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Name: Marwa abdelmaged Date: xx Lesson No.

session 6
Level: 3 Lesson length: 120 Objectives+ Lesson Type: Integrated
15 min introduction

MAIN AIM: By the end of the lesson, the SS will have developed an understanding of the MPF for the “past
simple” along with “regulars and irregulars”.
SS will also have developed understanding of the MPF for life events.
By the end of the lesson, students will have developed their ability to read for gist with particular
Reference to talk about their life events.


Tasks and activities Learners Materials
The detailed task in the reading Late comers still arriving when the Some of the activities’’ freer’’
could be challenging, that it lesson has started don’t fully provoke the students to
contains some new words for use the TL.
students, therefore, could take a
lot of time to grasp the ideas
behind the text paragraphs
Guiding students through giving clear Be ready to start on time and Modifying and adjusting the
instruction that they need only to get integrate the latecomers as they activities with some external
the main ideas and then they would arrive as much as possible. additions to include the ideology
figure out the meaning of the words of TL(purposefulness –
themselves or by giving them directly


Cutting edge elementary 3rd edition (Students’ book)
Cutting edge elementary 3rd edition (Workbook)
PPT, Active teach
A white board and markers
A screen and PC
Key map

Signs Interaction patterns Abbreviations

Instructions S individual work PPT PowerPoint Presentation
● ICQs S - S pair wok T teacher
Note at the end of the lesson plan S - S - S group of three Ss students
Ss - Ss group work L.A. Language Analysis sheet
Blue highlighter general note TL Target Language
S - Ss one student speaking to the whole class
Yellow PTV Pre-Teaching Vocabulary
highlighter important note
Red highlighter critical note S - Ss - T one student speaking to the whole class and the teacher

Objective one: Life events.

Framework: Test-Teach-Test
Smooth transition: T smoothly moves from the Lead-in stage and students’ orientation to the first objective saying: ‘’ Let’s get to know more
about Life events”.


Interaction PROCEDURE Material

General Lead-in and students’ 10 T-SS 1. T asks Ss to look at the pictures and order the Attached photo
orientation : min SS-SS words according to what’s more important for
-To generate interest in the topic Plenary them.
of the lesson and develop oral 2. T asks Ss to share in pairs.
fluency, activating students’ 3. T gives instructions:
schemata about the theme of the - Tell each other about the order.
topic . - You’re going to talk in pairs.
- You have 2 minutes.
4. T models the activity.
5. T monitors and offer help when needed.
6. Content feedback: “We have some really
interesting ideas over here…”
- Nominate some students to tell you what
they’ve talked about.
- Respond to their answers when appropriate
(Wow! – Really? - tell us more) and encourage
follow up questions from other students.
7. Elicit the topic from the students if possible. “life

Test (diagnostic) 4 min T-SS 1. T asks Ss to help him matching some life events Attached PPTX
To ascertain what language S-S with their meanings in English.
students know and 2. Give instructions:
what they don’t know. - You’re going to match the life event with their
- Let’s do it alone (2 minutes)
3. Check instructions:
- Are you going to match?
- Are you going to work together?
4. T asks ss to check their answers in pairs.
5. T shows the answer key asking the ss how many
did they guess right. “answer key sheet attached”

Language clarification 5 min T-SS Use CCQs, drill, clarify the form while checking the L.A sheet.
To feedback on the first test and answers in OC. “Throw elicitation if possible”
to teach problem (Please check the LA sheet)
areas clarifying meaning, form They might know the words, however, they pronounce it
and pronunciation wrong.
of target language.

The controlled practice of the 5 min PW 1. T shows ss the attached picture. Attached photo WB p.36
target language T-Ss 2. T asks ss to match 1-5 with a-e
‘’ To provide students with
practice at using the target S 3. T gives instructions:
language in a controlled way with S-S - Match the phrases.
a focus on accuracy.’’ S-SS-T - Let’s do it alone (2 mins)
4. T models No.1 .
5. T asks students to check their answers in pairs.
6. T nominates some students to answer out loud.

Freer practice of target Smooth transition “let’s share our opinions “

language 1. Divide the students in pairs.
‘’To provide students with 2. Show them slide 6 PPT
practice at using the target 3. Give instructions:
language in a freer way with a ● Ask each other these questions attached
focus on meaningful ● You have 4 minutes.
communication’’ 4. Model the activity.
5. Check instructions:
● Are you working individually?
● Do you have the same answers?
● How much time do you have?

6. Monitor and offer help when needed.

7. T tells students to mingle and share their partner’s
answers with another pair.
8. Take notes.

Content feedback 2min T-Ss T starts by saying; We have some interesting parties
To let the students share in open here….
class what - Nominate one student from each group to tell
they’ve been talking about to everyone about one of the characters.
develop fluency. - Respond to their answers when appropriate
(Really? Why? That’s nice), and encourage
- follow-up questions from other students.
Language feedback 3min T-Ss Thank the students for their efforts and conduct language
To focus on good language feedback: “Start with good examples if possible”
- I have some of your sentences, Let’s check them out.
heard, error correction
- Ask the students to work in pairs and check if they can
and upgrade with useful say these sentences in a different way. “When it comes
language. to mistakes”
- Give them 2 mins.
Elicit corrections and the reasons if possible.

The 2nd objective: past simple.

Framework: Text Based Presentation
Smooth transition: ‘’let’s have this exercise to know more about an outstanding application ‘’
General Lead-in and students’ 6min T-SS 1. T asks Ss to look at the pictures and share what
orientation : they can see. SB: P62
-To generate interest in the topic 2. T gives instruction
of the lesson and develop oral -share what can you see in the picture
fluency, activating students’ -you’ve a minute
schemata about the theme of the 3. Respond to their answers when appropriate (Wow!
topic . – really? - tell us more) and encourage follow up
questions from other students.
4. Explain the word “ virtual pin board”

Setting the context : 5 min S Task brief: Attached

‘’To generate interest in the text, Plenary 1. T asks Ss to share in pairs. “ST p.62-2”
activate schemata, and to help 2. T gives instructions
students prepare to read or - answer the 2 given questions.
listen’’ -You’re going to talk in pairs.
3. You have 2 minutes.
4. T monitors and offer help when needed.
5. Content feedback: “We have some really
interesting ideas over here…”
6. Nominate some students to tell you what
they’ve talked about.
7. Respond to their answers when appropriate
(Wow! – Really? - tell us more) and encourage
follow up questions from other students.
8. Elicit the topic from the students if possible.
“past simple”

Present text (reading) with a gist 4 min T- S 1. T tells Ss to read the text SB:62
listening task. s 2. T asks the students 2 questions : Attached
‘’ To orientate students to the -what do u think are his interests?
overall content of the text’’ - What extraordinary business has he
3. T asks Ss to answer the questions
4. T gives instructions:
- Scan the text
- You’re going to answer individually.
- You have a minute.
- You’re going to answer alone (1 minute)
- T asks ss to check their answers in pairs.
- T nominates someone to answer the
5. Elicit the topic from the students if
possible. “past simple”- life events

Pre-teach vocabulary: 2 min Past time phrases P.65 attached

To pre-teach 1. T tells the students to open p.65 1a
meaning/pronunciation/form of 2. You’ve 2 min to complete individually.
any blocking words necessary for 3. T models
the task(s) to be set.
4. T checks the instructions:
- Are you working alone or in pairs?
- How much time do you have?
5. T tells the students to check in pairs.

Then MPF

NTL: Notice the TL ‘’To direct SS 5min 1. Give instructions: P.63 attached
attention toward the TL along with - Look at sentences a-d and answer the
highlighting’’ questions..
- Alone (2 minutes)
2. Check instructions:
- How many points are you going to match?
- How much time do you have?
3. T asks ss to check their answers in pairs, then
shows them the answer key.
4. T asks different students to read the first
answer while he boards it and starts the
clarification stage.
Language clarification: 8 min T-Ss Use CCQs, drill, clarify the form while checking the
‘’To confirm answers and clarify answers in OC. “Throw elicitation if possible”
problem areas on meaning, (Please check the LA sheet)
where necessary’’.
*Pronunciation and form are
going to be presented Teacher-

The controlled practice of the 5 min PW 1. T prints the attached photo WK: P.37
target language T-Ss 2. T gives instructions:
‘’ To provide students with - Complete the sentences using the verbs
practice at using the target - Do it alone (3 minutes)
language in a controlled way with
a focus on accuracy.’’ 3. T asks ss to check their answers in pairs.
4. T nominates some students to answer out loud.

3 “10”
Freer practice of target 10 T- Ss (Smooth transition): let’s know more about each other?
language min 1. T pairs the students.
‘’To provide students with 2. T tells Ss “You will share a good memory in your
practice at using the target childhood or in your life in details.
language in a freer way with a 3. You have 3 min
focus on meaningful 4. You’ll ask each other follow up questions.
communication’’ 5. Check instructions:
- Are you going to speak about when you were a
- Are you going to use the grammar we had
- Are you going to ask follow up questions?
*T might need to model “ T’s childhood”
T monitors and take notes.

Content feedback 2min T-Ss T starts by saying; We have some interesting parties
- Nominate one student from each group to tell
everyone about their party.
- Respond to their answers when appropriate
(Really? Why? That’s nice), and encourage
- follow-up questions from other students.
Language feedback 3min T-Ss Thank the students for their efforts and conduct language
feedback: “Start with good examples if possible”
- I have some of your sentences, Let’s check them
- Ask the students to work in pairs and check if they
can say these sentences in a different way. “When it
comes to mistakes”
- Give them 2 mins.
Elicit corrections and the reasons if possible.

Objective 3 ‘past simple’

“ was/were”
Framework: guided discovery
Smooth transition: T moves from the controlled saying let’s know more about a party.

Lead-in: 6min T-SS 1- T asks Ss to Look at the pictures in page Attached photo.
-To generate interest in the SS-SS 2- T tells Ss to share what can you see in the
theme of target language Plenary pictures?
3- Instructions:
- share your ideas about the photo.
- work in pairs
4- Respond to their answers when appropriate
(Wow! – Really? - tell us more) and encourage follow
up questions from other students.

Present the language – usually 3min S Task brief: Ss are going to read the conversation and Attached word file
in a written text and Plenary answer the question in pairs.in pairs.
with a gist/detail reading task. Why didn’t Louis attend the party?
To orientate students to the
overall content of the text Smooth transition: let’s know more about the situation
1. T gives instructions:
- Read the conversation
- You’re going to answer the question in
- You have 2 minutes.
6. T models the activity.
7. T monitors and offer help when needed.
8. T nominates someone to answer the

Guided discovery stage 4 min U- S 9. T asks Ss to answer A then B Attached photo.

(e.g. students work through a s 10. T asks Ss to answer the questions
handout with questions relating individually
to meaning, form and 11. T gives instructions:
(sometimes) pronunciation of - Read and answer the questions.
target language). Students can - You’re going to answer individually.
do this individually/pairs and it’s - You have 2 minutes.
student-centred rather than
12. T models the activity.
teacher led. Teacher monitors
13. T monitors and offer help when needed.
and notices problematic areas to
focus on in the next stage. 14. T tells students to check their answers
- T gives the answers to the students.
15. Elicit the topic from the students if
possible. “past simple verb to be”
Language clarification: 8 min T-Ss Only use CCQs, drill if Ss didn’t answer correctly LA sheet.
‘’To confirm answers and clarify Take care of double clarification
problem areas on meaning,
where necessary’’.
*Pronunciation and form are
going to be presented Teacher-
The controlled practice of the 5 min PW 1. Give instructions: WB p.35 “attached”
target language T-Ss  Complete the conversation with verb to
‘’ To provide students with be
practice at using the target 2. Check instructions:
language in a controlled way with  Are you going to complete or match?
a focus on accuracy.’’  How much time do you have?
3. T asks ss to check their answers in pairs,
then shows them the answer key.
4. T asks different students to read the first
answer while he boards it and starts the
clarification stage.

Freer practice of target 10 Ppt 1. T tells students “let’s know more about each
language min T- S other”
‘’To provide students with s 2. In pairs.
practice at using the target Ss-Ss 3. Give instructions:
language in a freer way with a  You’re going to tell a life story.
focus on meaningful  Choose one person to talk about
communication’’  You should use the useful language
 You have 5 minutes to share.
 You should ask follow up questions.
4. T models the activity while opening slide 16 in
the PPT.

Check instructions:
 Are you going to speak about one or 2 people? one
 Are you going to use was and were? yes
 Are you going to ask follow up questions? Yes
 Are you going to use useful language box?
 How much time do you have? 5

Monitor and offer help when needed.

T tells students to mingle and share their
Take notes.

Content feedback 2min T-Ss T starts by saying; We have some interesting parties
- Nominate one student from each group to tell
everyone about their party.
- Respond to their answers when appropriate
(Really? Why? That’s nice), and encourage
- Follow-up questions from other students.
Language feedback 3min T-Ss Thank the students for their efforts and conduct language
feedback: “Start with good examples if possible”
- I have some of your sentences, let’s check them out.
- Ask the students to work in pairs and check if they
can say these sentences in a different way. “When it
comes to mistakes”
- Give them 2 mins.
Elicit corrections and the reasons if possible.

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