C NMR Spectros

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C NMR spectroscopy


-Despite the low natural abundance (only 1.1%)

and relatively low sensitivity of the 13C nucleus,
its observation is now made routine by the use
of efficient signal averaging, made possible by
the pulse-FT approach, and by the availability
of higher magnetic field strengths. However,
sample quantity requirements are still
approximately ten times those for proton
-Due to low abundance of 13C there is no
chance of finding two 13C nuclei in adjacent
position within a molecule so that homonuclear
13C-13C couplings are not observed.

-The resulting carbon spectrum then has a

surprisingly simple appearance; a single line is
observed for each chemically distinct carbon in
the molecule, in the absence of further
coupling to nuclei other than protons.
Chemical shifts and resonance intensities
-The chemical shift range for the carbon-13
nucleus is much greater than that of the proton,
covering a typical range of 0-220 ppm, again
with the shift of tetramethylsilane assigned as
0.0 ppm.
-The value of δ in 13C is 20 times greater than
the value of δ eg protons.
-For example, aromatic protons resonate at
around 7 ppm whereas aromatic carbons are to
be found around 140 ppm.
-All factors affect the δ of protons are applied to
Different techniques of 13C-NMR

1. Undecoupled 13C-NMR
- One of the most important problems in CMR
measurements was the splitting of each carbon
signal with the attached proton 1J (125-160 HZ

and sometimes up to 250 HZ), the next carbon

protons 2J, 3J (≈ 10-30 HZ).

2. Proton decoupled 13C-NMR (decoupled

-The technique of double irradiation

discussed before was applied. Thus,
broadband irradiation in the proton region
while recording the CMR decouples all
protons from the obtained spectrum. Hence
each type of carbons in the molecule will
give only a singlet signal.
-Thus the number of signals obtained indicate the
number of different types of carbons present in the
- Electronegativity, hybridization, and anisotropy
effects all affects 13C chemical shifts just as
they do for protons, but in a more complex
- One of the most powerful features of 13C
spectra is that they allow one to determine the
number of different carbons in a molecule and
thus allow a recognition of equivalences or
symmetry elements. For instance,
cyclooctatraene readily dimerizes to a solid. On
the basis of theory, two possible structures can
be proposed for tins dimer.
-1,2– and 1,3– Dichlorobenzene provide
another easy example of the utility of 13C
-1,2–Dichoro–benzene has a plane of
symmetry which gives it only three different
types of carbon atoms. 1,3– Dichlorobenzene
has a plane of symmetry which gives it four
different types of carbon atoms.
3. Off resonance proton decoupled 13C-
- One disadvantage of undecoupled CMR is
the loss of information about the attached
proton. For this reason another technique
was introduced and this depend on-double
irradiation also to avoid the coupling
between the protons attached to adjacent
carbon atoms.
- This type of spectrum is known as Off Resonance
Proton Decoupled 13C-NMR. In this spectrum
each carbon split by its own protons. Thus, CH 3
appears as quartet, CH2 as triplet, CH as doublet
and C as singlet.
* Example: eugenol
4. Attached Proton Test (APT)
- APT (Attached Proton Test CMR) technique
gives the CMR spectra as signals in two phases,
in one phase lies the signals of even protonated
carbons (C, CH2) and in the other phase lies the
signals of the odd protonated carbons (CH,
CH3). One can readily identify the phase of the
even protonated carbons by the presence in the
same phase of signals due to the solvent.
5. Destortionless Enhancement by
Polarization Transfer (DEPT)

- In
this technique, the carbon atom
which attached to proton(s) will
only give singlet signal but one
cannot obtain a signal(s) for
unprotonated carbon.

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