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Volume 134 - Tenth Australasian Data Mining Conference.(AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia., 5-7 December 2012This volume contains papers presented at the Tenth Australasian Data Mining Conference. (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia., 5-7 December 2012. Where indicated, the paper is available for download in PDF or Postscript format. The series is published by, and most papers are copyright of, the Australian Computer Society Inc. Reproduction for academic research and not-for-profit purposes is granted provided the copyright notice on the first page of each paper is included. Edited by | Yanchang Zhao, Jiuyong Li , Paul J. Kennedy and Peter Christen.. | Published | 5-7 December 2012. | ISBN-13 | 978-1-921770-14-2.. | ISSN | 1445-1336. | 25 Papers, x+241 pages. | BiBTeX file for Volume. | Complete Volume. |
| | | Acceptance Rate Information.The full papers in this volume were peer refereed, in full, by an international programme committee. The acceptance rate was 45.5% (25 from 55). |
Volume CitationYanchang Zhao, Jiuyong Li , Paul J. Kennedy and Peter Christen. Eds. (2012). Proceedings of the Tenth Australasian Data Mining Conference. (AusDM'12). CRPIT. 134. Sydney, Australia., ACS.
Papers Included in the VolumeZhang, J., Liu, D., Ong, K.L., Li, Z. and Li, M. (2012). Detecting Topic Labels for Tweets by Matching Features from Pseudo-Relevance Feedback. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 9 - 20. |     
| Yu, K., Li, Z., Guan, G., Wang, Z. and Feng, D. (2012). Unsupervised Text Segmentation using LDA and MCMC. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 21 - 26. |     
| Rahman, M.A. and Islam, M.Z. (2012). CRUDAW: A Novel Fuzzy Technique for Clustering Records Following User Defined Attribute Weights. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 27 - 42. |     
| Taha, K. (2012). GOtoGene: A Method for Determining the Functional Similarity among Gene Products. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 43 - 52. |     
| Ghous, H., Kennedy, P.J., Ho, N. and Catchpoole, D.R. (2012). Functional Visualisation of Genes using Singular Value. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 53 - 60. |     
| Wells, J.R., Ting, K.M. and Naiwala, C.P. (2012). A non-time series approach to vehicle related time series problems. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 61 - 70. |     
| Sun, C., Stirling, D., Ritz, C., and Sammut, C. (2012). Variance-wise Segmentation for a Temporal-Adaptive SAX. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 71 - 78. |     
| Sunehag, P., Shao, W. and Hutter, M. (2012). Coding of Non-Stationary Sources as a Foundation for Detecting Change Points and Outliers in Binary Time-Series. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 79 - 84. |     
| Muhammad Fuad, (2012). ABC-SG: A New Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm-Based Distance of Sequential Data Using Sigma Grams. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 85 - 92. |     
| Kelarev, A.V., Stranieri, A., Yearwood, J.L., Abawajy, J., Jelinek, H.F. (2012). Improving Classifications for Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy Using Multi-level Ensemble Classifiers and Feature Selection Based. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 93 - 102. |     
| Hussain, M.S., Monkaresi, H., Calvo, R.A. (2012). Combining Classifiers in Multimodal Affect Detection. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 103 - 108. |     
| Bui, B.B., Hadzic, F and Hecker, M (2012). Application of Tree-structured Data Mining for Analysis of Process Logs in XML format. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 109 -118. |     
| Soliman, O. S., Bahgat, R. and Adly, A. (2012). Associative Classification using a Bio-Inspired Algorithm. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 119 - 126. |     
| Vatsalan, D. and Christen, P. (2012). An Iterative Two-Party Protocol for Scalable Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 127 - 138. |     
| Giggins, H. and Brankovic, L. (2012). VICUS - A Noise Addition Technique for Categorical Data. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 139 - 148. |     
| Mayo, M. (2012). Cartesian Genetic Programming for Trading: A Preliminary Investigation. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 149 - 156. |     
| Singh, L. and Chetty, G. (2012). A Comparative Study of MRI Data using Various Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition Algorithms to Detect Brain Abnormalities. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 157 - 166. |     
| Koh, Y. S., Dobble, G. (2012). Indirect Weighted Association Rules Mining for Academic Network Collaboration Recommendations. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 167 - 174. |     
| Meng Q. and kennedy, P.J. (2012). Using network evolution theory and singular value decomposition method to improve accuracy of link prediction in social networks. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 175 - 182. |     
| Djuana, E., Xu, Y. and Li, Y. (2012). Learning Personalized Tag Ontology from User Tagging Information. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 183 - 190. |     
| Li, J., Li, L., Wen, X. and Liao, J. (2012). A Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System Combining Semantics and Bayesian Reasoning. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 191 - 198. |     
| Khan, M.A., Islam, M.Z., Hafeez, M. (2012). Evaluating the Performance of Several Data Mining Methods for Predicting Irrigation Water Requirement. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 199 - 208. |     
| Vadlamudi, S.G., Chakrabarti, P.P. and Sarkar, S. (2012). Anytime Algorithms for Mining Groups with Maximum Coverage. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 209 - 220. |     
| Hung, Y.S., Chen, K.B., Yang, C.T. and Deng, G.F. (2012). Mining Cluster-based Patterns for Elder Self-care Behavior. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 221 - 228. |     
| Usman, M., Pears, R. and Fong, A.C.M. (2012). Data Guided Approach to Generate Multi-dimensional Schema for Targeted Knowledge Discovery. In Proc. Data Mining and Analytics 2012 (AusDM'12), Sydney, Australia. CRPIT, 134. Zhao, Y., Li, J. , Kennedy, P.J. and Christen, P. Eds., ACS. 229 - 240. |     
Papers listed: 25