Balutviking Balut

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The game of Balut is played worldwide, and is very popular among Points are more important than the score,
Danes living abroad. We have chosen to include the game in our line but Jackpot doubles points (or gives minus).
of Burgundar - Toys & Games, and name it Viking Balut. Balut is
actually the name of an unhatched duck’s egg which is a very
traditional food in the Philippines.
The first 3 categories are 4’s, 5’s, 6’s (you only need 1 dice
The game consists of a traditional Balut board with a built-in leather that matches this category in order to register a result, but
pad, a calf leather cup, 6 dice and a booklet with score sheet. you need a total of 52, 65 and 78 respectively, when you add
up the score in the first 4 fields to gain points). In Jackpot
You can read more about the Vikings and the Viking Gods and you need to use a score of 16, 20 or 24 respectively as a
download the original Viking Balut score sheets at Jackpot bonus. If you have used the Jackpot option, you MUST
get the total score mentioned above, or else you will get
minus 4 points, instead of plus 4 points.
Objective of The objective is to maximize your number of points. The Straight (1-2-3-4-5 gives a score of 15 or 2-3-4-5-6 which
the game game ends once all fields in all 7 categories have been gives a score of 20, and you need ALL straights in order to
score points). If you chose to use straight in Jackpot, it MUST
be a big straight i.e. 2-3-4-5-6 or 20 score, and you MUST
You need 5 dice and a score sheet for each player. The
get ALL 4 straights (big or small). If the Jackpot is used, and
game can be played by any number of players, but the
you get ALL straights, you get a total of 8 points, but if the
norm would be 2 or 4. Doubles can also be played, with
Jackpot is used, and you do NOT get all straights, then you
each player throwing the dice alternately to speed up the
get a total of -8 points.

The game consists of 28 or 34 rounds, depending on Full house (2+3 of a kind), you need to make all 4 houses in
whether Jackpot is played or not – it’s up to the players order to get 3 points. If you use the Jackpot option, you need
to decide. to register a house of minimum 22 in the Jackpot. IF you get
The Jackpot element adds fun to the game, as it often all 4 houses, plus the Jackpot, you get a total of +6 points,
leaves the result very much in doubt until the very last but if you have registered a Jackpot, and fail to get the 4 first
throw. houses, you get -6 points.

Choice (you can roll anything and you simply total all the dice
How to play In each round, you may roll the dice 3 times and then
score the result in any one of the 7 categories. There is faces values). You need an average of 25 score to get a total
no requirement to finish a column or row before another of 100. ONLY if you get a total of 100 or more, will you get
points. 2 points if you haven’t used the Jackpot, and + or –
one. Jackpot however, has to be filled in BEFORE you finish
4 points, if you have used the Jackpot option (Jackpot of
the first 4 fields of the given category.
minimum 25).
You can roll the dice a total of three times - the initial roll
(in which you must roll all the dice), plus two re-rolls of Balut (5 of a kind) - get as many as you can. There is a great
any or all dice. After rolling three times, you must score incentive in getting the second Balut, which gives a total of
the result somewhere on the score sheet, or cross out a 8 points (only 3 points for the first Balut). See score sheet
field if the result cannot be used. for more details, or check it out at

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