Grade 9 - Active and Passive Listening

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Lesson Plan in English 9

April 13, 2023

 Judge the validity of the evidence listened to.

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
 interpret the information in a conversation listened to;
 identify the differences between active and passive listening;
 show appreciation by actively participating in classroom discussion; and
 demonstrate the ability to use active listening and passive listening.


Lesson: Active and Passive Listening
1. Powerpoint Presentation
3. Smart TV
4. Laptop

1. English – Grade 9 Learning Module


Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
Good morning class! “Good morning Ma’am."
How are you today? “We’re fine ma’am.”

3. Checking of attendance
Your attendance will be based later on your “Yes, Ma’am. That would be okay.”
participation in our activity. So, you don’t have
any choice but to participate. Would that be
4. Review
“Before we proceed to our new lesson today, let
us have first a recap of our previous lesson.
How can we tell if the statement is a fact and not
just an opinion? Or just an opinion and not a fact? “We can tell that a statement is a fact if it can be
proven and is true in all cases and for all people;
in other words, a universal truth. However,
opinions are statements that express a belief,
judgement, or feeling, and are debatable in
nature. These statements can potentially be
agreed or disagreed.”
Very good!

B. Motivation
I have here two different pictures to show you. I
need four volunteers to portray the conversations
that the characters have in the pictures.

*first picture will be played by Winmarie and

John Lloyd

*second picture will be played by Zaldy and


*students give four claps to their classmates

“Thank you so much, Winmarie, John Lloyd,
Zaldy, and Marjie for that great performance!
Okay class, let us give them four claps.”
C. Analysis “Ma’am I have noticed that John Lloyd is really
paying attention while Winmarie is talking.”
“Okay class, what have you noticed with the
conversation between Winmarie and John Lloyd
in scene 1?” “Yes, Ma’am!”

“Yes, Justine?”
“Very good, Justine! Just like John Lloyd, you
are also paying attention on what they are doing a
while ago. I know that you are all attentive in this “John Lloyd listened attentively, ma’am, because
class. Am I right?” he was paying full attention to the speaker,
showed interest in what she is saying through
“Great!” When we say attentive class, you are expressions and body language, and he was also
paying close attention to something or to able to respond correctly.”
someone talking.
“Now, did John Lloyd also listen attentively
while Winmarie is talking? How can you say
so?” Yes, Denn? “It is important to pay attention to someone we
are talking to for us to understand what he/she is
“Okay, very well, Denn!”
trying to say and also we can properly respond to
the message so as to lead the conversation
“Why do you think it is important to pay further.”
attention to someone we are talking to? Yes

“No Ma’am.”

“Very well said, Jovelyn! Thank you for sharing “In Zaldy and Marjie’s conversation, Ma’am, I
that very informative thought of yours.” have noticed that while Marjie was talking, Zaldy
“Do you have anything to add, class?” was not listening attentively, because he was
preoccupied by the thought that he forgot to bring
his wallet.”
“Okay, let us now proceed to the conversation
between Zaldy and Marjie. What have you
noticed with their conversation? Yes Blake?” “No, Ma’am. He was not able to get the message,
because he was not able to respond to her.”

“If I were Marjie I would feel sad and quite

“Alright, do you think Zaldy was able to grasp disappointed, but I would still ask him why he’s
the message that Margie was trying to express, giving me such behavior. If his reason is valid,
Klaire?” then I would let it pass, I guess.”

“Yeah, right. He is physically present in the

conversation, but he’s thinking of something else.
If you were Marjie, how would you feel if the “Maybe they are just tired, thinking of something
person you are talking to is quite lost the entire else, or not interested with the topic.”

“Alright, maybe there are really reasons why, in

some instances, the people we are having a
conversation with are not paying attention. What
do you think are the reasons why?”
“Yeah right, these are just some of the reasons
why we sometimes do not listen attentively.”
“. . .and that would be our topic today, we will
discuss the active and passive listening.”

Discuss the difference between active and passive


Active listening as the name suggests is the
process wherein the listener, carefully hears what
the speaker says, processes the message and then
responds to the message so as to lead the
conversation further.

Active Listening involves paying full attention to

the speaker, showing interest in what he/she is
saying through expressions, body language and
asking questions at timely intervals, to make a
good conversation.

He/she consciously makes effort to:

-Concentrate on what is being said
-Decode the message
-Participate in conversation
-Helps the speaker to deliver the message

Both verbal and non-verbal clues play an

important role in active listening, wherein verbal
clues involve repeating the lines or summarizing
the matter spoken, providing suggestions or
disagreeing with the thoughts and asking suitable
questions, whereas non-verbal clues include
nodding, eye contact, etc.

Passive Listening means listening to the speaker
during the communication but in an unconscious
manner. He/She sits quietly without responding
to the speaker. It is silent and patient listening,
wherein the listener neither interrupts nor
participates in the conversation.

This means that the listener is present physically,

but may not be paying attention to the speaker’s
speech due to which the message is not absorbed
by the listener as well as he/she may not be able
to recall it in future.

The causes of passive listening are:

-Ill health

Simply put, in passive listening, the listener is

just listening to the words but not the message.
This often leads to a misunderstanding between
the speaker and listener, as the speaker would
think that the listener has got the message

D. Abstraction

“Class, would you agree if I say that listening is

one of the important skills that we need to “Yes ma’am. It’s one of the important skills that
develop? Why?”
we need to develop, because being a good
listener helps solve problems, resolve conflicts,
and improve relationships.
“Very well said! Now class, since you already “Active Listeners are those individuals who are
have the idea of an active and passive listening, actively involved in the process of
who do you think are the active listeners?” communication, not just by attentively listening
to the message but also by carefully noticing the
manner in which the message is delivered. In
other words, active listeners pay attention to the
content and manner, i.e. the tone, pitch, body
“Very good! Active Listeners often seek language, facial expressions, etc. of the speaker,
clarifications, nod their head at timely intervals, when the message was delivered.”
ask leading questions and also summarize the
content to exhibit that they followed the speaker.

“How about the passive listeners?” Passive Listeners are the ones who listen to the
message partially. Moreover, there is also the
absence of sensitivity to nuances, hidden
meanings, nonverbal clues which are involved in
the communication.

“group discussions, students asking questions

“Alright, now, who can give me some scenarios from the teacher on the topic explained, and job
where active listening is evident? interview.
“Very good! How about scenarios for passive “ listening to someone while operating a mobile
listening?” phone, and watching TV while eating food are
just some of the examples of passive listening.”

“Active listening is important because it

establishes a connection between the speaker and
“Why is active listening important?” listener. It will help improve your communication

“Very well said, class! It seems that you have

already understood our lesson today. I’m truly
happy that you are all actively listening and
participating on the discussion of our topic.

“Do you have questions before we proceed to our

“No ma’am!”
activity, class?”

“Okay, great!”

E. Assessment
Identify whether the situation pertains to active or
passive listening. We will do this activity through
a game, and since this is a game the winner(s)
will receive a prize. This game is called “PILI-A
AKO” I have here two speech bubbles, the red
one is for the Active Listening and the blue one is
for the Passive Listening. I will give you the
scenarios and you have to choose whether it
belongs to active or passive listening. Once you
already have an answer, you have to fall in line in
front of the person holding the speech bubbles of
your choice. If you’ll get the wrong answer, you
have to take your seat. The last person(s)
standing will be declared winners.
Are you all ready?
Okay, let’s start the ball rolling.

1. Listening to praise and worship music on your

way to church. “Yes, Ma’am!”
2. Having a debate with your sibling about
3. Telling your best friend about your problem. 1. PL

4. Watching TV while doing your homework.

2. AL
5. Searching over the net while your teacher is
6. You and your classmate are having a deep 3. AL
conversation with your experiences during the
4. PL
holy week.
7. Jose attended a lecture on Best Communication
5. PL
Strategies because he wants to develop his
communication skills.
8. Having a chit-chat with your seatmate while 6. AL
the meeting is going on.
9. Looking to the eyes of your friend as she
narrates to you her trip to Boracay. 7. AL

10. A student summarizing what has been said at

the English Club meeting.
Assignment: 8. PL
“Make a 3-minute skit of an active and passive
listening. You will be grouped according to your 9. AL
skill/interest and will perform the following
Group 1: Singing contest with board of 10. AL
Group 2: Watching a movie with friends.
Group 3: Doctor telling the family of the
patient about his/her illness.
Group 4: Teacher discussing the
lesson inside the classroom.
Scoring Rubrics:
Excellent (4) Proficient (3) Satisfactory (2) Beginning (1)
Preparedness -Students are well -Students have -Students have -Students have
prepared. practiced and the practiced and the not practiced
-It is obvious from outline is clear and general outline with and/or planned
the beginning and ordered. some details are in the presentation
ending of the -Most details are place. thoroughly.
performance that planned ahead.
much practice and
planning has taken
Articulation/ -All words are -Most words are -Some words are -Words are not
Enunciation clearly enunciated. clearly enunciated. clearly enunciated. clearly
-Presentation is -Most of the -Some of the enunciated.
easily understood. presentation is presentation is -Presentation is
comprehensible. comprehensible. incomprehensible
Volume -Volume projects -Volume is -Volume is too low. -Voice is
well. The audience adequate. inaudible.
can easily hear the
Physicality of -Students used -Students often -Students used some -Students utilized
Character active facials and used facials/gestures that few to none facial
gestures to convey facials/gestures that add to the audience’s expressions and
emotion that is adequately enjoyment of the gestures.
highly suitable to represent the character.
the character. character.
Cooperation with -Students worked -Students worked -Students worked -Students did not
group cooperatively with cooperatively with cooperatively with work
the group in all group in most group in some cooperatively
aspects of the aspects of the aspects of the
presentation. presentation. presentation.

Prepared by:

MARY GRACE B. DUCO Checked by:

Teacher 1

Head Teacher III
English & Filipino Dept.

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