Tome of xp

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Tome of xp (1)
Release4 September 2006 (Update)
Quest itemThe Darkness of Hallowvale
DestroyYou can get another Tome of Experience from Veliaf in Burgh de Rott.
ExamineA tome of experience that awards 2000 XP per chapter.
Options [?]
BackpackRead, Destroy
Value1 coin
High alch1 coin
Low alch1 coin
On deathAlways lost
Weight1 kg
Advanced data
Item ID9658
LinksMRID • recipe

The tome of xp is obtained from Veliaf Hurtz after completing the quest The Darkness of Hallowvale. Reading it opens a window to select the skill a player wishes to advance. The player must be at least level 30 in their chosen skill. It has three chapters which provide 2000 experience each.

It cannot be dropped, but rather destroyed. If it is lost, players can get another tome from Veliaf in the Myreque Hideout in Burgh de Rott. It cannot be reclaimed after completing Legacy of Seergaze.

Reading it opens a window to select the skill a player wishes to advance - "Choose the stat you wish to be advanced!" After confirming - "You read a fascinating chapter and earn experience! You have been awarded 2,000 (skill) experience!" After the third reading: "The book crumbles into a dust cloud of knowledge."

Book info[edit | edit source]

Tome of xp
Author? (edit)
QuestThe Darkness of Hallowvale

Disassembly[edit | edit source]

Tome of xp
Disassembly categoryDefault
Disassembly XP0.1
Item quantity required1
Material count1
Base junk chance  98.9%
Common materials
Simple parts99/100
Rare materials
Variable components1/100

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!

See also[edit | edit source]