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Human Resource Management


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Executive Summary
Human resource management is considered as significant field of the organization.
Change is another aspect which is faced by every firm. The employees are biggest asset and
therefore the efforts are developed by the HR executives. The report is a brief synopsis of the HR
functions and priorities that an employee must be aware in an enterprise. These are defined so
that both internal and external tasks of the organizations are enabled to carry out the work. In the
period of change, there are various modifications that the company and employees went through.
But, still these are enforced with the help of policies and program that enabled the HR
professionals to go with that change. This report is a medium that provided the platform to study
these aspects with the B&Q Company.

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Table of Contents


FINDINGS ......................................................................................................................................4

Role and priorities of the HR function.........................................................................................4

Different internal and external influences....................................................................................7

Changes envisaged for B&Q Company over the next three years and its impact on structure of
the HR function in the future.......................................................................................................9




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Human Resource Management (HRM) has been emerged as a most crucial facet in the
21st century. In an order to take initiatives in an organization for better working, various
initiatives have been taken from the side of human resource department (Sims, 2007). It has been
considered that there are various functions and operations that contribute to enhance the
productivity of the firm are from the side of the personnel. This is the reason company is now
hiring HR professionals who deal in effective management of the working so that they can be
taken into right direction to achieve the success. With the help of this report, the efforts are made
to present the role of HR functions, its impact on internal and external influences in the company
and the brief aspect of change management. This has been made in context to B&Q Company of
the UK and its HR initiatives.
There are two methods which can be used for collecting information. For the current
research, secondary research method has been undertaken. Human resource has been considered
as one of the most vital department of the organization. Every company has its own set of norms
which is followed to manage the manpower. Secondary data collection method has been used to
know about the manpower management of B&Q. Various sources such as online articles, books,
journals on different perspective of organizational management have been taken by researchers
to analyze the present study on the human resource management at B&Q Company.
Role and priorities of the HR function
According to the given statement, it has been analyzed that approximately 4 out of 10 HR
functions saw themselves as a single HR team with expertise and that only 27% saw themselves
as using ‘The Ulrich Model’. This has been seen in the business function of B&Q Company. To
give more light on the above statement, given below points have been detailed. These points are
the role and priorities of HR functions of the B&Q Company:
 Attract and retain “enterprise contributors”: As analyzed from the data that has been
collected from the surveys from HR and line managers, there is need for employees to
work and improve their performance (Snell and Bohlander, 2012). There is need for HR

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team to look at the conventional performance. Employees should not consider the aspect
of thinking that employees are not desired to put their efforts in organization.
Performance management therefore should be the priority of the working of the B&Q
Company and its HR team.
 Quality not the quantity of the job applicants: As per the research and information
gathered from the B&Q Company that in the last two years firm has given more
privileged to number of candidates appeared for job rather it has to be given on quality.
IN a crux, an approach of branding for influencing manpower should be priority
(Dransfield, 2000). This will help the organization to focus on employee who work with
dedication and are highly efficient. This retailing organization can be successful in its
working when the right candidate at the right place is hired or selected.
 Priority of teaching employees to learn, not just what to learn: Every firm must practice
the activities in the organization where the teaching and training goes hand in hand. As a
part of HR functions priority, imparting learning to the employees is very essential part of
the organization. It has been evidenced from the B&Q company employees who said that
they are highly satisfied with the solutions and methods which are applied to the working
of this retail company. For instance, whenever there is need for new technology change in
the Company, employee were given high training sessions and practical learning as
planned from the HR side (Evans , 2015).
 Make the HR team more valuable: Since all the manpower and their work are HR,
therefore it is priority to make the HR team more valuable. They must work every time to
support the various personnel working at different level at B&Q Company. The role of
HR executives should be strengthened to know about various barriers that are prevailing
at the organization. They need to understand the priority to remove that entire struggle
and make an effective team at B&Q Company.
 Improving mistake of high-performing employees for high-potential employees: It has
been analyzed from the secondary data gathered that organizations that have strong
leaders and managers are successful in earning good revenue and profits (Buhler, 2002).
Despite good talent, knowledge and abilities, those leaders fail to succeed because of

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problem in HR. There are instances when HR manager lack confidence and impact of
which is observed in the downfall of the organization. Therefore, HR should understand
the priority of satisfying employees.
In light of above stated functions and role of HR at B&Q, the roles of manpower at B&Q
have been classified according to the Dave Ulrich's Model. He was a strategist who defined four
key roles of working in organization. It has been stated as follows:

Illustration 1: The Ulrich Model

(Source: Shah, 2015)

HR Business Partner

B&Q have employees in HR who play role of strategic players. They are single point of
contact with the internal client of the organization. They play role of influencing the employees.
They therefore work and provide positive feedback in return which contribute to the increase in

Change Agent

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The second strategic player of the HR who play role by being a part of change
management team. They plan internal communication and undertake them to achieve as well.
They schedule planning and training sessions for the other employees at the B&Q.

Administration Expert

The administration expert at B&Q plays role of transactional player. They show deep
knowledge in dealing with the employees. They introduces modern HR solutions and thereby
shows full responsibilities towards working of the B&Q.

Employee Advocate

The core role in the HR department of the B&Q is played by employee advocate. All the
strategic decisions are taken by him. Along with this, the management of regular grievance and
procedure of compliance are all managed by them.

Different internal and external influences

It has been analyzed that 17% of senior HR professionals thought that they should be
prioritizing business over what matters to HR. In contrary to that 43% thought that they are
supposed be address challenging behaviors and actions. According to his statement, it has been
analyzed that these aspects are influenced and are brought about by influence of internal and
external factors that affect the HR functions (Baker and Doran, 2007). Technology has been
taken as a major corporate change. This change in HR team envisages need for bringing various
initiatives that help to make employees understand different perspectives. Some of them have
been detailed as follows:
Internal Environment:
Various forces affect the internal environment of the organization. These are the forces
which have direct influence on the HR functions of the company (Friedman, 2013). In context to
B&Q Company as well, these are inclusive of unions, organizational culture and conflict,
professional bodies, organizational objectives, polices, etc. A brief mention of these follows.
In order to safeguard the interest of the members and employees who are working at
B&Q Company, there are formed trade unions. All the HR functions are taken after the approval

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of the trade union formed in the organization. These aspects are inclusive of recruitment,
selection, training, compensation, industrial relations and separations.
Organizational Culture and Conflict:
In similar fashion to every individual who carry their personality, organization also have
culture. Culture is defined as the belief and values that are followed at the workplace. In respect
to B&Q Company, the culture is defined in favor of workers and employees (Sumetzberger,
2005). However, HR works at its best to focus on various actions and initiatives that supports
positive culture. In contrary to that, this factor is affected by various conflicts that arise between
them. These activities bear adverse impact on the working of this retail organization.
Professional Bodies:
There are various bodies that are responsible for regulating the work of the HR. in similar
fashion, HR activities are also regulated by a body which influences and monitor the HR
activities of the B&Q Company.
External Environment:
There are some external factors which are needed to be studied that have impact with the
technological change that was brought about at B&Q Company. These factors are inclusive of
forces like economic, political, technological, demographic etc (Environment influence on HRM.,
2009). These are required to be considered as they exert considerable influence on HRM. Each of
these external forces is discussed as follows:
The economic forces such as growth rate, strategy, industrial production, national and per
capita incomes, money and capital markets, competitions, industrial labor and globalization have
wider impact on the working of the firm (Garg and Garg, 2013). These forces have direct
influence on the wage and salary of the workers working at B&Q as well.
Similarly, in support to the above statement, political is another factor that influences the
HR department of every organization to design its HRM practices (Schuler and Jackson, 2014).
In consideration to an example, if B&Q brought democratic system in its firm, the expectation of

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the employees will increase. However, it contrary to that, it may not be applicable in context to
This is considered as the crucial factor which has major impact on the HR functions of
the B&Q Company. Firstly, it makes the job more advanced and intellectual. Secondly, it
supports to equip them for the job in better way (Cho, 2015). Lastly, with the requirements of the
technology, the employees’ job becomes more challenging. In that regards, they have to be
trained by HR professionals for highly personalized and knowledgeable training.
Changes envisaged for B&Q Company over the next three years and its impact on structure of
the HR function in the future
The most common area of focus for HR professionals was reported to be to work with the
organization to drive change.
There are various approaches which defines the HR functions of the organization. In a
streamline best fit, best practice and Resource Based View (RBV) are three approaches to
Human Resource Management (HRM). There is need to identify the concept that these two terms
namely best fit and best practices are part of s tragic human resources management.
 Best fit approach is applicable for exploring close relationship between top leaders and
management of an organization. They link the best HR practices into the working of the
 Best approach refers to set of HR practices that supports in organizational performance.
They shows engagement and dedication of employees till their level of satisfaction.
 RBV is another approach which refers the practice of competitive advantage gaining
aspect. The objective of B&Q in using this approach as a part its HRM is to use the
potential key resources. Therefore, B&Q sets a best example to the use of RBV as an
approach to its HRM.
Changes taking place within the organization have direct influence on the structure of
HR function. One of the most effective change linked with technology has direct impact on
overall structure of human resource within B&Q company. For instance if organization brings
any type of technological change where staff members have to work with advanced technology

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then it will have impact on training and development policies of enterprise which is also
considered as an part of HR function (Lewis and Arnold, 2012). Further, company has to bring
change in its training policies and more effective ways have to be considered so that workforce
can easily work with advanced technology. Change in corporate culture of B&Q is another type
of proposed change which can influence structure of HR. Generally culture is regarded as the
way in which staff members act, behave and respond within the workplace.
Further, if any kind of change takes place in the corporate culture of enterprise then
human resource department of organization has to modify its operations so that employees may
easily work in new culture and they can perform for the betterment of business which is regarded
as one of the basic objective of business. Next proposed change for B&Q is associated with
skills requirement which in near future company may require skilled workforce for conducting
its overall operations (Patrickson and Hartmann, 2001). Further, it is well known fact that
company like B&Q carried out its operations in the market where level of competition is quite
high and due to this reason staff members have to be recruited who are knowledgeable and
skilled enough to work for the betterment of organization. So, this change will also have direct
impact on structure of HR function as employees working in this department has to appoint
skilled workforce in near future and for the same recruitment policies have to be modified.
This type of change can bring favorable results for the enterprise and it will become easy
for organization to sustain in the competitive market for longer period of time which is must for
firm in the present era. Further, change has to be brought in internal environment of the
enterprise due to lower level of employee motivation. This change will have influence e on HR
functions as more effective policies have to be developed so that motivation level of workforce
can be enhanced easily (Power, 2004). Apart from this, continuous monitoring is must with the
help of which it can be known whether staff members are satisfied with the working environment
or not. This proposed change will develop favourable environment for the business where each
and every employee can easily work for the betterment of enterprise and it can boost overall
performance of business in competitive market. Further, through effective management of
human resource company can easily deal with the range of challenges present in the business

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environment and can assist to gain competitive advantage also. Therefore, all the proposed
changes for the next three years will have direct impact on HR function of B&Q.
From the above report, it can be concluded that HR functions are considered as crucial
part of every organization. It has been identified that every a major to minor change in the
company can turns to be productive and efficient, if HR team is involved. They could infuse
better ways of planning for the betterment of the employee. This helps the Company in turn to
cope up with any kind of internal and external influences that may have adverse impact on the
working of the organization. By analyzing the same thing with respect to B&Q, job roles of
manpower of this organization has been considered. The above research undertaken provides
deep insight into the aspect of applying HR model. The specific role of HR people should be
applied for getting better organizational resultants. Along with this, it has been also concluded
that internal and external agents are essential to be considered. It has been as evaluated from the
study of current study of B&Q. Since change is the inevitable factor, like B&Q every
organization should have its own strategies to deal with the same. It is for gaining better
opportunities in the long run.
In light of above report and study that has been carried out various learning and aspects
have been discovered. This report on the HR functions, their roles, priorities and influences of
external and internal forces demands some recommendations for HR team of the B&Q
 It is suggestible that employees should also be involved as a part of HR activities of the
organization. This will support the firm in getting good outcomes and innovative ideas
from their end.
 It is also recommendable that HR team should be involved in decision making process of
the Company. This will help in taking step which is in favor of the employees. This will
contribute direct into the productivity of this retail organization.
 The present research has been undertaken by taking secondary research method.
However, it would be more effective if primary research method would be applied.

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Therefore, as a part of current research limitation, the further research is recommended to
undertake primary as the data collection technique.


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Books and journals
Baker, R. J. and Doran, S. M., 2007. Human Resource Management: A Problem-solving
Approach Linked to ISLLC Standards. R&L Education.
Buhler, P., 2002. Human Resources Management: All the Information You Need to Manage Your
Staff and Meet Your Business Objectives. Adams Media.
Cho, K. Y., 2015. The relationship between resources and market coverage in small local
internet retailing. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. 43(7) .pp.597
– 616.
Dransfield, R., 2000. Human Resource Management. Heinemann.
Evans , S., 2015. Juggling on the line: Front line managers and their management of human
resources in the retail industry. Employee Relations. 37(4) .pp.459 – 474.
Garg, P. and Garg, A., 2013. An empirical study on critical failure factors for enterprise resource
planning implementation in Indian retail sector. Business Process Management Journal.
19(3) .pp.496 – 514.
Gary, D., 2011. Human Resource Management. Pearson Education India.
Lewis, S. and Arnold, J., 2012. Organisational career management in the UK retail buying and
merchandising community. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management.
40(6) .pp.451 – 470.
Patrickson, M. and Hartmann, L., 2001. Human resource management in Australia ‐ Prospects
for the twenty‐first century. International Journal of Manpower. 22(3) .pp.198 – 206.
Power, D., 2004. The comparative importance of human resource management practices in the
context of business to business (B2B) electronic commerce. Information Technology &
People. 17(4) .pp.380 – 406.
Schuler , R. and Jackson , E. S., 2014. Human resource management and organizational
effectiveness: yesterday and today. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and
Performance. 1(1) .pp.35 – 55.
Sims, R. R., 2007. Human Resource Management: Contemporary Issues, Challenges, and
Opportunities. IAP.

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Snell, S. and Bohlander, G., 2012. Managing Human Resources. 16th ed. Cengage Learning.
Sumetzberger, W., 2005.Managing human resources in a multinational context. Journal of
European Industrial Training. 29(8) .pp.663 – 674.
Environment influence on HRM., 2009. [Online]. Accessed through [Accessed on 4th
Dec 2015].
Friedman, E., 2013. 4 External Factors that Affect Human Resource Management. [Online].
Accessed through <
resource-management/#bJCsHjfQqbZEAC12.97>. [Accessed on 4th Dec 2015].

Shah, R., 2015. Taking HR Analytics Beyond Technologists. [Online]. Accessed through
management/#bJCsHjfQqbZEAC12.97>. [Accessed on 18th Dec 2015].

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