4th Quarter P.E FINAL EXAM

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Lapu-Lapu City, District 10
H.O.P.E. 4 – 4th Quarter Examination
School Year: 2023-2024

Name: _____________________________________________ Grade level & Section: ___________________ Score: _________

General Instruction: This 48-item exam for the 4th Quarter measures the learning competencies of students in H.O.P.E. 4.

I. Multiple Choice. Read the sentences carefully and write the correct answer on the space provided before each number.
_____ 1. Recreation comes from the Latin word recreare which means ______________.
A. to be refreshed B. to eat C. to play D. To work
_____ 2. Which of the following is an example of passive recreation?
A. hiking B. playing rugby C. reading books D. swimming
_____ 3. Which of the following is an example of outdoor recreation?
A. biking B. playing scrabble C. reading books D. watching TV
_____ 4. It is a sport or activity of propelling oneself through water using the limbs
A. boating B. fishing C. rafting D. swimming
_____ 5. It is the activity of being moved quickly in a raft (small boat filled with air) along rivers where the current is very strong.
A. boating B. fishing C. rafting D. swimming
_____ 6. It is a sport or pastime of riding a wave toward the shore while standing or lying on a surfboard
A. boating B. fishing C. surfing D. swimming
_____ 7. It is the activity of catching fish, either for food or as a sport.
A. boating B. fishing C. surfing D. swimming
_____ 8. It is an activity of rowing or sailing in boats as a sport or form of recreation.
A. boating B. fishing C. surfing D. swimming
_____ 9. This activity is quite challenging, allowing the trekkers to pass through an uncharted path.
A. camping B. hiking C. orienteering D. trekking
_____ 10. It is an outdoor activity that requires you to follow a specific sequence of pre-set course with the help of navigating
specifically maps and compass to go through an unfamiliar terrain.
A. camping B. hiking C. orienteering D. trekking
_____ 11. This stroke allows you to swim straight on your stomach by kicking your legs and rotating your arms over your head.
A. freestyle B. backstroke C. butterfly D. breaststroke
_____ 12. In order to experience progression, you must gradually add intensity to ______.
A. Fatigue B. Relax C. Exhaust D. Overload
_____ 13. A muscle forced to operate beyond its customary intensity by increasing the load.
A. Training B. Overload C. Specificity D. Progression
_____ 14. It means to gradually increasing resistance, increasing repetitions, increasing sets and intensity.
A. Progression B. Overload C. Specificity D. Training
_____ 15. The kind of exercise that you do in order to achieve the results that you want.
A. Frequency B. Intensity C. Time D. Type
_____ 16. In the F.I.T.T principle, the F stands for?
A. Fast B. Form C. Frequency D. Flexibility
_____ 17. In the F.I.T.T principle, the I’s stand for?
A. Individual B. Intensity C. Isometric D. Instrument
_____18. If you drove in a car for 5 hours to see your family, what zone would your heart rate be in?
A. Resting B. Target C. Maximum D. None of the Above
_____19. The resting heart of an average healthy person is typically?
A. 40-60 bpm B. 90-100 bpm C. 60-80 bpm D. 100-120 bpm
_____20. During the exercise circuit, what component of fitness did we improve the most.
A. Cardiovascular endurance C. Muscular strength
B. Body composition D. Flexibility
_____21. What is a resting heart rate?
A. When your heart takes a break from working C. When your heart is at its lowest beats per minute (bpm)
B. When your heart rate is 175 D. 220 minus your age
_____ 22. Sports training should be adjusted according to each athlete’s characteristics and needs, such as age, gender, rate of
progress, and previous experience.
A. Reversibility Principal C. Recovery Principle
B. Individualization D. Overload Principle
_____ 23. In the F.I.T.T principle, the T’s stands for?
A. Time & Temperature C. Type & Temperature
B. Time & Type D. Type & Tenseness
_____24. This principle dictates that athletes need adequate time to recuperate from training and competition.
A. Balance Principle C. FITT Principle
B. Recovery Principle D. Specificity Principle
_____ 25. Your body composition can be changed by altering two factors, namely:
A. Energy and enthusiasm C. Lean, fat
B. Diet and exercise D. Adenosine triphosphate
_____ 26. The ability of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems to efficiently transfer oxygen and nutrients to skeletal muscles
is known as:
A. Adenosine triphosphate C. Circulatory, respiratory, muscular
B. Energy and enthusiasm D. Cardiovascular fitness
_____ 27. Which of the following exercises should be included during warm-up and cool down times?
A. Cardiovascular fitness C. Walking and stretching
B. Circulatory and muscular D. Jumping
_____ 28. One way to measure an individual’s cardiovascular fitness is to measure the:
A. Good eating habits C. Resting Heart Rate
B. Energy enthusiasm D. Aerobic exercise
_____ 29. An exercise that requires the use of oxygen to produce energy.
A. Anaerobic C. Camping
B. Aerobic Exercise D. Aerobic
_____ 30. In addition to nutrition, ________is an important means of maintaining your health.
A. Aerobic exercise C. Exercise
B. Anaerobic D. Mountain climbing
_____ 31. Exercise that does not require the use of oxygen to metabolize energy.
A. Anaerobic C. Aerobic
B. Aerobic exercise D. Jumping
_____ 32. Regular exercise will enable you to perform daily tasks with an increased amount of:
A. Good eating habits C. Aerobic exercise
B. Resting heart rate D. Energy and enthusiasm
_____ 33. How many minutes must the target heart rate be maintained in order for aerobic exercise to be beneficial?
A. Twelve C. Twenty
B. Fifteen D. Ten
_____ 34. Which component of health-related fitness involves the range of motion in and around your joint?
A. Cardio-respiratory endurance C. Flexibility
B. Body Composition D. Muscular strength
_____ 35. The health-related component of fitness that covers what the body type is composed of.
A. Muscular Endurance C. Cardio-respiratory endurance
B. Flexibility D. Body Composition
_____36. The ability of your muscles to exert force in a short period of time.
A. Muscular Strength C. Flexibility
B. Muscular Endurance D. Cardio-Respiratory Endurance
_____ 37. The ability of your muscles to exert force for an extended period of time.
A. Muscular Strength C. Flexibility
B. Muscular Endurance D. Cardio-Respiratory Endurance
_____ 38. The ability of your heart to pump blood and lungs to receive oxygen in order to sustain in an activity for a long period of
A. Muscular Strength C. Flexibility
B. Muscular Endurance D. Cardio-Respiratory Endurance
_____ 39. It promotes muscle growth and recovery, and increase muscle strength and mass.
A. Carbohydrates C. Protein and exercise
B. Cholesterol D. Well-trained muscles

_____ 40. A mineral that works with calcium to maintain strong bones and teeth.
A. Carbohydrates C. Phosphorus
B. Cholesterol D. Magnesium
_____ 41. It is found in most process foods, contributes to high blood pressure and other major diseases.
A. Vitamin C C. Calcium
B. Sodium D. Dietary Fiber
_____ 42. It is found in citrus fruits; helps promote a healthy immune system.
A. Vitamin C C. Calcium
B. Sodium D. Dietary Fiber
_____ 43. These are known as the micro nutrients.
A. Water soluble vitamins and fat-soluble C. Protein, Carbohydrates, fats
B. Minerals and Vitamins D. Starch, Fiber, sugar
_____44. Maximum heart rate is typically calculated by ______.
A. 200 minus your age C. 60 plus your age
B. 220 minus your age D. 320 minus your age
_____45. How do you get into your target heart rate zone?
A. 5 minutes of jogging slowly around the basketball court
B. 20-30 minutes of being physically active without much rest
C. Walking a mile with your parents or friends.
D. All of the above
_____46. Your Heart Rate zone is _________.
A. Working out as hard as you can for five minutes
B. Much like a school zone when driving your car
C. Has minimum number and a maximum number to help you identify if your heart rate is in a safe zone
D. Should never be used when exercising
_____47. In terms of duration, heart rate is typically measured for how long?
A. One minute
B. 30 seconds and multiply the number of beats by 4
C. 10 seconds and multiply the number of beats by 4
D. 15 seconds and multiply the number of beats by 4.
_____48. What is meant by a training zone?
A. An area to work in whilst training
B. A zone which dictates how long we should train for intensity
C. A zone which defines upper and lower limits of training intensities depending on what you aiming to achieve
through training.
D. All of the above

Prepared by:

Teacher I
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
SY. 2023-2024

12-GAS 2nd Semester S.Y. _2023 - 2024

Grade & Section
PHYSICAL EDUCATION & HEALTH ______ Third Quarter Examination
Subject ___/___Final Examination

Level of Cognitive Domain

Concepts/Content/ Item Distribution
Competencies Knowled Comprehensi Applicatio Analys Synthes Evaluatio Tot Percenta
ge on n is is n al ge
Analyzes physiological 21, 12,13,14,1 18, 7 14.58%
indicators such as heart rate, 5 19,
rate of perceived exertion
and pacing associated with
MVPA’s to monitor and /or
adjust. PEH12FH-Ik-t-9
Observed personal safety protocol to 27,28,29,3 7 14.58%
avoid dehydration, overexertion, hypo- 0
and hyperthermia during MVPA 31,32,33,
participation PEH12FH-Ik-t-10
Self-assesses health-related fitness 1,2, 3, 11 22.92%
(HRF) status, barriers to physical activity 4, 5, 6,
assessment participation and one’s diet
Sets FITT goals based on training 16, 4 8.3%
principles to achieve and/or maintain 17,23,2

Engages in moderate to vigorous 20, 19 39.58%

physical activities (MVPAs) for at least 22,25,26
minutes most days of the week in a
variety of settings in- and out-of school 7,
PEH12FH-IIa-t-8 38,39,40,4
TOTAL 16 30 0 2 0 0 48
Percentage 33.33% 62.5% 0 4.17 0 0 100%

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