Max. working pressure of lifting system 21/3046
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Max. working pressure of steering system
5. Electrical system
Item Parameter
Rated voltage (VDC) 24
Rated current (A) 48
Drive motor
Rated power (kW) 0.81
Rated speed (r/min) 1917
Rated voltage (V) 24
Rated current (A) 235
Lifting motor
Rated power (kW) 4.5
Rated speed (r/min) 2750
Output voltage (V) 12
Capacity (Ah) 150 (20-hour discharge rate)
Nominal AC input voltage (V) 100-240VAC
Maximum AC input current (Ah) 8.5
Nominal DC output voltage (V) 34
Maximum DC output current (A) 30
Control system Voltage (V) 24
2. Main dimensions
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Item Parameter Item Parameter
Overall length (with ladder) Platform extension
2800/110.2 900/35.4
(mm/in) dimension (mm/in)
Overall length (without
2650/104.3 Wheelbase (mm/in) 2220/87.4
Overall width (mm/in) 1300/51.2 Wheel track (mm/in) 1175/46.3
Overall height (guardrail Min. ground clearance
2740/107.8 105/4.1
unfolded)(mm/in) (stowed)(mm/in)
Overall height (guardrail Min. ground clearance
1940/76.4 20/0.79
folded)(mm/in) (lifted) (mm/in)
Working platform Tire specification (diameter
2640×1120/103.9×44.1 Φ380×130/15×5.1
dimension (L×W)(mm/in) × width) (mm/in)
3. Hydraulic system
Item Parameter
Type Open
Pump displacement (ml/r) 4.5
Max. working pressure
Walking 25/3626
Motor displacement (ml/r) 395
system Max. working pressure of lifting system
Max. working pressure of steering system
Max. working pressure of brake system
4. Electrical system
Item Parameter
Rated voltage (V) 24
Rated current (A) 235
Lifting motor
Rated power (kW) 4.5
Rated speed (r/min) 2750
Output voltage (V) 12
Capacity (Ah) 150 (20-hour discharge rate)
Nominal AC input voltage (V) 100-240VAC
Maximum AC input current (Ah) 8.5
Nominal DC output voltage (V) 24
Maximum DC output current (A) 30
Control system Voltage (V) 24
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
8/26.2 (out) front/rear
Max. inner wheel turning
Min. turning radius (m/ft) 2.85/9.35 75°
Max. travel speed Max. allowed wind speed
3.5±0.2/2.2±0.12 12.5/28
(stowed)(km/h/mph) (m/s/mph)
Max. travel speed (lifted)
(km/h/mph) Front wheel drive
Drive mode
Max. braking distance (no- Front wheel steering
load, stowed) (mm/in)
2. Main dimensions
Item Parameter Item Parameter
Platform extension
Overall length (mm/in) 2800/110.2 900/35.4
dimension (mm/in)
Overall length (without
2650/104.3 Wheelbase (mm/in) 2220/87.4
Overall width (mm/in) 1300/51.2 Wheel track (mm/in) 1175/46.3
Overall height (guardrail Min. ground clearance
2740/107.8 105/4.1
unfolded)(mm/in) (stowed)(mm/in)
Overall height (guardrail Min. ground clearance
1940/76.4 20/0.79
folded)(mm/in) (lifted) (mm/in)
Working platform Tire specification (diameter
2640×1120/103.9×44.1 Φ380×130/15×5.1
dimension (L×W)(mm/in) × width) (mm/in)
3. Transmission system
Item Parameter
Rated output torque (Nm) 500
Walking reducer
Gear ratio 45.13:1
4. Hydraulic system
Item Parameter
Type Open
Pump displacement (ml/r) 4.5
Functional Max. working pressure of lifting system
system (MPa/psi)
Max. working pressure of steering system
5. Electrical system
Item Parameter
Rated voltage (VDC) 24
Rated current (A) 48
Drive motor
Rated power (kW) 0.81
Rated speed (r/min) 1917
Rated voltage (V) 24
Rated current (A) 235
Lifting motor
Rated power (kW) 4.5
Rated speed (r/min) 2750
Output voltage (V) 12
Capacity (Ah) 150 (20-hour discharge rate)
Nominal AC input voltage (V) 100-240VAC
Maximum AC input current (Ah) 8.5
Nominal DC output voltage (V) 24
Maximum DC output current (A) 30
Control system Voltage (V) 24
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Hydraulic oil (L) 25.5 Walking reducer gear oil (L) 0.3
-33℃< minimum temperature ≤-9℃ L-HV #46 low temperature hydraulic oil
-39℃< minimum temperature ≤-33℃ L-HS #46 Ultra-low temperature hydraulic oil
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
7/8-14 UN(F) 115 80
1-1/16-12 UN(F) 140 100
1-5/16-12 UN(F) 210 150
1-5/8-12 UN(F) 290 290
1-7/8-12 UN(F) 325 325
7/16-20 UN(F) 20 20
1/2-20 UN(F) 40 40
9/16-18 UN(F) 46 46
3/4-16 UN(F) 80 80
7/8-14 UN(F) 135 135
1-1/16-12 UN(F) 185 185
1-5/16-12 UN(F) 270 270
1-5/16-12 UN(F) 270 270
1-5/8-12 UN(F) 340 340
1-7/8-12 UN(F) 415 415
1. Table 1 gives the torques for metric-threaded joints and inch-threaded joints, and Table 2 gives
the torques for UN-threaded joints, and for those torques, an error of +10% is allowed;
2. The torque values given in Table 1 and Table 2 are based on the condition that the connected
part is made of steel, and for connected part made of aluminum, the tightening torque equal to 60% of
the corresponding torque in Table 2 and Table 3 shall apply and shall be rounded to the nearest integer
after calculation;
3. For Parker joints, the torque is to be selected according to the name and specification, and for
ordinary joints, the torque is to be selected according to the thread specification.
For example:
1) GE 28 L M ED OMD A3C: GE for straight-through joint, 28 for pipe diameter, L for normal
pressure, M for metric thread, ED for E-type elastic seal, OMD for no nut sleeve, A3C for galvanizing;
According to the 28L M ED, the torque value can be selected from Table 1: 325N.m
2) GE O 22L R 3/4 OMDA3C: O represents the F-type 0-ring seal, R represents the inch thread,
and 3/4 represents the thread specification G3/4; According to O 22L R3/4, the torque value can be
selected from Table 2: 160N.m;
3) GE O 20 S R OMDCF: S represents the heavy pressure, and the torque value selected
according to O 20 S R is: 160 N.m;
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
1) For torques given in Table 2, an error of +10% is allowed;
2) The torque values given in Table 3 are based on the condition that the connected part is made
of steel, and for connected part made of aluminum, the tightening torque equal to 60% of the
corresponding torque in Table 1 shall apply and shall be rounded to the nearest integer after
3) For Parker rubber hoses, right-angle joints and tee joints, the torque is to be selected according
to the name and specification, and for ordinary rubber hoses, right-angle joints and tee joints, the
torque is to be selected according to the thread specification.
For example:
1) F481 CACF 2815 16: F481 for crimping form and hose type, CACF for joint type at both ends, CA
for 24°conical swivel nut with O-ring, CF for 90°elbow of 24°conical swivel nut with O-ring, and
2815 for connection specification of joint at both ends of hose. According to this, the torque
selected for end 28 is 135N.m, and the torque selected for end 15 is 58N.m;
2) F412 SN CACF 1210 06: SN represents heavy pressure hose, the torque at end 12 is 63 N.m,
and the torque at end 10 is 53 N.m;
3) EW15LOMDA3C: EW represents a right-angle combination fitting. The torque value selected
from Table 1 according to 15L is 32 N.m.
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
825~ 1120~ 1160~
5.6 300 550~700 680~850
1100 1400 1546
969~ 1319~ 1694~ 1559~
6.8 480 714~952
1293 1759 2259 2079
952~ 1293~ 1759~ 2259~ 2923~
8.8 640
1269 1723 2345 3012 3898
1400~ 1700~ 2473~ 2800~ 4111~
10.9 900
1650 2000 3298 3350 5481
1606 ~ 2181 ~ 2968~ 3812~ 4933~
12.9 1080
2142 2908 3958 5082 6577
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Chapter 3 Platform
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
(S1932Ⅱ, S1932EⅡ)
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
from the inside of the sling fixing point of the 12. Carefully slide the extended platform off the
! CAUTION: Lift the platform through the two hoisting process.
anchor points on the guardrails on both sides, 3.2.2 Installation of platform assembly
and lifting by one sling is not allowed. (S1932 II, S1932 E II)
assembly on a structure with sufficient Fig. 3.3 Installation of main platform slider
8. Extend the extended platform by about 1. Lift the main platform weldment and
9. Support the extended platform with a lifting to ensure firm and reliable positioning.
equipment. Do not apply any lifting force. 2. As shown in Fig. 3.3, place the sliders 1 and
10. Undo the fasteners on each wheel carrier of 3 on the main platform base plate, keep the
the platform, and remove the wheel carrier sliders 1 & 3 and the main platform base
11. Remove the platform pulley from the vertically with the blind rivets 2 and 4.
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
3 to specified torque. The other end is fitted Fig. 3.5 Front connection between fork and
1. Bolt 2. Washer 3. Safety pin 4. Pin 5. Retainer
ring 6. Washer
Pay attention to safety during hoisting. Do
4. As shown in Fig. 3.5, remove the connecting
not let any part of the body under the hoisted
pin between the main platform and the fork
object. If the sling is damaged, replace it
with a special tool.
S4650Ⅱ, S4650EⅡ)
safe operation space available around it, and Fig. 3.6 Rear connection between the fork and
2. Pull out the connector between the PCU 1. Slider 2. Half shaft 3. Bolt 4. Nut 5. Retainer
3. Pull the PCU harness out of the platform and 5. As shown in Fig. 3.6, use a special tool to
put it on the side of the fork (ensure that the remove the half shafts connecting the slider
harness will not be pressed when the and the fork assembly at the left and right
guardrail assembly.
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
! CAUTION: Lift the platform through the two
3.2.4 Installation of platform assembly
supporting capacity.
m/3.28 ft.
equipment. Do not apply any lifting force. Figure 3.7 Extended platform
10. Undo the fasteners on each wheel carrier of 1. Blind rivet 2. Slider
the platform, and remove the wheel carrier 2. As shown in Fig. 3.7, place part 2 on the
11. Remove the platform pulley from the plate, keep part 1 and part 2 concentric with
12. Carefully slide the extended platform off the thread part 1 from top to bottom, and fix part
platform, and place it on a structure with 2 on the extended platform base plate to
! CAUTION: be careful of not being hit △
! CAUTTION: The slider's chamfered end
refer to 3.4.2.
refer to 3.3.2.
! CAUTION: assemble one side slider and
! CAUTION: Pull and push the extended axle shaft first, and then assemble the other side
platform after installing the pedal to test whether after lowering the platform.
the spring pin can perform limitation effect and 8. Adjust the crane to align the rectangular
does not interfere with the stopper. tube hole of the uppermost layer of fork with
5. Install the guardrail assembly to the the main platform hole. Use a special tool to
extended platform and the main platform. thread the pin, and tighten one end of the
6. After installing the platform assembly, apply pin with the bolt, washer and safety pin to
evenly the lithium-based grease to the specified torque. The other end is fitted into
contact surface between the bending plate the retainer ring with circlip pliers.
guardrail from the inside of the platform guardrail of the main platform not tipping
and place it inside the platform; over. Pay attention to not putting your
4. Remove the two D-pins at the front part of hands at the positions where there is a
the extended platform from the inside of
the platform. pinching risk.
5. Turn inward the front guardrail of the 11. Push the left guardrail of the main platform
extended platform with the left/right inward from the ladder or the ground. Pay
guardrail of the extended platform not attention to not putting your hands at the
tipping over. Pay attention to not putting positions where there is a pinching risk; At
your hands at the positions where there is the same time, prevent the left/right
6. Reinstall the two D-pins to the guardrail over; Push the right guardrail of the main
7. Turn inward the left guardrail of the ground. Pay attention to not putting your
extended platform with the right guardrail of hands at the positions where there is a
attention to not putting your hands at the 12. Reinstall the two D-pins to the guardrail of
8. Turn inward the right guardrail of the The S4650II/S4650EII platform guardrail
putting your hands at the positions where the extended platform and a folding guardrail of
there is a pinching risk. the main platform. All parts are fixed in proper
9. Remove the two D-pins on the upper part places by four D-pins.
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
3. Remove the M-type fixing seat between the sides of the main platform door rail;
main platform and the extended platform 10. Push the door rail inward from the ladder or
guardrail from the inside of the platform the ground with the left/right guardrail of
and place it in the platform; the main platform not tipping over. Pay
4. Remove the two D-pins at the front part of attention to not putting your hands at the
the extended platform from the inside of positions where there is a pinching risk.
the platform. 11. Rotate the semi-swing gate from the ladder
5. Turn inward the front guardrail of the or the ground until the right and left
extended platform with the left/right guardrails can be folded smoothly. Pay
guardrail of the extended platform not attention to not putting your hands at the
tipping over. Pay attention to not putting positions where there is a pinching risk. At
your hands at the positions where there is the same time, prevent the left and right
bracket on each side; 12. Reinstall the two pins to the guardrail of
the extended platform not tipping over. Pay /S4046Ⅱ/S4046EⅡ platform guardrail system
attention to not putting your hands at the consists of a folding guardrail of the extended
positions where there is a pinching risk. platform and a folding guardrail of the main
8. Turn inward the right guardrail of the platform. If all parts of the platform are equipped
extended platform. Pay attention to not with six D-pins fixed in place, fold the guardrail
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
2. Remove the PCU; 9. Remove the two D-pins above the main
3. Remove the M-type fixing seat between the platform door rail;
main platform and the extended platform 10. Fold the left and right guardrails of the
guardrail from the inside of the platform platform door into the platform
and place it in the platform; 11. Remove the two D-pins on the left and right
4. Remove the two D-pins at the front part of sides of the main platform door rail;
the extended platform from the inside of 12. Push the door rail inward from the ladder or
5. Turn inward the front guardrail of the the main platform not tipping over. Pay
extended platform with the left/right attention to not putting your hands at the
guardrail of the extended platform not positions where there is a pinching risk.
tipping over. Pay attention to not putting 13. Rotate the semi-swing gate from the ladder
your hands at the positions where there is or the ground until the right and left
6. Reinstall the two D-pins to the guardrail attention to not putting your hands at the
7. Turn inward the left guardrail of the the same time, prevent the left and right
extended platform with the right guardrail of guardrails of the main platform from tipping
attention to not putting your hands at the 14. Reinstall the pins to the guardrail of each
8. Turn inward the right guardrail of the If all parts of the platform S2646 II/S2646E
extended platform. Pay attention to not II/S3246 II/S3246E II/S4046 II/S4046E II are
putting your hands at the positions where equipped with four D-shaped pins and fixed in
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
1. Fully lower the platform and lock the putting your hands at the positions where
2. Remove the PCU; 9. Remove the two D-pins above the main
3. Remove the M-type fixing seat between the platform door rail;
main platform and the extended platform 10. Fold the left and right guardrails of the
guardrail from the inside of the platform platform door into the platform
and place it in the platform; 11. Remove the two D-pins on the left and right
4. Remove the two D-pins at the front part of sides of the main platform door rail;
the extended platform from the inside of 12. Fold the upper half of the main platform
5. Turn inward the front guardrail of the 13. Reinstall the pins to the guardrail of each
guardrail of the extended platform not 14. Remove the bolts, washers and butterfly
tipping over. Pay attention to not putting nuts on the right side of the main platform
a pinching risk. 15. Push the door rail inward from the ladder or
6. Reinstall the two D-pins to the guardrail the ground with the left/right guardrail of
bracket on each side; the main platform not tipping over. Pay
7. Turn inward the left guardrail of the attention to not putting your hands at the
extended platform with the right guardrail of positions where there is a pinching risk.
the extended platform not tipping over. Pay 16. Rotate the semi-swing gate from the ladder
attention to not putting your hands at the or the ground until the right and left
positions where there is a pinching risk. guardrails can be folded smoothly. Pay
8. Turn inward the right guardrail of the attention to not putting your hands at the
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
positions where there is a pinching risk. At 2. Release the spring seat 2 from the mount 3
the same time, prevent the left and right with a wrench and remove the spring 4 and
guardrails of the main platform from tipping the spring pin 5 from the spring seat 2.
! CAUTION: The nut cannot be used again
17. Install the removed bolts, washers and
after removal.
butterfly nuts back to the guardrail.
3.3.2 Installation of pedal
3.3 Removal and installation of
1. As shown in Fig. 3.11, thread the spring 4
and the spring pin 5 through the part 3 and
3.3.1 Removal of pedal
install them into the spring seat 2, and fix
with a wrench.
Figure 3.11 Pedal in on the lower side of the spring pin, and
1. Pedal 2. Spring seat 3. Mount 4. Spring 5. ensure that the pedal moves upward and
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
of wheel frame and wheels 1. First remove the bolt and washer from the
3.4.1 Removal of wheel frames and wheel frame, and slowly extract the four
Fig. 3.12 Disassembly and Assembly of Main
1. Assemble the main platform wheel
Platform Wheel Frames and Wheels
assembly to the main platform wheel frame,
1. Wheel assembly 2. Adjusting shim 3.
and the extended platform wheel assembly
Adjusting shim
to the extended platform wheel frame
4. Adjustment shim 5. Washer 6. Bolt 7. Wheel
2. Install the wheel frames and wheels in
Fig. 3.13 Removal and installation of extension platform. Pull out the extended platform
platform wheel frame and wheels completely, during which the lateral shaking
1. Wheel assembly 2. Adjusting shim 3. Bolt 4. amount shall not exceed 3 mm/0.118 in, and
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
specified torque.
! CAUTION: the large beveled side of the
32±3 N.m
! Caution: Apply AT262 to the bolt surface,
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
1. Spring 2. Nut 3. Washer 4. Bolt 5. Left door sill seam 6. Door 7. Plastic block 8. Clearance
11. Bolt 12. Washer 13. Nut 14. Spring hinge 15. Bolt 16. Bolt 17. Screw 18. Washer 19. Nut
1. As shown in Fig. 3.14, remove the fasteners of the fixing part 6 of the door, remove the spring hinge
of part 14, and slowly remove the swing gate from the guardrail.
2. Remove the bolts and other fasteners of part 4, and remove the plastic block of part 7 and the
spring of part 1.
1. Install the plastic block of part 7 and the spring of part 1 into the swing gate and fasten it with bolts
and washers. Slightly tighten here to ensure smooth sliding of the plastic block.
2. Fix the semi-swing gate on the platform with the spring hinge of part 14 and fasten it with parts 11,
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
12 and 13.
3. During assembly, note that the lower edge of the door is parallel to the main platform base plate,
and the door should be opened and closed smoothly without jamming. After the door is pushed
open, it should freely rebound back to the original position and be locked tightly, and the limit should
be reliable. After installation, it shall be ensured that the revolving door rotates smoothly without
Note: S1932II is used as an example for the assembly of the revolving door shown in the figure, and other
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Chapter 4 Fork
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
4.1 Removal of fourth fork (S1932 II, S1932E II, S2632 II, S2632E II, S2646 II,
S2646E II)
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
! WARNING: danger of personal injury
If the cable is kinked or squeezed, it may be
This procedure requires specific
4. Remove the cable harness from the third
maintenance skills, lifting equipment and a
layer to fourth layer of wiring plate of the fork.
suitable workshop. Attempting this process
5. Connect the overhead crane strap on the #4
without these skills and tools may result in
outer arm on the tank side.
death or serious injury, as well as serious
6. Remove securing fasteners of outer retainer
component damage. It is strongly
ring, washer and #4 center pin
recommended to seek services from the dealer.
7. Remove #4 center shaft with a soft metal
! CAUTION: During removal of the hose
hammer and remove the 3rd to 4th layer fork
assembly or connector, the connector and the
wiring plate.
O-ring at the hose end must be replaced (if
8. Remove the securing fastener of pin 4 from
equipped). All connections must be tightened to
the non-steering end of the machine.
the specified torque during installation. See the
9. Remove the pin #4 from the non-steering
specification for selection of tightening torque of
end of machine by using soft metal hammer,
the lifting platform
and then remove the #4 outer arm from the
1. Remove the platform.
2. Support and secure the entrance ladder to
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
using a soft metal hammer. Remove #4 inner 20. Attach the sling on the overhead crane and
arm from the machine. connect it to the #3 outer arm on the battery
13. Remove the cable harnesses from the wiring box side (Part 16).
plate and wiring ring of #3 inner arm and lay 21. Remove the securing fastener from the #3
! CAUTION: Danger of component damage
22. Remove the #3 pin (Part 17) with a soft metal
If the cable is twisted or squeezed, it may be
23. Remove the #3 outer arm (part 16) on the
side of the battery box from the machine.
14. Connect the sling on the overhead crane to
15. Remove the fastener of #3 center pin. When removed from the machine, the #3
16. Remove the wiring plate of #3 arm. outer arm on the side of the battery box may be
17. Remove #3 center pin (part 4) with a soft out of balance and fall off if it is not properly
18. Remove the securing fastener from #3 pin 24. Attach the sling on the overhead crane to the
19. Knock out half of #3 pin (part 17) from the 25. Remove the securing fastener from the lift
non-steering end of the machine with a soft cylinder rod end pin (part 5).
metal hammer. Remove #3 outer arm on the 26. Remove the lower lift cylinder rod end pin
tank side (part 16) from the machine. (part 5) from the machine by using a soft
! CAUTION: risk of crushing
metal hammer.
shaft of the connecting rod end. outer arm at the ground control side.
27. Place a cushion block on #1 inner arm 36. Remove the securing fastener
cylinder plate (Part 10). from #2 center pin (part 7) on the ground
28. Lower the cylinder onto the cushion block. control side.
29. Attach the sling on the overhead crane to #3 37. Remove the securing fastener from pin #2
inner arm (part 15). Lift the arm to the vertical (part 20) at the non-steering end.
30. Remove the securing fastener from pin #3 steering end of the machine using a soft
(part 6) at the steering end of the machine. metal hammer. Remove ground control side
31. Remove pin #3 (part 6) from the steering end (part 19) #2 outer arm from the machine.
! WARNING: Risk of crushing properly supported, it may be out of balance and
inner arm may become out of balance and fall if 39. Fasten the sling on the overhead crane strap
it is not properly supported. to #2 outer arm on the battery box side (part
plate and wiring ring of #2 inner arm and put 40. Remove the outer retainer ring, washer and
33. Remove the securing fastener of outer (part 7) on the battery box side.
retainer ring, washer and #2 center pin (part 41. Remove the center pin #2 (part 7) with a soft
34. Remove the wiring plate from the machine. 42. Remove the #2 outer arm on the battery side.
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
! WARNING: danger of personal injury △
! WARNING: danger of personal injury
When removed from the machine, the #2 When the fork is lowered onto the safety
outer arm on the battery box side may be out of arm, do not touch the moving parts with your
43. Attach a sling on the overhead crane to the 49. Attach the overhead crane strap to the lift
44. Remove the securing fastener from pin 2 50. Mark, disconnect and plug the hydraulic
(part 8) on the steering end of the machine. hose on the lift cylinder. Cover the connector
! WARNING: Risk of crushing burn the skin. Loosen the hydraulic connectors
When removed from the machine, the #2 very slowly to gradually dissipate the oil pressure.
inner arm may be out of balance and fall if it is Do not allow oil to squirt or spray.
not properly supported. 51. Mark and disconnect the harness on the
46. Connect the sling from the overhead crane cylinder valve.
to the #1 inner arm (part 10). 52. Mark and disconnect the harness of the
47. Raise the #1 inner arm (part 10) about 60 platform pressure sensor.
a 10 cm/3.94 in×10 cm/3.94 in×1.2 m/3.94 f 53. Lift the lift cylinder to the vertical position.
t long cushion block under #1 center pin 54. Remove the pin securing fastener from the
(part 9) across both sides of the chassis. And lift cylinder barrel end shaft (Part 21).
lower the scissor arm onto the cushion block. Remove the pin with a soft metal hammer.
! WARNING: Risk of crushing △
! WARNING: danger of personal injury
If not properly supported and fixed to the When removing the pin, if it is not properly
lifting equipment, the lift cylinder will become supported, the #1 outer arm may become
! CAUTION: Danger of component damage
60. Slide #1 outer arm (part 22) to the non-
59. Remove the #1 center pin (part 9) on both During removal of the #1 inner arm from the
sides using soft metal hammer. machine, the #1 outer arm may become
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
unbalanced and fall if not properly supported. c) Insert the part 4 into the outer hole of the
4.2 Fourth layer fork assembly of the part 3 is concentric with the clamping
(S1932II, S1932EII, S2632II, hole of the outer beam shaft sleeve, and
S2632EII, S2646II, S2646EII) install the part 5. Note that the bolt fixed at
1. Installation of first layer fork the shaft end shall be inserted from the front
Fig. 4.17 Installation of first layer fork e) Tighten the part 4/5 with torque wrench;
1. First inner wall assembly 2. First outer wall Note: use electric impact wrench to tighten
weldment 3. Pin 4. Bolt 5. Nut 6. Washer 7. the nut end, pay attention to the paint
a) As shown in Fig. 4.17, place parts 1 and 2 requirements for nuts in other positions.
to the fork part trolley, and pay attention to Tools: fork single-layer hanger, copper hammer,
b) Adjust the positions of first layer of inner wrench, sleeve 16#, rubber protective pad
the middle shaft hole, knock in the shaft 3 Tightening torque of part 5: 40±4 N.m
on each side of the fork, and pay attention 2. Lift cylinder (lower end) assembly
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Fig. 4.18 Assembly of lift cylinder (lower end) and fasten it reliably; Note that the gasket is
a) Before placing the oil cylinder, lay a rubber Tools: rubber pad, copper hammer, torque
pad at the rear end of the inner frame ear wrench, sleeve, electric impact wrench
plate beam to avoid damaging the oil Tightening torque of Part 3: 52±5 N.m
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
subsequent PVC protection shall be the harness fork shall be close to the round
same as this requirement); Install rubber pipe at the rear end of the inner frame,
protectors at the positions with yellow as shown in Fig. 4.20. In the natural
circles, and then bind the pipeline; state, the harness shall be arced to the
Note: When cutting the excess part of the strap, inner side, 15-20 mm away from the
cut should be smooth without any sharp corners, 3) Install the strap to the wiring plate fixing
as shown in Fig. 4.5; This also applies to the hole, smooth the harness, and use the
straps on the other positions; installed strap to bind the harness firmly;
are as follows:
Fig. 4.21 Installation of second layer fork
1) Reserve 1.5 m/4.92 ft at the fixed pipe
1. Second inner arm assembly 2. Bolt 3. Nut 4.
clamp of the harness oil pipe, then lay it
Washer 5. Retaining ring 6. Pin
to the back of the oil cylinder and bind it
a) Lift the second-layer inner frame to the
along the round steel (green circle);
upper side of the first-layer inner frame,
2) When the PCU harness is arced to the
between the two arms of the first-layer outer
wiring plate, the inner side of the
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
direction of the inner frame e) Lift and place parts 7 and 8 to both sides of
b) Adjust the outer beam of the first-layer fork the inner frame of the first layer respectively,
to be concentric with the front end shaft hole pay attention to the placement direction of
of the second-layer fork inner frame, and the outer beam (surface with the rubber plug
then knock the part 6 in. Note that the shaft hole facing upward), and pay attention to
end with circlip faces inward and smash in distinguish between left and right;
from the right side of the fork; Note: when the outer beam is placed, it must be
c) Thread the part 2 into the through hole 6, placed steadily before the other side is lifted.
adjust the pin 6 so that the through hole is After the outer beam is placed, the outer
concentric with the bolt hole of the outer beam anti-falling tooling must be used and
beam shaft sleeve, and install the parts 2 placed in the middle of the fork. Other
and 3. Note that the bolt fixed at the shaft subsequent layers shall follow this
the fork; Tighten the part 2/3; f) Adjust the parts 7 and 8 to make that the
d) Install the part 4 into the end of the shaft second-layer outer beam is concentric with
circlip 6 and install the part 5 into the groove the rear end shaft hole of the first-layer inner
6 with a circlip pliers. frame, and then knock the part 11 in. Note
Fig. 4.22 Installation of second layer fork adjust the pin through hole so that it is
2. Bolt 3. nut 4. washer 5. retaining ring 6. pin concentric with the bolt hole of the outer
7. Left weldment of outer arm 8. Right beam shaft sleeve, and install the parts 2
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
and 3. Note that the bolt fixed at the shaft k) Clamp the opening end of the wiring plate to
end shall be inserted from the front end of the right side of the fixed ring at the rear end
the fork; Tighten the part 2/3; of the first-layer inner frame, and install the
h) Load the part 4 into the side of the 6-axis other end to the inner side of the right-side
circlip, and then load the part 5 into the shaft in the middle of the second-layer fork;
groove of part 6 with circlip pliers. l) Install part 5 into the inner side of part 9
Fig. 4.23 Installation of second-layer fork sleeve, torque wrench, electric impact
i) Adjust the position of the second layer inner Tightening torque of part 3: 40±4 N.m
frame and outer beam, align the middle 4. Assembly of fork protective arm
end of the second layer inner frame and layer inner frame, as shown in Fig. 4.25;
c) Adjust the protective arm position so that it the arc to the wiring plate, the harness
moves to the left side of the inner frame rear needs to be close to the round pipe at the
tube, and the movable end is clamped to the rear end of the inner frame, and wound
inner frame support plate as shown in the inside the fork round steel, as shown in
yellow circle in the figure above. figure 4.25, the wiring harness is naturally
Tools: electric impact wrench, sleeve, torque wound around the arc on the inside, and the
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
placement direction (with the installation e) Lift and place parts 7, 8 to both sides of the
rubber plug hole facing upward); third layer inner frame respectively, pay
b) Adjust the outer beam of the second-layer attention to the placement direction of the
fork to be concentric with the front end shaft outer beam (with the installation rubber plug
hole of the three-layer fork inner frame, and hole facing upward), and pay attention to
then smash part 6 in. Note that the end of distinguish left and right;
the shaft mounting circlip faces inward and f) Adjust the parts 7 and 8 to make that the
smash in from the right side of the fork; third layer outer beam is concentric with the
c) Thread the part 2 into the through hole of rear end shaft hole of the second layer inner
the part 6, adjust the pin of the part 6 so that frame, and then knock the part 6 in. Note
the through hole is concentric with the bolt that the shaft end with circlip faces inward
hole of the outer beam tube, and install the and it is knocked in from the right side of the
shaft end shall be inserted from the front g) Thread part 2 into the left hole of part 6,
end of the fork; Tighten the part 2/3; adjust the pin through hole so that it is
d) Install the part 4 into the end of the shaft concentric with the bolt hole of the outer
circlip 6 and install the part 5 into the groove beam shaft sleeve, and install the parts 2
6 with a circlip pliers. and 3. Note that the bolt fixed at the shaft
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
second layer;
the part 3/4/5, tighten to specified torque harness, the arc shall be close to the inside,
and draw the mark MARK; Note: the gasket 15-20 mm/0.59-0.79 in from the circular ring.
is on the nut side; f) Install the strap to the wiring plate fixing hole,
Tools: pin, safety pin, bolt, nut, washer smooth the harness, and use the installed
Tightening torque of part 3: 52±5 N.m strap to bind the harness firmly;
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
piece 6, adjust the pin of the piece 6 to make the shaft mounting circlip faces inward and
its through hole concentric with the bolt is smashed from the left side of the fork;
through hole of the outer beam, and install g) Thread part 2 into the left hole of part 6,
the piece 2/3. Note that the bolt fixed at the adjust the pin through hole so that it is
shaft end shall be inserted from the front concentric with the bolt hole of the outer
end of the fork frame; Tighten the part 2/3; beam shaft sleeve, and install the parts 2
d) Install the part 4 into the end of the shaft and 3. Note that the bolt fixed at the shaft
circlip 6 and install the part 5 into the groove end shall be inserted from the front end of
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
beam. Install parts 2 and 3, pay attention to Fig 4.33 Installation of fourth layer pipeline
the bolts fixed at the shaft end should be m) Thread the PCU harness along the four-
penetrated from the front end of the fork layer fork axis from the inner frame to the
frame; Fasten the parts 2/3 (tightening outer beam, and then bind it to the wiring
plate: the opening end of the wiring plate is Note: when there is a power harness, the
stuck to the right side of the fixing ring at the outer beam routing round steel is bound
rear end of the three-layer inner frame, and with the PCU using the "8" binding method.
the other end is installed on the inside of the n) After the completion of the harness sorting,
right axis of the middle of the four-layer fork; it is not allowed to break or fall to the ground.
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
2. #5 center pin 12. #2 pin (steering end) 22. Upper lift cylinder barrel end shaft
3. Upper lift cylinder rod end shaft 13. No.1 center pin 23. #3 inner arm
4. #5 pin (steering end) 14. #1 inner arm 24. #3 pin (non-steering end)
8. #3 center pin 18. #5 pin (non-steering end) 28. Lower lift cylinder barrel cylinder shaft
9. Lower lift cylinder rod end shaft 19. #4 inner arm 29. #1 outer arm
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
maintenance skills, lifting equipment and a 5. Attach the sling on the overhead crane to the
without these skills and tools may result in 6. Remove the securing fastener of #5 center
component damage. It is strongly 7. Knock out #5 center pin (No. 2) with a soft
recommended to seek services from the dealer. metal hammer and remove it from the
assembly or connector, the connector and the pin (No. 18) at the non-steering end.
O-ring at the hose end must be replaced (if 9. Remove #5 pin (No. 18) from the non-
equipped). All connections must be tightened to steering end of the machine using a soft
the specified torque during installation. Please metal hammer. Remove #5 outer arm (No.
11. Mark and disconnect the harness of the 19. Remove the securing fastener from the #4
cylinder valve block. center pin (No. 5) on the ground control side.
12. Attach the sling on the overhead crane to 20. Remove the cable harness from the wiring
the upper lift cylinder rod end. plate of #4 inner arm and set it aside.
13. Remove the securing fastener from the 21. Remove wiring plate securing fastener of #4
upper lift cylinder rod end pin (No. 3). inner arm and take off the 3rd layer to 4th
14. Remove the upper lift cylinder rod end pin layer of wiring plate.
(No. 3) from the machine with a soft metal 22. Remove center pin #4 (No. 5) on the ground
During removal of the cylinder rod end 24. Remove #4 pin (No. 21) from the non-
pin from the machine, the cylinder will fall steering end of the machine by using a soft
15. Attach the sling on the overhead crane to #5 ground control side (No. 20) from the
17. Remove pin #5 (No. 18) from the steering When the #4 outer arm is removed from the
end of the machine using a soft metal machine, if it is not properly supported, the #4
hammer. Remove #5 inner arm (No. 16) outer arm may become unbalanced and fall.
from the machine. 25. Attach the sling on the overhead crane to
18. Connect the sling from the overhead crane the #4 outer arm on the battery side (No. 20).
to #4 outer arm (No. 20) on the ground 26. Remove the securing fastener from the
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Pass a rod through the #4 center pin (No. 5) the #4 outer arm is not properly supported.
on the battery side and twist it to remove the 32. Connect the overhead crane slings to the #3
pin. 59 Remove the #4 outer arm (No. 20) outer arm (No. 7) on the ground control side
27. Use a soft metal hammer to remove the #4 33. Remove the securing fastener from #3
center pin (No. 5) on the battery side. center pin (No. 8).
28. Remove #4 outer arm (No. 20) from the 34. Use a soft metal hammer to remove the
When the #4 outer arm is removed from the 36. Use a soft metal hammer to remove pin #3
machine, it may become unbalanced and fall if (No. 24) from the non-steering end of the
the #4 outer arm is not properly supported. machine. Remove the outer arms #3 (No. 7)
29. Connect the sling from the overhead crane on both sides of the machine respectively
30. Remove the securing fastener from pin 4 37. Remove the cable harness and hydraulic
(No. 6) on the steering end of the machine. hose from the wiring plate and wiring ring of
31. Remove pin #4 (No. 6) from the steering end inner arm #3.
of the machine using a soft metal hammer. 38. Remove the securing fastener of the second
Remove #4 inner arm (No. 19) from the layer to third layer of boom wiring plate and
machine, it may become unbalanced and fall if When removing the #3 outer arm from the
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
outer arm may become unbalanced and fall. 45. Place a 10×10×25 cm/3.94×3.94×9.84 inch
39. Attach the sling on the overhead crane to cushion block on #1 inner arm cylinder plate
the lug at the upper lift cylinder rod end. (No. 14).
cylinder barrel end pin (No. 22). Remove the When lowering the cylinder, do not
upper lift cylinder from the machine. touch the moving parts by hand.
from the machine, the cylinder will fall if it is not 48. Remove the securing fastener from #3 pin
machine, be careful not to damage the valve or 50. Connect the overhead crane sling to the #2
connector on the cylinder. outer arm (No. 26) on the ground control
42. Attach the sling on the overhead crane to side and battery side respectively.
the lower lift cylinder rod end. 51. Remove the securing fastener from #2
43. Remove the securing fastener from the center pin (No. 8) on both sides of the
44. Remove the lower lift cylinder rod end pin 52. Remove #2 center pin on both sides of the
(No. 9) from the machine with a soft metal machine with a soft metal hammer.
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
53. Remove the securing fastener from No. 2 hammer. Remove #2 inner arm (No. 25)
54. Use a soft metal hammer to remove the No. 60. Remove the cable harness and hydraulic
2 pin (No. 27) from the non-steering end of hose from the wiring ring of #1 inner arm.
the machine. Remove the #2 outer arm (No. 61. Connect the sling on the overhead crane to
26) located on both sides of the machine the #1 inner arm (No. 14).
from the machine. 62. Raise the #1 inner arm (No. 14) 60cm/1.97ft.
When the #2 outer arm is removed from the center pin (No. 13) across both sides of the
outer arm may become unbalanced and fall. 64. Lower the fork onto the cushion block
55. Remove the cable harnesses and hoses on placed on the chassis.
56. Remove the securing fastener of the first When lowering the cylinder, do not touch the
remove the wiring plate. 65. Connect the sling on the overhead crane to
57. Connect the sling on the overhead crane to the lower lift cylinder.
#2 inner arm (No. 25). Lift the arm to the 66. Mark, disconnect and plug the hydraulic
58. Remove #2 inner arm (No. 25) from the connector on the cylinder.
end of the machine with a soft metal Sprayed hydraulic oil can penetrate and
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
very slowly to gradually dissipate the oil pressure. 77. Connect the sling from the overhead crane
Do not let the oil spray or jet. to #1 inner arm (No. 10). Don't lift it.
67. Mark and disconnect the harness and hose 78. Remove the travel switch protection cover
68. Mark and disconnect the harness of the arm and remove the travel switch protection
69. Lift the lift cylinder to the vertical position. 79. Remove the lower/upper limit switch
70. Remove the securing fastener from the lift mounting plate fasteners, disconnect the
cylinder barrel end pin (No. 28). Remove the limit switch connecting wire, and remove the
pin with a soft metal hammer. Remove the lower/upper limit switch and the fixed
lift cylinder from the machine. mounting plate from the machine.
71. Connect the sling on the overhead crane to 80. Remove the securing fastener of the pin
the #1 inner arm (No. 14). securing #1 inner arm to the end of the
72. Rise the arm slightly and remove the chassis. Remove the pin.
cushion block. 81. Remove #1 inner arm (No. 10) from the
△ ! WARNING: danger of personal injury
74. Remove outer snap ring and securing During removal of the #1 inner/outer
fastener from center pin #1 (No. 13). arm from the machine, the inner/outer arm may
75. Remove center pin #1 (No. 13) using soft become unbalanced and fall if not properly
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
When removing the #1 inner/outer arm from fork; Confirm that the special sling is not
the machine, make sure not to damage the limit damaged, the hoisting and mounting are
during hoisting;
4.4 Installation of fifth layer fork c) Lift the outer frames at both sides of the fork
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
f) Assemble part 5 to the right end of part 2, i) Install part 12 into the inner side of the shaft
and install part 6 into the end groove of part of part 9 (two on each shaft), and then install
2 with circlip pliers; part 13 into the groove of part 9 with the
Note: the clearance between the washer and the circlip pliers;
plate after installation shall not exceed 2 j) Fastener 9/10, be careful not to pit the nut
welding 9. Pin
position of the oil cylinder to make its a) Pre-lay harness, cable and oil pipe:
mounting hole concentric with the mounting determine the connection positions of each
hole of the inner frame, and then smash the harness, cable and oil pipe and pre-lay them
shaft of piece 1 into the shaft hole. Note that on the right side of the inner frame of the first
the hole end of the shaft faces outward, and floor. Pay attention to the placement
smash it from the left side of the fork; direction of each harness, cable and oil pipe.
Confirm that the special sling is not The harness and cable shall be placed at
damaged, the hoisting and mounting are the lowest layer; The two oil pipes of the
firmly attached, and a safe distance is kept lower cylinder are connected to the elbow
during hoisting; end, and the small joint end of the inlet pipe
c) Thread part 2 into the left end hole of part and the joint end of the return pipe of the
1, adjust the mounting hole of part 2 to upper cylinder are laid on the front end of
mounting hole the inner frame, fix it on the the fork frame;
inner frame with part 3/4/5, and fasten it b) Organize and smooth out each oil pipe,
Tools: rubber pad, copper hammer, special lower oil cylinder are located on the left side
sling, open-ended wrench, electric wrench, (the return pipe is on the lower side, and the
3. Installation of first layer pipeline oil pipes connecting the upper oil cylinder
Fig. 4.48 Installation of first layer pipeline c) Continue to arrange the oil pipes backward
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
from the first mounting plate along the right h) Use a small strap to tie the PCU
side of the inner frame, note that the oil harness with the PVC sheath. Note that the
pipes shall not cross, and then fix the oil PCU harness shall be on the right side of
pipe at the second and third mounting plates; the PVC sheath and shall not be fixed on the
d) Organize the oil pipe, harness and cables upper and lower sides (to avoid crushing).
connected at the lower oil cylinder, and fix The binding position shall be in the middle
them at the upper and lower ends of the oil of the PVC arc.
fix each harness, pull-wire and oil pipe Fig. 4.49 Installation of second layer fork
together on the round steel on the right side 1. Second inner arm assembly 2. Pin 3. Bolt 4.
cylinders to connect the hose, and use a a) Push the inner frame material trolley to the
PVC sheath to wind the front oil pipe position of the fork part installation trolley,
(without tangling harnesses, pull wires and raise the hydraulic lifting platform, place the
g) Install one to two layers of wiring plate upper side of the first layer inner frame, and
fittings (large width), smooth the oil pipe and pay attention to the placement direction (the
wiring harness, and use the strapping strap one with fixing ring fixing hole is on the rear
board according to Figure 1; b) Adjust the front end of the first-layer outer
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
frame and the second-layer inner frame layer, and pay attention to the placement
shaft hole concentric, and then smash part direction of the outer frame (with the
2 in. Note that the end of the shaft mounting mounting rubber plug hole facing upward,
circlip faces inward, and smashes in from the subsequent third and fourth layers are
the left side of the fork; the same as this requirement, and the outer
c) Thread the part 3 into the left hole of the part frame of the fifth layer is left and right);
2, adjust the part 3 to the clamping hole of Note: when the outer frame is placed, it must be
the shaft sleeve of the outer frame, and placed smoothly before the other side is
install the part 4. Note that the bolt fixed at lifted. After the outer frame is placed, the
the shaft end should be inserted from the outer frame anti-falling tooling must be used
front end of the fork; and placed in the middle of the fork. Other
d) Install part 5 into the right side of the shaft subsequent layers shall follow this
groove of part 2 with circlip pliers. Tighten f) Adjust the second-layer outer frame
parts 3/4 (tightening torque 40 N.m±4 N.m); concentric with the rear end shaft hole of the
Fig. 4.50 Installation of second layer fork g) Thread the part 3 into the left hole of the part
1. Second inner arm assembly 2. Pin 3. Bolt 4. 2, adjust the part 3 to the clamping hole of
5. Washer 6. Retainer ring 7. Outer arm welding install the part 4. Note that the bolt fixed at
e) Lift the outer frame of the second layer to the shaft end should be inserted from the
both sides of the inner frame of the second front end of the fork;
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
h) Install part 5 into the right side of the shaft inner side of the shaft of the part 8 (two for
of part 2, and then install part 6 into the the left shaft and one for the right shaft).
groove of part 2 with circlip pliers. Tighten Then, install the part 12 into the groove of
parts 3/4 (tightening torque 40±4N.m); the part 8 with the circlip pliers;
Fig. 4.51 Installation of second layer fork 5. Assembly of fork protective arm
intermediate shaft hole, smash the shaft of Fig. 4.52 Installation of fork protective arm
part 8 on both sides respectively, and note 1. Assembly of bending plate 2. Bolt 3. Washer
j) Insert the part 9 into the outer hole of the plate of part 1. At this time, nuts are not
shaft sleeve clamping hole, and install the b) Install the protective arm assembly to the
part 10. Note that the bolt fixed at the shaft front end of the second inner frame and then
k) Install the wiring plate to the inner side of the move it to the right side of the inner frame
right shaft, and then install the part 11 to the front tube, and the movable end is clamped
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
on the support plate of the inner frame; inner frame (without PCU harness), and
Tools: electric wrench, socket then use insulating tape to fix the upper and
6. Installation of second layer pipeline lower ends of the PVC sheath for 3-4 laps;
Winding nylon
The innermost side of the Innermost oil
oil pipe arc and other pipe wrapped
sheath with strap fixing hole of the wiring plate with strapping;
arcs shall exceed the as the center
with PVC
center of the pin shaft
80 mm e) Use a small strap to tie the PCU harness
with the PVC sheath (do not tie tightly, let the
Here, the strap
head is facing
down or the
inside cannot
PCU harness can be moved). Note that the PCU
face up
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
side of the second-layer inner frame, and 5. Washer 6. Retainer ring 7. Outer arm welding
pay attention to the placement direction (the e) Lift the part 7 three-layer outer frame to both
one with the fixing ring and fixing hole is on sides of the three-layer inner frame;
b) Adjust the second-layer outer frame to be concentric with the rear end shaft hole of the
concentric with the front end shaft hole of two-layer inner frame, and then smash the
the third-layer inner frame, and then smash part 2 in. Note that the end of the circlip
part 2 in. Note that the end of the shaft spring installed on the shaft is facing inward,
mounting circlip faces inward and smash in and it is smashed in from the left side of the
from the left side of the fork; fork frame. When smashing the shaft, the
c) Thread the part 3 into the left hole of the part opposite side needs to be protected by
2, adjust the part 3 to the clamping hole of personnel to prevent the workpiece from
install the part 4. Note that the bolt fixed at g) Thread the part 3 into the left hole of the part
the shaft end should be inserted from the 2, adjust the part 3 to the clamping hole of
front end of the fork; the shaft sleeve of the outer frame, and
d) Install part 5 into the right side of the shaft install the part 4. Note that the bolt fixed at
of part 2, and then install part 6 into the the shaft end should be inserted from the
groove of part 2 with circlip pliers. Tighten front end of the fork;
parts 3/4 (reference torque 40 N.m±4 N.m); h) Install part 5 into the right side of the shaft
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
frame, taking care not to press it to the Tightening torque of part 14/15: 40±4 N.m
Figure 1 Figure 2
13. Pin 14. Bolt 15. Nut 16. Washer 17. Bund the
strap here
p) Adjust the position of the third layer inner a) Smooth the oil pipe and harness, keep the
and outer frame to align the middle shaft PCU harness to the far right, and then use
hole, smash the part 13 shaft in, and pay nylon sheath to wind it. The upper winding
attention to the shaft installation direction; starting point is as shown in Fig. 1 in Fig.
q) Thread the part 14 into the outer hole of the 1.59, and the sheath length is about 550
part 13, adjust the part 14 to the outer frame mm/21.7 in;
shaft sleeve clamping hole, and install the b) Confirm that the PVC sheath meets the
part 15. Note that the bolt fixed at the shaft requirements at each oil pipe winding
end should be inserted from the front end of position. Both ends shall be wound with
the fork; Install the part 16 on the other side, insulating tape for 3-4 turns, and then the oil
and then install the part 17 into the groove pipe shall be fixed with binding strap, as
of the part 13 with the circlip pliers. shown in Fig. 2 in Fig. 1.59; Pay attention to
r) Fasten part 14/15. fix it on the two routing round steels of the
Tools: copper hammer, circlip pliers, open-ended inner side of the inner frame lug plate. The
wrench, electric wrench, socket strap position is shown in fig. 3 in fig. 1.59;
Tightening torque of part 10: 52±5 N.m c) Fix the oil pipe connected by the upper oil
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
cylinder on the hard pipe of the upper oil joint of the upper cylinder valve block, fasten
cylinder with a strap. The positions are it with torque wrench, mark it with Mark pen;
shown in fig. 4 and fig. 5 in fig. 1.59; g) Assemble the connection oil pipe to the
Note: before fixing the strap, wrap the PVC lower right joint of the upper cylinder valve
sheath on each oil pipe as shown in Fig. 5; block, fasten it with torque wrench, and
Each oil pipe must be fixed on the right side mark with a Mark pen;
1. Fourth inner arm assembly 2. Pin 3. Bolt 4. groove of part 2 with circlip pliers. Tighten
parts 3/4 (reference torque 40 N.m±4 N.m); Fig. 4.63 Installation of fourth layer pipeline
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
front end of the fork; Fig. 4.66 Installation of fifth layer fork
d) Install part 5 into the right side of the shaft 7. Pin 8. Safety pin 9. Bolt 10. Nut 11. Washer
of part 2, and then install part 6 into the h) Lift the front end of the upper oil cylinder,
groove of part 2 with circlip pliers. Tighten adjust the hole with the fifth inner frame front
parts 3/4 (reference torque 40 N.m±4 N.m); lug plate, and then smash the shaft of part
e) Adjust the front end shaft hole of the four- 7. Note that the hole end of the shaft faces
layer inner frame and the five-layer outer outward, and smash it from the left side of
piece 2 in. Note that the end of the shaft i) Insert the part 8 into the left end hole of the
mounting circlip faces inward and smash in part 7, adjust the mounting hole of the part
from the left side of the fork; 8 to mounting hole the ear plate, and use
f) Thread the part 3 into the left hole of the part the part 9/10/11 to fix it and fasten it reliably;
2, adjust the part 3 to the clamping hole of j) Tighten the bleed plug on the upper part of
the shaft sleeve of the outer frame, and the upper cylinder valve block;
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
13 into it. Note that the end of the circlip sides respectively, and note that the circlip
spring installed on the shaft is facing inward, end of the shaft mounting faces inward;
and it is smashed in from the left side of the p) Insert the part 19 into the outer hole of the
fork frame. When smashing the shaft, the part 18, adjust the part 19 to the outer frame
opposite side needs to be protected by shaft sleeve clamping hole, and install the
personnel to prevent the workpiece from part 20. Note that the bolt fixed at the shaft
m) Insert part 14 into the left hole of part 13, the fork; Install the part 21 on the other side,
adjust clip 14 of the front outer axle sleeve, and then install the part 22 into the groove
install 15, and note that the bolts fixed at the of the part 18 with circlip pliers;
shaft end must be penetrated from the front q) Tighten part 19/20 (reference torque 40±4
Fig. 4.68 Installation of fifth layer fork assembly, the rear end is installed at the
18. Pin 19. Bolt 20. Nut 21. Washer 22. rear pipe of the fourth layer inner frame, and
o) Adjust the position of the five-layer inner the right side shaft in the middle of the five-
and outer frame to align the middle shaft layer fork, and then fix the wiring plate;
hole, smash the shaft of part 19 on both s) Fix the PCU harness at the upper hole of the
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
1. Slider
wrench, socket
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
12. Remove the pin #6 (No. 3) from the steering
△ ! WARNING: danger of personal injury end of the machine with a soft metal hammer.
This procedure requires specific maintenance Remove the #6 inner arm (No. 18) from the
skills, lifting equipment and a suitable workshop. machine.
Attempting this process without these skills and
tools may result in death or serious injury, as well ! WARNING: danger of personal injury
as serious component damage. It is strongly When removing inner/#6 outer arm from the
recommended to seek services from the dealer. machine, the inner/outer arm may become
Note: During removal of the hose assembly or unbalanced and fall if it is not properly supported.
connector, the connector and the O-ring at the 13. Mark, disconnect and plug the hydraulic hose
hose end must be replaced (if equipped). All on the upper lift cylinder. Cover the connector
connections must be tightened to the specified on the cylinder.
torque during installation. Please refer to the
Specification for Selection of Tightening Torque of △ ! WARNING: danger of personal injury
Lifting Platform. Sprayed hydraulic oil can penetrate and burn
1. Removal of platform; the skin. Loosen the hydraulic connectors very
2. Connect the sling on the overhead crane to slowly to gradually dissipate the oil pressure. Do
#6 outer arm (No. 19). not let the oil spray or jet.
3. Remove the cable harness on the 5th layer to 14. Connect the sling from the overhead crane to
6th layer of boom wiring plate. the #5 outer arm of the tank side and the
4. Remove the wiring plate fasteners and battery side respectively.
remove the 5th layer to 6th layer of boom 15. Remove the securing fastener from center pin
wiring plate. #5 (No. 4).
5. Remove the securing fastener from center pin 16. Remove center pin #5 with a soft metal
6 (No. 2) on the tank side and battery side hammer.
respectively. 17. Remove the securing fastener from the pin
6. Remove center pin 6 on both sides with a soft #5 (No. 23) at the non-steering end.
metal hammer. 18. Remove the pin #5 from both sides of the
7. Remove the securing fastener from pin 6 (No. machine with a soft metal hammer. Remove
20) at the non-steering end. the #5 outer arms (No. 22) from both sides of
8. Remove pin #6 (No. 20) from the non- the machine.
steering end of the machine by using a soft
metal hammer.
Remove #6 outer arm (No. 19) from the
△ ! WARNING: danger of personal injury
(No. 32) at the non-steering end.
! WARNING: danger of personal injury 60. Remove #2 pin (No. 32) from the non-steering
When removing the cylinder pin from the end of the machine by using a soft metal
machine, the cylinder may fall if it is not properly hammer. Remove outer arms #2 (No. 31) on
supported. the left and right from the machine.
49. Place a 10×10×25 cm/3.94×3.94×9.84 inch 61. Remove the harness and hoses from the
pad on inner arm cylinder plate No. 1 (No. 16). wiring plate and wiring ring of inner arm #2.
50. Lower the cylinder onto the cushion block. 62. Remove the fasteners of wiring plate and
51. Remove the harnesses and hoses from remove the wiring plate from the machine.
the wiring ring and the wiring plate of #3 inner 63. Connect the sling on the overhead crane to
arm. inner arm #2 (No. 30). Lift the arm to the
52. Remove the fasteners of wiring plate and vertical position.
remove the wiring plate from the machine. 64. Remove the securing fastener from pin #2
53. Connect the sling on the overhead crane (No. 14) at the steering end of the machine.
to #3 inner arm (No. 28). Lift the arm to the 65. Remove Pivot No. 2 from the steering end
vertical position. of the machine using the soft metal
54. Remove the securing fastener from #3 pin hammer (index 14). Remove #2 inner arm
(No. 12) at the steering end of the machine. (index 30) from the machine.
55. Remove #3 pin (No. 12) from the steering end
of the machine using a soft metal hammer.
Remove #3 inner arm (No. 28) from the
△ ! WARNING: Risk of crushing
slowly to gradually dissipate the oil pressure. Do
! WARNING: danger of personal injury
not let the oil spray or jet.
73. Mark and disconnect the harness and hose During removal of the #1 inner/outer arm from
on the cylinder valve. the machine, the inner/outer arm may
74. Mark and disconnect the harness of the become unbalanced and fall if not properly
platform overload pressure sensor. supported.
75. Lift the lift cylinder to the vertical position.
76. Remove the securing fastener from the lift ! WARNING: danger of personal injury
cylinder barrel end pin (No. 28). Remove the When removing the #1 inner/outer arm from
pin with a soft metal hammer. Remove the lift the machine, make sure not to damage the limit
cylinder from the machine. switch.
77. Connect the sling on the overhead crane to 4.6 Installation of sixth layer fork
the #1 inner arm (No. 14).
(S4046 Ⅱ , S4046 E Ⅱ , S4650 Ⅱ ,
78. Rise the arm slightly and remove the cushion
block. S4650 EⅡ)
79. Attach the sling on the overhead crane to #1
1. Installation of first layer fork
outer arm (No. 22). Do not apply any lifting
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Fig. 4.73 Installation of first layer fork
8. Press plate welding 9. Washer 10. Bolt 11. Nut
f) Install the pressure plate of part 8 to both
sides of the rear end of the inner frame, fix
and tighten it with parts 9/10/11,
Note that the bolt should penetrate from the
Fig. 4.72 Installation of first layer fork middle of the inner frame to both sides, and the
1. First outer arm welding 2. First inner arm washer and nut are on the outside.
assembly 3. Pin 4. Bolt Tools: fork single-layer spreader, copper hammer,
5. Nut 6. Washer 7. Retainer ring circlip pliers, torque wrench, electric impact
a) As shown in Fig. 4.72, place parts 1, 2 to the wrench, sleeve
fork part and install the trolley, and pay Tightening torque of part 5: 40±4 N.m
attention to the placement direction; 2. Lower layer lift cylinder (lower end) assembly
b) Adjust the positions of the inner frame and the
outer beam of the one-layer to align the
intermediate shaft hole, smash the shaft of
part 3 from the left side of the fork, and note
that the end of the shaft mounting snap ring
faces inward;
c) Insert the part 4 into the outer hole of the part
Fig. 4.74 Assembly of lower lift cylinder (lower
3, adjust it so that the pin through hole of the
part 3 is concentric with the clamping hole of
1. Pin 2. Safety pin 3. Bolt 4. Washer 5. Nut
the outer beam shaft sleeve, and install the
a) Before placing the oil cylinder, lay a rubber
part 5. Note that the bolt fixed at the shaft end
pad at the rear end of the inner frame ear
shall be inserted from the front end of the fork;
plate beam to avoid damaging the oil cylinder;
d) Then install the part 6 into the end with circlip
b) Use the traveling crane to lower the oil
of the shaft 3; Then install the part 7 into the
cylinder to the rear end of the inner frame,
groove of the part 3 with circlip pliers;
adjust the position of the lower installation
e) Tighten the part 4/5 with torque wrench; Note:
position of the oil cylinder to make its
use electric impact wrench to tighten the nut
mounting hole concentric with the mounting
end, pay attention to the paint surface
hole of the inner frame, and then smash the
protection, and follow the requirements for
shaft of part 1 into the shaft hole. Note that
nuts in other positions.
the hole end of the shaft faces outward, and
smash it from the right side of the fork;
c) Confirm that the special sling is not damaged,
the hoisting and mounting are firmly attached,
and a safe distance is kept during hoisting;
d) Put the piece 2 into the hole of the piece 1,
adjust the mounting hole of the piece 2
mounting hole to align it to the lug plate of the
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
inner frame, and fix it with the piece 3/4/5 and 4. Installation of second layer fork
fasten it reliably;
Tools: rubber pad, copper hammer, torque wrench,
sleeve, electric impact wrench
Tightening torque of Part 3: 52±5 N.m
3. Installation of first layer pipeline
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
2. Bolt 3. Nut 4. Retainer ring 5. Washer 6. Pin i) Adjust the position of the inner frame and the
7. Left welding of the second outer arm 8. Right outer beam of the second layer to align the
welding of the second outer arm middle shaft hole, smash the shaft of part 6
e) Lift and place parts 7 and 8 to the two sides on both sides respectively, and pay attention
of the inner frame of the second floor to the shaft mounting circlip end facing inward;
separately, pay attention to the direction of j) Thread the piece 2 into the through hole of the
placement of the outer beam (there are piece 9, adjust so that the pin through hole is
rubber plug holes facing up), and pay concentric with the bolt hole of the outer beam
attention to distinguish the left and right; shaft sleeve, and install the pieces 2 and 3.
Note: when the outer beam is placed, it must be Note that the bolt fixed at the shaft end shall
placed steadily before the other side is be threaded from the front end of the fork;
lifted. After the outer beam is placed, the k) Then install the piece 5 into the end side of
outer beam anti-falling tooling must be the circlip of the shaft 9 (one for each of the
used and placed in the middle of the fork. two pin circlip ends), and then install the Part
Other subsequent layers shall follow this 4 into the groove of the piece 9 with circlip
requirement; pliers;
f) Adjust the second-layer outer beam of part 7 l) Tighten the part 2/3; Tightening torque: 40±4
and part 8 to be concentric with the rear end N.m.
shaft hole of the first-layer inner frame, and Tools: fork single-layer hanger, copper hammer,
then knock part 6 into it. Note that the end of sleeve, torque wrench, electric impact wrench,
the shaft mounting circlip faces inward and is circlip pliers
smashed from the left side of the fork; 5. Installation of second layer pipeline
g) Thread part 2 into the left hole of part 6, adjust
the pin through hole so that it is concentric
with the bolt hole of the outer beam shaft
sleeve, and install the parts 2 and 3. Note that
the bolt fixed at the shaft end shall be inserted
from the front end of the fork; Tighten the part
h) Install part 5 into the side of the shaft circlip of
the part 6, then install part 4 in the groove of
Part 6 with circlip pliers.
Fig. 4.79 Installation of second layer pipeline
1. Wiring plate assembly
a) Smooth the inlet, return pipes and branch
harness of the upper oil cylinder connected
with fork harness, following the light blue
dotted line shown in Fig. 4.79 of Fig. 1, and
Fig. 4.78 Installation of second layer fork bind it to the inner wall of the second-layer
2. Bolt 3. Nut 4. Retainer ring 5. Washer 9. Pin fork. The key control points are as follows:
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
The inlet, return pipe and fork harness of according to the light blue dotted line shown
the upper oil cylinder are connected to in Figure 2, and bypass the central axis of the
the branch wire harness of the oil second-floor fork and bind it to the inner wall
cylinder to arc along the central axis, and of the second-floor fork. The wiring of the
the distance between the top of the arc power cables is exactly the same as that of
of all pipelines and the top of the arc of the PCU. The key control points are as
the pin of the fork frame is 10-15 mm (as follows:
shown in Fig. 4.79 of Fig. 4); The PCU harness arcs along the central
The inlet, return pipes and fork harness axis of the fork, and the distance
of the upper oil cylinder shall be between the top of all pipeline arcs and
smoothed and connected to the branch the arc top of the fork pin is 10-15
harness of the upper oil cylinder, and mm/0.59 in (as shown in Fig. 3);
shall be bound to the round steel of the Smooth the PCU harness, bind it to the
second-layer inner arm line, turn on the two-layer inner arm routing round steel,
inner side of the fork shaft, and be bound turn on the inner side of the fork shaft,
to part 1. The pipeline distance between bind it to the fixing hole at the upper end
the two binding points around the bend of the wiring plate of part 2, and the PCU
shall be 490 mm-510 mm; contacts the fork round tube around the
As shown in Fig. 4.79, the yellow line arc top point and deviates from the fixing
position in Fig. 3 starts to wind ring by 2 mm/0.08 in;
300mmPVC, and protects it to the When bundling the harness at the wiring
starting end point of the wiring plate. As plate, only use the upper fixing hole on
shown by the dotted line red Fig. 3, the the wiring board to fix it;
two ends are wound and fixed with When the PCU harness and power
adhesive tape. harness are wound around the arc, tie
When the pipeline is bundled on the them with a small strap at the position
wiring plate, only the side fixing holes on shown in the yellow circle in Fig. 2.
the wiring plate are used for bundling. When the retaining ring is assembled,
When the retaining ring is assembled, the opening direction is from the front
the opening direction is from the front end of the whole machine to the back
end of the whole machine to the back end;
end; 6. Installation of second layer fork (safety
Fig. 4.82 Installation of third layer fork layer inner frame, and pay attention to the
1. Third inner arm assembly 2. Bolt 3. Nut 4. placement direction of the outer beam (with
a) Push the inner frame material trolley to the Note: when the outer beam is placed, it must be
position of the fork part-mounted trolley, raise placed steadily before the other side is
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
lifted. After the outer beam is placed, the install the pieces 2 and 3. Note that the bolt
outer beam anti-falling tooling must be fixed at the shaft end shall be inserted from
used and placed in the middle of the fork. the front end of the fork; Tighten the part 2/3;
Other subsequent layers shall follow this k) Then install the part 5 into the end side of the
requirement; part 6 shaft circlip; Then install the part 4 into
f) The three-layer outer beam of the groove of part 6 with a circlip pliers;
adjusting part 7 and part 8 is concentric with Tools: fork single-layer hanger, copper hammer,
the rear end shaft hole of the two-layer inner socket, torque wrench, electric impact
frame, and then the part 9 is smashed in from wrench, circlip pliers, flexible wrench
both sides of the fork. Note that the end of the Tightening torque of part 3: 40±4 N.m
shaft mounting circlip is outside, and it is 8. Installation of third layer fork (wiring plate)
smashed from both sides of the fork;
g) Install the part 5 into the end of the shaft
circlip of the part 9 and install the part 4 in the
groove of the part 9 with a circlip pliers.
h) Use a flexible wrench to adjust the pin of the
part 9 so that its through hole is concentric Fig. 4.85 Installation of third layer fork (wiring
with the bolt fixing hole of the second-layer plate)
inner frame tube, and insert the part 2 into the 1. Arc plate 2. Nut 3. Bolt 4. Wiring plate
hole of the second-layer inner frame tube and assembly
the hole of the part 9, and install the part 3. 5. Wiring plate assembly
Note that the fixed bolt of the shaft end shall a) Fix Part 1 and Part 4 on the left middle shaft
be inserted from top to bottom; Tighten the with Part 2 and Part 3, tighten them with the
part 2/3; ratchet wrench, and mark them with Mark pen;
b) Fix part 1 and 5 on the right middle shaft with
part 2 and 3, tighten them with a ratchet
wrench, and mark them with Mark pen;
Tool: ratchet wrench
9. Installation of third layer lower cylinder (upper
Fig. 4.84 Installation of third layer fork end)
2. Bolt 3. Nut 4. Retainer ring 5. Washer 6. Pin
i) Adjust the position of the third-layer inner
frame and the third-layer outer beam to align
the middle shaft hole, smash the shaft of part
6 from the left side of the fork, and pay
attention to the shaft mounting circlip end
facing inward; Fig. 4.86 Installation of third layer lower cylinder
j) Thread the piece 2 into the outer hole of the (upper end)
piece 6, adjust the fitting holes of the shaft 1. Pin 2. Safety pin 3. Bolt 4. Washer 5. Nut
sleeve of the outer beam of the piece 6, and a) Lift the front end of the lower cylinder, adjust
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
it to align its hole with the hole of the front side mounting hole of the inner frame, and then
ear plate of the third layer inner frame, and smash the shaft 7 in. Note that the hole end
then smash the shaft of piece 1 into the hole. of the shaft faces outwards, and smash it from
Note that the hole end of the shaft faces the right side of the fork;
outward, and smash it into the hole from the c) Insert the part 2 into the through hole of the
right side of the fork; part 1, adjust the mounting hole of the part 2
b) Insert the part 2 into the through hole of the to mounting hole the ear plate, fix it with the
part 1, adjust the mounting hole of the part 2 part 3/4/5, tighten to specified torque and
to mounting hole the ear plate, fix it with the draw the mark MARK;
part 3/4/5, tighten to specified torque and d) Lift the rear tube of the third-layer inner frame,
draw the mark MARK; take out the backing plate, and slowly lower
Tools: copper hammer, torque wrench, sleeve and the inner frame.
electric impact wrench Tools: fork single-layer hanger, copper hammer,
Tightening torque of Part 3: 52±5 N.m torque wrench, sleeve, electric impact wrench
10. Installation of third layer upper cylinder (lower Tightening torque of Part 3: 52±5 N.m
end) 11. Installation of third layer pipeline
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
fork, enter the lower side of the confirming that the connection is firm,
reinforcing rib plate, and follow the blue draw a MARK sign. Then fold the extra
dotted line arrow in Fig. 2. All pipeline is harness back and bind it to the cylinder;
bound to the round hole of the reinforcing c) Remove the guard plug of oil pipe
rib plate, as shown in Fig. 3 ② . The (4120703652) and the protective cap of
pipeline is not allowed to be staggered; straight fitting (4120001799) of the upper
Connect the two oil pipes of the upper oil cylinder, screw the oil pipe into the joint,
cylinder as shown in the yellow line tighten it to specified torque, and apply
position in Fig. 2, and respectively wrap identification glue;
with 1500 mm/59 in long PVC; d) Connect the return pipe of the upper oil
Smooth and connect the upper oil cylinder and assemble it on the oil return hole
cylinder oil pipe and harness (all joint of the upper oil cylinder, and note that the
positions shall not be crossed), pass joint direction is parallel to the oil cylinder;
through the vertical plate routing hole of Note: tighten the oil pipe joints with torque wrench
the oil cylinder (as shown in Fig. 4) as and apply marking adhesive.
shown in the blue dotted line in Fig. 3, 12. Installation of fourth layer fork
install it from the outside to the inside,
and bind it at the position ② as shown
in Fig. 3;
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
5. Washer 6. Pin
a) Push the fork material trolley to the position of
the fork assembly trolley, raise the hydraulic
lifting platform, put the fifth inner frame of part
1 to the upper side of the four-layer inner
frame, and pay attention to the placement
Fig. 4.94 Forth-layer pipeline assembly
1. Wiring plate assembly
b) Adjust the forth outer beam to be concentric
a) The PCU harness is bent from the wiring plate
with the front end shaft hole of the fifth inner
to the wiring round steel of forth inner beam
frame, and then smash the Part 4 in. Note that
according to the above figure (according to
the end of the shaft with circlip faces inward
the yellow dotted arrow), and then bent from
and shall be smashed in from the left side of
the inner beam wiring round steel to the wiring
the fork;
plate. The key control points are as follows:
c) Thread part 2 into the left hole of part 6, adjust
The distance between the top end of the
the pin so that its through hole is concentric
left arc and the top of the arc of the fork
with the bolt hole of the outer beam shaft
pin is 10 mm-15 mm/0.39 in-0.59 in;
sleeve, and install part 2 and 3. Note that the
The harness bending is located inside
bolt fixed at the shaft end shall be inserted
the fork, as shown in the yellow dotted
from the front end of the fork; Tighten parts
The last end tie point (green circle) of the
d) Install part 5 into the right side of the shaft of
round steel of the inner beam is on the
part 6, and then install the part 4 into the
same vertical line as the wiring plate start
groove of part 6 with a pair of circlip pliers.
tie point (shown in the green straight line
in the figure), and the distance between
the two green tie points is: 550 mm-590
mm/21.7 in-23.2 in.
The wiring plate strapping points are
shown in the figure (only the uppermost
layer of the wiring plate is used to tie Fig. 4.96 Fifth fork assembly
holes). 2. Bolt 3. Nut 4. Retainer ring 5. Washer 7. Pin
14. Fifth fork assembly 8. Third outer arm left assembly 9. Third outer
arm right assembly
e) Lift and place the outer beams of parts 8,
9 to the fifth inner frame on both sides;
f) Adjust the fifth outer beam to be concentric
with the rear shaft holes of the forth inner
Fig. 4.95 Fifth fork assembly frame, and then smash the part 7 from each
1. The fifth inner arm assembly 2. Bolt 3. Nut 4. side of the fork.
Retainer ring Note: the end of the shaft with circlip faces
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
outward and is knocked in from both 15. Assembly of fifth upper cylinder (upper end)
sides of the fork. When the shaft is
knocked in, personnel shall be
provided to protect the opposite side to
prevent the workpiece from falling;
g) Use a monkey wrench to adjust the pin so that
its through hole is concentric with the bolt hole
of the outer beam shaft sleeve. When
mounting parts 2 and 3, note that the bolt
fixed at the shaft end shall be threaded from Fig. 4.98 Assembly of fifth upper cylinder (upper
Fasten part 8/9; a) Lift the front end of the upper cylinder, adjust
h) Install part 5 into the right side of the shaft of it to the hole of the front lug plate of the fifth
part 7, then install the part 4 into the groove inner frame, and then smash the shaft of part
of part 7 with a circlip pliers. 1 into it. Note that the shaft end with hole shall
face outward, and the shaft shall be smashed
into the fork from the right side;
b) Insert part 2 into the through hole of part 1,
adjust to align the mounting hole of part 2 with
mounting hole of the ear plate, fix it with parts
3/4/5, and fasten it reliably;
Fig. 4.97 Fifth fork assembly Tools: copper hammer, sleeve, torque wrench,
2. Bolt 3. Nut 4. Retainer ring 5. Washer 6. Pin electric impact wrench
i) Adjust the position of the fifth inner and outer Tightening torque of Part 3: 52±5 N.m
beams to align with the middle shaft holes.
Knock in the shaft of part 6 from the left side 16. Fifth fork (wiring plate) assembly
of the fork, and note that the shaft mounting
circlip end is facing inward;
j) Insert the part 2 into the through-hole of the
part 6, adjust the part 6 through-hole to be
aligned with the fitting hole of the outer beam
shaft sleeve, and install parts 2/3. Note that
the bolt fixed at the shaft end should be
inserted from the front end of the fork, and Fig. 4.99 Fifth fork (wiring plate) assembly
tighten the parts 2/3; 1. Arc plate 2. Nut 3. Bolt 4. Wiring plate
k) Then install the part 5 into the inner side of assembly
the shaft of the part 6; Then install the part 4 a) Connect and fix the part 4 and part 1 with part
into the groove of part 6 with a circlip pliers; 2 and 3 on the central shaft of the fifth fork, as
Tools: copper hammer, sleeve, torque wrench, shown in Fig. 4.99, tighten with a ratchet
electric impact wrench, circlip pliers wrench and mark with a Mark pen;
Tightening torque of part 3: 40±4 N.m
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
17. Fifth-layer pipeline assembly with small strap.
18. Sixth fork assembly
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
of the sixth inner arm assembly of part 1, without assembly), and then install the part 4
adjust the sixth outer arm of part 7 to have it into the groove of the part 7 with circlip pliers;
concentric with the shaft hole of inner frame Tools: copper hammer, sleeve, torque wrench,
of the fifth fork, and then smash part 6 into it electric impact wrench, circlip pliers
from both sides of the fork respectively, and Tightening torque of part 2: 40±4N.m
note that the end of the shaft mounted with 19. Sixth-layer pipeline assembly
bolt shall face inward;
f) Use a monkey wrench to adjust the through
hole of part 6 to align with the pipe bolt fixing
hole, and install parts 2/3. Pay attention to the
bolt of shaft fixing from the upper side to the
lower side of the fork; Tighten parts 3/4; Fig. 4.104 Sixth-layer pipeline assembly
g) Install part 5 into the right side of the shaft of a) Move the PCU from the inner beam to the
part 6, and then install the part 4 into the outer beam along the middle shaft of the sixth
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
is not more than 1mm/0.04in; the chassis, and firmly install and tighten the pin
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Chapter 5 Chassis
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
1. Take the bolt (Part 2), washer (Part 3), washer 1. Horn 2. Washer 3. Bolt 4. Buzzer Mounting
(Part 4) and left lock (Part 1) and assemble them Plate 5. Buzzer 6. Buzzer Bracket 7. Buzzer 8.
to the lock body on the side of the oil tank for Bolt 9. Washer
welding and tightening; 1. Take the buzzer (Part 7) and assemble it to the
Note: Please refer to the assembly of left lock for buzzer mounting plate (Part 6), as shown in
right one. the figure above, and tighten it; Take the bolt
(part 3) and the washer (part 2) to fix the upper
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Nut 5. Buzzer 6. Buzzer bracket 7. Screw 8. Nut 5.1.5 Assembly of fuse holder and DC
9. Washer power switch
1. Take the bolt (part 2), washer (part 3) and nut
(part 4) to assemble the monophonic disc type
horn (part 1) to the battery box and tighten;
2. Install the buzzer (part 5) to the buzzer bracket
(part 6), and take two screws (part 7), two nuts
(part 8) and two washers (part 9) to install the
buzzer bracket (part 6) to the battery box and
tighten it.
Fig. 5.7 Fuse holder and DC power switch
1. Fuse 2. Screw 3. Washer 4. Nut 5. Fuse holder
6. DC power switch 7. Screw 8. Washer
Adjust the horn insert opening at about 90°to the
1. Take the screw (part 2), washer (part 3) and
horizontal plane, as shown in Fig. 5.3;
nut (part 4) to assemble the fuse seat (part 5)
Reference torque of part 2: 28±3 N.m; Reference
to the fuse support plate seam on the battery
torque of part 7: 6 N.m;
side, and tighten it;
Tools: Allen wrench 4 mm/0.16 in, electric impact
2. Take the Littelfuse (part 1) and pre-install it to
wrench 51082
the fuse seat using the nut gasket that comes
5.1.4 Assembly of S4650Ⅱ and S4650EⅡ with the fuse seat;
horns and buzzers 3. Take two screws (part 7) and two washers
(Part 8), assemble the DC power switch (Part
6) to the DC power switch seam on the
battery side, and tighten it.
The reference torque of part 2 is 3 N.m;
Tools: hexagon head socket wrench 3/8-
4 mm/0.16 in, electric impact wrench, open-ended
wrench 6-7
Fig. 5.4 S4650Ⅱ, S4650EⅡ horns 5.1.7 S1932Ⅱ, S1932EⅡ battery assembly
1. Single-tone basin horn 2. Bolt 3. Washer 4.
Nut 5. Buzzer 6. Buzzer bracket 7. Screw 8. Nut
9. Washer
1. Take the bolt (part 2), washer (part 3) and nut
(part 4) to assemble the monophonic disc type
horn (part 1) to the battery box and tighten;
2. Install the buzzer (part 5) to the buzzer bracket
(part 6), and take two screws (part 7), two nuts
Fig. 5.8 S1932Ⅱ, S1932EⅡ batteries
(part 8) and two washers (part 9) to install the
1. Battery 2. Screw 3. Rubber plate 4. Pressure
buzzer bracket (part 6) to the battery box and
plate 5. Washer
tighten it.
6. Nut 7. Battery sheath
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
1. Put the 4 batteries into the battery box. The 3. Take the screw (part 2) and insert it into the
placement direction is as shown in the figure bottom of battery box (with the elbow at the
above and the positive terminal has been bottom) from bottom to top, and place the
marked; rubber plate (part 3), rubber plate (part 4),
2. Preinstall 8 battery sheaths (Part 7) to the pressure plate (part 5), washer (part 6) and
battery terminal; nut (part 7) from bottom to top in sequence,
3. Take the screw (Part 2) and put it into the and tighten them;
bottom of the battery box (with the elbow at
the bottom) from bottom to top, then place the 5.2 Fuel tank side assembly
rubber plate (Part 3), pressure plate (Part 4),
5.2.1 Motor and pump assembly
washer (Part 5) and nut (Part 6) from bottom
to top in sequence shown in the figure above,
and tighten them;
Tools: electric impact wrench 51082, socket
wrench 1/2-13 mm/ 0.51 in
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Tightening torque of part 1: 15±2N.m; Tightening
△ ! CAUTION: torque of part 4: 28±3N.m
Before tightening it to specified torque, Tools: electric impact wrench/torque wrench
straighten out the pipeline, tighten the oil pipe and QSP25N3-15N.m
the oil-absorbing tube side, and then tighten it
here, as shown in Fig. 5.12; 5.2.2 Assembly of power unit
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
5.2.4 Filter assembly 5.2.5 Platform control panel assembly
2. Take the bolts (part 4) and assemble the filter other models are similar to S4650E Ⅱ . Please
(part 1) to the filter bracket (part 3), and refer to the followings for assembly of MCU):
tighten them to specified torque;
3. Remove the protective cover of the filter. Note:
remove the protective cover during assembly,
not in advance;
4. Assemble the straight fitting (part 2) to the
filter, and tighten it to specified torque; Note:
Apply AT569 sealant before assembly of
straight fitting;
Part 2 tightening torque: 85±10 N.m; Part 4
tightening torque 9±3 N.m;
Tools: torque wrench SP25N3 and torque wrench
SP220 * 27
Fig. 5.22 MCU
1. Motor controller 2. Screw 3. Washer 4. Screw
5. Washer
6. Relay 7. Screw 8. Nut 9. Washer 10. Main
11. Main contactor bracket 12. Screw 13. Washer
1. Take four screws (Part 2) and four washers
(Part 3) to assemble the MCU (Part 1)
to its mounting plate, and tighten them to the
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
specified torque; 5.3.2 Assembly of inclination switch
2. Take four screws (Part 4) and four washers
(Part 5) to assemble the mounting plate of
the MCU to the seam on the tank side, and
tighten it to specified torque;
3. Take the screw (Part 7), nut (Part 8) and
washer (Part 9) to assemble the relay (Part 6)
to the position shown in the figure above, and
tighten it to specified torque;
Fig. 5.24 Inclination switch
4. Take the screw (Part 12) and the washer (Part
1. Inclination switch 2. Screw 3. Washer
13) to assemble the main contactor mounted
1. Use the screw (Part 2) and washer (Part 3) to
above the main contactor bracket to the
install the inclination switch (Part 1) to the
position shown in the figure above, and
corresponding position shown in the figure
tighten them to specified torque.
and tighten it.
Note: The inclination switch X-X axis of Part 15 is
5.3 Chassis Components parallel to the lateral center line, and the Y-
5.3.1 Assembly of Work Indicator Lamp Y axis is parallel to the longitudinal center
The reference torque of Part 2 is 6 N.m.
Tool: Allen wrench 4
5.3.3 Assembly of Upper and Lower Limit
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
3) and welded connecting rod assembly in
turn, assemble the washer (Part 5) and the
ball joint hinge bolt head of the piston rod end
of the gas spring (Part 1) to the reserved
threaded holes of gas spring pin, and tighten
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
1. Rim bolt 2. Tire assembly (380 × 130)
a. Install the tire on the motor on both sides, and
then take part 1 (rim bolt) and tighten it to
specified torque, as shown in the figure above.
Tightening torque of part 1 rim nut 120±10 N.m;
Tools: torque wrench, open end wrench
2. Rear wheel assembly
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Chapter 6 Hydraulics
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
6.1.2 Hydraulic schematic diagram of S1932EⅡ
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
6.1.3 Hydraulic schematic diagram of S2632Ⅱ
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
6.1.4 Hydraulic schematic diagram of S2632EⅡ
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
6.1.5 Hydraulic schematic diagram of S2646Ⅱ
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
6.1.6 Hydraulic schematic diagram of S2646EⅡ
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
6.1.7 Hydraulic schematic diagram of S3246 and S4046Ⅱ
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
6.1.9 Hydraulic schematic diagram of S4650Ⅱ
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
6.2 Valve
6.2.1 Installing the spool
1. Immerse the spool in clean oil to lubricate the O-ring.
2. Manually screw in the spool until it reaches the top of the O-ring, and then adjust the torque to meet
specification requirements.
3. If necessary, install the solenoid coil on the valve stem. Fix the coil to the valve stem with nuts and
adjust the torque to meet the specification requirements.
6.2.2 Power unit FC-420-1 (S1932E Ⅱ)
Name Function Pressure value
1 DC motor (24 VDC, 2.2 KW) 1793-AC Power source -
2 Coupling 1118-AA Connecting shaft -
3 End cap NF-04-7-AL-2-CN - -
Suction and discharge of
4 Gear pump PS3.1 -
hydraulic oil
5 Tank 3408-AC Loading hydraulic oil -
6 Suction pipe TF-1311 Oil absorption -
7 Return pipe TF-1300 Return oil -
8 Oil circuit block HDTMF006 - -
Switch between lifting and
9 Two-position four-way valve VF-4074 -
lowering functions
10 Three-position four-way valve VF-4075 Switch of steering function -
11 Stop valve 2780-BA Cut-off, adjust and throttle -
12 Check valve 2507-AA One-way flow of hydraulic oil -
Controlling the system
13 Relief valve 17.5MPa/2538psi
14 Oil filler cap 8060-CC - -
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
1 AS port Connecting to steering cylinder large cavity
2 BS port Connecting to steering cylinder small cavity
3 T-port Connecting to lift cylinder small cavity
4 CSE port Connecting to lift cylinder large cavity
6.2.3 Scissor lift platform control valve ST5188-AE0A (S1932II, S2632II)
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Description form of scissor lifting platform control valve port:
Serial Interface
number name
1 B2 port Connect to right motor upper oil port
2 B1 port Connect left motor lower oil port
3 Port C To left motor upper oil port \ right motor lower oil port
4 Port M Connect pressure tap
5 Port P Pump outlet
6 T1 Port To filter oil inlet
7 BS port Connecting to steering cylinder small cavity
8 AS port Connecting to steering cylinder large cavity
9 CSE port Connecting to lift cylinder large cavity
10 T-port Connecting to lift cylinder small cavity
11 BR port Brake release valve oil port
12 PS port To plug
6.2.4 Scissor lift platform control valve ST6158-AE00 (S2632 EⅡ, S46EⅡ, S4650EⅡ)
Name Function Pressure value torque
Relief valve assembly Maximum pressure of 14.7MPa/2132(S2646E)
1 40-45
STRV08-G-210 A the limit system 18.2MPa/2683(S3246E)
Switching of
Two-position four-way solenoid
2 traveling/lifting - 30
valve E10 N-4 X0
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Three-position four-way Left/right turn function
3 - 30
solenoid valve E08 N-4 D switching
Relief valve assembly Restricting the steering E
4 40-45
STRV08-B-120 A system pressure /S3246E\S4046E)
Operation of reversing
5 Coil S130-20DU-20S - 4
Operation of reversing
6 Coil S190-20 DU-26 S - 4
7 Plug 4 BN-02 WD - - 11-12
8 Plug 4 BN-04 WD - - 25-28
9 Plug 4 BN-06 WD - - 41-48
Damping assembly M6 Controlling the steering
10 - 4
STTY002-1.0 speed
11 Valve block ST5158-A000M - - -
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
6.2.5 Scissor lift platform control valve ST6887-AE00 (S2646 Ⅱ, S46 Ⅱ, S4650 Ⅱ)
Name Function Pressure value torque
Maximum pressure of the
1 Relief valve STRV08-G-240 A 25MPa/3626psi 40-45
limit system
Two-position four-way solenoid Switching of traveling/lifting
2 - 30
valve E10 N-4 X0 functions
Prioritized guarantee of
3 Priority valve F10 C-32 F-2.5 - 33.9
steering function
Three-position four-way solenoid Left/right turn function
4 - 30
valve E08 N-4 D switching
One-way flow of hydraulic
5 Check valve STCV08-0-004 A 0.45Mpa/65.3psi 40-45
One-way flow of hydraulic
6 Check valve STCV08-0-000 A - 40-45
Three-position four-way solenoid Forward/backward function
7 - 30
valve E10 N-4 F switching
One-way flow of hydraulic
8 Check valve STCV08-0-007A-01 0.69Mpa/10psi 40-45
Operation of reversing
9 Coil S130-20DU-20S - 4
Stability of the system
10 Solenoid valve E10N-4G0 - 40
Limit the maximum
Relief valve assembly STRV08-G-
11 pressure of the lifting 19.5MPa/2828psi 40-45
210 A
Relief valve assembly STRV08-B- Restricting the steering
12 15MPa/2176psi 40-45
120 A system pressure
13 Damping STTY002-1.2 Ensure stable flow - 4
Operation of reversing
14 Coil S190-20 DU-26 S - 4
15 Plug 4 BN-02 WD - - 17
16 Plug 4 BN-04 WD - - 3
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
One-way flow of hydraulic
17 Built-in check valve STTY002-1.5 - 1
Damping assembly M6 STTY002- Ensure the stable flow
18 - 1
1.0 during steering
19 Valve block ST4887-A00AM - - -
6.2.6 Lower cylinder valve block assembly ST5006-AC00 (S1932 II, S1932E II, S2632 II,
S2632E II)
Serial Installation
Name Function Pressure value
number torque (Nm)
1 Valve block ST5006-A000M - - -
One-way flow of hydraulic
2 Check valve STCV08-0-000 A 0.5bar/7.25psi 40-45
One-way flow of hydraulic
3 Check valve STCV08-0-002A 1.7bar/24.7psi 24.4-27.2
4 Relief valve assembly STRV08-B- Limiting 187bar/2712psi 40-45
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
120 A maximum lifting pressure
Proportional solenoid valve Proportional control of
5 - 34-41
PJ16084A0 hydraulic oil flow
M6 damping assembly STTY002-
6 Ensure stable flow - 2
7 Plug 4 BN-02 WD - - 11-12
8 Plug 4MN-14WD - - 25-28
9 O-ring 10.77*2.62 Seal - -
6.2.7 Lower lift cylinder valve block assembly ST4846-AC0A (S46II, S46EII, S4650II,
Serial Installation
Name Function Pressure value
number torque (Nm)
1 Valve block ST4846-A00AM - - -
One-way flow of
2 Check valve STCV08-0-000 A 0.35bar/5.07psi 40-45
hydraulic oil
One-way flow of
3 Check valve STCV08-0-002A 1.7bar/24.7psi 24.4-27.2
hydraulic oil
Relief valve assembly STRV08- Limiting
4 187bar/2712psi 40-45
B-120 A maximum lifting pressure
Proportional solenoid valve Proportional control of
5 - 34-41
PJ16084A0 hydraulic oil flow
Emergency mechanism
6 - - -
M6 damping assembly STTY002-
7 Ensure stable flow - 2
8 Plug 4 BN-02 WD - - 11-12
9 Plug 4MN-14WD - - 25-28
10 O-ring 10.77*2.62 - - -
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
6.2.8 Upper cylinder valve block assembly ST4960-AC0B (S4046EⅡ, S4046EⅡ)
Name Function Pressure value
1 Valve block 60602920 - -
Proportional control of hydraulic oil
2 Proportional valve PFR0.S08.00.N00 -
3 Relief valve RVC0. S08. 0 B. 000 Limiting maximum lifting pressure 110bar/1595psi
4 Coil CCR1 D-24-L0-08 - -
5 Damping plate ejector rod 30601130 - -
6 Hexagon socket plug 30600020 - -
7 Damping plate Ensure stable flow -
8 O-ring AS Φ10.77*2.62 - -
9 Hexagon socket plug 30600040 - -
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
6.2.9 upper cylinder valve block assembly ST4960-AC00 (S4650 Ⅱ, S4650 EⅡ)
Name Function Pressure value Installation torque (Nm)
Valve block ST4847-A00
1 - - -
Solenoid valve SP08-20-0- Control of hydraulic oil
2 - 20-25
N-0 flow
Relief valve STRV08-B- Limiting
3 110bar/1595psi 40-45
120 A maximum lifting pressure
Damping plate STTY010-
4 Ensure stable flow - -
Damping plate ejector rod
5 - - -
6 Plug 4 BN-02 WD - - -
7 Plug 4 BN-04 WD - - -
8 O-ring 10.77*2.62 - - -
9 Coil assembly 4303624 - - -
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
6.3 Lift cylinder disassembly and d. Disconnect the lift oil pipe and cable from
fork lifting).
from the pin shall be placed in a fixed
b. Operate the ground control panel or use
position. Before removing the pin, place a
the crane to raise the fork and support
wooden board at the lower part of the oil
the safety support.
cylinder to prevent the oil cylinder from
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
cylinder and the third inner frame, and the cylinder valve block and cylinder
cylinder to prevent the oil cylinder from support, do not stretch the hand or
falling and being damaged; No one shall head into the inside of the fork under
stand on the opposite side when smashing any circumstances; After the oil pipe is
out the pin to prevent injury. It is removed, each oil pipe shall be
recommended that more than two people plugged with a plastic wire, and then
cooperate. sealed with a clean plastic bag.
g. Lift the cylinder out to the fixed position. e. Remove the cylinder pin at the
2. Removal of lower lift cylinder: the third inner frame, and lift the cylinder
a. Drive the machine to a safe area (there rod end with a spreader to keep the
fork lifting). △
! CAUTION: The bolt and gasket
b. Operate the ground control panel or use removed from the pin shall be placed
the crane to raise the fork and support in a fixed position. Before removing
the safety support. the pin, place a wooden board at the
lower part of the oil cylinder to prevent
△ ! CAUTION: first confirm that the
the oil cylinder from falling and being
safety support is not damaged. damaged; No one shall stand on the
c. Pull the hand cable to relieve the opposite side when smashing out the
pressure for 1-2 min, and return the pin to prevent injury. It is
pressure oil in the oil cylinder and oil pipe recommended that more than two
to the oil tank. people cooperate.
d. Disconnect the lift oil pipe and cable from h. Remove the cylinder pin at the
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
connection between the lift cylinder and throttle valve hole faces outward.
the first inner frame, and slowly lower the 6. Install the valve block inlet joint, and tighten
removed from the pin shall be placed 8. Use a spreader to install the partially
in a fixed position. Before removing assembled oil cylinder on the fork, fix both
the pin, place a wooden board at the ends with the oil cylinder pin, and tighten the
lower part of the oil cylinder to prevent fixing bolt to the specified torque.
opposite side when smashing out the place a wooden board at the lower part
pin to prevent injury. It is of the oil cylinder to prevent the oil
recommended that more than two cylinder from falling and being
people cooperate. damaged; When assembling the pin,
i. Lift the cylinder out to the fixed position. do not stand on the opposite side to
6.3.2 Assembly of lift cylinder prevent injury by a crashing object. It is
1. Remove the cylinder package with special recommended that more than two
tools, avoiding dangerous operations, and people cooperate.
place the removed package in a safe area. 9. Connect the hose to the return connector at
2. Install the cylinder valve block on the the cylinder small cavity end and fasten it
3. Install the connector to the valve block oil 10. Fit the hose to the cylinder valve block joint
port and tighten it with a torque wrench. and fasten it with a torque wrench.
4. Install the piece pressure sensor to the lower 11. Install the coil and cable bracket to the
lift cylinder valve block port and fasten it with reversing valve and fasten the coil nut.
a torque wrench. 12. Install and tighten the cable handle end to
5. Remove the valve block plug, install the the chassis mount, and then connect the
throttle valve and tighten the plug here. other end to the reversing valve cable
△ ! CAUTION: The large end of the
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
wire to the reversing valve, adjust the ports of the main valve, adjust the oil pipes
position of the double fixed nut of the to appropriate positions, and fasten them
stay wire to ensure that there is a 2-3 with fixing pipe clamps.
mm/0.08-0.12 in the gap between the 19. Tighten the inlet and return pipe joints at the
bracket rotating plate of the stay chassis side door, and then tighten them to
reversing valve, and tighten the double 6.4 Traveling hydraulic assembly
nut at the upper end of the stay wire.
6.4.1 Removal of steering cylinder
13. Install the pressure sensor connector and
solenoid valve connector of the fork harness △ ! CAUTION: During removal of the hose
6. Cylinder pin 7. Shaft sleeve 8. Hose bushes between the steering knuckle and the
2. Remove the securing fastener of the pin at the steering end of the machine.
from the cylinder barrel end pin. Remove the 4. Lift the machine approximately 14 inches / 36
to provide support.
△ ! CAUTION: The quantity and position of the
5. Turn the connecting rod to one side so that
removed washers shall be recorded during the steering knuckle can be removed.
3. Mark, disconnect and block the hydraulic 7. Remove the steering knuckle securing
hose on the steering cylinder. Cover the fastener and remove the steering knuckle
△ ! CAUTION: when removing the steering
oil may penetrate into the skin and burn it. between the steering knuckle and the
△ ! CAUTION: when assembling the nylon
if the hose is kinked or squeezed, the hose time, apply a proper amount of grease to the
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
a. Secure the non-steering wheels. if the hose is kinked or squeezed, the hose
b. Remove the cotter pin from the wheel castle. may be damaged.
with a new one after each removal of the i. Remove the fasteners from the steering
remove it.
△ ! CAUTION: while removing the fasteners,
d. Place the jack at the lower center of the drive record the number and position of the
chassis installation may cause falling. fall off when removed from the chassis.
f. Mark and disconnect the hydraulic pipeline of 2. Assembly of travel motor (hydraulic drive)
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
a) Use bolt 2, nut 4 and washer 3 to pre-tighten equipped). All connections must be tightened
the walking motor to the corresponding to the specified torque during installation.
position of the steering knuckle. Please refer to the Specification for Selection
b) Remove the walking motor hydraulic port of Tightening Torque of Lifting Platform.
the hydraulic motor; The motor connector is b. Raise the machine about 2 in/5 cm. Place
90 °to the motor end face respectively. cushion blocks under the chassis to provide
△ ! CAUTION: The joint shall be tightened to
c) Fasten the motor fastening bolt and tighten it c. Remove the rim bolt. Remove the wheel.
attached nut. After tightening the nut to the e. Remove the mounting fasteners of drive motor
specified torque, pass the cotter pin through located at the steering knuckle. Remove the
the locking nut slot hole and the brake disc drive motor.
pin hole, and divert the cotter pin. 6.4.4 Disassembly and Assembly of Gear
1. Removal of gear pump
For all hydraulic part protective caps, plugs a. Mark and disconnect the cable harness
shall be removed during assembly and shall connecting the motor controller to the
Clean the bonding surface with lint-free b. Mark, disconnect and block the oil pipe
paper before assembly to ensure that the connected to the hydraulic tank from the
assembly or connector, the connector and the pump. Cover the connector on the
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
oil may penetrate into the skin and burn it. Slowly The working area and surface where
loosen the hydraulic fitting to gradually dissipate this step is performed must be clean to
the hydraulic oil. Avoid hydraulic oil injection. ensure that no debris enters the hydraulic
d. Remove the securing fastener of the system.
f. Remove the mounting bolts of the pump assembly or connector, the connector and
and carefully remove the pump. the O-ring at the hose end must be replaced
2. Assembly of gear pump (if equipped). All connections must be
tightened to the specified torque during
installation. Please refer to the Specification
for Selection of Tightening Torque of Lifting
a. Disconnect the battery pack from the
Fig. 6.3 Assembly of Pump
△ ! CAUTION: place the pump face printed with all rings, watches and other jewelry.
b. Mark and disconnect the hydraulic lines
product label up.
from the power unit valve. Cover the
2. Assemble part 2 connector to the pump
outlet, and tighten it to specified torque.
c. Mark and disconnect the wires to the
3. Assemble the connector of part 1 to the
power unit.
pump oil suction port and tighten it to
d. Remove the securing fastener of the
specified torque
tank/pump/valve assembly and remove
6.4.5 6.4.5 Removal and installation of
the power unit assembly from the
hydraulic tank
1. Removal of hydraulic tank (S1932EⅡ)
e. Remove the securing fastener of
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
hydraulic tank, and then remove the a. Disconnect the battery pack from the
f. Remove the hydraulic tank cover and b. Mark and disconnect the return steel
drain oil into a suitable container. pipe of the hydraulic tank from the filter.
g. Remove the securing fastener of Remove the return steel pipe from the
hydraulic tank and remove the hydraulic machine. Cover the connector on the
2. Installation of hydraulic tank (S1932 EⅡ) c. Mark and disconnect the oil suction
1. Power unit
△ ! Danger: if there is spray, the hydraulic
oil may penetrate into the skin and burn it. Slowly
a. Fix the power unit assembly to the seam
loosen the hydraulic fitting to gradually dissipate
on the tank side with fasteners such as
the hydraulic oil. Avoid hydraulic oil injection.
4. Assembly of hydraulic tank
b. Connect the hose fitting of the power
(S1932II/S2632II/S2632E II/S46 II/S46EII,
unit in place by referring to the Line
Connection Table.
1. Hydraulic tank 2. Air filter 3. Filter 4. Pump 6.5 Service brake assembly
a. Fix the oil tank assembly to the seam on
6.5.1 r Removal of brake disc (hydraulic
the oil tank side with bolts and washers.
b. Assemble the air filter to the tank and
tighten it.
△ ! CAUTION: When tightening the oil suction the specified torque during installation. Please
it may fall.
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
2. Secure the steering wheel. 10. Remove the brake fasteners and remove the
3. Remove the cotter pin from the wheels slotted brake disc.
4. Unscrew the wheels slotted nut, but do not The protective cap shall be removed
5. Place the Jack at the lower center of the non- removed in advance;
6. Lift the machine about 5 cm/1.97 in from the paper to ensure that the binding surface
chassis for support. 2. Fit the joint to brake disc oil port, and tighten it
to specified torque.
△ ! WARNING: Risk of crushing
3. Fix the brake disc at the corresponding
Improper chassis installation may cause positions on the left and right sides of the
7. Remove the wheels slotted nut. Remove the tighten it to specified torque.
8. Mark and disconnect the hydraulic hose on disc pipeline, and then tighten it to the
the brake disc, and block the brake disc and specified torque.
oil pipe fitting. 5. Fix the tire assembly to the brake disc with
If the hydraulic oil is sprayed, it may penetrate through the locking nut slot hole and the
and burn the skin. Slowly loosen the hydraulic brake disc pin hole, and divert the cotter pin.
9. Place a support block under the brake disc 1. All hydraulic part protective caps shall be
for support to prevent falling. removed during assembly, and shall not be
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
2. Make sure that the 24°taper rubber hose 4. Connect the left brake disc hose to the right-
is concentric with the connected element, screw it angle fitting at part A, and tighten it to
specified torque with the torque wrench of Connect the hose connecting the BR port of the
(hydraulic drive)
release valve.
is clean.
joints A and B.
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Chapter 7 Electrics
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
△ ! WARNING: no changes to the electrical system are allowed without the permission of our company;
Changes will affect the function of the machine and even lead to serious personal injury and machine
△ ! WARNING: careless operation of the electrical system will cause serious personal injury and
machine damage; Before operation of the electrical system, the instructions described below and related
sections must be followed carefully.
△ ! WARNING: Other metal items such as watches, rings and bracelets must be removed from the
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Schematic Diagram of Location of Main Electrical Appliances for S1932EⅡ :
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Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
7.3.2 Electrical schematic diagram (hydraulic drive)
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Line length
4000/157 4000/157 4000/157 4000/157 4000/157
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
J1-1 Input 24VDC Reserved
J1-2 Input 24VDC Reserved
J1-3 Output 24VDC/2.5A Lifting valve control
24VDC/7A Power pin can
J1-4 Power supply Valve drive power supply
undertake 3.5A
24VDC/7A Power pin can
J1-5 Power supply Valve drive power supply
undertake 3.5A
J1-6 Output 24VDC/2.5A Motor control unit enabling
J1-7 Output 24VDC/2.5A Horn control
J1-8 Output 24VDC/2.5A Walking motor enabling
J1-9 Output 0-5VDC /10mA Motor speed control
J1-10 Input 24VDC Right brake status
J1-11 Input 0-5 VDC/4-20mA Reserved
J1-12 Input 24VDC Reserved
J1-13 Communication DATA LINK+ PCU communication+
J1-14 Input Chassis key switch
Working power supply
J1-15 Power supply 0 VDC/2A
J1-16 Input 0-5 VDC Angle sensor
J1-17 Input 5 VDC, 0 V Brake status signal
J1-18 Output 24VDC/2.5A Back
J1-19 Output 0VDC/150mA Reserved
J1-20 Output 24 VDC/2.5A Right turn valve control
J1-21 Output 0 VDC/150mA Buzzer control
J1-22 Input 24 VDC Pothole switch
J1-23 Input 24 VDC Upper limit switch
J1-24 Communication DATA LINK- PCU communication-
J1-25 Power supply 24 VDC/2A Operating power supply
J1-26 Input 0-5 VDC/4-20mA Pressure sensor 1
Walking motor speed
J1-27 Output 0-5 VDC/10mA
J1-28 Input 5 VDC,0V active low Motor driver alarm output
J1-29 Output 24 VDC/2.5A Overload alarm lamp
J1-30 Output 24 VDC/2.5A Forward
J1-31 Output 24 VDC/2.5A Left brake release
J1-32 Output 24 VDC/2.5A Left turn valve control
J1-33 Input 24 VDC Left brake status
J1-34 Input 24 VDC Inclination switch
J1-35 Input 24 VDC Lower limit switch
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
7.4.5 Battery
The good condition of the battery is essential for normal machine performance and safe operation.
Unsuitable electrolyte level or damaged cables and wiring may cause component damage and even
dangerous conditions.
For machines with sealed batteries or maintenance-free batteries, the electrolyte level may not be
checked, and other locations shall be checked.
! Danger of electric shock: live operation may lead to serious personal injury or death. Remove all
! Danger of physical injury: battery electrolyte has corrosiveness. Prevent hands or other parts of the
body from contacting with spilled electrolyte to avoid injury. Use baking soda to neutralize the spilled
! CAUTION: Check the battery and pay attention to the following:
Ensure that the wiring of the battery cable is firm and not corroded.
△CAUTION: the addition of terminal protector and anti-corrosion sealant will help to eliminate
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
! CAUTION: For specific battery charging operation steps, please refer to the
operation and maintenance manual of the lifting platform from LGMG. If you want to know
more about the charging operation, please contact the After-sales Service Department of
2. Common faults and troubleshooting of battery
Battery voltage test (only used to determine that the battery needs to be replaced)
Disconnect and reconnect the DC plug to restart the charger; When charging the battery, please
record the current during the last half hour of charging (if possible) and measure the voltage of the battery
pack; If the current is below 5A at the end of charging and the voltage of the battery pack is above the
following values: 56V for 48V system, 42V for 36V system, 28V for 24V system, 14V for 12V battery, 9.3V
for 8V battery and 7V for 6V battery, then proceed to the next step. Otherwise, check whether the output
of the charger is correct and recharge the battery as needed. If the voltage of the battery pack is still low,
the battery may be faulty. When the battery is in the charging state, please measure the voltage of each
battery; If the voltage of any battery is below the following values: 7 V for a 6 V battery, 9.3 V for an 8 V
battery, and 14 V for a 12 V battery, and if a voltage difference between the battery and any other
battery in the battery pack is greater than 0.5 V for a 6 V battery, or this voltage difference is greater than
Please top up and drain the hydrometer two or three times, and then take a sample from the battery
to measure the specific gravity reading of all battery cells; When it is above 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27
degrees Celsius), 0.004 is added to correct the specific gravity reading for each increment of 10 degrees
Fahrenheit (5 degrees Celsius); When it is below 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees Celsius), 0.004 is
subtracted to correct the specific gravity reading for each decrement of 10 degrees Fahrenheit (5 degrees
Celsius); If each battery cell in the battery pack is below 1.250, this battery pack may be undercharged;
in this case, please recharge it; If the specific gravity difference between any battery cells in the battery
pack exceeds 0.050, perform equalization on this battery pack; If there is still a discrepancy, there may
3) Discharge test
Connect and start the discharger, record the running time in minutes when the discharge is
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
completed, and use the following formula to correct the number of minutes of running time for temperature
(valid between 24℃ and 32℃): Mc = Mr[1-0.009(T-27)], where Mc is the corrected number of minutes,
Mr is the recorded number of minutes, and T is the temperature expressed in ℃ at the end of the
discharge. If the discharge time is greater than 50% of the battery rating, then all batteries can be used;
Reconnect the discharger to record the voltage (current drain) while each battery is still under load. If the
discharge operation time is less than 50% of the battery rating, a battery with a voltage 0.5 V lower than
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
7.5 Harness
7.5.1 Table of S1932E Ⅱ main harness wiring diagram and wire number
Wiring diagram:
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Line number description:
Wire Wire
Wire size Name Wire size Name
color color
Emergency brake release switch
9D White 8B1 Horn power cord White
signal line
J2-12 Lifting limit ground wire Red B-1 Battery negative terminal Black
J1-21 Buzzer ground wire Black A+2 Control signal positive White
Pump motor control speed
J1-9 White G09 GPS horn control signal White
J1-8 Motor control walking enabling White 1A CAN H White
8B Horn power cord Red 2A CAN L White
J1-6 Pump motor control enabling White X2 Reserved hole position White
Right turn solenoid valve power
J1-20 Red X1 Reserved hole position White
Left turn solenoid valve power
J1-32 Red B+1 Power cord Red
J1-18 Motor control reverse White B- Ground wire Black
J1-30 Motor control forward White A+ Power cord Red
Platform lowering solenoid valve
6B White J1-35 Signal line of lower limit switch White
power cord
Platform lifting solenoid valve
J1-3 Red J1-34 Signal line of inclination switch White
power cord
5P Platform control panel to charger White J1-23 Upper limit switch signal line White
Motor control unit alarm input
J1-28 White J1-22 Pothole protection signal line White
J1-17 Brake status signal line White R+ Right brake status signal line White
4P/4P1 Charger power cord to PCU Red L+ Left brake status signal line White
Motor control walking speed
J1-27 White J1-12 Platform height limit ground wire White
Outdoor height travel switch
J1-16 Angle sensor signal line White J1-1 White
ground wire
3C Pressure sensor signal line White J2-1 Right brake coil power cord Red
J1-14 Key switch signal Red J1-31 Left brake coil power cord Red
Left and right pothole protection
1S White D+ Power cord Red
switch transition line
1C DATA LINK- Black 09 Motor control unit CANH White
1B DATA LINK+ Red 08 Motor control unit CANL White
Drive motor excitation coil signal
12 White 11A Relay KA4 White
11 Main contactor coil power cord Red 8D Delay switch signal line White
Master contactor coil ground
10 Black A1+ Emergency brake release switch White
3P Relay KA1 White J2-11 Pedal ground wire White
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
7.5.2 S2632EⅡ, S46Ell Main harness wiring diagram and wire size table
Wiring diagram:
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Line number description:
Wire Wire
Wire size Name Wire size Name
color color
Emergency brake release switch
9D White 8B1 Horn power cord White
signal line
J2-12 Lifting limit ground wire Red B-1 Battery negative terminal Black
J1-21 Buzzer ground wire Black A+2 Control signal positive White
Pump motor control speed
J1-9 White G09 GPS horn control signal White
J1-8 Motor control walking enabling White 1A CAN H White
8B Horn power cord Red 2A CAN L White
J1-6 Pump motor control enabling White X2 Reserved hole position White
Right turn solenoid valve power
J1-20 Red X1 Reserved hole position White
Left turn solenoid valve power
J1-32 Red B+1 Power cord Red
J1-18 Motor control reverse White B- Ground wire Black
J1-30 Motor control forward White A+ Power cord Red
Platform lowering solenoid valve
6B White J1-35 Signal line of lower limit switch White
power cord
Platform lifting solenoid valve
J1-3 Red J1-34 Signal line of inclination switch White
power cord
5P Platform control panel to charger White J1-23 Upper limit switch signal line White
Motor control unit alarm input
J1-28 White J1-22 Pothole protection signal line White
J1-17 Brake status signal line White R+ Right brake status signal line White
4P/4P1 Charger power cord to PCU Red L+ Left brake status signal line White
Motor control walking speed
J1-27 White J1-12 Platform height limit ground wire White
Outdoor height travel switch
J1-16 Angle sensor signal line White J1-1 White
ground wire
3C Pressure sensor signal line White J2-1 Right brake coil power cord Red
J1-14 Key switch signal Red J1-31 Left brake coil power cord Red
Left and right pothole protection
1S White D+ Power cord Red
switch transition line
1C DATA LINK- Black 09 Motor control unit CANH White
1B DATA LINK+ Red 08 Motor control unit CANL White
Drive motor excitation coil signal
12 White 11A Relay KA4 White
11 Main contactor coil power cord Red 8D Delay switch signal line White
Master contactor coil ground
10 Black A1+ Emergency brake release switch White
3P Relay KA1 White J2-11 Pedal ground wire White
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
7.5.3 S4650EⅡ Main harness wiring diagram and wire size table
Wiring diagram:
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Line number description:
Wire Wire
Wire size Name Wire size Name
color color
Emergency brake release switch
9D White 8B1 Horn power cord White
signal line
J2-12 Lifting limit ground wire Red B-1 Battery negative terminal Black
J1-21 Buzzer ground wire Black A+2 Control signal positive White
Pump motor control speed
J1-9 White G09 GPS horn control signal White
J1-8 Motor control walking enabling White 1A CAN H White
8B Horn power cord Red 2A CAN L White
J1-6 Pump motor control enabling White X2 Reserved hole position White
Right turn solenoid valve power
J1-20 Red X1 Reserved hole position White
Left turn solenoid valve power
J1-32 Red B+1 Power cord Red
J1-18 Motor control reverse White B- Ground wire Black
J1-30 Motor control forward White A+ Power cord Red
Platform lowering solenoid valve
6B White J1-35 Signal line of lower limit switch White
power cord
Platform lifting solenoid valve
J1-3 Red J1-34 Signal line of inclination switch White
power cord
5P Platform control panel to charger White J1-23 Upper limit switch signal line White
Motor control unit alarm input
J1-28 White J1-22 Pothole protection signal line White
J1-17 Brake status signal line White R+ Right brake status signal line White
4P/4P1 Charger power cord to PCU Red L+ Left brake status signal line White
Motor control walking speed
J1-27 White J1-12 Platform height limit ground wire White
Outdoor height travel switch
J1-16 Angle sensor signal line White J1-1 White
ground wire
3C Pressure sensor signal line White J2-1 Right brake coil power cord Red
J1-14 Key switch signal Red J1-31 Left brake coil power cord Red
Left and right pothole protection
1S White D+ Power cord Red
switch transition line
1C DATA LINK- Black 09 Motor control unit CANH White
1B DATA LINK+ Red 08 Motor control unit CANL White
Drive motor excitation coil signal
12 White 11A Relay KA4 White
11 Main contactor coil power cord Red 8D Delay switch signal line White
Master contactor coil ground
10 Black A1+ Emergency brake release switch White
3P Relay KA1 White J2-11 Pedal ground wire White
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
7.5.4 S1932Ⅱ Main harness wiring diagram and wire size table
Wiring diagram:
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Line number description:
Wire Wire
Wire size Name Wire size Name
color color
D+ Power cord Red 8B1 Horn power cord White
A+ Power cord Red B-1 Battery negative terminal Black
J1-21 Buzzer ground wire Black A+2 Control signal positive White
Pump motor control speed
J1-9 White G09 GPS horn control signal White
J1-8 Speed valve signal White 1A CAN H White
8B Horn power cord Red 2A CAN L White
J1-6 Pump motor control enabling White B+1 Power cord Red
Right turn solenoid valve power
J1-20 Red B- Ground wire Black
Left turn solenoid valve power
J1-32 Red J1-22 Pothole protection signal line White
J1-30 Motor control forward White J1-35 Signal line of lower limit switch White
J1-18 Motor control reverse White J1-34 Signal line of inclination switch White
Platform lowering solenoid valve
6B White J1-23 Upper limit switch signal line White
power cord
Platform lifting solenoid valve
J1-3 Red 2S Key switch signal line Red
power cord
5P Platform control panel to charger White 2S1 Key switch signal line Red
11A Pressure sensor signal line White X1 Reserved hole position White
4P Charger power cord to PCU Red X2 Reserved hole position White
Outdoor height travel switch
J1-16 Angle sensor signal line White J1-1 Black
ground wire
3C Pressure sensor signal line White B- Ground wire Black
J1-14 Key switch signal Red J2-12 Lifting limit ground wire Black
Left and right pothole protection
1S White J1-12 Platform height limit ground wire Black
switch transition line
1C DATA LINK- Black J2-11 Pedal ground wire Black
1B DATA LINK+ Red 11A Pressure sensor signal line White
3P Relay KA1 White
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
7.5.5 S2632Ⅱ, S46Ⅱ Main harness wiring diagram and wire size table
Wiring diagram:
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Line number description:
Wire Wire
Wire size Name Wire size Name
color color
D+ Power cord Red 8B1 Horn power cord White
A+ Power cord Red B-1 Battery negative terminal Black
J1-21 Buzzer ground wire Black A+2 Control signal positive White
Pump motor control speed
J1-9 White G09 GPS horn control signal White
J1-8 Speed valve signal White 1A CAN H White
8B Horn power cord Red 2A CAN L White
J1-6 Pump motor control enabling White B+1 Power cord Red
Right turn solenoid valve power
J1-20 Red B- Ground wire Black
Left turn solenoid valve power
J1-32 Red J1-22 Pothole protection signal line White
J1-30 Motor control forward White J1-35 Signal line of lower limit switch White
J1-18 Motor control reverse White J1-34 Signal line of inclination switch White
Platform lowering solenoid valve
6B White J1-23 Upper limit switch signal line White
power cord
Platform lifting solenoid valve
J1-3 Red 2S Key switch signal line Red
power cord
5P Platform control panel to charger White 2S1 Key switch signal line Red
11A Pressure sensor signal line White X1 Reserved hole position White
4P Charger power cord to PCU Red X2 Reserved hole position White
Outdoor height travel switch
J1-16 Angle sensor signal line White J1-1 Black
ground wire
3C Pressure sensor signal line White B- Ground wire Black
J1-14 Key switch signal Red J2-12 Lifting limit ground wire Black
Left and right pothole protection
1S White J1-12 Platform height limit ground wire Black
switch transition line
1C DATA LINK- Black J2-11 Pedal ground wire Black
1B DATA LINK+ Red 11A Pressure sensor signal line White
3P Relay KA1 White
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
7.5.6 S4650 Ⅱ Main harness wiring diagram and wire size table
Wiring diagram:
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Line number description:
Wire Wire
Wire size Name Wire size Name
color color
D+ Power cord Red 8B1 Horn power cord White
A+ Power cord Red B-1 Battery negative terminal Black
J1-21 Buzzer ground wire Black A+2 Control signal positive White
Pump motor control speed
J1-9 White G09 GPS horn control signal White
J1-8 Speed valve signal White 1A CAN H White
8B Horn power cord Red 2A CAN L White
J1-6 Pump motor control enabling White B+1 Power cord Red
Right turn solenoid valve power
J1-20 Red B- Ground wire Black
Left turn solenoid valve power
J1-32 Red J1-22 Pothole protection signal line White
J1-30 Motor control forward White J1-35 Signal line of lower limit switch White
J1-18 Motor control reverse White J1-34 Signal line of inclination switch White
Platform lowering solenoid valve
6B White J1-23 Upper limit switch signal line White
power cord
Platform lifting solenoid valve
J1-3 Red 2S Key switch signal line Red
power cord
5P Platform control panel to charger White 2S1 Key switch signal line Red
11A Pressure sensor signal line White X1 Reserved hole position White
4P Charger power cord to PCU Red X2 Reserved hole position White
Outdoor height travel switch
J1-16 Angle sensor signal line White J1-1 Black
ground wire
3C Pressure sensor signal line White B- Ground wire Black
J1-14 Key switch signal Red J2-12 Lifting limit ground wire Black
Left and right pothole protection
1S White J1-12 Platform height limit ground wire Black
switch transition line
1C DATA LINK- Black J2-11 Pedal ground wire Black
1B DATA LINK+ Red 11A Pressure sensor signal line White
3P Relay KA1 White
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
7.5.7 S1932 II and S1932E II PCU harness and fork harness
PCU harness wiring diagram:
Wire Wire
size color
1B Red
1C Green
B- White
3P Yellow
4P Blue
To pressure sensor
To reversing valve
Wire Wire
size diameter
B- Blue 0.85mm2
A+ Brown 0.85mm2
3C White 0.85mm2
6B White 0.85mm2
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
7.5.8 S2632 Ⅱ, S2632E Ⅱ PCU harness and fork harness
PCU harness wiring diagram:
To pressure sensor
Wire Wire
size color
1B Red
1C Green
B- White
3P Yellow
4P Blue
B- Blue 0.85mm2
A+ Brown 0.85mm2
3C White 0.85mm2
6B White 0.85mm2
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
7.5.9 S2646Ⅱ, S2646 EⅡ PCU harness and fork harness
PCU harness connection diagram:
Wire Wire
size color
1B Red
1C Green
B- White
3P Yellow
4P Blue
To pressure sensor
B- Blue 0.85mm2
A+ Brown 0.85mm2
3C White 0.85mm2
6B White 0.85mm2
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
7.5.10 S3246Ⅱ, S3246EⅡ PCU harness and fork harness
PCU harness connection diagram:
Connect to main harness
Wire Wire
size color
1B Red
1C Green
B- White
3P Yellow
4P Blue
To pressure sensor
To reversing valve
Wire Wire
color To reversing valve
size diameter
B- Blue 0.85mm2
A+ Brown 0.85mm2
3C White 0.85mm2
6B White 0.85mm2
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
7.5.11S4046Ⅱ and S4046EⅡ PCU harness and fork harness
PCU harness connection diagram:
Connect to main harness
Wire Wire
size color
1B Red
1C Green
B- White
3P Yellow
4P Blue
To reversing valve
Wire Wire
color To reversing valve
size diameter
B- Blue 0.85mm2
A+ Brown 0.85mm2
3C White 0.85mm2
6B White 0.85mm2
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
7.5.12S4650Ⅱ and S4650EⅡ PCU harness and fork harness
PCU harness connection diagram:
CNLINKO waterproof connector socket LP-20-J05PP-01-001
Connect to main harness
Wire Wire
size color
1B Red
1C Green
B- White
3P Yellow
4P Blue
B- Blue 0.85mm2
A+ Brown 0.85mm2
3C White 0.85mm2
6B White 0.85mm2
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
7.5.13 Troubleshooting of Electrical Wiring 2) Hydraulic valve block wire
The electrical wiring in good condition is 3) Wire in battery area wire in battery tray
critical to the safe operation and performance of 4) Fork wire
the machine. Failure to identify and replace burnt, 5) The interior of PCU box
worn, corroded or squeezed wires may result in 3. Turn the key switch to the chassis controller
unsafe operating conditions and damage to position and then pull out the red
machine components. When the machine fails, "Emergency shutdown" button on
the visual inspection of common electrical circuits the PCU to the "ON" position.
mainly includes the following aspects: 4. Raise the platform to approximately 2.4
1. Fixing condition: all electrical components m/7.87 ft above the ground.
and wires shall be fixed reliably. The outer 5. Turn the protective arm away from the
shell shall be intact, and the components machine to make it sink.
and parts shall be intact. 6. Lower the platform to the protective arm
2. Contact and cleaning conditions: check position.
whether the connectors are plugged tightly,
whether there is corrosion, oil stain and ! CAUTION: danger of crushing. Make sure
ablation at the contact point, and the surface that your hands do not touch the protective arm as
the platform is descending.
of the wire shall be free of oil stains, dirt and
7. Check the center chassis area and the fork
for burnt, worn and squeezed wires.
3. Insulation and shielding conditions: the
8. Check for burnt, worn, corroded, squeezed
insulation layer of the wire shall be free from
or loose wires in the following areas:
damage and aging, the exposed area of the
1) Fork
wire shall be covered with adhesive tape,
2) Electrical control unit to PCU
and the shielding layer of the wire shall be
3) Power to PCU wire
free from fracture and scratch.
9. Check the free coating of insulating oil at the
4. Fuse and relay conditions: each fuse and
following locations:
relay shall be installed firmly, the wire
1) Harness connector between ECU and
connection shall be in good contact, and the
selected fuse and relay shall be complete
2) All harness connectors connected to the
and meet the rated value requirements of
horizon sensor
the circuit.
10. Raise the platform and return the protective
5. Operating conditions of each switch: each
arm to the stowed position.
switch and button shall operate easily
11. Lower the platform to the stowed position
without jamming or failure.
and shut down the machine.
Troubleshooting steps for electrical wiring:
1. Inspect for damaged or missing ground
busbars on the underside of the chassis.
2. Check the following areas for burnt, worn,
corroded or loose wires:
1) Interior of GCU box
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
! CAUTION: In false alarm state, the alarm code will flash once per second on the display on the ECU
and PCU.
7.6.1 Alarm code table
Display Description Machine reaction Troubleshooting guidance
System initialization
01 Stop all actions Restart equipment or replace ECU
Check the connection between communication lines and
02 Stop all actions other cables. If the fault still cannot be eliminated, please
communication error
replace the PCU or ECU.
Enter the parameter adjustment menu and modify the
03 Machine type error Stop all actions
machine parameters.
Connection Check whether the CAN bus is in poor contact or replace
05 No lifting, no walking
interruption of BMS the lithium battery
Release the foot switch. If it is invalid, check the connection
09 Pedal failure alarm No lifting, no walking
status of the pedal harness (for short circuit, etc.)
Height limit lever
10 No lifting, no walking The alarm can be cancelled by lowering
Upper and lower limits
11 No limit Recalibrate the upper limit or the outdoor limit
are abnormal
(Chassis lift button) Stop all chassis Check whether the chassis lift or lower button is pressed at
pressed incorrectly controls power-up, or replace the ECU
MCU 1 Check CAN bus for poor contact or modify electric drive
14 No lifting, no walking
communication failure type
MCU 2 Check CAN bus for poor contact or modify electric drive
15 No lifting, no walking
communication failure type
Check whether the CAN bus is in poor contact or replace
16 BMS failure No lifting, no walking
the lithium battery
Pothole protection error: check whether the pothole
Pothole protection
18 No lifting, no walking protection is enabled and check the pothole protection limit
switch. Check the lower limit switch and wiring.
23 Lifting limit triggered No traveling This reminder can be canceled in case of drop
Lowering proportional
27 No lifting, no walking Check or replace the lowering proportional valve
valve failure
Check the sensor wiring and the sensor itself, and check
Pressure sensor
31 No lifting, no walking whether the sensor is not installed but the weighing function
is turned on.
Check the sensor wiring and the sensor itself, and check
32 Angle sensor failure No lifting, no walking whether the sensor is not installed but the weighing function
is turned on.
Light load not
33 No lifting Calibrate the light load, or turn off the double load function.
This fault is only saved and not displayed. It is used to
34 Decline after overload No reaction
remind the operator.
Calibration of no load
35 No reaction Re-calibrate no load and full load
and full load
High-speed walking If battery power is low, charge it in time; If the battery
36 Low battery voltage
prohibited power is normal, check the wiring or replace the ECU.
Calibration error, and
38 No lifting Conduct re-calibration
re-calibration required
GPS communication
40 No reaction Check CAN bus for poor contact or replace GPS equipment
Level 1 vehicle
41 No lifting Unlock or connect GPS equipment
locking via GPS
Handle left button
Make sure nothing presses the key on the handle. If so,
42 pressed before No reaction
consider replacing the handle or PCU.
Handle right button
Make sure nothing presses the key on the handle. If so,
43 pressed before No reaction
consider replacing the handle or PCU.
ZAPI 1 fault
(Parameter setting Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
44 No reaction
failure of AC pump manufacturer
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Display Description Machine reaction Troubleshooting guidance
ZAPI 2 fault
Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
45 (AC pump motor No reaction
hardware fault)
Handle enable button
Make sure nothing presses the key on the handle. If so,
46 pressed before Disable PCU action
consider replacing the handle or PCU.
Handle not in the Confirm that the handle is in the neutral position, check the
47 neutral position before No reaction neutral position parameter, and if there is no problem, try to
starting replace the PCU or handle
AC pump motor: Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
49 No reaction
motor detection fault manufacturer
AC pump motor Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
50 No reaction
contactor fault manufacturer
Wireless anti-collision
51 No lifting The alarm can be cancelled in case of drop
Check the connection of the coil and confirm that there is
52 Forward valve failure No lifting, no walking no problem. If there is no problem, check whether the coil
itself is short circuited or open circuit.
Check the connection of the coil and confirm that there is
53 Backward valve fault No lifting, no walking no problem. If there is no problem, check whether the coil
itself is short circuited or open circuit.
Check the connection of the coil and confirm that there is
54 Lifting valve fault No lifting, no walking no problem. If there is no problem, check whether the coil
itself is short circuited or open circuit.
Check the connection of the coil and confirm that there is
Lowering switch valve
55 No lifting, no walking no problem. If there is no problem, check whether the coil
itself is short circuited or open circuit.
Check the connection of the coil and confirm that there is
56 Right turn valve fault No lifting, no walking no problem. If there is no problem, check whether the coil
itself is short circuited or open circuit.
Check the connection of the coil and confirm that there is
57 Left turn valve fault No lifting, no walking no problem. If there is no problem, check whether the coil
itself is short circuited or open circuit.
Check the connection of the coil and confirm that there is
58 Brake coil fault No lifting, no walking no problem. If there is no problem, check whether the coil
itself is short-circuited or open-circuited.
Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
60 MCU fault No lifting, no walking
Fault of MCU current Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
61 No reaction
sensor manufacturer
MCU hardware Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
62 No reaction
damaged manufacturer
Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
63 MCU output fault No reaction
Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
64 MCU SRO fault No reaction
Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
67 MCU HPD fault No reaction
No lifting or high- Do charging in time; If the battery power is normal, check
68 Low voltage
speed walking the wiring or replace the ECU.
High-neutral current Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
69 No lifting, no walking
fault of MCU manufacturer
MCU steering input Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
70 No lifting, no walking
out of range manufacturer
Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
71 MCU contactor fault No lifting, no walking
Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
73 MCU overheating No reaction
Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
74 MCU fault No reaction
MCU pump motor Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
75 No lifting, no walking
fault manufacturer
MCU left drive motor Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
76 No lifting, no walking
fault manufacturer
MCU right drive motor Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
77 No lifting, no walking
fault manufacturer
78 MCU pump motor No lifting, no walking Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Display Description Machine reaction Troubleshooting guidance
short circuit manufacturer
Short circuit in left Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
79 No lifting, no walking
drive motor manufacturer
Warning for 80% If the platform load limit is approached, consider not
80 No reaction
weight increasing the load.
Short circuit in right Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
81 No lifting, no walking
drive motor manufacturer.
Check the connection of the coil and confirm that there is
82 Left brake coil fault No lifting, no walking no problem. If there is no problem, check whether the coil
is short-circuited or has an open circuit.
Check the connection of the coil and confirm that there is
83 Right brake coil fault No lifting, no walking no problem. If there is no problem, check whether the coil
is short-circuited or has an open circuit.
Motor POST Short Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
84 No lifting, no walking
Fault manufacturer.
Motor excitation open Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
89 No lifting, no walking
circuit fault manufacturer.
If the platform load limit is approached, consider not
90 90% weight warning No reaction
increasing the load.
Motor excitation short Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
91 No lifting, no walking
circuit error manufacturer.
Motor excitation short Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
92 No lifting, no walking
circuit error manufacturer.
AC pump fault, brake Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
93 No reaction
fault manufacturer.
AC pump fault, drive Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
94 No reaction
temperature fault manufacturer.
AC pump fault, motor Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
95 No reaction
temperature fault manufacturer.
AC pump fault,
Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
96 voltage or electric No reaction
quantity abnormality
AC pump fault,
Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
97 CANBUS No reaction
communication fault
AC pump fault, speed Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
98 No reaction
sensor fault manufacturer.
If the platform load limit is approached, consider not
99 99% weight warning No reaction
increasing the load.
Three-phase AC drive
Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
100-114 node 8 fault (display No reaction
Three-phase AC drive
Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
115-128 node 9 fault (display No reaction
Three-phase AC drive
Replace the motor drive or contact the motor drive
129-142 node A fault (display No reaction
If the machine tilts, try to restore it horizontal; if it is not
Tilt exceeding safety
LL No lifting, no walking tilted, check the horizon sensor wiring and the sensor itself
and recalibrate the built-in inclination angle.
No lifting, walking or
OL Overload Remove the heavy load immediately.
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Press the enable switch on the handle to return to the normal operation state.
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
7.6.2 Operation flow diagram
Power off
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Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Ensure that the battery lock lever is secure.
△ ! WARNING: Observing the regulations Remove the battery ventilation cover.
Check the battery electrolyte level. If
The operator can only perform the routine necessary, add distilled water from the bottom
maintenance items specified in this manual. of the battery filling pipe. Do not add it
inspection shall be completed by trained
maintenance technicians ! CAUTION: the addition of terminal protector
A proper hydraulic oil level is essential for the
! CAUTION: For machines with sealed
operation of the machine. If the hydraulic oil level
batteries or maintenance-free batteries, the is improper, the hydraulic components may be
electrolyte level may not be checked. Other
positions shall be checked. damaged. Through routine inspection, inspectors
can determine changes in the hydraulic oil level,
△ ! DANGER which can indicate problems in the hydraulic
Danger of electric shock: system.
Live operation may result in serious physical
injury or death. Remove all rings, watches and △ ! CAUTION: Perform this procedure with the
other jewelry before operation. platform retracted.
Danger of personal injury: a) Visually inspect the fluid level on the side of
Prevent hands or other parts of the body from Result: the hydraulic oil level is at the mark of the
Use baking soda to neutralize the spilled b) Add oil as needed and never add it
electrolyte. excessively.
△ ! CAUTION: The following checks shall be △ ! CAUTION: During addition of the hydraulic
carried out with sufficient battery power: oil, it is needed to use the corresponding hydraulic
Wear protective clothing and protective oil according to the operating environment and
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
-33℃< minimum L-HV #46 low
temperature ≤-9℃
-39℃< minimum
temperature hydraulic oil
L-HS #46 Ultra-low △ ! CAUTION: Disconnection of the battery
temperature ≤-33℃ temperature hydraulic oil pack on the machine shall be carried out when
Minimum temperature ≤- No. 10 aviation hydraulic the machine is retracted.
39 ℃ oil
Perform hydraulic oil analysis
1. This check is carried out every 25 hours or
△ ! WARNING: operation in a live circuit may
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
not to spill, and tighten the filler cap. vertical state.
8. Start the oil pump to fill the entire hydraulic 6. Lower the platform height until the safety arm
system with hydraulic oil and discharge air is in full contact with the shaft sleeve.
from the hydraulic system.
△ ! DANGER: risk of crushing
a) If the measurement result is less than or equal
to 9 mm/0.35in, replace the nylon gasket inside
During inspection of the ventilation and the steering knuckle.
exhaust of the tank cap, the air shall be able to b) If the measurement result is more than 9
pass freely. mm/0.35 in, there is no need to replace the nylon
3. Clean the tank vent cap carefully with a mild gasket inside the steering knuckle.
solvent and dry it with low pressure
compressed air. Repeat Step 2.
4. Install the hydraulic tank vent cap.
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
8.8 Replace the hydraulic tank vent Result 1: The measurement result is greater
than or equal to 24 mm/0.94 in. Perform step
1. Perform this step every 50 hours or quarter,
Result 2: The measurement result is less than
whichever comes first.
24 mm. Replace the wear-resistant slider.
2. The hydraulic oil tank is a vented tank. There is
2) Measure the distance from the fork inner
an air cleaner inside the vent cap, which may
link tube at the battery side on the non-
become blocked over time. In case of vent cap
steering end of the machine to the plane of
failure or improper installation, once impurities
the floor slide.
enter the hydraulic system, component damage
Result 1: The measurement result is greater
may occur. The vent cap should be checked
than or equal to 24 mm/0.94 in. Perform step
frequently especially in harsh working
Result 2: The measurement result is less
1) Take out the hydraulic tank vent cap.
than 24 mm/0.94 in. Replace the wear-
2) Renew the hydraulic tank vent cap.
resistant slider.
8.9 Checking wear-resistant slider of 3) Apply lubricant between the chassis slide
1. Perform this step every 100 hours or 6 months, 8.10 Inspection and replacement of
whichever comes first. brushes
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
brush or large spark Overload Reduce load and 4. Install window cover plate
operation frequency a) Insert the cover plate into the window
The pressure is reduced due to the struck brush or buckle, tighten the fastening screws (with flat
spring annealing. Clean up the carbon deposition, washers and spring washers), and tighten them
check the cause and replace the spring. with torque wrench.
Brush inappropriate Replace it with a new one of
the same brand and size as that of the original △ ! CAUTION: after the new brush is installed,
brush of the motor. let the motor idle, carry out running-in of the arc
Serious carbon deposition in the motor Clean up surface of the brush, and increase the contact
surface between the brush and the commutator.
carbon deposits.
3. Replace the brush △ ! CAUTION: do not use the motor in case of
1. Bolt 2. Window cover plate 3. Brush essential for the good performance and service
1. Remove the window cover plate: life of the machine. Dirty or clogged filters may
a) Unscrew the cover plate screw with a T- affect the machine performance, and their
shaped wrench and remove the cover plate. continuous use will cause damage to parts. The
2. Remove the old brush. filter element should be replaced more frequently
brush tail with Phillips screwdriver or socket
! WARNING: scalding hazard
B) Pull up the spring, take out the old brush Beware of hot oil. Exposure to hot oil may result
from the brush box, and clean the carbon powder in severe burns.
accumulated on the surface of the brush box and
brush. ! CAUTION: The return filter of the hydraulic
3. Install a new brush tank is installed in the middle area between the
function valve block and the hydraulic power unit.
a) Put the new brush into the brush box and
1. Clean the hydraulic oil spilled around the filter
press the brush with a spring.
and remove the filter with a wrench.
b) Fix the brush tail on the terminal block of
2. Disassemble the filter and renew the filter
the brush box with a Phillips screwdriver or a T-
wrench, and tighten it with a torque wrench.
3. Apply a layer of hydraulic oil to the filter sealing
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
ring and tighten it with a wrench.
4. Use the marker pen to note the replacement
time and date on the filter element replacement
5. Turn the key switch to the ground control, and
pull out the red emergency stop button on the
GCU and PCU.
6. Press and pull down the lift function selection
7. Check the filter components for oil leakage.
8. Clean the hydraulic oil spilled around.
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
whether the
of each
connector is ● ● ● ● ● ●
interfered, or
whether the
system ● ● ● ● ● ●
pressure is
whether the
lift pressure ● ● ● ● ● ●
system is
whether the
● ● ● ● ● ●
pressure is
whether the
● ● ● ● ● ●
pressure is
whether any
oil pipes and ● ● ● ● ● ●
joints are
Check the oil
cylinder for ● ● ● ● ● ●
Hydraulic oil leakage
system Check each
spool for oil ● ● ● ● ● ●
whether the
● ● ● ● ● ●
fork oil pipe
is fixed firmly
whether the
walking oil ● ● ● ● ● ●
pipe fixing
clip is loose
Check the oil
level in the
● ● ● ● ● ●
Replace it once a year
hydraulic oil
Hydraulic oil
return filter Replace it every six months
Check the
● ● ● ● ● ●
tank vent
cap for leaks
Replace the
● ● ●
tank vent
Change the First 50 h, thereafter every 200 h
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Check the
scissor slider
● ●
for abnormal
Replace and
inspect the ● ●
whether the
bolts of the
machine are ●
loose and
whether the
circlip and
gasket of the
scissor arm
are invalid
whether the
device is
Check the
fork and
chassis for ●
Whole deformation
machine and open
the paint of
the complete
vehicle falls
whether the
is true or
whether the
manuals and
labels are ●
blurred or
and various ●
and various ●
Lubricate once a month
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
9.1 Basic function check 1) When the fork up button is pressed in situ,
the lifting is normal;
2) When the fork down button is pressed in
situ, the lowering is normal;
5. Preliminary test of driving forward and
1) When the forward button is pressed, the
driving forward is normal;
2) When the reverse button is pressed, the
reversing is normal;
6. Steering preliminary test:
1) When the left turning button is pressed,
the left turning is normal;
2) When the right turning button is pressed,
the right turning is normal;
Note: during the preliminary test of the whole
machine operation, turn the key to the PCU
position, check for and record problems.
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
support or the fastening of the circlip; 3) Check the fastening of platform pedal
2. The hidden danger inspection of the chassis: bolts and wheel frame fixing bolts;
4) Check the fastening of the tie rod fixing
4. Check the safety support installation:
4) Check the fastening of fixing bolts of the 9.3 Testing key switch
front and rear counterweights and baffle; 1. This check is carried out every 25 hours or
5) Check the fastening of fixing bolt of the once a month, whichever comes first.
cushion block under the side door; Check 2. Correct key switch actions and
the fastening of the cable handle; corresponding actions are essential for safe
3. Check the hidden danger spots of the operation of the equipment. The machine
platform: can be operated by the GCU or the PCU by
turning the key switch. Failed switch may
cause dangerous operation.
3. The PCU shall be used on the ground when
such steps are performed, so people shall
not stand in the platform.
1) Pull out the red emergency stop buttons
on the GCU and PCU.
2) Turn the key switch to the platform
Fig. 9.4 Hidden danger spots of the problem
1) Check the fastening of the guardrail
3) Check the lifting and lowering functions
fixing bolts of the main platform and the
of the GCU.
extended platform;
Result: no action is performed on the
2) Check the fastening of the platform lifting
fixing bolt.
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
4) Turn key switch to ground control. 9.6 Testing emergency stop function
5) Check the lifting and lowering functions
in the PCU.
Result: the machine has no action
6) Turn the key switch to the off position.
Result: no action is performed on the machine.
function cannot remind persons on the 1. This check is carried out every 25 hours or
1) Turn the key switch to the platform 2. Normal emergency stop function is essential
control and pull out the red emergency for safe operation of the machine. Abnormal
stop button on the GCU and the PCU; red emergency stop button will not be able to
2) Press the horn button in the horn cut off the power supply and stop all
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
All operations of the machine can be stopped brake system shall also function properly.
through the red emergency stop button on the 3. To complete the brake function test, the
GCU even if the key switch is turned to the PCU. machine must be carried out on a solid, flat
9.7 Testing drive speed and obstacle-free ground to ensure that the
machine is in a retracted state and the
1. This check is carried out every 25 hours or
extended platform is fully retracted.
once a month, whichever comes first.
1) Draw a reference test line on the ground.
2. Normal drive functions are essential for
2) Turn the key switch to the platform
operation safety. The drive function shall
control and pull out the red emergency
respond to the operator quickly and
stop buttons on the GCU and PCU.
smoothly. Delay, bumps and abnormal
3) Lower the platform to the retraction
noises shall not occur during normal
operation and driving.
4) Press the drive function selector button.
3. The drive test must be performed on a solid,
5) Select a point on the machine (e.g. touch
flat, and barrier-free ground:
point on the wheel) as a mark for visual
1) Draw two lines 10 meters/ 32.8 feet apart
inspection of crossing the reference test
on the ground as the starting line and
finishing line.
6) Drive the machine to the highest speed
2) Turn the key switch to the platform
and release the handle at the moment
control and pull out the red emergency
the reference point crosses the ground
stop buttons on the PCU and GCU.
test line.
3) Lower the platform to the retraction
7) Measure the distance between the
reference point and the surveying and
4) Press the drive function selection button.
mapping line.
5) Select a point on the machine as a
Result: the machine stops within the
reference visual inspection of crossing
specified braking distance. No action is
the starting line and finishing line.
6) Drive the machine at the maximum
Result: the machine does not stop
speed and start timing when the
within the specified braking distance.
reference point crosses the starting line.
7) Keep driving at full speed and record the
time of crossing the finishing line. △ ! CAUTION:
Check whether the standard is met. The brake must be effective within the
allowable gradeability of the machine;
9.8 Testing the function of drive brake
Replace the brake and repeat the above
1. This check is carried out every 25 hours or
process from step 1.
once a month, whichever comes first.
2. Correct brake actions are essential for
operation safety. The brakes are required to
9.9 Testing limit switch and pothole
be smooth, without delay, bumps or protection switch
abnormal noises. The hydraulic release This check is carried out every 25 hours or
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
once a month, whichever comes first. lifting function responds normally. The
Good limit switch is crucial to the machine functions normally.
performance and safe operation of the machine. Result: the diagnostic display does not
Operating a machine with a defective limit switch display the code 11, no alarm sounds,
will reduce the machine performance and lead to no response is available from the
a potentially unsafe working environments. lifting function, and the limit switch
To complete this inspection, the machine needs to be replaced.
must be on a solid, flat and obstacle-free ground. 11. Press the drive function selection button and
Lower limit switch try to drive the machine.
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
above. Result: the diagnostic display does not display the
15. Lift the safety arm, move the safety arm to code LL, no alarm sounds, and the drive
the middle of the scissor shaft sleeve, and and steering functions are normal. Check
rotate it down to the vertical state. or replace the inclination switch.
16. Lower the platform height until the safety Pothole protection switch
arm is in full contact with the shaft sleeve. 1. Lower the platform to retracted state, and
17. Turn the key switch to the off position. move the machine to the solid and flat ground.
18. Disconnect the platform control line of the 2. Place a wood block about 5 cm / 1.97 in high
chassis main harness. under the right pothole protection device.
19. Restore the connection between the platform 3. Press the lift function button and try to lift the
control connector and the chassis main machine to a certain height.
harness. Result: The pothole protection device touches the
20. Connect the platform control connector. wooden block and cannot be fully unfolded. The
21. Connect the connector of the lower limit diagnostic display does not display code 18. No
switch in a secure and correct manner. alarm sounds and the machine can continue to be
22. Install the lower limit switch box. lifted. Adjust or replace the pothole protection limit
23. Turn the key switch to the platform control. switch.
24. Slightly lift the platform and restore the 4. Press the drive function selection button and
safety arm. try to drive and steer the machine.
25. Lower the platform to retracted state Result: diagnostic display shows code 18, alarm
Inclination switch: sounds, and steering and drive functions can be
1. Move the machine to the maximum inclination operated. The machine functions normally.
angle allowed by the super-horizon sensor. Result: the diagnostic display does not display
See nameplate for the maximum allowable code 18, no alarm sounds, and the drive and
inclination angle. steering functions of the machine are normal.
2. Press the lifting function selection button to lift Adjust or replace the pothole protection limit
the machine to a certain height on the inclined switch.
ground 5. Lower the platform to the retracted and
Result: the diagnostic display shows the code LL, remove the wood block under the right
the alarm sounds, and the machine functions pothole protection device.
normally. 6. Repeat steps 32 ~ 35 under the left pothole
Result: diagnostic display does not display code protection device.
LL, and the alarm sounds, in this case, 7. Drop the platform to the retracted state, and
check or replace the inclination switch. remove the wood blocks under the left
3. Press the drive function selection button and pothole protection device.
try to drive the machine on the slope. 8. Shut down the machine.
Result: code LL is displayed on the diagnostic Upper limit switch
display, the alarm sounds, and the steering 1. This check is carried out every 25 hours or
and drive functions are not available. The once a month, whichever comes first.
machine functions normally. 2. A good limit switch is essential for machine
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
performance and safe operation. Operating 2. Frequent testing of the platform overload
the machine with a defective limit switch will mechanism is critical to the safe operation of
reduce machine performance and lead to the machine. Continuous incorrect operation
potentially unsafe working environments. of the platform will cause the system failure
3. To complete this function inspection, the to sense platform overload information. The
machine must be placed on a solid, flat and stability of the machine will be affected,
barrier-free ground. causing the equipment to roll over.
1) Turn the key switch to the ground 3. The platform overload system aims to
control and lift the platform to a certain prevent the machine from being operated
height from the ground. See Table under overload. It is composed of two
"lifting height of each model". electrical components: an overload pressure
2) Move the safety arm to the middle of sensor and an angle sensor.
the scissor shaft sleeve and rotate it 4. The angle sensor located in the inner scissor
down to the vertical state. arm is used to measure the inclination angle
3) Lower the platform height until the of the scissor and thus to determine the
safety arm is in full contact with the height of the platform.
shaft sleeve. 1) Turn the key switch to the ground
control and lift the platform to a certain
△ ! WARNING: Risk of crushing height from the ground. See Table
When the platform is lowered, make sure "lifting height of each model".
that the hands are in the correct position of the 2) Lift the safety arm, move the safety arm
safety arm. to the middle of the scissor shaft sleeve,
4) Open the limit switch base cover and rotate it down to the vertical state.
installed on the chassis. 3) Lower the platform height until the
5) Slightly lift the platform and restore the safety arm is in full contact with the
safety arm. shaft sleeve.
6) Press the upper limit switch arm while
lifting the platform with the GCU to ! WARNING: Risk of crushing
activate the upper limit switch. When the platform is lowered, make sure
Result: the platform stops rising and the that the hands are in the correct position of the
machine functions normally. safety arm.
Result: if the platform continues to rise, 4) Open the limit switch base cover
adjust or replace the upper limit switch. installed on the chassis.
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
and GCU safety arm.
8) Slightly lift the platform and restore the 14. Lower the platform to retraction position.
safety arm. 9.11 Test emergency lowering cable
9) After lifting the platform to the highest
Note: In case of main power supply or machine
position, continue to press the lifting
failure, pull the emergency lowering cable to
function selection button.
lower the platform. The emergency
Result: the alarm sounds.
lowering cable is connected to the barrel end
Result: no alarm sound. Calibrate the
of the lift cylinder and activated at the chassis.
platform overload system.
1. Raise the platform to a certain height;
5. Lower the platform to the retracted mode via
2. When the platform needs to be lowered in
the manual lowering function.
case of emergency, pull the emergency
6. Carefully disassemble the short-circuited
lowering cable to lower the machine. Release
wire of the upper limit switch.
the cable when considerable resistance is felt.
7. After lifting the platform to the highest
3. If the machine has no action when you pull
position, continue to press the lifting function
the cable, please check the cylinder valve
selection button.
block and cable immediately.
Result: the alarm does not sound and the
system functions are normal.
Result: the alarm sounds and the function of
△ ! WARNING: Risk of crushing
8. Raise the platform to a certain height from 2. Check whether the whole machine is
the ground. The lifting heights are shown in charged normally: after the charger is
the table "Lifting Height of Each Model". connected to the power supply, the charger
9. Lift the safety arm, move the safety arm to displays "AC, voltage, CPU, 0.07, charging
the middle of the scissor shaft sleeve, and program code, power percentage, voltage
rotate it down to the vertical state. and current" in turn. During the test, check
10. Lower the platform height until the safety the display content of the charger and stop
arm is in full contact with the shaft sleeve. charging until the current is displayed. If
the displayed current is not 0, it indicate the
When the platform is lowered, make sure record and feedback the problem.
that the hands are in the correct position of the 3. Check whether the charging program display
11. Reinstall the limit switch cap as it is. and feed it back
12. Reinstall the platform limit shield as it is. Note: The machine is forbidden to work during
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Adjustment position schematic position, and the pressure shall be adjusted to the
appropriate range with an Allen wrench.
electric vehicle (except S1932EⅡ) the reasons; (The test can be carried out on
the longitudinal level test ramp to check
whether the vehicle can slide on the ramp)
Brake test: pull out the black handle to check
whether the machine can brake reliably;
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
a. Press the one-touch brake release red 9.17 Weighing calibration
button on the rear side, after which the
buzzer will beep continuously;
b. Observe whether the vehicle will
automatically move down the ramp;
c. If it can move, it is conforming; if it can't
move, make a record and find the reason
(The test can be carried out on the Fig. 9.15 No-load calibration
longitudinal level test ramp to check 1. Park the vehicle in the no-load calibration and
whether the vehicle can slide on the detection area, enter the ground control ECU
ramp) system, and enable the weighing function;
2. Brake test: press the red button again to 2. Enter the no-load calibration interface, press
check whether the machine can brake reliably. and hold the relevant button 5 s to confirm the
9.16 Horizon sensor left and right calibration process, and wait patiently for the
calibration to be completed.
inclination test
9.18 Overload calibration
1. Before the inclination angle test, confirm that 1. Park the vehicle in the heavy load calibration
the inclination switch has a zeroing "OK" mark, area, that is, in front of the climbing bench;
and then perform the left and right inclination 2. Open the extension platform, push the
angle test. The left and right inclination angle counterweight trolley from the climbing bench
2. Lift the fork to be out of the lower limit position, 3. Hang the trolley safety hook to the platform
test whether the buzzer gives an alarm. If it guardrail, and depress the trolley brake pedal;
gives an alarm, the test is passed. If it does 4. Enter the heavy-load calibration interface,
not give an alarm, it is necessary to adjust the press and hold the relevant button for 5 s to
chassis inclination switch until the test is confirm the calibration process, and wait
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
S2646Ⅱ 450/992 500/1102
S2646EⅡ 450/992 500/1102
S3246Ⅱ 320/705 350/772
S3246EⅡ 320/705 350/772
S4046Ⅱ 320/705 350/772
S4046EⅡ 320/705 350/772
S4650Ⅱ 320/705 350/772
S4650EⅡ 320/705 350/772
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Chapter 10 Appendix
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
fixed One-way
displaceme flow, one-
nt hydraulic way rotation
motor Adjustable
Two-way two-way
Two-way flow, two- bounce
fixed way cylinder
displaceme rotation,
nt hydraulic fixed
Hydraulic motor displaceme
motor nt
One-way flow, one-
variable way
displaceme rotation,
nt hydraulic variable
motor displaceme
One-way flow, two-
variable way
Pressure Gas-liquid One-way
displaceme rotation,
converter converter action
nt hydraulic variable
motor displaceme
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Swing Continuous
swing, fixed
motor action
flow, one-
displaceme One-way
nt hydraulic action
flow, two-
Variable way
Pump- displaceme rotation, Continuous
motor nt hydraulic variable action
pump-motor displaceme
nt, external
oil drain
al rotation,
integral Accumulato General
transmissio r symbol
nt, fixed
nt motor
Accumulato isolation
Single r type
piston rod
Simplified Weight-
symbol loaded type
Single- Single Spring type
acting piston rod
cylinder cylinder
(with return
spring) Simplified
Auxiliary gas cylinder
Plunger rod
Gas tank
Telescopic General
cylinder symbol
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Hydraulic Internal
secondary pressure
pilot control,
pressure co internal oil
ntrol drain
control of air
Gas-liquid pressure,
* Control
Locking pilot hydraulic
method for
device pressure co internal
ntrol control,
external oil
Electro- Hydraulic
hydraulic external
pilot control,
pressure internal oil
control drainage
Ejector rod
type Hydraulic
internal oil
Variable pressure
travel control (with
control type remote relief
et control,
Electro- external
hydraulic pressure
control type
pilot control control,
external oil
Pilot regulating
pressure spring,
Roller type direction
control external oil
valve drain and
with remote
relief outlet
It's only
Pilot Priority is
operated in
proportional controlled by
One-way solenoid proportional
direction, so
roller type pressure electromagne
the arrow
control t with internal
can be
valve oil drainage
The electrical
lead can be
Single- omitted, and
Manual General acting the slash can
control symbol electromag also be
net directed to
the lower
Manual Electrical Double-
control control acting
Button type
method method electromag
Button type electromag
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Press-pull electromag
type netic
motor, etc.)
Handle type electrical
One-way Feedback General
pedal type control symbol
The position
is detected
Two-way Feedback Electrical
pedal type control feedback
, differential
method transformer,
Such as
Pressurizati Internal
follower valve
on or relief mechanical
control feedback
control circuit
The control
channel is
inside the
The control
channel is
outside the
(3) Pressure controller
symbols or
Relief valve direct-
acting relief
Pressure Proportional
Pilot relief reducing pressure
valve valve reducing
ratio: 1/3
electromag (Normally
Relief valve pressure
netic relief closed)
Direct- symbols or
acting Sequence harmonious-
proportional valve acting
relief valve Sequence sequence
valve valve
Pilot Pilot
proportional sequence
relief valve valve
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Unloading it sequence
when valve
relief valve
p2>p1 (balance
symbols or
Two-way acting, Unloading
relief valve external oil valve
General Unloading
symbols or valve Pilot
Pressure direct- electromag
reducing acting netic p1>p2
valve pressure unloading
reducing valve
Pressure valve
reducing Pilot
valve pressure
brake valve
Brake valve
Overflow oil
brake valve
(4) Directional control valve
Check Check valve
valve valve Two-
(spring can
be omitted)
Three- Simplified
position symbol
Simplified four-way (internal
symbol electro- leakage and
Hydraulicall hydraulic external
y controlled valve control)
check valve Detailed
symbol Three-
(controlling position six-
pressure way hand
check valve
opening valve
(spring can
be omitted)
Three- control and
Double position internal
hydraulicall four-way leakage (with
y controlled electro- manual
check valve hydraulic emergency
valve control
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Detailed type,
symbol overlapped
Shuttle Or gate valve
valve valve Three-
Simplified Underlapped
symbol center
Two- Normally
position closed
two-way valve
valve Normally Four-way
open servo valve
Two- Four-way
position electro-
Reversing Level 2
three-way hydraulic
valve solenoid servo valve
position Live
three-way feedback
solenoid level 3
ball valve
(5) Flow control valve
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Flow regula Flow regula Detailed
ting valve ting valve symbol
(6) Oil tank
Pipe end at
Pipe end
the bottom
above the
of the oil
Atmospheri liquid level
Oil tank tank
c type
Pipe end Local oil
With air
above the drain or
liquid level return
Pressurized oil tank or Three oil
closed oil tank circuits
(7) Fluid regulator
Filter Air cleaner
Filter with
pollution Temperature regulator
Pressure Electric
detector contact
d flowmeter
Torque meter
(9) Other auxiliary components
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
General General
symbol symbol
Detailed Pressure
symbol sensor
Travel switch
General Temperatur
symbol e sensor
Coupling Amplifier
(10) Pipeline, pipeline joints and connectors
Pressure The two
pipeline and Cross pipelines are
return pipeline crossed and
pipeline unconnected
Control Flexible
Pipeline pipeline Pipeline pipeline
It can
Control One-way air
an oil
pipeline bleeder
Quick Single-
connector channel
without rotary
check valve Rotary connector
Quick connector
connector Three-way
with check
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Unipolar Normally
control SA open SQ
switch contact
symbols of Position
SA closed SQ
manual switch contact
control QS SQ
Three-level Normally
isolating QS open SB
switch button
QS closed SB
load switch
n knob QS Button SB
voltage Emergency
circuit stop button
SA operated SB
operating KM FR
Normally Normally
open main KM closed FR
contact contact
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
KM Coil KA
Power-on Normally
(slow pull-in)
KT closed KA
coil contact
t coil
delay (slow KT
release) coil
nt coil
relay Normally
open contact
which is KT open KA
Instantaneou contact
sly closed
contact Normally
which is KT closed KA
Time relay instantaneou contact
open contact
which is KT KV
closed with e coil
contact Undervolta
which is
ge coil
with delay Voltage
Normally relay
closed Normally
which is
KT open KV
closed with contact
open contact Normally
which is KT closed KV
disconnected contact
with delay
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
General Three-
symbol of phase cage
et us motor
Electromagn wound
etic chuck
us motor
Motor Separately
etic operator
etic clutch
YC excited DC M
Electromagn Shunt DC
etic brake
Solenoid Series DC
Speed relay
normally KS Fuse Fuse FU
Non- open contact
relay Pressure Single-
KP phase TC
open contact transformer
Generator G phase TM
tachometer TG TV
generator transformer
Signal lamp
(indicator HL TA
lamp) transformer
Plug and
Lighting lamp EL Connector XP
et XS
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
10.3.2 S1932E Ⅱ pipeline connection table
Serial Connector Pipeline Connector Descripti
Part Name Connector Name Line name Connector Name Part Name
number Code Code Code on
Lift cylinder Joint GE08 To port
1 4120001391 GE08LR3/8EDOMDC 4120706651 Hose FC402 CACA080804-3500 4120001170 Power unit
valve block LREDOMDCF CSE
Lift cylinder Rubber hose FODCACA080804- Straight fitting M14-R
2 4120001391 GE08LR3/8EDOMDC 4120707849 2507000870 Filter
valve block 3500 3/4
Straight fitting M14-R Joint GE08
Filter 2507000870 4120709614 Hose FODCACF080804-320 4120001170 Power unit To port T
Steering Joint GE08 Joint GE08 L7/16
3 4120001170 4120705459 Hose F471 TCCACF080804-1300 4120001177 Power unit AS port
Steering Joint GE08 Joint GE08 L7/16
4 4120001170 4120705459 Hose F471 TCCACF080804-1300 4120001177 Power unit BS port
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
valve block GE10LR3/8EDOMDC PG900 GE10LR3/8EDOMDCF
Steering Connecte
Joint GE08 L7/16 Rubber hose F471 Joint GE08
10 cylinder small 4120001177 4120705199 4120001170 Main valve d to port
cavity BS
Large cavity of
Joint GE08 L7/16 Joint GE08 To port
11 steering 4120001177 4120704860 Hose F471TCCACF080804-1200 4120001170 Main valve
Left walking m Joint Motor Hose F471 TCCACF101005- Tee fitting
12 4120704977 4120704988 4120001168 Main valve To port C
otor GE10L9/16UNFOMD 1315-PG420-Heightened EL10LOMDCF
Left walking m Joint Motor Hose F471 TCCACF101005- Joint To port
13 4120704977 4120704987 4120001165 Main valve
otor GE10L9/16UNFOMD 1265-PG420-Heightened GE10LR3/8EDOMDCF B2
Left walking m Joint Motor hose F471 Joint To port
14 4120704977 4120704986 4120001165 Main valve
otor GE10L9/16UNFOMD TCCACF101005−1315−PG420 GE10LR3/8EDOMDCF B1
To lower
Left walking m Joint Motor hose F471
15 4120704977 4120704985 4120001166 Joint EW10LOMDCF Main valve part of
otor GE10L9/16UNFOMD TCCACF101005−1240−PG420
port C
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
10.3.5 S2646 Ⅱ pipeline wiring table
Serial Connector Pipeline Connector Descripti
Part Name Connector Name Line name Connector Name Part Name
number Code Code Code on
To left
Brake release Joint GE08 L7/16 Hose F471 Joint GE08 L7/16
1 4120001177 4120002637 4120001177 Brake disc brake
To right
Brake release Joint GE08 L7/16 Hose F471 Joint GE08 L7/16
2 4120001177 4120002637 4120001177 Brake disc brake
Return steel pipe Rubber hose F481CACE121208-
3 Oil tank 2507000011 4120705165 2507000009 Straight fitting Filter
assembly 410
Connector GEO15 Joint
4 Oil tank 4120704978 4120001162 Hose F481 CACF151510-290 4120002235 Pump
Rubber hose F481 Joint To T1
5 Filter 2507000009 Straight fitting 4120705166 4120001224 Main valve
CACF121208−440 GE12LREDOMDCF port
Brake release Joint GE08 L7/16 Joint GE08 To port B
6 4120001177 4120704859 Hose F471 TCCACF080804-2400 4120001170 Main valve
Rubber hose Joint
7 Pump 4120001373 GE12LR1/2EDOMDC 4120705167 4120001224 Main valve To port P
Lift cylinder Joint Joint To port
8 4120001224 4120704861 Hose FC402 CACA121206−4350 4120001224 Main valve
Lift cylinder Rubber hose FC402 Joint GE08 Lift cylinder
9 4120001166 Joint EW10LOMDCF 4120705175 4120001170
valve block CACF081004−850 LREDOMDCF small cavity
Lift cylinder Joint Joint
10 4120001224 4120704861 Hose FC402 CACA121206−4350 4120001224 Main valve To port T
Steering Connecte
Joint GE08 L7/16 Joint GE08
11 cylinder small 4120001177 4120704860 Hose F471TCCACF080804-1200 4120001170 Main valve d to port
cavity BS
Large cavity of
Joint GE08 L7/16 Joint GE08 To port
12 steering 4120001177 4120704860 Hose F471TCCACF080804-1200 4120001170 Main valve
Joint Connect
Left walking m Joint Motor rubber hose F471
13 4120704977 4120705171 4120001165 GE10LR3/8EDOMD Main valve to port
otor GE10L9/16UNFOMD TCCACE101005−1600−PG500
Left walking m Joint Motor rubber hose F471 To port
14 4120704977 4120705172 4120001165 GE10LR3/8EDOMD Main valve
otor GE10L9/16UNFOMD TCCACE101005−1690−PG500 B2
Left walking m Joint Motor rubber hose F471 To port
15 4120704977 4120705170 4120001165 GE10LR3/8EDOMD Main valve
otor GE10L9/16UNFOMD TCCACE101005-1640-PG500 B1
Joint Connect
Left walking m Joint Motor rubber hose F471
16 4120704977 4120705169 4120001165 GE10LR3/8EDOMD Main valve to C1
otor GE10L9/16UNFOMD TCCACE101005-1620-PG500
CF port
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Rubber hose F481 Joint To T1
5 Filter 2507000009 Straight fitting 4120705166 4120001224 Main valve
CACF121208−440 GE12LREDOMDCF port
Brake release Joint GE08 L7/16 Joint GE08 To port B
6 4120001177 4120704859 Hose F471 TCCACF080804-2400 4120001170 Main valve
Rubber hose Joint
7 Pump 4120001373 GE12LR1/2EDOMDC 4120705167 4120001224 Main valve To port P
Lower lift
Joint Hose FC402 CACA121206-4350- Joint To port
8 cylinder valve 4120001224 4120704861 4120001224 Main valve
Lower lift Joint Hose FC402 CACA121206-4350- Joint
9 4120001224 4120704861 4120001224 Main valve To port T
Lower lift Lower lift
Tee fitting Rubber hose FC402 Joint GE08
10 cylinder valve 4120001168 4120705175 4120001170 cylinder small
block cavity
Upper lift Joint Joint
Hose FC402 CACA101005-7830- Lower cylinder
cylinder valve 4120001165 GE10LR3/8EDOMDC 4120705174 4120001165 GE10LR3/8EDOMD
PG2890 valve block
block F CF
Upper lift Joint
Joint GE08 Hose FC402CACA100805-8550- Lower cylinder
cylinder small 4120001170 4120705173 4120001165 GE10LR3/8EDOMD
LREDOMDCF PG2890 valve block
cavity CF
Steering Connecte
Joint GE08 L7/16 Joint GE08
11 cylinder small 4120001177 4120704860 Hose F471TCCACF080804-1200 4120001170 Main valve d to port
cavity BS
Large cavity of
Joint GE08 L7/16 Joint GE08 To port
12 steering 4120001177 4120704860 Hose F471TCCACF080804-1200 4120001170 Main valve
Joint Connect
Left walking m Joint Motor rubber hose F471
13 4120704977 4120705171 4120001165 GE10LR3/8EDOMD Main valve to port
otor GE10L9/16UNFOMD TCCACE101005−1600−PG500
Left walking m Joint Motor rubber hose F471 To port
14 4120704977 4120705172 4120001165 GE10LR3/8EDOMD Main valve
otor GE10L9/16UNFOMD TCCACE101005−1690−PG500 B2
Left walking m Joint Motor rubber hose F471 To port
15 4120704977 4120705170 4120001165 GE10LR3/8EDOMD Main valve
otor GE10L9/16UNFOMD TCCACE101005-1640-PG500 B1
Joint Connect
Left walking m Joint Motor rubber hose F471
16 4120704977 4120705169 4120001165 GE10LR3/8EDOMD Main valve to C1
otor GE10L9/16UNFOMD TCCACE101005-1620-PG500
CF port
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
10.3.8 S3246EⅡ Pipeline Wiring Table
Serial Connector Pipeline Connector Descripti
Part Name Connector Name Line name Connector Name Part Name
number Code Code Code on
Return steel pipe Rubber hose F481CACE121208-
1 Oil tank 2507000011 4120705165 2507000009 Straight fitting Filter
assembly 410
Connector GEO15 Joint
2 Oil tank 4120704978 4120001162 Hose F481 CACF151510-290 4120002235 Pump
Rubber hose F481 CACF121208- Joint To T1
3 Filter 2507000009 Straight fitting 4120706472 4120001224 Main valve
235 GE12LREDOMDCF port
4 Pump 4120001373 GE12LR1/2EDOMDC 4120705167 Hose F471 TCCACF121206−450 4120001224 Main valve To port P
Lower lift
Joint Hose FC402 CACA121206-4350- Joint To port
5 cylinder valve 4120001224 4120704861 4120001224 Main valve
Lower lift Joint Hose FC402 CACA121206-4350- Joint
6 4120001224 4120704861 4120001224 Main valve To port T
Lower lift
Lower lift
Tee fitting Rubber hose FC402 Joint GE08 cylinder
7 cylinder valve 4120001168 4120705175 4120001170
Upper lift Joint Lower
Hose FC402 CACA101005-7830- Joint
8 cylinder valve 4120001165 GE10LR3/8EDOMDC 4120705174 4120001165 cylinder
block F valve block
Upper lift Lower
Joint GE08 Hose FC402CACA100805-8550- Joint
9 cylinder small 4120001170 4120705173 4120001165 cylinder
cavity valve block
Steering Connecte
Joint GE08 L7/16 Joint GE08
10 cylinder small 4120001177 4120704860 Hose F471TCCACF080804-1200 4120001170 Main valve d to port
cavity BS
Large cavity of
Joint GE08 L7/16 Joint GE08 To port
11 steering 4120001177 4120704860 Hose F471TCCACF080804-1200 4120001170 Main valve
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Return steel pipe Rubber hose F481CACE121208-
3 Oil tank 2507000011 4120705165 2507000009 Straight fitting Filter
assembly 410
Connector GEO15 Joint
4 Oil tank 4120704978 4120001162 Hose F481 CACF151510-290 4120002235 Pump
Rubber hose F481 Joint To T1
5 Filter 2507000009 Straight fitting 4120705166 4120001224 Main valve
CACF121208−440 GE12LREDOMDCF port
Brake release Joint GE08 L7/16 Joint GE08 To port B
6 4120001177 4120704859 Hose F471 TCCACF080804-2400 4120001170 Main valve
Rubber hose Joint
7 Pump 4120001373 GE12LR1/2EDOMDC 4120705167 4120001224 Main valve To port P
Lower lift
Joint Hose FC402 CACA121206-4350- Joint To port
8 cylinder valve 4120001224 4120704861 4120001224 Main valve
Lower lift Joint Hose FC402 CACA121206-4350- Joint
9 4120001224 4120704861 4120001224 Main valve To port T
Lower lift Lower lift
Tee fitting Rubber hose FC402 Joint GE08
10 cylinder valve 4120001168 4120705175 4120001170 cylinder small
block cavity
Upper lift Joint Joint
Hose FC402 CACA101005-7830- Lower cylinder
cylinder valve 4120001165 GE10LR3/8EDOMDC 4120705174 4120001165 GE10LR3/8EDOMD
PG2890 valve block
block F CF
Upper lift Joint
Joint GE08 Hose FC402CACA100805-8550- Lower cylinder
cylinder small 4120001170 4120705173 4120001165 GE10LR3/8EDOMD
LREDOMDCF PG2890 valve block
cavity CF
Steering Connecte
Joint GE08 L7/16 Joint GE08
11 cylinder small 4120001177 4120704860 Hose F471TCCACF080804-1200 4120001170 Main valve d to port
cavity BS
Large cavity of
Joint GE08 L7/16 Joint GE08 To port
12 steering 4120001177 4120704860 Hose F471TCCACF080804-1200 4120001170 Main valve
Joint Connect
Left walking m Joint Motor rubber hose F471
13 4120704977 4120705171 4120001165 GE10LR3/8EDOMD Main valve to port
otor GE10L9/16UNFOMD TCCACE101005−1600−PG500
Left walking m Joint Motor rubber hose F471 To port
14 4120704977 4120705172 4120001165 GE10LR3/8EDOMD Main valve
otor GE10L9/16UNFOMD TCCACE101005−1690−PG500 B2
Left walking m Joint Motor rubber hose F471 To port
15 4120704977 4120705170 4120001165 GE10LR3/8EDOMD Main valve
otor GE10L9/16UNFOMD TCCACE101005-1640-PG500 B1
Joint Connect
Left walking m Joint Motor rubber hose F471
16 4120704977 4120705169 4120001165 GE10LR3/8EDOMD Main valve to C1
otor GE10L9/16UNFOMD TCCACE101005-1620-PG500
CF port
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
10.3.10 S4046E Ⅱ Pipeline Wiring Table
Serial Connector Pipeline Connector Descripti
Part Name Connector Name Line name Connector Name Part Name
number Code Code Code on
Return steel pipe Rubber hose F481CACE121208-
1 Oil tank 2507000011 4120705165 2507000009 Straight fitting Filter
assembly 410
Connector GEO15 Joint
2 Oil tank 4120704978 4120001162 Hose F481 CACF151510-290 4120002235 Pump
Rubber hose F481 CACF121208- Joint To T1
3 Filter 2507000009 Straight fitting 4120706472 4120001224 Main valve
235 GE12LREDOMDCF port
4 Pump 4120001373 GE12LR1/2EDOMDC 4120705167 Hose F471 TCCACF121206−450 4120001224 Main valve To port P
Lower lift
Joint Hose FC402 CACA121206-4350- Joint To port
5 cylinder valve 4120001224 4120704861 4120001224 Main valve
Lower lift Joint Hose FC402 CACA121206-4350- Joint
6 4120001224 4120704861 4120001224 Main valve To port T
Lower lift
Lower lift
Tee fitting Rubber hose FC402 Joint GE08 cylinder
7 cylinder valve 4120001168 4120705175 4120001170
Upper lift Joint Lower
Hose FC402 CACA101005-7830- Joint
8 cylinder valve 4120001165 GE10LR3/8EDOMDC 4120705174 4120001165 cylinder
block F valve block
Upper lift Lower
Joint GE08 Hose FC402CACA100805-8550- Joint
9 cylinder small 4120001170 4120705173 4120001165 cylinder
cavity valve block
Steering Connecte
Joint GE08 L7/16 Joint GE08
10 cylinder small 4120001177 4120704860 Hose F471TCCACF080804-1200 4120001170 Main valve d to port
cavity BS
Large cavity of
Joint GE08 L7/16 Joint GE08 To port
11 steering 4120001177 4120704860 Hose F471TCCACF080804-1200 4120001170 Main valve
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
Return steel pipe
3 Oil tank 2507000072 4120705902 Hose F481CACA121208-620 2507000009 Straight fitting Filter
4 Oil tank 4120707646 Suction connector 4120705971 Hose F481CACF151510-420 4120002235 Pump
Joint To T1
5 Filter 2507000009 Straight fitting 4120708722 Hose F481CACF121208-500 4120001224 Main valve
Brake release Joint GE08 L7/16 Joint GE08 To port B
6 4120001177 4120705469 Hose F471TCCACE080804-3200 4120001170 Main valve
Joint Joint
7 Pump 4120002235 4120705971 Hose F481CACF151510-420 4120001224 Main valve To port P
Lower lift
Joint Hose FC402CACA121206-4800- Joint To port
8 cylinder valve 4120001224 4120705943 4120001224 Main valve
Lower lift
Joint Hose FC402CACA121206-4800- Joint
9 cylinder valve 4120001224 4120705943 4120001224 Main valve To port T
Lower lift Lower lift
Tee fitting Lower lift cylinder
10 cylinder valve 4120001168 4120705461 Hose FC402CACF101005-1050 - cylinder small
EL10LOMDCF small cavity
block cavity
Upper lift
Joint Hose FC402CACA121205-7900- Joint Lower cylinder
cylinder valve 4120001224 4120705942 4120001224
Upper lift Joint
Joint Hose FC402CACA101005-8900- Lower cylinder
cylinder small 4120001188 4120705941 4120001165 GE10LR3/8EDOMD
GE10LREDOMDCF PG2550 valve block
cavity CF
Steering Connecte
Joint GE08 L7/16 Joint GE08
11 cylinder small 4120001177 4120705459 Hose F471TCCACF080804-1200 4120001170 Main valve d to port
cavity BS
Large cavity of
Joint GE08 L7/16 Joint GE08 To port
12 steering 4120001177 4120705459 Hose F471TCCACF080804-1200 4120001170 Main valve
Joint Connect
Left walking m Hose F471TCCACE121206-1800- Joint
13 4190000147 GE12L9/16UNF0MD 4120705472 4120001224 Main valve to port
A3C C2
Left walking m Hose F471TCCACE121206-1800- Joint To port
14 4190000147 GE12L9/16UNF0MD 4120705472 4120001224 Main valve
Left walking m Hose F471TCCACE121206-1800- Joint To port
15 4190000147 GE12L9/16UNF0MD 4120705170 4120001224 Main valve
Joint Connect
Left walking m Motor rubber hose Joint
16 4190000147 GE12L9/16UNF0MD 4120002355 4120001224 Main valve to C1
otor F471TCCACE121206-1700 GE12LREDOMDCF
A3C port
Service Manual of Scissors Mobile Elevating Work Platform
10.3.12 S4650E Ⅱ Pipeline Wiring Table
Serial Connector Pipeline Connector Descripti
Part Name Connector Name Line name Connector Name Part Name
number Code Code Code on
Return steel pipe
1 Oil tank 2507000072 4120705902 Hose F481CACA121208-620 2507000009 Straight fitting Filter
2 Oil tank 4120707646 Suction connector 4120705971 Hose F481CACF151510-420 4120002235 Pump
Joint To T1
3 Filter 2507000009 Straight fitting 4120708722 Hose F481CACF121208-500 4120001224 Main valve
4 Pump 4120001373 GE12LR1/2EDOMDC 4120706474 Hose F471 TCCACF121206−450 4120001224 Main valve To port P
Lower lift
Joint Hose FC402CACA121206-4800- Joint To port
5 cylinder 4120001224 4120705943 4120001224 Main valve
valve block
Lower lift
Joint Hose FC402CACA121206-4800- Joint
6 cylinder 4120001224 4120705943 4120001224 Main valve To port T
valve block
Lower lift
Lower lift
Tee fitting Lower lift cylinder small cylinder
7 cylinder 4120001168 4120705461 Hose FC402CACF101005-1050 -
EL10LOMDCF cavity small
valve block
Upper lift Lower
Joint Hose FC402CACA121205-7900- Joint
8 cylinder 4120001224 4120705942 4120001224 cylinder
valve block valve block
Upper lift Lower
Joint Hose FC402CACA101005-8900- Joint
9 cylinder 4120001188 4120705941 4120001165 cylinder
small cavity valve block
Steering Joint GE08 L7/16 Joint GE08
10 4120001177 4120705459 Hose F471 TCCACF080804-1300 4120001170 Main valve d to port
Steering Joint GE08 L7/16 Joint GE08 To port
11 4120001177 4120705459 Hose F471 TCCACF080804-1300 4120001170 Main valve