Lesson Plan 1 Sabar

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DATE: 21/6/2022 DAY: Tuesday

CLASS: 1 SABAR 5.45 – 6.45 p.m.

TEACHER: MISS SUBJECT: English LESSON: Speaking (Lesson 19)
THEME/TOPIC: Science and Technology Discussion
Speaking Not Applicable
LANGUAGE/ Present Tense Verbs
FOCUS: Not Applicable
CONTENT Main Skill: Speaking
STANDARD: 2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on CROSS
familiar topics CURRICULAR
Complementary Skill: Speaking ELEMENTS:
2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on Language
familiar topics
LEARNING Main Skill: Speaking Analyse
STANDARD: 2.1.2 Ask about and express rules and obligations
Complementary Skill: Speaking ASSESSMENT:
2.1.4 Explain and give reasons for simple advice Presentation

LEARNING Main Speaking VLE Frog:

OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to Others
1. Express 3 or more rules and obligations on How To Register to the selected
Online Games. MORAL VALUES:
2. Answer 3 or more questions on the selected Online Game. Cooperative

Complementary Speaking
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Give 3 or more simple advice/ tricks on how to play the games.

Differentiation Low Mid High

Teaching & Pupils explain how to Pupils explain on how Pupils explain on how
Learning: (DTL) choose on how to to play the game. to upgrade their level.
choose the avatar.
ACTIVITIES: i. PRE-LESSON (10 minutes)
a) Teacher gives pupil 3 minutes to get ready for the lesson.
b) Teacher writes ONLINE GAME on whiteboard.
c) Teacher asks pupils to list the name of Online Game that they have played.
d) Teacher writes pupils’ answers on whiteboard.
e) Teacher tells pupils that they will play live game in today’s class.

Activity 1 (20 minutes)
a) Teacher divides the pupils into group of 5.
b) Teacher asks pupils to choose their favorite online game and explain how to
register as a player.
c) Teacher instructs each group to write the instructions of the game on Mahjong
d) Teacher distributes Mahjong paper to each group and gives them 15 minutes to

Activity 2 (20 minutes)

a) Teacher asks each group to present their online game in front of the class.
b) Teacher tells the other group to ask 1 question to the presenting group.
c) Teacher gives feedback on the pupil’s online game instruction.
d) Teacher asks pupils to vote their favorite online game.
e) Teacher announces the best group.

iii. POST-LESSON: (10 minutes)

a) Teacher randomly selects 2 pupils to share what they have learned for the day.
b) Teacher recaps and summarizes the lesson.

STRATEGY TP1 and TP2 - rehabilitation

TP3 and TP4 - reinforcement
TP5 and TP6 – enrichment

METHOD Different teaching lesson

REFLECTIONS: Follow-up / Reinforcement and Teacher’s reflection:

Lesson is postponed. (JADUAL ANJAL)

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