Rectilinear Translation (Part II Kinetics)

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3: Rectilinear Translation 3.

A block is moved up a 15° incline

so that it just reaches the top of
the incline with zero velocity.
1. The two blocks shown are
Knowing that the coefficient of
originally at rest. Neglecting the
kinetic friction between the
masses of the pulleys and the
package and the incline is 0.12,
effect of friction in the pulleys and
determine (a) the initial velocity of
between block A and the horizontal
the package at A, (b) the velocity of
surface, determine (a) the
the package as it returns to its
acceleration of each block, (b) the
original position.
tension in the cable.

4. The system shown is at rest

when a constant 150-N force is
applied to collar B. After what
distance d should the 150-N force
2. A spring AB of constant k is be removed if the collar is to reach
attached to a support at A and to a support C with zero velocity?
collar of mass m. The unstretched
length of the spring is l. Knowing
that the collar is released from rest
at x 5 x0 and neglecting friction
between the collar and the
horizontal rod, determine the
magnitude of the velocity of the
5. The 10 kg slider moves in the
collar as it passes through point C.
guide as it is released from position
A at rest. Spring stiffness is 60 N/m
and is stretched by 0.6 m in position
A. Considering no friction, determine
the velocity of the slider as it passes
through position C.
8. The ice hockey puck with a mass
of 0.2 kg has a velocity of 12 m/s
before being struck by the hockey
stick. After the impact the puck
moves in the new direction with a
6. The body of mass 10 kg has a
velocity of 18 m/s. If the stick is in
washer of mass 2 kg resting on its
contact with puck for 0.04 s,
shoulder. As the combined body
compute the magnitude of the
passes downward through an opening
average force exerted by the stick
with speed 3 m/s, the washer strikes
on the puck during contact, and find
the solid surface and is left behind.
the angle made by this force with
If the duration of the impact is 0.2
respect to the direction of incoming
seconds, determine the force
velocity of puck.
exerted by surface on the washer.

9. The block A of mass 6 kg is

released from rest at B and slides
down the smooth circular guide. The
7. A 60-gram bullet is fired block A strikes the bigger block C of
horizontally with a velocity 600 m/s mass 12 kg and gets embedded in it.
into the 3 kg block which was initially If the coefficient of kinetic friction
at rest. The bullet emerges from the between the block C and horizontal
block with a velocity of 400 m/s, and surface is 0.2, determine the
the block is observed to slide a distance s that the blocks move till
distance of 2.7 m before coming to they stop. Take r =0.9 m.
rest. Determine the coefficient of
kinetic friction between the block
and the surface.

1. (a) 2.49 𝑚/𝑠 2 , 0.831 𝑚⁄𝑠 2

(b) 74.8 𝑁
2. √ (√𝑙2 + 𝑥𝑜2 − 𝑙)

3. (a) 8.57 𝑚/𝑠 (b) 5.30 m/s

10. A 1-kg block B is moving with a
4. 235 𝑚𝑚
velocity of magnitude 2 𝑚/𝑠 2 as it hits
5. 0.974 𝑚/𝑠
the 0.5-kg sphere A, which is at rest
6. 49.62 𝑁
and hanging from a massless cord
7. 0.302
attached at O. Knowing that 𝝁𝒌 = 0.6
8. 147.8 𝑁 at 12.02°
between the block and the horizontal
9. 0.5 𝑚
surface and e = 0.8 between the block 10. (𝑎) 294 𝑚𝑚. (𝑏) 54.4 𝑚𝑚
and the sphere, determine after
impact (a) the maximum height h
reached by the sphere, (b) the
distance x travelled by the block.

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